D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-04-10 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham abandoned this revision.
ngraham added a comment.

  After thinking about this for a few weeks, I can't imagine and haven't seen a 
use case for using the Open File dialog to open the file in a different app 
that wouldn't be better served in another way.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: gregormi, rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-30 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  In D11733#236903 , @gregormi wrote:
  > I come from Windows where the Open item is also available. Not having it 
feels like a lack of flexibility. I think having it in the context menu will 
not affect the "normal" user.  Your proposed workaround with "Open containing 
Folder" -> Press Enter is certainly ok.
  Coming from the Mac world, they have an even better solution: you can invoke 
the Quick Look preview from open/save dialogs. So you just select the item, hit 
space bar, and you get a huge preview that you can even make full screen if 
you'd like. Hit space bar (or escape, or hit the close button) to close it 
again. It's super useful and super elegant.
  At some point in the Plasma 4 days, we had something similar in the form of 
KLook. Alas, it broke with the 4 -> 5 transition and I have not been able to 
find anyone willing to become a new maintainer. See 
  That would be a really killer solution IMHO, if we could find someone willing 
to resurrect it.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: gregormi, rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-30 Thread gregormi
gregormi added a comment.

  In D11733#235208 , @rkflx wrote:
  > and the bug reporter's use case of selecting a file in a web browser for 
upload essentially wants the existing [F11] preview feature and perhaps a 
better preview feature in the web application itself.
  The inline preview only gives thumbnails which are not usable when one wants 
to read text on the image (zoom to 100%). For me, the preview should take place 
before it is uploaded to the web application because I want to make sure the 
right thing is uploaded.
  > Also note that you could just drag-and-drop the file onto Dolphin, which 
should then open the default app, or onto Gwenview's launcher etc.
  Interesting. Thanks for the hint.
  > My concern is that the naming as well as the concept itself clashes with 
the regular Open button while doing something different.
  +1. If the function is added, it should be named Open with... to not be 
confused with the Open button.
  > Maybe I'll change my mind if you can come up with a very compelling use 
case which is so great it's worth living with the disadvantages. For now my 
(i.e. take this with a grain of salt) recommendation would be to not add this.
  I come from Windows where the Open item is also available. Not having it 
feels like a lack of flexibility. I think having it in the context menu will 
not affect the "normal" user.  Your proposed workaround with "Open containing 
Folder" -> Press Enter is certainly ok.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: gregormi, rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-27 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Yeah, I wasn't convinced either.
  One thing I realize is that when we turned on previews by default in Dolphin, 
we didn't do so in the open/save dialogs. So that might be low-hanging fruit to 
improve discoverability of file previews in those dialogs.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-27 Thread Henrik Fehlauer
rkflx added a comment.

  TBH I'm not convinced that's something which should be added. That's a pretty 
weird workflow in general, and the bug reporter's use case of selecting a file 
in a web browser for upload essentially wants the existing [F11] preview 
feature and perhaps a better preview feature in the web application itself. 
Also note that you could just drag-and-drop the file onto Dolphin, which should 
then open the default app, or onto Gwenview's launcher etc.
  My concern is that the naming as well as the concept itself clashes with the 
regular Open button while doing something different. Also, this recursive 
opening thing has all sorts of issues. Instead of cluttering the context menu 
with more entries, going the extra step via Open Containing Folder is good 
enough IMO.
  Maybe I'll change my mind if you can come up with a very compelling use case 
which is so great it's worth living with the disadvantages. For now my (i.e. 
take this with a grain of salt) recommendation would be to not add this.
  Instead of adding Open buttons everywhere, a more elegant and generic 
approach would perhaps be to tackle this from a Plasma angle: Currently we have 
KRunner for typing things and Klipper's actions for (automatically) acting on 
content added to the clipboard. I could imagine a dynamically opening Plasmoid 
tailored for drag-and-drop operations could complement this nicely, e.g. upon 
initiating a drag operation it could present various drop targets like opening 
in apps, deletion, quick-preview, adding to the stash, tagging, 
user-configurable scripts, access to Dolphin's mimetype-specific actions etc.
  Another (less exciting) idea would be to add what this patch does to the 
preview itself, which currently has no buttons and no context menu.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: rkflx, broulik, michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-27 Thread Kai Uwe Broulik
broulik added a comment.

  Shouldn't this be using the "Open With" menu? If I'm in the Open dialog for 
Kate and click "Open" for a text file, it will just open in a new Kate instance 
(rather than opening in the application the dialog belongs to as I would expect 
from naming)

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: broulik, michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-26 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham edited the test plan for this revision.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-26 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham created this revision.
ngraham added reviewers: Dolphin, Frameworks.
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks.
ngraham requested review of this revision.

  This patch adds an Open menu item to the open/save dialogs' context menu.
  FEATURE: 392329

  I am not 100% on this feature. The bug report requested the feature for 
previewing files, but maybe the issue is discoverability of the inline and 
aside previews? This patch is offered as much for discussion as to implement 
the feature and close the bug, but it does work:
  - Right-click on a file > Open -> Opens the file in the default app for it
  - Right-click on a folder > Open -> Opens the folder
  - Right-click on the background > Open -> Opens the parent folder
  - One issue is that if the item opens in the very same app that invoked the 
open/save dialog, the resulting window can't actually be interacted with or 
closed because the dialog is modal.
  [image goes here]

  R241 KIO

  add-open-to-context-menu (branched from master)



To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: michaelh, ngraham

D11733: Allow opening items from the open/save dialogs

2018-03-26 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham edited the test plan for this revision.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #frameworks
Cc: michaelh, ngraham