Re: One Time Identification, a request for comments/testing.

2007-02-02 Thread John Rudd

Perhaps I'm completely wrong, but ...

It seems to me that if you're talking about a simple dumb USB thumb 
drive/data stick, that you're not going to be able to do anything to 
prevent an adversary from copying that data to a local host, and then 
brute-forcing the data over time.  So, essentially, the only advantage 
over just putting a non-protected keytab on a USB drive and any other 
dumb-data-stick process is some amount of time it takes to overcome 
whatever encryption you've done on the keytab.

I think a more interesting approach would be a non- dumb data stick 
approach.  It might start to sound like a variation of a smartcard, but 
why not think about a new USB device that's perhaps about the size of a 
USB data stick.  It might present itself to the host computer as 2 devices:

1) a small storage area which contains a java application (not an 
applet: it shouldn't run in a protect environment that keeps it from 
reading and storing files on the host, etc.). (it doesn't have to be 
java, it could be a selection of java, perl, python, native-windows, 
native-mac, native-linux, native-freebsd, and native-solaris apps if you 
want; the point is, it should be some selection that allows the stick to 
be used pretty much anywhere)

2) an embedded computer with a thumb scanner like the ones we're 
starting to see on lots of laptops.  The embedded computer should never 
present the actual thumb scanning data to the host computer.

When the user plugs in the smartstick:

a) The user runs the whichever app in device#1 is appropriate.

b) The app asks the user for a principle, and tells them to scan their 

c) The app asks the KDC (indicated in the local host config?) for the 
encrypted tgt, just like it was kinit.

d) The app sends the encrypted tgt to the embedded computer.

e) The embedded computer tries to use the thumb print to decrypt the 
tgt.  If it is successful, it hands the decrypted tgt back to the app.

f) The app uses the host's config information to determine how and where 
to store the tgt, so that it is usable by the host's kerberos applications.

Upside: The user doesn't need to remember a passphrase, nor a PIN.  The 
process is no more vulnerable to an adversary than kinit is already 
(perhaps less, because the adversary can't run something akin to a 
keyboard-logger to intercept the passphrase/thumb-print).

Downsides: It may require that a user has both passphrase based 
principles/keys and thumb print based principles/keys, and some 
mechanism to pick between them.  And, obviously, it depends upon a 
device that, as far as I know, does not yet exist.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: with multiple accounts using Kerberos

2005-08-25 Thread John Rudd
Jeffrey Altman wrote:

 The reality is that in the current day you either need to use
 cross-realm or your applications have to maintain knowledge of which
 principal should be used to access the given resource.
 This is a non-trivial problem.

That seems almost like an over-engineered type response.

What is wrong with making the application maintain that knowledge? 
Afterall, that's exactly the purpose of preferences databases and rc-files.

Using your email example:

1) Have the application record:

a) A default principle for the application,

b) A default principle for each mail personality (which may itself 
default to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let the user change that 
manually), and

c) A specific principle for each folder/resource.

2) If none of those preferences exist, ask the user which of the 
principles in their cache is the right one to use for that resource (and 
offer a none of these option; if they choose that, then invoke your 
kinit type program, and update your list of choices to offer when it 
returns).  And give them a checkbox for remember this principle for 
this resource.

If they end up with a lesser degree of access to a folder because they 
didn't specify 1c, then they need to specify 1c.

For AFS, access to the local cell is presumably going to happen at a 
point where you only have 1 principle to choose from (assuming you're 
doing a kerberos PAM and then an afs PAM that leverages your kerberos 
ticket;  otherwise, it should default to username@(an explicit realm 
setting for that AFS cell) ).  Once you've got a home directory that you 
can read from, have a .afsrc file in your home directory which tells AFS 
which principle goes with which cell (or even which principle goes with 
directory within a volume within a cell).  Same thing as for email, 
really, just a slightly different implementation.

As for multiple principles in one cache: if the limitation is that 
there's only one KDC time-offset entry in the cache, then extend the 
cache format so that it can have a different time-offset for each KDC 
that it needs to deal with.  (the idea that you would need to have a 
different cache file for each principle is rather repugnant)

Kerberos mailing list

1.4.x and perl modules

2005-08-11 Thread John Rudd

I'm sorry if this is overly vague, I'll try to follow up with details if 
my question is only met with confusion.

I have been developing a local module for managing our kerberos accounts 
that makes use of Authen::Krb5, Authen::Krb5::Admin, and 
Authen::Krb5::Simple.  This module would replace some existing modules 
(that make direct command-line calls to kadmin, and/or use 

When I tried to upgrade my development machine to krb5 1.4.1, that all 
fell apart (so I downgraded).  It looks like the API change in 1.4.x 
makes Authen::Krb5 stop working.  But I'm not actually sure that the 
problem is within Authen::Krb5 and not Authen::Krb5::Admin (nor if 
Authen:Krb5::Simple is immune to this problem).

Does anyone know what problem I'm talking about, and which Module is the 

Does anyone know when the affected modules will get fixed?  I can't 
really upgrade my systems to krb5 1.4.x until the perl modules are up to 


(I'm bcc'ing (to protect their email addresses from usenet bots) the 
maintainers of each module, according to the most recent READMEs at CPAN)

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Six Kerberos/OS X/SSH observations and questions

2005-03-01 Thread John Rudd
Russ Allbery wrote:
 In comp.protocols.kerberos, Yeechang Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
3) I've had public key SSH logins working well between all three boxes
for some time. Given that fact, I wonder if I should even bother to
switch to Kerberized SSH logins in the first place on any of my
boxes. Put another way, is there any reason to believe that using a
Kerberos ticket to authenticate myself in OpenSSH is better than a
public key? Or vice versa?
 Kerberos has the following advantages, which may or may not be of interest
 in your situation:
  * No need to copy keypairs around to different systems.  Any system that
uses Kerberos and has the right SSH installed can be used to
authenticate to any other system that uses Kerberos authentication
without requiring any additional key exchange.  If you're the only
user, the amount of required configuration may be roughly equivalent;
if there are a lot of users, Kerberos becomes easier.
  * Central management.  If you want to revoke the access of someone who
has been using public key pairs for authentication, you have to remove
their authorized key or their account from every individual system.
With Kerberos, you can deactivate their account centrally and know that
all access will be shut off within the ticket expiration lifetime.
  * SSH public key authentication only works for SSH.  If you have other
Kerberized services, you may need to obtain a Kerberos credential
anyway, in which case using that for SSH as well simplifies matters
  * Ticket forwarding.  Kerberos can allow you to authenticate only once
and then pass your credentials to other systems and then use those to
log on to other systems, as well as use those same Kerberos credentials
to access other Kerberos-protected services.

And these build together to help you put together a single-sign-on 
environment.  You authenticate once on your laptop, and then you can use 
that one authentication event to access email, access remote servers, 
get an AFS token (if you use AFS) for accessing files, etc.

As far as I know, SSH keys can't do that for you.

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Building Krb5 1.3.6 on Mac OS X

2005-01-21 Thread John Rudd
John Rudd wrote:
 When I try to build on Mac OS X (10.3.7), everything is fine until 
 making all in lib/rpc/unit-test...
 gcc -L../../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual 
 -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o client 
 client.o rpc_test_clnt.o \
 -lgssrpc -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
 ld: Undefined symbols:
 But all I really want is rlogin, klogind, rsh, rcp, and krshd.  So, if I 
 go to the appl/bsd dir and do a make, I get:
 gcc -L../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual 
 -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o rsh krsh.o 
 kcmd.o forward.o   -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
 ld: Undefined symbols:
 Anyone know what's going on and how to fix/avoid it?  I did a configure 
 with --with-krb4 as its only argument.  It's a pretty vanilla Mac OS X 
 install, with the apple developer tools (which are what I'm building 
 with).  If you need more information, just ask.

No one has thoughts, comments, suggestions, commiserations?

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Building Krb5 1.3.6 on Mac OS X

2005-01-21 Thread John Rudd
Thanks for the info, I greatly appreciate it.
I'm guessing my choices are:
1) use that configure option, and have my command-line tools not work 
with the tickets that the GUI apps use (which means I'll have 2 
different kinit's and kdestroy's, as well, right?  because the stock 
ones that come with Panther do work with those same tickets)

2) figure out what all of the things I to do in order to link with KfM 
instead of static linking; which includes making copies of certain BSD 
networking functions, and figuring out what configure options go with 
the KfM libs (are those the default ones?)

I'd rather they all use one set of tickets, but I don't know how much 
time I have to throw at this process.

On Jan 21, 2005, at 14:52, Alexandra Ellwood wrote:
To build stock krb5 on Mac OS X, try building with 
LDFLAGS=-Wl,-search_paths_first as an option to configure.  See for more 

Note that if you build the appl/bsd utilities statically linked 
against your own stock krb5 libraries, you won't be able to share 
tickets with Kerberos for Macintosh (the Kerberos in Mac OS X) because 
KfM uses an in-memory ccache to store tickets which the stock krb5 
currently doesn't support.

However, you should be able to work around the undefined symbols in 
the appl/bsd programs and link with KfM.  krb5_net_read/write and many 
of the other symbols are just simple BSD networking functions which 
you can copy into the sources of utilities you want to build. I'm not 
sure about krb5_random_confounder(), though.  You'd have to look at 

John Rudd wrote:
 When I try to build on Mac OS X (10.3.7), everything is fine until
 making all in lib/rpc/unit-test...
 gcc -L../../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual
 -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o client
 client.o rpc_test_clnt.o \
 -lgssrpc -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
 ld: Undefined symbols:

 But all I really want is rlogin, klogind, rsh, rcp, and krshd.  So, 
if I
  go to the appl/bsd dir and do a make, I get:
 gcc -L../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual
 -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o rsh 
 kcmd.o forward.o   -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
 ld: Undefined symbols:
 Anyone know what's going on and how to fix/avoid it?  I did a 
 with --with-krb4 as its only argument.  It's a pretty vanilla Mac 
 install, with the apple developer tools (which are what I'm building
 with).  If you need more information, just ask.

No one has thoughts, comments, suggestions, commiserations?

Kerberos mailing list

Hope this helps,
Alexandra Ellwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIT Kerberos Development Team

Kerberos mailing list

Building Krb5 1.3.6 on Mac OS X

2005-01-13 Thread John Rudd

When I try to build on Mac OS X (10.3.7), everything is fine until 

making all in lib/rpc/unit-test...
gcc -L../../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual 
-Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o client 
client.o rpc_test_clnt.o \
 -lgssrpc -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
ld: Undefined symbols:

But all I really want is rlogin, klogind, rsh, rcp, and krshd.  So, if I 
go to the appl/bsd dir and do a make, I get:

gcc -L../../lib -g -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual 
-Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wshadow -Wno-comment -pedantic  -o rsh krsh.o 
kcmd.o forward.o   -lkrb4 -ldes425 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err
ld: Undefined symbols:

Anyone know what's going on and how to fix/avoid it?  I did a configure 
with --with-krb4 as its only argument.  It's a pretty vanilla Mac OS X 
install, with the apple developer tools (which are what I'm building 
with).  If you need more information, just ask.

Kerberos mailing list

Prioritizing KDC's

2004-09-24 Thread John Rudd

I have a question about the ordering of KDC's in the krb5.conf file.  Do
clients use the order listed in the file as the order to try for
queries (sort of like the way resolv.conf works), or is the order
determined in another fashion?

My specific reason for asking is that we're considering setting up a
secondary KDC or two that will be dedicated to a specific application
group.  We want machines within that group to query those KDC's first,
and only reach out to the the main KDC's when the local KDC's are down. 
I've never toyed with this type of arrangement, so I'm curious about
what the right way to tackle it might be.
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Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mozilla and GSSAPI (Was: Re: Apache modules compatible with kerberos in 1.7b)

2004-03-27 Thread John Rudd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wyllys Ingersoll) wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Travis Crawford wrote:
 The negotiateauth extension in Mozilla 1.7b uses GSSAPI
 for authentication in the same manner that Microsoft IE and IIS
 use it.  

Any idea when Mozilla might roll their GSSAPI support into supporting
GSSAPI SASL in their mail clients?

(anyone know of any similar plans from MS for Entourage and Outlook?)

I'm trying to convince Stalker to add Kerberos support to CommuniGate
Pro (SMTP/IMAP/POP/LDAP?WebMail server, which can also do some bits of
regular web service), and they're being wishy-washy on me.  They keep
going back to no windows clients support kerberized protocols.  In
the past I pointed out Eudora.  Today I pointed out Eudora and
Mulberry, as well as pointing out servers that support GSSAPI SASL. 
I'm hoping to find more ammunition.

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Interoperability with windows 2003 KDC and MIT kerberos V

2003-08-14 Thread John Rudd

Forgive me for being a little dense here, as I've never directly used an
MS KDC, but does this mean MS didn't impliment the standard kadmin
protocol so that you could just use the MIT kadmin for these types of

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Interoperability with windows 2003 KDC and MIT kerberos V

2003-08-14 Thread John Rudd

What product?

Frank van Rijt wrote:
 Take a look at this product, as it may fill in your needs
 (create keytab files for *nix systems on the fly)
 mings heo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I've tested interoperability with windows 2003 KDC and MIT kerberos V.
  when I create linux's service/host account on Windows 2k3,  manually I
  have to make the keytab file on windows and send it to linux.
  I'd like to make generating keytab file on linux automatically without
  making the keytab file manually.
  please tell me how to do.

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Windows 2000 Server as KDC

2003-07-22 Thread John Rudd

On Tuesday, Jul 22, 2003, at 07:52 US/Pacific, Ken Hornstein wrote:

an easier solution would be to setup a windows realm for Win2k KDC 
and a cross re
alm trust with a linux box in a different realm.

We were doing this (with Solaris, not Linux), but when the bug and fix
for the cross-realm security hole came out a few months ago, that 
it all to break (we need krb4 cross-realm auth because AFS is in the
picture).  So, we're basically running an older un-patched krb524d in
order to keep things working ... but that doesn't make me comfortable 
the long run, so I'm looking for other solutions.
So why haven't you switched to a V5 solution for AFS?  Lots of people
have done this, and it works just fine, even with cross-realm.  This
is assuming you're running a new enough version of OpenAFS, of course.
We're not running OpenAFS.  Still Transarc AFS.

I hadn't heard that there's a pure krb5 solution for AFS, though ... 
even with OpenAFS.


Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Windows 2000 Server as KDC

2003-07-21 Thread John Rudd
Mel Riser wrote:
 the Win2k KDC has to be the primary, 

That's annoying.

 but Linux boxes or other OS's running kerberos can be backups. Replication is the 
 problem though.

Any pointers on how to make that work?

 an easier solution would be to setup a windows realm for Win2k KDC and a cross realm 
 trust with a linux box in a different realm.

We were doing this (with Solaris, not Linux), but when the bug and fix
for the cross-realm security hole came out a few months ago, that caused
it all to break (we need krb4 cross-realm auth because AFS is in the
picture).  So, we're basically running an older un-patched krb524d in
order to keep things working ... but that doesn't make me comfortable in
the long run, so I'm looking for other solutions.

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Windows 2000 Server as KDC

2003-07-15 Thread John Rudd
Wayne Rasmussen wrote:
 A few questions:
 1)  Does Windows 2000 server have a kerberos administrator server
 installed?  Doesn't appear to have one as posts 749/750 are not open.
 Is there supposed to be one and at what port.
 2)  Is there a way on the Windows 2000 Server to test the TGT and TST
 say via command  prompt in cmd.exe?
 Not sure that I have everything setup on my solaris 9 client side
 krb.conf and kdc.conf files.

As a sort of side question to this...

Is it possible to use an MS Active Directory machine as a secondary KDC
in realm where the primary is an MIT KDC (running on Solaris)?

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Re: krb5 ticket cache]

2003-02-06 Thread John Rudd

 Donn Cave schrieb:
  Yes!  Try this:

Hm.  So, how would I put that into the krb5.conf?

(before you ask why the heck would you want to do THAT? ... our pop
server uses PAM for authenticating non-kpop users against their kerberos
password, and in doing so it leaves behind a TON of key caches ... I'm
wondering if this might be one way to get rid of them)

(and, before you suggest specific alternatives to handle this goal, it's
solaris 8, and we're using the solaris 8 pam_krb5 module)

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Re: krb5 ticket cache]

2003-02-06 Thread John Rudd
Ken Hornstein wrote:
 You don't need to put it in the krb5.conf; just make sure it's in the
 POP server's environment.

Heh.  I should have thought of that.

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Re: krb5 ticket cache]

2003-02-06 Thread John Rudd
Steve Langasek wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 11:36:36AM -0800, John Rudd wrote:
  (before you ask why the heck would you want to do THAT? ... our pop
  server uses PAM for authenticating non-kpop users against their kerberos
  password, and in doing so it leaves behind a TON of key caches ... I'm
  wondering if this might be one way to get rid of them)
  (and, before you suggest specific alternatives to handle this goal, it's
  solaris 8, and we're using the solaris 8 pam_krb5 module)
 :)  Just to comment, it sounds like your pop server has buggy PAM support.
 It's calling the PAM function that's writing out the ccache, but not
 calling the corresponding function to remove it (I'm assuming Solaris's
 pam_krb5 *does* implement this) when the session is over.

I have no idea.  I don't claim to be a PAM expert (nor, really, a
kerberos expert ... I just sort of wound up in that role at this job
because I _used_ to work around a bunch of kerberos experts, back when I
was at Cygnus).  I'd be happy to share the pam.conf for that machine if
people would like to make suggestions (and give me the reasons for them
and stuff, so that I learn from it).

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Books on kerberos

2002-09-23 Thread John Rudd

I don't know if this one was mentioned yet, but there's also

Kerberos: A Network Authentication System by Brian Tung (addison

It's more of a booklet than a book, and it doens't go in to deep detail,
but it does a good job as an intro to kerberos.

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Books on kerberos

2002-09-23 Thread John Rudd

I disagree that it's a POS.  It's lacks depth, and it's certainly not the
document that you should use to administrate your KDC, but it's not a bad
intro to kerberos for people who have little to no experience with it, and
are approaching it mostly from a user's perspective.  On the otherhand,
if you WERE expecting to be a definitive reference, the blame for your
disappointment should be more internal than external.

I certainly didn't find any more mistakes in it than I found in the actual
MIT docs.

 From: Steve Freed [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, this is the 60 page POS that the original posting was about.

 On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, John Rudd wrote:

  I don't know if this one was mentioned yet, but there's also
  Kerberos: A Network Authentication System by Brian Tung (addison
  It's more of a booklet than a book, and it doens't go in to deep detail,
  but it does a good job as an intro to kerberos.
  Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: -x not working with rlogin.

2002-03-20 Thread John Rudd

Sandeep Gopal Nijsure wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am running a klogind with the options -e5c. I am trying to run Kerberos
 version of rlogin to connect to it. If I use -x option with rlogin, then
 it does not work.  Shows me the message Connection refused. I am running
 Debian Linux 3.0 with 2.4.6 kernel, and Kerberos 1.2.3.
 What could be the reason?

In inetd.conf, which service/port are you using?  Are you using the
klogin service/port (543/tcp), or the eklogin service/port

I think rlogin -x expects to connect to the eklogin port, not the
klogin port.  So, even if you have the klogind set to use encryption, if
it's running on the klogin port instead of the eklogin port, it might
not work.  But I could be wrong :-}

Kerberos mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kpop?

2001-10-05 Thread John Rudd

David Stern wrote:
 I have a pop client that I'd like to speak kerberos to our
 DCE/DFS kerberos unix Solaris2.7/8 servers. I found a client
 package (fetchmail) that handles kerberos. I found instructions
 on the appropriate entries for /etc/services (kpop 1109/tcp) and
 inetd.conf on the mail server but can't find the kpop binary (or
 source) anywhere. We're using kerberos5-1.2.1

The qualcomm popper supports kpop (if you build it against kerb libs).

Cygnus used to include a kpop server in their kerb distribution, I think
... but I don't think MIT ever did.

John kzin Rudd
Truth decays into beauty, while beauty soon becomes merely charm. Charm
ends up as strangeness, and even that doesn't last. (Physics of Quarks)
   -= Kein Mitleid Fu:r MicroSoft ( ==-