Re: Impersonate Kerberos user on HDFS

2024-04-11 Thread Russ Allbery
Ken Hornstein via Kerberos  writes:

> - Have access to to user's key/password and generate a ticket for that
>   user using kinit.  As someone else already noted, this isn't really
>   impersonating a user.
> - Have access to the TGS key and generate a TGT for that user (or any user).
>   This is generally referred to as "ticket printing".  I don't _think_
>   the Kerberos distributions come with a utility to do that, but I
>   believe there are example programs floating around that do that.  I
>   have to say that doing so would require access to the TGS key and
>   having that outside of your Kerberos database would be extremely
>   dangerous as if it was compromised your entire realm would be
>   compromised.

I have in the past written a variation on these two approaches as a
service that runs directly on the KDC.  It accepted authenticated
requests, applied some sort of complex ACL, and, if the authenticated user
making the request passed that ACL, returned a printed ticket (and of
course logged that this was happening).  Since it ran on the KDC, it
already had access to the keys required to do so.  I convinced myself that
this was acceptably secure.

(The actual project was for a former employer and I don't have the source,
and there were some other weird things about that environment that meant I
was able to maintain separate keytabs for each user without worrying about
them being invalidated, so I didn't do the full ticket printing approach
based on the TGS key and just used a bunch of user keytabs since that was
a lot easier to set up without having to work too hard.)

The huge drawback of all variations on this type of approach is that you
lose the ability to distinguish between user accesses based on their own
authentication and third-party accesses via ticket printing.  That can be
a real problem if anything goes wrong and you need to figure out whether
it was really the user or some ticket-printing service, and can be hard to
explain (for good reason) in various audit situations.  So probably best
avoided if you can find a different approach.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

krb5-strength 3.3 released

2023-12-26 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.3 of krb5-strength.

krb5-strength provides a password quality plugin for the MIT Kerberos KDC
(specifically the kadmind server) and Heimdal KDC, an external password
quality program for use with Heimdal, and a per-principal password history
implementation for Heimdal.  Passwords can be tested with CrackLib,
checked against a CDB or SQLite database of known weak passwords with some
transformations, checked for length, checked for non-printable or
non-ASCII characters that may be difficult to enter reproducibly, required
to contain particular character classes, or any combination of these

Changes from previous release:

heimdal-history now requires the Perl modules Const::Fast and
JSON::MaybeXS instead of Readonly and JSON.

Increase hash iterations for heimdal-history by about 10% to maintain
the time required for a password hash at about 0.1 seconds on not
horribly modern hardware.  This will affect newly-stored history
entries but will not invalidate existing password history entries.

Explicitly erase the copy of the password made in the Heimdal plugin
before freeing memory.

Add a spec file for building RPMs, contributed by Daria Phoebe

Update to rra-c-util 10.5:

* Assume a working snprintf rather than supplying a replacement.
* Fix detection of reallocarray on NetBSD.
* Check that Kerberos header files were found during configure.
* Use AS_ECHO in all Autoconf macros.
* Always use lib32 or lib64 if it exists, even on Debian.
* Fix rejection of unknown Clang warning flags.
* Disable -Wreserved-identifier for Clang warning builds.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: About the purpose of client host principals for NFS

2023-10-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Marco Rebhan via Kerberos  writes:

> What purpose does the host principal for clients serve here? I assumed
> it would be either used to authenticate hosts before they're allowed to
> obtain a TGT, or authenticate for mounting NFS shares, but clearly
> that's not the case since it works without. Is it only used so that the
> network share can be mounted without a user TGT?

Yup, pretty much.  There is indeed no need to key clients if you're going
to obtain credentials after login with something like kinit and you don't
care about more sophisticated Kerberos network protection features like

The other reason to key a client is so that it can verify that the
password that you enter is indeed a valid Kerberos credential so that you
can use Kerberos to control access to the system itself.  If the system
doesn't have any keys (and you don't have something like anonymous PKINIT
available), then the client computer can't tell the difference between
getting Kerberos credentials from a real KDC or from a fake KDC that
someone put on the same network.  This only matters in cases where someone
might be trying to log on to the client system with fake Kerberos
credentials, and doesn't really matter if you're logging on to the system
with local credentials and then getting Kerberos credentials later.

(This is mostly relevant for work computers that use central Kerberos to
authenticate all access, computer labs that have multiple users, and
similar sorts of cases.)

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: How to view KVNO on slave

2023-10-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Mike via Kerberos  writes:

> I'm surmising that the issue might be that the service principle may not
> have replicated corerctly to the slave server, which is used by the
> Apache host.  I can see the ticket details on the master using
> kadmin.local and getprinc and I can see the keytab info using ktutil.
> My question is this: How does one view the KVNO in the Slave DB?  I
> imaine it's probably available via kdb5_util dump but unfortunatly I
> have not found any documents explaining the fields in the dump.

You can use kadmin.local on the slave the same way that you use it on the
master, I'm fairly sure.  It's been a while since I've done this, but I'm
pretty sure the database is the same and the tool doesn't have any idea
whether you're running it on a master or a slave.

I would expect you to get replication errors if there was a replication
problem.  If you're only doing incremental replication and you think
something may have gone wrong, you can always do a full replication, which
guarantees that the slave is identical to the master.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: authenticate user via ldap bind

2023-05-29 Thread Russ Allbery
"John Alex. via Kerberos"  writes:

> In this instance, user passwords are stored in our LDAP server
> (OpenLDAP), hashed. All our services currently validate user credentials
> by attempting an LDAP bind either directly or via another protocol
> implementation (Shibboleth IdP, FreeRADIUS, Keycloak etc).

> So my question is, is there a way to implement kerberos without
> knowledge of the plaintext passwords, or do we have to somehow capture
> the credentials during users' login to other services and then sync them
> to the kdc db?

Unfortunately, although Kerberos also stores all of the passwords hashed,
the hashing algorithm used by Kerberos is almost certainly different than
the hashing algorithm used by LDAP.  You therefore need the cleartext
password in order to create the KDC entry, since the point of hashing is
that it's not reversible.  The only exception would be if somehow Kerberos
could be convinced to use the same hashing algorithm as LDAP, but I don't
think that's the case.  (The client and the KDC have to agree on a hashing
algorithm, so this isn't a simple thing to do.)

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: help with OTP

2023-05-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Charles Hedrick  writes:

> Anonymous PKINIT works fine but requires certs to be distributed. Unless
> you're prepared to update every machine in the world every year, you
> pretty much have to use a cert that goes back to a commercial CA.

Because you have to distribute the certs to the client anyway, you can use
self-signed certificates and set whatever expiration you want.  There's
the standard tradeoff of long certificate lifetime, but so far as I know
there's no reason why you can't set your KDC public key certificate
lifetime to 50 years or whatever.

I agree with your other points, though.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: help with OTP

2023-04-26 Thread Russ Allbery
Ken Hornstein via Kerberos  writes:

> Well, dang, that's one for the toolbox!  I was able to confirm that
> works just fine (but note I already had an existing PKINIT
> infrastructure to leverage).  I will note that the existing
> documentation implies you could authenticate to WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS
> using your password, but maybe that isn't true?  I'm specifically
> referring to the documentation for the '-n' option for kinit, the
> "second form" of anonymous tickets.  There is a note that this isn't
> supported, but it mentions MIT Kerberos 1.8 so one could believe that
> note is out of date.

> This is kind of the giant mystery surrounding FAST.  If you're not
> familiar with the gory details of the FAST protocol you're kind of left
> stumbling around to figure out what exactly you need to do.  I realize
> this is probably because it's hard to write documentation for beginners
> (certainly I am guilty of this also); I'm only making this as a general
> observation.

I worked through a bunch of this for pam-krb5 back in the day and made it
support a set of reasonable things, including anonymous PKINIT to
establish the FAST armor.  People who are working in this area may find
its source code useful to look at, although I think there have been
improvements since then and what it does may no longer be best practice.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: appl/simple/client/sim_client.c uses internal APIs

2023-02-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Simo Sorce  writes:
> On Fri, 2023-02-24 at 16:27 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Essentially everything that I don't like about GSSAPI is a direct
>> consequence of the fact that it's a generic authentication protocol
>> that in theory (although essentially never in practice outside of toys
>> and science experiments) could negotiate a mechanism other than
>> Kerberos.  Supporting that generality forces the addition of
>> irreducible complexity to the API.

> Sorry Russ,
> I do not know about toys or science experiments, but I have been using
> GSSAPI in real HTTP applications to do either NTLM or Krb5 just fine.
> And before that in SMB applications (although Samba is more complicated
> because of its history).

Argh, sorry, I got this backwards, and I think this is the same mistake
that I have made before.  For some reason it is stuck in my head that
SPNEGO is used to negotiate GSSAPI when it's the other way around: SPNEGO
is a GSSAPI mechanism.

Thank you all for the interesting feedback on this thread.  I think my
original statement had a few things wrong, and I appreciate all the

My basic point is that I understand the need to first negotiate a security
mechanism and then use that security mechanism, but I don't like the
layering of multiple negotiation mechanisms, so I'm not a big fan of SASL
and GSSAPI/SPNEGO being separate and HTTP using yet another negotiation
protocol via WWW-Authenticate headers, although I understand why this

Ideally, I'd like to have three concepts: a negotiation protocol, a
security protocol for Kerberos, and an encoding layer for both of those
protocols into the application protocol (HTTP, IMAP, whatever) that deals
with problems like how to put this into valid HTTP requests.  I feel like
we've collectively taken multiple shots at this over the years and we keep
getting closer, but we keep ending up with the divisions between the
layers being murky and having multiple negotiation layers, and that in
turn makes the code more complicated.  And this is probably a pipe dream
at this point, since all this stuff is very baked into long-standing
protocols that are unlikely to change significantly.

More actionably, for a lot of applications I think there's some merit in
dispensing with the negitiation layer and having one single supported
security mechanism and that's it.  This was the idea behind Wireguard, and
I think it's an interesting model.  This isn't suitable for IMAP or HTTP
or whatnot for obvious reasons, but it adds a lot of simplicity when one
knows what security mechanism is in play because the (often private)
protocol only supports a single one and can just use it directly.  And
this is what becomes impossible when GSSAPI is the only recommended way of
using Kerberos, because then you can't get rid of the generic layer of the
API even if you don't need it, so you're stuck with having multiple
identity concepts, etc.  (I do understand all of the other problems with
the raw Kerberos API, though, and I'm not saying it should be used
instead.  The API that I actually want doesn't exist, I think.)

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: appl/simple/client/sim_client.c uses internal APIs

2023-02-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Nico Williams  writes:

> Which is why, for a new mechanism, I would much prefer that it support
> Kerberos naming.  Certainly I don't ever want to see a mechanism use
> x.500 style naming again.

Primarily what I'd want in a new mechanism is for it to be a protocol for
Kerberos authentication.  (Or some other underlying authentication system
that we all use instead, although that would be off-topic for this group.)
In other words, not generic.  I understand why GSSAPI was made generic,
but that's not what I want, and I think the security world is starting to
realize that being able to negotiate every security property and mechanism
is more of a bug than a feature.

Right now, it is possible to get into the truly absurd situation where to
authenticate a client to a server you use:

* HTTP authentication, to negotiate
* SPNEGO, to negotiate
* GSASPI, to negotiate
* Kerberos, to do the actual authentication

Something similar happens with SASL.  This is three layers of negotiation
too many.  Even if you can hide or eliminate all of the round trips,
you're introducing a lot of conceptual complexity, and while the developer
doesn't need to know about any of it if all goes well, all often doesn't
go well in the real world and then you have to figure out at what layer
everything broke.

I understand the need for *a* negotiation layer.  I think the error was in
accepting additional negotiation layers below that, as opposed to getting
out of the generic mode as quickly as possible and start working directly
with the true protocol.

Essentially everything that I don't like about GSSAPI is a direct
consequence of the fact that it's a generic authentication protocol that
in theory (although essentially never in practice outside of toys and
science experiments) could negotiate a mechanism other than Kerberos.
Supporting that generality forces the addition of irreducible complexity
to the API.

(There is the other problem that all of the effort, hardware support, and
optimization work is going into TLS now, and it feels like a huge waste of
energy to try to compete with TLS in the secure transport business.  But
that's a whole different can of worms since TLS is very wedded to X.509
certificates and there are a bunch of very good reasons to not want to use
X.509 certificates for client authentication in a lot of situations.)

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: appl/simple/client/sim_client.c uses internal APIs

2023-02-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Nico Williams  writes:

> RFC 7546 exists.

Yes, I am well aware that this exists.  If you can read this and come away
thinking that the API that it describes is simpler than the krb5 API, I
really don't know what to say.  Perhaps GSSAPI reflects the way that you
think more closely, so it seems simpler to you.

I use GSSAPI for new code because it is a *better* API (or, more
precisely, a better *protocol*) that fixes various underlying issues and
has better defaults.  But it is not *simpler*; quite the opposite, it's
more tedious and annoying and weird, harder to debug because of the
imposition of the generic layer that has a tendency to get in the way of
understanding what's going on, and requires you think about both Kerberos
and GSS concepts at the same time when implementing a non-trivial
application instead of focusing only on Kerberos.

Just to take another example, GSSAPI introduces yet another identity
format and now you have to be aware of both the Kerberos identity and the
GSS identity, which are sort of the same but not always.

> I've written a fair amount of app code using krb5 and GSS APIs, and I
> strongly prefer GSS code.

Well, I have written some of that code myself, and I don't agree.

> It does pay a price, but if all you need is encrypted sessions, then
> it's simple.

I think we have very different definitions of simple.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: appl/simple/client/sim_client.c uses internal APIs

2023-02-24 Thread Russ Allbery
Nico Williams  writes:

> If you're just trying to set up a GSS context between a client and a
> server, then GSS is really simple, and much simpler than the krb5 API.

I'm very dubious about this statement.  The requirement to handle
negotiation and potential multiple round trips and all the complexity with
major and minor status codes makes the equivalent GSS code complicated and

GSS pays a significant price for being a generic mechanism with a
negotiation method, and the API does not hide that price from the

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos protocol transition with unconstrained delegation (i.e. TGT impersonation)

2022-10-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Jonathan Calmels  writes:

> Thank you for the suggestions, I didn't know about kimpersonate and this
> would indeed solve part of the problem.  The reason why I mentioned
> libkadm5 is because we were thinking of relying on
> "kadm5_get_principal_keys" instead of keytabs.  This way we could also
> reuse the kadm ACLs and have a rule like "gsshostservice@REALM e
> */ci@REALM".

You can certainly do that, but just be aware that there's not much in the
way of a security difference between that and keytabs.  In theory it means
the GSS service doesn't have access to all the user's keys at once but has
to ask for them on demand, but if I were you I'd just colocate the GSS
service with the KDC since the security model is essentially the same, at
which point the KDC database is right there and there's really no
particularly meaningful distinction.

(I have implemented something akin to this before, and that's how I did

> Forging a cross-realm TGT would definitely be preferable, although I'm
> not sure if it's doable with libkrb5.

It should be doable, but you may have to use really low-level functions to
duplicate what kimpersonate is doing.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos protocol transition with unconstrained delegation (i.e. TGT impersonation)

2022-10-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Jonathan Calmels via Kerberos  writes:

> So far, the only hack we can think of is replicating the AD users into
> the MIT KDC and writing some kind of GSS service that would issue TGTs
> for those (given the proper service ticket).  Something like:

>   1.  The scheduler does protocol transition with the AD UPN it got from
>   the CI/CD 
>   2.  The scheduler contacts this GSS service with the resulting service
>   ticket
>   3.  The GSS service converts the UPN from the AD realm to its MIT
>   realm counterpart
>   4.  If everything checks out, it sends back a TGT for the user (this
>   might involve some unconventional calls to libkadm5)
>   5.  The scheduler forwards this TGT as usual

Yup, this is also what I would do given your constraints.  (You have a
fairly weird security corner case that requires arbitrary user
impersonation with no chain of authentication back to the user being
impersonated, which Kerberos doesn't really natively support for somewhat
obvious reasons.)

> Is there a cleaner alternative? Ideally, one that doesn't involve
> replicating users.

You possibly could cheat by giving the GSS service access to the
cross-realm key so that it can forge TGTs that look to the MIT Kerberos
KDC as if they were issued by AD.  I think this would be roughly
equivalent from a security standpoint (either way, the GSS service is
essentially a KDC and has full access to the entirety of your MIT realm),
but would avoid the need to create principals in your KDC database for
every user.

The drawback of this approach is that you're likely to need to write some
low-level Kerberos code to forge the tickets, whereas in your plan above
you can just generate keytab files for every user and store them on disk
(again, the GSS service is functionally equivalent to a KDC, so this is
just the KDC database in another format), and then your GSS service can
generate TGTs through normal libkrb5 calls using the keytab and doesn't
have to do anything special.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: kadmin not working after server migration, but kdc works

2022-09-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Wouter Verhelst  writes:
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:43:40AM -0400, Greg Hudson wrote:

>> From experience, this probably means you have a single-DES enctype
>> listed in supported_enctypes and are using release 1.18.  (In 1.17 or
>> previous the enctype would be recognized; in 1.19 or later the library
>> would ignore the enctype rather than failing out.)  Remove the
>> single-DES enctype and kadmind should start working again.

> So, supported_enctypes is not even in the krb5.conf file; I assume that
> means it then reverts to defaults?

That's your krb5.conf, but the error message is about your kdc.conf
(/etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf).  It has its own separate supported_enctypes

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Help with replication

2022-07-18 Thread Russ Allbery
Bill MacAllister  writes:

> The KDC logs revealed that indeed the principal did not exist.  I had
> updated the krb5.conf to use a cname for the admin principal and kpropd
> is using the entry in the krb5.conf without canonicalization.  I changed
> the krb5.conf file to use host names that matched the principals that I
> had created.  That along with making sure kadm5.acl and kpropd.acl had
> the appropriate entries solved my problem.  Thanks for the pointer.
> (Who would have thought to look in the logs?  Certainly now me.)

Is this the thing where kpropd always uses exactly the hostname you have
listed and doesn't do any DNS canonicalization?  If so, I've run into that
before and I think I just put keys for all of the principals that could be
formed from all the possible replica names in the keytab file for the
replicas and my recollection is that worked, although it's been a few

> I guess one what would be to create principals for the cnames.

Right, yeah, that.  Similar to what we had to do with LDAP servers.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Using an alternate principal for ssh

2022-05-31 Thread Russ Allbery
Dan Mahoney  writes:

> Our userbase is pretty small and systems are overall managed with
> puppet, so that's not a problem for us.  We'd need to either disallow
> GSSAPI entirely, or accept that we need to manipulate a dir of k5login
> files outside the users' homedirs.

If you're already willing to manage .k5login files, the search_k5login
option to my PAM module may also work and the whole reason why I started
contributing to that module instead of using Red Hat's (to solve an old
issue that Stanford had).

alt_auth_map is the more precise solution, but it only allows a single
mapping, whereas with search_k5login you can do whatever you want as long
as you populate .k5login accordingly.

> I'll take a directory of k5login files.  As an organization we don't
> like pubkey auth because there's no easy central control over users.
> (i.e. pubkey completely sidesteps kerberos.  If you have something like
> ldap deployed, that can help, but we don't like the idea of every system
> call like ls -al phoning an LDAP server.)

Yes, at Stanford we disabled public key and required GSS-API for most

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos through loadbalancer

2022-05-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Stefan Kania  writes:

> we have 4 ldap-provider to We
> securing the replication via kerberos, everything works fine between the
> providers. But now we want to set up some consumers. Between the
> providers and the consumers a loadbalancer is located, so the consumers
> only connect to the loadbalancer and the loadbalancer chooses one of the
> providers. For the replication we put the fqdn from the loadbalancer
> into the configuration. The fqdn is We then created a
> host-principal and a service-principal for and we put
> the host-key into /etc/krb5.keytab of all ldap-providers the same with
> the service-key. So now all provider can use both, the own keys and the
> keys from the loadbalancer. But it's not working :-(.

Two things to check:

First, how did you put the service kep for ldap/ onto each
host?  If you used ktadd via kadmin, you alas did not do that.  Each time
you downloaded the keytab entry, ktadd randomized the key again, so only
the last host on which you put the key has a correct key and all of the
rest have incorrect keys.

You have to either manually copy the keytab file between hosts without
running ktadd again, or somehow use -norandkey to generate the keytab

If that's not the problem, it used to be that you had to apply a one-line
patch to Cyrus SASL to prevent it from forcing Kerberos to only use the
keytab entry that it thought corresponded to the local hostname, which
otherwise would prevent this trick from working.  I thought Cyrus SASL
upstream had finally taken that patch and included it in a release, but
maybe you're using an old version of Cyrus SASL?  I don't remember what
error message that used to produce, though, so maybe this is a different

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Always prompting for OTP

2022-05-10 Thread Russ Allbery
BuzzSaw Code  writes:

> But that prompt is a callback to the prompter routine in pam_krb5 passed
> in so I could bypass that prompt by just force feeding the "password"
> into the response structure right ?

Yes, you can intercept it inside pam_krb5.  It's really ugly from a
pam-krb5 architecture perspective, though, so I'm not sure I'd want to
incorporate that upstream.

I feel like we went through a very similar problem with the use_pkinit
option and we came up with some solution that didn't require doing this
response injection thing, but I seem to have swapped all of that out of my
brain.  But maybe that was a different problem, since, looking at the
code, I think I used a prompter that rejected all password prompts, which
is sort of the opposite problem from the problem you're having.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Always prompting for OTP

2022-05-10 Thread Russ Allbery
Greg Hudson  writes:

> The FAST negotiation is irrelevant, except insofar as it makes the
> design of FAST OTP possible.  Client preauth modules implementing OTP
> mechanisms simply don't consider the Kerberos password to be the same as
> an OTP value, so they ask for the OTP value via the responder or
> prompter.

Oh, I think this was the bit that I was missing.  I was for some reason
assuming that the Kerberos library itself understood that part of the
thing passed in as a "password" was actually an OTP value and the other
part was a password, but it sounds like I was wrong to think this, and
instead the entire "password" is sent via RADIUS and it's the RADIUS
server that takes it apart into an OTP value and an actual password?

And therefore, because of that, the Kerberos library declines to send a
password passed in as an argument to krb5_get_init_creds_password to the
RADIUS server, and always forces a separate prompt, because it is really
designed for the case where the password and OTP are separate and entered
separately at two different prompts, the second (for the OTP) triggered by
the preauth mechanism?

If I have this right, it feels like the root problem is the combined
password mechanism that overloads the password field to carry unrelated
additional information, but unfortunately that may be forced by the number
of protocols that are entirely unable to deal with additional PAM prompts.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Always prompting for OTP

2022-05-10 Thread Russ Allbery
BuzzSaw Code  writes:

> We want the full OTP+password string just passed without modification.

Ah, okay, so then in theory the problem could be solved entirely within
the Kerberos libraries, although I haven't wrapped my mind around the
problem Greg identified.

> It would also be nice if when we use
> try_first_pass/use_first_pass/force_first_pass options with pam_krb5
> that it actually did that in the OTP case without the extra prompt.
> no_prompt doesn't help as the password doesn't stay on the stack.

I'm assuming this is because the Kerberos library doesn't think that the
passed-in password can be sent after the FAST negotiation and therefore
re-prompts internally?  I'm not sure I entirely understand the logic flow

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Always prompting for OTP

2022-05-10 Thread Russ Allbery
BuzzSaw Code  writes:

> A bad side effect of this behavior is that the calling PAM module never
> gets that OTP value so it isn't available for other modules in the
> stack, so they too prompt for credentials because they think the
> password has not been entered yet.

What behavior do you expect here?  For the full OTP+password string to be
carried over to other modules in the stack, or only the password?

If the latter, I believe this inherently requires that the pam_krb5 module
know to disassemble the password (which would probably also solve your
other problems at the cost of more complexity in the PAM module).

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.18 released

2022-05-08 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.18 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos ssh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

Add support for PCRE2 for pcre ACLs and use it by preference over
PCRE1 if it is found.  UTF-8 regular expressions are not enabled by
default, but can be enabled by adding (*UTF) to the beginning of the
regular expression (a standard PCRE2 feature not specific to remctl).

Document that pcre and regex ACL expressions are not automatically
anchored at the start and end of the principal name, so they should be
explicitly anchored in the configuration unless one intends to allow
partial matches.

The Perl libraries and the remctl test suite now require Perl 5.10 or

Document sending SIGHUP to remctld when running in stand-alone mode to
ask it to re-read its configuration file, and document that SIGTERM
will cause it to exit.  (Fixes #30)

Mark remctl client library functions that allocate memory with their
corresponding deallocation functions so that GCC 11 and later can
diagnose memory deallocation bugs.

Remove remaining references to pytest-runner in the Python bindings.
Thanks, Ken Dreyer.

Switch the Ruby bindings tests to Minitest from Test::Unit.  Thanks,
Ken Dreyer.

Update to rra-c-util 10.2:

* Fix IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL Autoconf probe on macOS.
* Fix compiler flag probes with Clang.
* Check that Kerberos headers can be included.
* Fix util/fdflag test on Solaris 11 and OpenBSD.
* Suppress some additional warnings in GCC 10.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

KDC timeout for MIT Kerberos?

2022-02-09 Thread Russ Allbery
A user of my Kerberos PAM module asked whether there was a way to adjust
the timeout when talking to the KDC.  The use case is a laptop that may
have a dodgy VPN and thus think it's on the Internet but not be able to
reach the KDC.

My understanding is that Heimdal supports the kdc_timeout configuration
option in krb5.conf, but I don't see an equivalent for MIT Kerberos.  Is
there any way for the application or for the user to control how long it
takes for the library to decide that it's not going to get a reply from
the KDC and fail the krb5_get_init_creds_password attempt?

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos Server Implementation

2022-01-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Charles Hedrick  writes:

> This is a client-server pair designed to create home directories for
> users. When you’re using kerberized NFS the normal pam_mkhomedir won’t
> work, because it assumes that root can create directories in the file
> system. With kerberized NFS, root has no special privileges. So we have
> a pam_kmkhomedir that calls a process on the file server to do the
> creation.

> If I were doing it again, I’d probably write it using GSSAPI rather than
> a basic Kerberos client / server. Then I could write the server as a web
> service in python and use libcurl on the client side. Unfortunately it
> doesn’t seem to be practical to write a pam module in anything other
> than C, but with libcurl all the GSSAPi stuff is handled by the
> library. If the client isn’t a pam module, it’s easy enough to write a
> GSSAPI client in python. (I can give you example client-server if you
> need it.)

You may also be interested in remctl, which is designed to do this sort of

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: 2FA with krb5

2021-10-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Simo Sorce  writes:

> Starting an ad-hoc kdc is pretty easy, I have it done in the make check
> phase in many small projects, including starting an ldap server, I
> haven't tried radius, but hopefully starting a freeradius server is not
> exceedingly hard either.

Yeah, for the record it was just the RADIUS bit that I didn't already have
working.  If anyone is curious:

contains scripts that will set up either an MIT Kerberos KDC or a Heimdal
KDC with PKINIT configured and a variety of keytabs and whatnot premade.
They are used via GitHub Actions here:

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: 2FA with krb5

2021-10-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Ken Hornstein  writes:

> Huh, I _kinda_ thought that if you had FAST going, you got FAST OTP (on
> the client at least) for free!  Which shows what I know.  Maybe it works
> already and you never tested it?

The bit that I suspect doesn't work is all the interactions between the
prompting and the prompt control options like use_first_pass.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: 2FA with krb5

2021-10-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Ken Hornstein  writes:

> I am not sure of the client coverage of the OTP FAST factor, though.

For what it's worth, although my pam-krb5 module implements FAST including
both keyed and anonymous FAST, it does not implement FAST OTP.  This is
because (a) I didn't find any documentation of what I was supposed to do
as a client (it's been years since I looked so this quite possibly has
changed), and (b) attempting to set up a reasonable test environment
looked painful.  In particular, there was (at the time, again haven't
checked recently) a lot of hand-waving about exactly to set up the RADIUS
part, since MIT Kerberos just treats it as an oracle.

I haven't checked if sssd supports FAST OTP.  That seems much more likely
given that they probably have enterprise use cases that would warrant
implementing it.

I'd be happy to take pull requests since I try to make pam-krb5 reasonably
completionist as a hobby (although be aware that it's a purely hobby
project at this point), but they would need to include changes to the ci
directory to set up the KDC and RADIUS server appropriately so that the
test suite could do a proper end-to-end integration test.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

kstart 4.3 released

2021-08-30 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 4.3 of kstart.

k5start and krenew are modified versions of kinit which add support for
running as a daemon to maintain a ticket cache, running a command with
credentials from a keytab and maintaining a ticket cache until that
command completes, obtaining AFS tokens (via an external aklog) after
obtaining tickets, and creating an AFS PAG for a command.  They are
primarily useful in conjunction with long-running jobs; for moving ticket
handling code out of servers, cron jobs, or daemons; and to obtain tickets
and AFS tokens with a single command.

Changes from previous release:

Add support for kafs to the -t options of k5start and krenew.  If AFS
setpag support is not compiled in or AFS is not available, but the
Linux kafs kernel module is available, do not error out when -t is
specified and continue to run the external program.  If libkeyutils is
found at compile time and a command was specified on the command line,
create a new session keyring before running the external command to
isolate its AFS credentials from the calling process.  Thanks to Bill
MacAllister, David Howells, and Jeffrey Altman for proposed code and
implementation discussion.

If the process run by k5start or krenew is killed by a signal, k5start
or krenew now exits with status 128 plus the killing signal rather
than zero.  This avoids the caller of k5start or krenew thinking the
command succeeded when it was killed, and matches the return status
behavior of bash.  Patch from Aasif Versi.

Use explicit_bzero, where available, to overwrite the memory used for
the user's password when k5start is run with the -s option.

Rename the script to bootstrap from a Git checkout to bootstrap,
matching the emerging consensus in the Autoconf world.

Update to rra-c-util 9.1:

* Fix getgroups error handling in k_haspag replacement.
* Check for a working Kerberos header file during configure.
* Use AS_ECHO in all Autoconf macros for better portability.
* Fix reallocarray portability on NetBSD.
* Stop providing a replacement for a broken snprintf.
* Don't check for krb5-config when using explicit paths.
* Fix new warnings with current versions of GCC and Clang.
* Probe for the warning flags supported by the compiler.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.7:

* Report test failures as left and right instead of wanted and seen.
* Fix string comparisons against NULL pointers.
* Honor C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD along with SOURCE and BUILD.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: weak regex/glob in listprincs in kadmin (on ldap)?

2021-07-12 Thread Russ Allbery
"Chris Hecker"  writes:

> It's not clear how you'd iterate them all with the current API in a
> remotely efficient manner.  Maybe people don't want to do that very
> often though.

Whenever I wanted to do something like that, I generally did it using
kadmin.local or the library equivalent on a KDC replica rather than trying
to do it over protocol.

I'm not a huge fan of the kadmin network protocol.  It works, mostly, but
whenever I was doing something very complicated, I usually had better luck
writing some code that could run on a KDC against a local database (I
never used LDAP, but the same principle mostly applies) and then wrapping
my own protocol around whatever that operation wanted to return.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

pam-krb5 4.10 released

2021-03-20 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 4.10 of pam-krb5.

This is a small bug-fix release with a possible security fix, although I
don't see a path to exploit the bug.  But better safe than sorry.

pam-krb5 is a Kerberos PAM module for either MIT Kerberos or Heimdal.  It
supports ticket refreshing by screen savers, configurable authorization
handling, authentication of non-local accounts for network services,
password changing, and password expiration, as well as all the standard
expected PAM features.  It works correctly with OpenSSH, even with
ChallengeResponseAuthentication and PrivilegeSeparation enabled, and
supports extensive configuration either by PAM options or in krb5.conf or
both.  PKINIT is supported with recent versions of both MIT Kerberos and
Heimdal and FAST is supported with recent MIT Kerberos.

Changes from previous release:

When re-retrieving the authenticated principal from the current cache,
ensure the stored principal in the authentication context is always
either valid or NULL.  Otherwise, a failure of krb5_cc_get_principal
could result in a double free.  Thanks to Michael Muehle for the

Update to rra-c-util 9.0:

* Check that at least one Kerberos header file was found and works.
* Use AS_ECHO in all Autoconf macros in preference to echo.
* Fix portability of reallocarray on NetBSD systems.
* Stop providing a replacement for a broken snprintf.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.7:

* Fix warnings with GCC 10.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian experimental, and the bug fix
patch has been backported to 4.9 in Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.17 released

2020-12-13 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.17 of remctl.  This is a stop-gap bugfix
release that, alas, doesn't address open feature work.

I am considering breaking the remctl distribution into separate releases
for each language binding, saving the remctl release for only the primary
C library, client, and server.  The primary motivation would be to upload
the language bindings to their respective ecosystem repositories so that
they're available to tools like cpanm and pip.  However, this will require
work for the Red Hat packaging and a bit more work when manually
installing.  If this would cause problems for you, let me know.  (It's not
likely to happen all that quickly, since there are some other things I
need to fix first.)

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos ssh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

Port the PHP extention to PHP 8.  This required declaring the
arguments to the functions (which should have been done with PHP 7)
and removing some obsolete constructs.

Make the Python install_requires dependency on typing conditional on
Python versions earlier than 3.5 so that setuptools won't attempt to
download typing when it's part of the standard library.  Thanks to
Gianfranco Costamagna and Matthias Klose for the bug report.

Fix the Python module build to more reliably test the newly-built
module and to enable verbose testing.

Fix non-Kerberos network tests on hosts with no IPv4 addresses.  In
this case, the network tests for binding all configured addresses will
bind only to IPv6, which broke some prior assumptions in the test
suite.  Thanks to Niko Tyni for the bug report.  Note that the tests
that require a Kerberos setup will still fail in this scenario, since
they assume remctld will bind to by default.

Stop providing a replacement for a broken snprintf and assume the libc
version works correctly.  This portability code has proven difficult
to maintain, and was only relevant for ancient proprietary UNIX
versions that have been obsolete for many years.

Update to rra-c-util 8.4:

* Fix reallocarray prototyping on NetBSD.
* Fix getnameinfo tests on musl-based Linux distributions.
* Include string.h when probing for getaddrinfo properties.
* Fix Perl style issues found by Perl::Critic::Freenode.
* Fix support for configuring the test suite with a krb5.conf file.
* Fix tests when the system krb5.conf file does not set default_realm.
* Ignore files in tests/config when checking for license identifiers.
* Ignore object files when checking for license identifiers.
* Drop support for Perl 5.6.
* Reformat all C source using clang-format 10.
* Remove bogus snprintf tests.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.7:

* Fix warning with GCC 10.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: SSH and The requires_pre_auth attribute

2020-11-23 Thread Russ Allbery
"Dan Mahoney (Gushi)"  writes:

> 1) Is my "if it's on the host entry, it must be on the user entry" 
> basically accurate?


Therefore, because of this, unless you are *certain* that every principal
that needs to authenticate to another principal will have requires
pre-auth set, you should not set requires pre-auth on server principals.

There is in general no strong reason to set requires pre-auth on
randomly-generated keys unless you want to force exactly this client
behavior.  Yes, not having it set means that in theory an attacker can try
to brute-force the randomly-generated key, but... it's randomly generated.
So if there is any realistic chance of success in this, you have much
larger problems.

(I don't have off-the-cuff answers to your other questions.)

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

krb5-strength 3.2 released

2020-05-17 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.2 of krb5-strength.

krb5-strength provides a password quality plugin for the MIT Kerberos KDC
(specifically the kadmind server) and Heimdal KDC, an external password
quality program for use with Heimdal, and a per-principal password history
implementation for Heimdal.  Passwords can be tested with CrackLib,
checked against a CDB or SQLite database of known weak passwords with some
transformations, checked for length, checked for non-printable or
non-ASCII characters that may be difficult to enter reproducibly, required
to contain particular character classes, or any combination of these

Changes from previous release:

Add new -c (--check-only) option to heimdal-history to check whether a
password would be accepted without updating the history or password
length databases.  Based on work by macrotex.

Increase hash iterations for heimdal-history by roughly a factor of
four to increase the time required for a password hash to about 0.1
seconds on modern hardware.  This will affect newly-stored history
entries but will not invalidate existing password history entries.

Support building without CrackLib support by passing
--without-cracklib to configure.  This makes the code a bit simpler
and lighter if you don't intend to ever use the CrackLib support.

krb5-strength-wordlist now requires Perl 5.010 or later.

Use explicit_bzero instead of memset, where available, to overwrite
copies of passwords before freeing memory.  This reduces the lifetime
of passwords in memory.

Skip tests that require the stronger rule configuration in the
embedded CrackLib when built against system CrackLib.  This avoids
test failures when built with system CrackLib.

Rework the check-valgrind target to use the new C TAP Harness valgrind
support and automatically check the valgrind log files for errors at
the end of the test suite.

Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files
other than those in the bundled version of CrackLib.

Update to rra-c-util 8.2:

* Implement explicit_bzero with memset if it is not available.
* Reformat all C source using clang-format 10.
* Work around Test::Strict not skipping .git directories.
* Fix warnings with perltidy 20190601 and Perl::Critic 1.134.
* Improve check for obsolete strings.
* Use a more standard all-permissive license.
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.
* Skip more build system files when running the test suite.
* Fix warnings with Clang 10, GCC 10, and the Clang static analyzer.
* Exclude more valgrind false positives with Kerberos libraries.
* Improve support for AIX's bundled Kerberos.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.7:

* Fix warnings with GCC 10.
* Reformat all C source using clang-format 10.
* Fixed malloc error checking in bstrndup.
* Add support for valgrind testing via test list options.
* Report test failures as left and right, not wanted and seen.
* Fix is_string comparisons involving NULL pointers and "(null)".
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages will be uploaded to Debian unstable shortly once a Perl
transition clears.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

pam-krb5 security advisory (4.9 and earlier)

2020-03-30 Thread Russ Allbery
Vulnerability type:  Buffer overflow
Versions affected:   All versions prior to 4.8
Versions fixed:  4.9 and later
Discovered:  2020-03-02
Public announcement: 2009-03-30
CVE ID:  CVE-2020-10595

During a refactor of my pam-krb5 Kerberos PAM module, I discovered a
single byte buffer overflow that had been there since either the first
version of the module or very early in its development.  During prompting
initiated by the Kerberos library, an attacker who enters a response
exactly as long as the length of the buffer provided by the underlying
Kerberos library will cause pam-krb5 to write a single nul byte past the
end of that buffer.

The effect of this buffer overflow will depend on the buffer allocation
strategy of the underlying Kerberos library, but could result in heap
corruption or a single-byte overwrite of another stack variable, with
unknown consequences.  Conceivably, remote code execution could be
possible, although I believe it would be difficult to achieve.

Under normal usage of this PAM module, it never does prompting initiated
by the Kerberos library, and thus most configurations will not be readily
vulnerable to this bug.  Kerberos-library-initiated prompting generally
only happens with the no_prompt PAM configuration option, PKINIT, or other
non-password preauth mechanisms.

I do not believe this vulnerability is publicly known, and am not aware of
any exploits in the wild.

This problem has been fixed in pam-krb5 4.9, available from:

pam-krb5 was released as the libpam-krb5 and libpam-heimdal packages with
Debian 4.0 (etch) and later.  These vulnerabilities will be fixed in the
4.7-4+deb9u1 version of the libpam-krb5 Debian package for Debian 9.0
(stretch) and the 4.8-2+deb10u1 version for Debian 10.0 (buster).  They
have also been fixed in the 4.9-1 package for Debian unstable (sid).

For others who use this module, here is a patch that should apply to
versions prior to 4.9.  (pam-krb5 4.9 restructures this code.)

diff --git a/prompting.c b/prompting.c
index e985d95..d81054f 100644
--- a/prompting.c
+++ b/prompting.c
@@ -314,26 +314,27 @@ pamk5_prompter_krb5(krb5_context context UNUSED, void 
*data, const char *name,
  * Reuse pam_prompts as a starting index and copy the data into the reply
  * area of the krb5_prompt structs.
 pam_prompts = 0;
 if (name != NULL && !args->silent)
 if (banner != NULL && !args->silent)
 for (i = 0; i < num_prompts; i++, pam_prompts++) {
-size_t len;
+size_t len, allowed;
 if (resp[pam_prompts].resp == NULL)
 goto cleanup;
 len = strlen(resp[pam_prompts].resp);
-if (len > prompts[i].reply->length)
+allowed = prompts[i].reply->length;
+if (allowed == 0 || len > allowed - 1)
 goto cleanup;
  * The trailing nul is not included in length, but other applications
  * expect it to be there.  Therefore, we copy one more byte than the
  * actual length of the password, but set length to just the length of
  * the password.
 memcpy(prompts[i].reply->data, resp[pam_prompts].resp, len + 1);
 prompts[i].reply->length = (unsigned int) len;

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: [oss-security] pam-krb5 security advisory (4.9 and earlier)

2020-03-30 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery  writes:

> Public announcement: 2009-03-30

Mutter.  Obviously, this should be 2020-03-20.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: [oss-security] pam-krb5 security advisory (4.9 and earlier)

2020-03-30 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery  writes:
> Russ Allbery  writes:

>> Public announcement: 2009-03-30

> Mutter.  Obviously, this should be 2020-03-20.

Or even 2020-03-30, a mistake that I have made every time I have written
that date.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

pam-krb5 release 4.9

2020-03-30 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 4.9 of pam-krb5.

pam-krb5 is a Kerberos PAM module for either MIT Kerberos or Heimdal.  It
supports ticket refreshing by screen savers, configurable authorization
handling, authentication of non-local accounts for network services,
password changing, and password expiration, as well as all the standard
expected PAM features.  It works correctly with OpenSSH, even with
ChallengeResponseAuthentication and PrivilegeSeparation enabled, and
supports extensive configuration either by PAM options or in krb5.conf or
both.  PKINIT is supported with recent versions of both MIT Kerberos and
Heimdal and FAST is supported with recent MIT Kerberos.

Changes from previous release:

SECURITY: All previous versions of this module could overflow the
buffer provided by the underlying Kerberos library for the response to
a prompt by writing a single nul character past the end of the buffer.

Support use_pkinit with MIT Kerberos.  (Debian Bug#871699)

Reject passwords as long or longer than PAM_MAX_RESP_SIZE (normally
512 octets), since extremely long passwords can be used for a denial
of service attack via the Kerberos string to key function.  Thanks to
Florian Best for pointing out this issue and suggesting a good fix.

Use explicit_bzero instead of memset, where available, to overwrite
the memory used by PAM responses before freeing.  This reduces the
lifetime of passwords and other secrets in memory.

Return more accurate errors from the Kerberos prompter function if it
was unable to prompt for the password.  This may translate into better
debug log messages and, in some situations, returning the slightly
more accurate PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL instead of PAM_AUTH_ERR.

Fix an edge-case memory leak in pam_chauthtok when prompting for a new
password for an ignored user.

Ensure the module/basic test will run properly when the system
krb5.conf file does not specify a default realm.  Reported by TBK.

Update to rra-c-util 8.2:

* Fix support for configuring the test suite with a krb5.conf file.
* Drop support for Perl 5.6.
* Reformat all C source using clang-format 10.
* Remove bogus snprintf tests.
* Fix misplaced va_end in the pam-util putil_log_failure function.
* Skip checking for krb5-config on the path if a prefix was given.
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.6:

* Fixed malloc error checking in bstrndup.
* Fix (harmless) allocation error in runtests driver.
* Add support for valgrind testing via test list options.
* Report test failures as left and right, not wanted and seen.
* Fix is_string comparisons involving NULL pointers and "(null)".
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Nuances of MIT Kerberos prompting

2020-03-09 Thread Russ Allbery
Greg Hudson  writes:

> Yes.  For this prompter call, name is NULL, banner is the formatted
> expiration warning, and num_prompts is 0.


> Ah, two responder calls, not two prompter calls.  I was looking at the
> wrong code paths.

Oh, sorry, poor bug report on my part.

> Now that I look a the PKINIT responder logic, I agree that there is a
> bug.  In the second call to k5_preauth(), we are processing the KDC
> PKINIT padata supplied alongside the issued ticket, in order to
> authenticate the KDC response and set the correct reply key.  PKINIT
> does not need access to client certificates at this stage, but
> pkinit_client_prep_questions() re-asks questions for its recorded
> identities without checking the padata type or any other state that
> would indicate where it is in the process.  I will file a ticket.


> (The real reason kinit isn't affected is that it doesn't use a responder
> callback.)

Yes, that makes perfect sense in retrospect.  I should have started with
gdb before speculating.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Nuances of MIT Kerberos prompting

2020-03-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Greg Hudson  writes:
> On 3/8/20 8:01 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I think the reason why I am confused by this is that Heimdal uses the
>> prompter to pass along informational messages such as "your principal
>> is about to expire," and I wasn't sure how MIT Kerberos would do the
>> same thing with the responder interface.  But maybe it doesn't present
>> those messages, or uses the prompter for them even if a responder is
>> provided and answers the actual questions?

> In MIT krb5 you can set an expire callback
> (krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_expire_callback()); otherwise the prompter
> is used if present, whether or not a responder is provided.

Oh!  Okay, that makes sense.  In this case, the prompter is called with
just a banner but no question?

> Yeah, I don't see an explanation there.  A PKINIT PKCS12 prompter call
> should be preceded by a "PKINIT initial PKCS12_parse with no password
> failed" message.  There are two such trace messages, but the first comes
> during prep_questions(), when prompting is deferred (instead, the
> identity is saved and a question for the responder is generated).

I was wrong -- it's not during verify creds.  (I finally realized that I
had enough information that I could set a break point exactly where this
happens and look at the call structure.)  It appears to be called twice
during krb5_get_init_creds_password.  Here are the Kerberos library
portions of the two backtraces (the prompt in both cases is identical).
This is MIT Kerberos 1.17.

The relevant difference seems to be in frame 4 and frame 5.  Source
embedded from the krb5-1.17-final tag.  In both cases, k5_preauth then
calls the responder.

#3  0x77f2fc9b in k5_preauth (context=context@entry=0x55594810,
ctx=ctx@entry=0x55595710, in_padata=0x55570bd0,
must_preauth=must_preauth@entry=1, padata_out=0x55595928,
at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/preauth2.c:1061
#4  0x77f22397 in init_creds_step_request (out=0x7fffc8e0,
ctx=0x55595710, context=0x55594810)
at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:1398

if (ctx->request->padata == NULL && ctx->method_padata != NULL) {
/* Retrying after KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED, or trying again with a
 * different mechanism after a failure. */
code = k5_preauth(context, ctx, ctx->method_padata, TRUE,
  &ctx->request->padata, &ctx->selected_preauth_type);
if (code) {
if (save.code != 0)
code = k5_restore_ctx_error(context, &save);
goto cleanup;

#5  krb5_init_creds_step (flags=0x7fffc8d8, realm=0x7fffc900,
out=0x7fffc8e0, in=, ctx=0x55595710,
context=0x55594810) at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:1767

code = init_creds_step_request(context, ctx, out);
if (code != 0)
goto cleanup;

#6  krb5_init_creds_step (context=0x55594810, ctx=0x55595710,
in=, out=0x7fffc8e0, realm=0x7fffc900,
flags=0x7fffc8d8) at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:1727
#7  0x77f230b9 in k5_init_creds_get (
context=context@entry=0x55594810, ctx=0x55595710,
at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:608
#8  0x77f23214 in k5_get_init_creds (
context=context@entry=0x55594810, creds=creds@entry=0x55594cc0,
client=client@entry=0x55596a30, prompter=prompter@entry=0x0,
start_time=start_time@entry=0, in_tkt_service=0x0, options=0x55594d40, 
gak_fct=0x77f24750 , 
gak_data=0x7fffcb00, use_master=0x7fffca98,
as_reply=0x7fffcaa0) at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:1833
#9  0x77f24d39 in krb5_get_init_creds_password (
context=0x55594810, creds=0x55594cc0, client=0x55596a30,
password=password@entry=0x0, prompter=prompter@entry=0x0,
data=data@entry=0x55592d30, start_time=0, in_tkt_service=0x0,
options=0x55594d40) at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/gic_pwd.c:317

#3  0x77f2fc9b in k5_preauth (context=context@entry=0x55594810,
ctx=ctx@entry=0x55595710, in_padata=0x5559b210, must_preauth=0,
at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/preauth2.c:1061
#4  0x77f21cab in init_creds_step_reply (in=,
ctx=0x55595710, context=0x55594810)
at ../../../../src/lib/krb5/krb/get_in_tkt.c:1638

/* Process the final reply padata.  Don't restrict the preauth types or
 * record a selected preauth type. */
ctx->allowed_preauth_type = KRB5_PADATA_NONE;

Re: Nuances of MIT Kerberos prompting

2020-03-08 Thread Russ Allbery
h types: PA-PK-AS-REP (17)
1583711787.103198: PKINIT client verified DH reply
1583711787.103199: PKINIT client found id-pkinit-san in KDC cert: 
1583711787.103200: PKINIT client matched KDC principal 
krbtgt/ against id-pkinit-san; no EKU check required
1583711787.103201: PKINIT client used KDF 2B06010502030602 to compute reply key 
1583711787.103202: Preauth module pkinit (17) (real) returned: 0/Success
1583711787.103203: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
1583711787.103204: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/1BD3
1583711787.103205: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: aes256-cts/8D62
1583711787.103206: FAST negotiation: available

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Nuances of MIT Kerberos prompting

2020-03-02 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm finally revisiting PKINIT prompting in pam-krb5 and am trying to wrap
my head around some subtle nuances of behavior to be sure I'm doing
reasonable things.  Thus, a few questions:

1. The normal prompter interface has a mechanism to send a "name" and a
   "banner".  Neither of these are very well-documented, but the current
   PAM module behavior is to output them both (name first, then banner) as

   I don't see any equivalent in the responder API.  How does that work?
   Is the prompter called with the name and banner but an empty list of
   prompts and the responder called with the actual questions, if both are
   given?  In what order?  I naively would have expected some way to use
   the responder interface to completely replace the prompter interface,
   but that doesn't seem to be possible because name and banner aren't

2. Revisiting this message from many years ago:

   the suggestion for use_pkinit was to have a prompter that declined to
   respond to password questions and only passed along preauth questions.
   This would be an alternative approach to using the responder API.
   However, this prompts a question: how does a prompter decline to
   respond to a question?  Should the prompter return failure if
   KRB5_PROMPT_TYPE_PASSWORD appears anywhere in krb5_get_prompt_types,
   presumably without displaying the name or banner?  If so, what status

3. How can I trigger MIT Kerberos to send a PKINIT prompt with multiple
   identities so that I can test the code that prompts the user to select
   one?  The code seems determined to prevent me from specifying multiple
   pkinit_identities.  Only the first one in krb5.conf appears to be
   honored and any subsequent ones are ignored, and kinit doesn't allow
   X509_user_identity to be set more than once.  Do I *have* to have a
   PKCS11 module to get to that code path, and I cannot access it with
   FILE or PKCS12 identities?

Finally, more a bug report than a question, but MIT Kerberos 1.17, when
given a PKCS12 identity file that's protected with a password (which is
what I'm using to test PIN prompting) prompts for the password twice.  The
second time appears to be during the krb5_verify_init_creds call.  What's
going on here?  The user experience is a little odd.  kinit only prompts
once, but I think that's because kinit never calls krb5_verify_init_creds.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: kadmin ignoring target column ?

2020-01-12 Thread Russ Allbery
Laura Smith  writes:

> I am trying to create a suitably restricted user for use with
> configuration automation (SaltStack ).  My line looks like the following:

> saltstack/ ADMCIL nfs/*@EXAMPLE.COM

> I have edited kadm5.acl and restarted kadmind, however list_princs
> returns a list of all principals, not just nfs/* ?

> If I remove the target column (i.e. saltstack/ ADMCIL) 
> and restart kadmind, then ADMCIL operates as expected (blocks
> list_princs entirely).

I don't believe the "l" permission supports the target field.  I think
it's all or nothing: either you can list all principals or you can't.  The
man page for kadm5.acl seems to support that:

  l  [Dis]allows the listing of all principals or policies

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.16 released

2019-10-26 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.16 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos ssh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

The Python bindings now support Python 3.  They have been tested only
with Python 2.7 and Python 3.7, but should work with any version of
Python 3 later than Python 3.1.

The Python bindings have been modernized to remove obsolete syntax,
which may mean that versions of Python back to Python 2.3 are no
longer supported.  The bindings are only tested with Python 2.7.
Passing in anything other than an iterable of str or bytes as the
command to run is deprecated and support for using objects that can be
converted to str in commands will be removed in a future release.

Update the Python bindings documentation to use proper Python types
and to document how str and bytes values are handled.

Building the Python bindings now requires the setuptools, pytest,
pytest-runner, and typing Python modules.

Add -t flag to the remctl client to specify the network timeout.
Thanks, Remi Ferrand.

Fix NULL pointer dereference in the client library if allocation of
memory fails, caught by cppcheck.

Add GCC attributes to the declarations of the libremctl client
functions, which will allow some minor optimization improvements and
better compiler errors about NULL pointers.

Check for minimum versions of Perl or Python during configure if
building the Perl or Python bindings is requested.

More correctly handle user-supplied CFLAGS in combination with make
warnings when building the PHP bindings.  Add the warning flags to
AM_CFLAGS instead of CFLAGS and pass user-supplied CFLAGS through to
configure (but not the warning flags).  Thanks, Ken Dreyer.

Fix Kerberos library probing with --enable-reduced-depends and
correctly suppress probing for Kerberos library features when no
Kerberos library is present.

Update to rra-c-util 8.0:

* Skip more Automake files in tests.
* Fix warnings with current versions of GCC and cppcheck.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.5:

* Fix error checking for malloc failure in bstrndup.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.  There may be a bit
of delay due to NEW processing.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery ( <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos n00b question.

2019-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:
> On 1/8/19 6:22 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Internet use is very common in the Kerberos community.

> Does this include client <-> KDC?

Yes.  A lot of higher education institutions that have used Kerberos for
many, many years have their KDCs directly on the Internet and allow
clients to authenticate from anywhere.

> My cursory reading makes me think that FAST is what provides the
> security (by encrypting more things through the Fast and Secure Tunnel)
> using parameters derived via PKINIT.

PKINIT is just a replacement preauth mechanism, instead of enc-timestamp.
Basically, the client uses an X.509 authentication instead of a proof of
key possession as the preauthentication step to establish a shared session
secret that is used to encrypt the TGT.  (This may not be 100% accurate;
it's been a while since I dug into the protocol.)

FAST is a replacement for the whole preauth step.  It uses some
pre-existing shared session key between the KDC and the client to encrypt
the whole preauthentication exchange.  Inside of that, you can use various
preauthentication mechanisms.

Where they usefully combine is in how to get that pre-existing shared
session key to be able to start using FAST.  This is a chicken-and-egg
problem with traditional Kerberos: you have to authenticate first in order
to authenticate.  You can, for instance, use the local host key (which is
probably randomly generated and therefore safer to use in a direct
exchange with the KDC) to get a session key to start FAST, and then do
preauthentication with the (weaker) password-derived key.

Anonymous PKINIT lets you out of that trap by letting the client
"authenticate" with anonymous Diffie-Hellman to the KDC.  This doesn't
establish any meaningful identity, but it *does* get you a shared session
key, and with that you can start FAST, and use it to protect any
subsequent preauthentication exchange.

Note that you can enable anonymous PKINIT even if you don't otherwise use
PKINIT and don't have any client certificates.  (You ideally do have a KDC
certificate, though, that the clients know about.)

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos n00b question.

2019-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Robbie Harwood  writes:

> Also!  2FA will mitigate this concern somewhat as well.  krb5 is
> prepared to hand off to a RADIUS responder for OTP (freeIPA uses this,
> which I know you're not interested in but is meaningful as a PoC); you
> can then use something like freeOTP or a physical 2fa token for
> acquiring additional credentials.

I wonder how hard it would be to add WebAuthn as a preauth mechanism for
Kerberos as part of a FAST chain.  HOTP/TOTP don't have the greatest
security properties, even though most Kerberos use cases are inherently
less vulnerable to phishing than the typical web authentication use.

> Apologies.  I consider Kerberos (with preauth and strong passwords) safe
> for internet use, as I imagine the rest of us on here do as well.

Internet use is very common in the Kerberos community.  It is somewhat
vulnerable to weak user passwords, but I'd probably invest my effort in
FAST via anonymous PKINIT to solve that problem instead of network

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos n00b question.

2019-01-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:

> I wonder if there is any possibility of users using a random key that is
> password protected.  Thus using the password unlocking the random key
> that is used to secure communications.  - I suspect that would make keys
> used for users as secure as -randkey for services, at least as far as
> brute forcing things.  Of course you would need to protect the encrypted
> key.  But that's a different issue.

If you want to go down this path, I would take a look at PKINIT, which
replaces the initial authentication request using a password-derived key
with X.509 mutual authentication.  You have to figure out a PKI strategy
to give the users certificates, but that then effectively gives you what
you describe: a password-protected random key.

I have also implemented half-assed versions of this, such as putting a
service with permissions to mint Kerberos TGTs for users behind SSH public
key authentication, so that users can use an SSH keypair to get a Kerberos

> I /think/ that client <-> server is okay as part of SSH.  - I'm trying
> to understand if the client <-> server is okay on it's own, or if it's
> also relying on security offered by SSH.  Mainly so that I can judge how
> safe it is to use for other protocols between the client and server
> (with or without other encryption).

The client/server exchange uses GSS-API, which is fine on its own and
doesn't rely on the SSH encrypted tunnel to be secure.

> I think the biggest issue is that I need to get the keytab to the server
> in a secure manner.  I would expect that something like scp / sftp would
> suffice.

You may or may not want to think about the chain of trust for the server
(i.e., how do you know that you're scp'ing the keytab to the correct
machine).  In an ideal world, the machine is launched with some existing
credentials (like a TLS private key) that are installed on it securely,
and then you use those credentials to bootstrap other credentials it
needs, such as keytabs.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos n00b question.

2019-01-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:
> On 01/07/2019 10:53 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> The standard solution for this is FAST, which protects the initial
>> authentication against this attack.  (You do need some other credential
>> to set up the FAST tunnel, but you can use anonymous Diffie-Hellman via
>> anonymous PKINIT, or you can use a randomized key.)

> Would you please expand (what I assume is) the FAST acronym?  I expect
> that there will be quite a few phonetic collisions searching for "FAST".

I think it stands for Flexible and Secure Tunneling.  It's defined in:

The keywords "kerberos fast" in Google seem to turn up the right stuff
(rather more than I had expected; I like you was expecting that to be
drowned by performance stuff).

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos n00b question.

2019-01-07 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:

> It's my (mis?)understanding that communications between Kerberos clients
> and the KDC are in the clear (but do not include the password), and that
> there is functionally no communications between a remote server and the
> KDC.

I don't think describing it as "in the clear" is quite right, but a
default Kerberos configuration using enc-timestamp and no tunneling as the
preauth mechanism is somewhat vulnerable to packet capture followed by an
off-line dictionary attack to recover the authentication key.  The
standard solution for this is FAST, which protects the initial
authentication against this attack.  (You do need some other credential to
set up the FAST tunnel, but you can use anonymous Diffie-Hellman via
anonymous PKINIT, or you can use a randomized key.)

The attack still requires subsequent work; you can't just snoop the
connection between the client and the KDC and immediately get credentials.
The work factor is basically linked to the complexity of the client key,
so it's not much of a worry for a randomized key but is a worry for user

> As such, I'm wondering if it would be relatively safe enough to use
> Kerberos to authenticate to a VPS in the cloud when both the client and
> KDC are on the LAN.  I think Kerberized SSH would be the only Kerberos
> related traffic across the Big Bad Internet to the VPS.  Is this
> correct?


> Can anyone point me to some general reading that any /a ll Kerberos n00b
> should read?  (I've been following How-Tos and gotten a lot to work.)

I don't have a good answer for this, unfortunately.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Running KDC as non-root and dockerize KDC

2019-01-06 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:

> Do you happen to know off hand if DNS lookups for SRV records happen
> before or after initial connection attempts to the standard ports?

> If SRV records are looked up /before/ attempting to connect to standard
> ports, I could see adding SRV records as a simple optimization.

Before, in the sense that you mean, although it's a little more
complicated than that since krb5.conf configuration will override SRV
records (as you might expect).  So SRV records are only used when there's
no client configuration, and in that case the client otherwise isn't going
to know what to connect to, so there wouldn't be a connection attempt to a
standard port.

The idea of SRV record configuration is that all the client needs to know
is the realm, at which point it looks up the SRV records for that realm
and gets all the other server connection information it needs from that.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Running KDC as non-root and dockerize KDC

2019-01-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Grant Taylor  writes:

> Aside:  How well would Kerberos work if these services ran on a high
> port and IPTables magic was used to redirect requests to the low ports
> up to high ports?

It should be fine as long as the magic handles both UDP and TCP.

Another option would be to run the services on non-standard ports and
configure the clients.  Modern clients support SRV records, which include
the port and let you configure alternate ports.  Even older clients that
don't support SRV records can be configured in krb5.conf, which supports
specifying a port, although I'm not sure how good the support for that is
for all protocols and older versions.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: issue with k5start

2018-11-03 Thread Russ Allbery
I saw your other follow-up, but just to close out a few things with this

Kristen Webb  writes:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 3:11 PM Russ Allbery  wrote:

>> It should only do this if the ticket is going to expire sooner than two
>> minutes before the next wake-up period, though, I think?  I would have
>> expected this to work with all jobs sharing the same cache file, as
>> long as they're at least a little staggered.  That said, I don't think
>> I've really tested for this sort of parallelism, and it's entirely
>> possible that the separate k5start processes don't manage coordination
>> between each other on the same ticket cache properly.

> The only control I can find for the CC is the -a flag, which always
> renews tickets when k5start wakes up.  It looks like k5start always
> inits the CC on startup.

Oh, yes.  That's true.

> This works for most cases.  However, when a new job starts near the time
> a TGT is ready to be renewed, it's afs token lifetime can be quite short
> and can expire before a planned re-aklog within that PAG.

Yes, you have to arrange the timings such that the minimum remaining
lifetime of the TGT is always above the minimum length of a token that you
need.  This should be possible with the right set of flags, but it won't
avoid the initialization of the cache on startup.

> This is similar to what I am trying to do manually.  It would appear
> that k5start might be capable of doing this, and I would be interested
> in trying to help implement this feature.

I've added this to TODO, for the record, although I haven't had much time
to work on kstart in the last few years.

 * Add a mode of operation that only runs the aklog program and doesn't
   attempt to refresh the ticket cache unless it's about to expire.  This
   would allow multiple k5start daemons to use the same ticket cache
   without putting a lot of load on the Kerberos KDC for constant renewals
   from each daemon.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: issue with k5start

2018-09-25 Thread Russ Allbery
Kristen Webb  writes:

> When I use the -k ccache option it appears that each job simply
> overwrites the cchache file.

It should only do this if the ticket is going to expire sooner than two
minutes before the next wake-up period, though, I think?  I would have
expected this to work with all jobs sharing the same cache file, as long
as they're at least a little staggered.  That said, I don't think I've
really tested for this sort of parallelism, and it's entirely possible
that the separate k5start processes don't manage coordination between each
other on the same ticket cache properly.

> Is there a way to use k5start to achieve what I am after
>  - shared ccache for many jobs to keep kerberos server traffic down
>  - allow long running jobs to continue beyond their initial aklog
> renewal date

> If I ran k5start as a daemon and managed periodic aklog's within my
> application, would that work?

Yes, that's what I was going to suggest.  If each application is running
in a separate PAG, each application needs to run aklog periodically
independently of the others.  If you also want to share a single ticket
cache among the applications, you probably want to split those two

Unfortunately, k5start doesn't currently have a mode of operation in which
it only runs the aklog command but doesn't try to renew tickets if they
aren't about to expire.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

wallet 1.4 released

2018-06-03 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 1.4 of wallet.

The wallet is a system for managing secure data, authorization rules to
retrieve or change that data, and audit rules for documenting actions
taken on that data.  Objects of various types may be stored in the wallet
or generated on request and retrieved by authorized users.  The wallet
tracks ACLs, metadata, and trace information.  It is built on top of the
remctl protocol and uses Kerberos GSS-API authentication.  One of the
object types it supports is Kerberos keytabs, making it suitable as a
user-accessible front-end to Kerberos kadmind with richer ACL and metadata

Changes from previous release:

Substantial improvements to Active Directory support: Add a
contrib/ad-keytab script that assists with initial setup and examining
the Active Directory objects, rename some configuration variables to
reflect that they are relative distinguished names, add a
configuration variable for the base DN, make sure userPrincipalName is
created for all keytabs and use it to search, allow creation of a
service principal, and truncate and make unique long names in AD if
necessary.  This support should still be considered experimental.

When getting configuration values from krb5.conf, pass the default
local realm into the Kerberos appdefault functions.  This will produce
more correct results with krb5.conf files that specify wallet
configuration for multiple realms.

Remove stray references to strlcpy and strlcat that broke builds on
platforms where those functions are part of libc.  Thanks to Karl
Kornel for the report.

Detect the path to Perl during configure, allowing an override by
setting the PERL environment or configure variable, and use that path
for all Perl scripts.  This allows wallet to use a version of Perl at
a non-standard path.  Patches from Karl Kornel.

Rename the script to bootstrap from a Git checkout to bootstrap,
matching the emerging consensus in the Autoconf world.

Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.

Update to rra-c-util 7.2:

* Improve configure output for krb5-config testing.
* Define UINT32_MAX for systems that don't have it.
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.
* Fix new warnings from GCC 7 and Clang warnings.
* Require Test::Strict 0.25 or later to run those tests.
* Fix off-by-one error in return-value checks for snprintf.
* Use Autoconf to probe for supported warning flags.
* Fix running module-version-t -u with current versions of Perl.
* Use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD instead of SOURCE and BUILD.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.3:

* Add support for valgrind and libtool in test lists.
* Report test failures as left and right, not wanted and expected.
* Fix string comparisons with NULL pointers and the string "(null)".
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.
* Avoid zero-length realloc allocations in breallocarray.
* Fix new warnings from GCC 7 and Clang warnings.
* Use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD instead of SOURCE and BUILD.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.15 released

2018-05-05 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.15 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos ssh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

Fix a bug where output could have been truncated for a command run by
the server that was accepting an argument on standard input, if it
exited before reading all of the input data.  Incorrect server logic
disabled reads from the child process on write failure, so could have
missed the last buffer of output from the child.  This was only seen
under valgrind testing, not reported as a bug, so it's not clear how
widespread of a problem this was.

Validate command argument count, the length of command arguments, and
the length of blocks of output from the server fit into the data type
used in the wire protocol.

Check the port argument to remctl and remctld to ensure that it is a
valid port number.

Add maintainer check-cppcheck target to run cppcheck across the source
base with a standard configuration.  Fix all issues found by cppcheck.

Rework the check-valgrind target to use the new C TAP Harness valgrind
support and automatically check the valgrind log files for errors at
the end of the test suite.  This catches the bad free that caused the
security issue in 3.14.

Flesh out support for Clang warnings and compile cleanly under Clang
with most warnings enabled (-Weverything with some exclusions).

Add SPDX-License-Identifier headers to all substantial source files.

Update to rra-c-util 7.1:

* Avoid spurious test failures from the network library.
* Fix configure output when a Kerberos install prefix was provided.
* Fix new warnings in GCC 7 and add new warning flags.
* Fix all warnings from the Clang static analyzer.
* Fix warnings under Clang with most warnings enabled.
* Define UINT32_MAX for systems that don't have it.
* Support running remctld under valgrind for memory leak testing.
* Update the valgrind suppression file.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.3:

* Add support for valgrind testing via test list options.
* Report test failures as left and right, not wanted and seen.
* Fix is_string comparisons involving NULL pointers and "(null)".

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: /etc/default/krb5-admin-server: 'RUN_KADMIND=false' not possible anymore

2018-04-20 Thread Russ Allbery
Giuseppe Mazza  writes:

> I want to install a new kerberos slave running on Ubuntu16.04.  I would
> like to prevent the service krb5-admin-server running on the slave.

systemctl disable krb5-admin-server

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Mark Pröhl  writes:
> On 04/16/2018 05:51 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> ... Clients aren't going to generally all try to get a ticket at the
>> same time, due to ticket caching, so that scales to a lot of clients.

> I have only seen JAVA/JAAS clients caching the TGT and not the service
> tickets. Especially in Hadoop environments this leads to much more TGS
> traffic than in "classical" Kerberos environments. 1000 rps are not
> unusual.

Ah, interesting!  (Also incredibly broken behavior)

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Andrew Cobaugh  writes:

> Also currently using it to demonstrate how much faster MIT Kerberos is
> compared to AD, even when not using workers (on modern-ish CPUs, without
> workers enabled krb5kdc can do ~4000 rps. I can share more details if
> folks are interested).

Ah, good, I'm glad my 100 qps number was off in the direction that I
thought it would be.  I didn't want to overpromise, but KDCs are *really

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Sergei Gerasenko  writes:

> Will keeping an access log slow me down much, do you know?

Yes, you may want to tune syslog or whatever you're using for your KDC
logging, although MIT is a lot better than Heimdal in that regard (Heimdal
is very verbose).  I generally disabled sync to disk on the syslog log
file that the KDC logging was routed to.

> For that matter, is there a benchmarking tool for KDCs?

Not that I'm aware of.  I usually just rolled my own by calling kinit with
a keytab and then kvno to get service tickets.

> Ok, it’s just that I see everywhere
> (e.g.
> <>) that the initial
> TGT response includes a session key that the host and the service server
> will share. So that’s what got me thinking that once a TGT is retrieved,
> the client should request a service ticket using the same KDC. But like
> I said, I’m total newb.

The TGT contains both the session key and a copy of the session key
encrypted in the KDC's private key, which is shared between all of the
KDCs as part of the normal database, and the client always provides that
encrypted copy of the key back in subsequent protocol exchanges.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Sergei Gerasenko  writes:

> Since I don’t know too much about the KDC architecture, sorry for the
> dilettante questions.

Oh, no problem -- just be aware that they're being answered by someone who
hasn't run large-scale KDCs in about four years, so some of my information
is stale.  :)

>> It's unfortunately been long enough since I've tested this on a system
>> running flat out that I don't remember what qps a KDC can do on modern
>> hardware, but I would expect it to at least be in the range of 100 qps.

> Is that per worker? 

Oh, workers are new to me.  So yes, that would be per-worker.

> Speaking of workers, does MIT Kerberos spawn workers as needed (sort of
> like apache) or is it capped by the `-w` argument? What’s a good number
> of workers to start with? 70? 500? 1000?

If you're doing default Kerberos, the networking is UDP, so it's not going
to spend a lot of time waiting for the network.  I would expect that to be
CPU-bound, and therefore would tend towards one worker per core.  If
you're doing a lot of TCP, that might increase the chances that you'll
wait for networking, and may benefit from more workers.

This is all just a wild-ass guess, though.

Given your setup, though, it would really surprise me if you saw any
performance issues.

> Ok, to clarify what you mean by the replica serving requests as well, do
> you mean:

> 1. Using a VIP that round-robins the requests to the primary and
> secondary KDC?
> 2. Or do you mean that half the clients use the master and the other
> half the slave?
> 3. Or do you mean that the client itself round-robins between them?

You can use SRV records and get 3 by just listing both KDCs as equal
weight.  All Kerberos clients these days should support SRV records.

If you do have Kerberos clients that don't do SRV records for some reason,
it's pretty easy to do 2 by just randomizing the order of the KDCs in

Kerberos clients are very good about falling back to a second server.
You'll just see a slight delay that you might not even notice.

> I can only see 2 as a real option because *I think* once a TGT is
> requested, all TGS requests would need to go to the server that gave the
> TGT?

Nope, all KDCs share the same database and can answer all requests.  From
a client perspective, all KDC traffic is completely interchangeable.  The
only time it matters is when there's a write, since there's a propagation
delay and the replica will serve stale information for a short period of
time.  For keytabs, this almost doesn't matter; for user credentials with
passwords, there's a way to configure the client to automatically retry
the master if an authentication fails against the replica, which can be
useful for authentication immediately after a password change if you're
not using incremental replication.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-16 Thread Russ Allbery
Sergei Gerasenko  writes:

> Thanks for the quick response, Russ. Let’s say I run 1 worker
> process. How many clients can that sustain in the worst case scenario of
> all the clients trying to get a ticket? I need some way to quantify
> this. As for failover, I am planning to deploy a standby node.

It's unfortunately been long enough since I've tested this on a system
running flat out that I don't remember what qps a KDC can do on modern
hardware, but I would expect it to at least be in the range of 100 qps.
It's probably constrained by the KDC being single-threaded.  Clients
aren't going to generally all try to get a ticket at the same time, due to
ticket caching, so that scales to a lot of clients.

General rule of thumb for KDCs is that you want at least a master and a
replica, and there's no reason not to have the replica serve most of the
traffic (in other words, I wouldn't go with a standby design).  Usually I
run at least three KDCs, although the number three is mostly because I
started with kaserver that needed three KDCs for stable Ubik quorum, which
of course isn't a thing with regular KDCs, so I don't know that three is
really better than two.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Determening the number of clients per KDC

2018-04-15 Thread Russ Allbery
Sergei Gerasenko  writes:

> I’m planning an MIT KDC installation for a hadoop cluster consisting of
> X clients with Y kerberized services each. The KDCs are rather powerful
> machines with 64 cores and 125G of RAM. I want to get the most out of
> this hardware and use the mininum number of KDCs required. Is there a
> rule of thumb for situations like this?

> For example, imagining X=300 and Y=10, can/should I run X*Y (3000)
> workers to accomodate the worst case scenario when they all want to get
> their tickets? Or can I assume that X*Y/2 will can handle that?

For 3000 workers, you could probably run the KDC on a Raspberry Pi.

Redundancy for outage tolerance is almost certainly going to be the
limiting factor for number of KDCs in this situation unless you have way,
way more clients getting tickets than that, or you're using really short
ticket lifetimes, or you have some other unusual situation.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 2018-04-01 Security Advisory

2018-04-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Vulnerability type:  Use after free, double free
Versions affected:   3.12 and 3.13
Versions fixed:  3.14 and later
Public announcement: 2018-04-01
CVE IDs: CVE-2018-0493

Santosh Ananthakrishnan discovered incorrect memory management in the
remctld and remctl-shell servers when handling commands with the sudo
configuration option. For remctld, it may be possible (although appears to
be difficult) for a client to execute arbitrary commands on the server. To
exploit this vulnerability, the client must have access to run a command
that uses the sudo configuration option. The client would then need to run
the command using sudo multiple times in a single connection using

I'm not aware of any exploits in the wild. remctl-shell is not affected,
only remctld.

This problem has been fixed in remctl 3.14, available from:

It has also been fixed in Debian stable (stretch) in the 3.13-1+deb9u1
package version, and in Debian unstable in the 3.14-1 package version.
Only the remctl-server package is affected. This bug is not present in
older Debian releases.

My apologies for this memory management error. It's an obvious error in
context and was probably left over from a code refactoring when developing
the sudo feature. I hope to include better automated memory management
testing in the next release of remctl after 3.14.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.14 released

2018-04-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Version 3.14 of remctl has been released.  This is a minimal security fix
over 3.13 (with some additional warning fixes for the latest version of

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos rsh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

SECURITY: Fix use-after-free and double-free when handling the sudo
option in the remctld and remctl-shell server.  For remctl-shell, this
will occasionally produce a spurious non-zero exit status for a
command that succeeded.  For remctld, the normal consequence is a
server process crash after running a command with the sudo option, but
it may be possible (albeit difficult) for a streaming client to abuse
this bug to execute an arbitrary command on the server or corrupt
server memory.  Thanks, Santosh Ananthakrishnan.  (CVE-2018-0493)

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: -allow_tgs_req

2018-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Chris Hecker  writes:

> Right, I will disable the princ when I find out obviously, I just want
> the person to not be able to use it as a user princ to get tickets to
> other services in the meantime.  Does that make sense or am I missing
> something?

It makes sense -- I just don't think it's something that currently exists
in the KDC's permission model, at least so far as I can tell.  Although
it's entirely possible I'm missing something.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: -allow_tgs_req

2018-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Chris Hecker  writes:

> Ah, I assumed that was symmetric for some reason.  I obviously need to
> be able to get tickets for these services.  Not sure why I thought that.
> I'll check it out, thanks!

It is symmetric, yeah, so it has the problem that you're assuming it has.
I don't think there's a way to disable exactly the bit that you want.
There's -allow_svr, which prevents issuing service tickets for the
principal, and -allow_tix, which presents issuing any tickets at all, but
I don't think there's a flag to keep from allowing that principal to
authenticate and get a TGT.

Maybe -pwexpire in the past would do what you want?  I'm not sure how that
interacts with service tickets.

Note, however, that if your keytab is compromised, the attacker can issue
arbitrary service tickets for your service in any identity they chose, so
I'm not sure you would want to leave service tickets enabled in that

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: -allow_tgs_req

2018-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Chris Hecker  writes:

> Ah.  Is there any way to prevent a service princ from being able to get
> tickets?

> As in, if one of my service keytabs is compromised, can I prevent those
> princs from being used like a normal user princ?

I think you want -allow_tix.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: -allow_tgs_req

2018-01-08 Thread Russ Allbery
Chris Hecker  writes:

> If -allow_tgs_req / DISALLOW_TGT_BASED is set on a service princ then I
> shouldn't be able to kinit with it, right?  I'm able to get TGTs though
> with kinit and the keytab for this service, and then get service tickets
> with kvno; I need to update my KDC and see if this is still true, or
> mabye I'm misunderstanding how it works...?

That prevents other principals from getting service tickets for that
principal using a TGT.  It's intended for principals like kadmin/changepw
that want to force an AS-REQ to get a service ticket for that principal.

It doesn't have any effect on authenticating as that principal.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

pam-krb5 4.8 released

2017-12-30 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 4.8 of pam-krb5.

pam-krb5 is a Kerberos PAM module for either MIT Kerberos or Heimdal.  It
supports ticket refreshing by screen savers, configurable authorization
handling, authentication of non-local accounts for network services,
password changing, and password expiration, as well as all the standard
expected PAM features.  It works correctly with OpenSSH, even with
ChallengeResponseAuthentication and PrivilegeSeparation enabled, and
supports extensive configuration either by PAM options or in krb5.conf or
both.  PKINIT is supported with recent versions of both MIT Kerberos and
Heimdal and FAST is supported with recent MIT Kerberos.

Changes from previous release:

When verifying that an expired password can still be used to get
kadmin/changepw credentials, correctly set the credential options for
getting password change credentials, not for getting initial
credentials.  This should fix password change issues when, for
example, krb5.conf requests that all tickets be proxiable but
kadmin/changepw doesn't allow proxiable credentials.  Thanks to
Florian Best for the bug report.

When built against recent versions of Heimdal with richer status codes
from PKINIT attempts, report to the user the reason for a PKINIT
failure.  Based on work by Henry Jacques.

Document the test suite configuration files required to run the PKINIT

Fix expired password tests to work with Heimdal 7.0.1 and later.

Better document that the default Kerberos library ticket cache
location is not used (and why), and how to set configuration
parameters in krb5.conf.  Thanks, Matthew Gabeler-Lee.  (Debian

Compile cleanly under GCC 7 and Clang warnings and Clang's static

Rename the script to bootstrap from a Git checkout to bootstrap,
matching the emerging consensus in the Autoconf world.

Update to rra-c-util 7.0:

* Fix new warnings in GCC 7.
* Support a warning build under Clang.
* Avoid zero-length allocations in reallocarray and vector.
* Probe for warning flags instead of hard-coding a list.
* New test for obsolete URLs and email addresses.
* Remove unused portable replacements for strlcpy and strlcat.
* Use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD environment variables in tests.
* Fix portability defines for anonymous principal strings.
* Clear errno on pam_modutil_getpwnam to improve other testing.
* Add portability defines for macOS's PAM implementation.
* Add new Autoconf macro to probe for pam_strerror const usage.
* Support Solaris 10's included Kerberos.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.2:

* Avoid zero-length allocations in breallocarray.
* Add is_blob and is_bool functions.
* Use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD environment variables in tests.
* Fix segfault in runtests with an empty test list.
* Display verbose test results with -v or C_TAP_VERBOSE.
* Test infrastructure builds cleanly with Clang warnings.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: PID file ... not readable (yet?)

2017-11-06 Thread Russ Allbery
Robbie Harwood  writes:

> Won't this produce something that requires systemd if systemd was
> present during build, thereby preventing a maintainer from shipping both
> a sysvinit script and a systemd unit file?  Or am I misunderstanding?

No, the sd_notify call in libsystemd quietly does nothing, successfully,
if the system wasn't booted with systemd.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: PID file ... not readable (yet?)

2017-11-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Benjamin Kaduk  writes:

> I suspect that we would be a little friendlier to systemd if we passed
> -n to krb5kdc and adjusted the unit file accordingly.  There would still
> be a race window between when systemd thinks krb5kdc is started and
> ready to accept connections and when that is actually the case, but in
> both cases that window is small, and we cannot eliminate it entirely
> without patching the code to call systemd-specific functions.

For what it's worth, that's a pretty light burden.  It's just the
following Autoconf probe:

 AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SD_NOTIFY], 1, [Define if sd_notify is available.])])

(does require the pkg-config Autoconf stuff as well), the following at the
start of the daemon C file:

# include 
# define sd_notify(u, s)  0

and then just the following call when the daemon has started up and is
ready for connections:

sd_notify(true, "READY=1");

or, to be more complete, something akin to:

status = sd_notify(true, "READY=1");
if (status < 0)
warn("cannot notify systemd of startup: %s", strerror(-status));

Then you can be a native systemd daemon and systemd will know exactly when
the KDC is ready to respond to connections, which will resolve various
race conditions when some other system service depends on the KDC for

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos and LDAP password sync question

2017-08-02 Thread Russ Allbery
Greg Hudson  writes:

> There's krb5-sync, which works with MIT krb5 or Heimdal.  It's designed
> to sync to Active Directory, so while it does sync passwords via LDAP,
> I'm not sure it will work with just any LDAP server as the target.


It doesn't use LDAP to store the password, only the account status.  It
uses the Kerberos password change protocol to store the password.  So that
won't be immediately helpful for a generic LDAP server.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: client IP address in Kerberos ticket.

2017-07-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Jim Shi  writes:

> Hi, I have question regarding client IP address checking in KDC.  Is
> that true that by default  tickets  issued by KDC is not bound to any
> client IP address.  Also KDC server does not check IP if the ticket does
> not have  any client IP address in it.

> Do we have to explicitly  turn on the client IP address checking on KDC?
> How to do it?  Thank you very much.

I am dubious that IP address checking is a meaningful security measure.
My recommendation would be to forget that it exists and not rely on it for
your security model.

You're correct that the default value of the noaddresses configuration
option is true, largely because address-locked tickets tend to cause tons
of problems in modern network environments that often involve NAT.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Is a keytab file encrypted?

2017-07-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery  writes:
> Charles Hedrick  writes:

>> * A kerberized service where the user registers that they want to be
>> able to do cron jobs on a given machine.
>> * A kerberized pam module that calls the same service and gets back
>> credentials, locked to the IP address, and at least by default not
>> forwardable.

> How does this address the problem raised on this thread?  It's still the
> case that if you become root on the host, you can just steal the keytab
> used by that daemon and use it anywhere.  This gives you enhanced
> protection if you trust the boundary between non-root users and root,
> but not if you don't trust the machine.

Oh, wait, I see -- it does transform part of the attack to occasional
on-line, since while you can steal the system keytab and request tickets
whenever you want, you can't get the long-lived keytab for the actual
target credential.  (And presumably you can put monitoring and alerting
around the host keytab being used from unexpected places.)

Yeah, that's a partial security improvement.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Is a keytab file encrypted?

2017-07-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Charles Hedrick  writes:

> * A kerberized service where the user registers that they want to be
> able to do cron jobs on a given machine.
> * A kerberized pam module that calls the same service and gets back
> credentials, locked to the IP address, and at least by default not
> forwardable.

How does this address the problem raised on this thread?  It's still the
case that if you become root on the host, you can just steal the keytab
used by that daemon and use it anywhere.  This gives you enhanced
protection if you trust the boundary between non-root users and root, but
not if you don't trust the machine.

The point of the TPM is that you can't exfiltrate the keys, even if you
have root, only perform on-line operations.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Is a keytab file encrypted?

2017-07-21 Thread Russ Allbery
Charles Hedrick  writes:

> The argument makes sense.

> However I am disturbed by the fact that a keytab can be used
> anywhere. If someone manages to become root on one machine, I’d like
> them not to be able to do things on other machines. I’m in an
> environment where we have systems administered by users, and unattended
> public workstations.

> That makes me unwilling to tell users to create key tables for cron
> jobs.

Yeah, if you're worried about portable keys, that's when you probably want
to do something with a system TPM.  If you go down that path, I'd probably
try to figure out some way to do PKINIT using a TLS certificate stored in
the TPM.  I'm not aware of anyone who has already done that work, but it
would be a pretty interesting project.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Is a keytab file encrypted?

2017-07-18 Thread Russ Allbery
Greg Hudson  writes:
> On 07/18/2017 12:48 PM, pratyush parimal wrote:

>> (2) Is it possible to export the key in encrypted form? If so, then how
>> does the service application open the encrypted keytab?

> The keytab file does not have any way to represent encrypted keys, and
> the kadmin protocol has no facility to export encrypted keys.  One
> could, in principle, design an out-of-band system which used
> kadmin.local to create a keytab, encrypt the file, transmit the
> encrypted kyetab file to the server, and then decrypt the file on the
> server (into a memory filesystem, perhaps) before running the server
> application, but I've never heard of anyone doing that.

You have kind of a chicken and an egg problem, since in a typical Kerberos
environment the keytab *is* the core identity keys for an application.  If
it's encrypted, then you need some other unencrypted keys that *really*
represent the application, at which point why not use those keys for
Kerberos directly?

That said, if you had a private key in a TPM or some other sort of
tamper-resistent hardware, I could see wanting to hand out Kerberos
keytabs encrypted to the public key of the server.  But you'd have to
build the service to do key issuance that way yourself.  (It wouldn't be
horribly hard to build if you'd already done the work to build out the PKI
and its TPM component.)

But, even in that case, it's not clear to me what the keytab is then doing
for you versus just using the PKI and using PKINIT to get Kerberos
tickets.  There are probably some practical uses for introducing the extra
layer of complexity, but it's not obviously necessary.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Fwd: Testing 3 Kerberos realms from same server

2017-05-01 Thread Russ Allbery
"David A. Kovacic"  writes:

> Unfortunately we are not using kadmin and do not have the ability to set
> the "-r" flag in this case.  We are trying to create test programs in
> perl and python that test the KDC functionality so that when we upgrade
> we can test development, test, and production servers all from the same
> machine rather than having to log in to each admin server for each realm
> to run our test program.

> The perl programs use Authen::Krb5::Admin and the python program uses
> python-kadmin to try the tests - both of which use the Kerberos
> libraries to implement the "init with keytab" routine to produce an
> admin object with which we can manipulate principals, policies, etc.

For Perl, create an Authen::Krb5::Config object, set realm, and pass it
into your other kadmin operations as the $krb5_config parameter.  See the
Authen::Krb5::Config documentation.  I assume python-kadmin has some
similar mechanism.

> The keytabs have the appropriate services and hosts defined in them and
> we are using a connection "client" in both the perl and python instances
> of

> /@ (eg:
> "")

> and the keytab which is correctly defined in the krb5.conf file.  We are
> pretty sure the keytab and krb5.conf file are correct since we get the
> proper admin object when the default realm and the test realm are the
> same.

You have to explicitly set the realm in your authentication call if it
doesn't match the default realm.  There's no way that Kerberos can figure
this out from the keytab since cross-realm authentication is valid in
Kerberos, so you may well want to be using a key from one realm to
authenticate to a different realm.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

krb5-strength 3.1 released

2016-12-25 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.1 of krb5-strength.

krb5-strength provides a password quality plugin for the MIT Kerberos KDC
(specifically the kadmind server) and Heimdal KDC, an external password
quality program for use with Heimdal, and a per-principal password history
implementation for Heimdal.  Passwords can be tested with CrackLib,
checked against a CDB or SQLite database of known weak passwords with some
transformations, checked for length, checked for non-printable or
non-ASCII characters that may be difficult to enter reproducibly, required
to contain particular character classes, or any combination of these

Changes from previous release:

A new configuration option, cracklib_maxlen, can be set to skip
CrackLib checks of passwords longer than that length.  The CrackLib
rules were designed in a world in which most passwords were four to
eight characters long and tend to spuriously reject longer passwords.
SQLite dictionaries work better for checking longer passwords and
passphrases.  Patch from Jorj Bauer.

The require_classes configuration option can now require a particular
number of character classes in the password (whatever those classes
are).  Patch from Toby Blake.

Change the error messages returned for passwords that fail strength
checking to start with a capital letter.  This appears to be more
consistent with the error message conventions used inside Heimdal.

Change the DB_File::Lock calling method in heimdal-history to work
properly with the (buggy) CPAN version of DB_File::Lock, instead of
relying on Debian's patched version.  Thanks to Bernt Jernberg for the

Apply the SuSE patch for a buffer overflow when using duplicate rules
to the embedded CrackLib.  No duplicating rules are used in the rule
set included with this package, and this package doesn't expose the
general API, so this was not exploitable, but best to close the latent
issue.  (The other recent CrackLib vulnerability, CVE-2016-6318,
doesn't apply since all the GECOS manipulation code was removed from
the embedded CrackLib in this package.)

Patch the mkdict and packer in the embedded copy of CrackLib to force
C locale when sorting (avoiding a corrupted dictionary) and warn and
skip out-of-order words rather than creating a corrupted dictionary.
Patch from Mark Sirota.

Configuration instrutions are now in the heimdal-history and
heimdal-strength man pages and a new krb5-strength man page (which
documents configuration of the KDC plugin) instead of the README file
to make it more accessible after the software has been installed.

Update to rra-c-util 6.2:

* Use calloc in preference to malloc wherever appropriate.
* Use reallocarray in preference to realloc wherever appropriate.
* Suppress warnings from Kerberos headers under make warnings.
* Support the embedded Kerberos in Solaris 10 in library probes.
* Add missing va_end in xasprintf implementation.
* Fix logic in Test::RRA::Automake for new Automake dist checking.
* Fix all return-value checks for snprintf to avoid off-by-one error.
* Update warning flags for make warnings to GCC 6.1.0.
* Fix Test::RRA::Config for new "do" semantics in Perl 5.22.2.
* Add a new test for obsolete URLs.
* Require Test::Strict 0.25 or newer for Perl strictness checks.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.1:

* Replace all remaining uses of sprintf.
* Test lists may now have comments and blank lines.
* runtests -v will show the complete output from a test.
* Fix segfault in runtests when given an empty test list.
* Tests use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD instead of SOURCE and BUILD.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: remctl 3.13 released

2016-10-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Rick van Rein  writes:

> Hi Russ (and remctl users),

> You are probably aware of overviewing management tools like Ansible,
> Puppet and NixOps.  I wonder how remctl relates to those.  Are you (or
> other users) aware of anyone combining them?

They're a little orthogonal, although maybe more to Puppet than to

remctl is, formally speaking, an authenticated RPC system like gRPC or the
like, just a very, very simple one that doesn't require that you learn
protobufs, language bindings, or all the other machinery of a full RPC
system.  (But which, in turn, doesn't have schemas, typing, or structured
arguments.)  You can use such a thing as part of a configuration
management system, or the config management system can roll its own (which
is kind of what Puppet did, although not in a straightforward way that
exposes the underlying RPC system).

You could use remctl as a transport for a config management system, but
the normal nature of config management is such that you probably want the
full power of executing arbitrary commands, which is somewhat the opposite
of what remctl was designed to do.  (IIRC, Ansible mostly uses ssh to push
stuff around.)

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.13 released

2016-10-10 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.13 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos rsh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

remctl-shell now also supports being run as a forced command from
authorized_keys (or other methods).  This may be preferrable to using
it as a shell since it doesn't require setting non-standard sshd

The summary configuration option is now allowed for commands with
subcommands other than ALL.  When generating a help summary (done in
response to the command "help" with no arguments), command lines with
a subcommand and a summary option will be run with two arguments: the
value of the summary option and then the subcommand.  This allows
proper generation of command summaries even for users who only have
access to a few subcommands of a command.  Patch from Remi Ferrand.

The build system now supports new REMCTL_PROGRAM_CFLAGS and
REMCTL_PROGRAM_LDFLAGS variables that can be set at build time to pass
in additional arguments when compiling and linking programs (like
remctl and remctld) but not libraries and, more importantly, language
bindings.  This can be used in distribution builds to pass in -fPIE
for additional binary hardening.  (CFLAGS and LDFLAGS cannot be used
since -fPIE breaks the builds of the dynamic modules for langauges
like Perl.)

Update to rra-c-util 6.1:

* Correct return-value checks for snprintf.
* Adjust Test::RRA::Config for new load path behavior in Perl 5.22.2.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KEYRING:persistent and ssh

2016-09-21 Thread Russ Allbery
tseegerkrb  writes:

> Thanks for your help. Is my setup so special (kerberos/OpenLDAP/sssd/sshd)
> nobody using it? I think i will ask debian/ubuntu or the openssh
> maintainer for help.

It's sadly quite unusual to use non-FILE ticket caches.  I wish it
weren't, since KEYRING has nice security properties, but it's relatively
new and the rest of the world has definitely not adapted yet.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: KEYRING:persistent and ssh

2016-09-19 Thread Russ Allbery
tseegerkrb  writes:

> I think the sshd daemon do not honor the "default_ccache_name" and uses
> the default file format.

I'm pretty sure you're correct if you're doing GSS-API authentication with
ssh.  Looking at the source code to sshd, you don't seem to get much
choice in the matter:

problem = krb5_cc_new_unique(authctxt->krb5_ctx,
 krb5_fcc_ops.prefix, NULL, &authctxt->krb5_fwd_ccache);
# else
problem = krb5_cc_gen_new(authctxt->krb5_ctx, &krb5_fcc_ops,
# endif


authctxt->krb5_ticket_file = (char 
*)krb5_cc_get_name(authctxt->krb5_ctx, authctxt->krb5_fwd_ccache);

len = strlen(authctxt->krb5_ticket_file) + 6;
authctxt->krb5_ccname = xmalloc(len);
#ifdef USE_CCAPI
snprintf(authctxt->krb5_ccname, len, "API:%s",
snprintf(authctxt->krb5_ccname, len, "FILE:%s",

You'd need to write a PAM module that read in that ticket cache file and
wrote it back out to your preferred ticket cache format and then adjusted
KRB5CCNAME in the user's environment.  Unfortunately, there doesn't appear
to be any way of preventing the ticket cache from being temporarily
written to /tmp.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos and HTTP / HTTPS - Could Kerberos tickets be intercepted and misused?

2016-08-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Simo Sorce  writes:

> By default MIT's GSSAPI (and Heimdal's if I recall) enables the replay
> cache, but some modules (notoriously mod_auth_kerb) just disable it.

It's very challenging to use the replay cache with mod_auth_kerb and a
typical web application and security configuration, since it redoes an
authentication on every page fetch and therefore generates a ton of
Kerberos authentication requests in a very small timeframe.  Historically,
this has caused replay cache collisions, which is why the replay cache is
always turned off, since otherwise most protected web sites became
inaccessible due to all the replay cache rejections.

I think modern replay caches may no longer have this collision issue?

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.12 released

2016-07-29 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.12 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos rsh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

Add a new server implementation, remctl-shell.  This does not use the
remctl protocol; instead, it is meant to be run via ssh by being
configured as the shell of a dedicated user.  It interprets a command
it was given as a remctl command, using the same configuration and
authorization checking as the normal remctl server.  This can be
useful to introduce remctl into an environment that has ssh public key
authentication instead of Kerberos.  remctl-shell has some significant
limitations inherited from ssh and requires some setup to use.  See
its manual page for more information.

Add a new configuration option, sudo, which tells remctld and
remctl-shell to run the command as a different user using sudo.  The
path to the sudo binary is determined when remctld is compiled.
Normally, it's more convenient to use the existing user option, but it
relies on remctld running as root.  If running the daemon as a
non-root user, or when running remctl-shell as a non-root user, this
option may work better.

Note that remctl-shell is currently a bit of a science experiment, and
there are some remaining things I want to tweak about it, so its behavior
may change a bit in a subsequent release.  But I figured I'd put it out
there for people to play with.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.11 released

2016-05-07 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.11 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos rsh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

The PHP bindings have been ported to PHP 7, based on work by Nish
Aravamudan.  The PHP 7 API is sufficiently different that this was
done by forking the PHP code and creating a new version for PHP 7 and
later, chosing which extension to compile based on the discovered
version of PHP.  Currently, there is no functionality difference, but
the PHP 5 extension should be considered frozen and may not get any
new features.  It will eventually be removed in a future version of
remctl when PHP 7 is sufficiently widespread.

Rename the script to bootstrap from a Git checkout to bootstrap,
matching the emerging consensus in the Autoconf world.

Fix numerous portability issues to various versions of Heimdal, thanks
to multiple patches from Jeffrey Hutzelman.

Multiple fixes and improvements to the RPM spec file from Jeffrey
Hutzelman: systemd support, SLES support, add the missing
libevent-devel dependency, fix the version, and fix an invalid date.

Update to rra-c-util 6.0:

* Remove all remaining uses of strlcpy and strlcat.
* Fix the Perl docs/synopsis.t test to be less UNIX-specific.
* Make util/network/server-t more robust against missing IPv6.

Update to C TAP Harness 4.0:

* Use C_TAP_SOURCE and C_TAP_BUILD instead of SOURCE and BUILD.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos trust

2016-04-13 Thread Russ Allbery
Mauro Cazzari  writes:

> I'm relatively new to Kerberos, so please forgive me if my question
> might sound dumb.

> I'm trying to access a secured Hadoop environment from a Windows
> machine.  The Hadoop cluster uses its own realm. I installed MIT
> Kerberos on the Windows box and configured it so that I can successfully
> obtain tickets, but I'd like to see if there is a way to instead use the
> tickets that are generated through AD when I log on to Windows. My
> understanding is that a one-way trust between the AD and the cluster's
> KDC could solve the issue.  What's not clear is whether I need to define
> anything at all at the AD level. I'm thinking that since I'm trying to
> gain access to the realm associated with the Hadoop cluster, all I need
> to do is to add a principal to it for the AD realm, the one I want to
> trust. After that, I would change the krb5.conf file to make sure the AD
> realm is seen.

Even one-way trust requires making changes to both KDCs, since for any
type of trust you need to have a shared key between AD and the remote KDC.
The only difference between one-way trust and two-way trust is that you
have only one shared key instead of two shared keys.

In theory, one-way trust where you have a krbtgt/@
principal in both KDCs should be sufficient.  In practice, I have run into
no end of weird trouble with one-way trust, and strongly prefer to set up
two-way trust whenever I set up cross-realm trust just to avoid having my
head hurt later.

Note that you'll also have to configure the Windows side to know to do
cross-realm to the Hadoop realm when accessing those resources.  There are
probably ways to do this with local configuration, but I think
domain_realm mappings on Windows are usually also done with AD
configuration.  (Disclaimer: I've never done the AD side of this setup

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos API - enhancing program to *force* authentication

2016-02-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Matt Garman  writes:

> Since sending that I basically did exactly what you suggest, more or
> less copying the krb5_init source, but stripping out any cache-related
> stuff.  I also request a very short-lived ticket life (30s).  So far
> seems pretty straightforward!

Yup, that will work.  Note that you're probably skipping
krb5_verify_creds, so an attacker that can spoof the KDC on the network
can bypass this check, but given the other issues with this security
measure, it may not be worth worrying about that.

I would recommend considering using PAM to do the authentication instead
of hard-coding a Kerberos authentication, since that gives you some more
flexibility to, say, plug in a 2FA authentication mechanism instead later
on.  I think you'd actually get more security from requiring a Yubikey tap
to reattach than you're getting from asking for the Kerberos password, and
PAM makes it much easier to swap that stuff around.

> Oh we violate this on a regular basis!  Our Linux environment is all
> rackmount servers in a remote facility, and none have keyboards attached
> (except in special maintenance situations).  But all access is through
> ssh, so I believe Kerberos keys (or anything sensitive for that matter)
> should never pass through the network un-encrypted.

Yeah, it's common.

The theoretical risk is that it means a compromise of any server means a
compromise of all user accounts that have authenticated on that server
since the compromise, which allows lateral movement.  If the attacker
steals credential caches, they can do that to some extent anyway, but
limited by the ticket lifetime.  With the long-term keys, the threat is
more persistent.  The basic idea is that there's really no security system
that can get out of having to trust the physical system at which someone
is sitting, but you can limit your exposure to lateral movement just to
those systems (at least within the lifetime of the ticket cache) by not
letting the long-term keys leave those systems.

In practice, it's very hard to hold to this, and a more common approach
these days is to add a second factor instead, since intercepting someone's
second factor via a compromised server doesn't actually help the attacker.

> Not currently, but now that you mention it, it's probably time I sit
> down and learn it (SELinux that is).  To be honest, I've always been
> scared of it.

It's kind of scary.  :)

> But: if a root user can drop in a fake binary, can't he also twiddle
> the SELinux policy as well?  (Exposing my gross ignorance of SELinux
> here.)

Changing MAC security policies usually requires a reboot, and can be set
up to require some other special access (physical console, booting into a
rescue environment, etc.).  That makes it very hard for an attacker to do
that without being detected.

> On the other hand, our environment is such that it would be fairly hard
> to actually produce a non-desired binary, as Internet access is
> basically non-existent, and the vanilla source (tmux or other program)
> would be secured in a inaccessible vault.

If an attacker can possibly ssh into a system, they can probably get their
own tmux binary onto that system.  They just cat it over the ssh
connection.  :)  Attackers don't need outbound Internet access.  Usually
the attacker has to compromise your VPN in some way first, of course, but
you're clearly already worrying about attackers who have gotten that far
in or you wouldn't bother securing server-side tmux sessions.

It's pretty hard to prevent an attacker from bringing in their own
binaries without making it impossible for people to do their work.

> We acknowledge that there will likely always be holes, just trying to
> plug the known ones and set up as many safeguards as possible.

Yeah, I'm just not sure this safeguard is that meaningful.  But it does
depend on your threat model.  It's pretty good against a local admin who
decides to casually snoop on things but won't be bothered to upload a new
tmux binary, since a bit of obscurity will be enough to deter that sort of
attacker.  It's probably useless against an APT attacker.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos API - enhancing program to *force* authentication

2016-02-03 Thread Russ Allbery
Matt Garman  writes:

> - Will forcing the retrieval of a new ticket interfere in any way
> with the user's current credentials (or his credentials cache)?  The
> main reason we currently have Kerberos implemented is for Kerberized
> NFSv4 home directories (i.e. sec=krb5p NFS mount option).  So as I
> suggested above, the user will already have valid Kerberos ticket and
> credentials cache (otherwise they'll be "permission denied" out of
> their own home dir).  I don't want to interfere with those, just
> authenticate that the person using this program is really who he says
> he is.

You'll want to either perform just the authentication calls without saving
the resulting cache or use a separate cache (by setting KRB5CCNAME to
override the default cache, only for this interaction).

> - I'm just getting started with familiarizing myself with the
> Kerberos API, but already I see that's a fairly low-level way to
> achieve my goal.  I.e., some of my reading suggests using GSS-API,
> SASL+TSL, etc might be a more "generic" approach... any thoughts on
> this, given my use case?

You probably want to just call krb5_get_init_creds_password.  Preferrably
you would do this via PAM rather than doing any direct Kerberos
integration yourself, and just use the system PAM Kerberos module.

Note that this requires the user to enter their password into your
application, so ideally from a Kerberos perspective this application would
only run on their local system (the one physically attached to the
keyboard they're typing into).  Anything else is a (partial) weakening of
the Kerberos security model, since the long-term user keys should never
leave the local system.  But practical deployments of Kerberos do tend to
violate this all the time, so

> Lastly, FWIW, the program we want to integrate with Kerberos is tmux
> (same concept as GNU Screen).  tmux allows terminals to be "detached"
> and "reattached" (e.g. detach, go home, login remotely, attach to get
> your exact same terminal(s) back).  What we want is to force a Kerberos
> authentication whenever an "attach" is attempted.  This is to prevent
> admins (i.e. root user) from su'ing to that user, then attaching to his
> console (and why we don't want to use existing credentials, but force
> password entry).

I assume you're using SELinux or some other MAC system to significantly
restrict the capabilities of root?  Otherwise, root users can just replace
your tmux binary with their own that doesn't have this check and bypass
all of your checks, so this is, from a security standpoint, kind of
pointless.  It's just security via obscurity.

If you are using SELinux, it might be easier to just not give root access
to the tmux sockets.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: kprop with multiple or NATted IP address

2016-01-28 Thread Russ Allbery
Jerry Shipman  writes:

> (I thought about that about 5 minutes after I sent the email — oops.)

> I guess my question is: does kprop do anything other than: secrecy of
> the data in transmission, integrity of the transmission, kdb5_util
> dump/load ? Or can I really do the same thing in a cron job (or maybe 2,
> one on each end) without missing anything important? I guess I would
> lose out on the possibility of doing incremental propagation.

You lose incremental propagation, but other than that, I'm pretty sure
kprop/kpropd is just an authenticated copy of a dump and loading it on the
other end.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: kprop with multiple or NATted IP address

2016-01-27 Thread Russ Allbery
Jerry Shipman  writes:

> It’s me again, who was trying to kprop through a NAT a month ago.

> Hypothetically speaking… how bad of an idea would it be to make a cron
> job that `scp`s the database file to the slave KDC, or something like
> that? Does the slave KDC daemon need to restart after the file is
> updated, maybe? Or is this significantly less safe than using kprop? I
> think I would be relying on ssh instead of kerberos for the
> confidentiality and integrity. But I do that whenever I log into the
> machine anyway. I think I may risk getting the file in the middle of a
> write (so some records could be corrupted in the copy). It seems like
> this would be a bad idea; just checking.

If you're going to use scp, I strongly recommend generating a dump with
kdb5_util dump, scping that, and then loading it with kdb5_util load.
That's effectively what kprop/kpropd do.

Just copying the database file runs the risk of copying a corrupt database
because you happened to catch it in the middle of a write, as you note.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

wallet 1.3 released

2016-01-17 Thread Russ Allbery
Clang (currently not warning clean).

Update to C TAP Harness 3.4:

* Fix segfault in runtests with an empty test list.
* Display verbose test results with -v or C_TAP_VERBOSE.
* Test infrastructure builds cleanly with Clang warnings.
* Support comments and blank lines in test lists.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

kstart 4.2 released

2015-12-25 Thread Russ Allbery
ll library.
* Silence __attribute__ warnings on more compilers.
* runtests now frees all allocated resources on exit.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

remctl 3.10 released

2015-11-27 Thread Russ Allbery
I'm pleased to announce release 3.10 of remctl.

remctl is a client/server application that supports remote execution of
specific commands, using Kerberos GSS-API for authentication.
Authorization is controlled by a configuration file and ACL files and can
be set separately for each command, unlike with rsh.  remctl is like a
Kerberos-authenticated simple CGI server, or a combination of Kerberos rsh
and sudo without most of the features and complexity of either.

Changes from previous release:

Two new remctld ACLs are supported: anyuser:auth and
anyuser:anonymous.  The first is equivalent to ANYUSER, and indeed
ANYUSER is now treated as a backwards-compatibility alias for
anyuser:auth.  This permits any authenticated user in either the local
realm or any realm with which there is cross-realm trust.  The new
anyuser:anonymous ACL permits absolutely any user, even
unauthenticated users, allowing anyone with network access to the
server to run the command.  (Note, however, that actually running
commands anonymously requires anonymous PKINIT and anonymous service
tickets be enabled for the local Kerberos realm.  These are not common
configurations, particularly the second.)

The remctld server now sets the REMOTE_EXPIRES environment variable to
the time (in seconds since UNIX epoch) when the authenticated session
used to run a command will expire.  This will generally be the
expiration time of the Kerberos ticket used to authenticate to the

Anonymous authentication (such as via anonymous PKINIT) no longer
satisfies ANYUSER ACLs.  It's unlikely that existing installations
would have encountered anonymous authentication, since obtaining
service tickets with anonymous PKINIT is disabled by default.

Simplify the Python RemctlError exception class.  The code in the
exception class just duplicated the behavior of the parent Exception
class and was unnecessary, and it interfered with pickling the
exception.  This means that RemctlError exceptions, and any derived
from RemctlError, will no longer have a value attribute.  To get this
information, use the string value of the exception object, or call the
error() method on the remctl object.  Thanks to Andrew Deason for the

Previous versions always passed the flags to disable certain warnings
to the language binding builds, even if warnings weren't otherwise
enabled.  As of remctl 3.9, that included a warning flag not supported
by old versions of gcc, breaking builds on RHEL 5.  Instead, only pass
the warning suppression flags when building with warnings (via make
warnings), which is not the default and is only supported with recent
versions of gcc.  Thanks to Ken Dreyer for the report.

For the localgroup ACL scheme, dynamically resize the buffer passed to
getgrnam_r if the call fails due to ERANGE.  Users in large numbers of
local groups may require more space than the buffer size returned by
the sysconf call.  Patch from Hugh Cole-Baker.

Fix test suite portability to systems with older versions of Kerberos
that didn't have krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc, such as the included
Kerberos in Solaris 10.

Update to rra-c-util 5.8:

* Add missing va_end to xasprintf implementation.
* Fix Perl test suite framework for new Automake relative paths.
* Avoid $() in the probe for systemd support for Solaris portability.
* Prefer libsystemd to libsystemd-daemon if it is available.
* Improve portability to Kerberos included in Solaris 10.
* Use appropriate warning flags with Clang (currently not warning clean).
* Check for integer overflow in vector_join.
* Avoid strlcpy in more of the portability code.
* Fix hidden visibility of some utility functions.
* Improve portability of socket error codes to Windows.

Update to C TAP Harness 3.4:

* Fix segfault in runtests with an empty test list.
* Display verbose test results with -v or C_TAP_VERBOSE.
* Support comments and blank lines in test lists.

You can download it from:


This package is maintained using Git; see the instructions on the above
page to access the Git repository.

Debian packages have been uploaded to Debian unstable.

Please let me know of any problems or feature requests not already listed
in the TODO file.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: daily latency spike

2015-11-01 Thread Russ Allbery
"Paul B. Henson"  writes:

> We currently have two kerberos realms, each consisting of three systems
> (1 physical box and 2 virtual machines). For a while now we've been
> having an issue where once a day, almost exactly every 24 hours, the two
> physical boxes have a latency spike and don't respond to authentication
> requests, to the point where our monitoring systems alarms that they're
> down. Interestingly, this daily outage seems to happen every 24 hours
> based on when the services were last restarted.

> We see a small spike on io requests that seems to correspond with the
> delayed authentication processing. The two vm's in each realm also see
> similar spikes, but the SAN they are on has loads of iops and they don't
> seem to have an issue continuing to respond to requests during the
> spike.

> We're using openldap with the ldap backend.

I assume you've already looked for daily cron jobs?  It's common for LDAP
servers to take a nightly LDIF dump for backups, for example, which would
cause symptoms like this.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Kerberos, Windows and FreeIPA

2015-10-23 Thread Russ Allbery
Randolph Morgan  writes:

> We are running a mixed environment network.  However, all of our
> authentication is performed via LDAP, we do not have an AD on our
> network, nor do we have any Windows servers, all of our servers are
> running RHEL.  We are working on implementing a new authentication
> server that is running FreeIPA, but would like to do single sign-on via
> Kerberos.  I have been reading posts for the better part of two weeks
> and can not find instructions that work, on how to get Windows (XP - 10)
> to authenticate via Kerberos.

There used to be various workarounds that would let you do this, but when
we asked Microsoft about it, they said it was officially unsupported and
very likely to break.  I think subsequent releases of Windows may have
broken it.

I believe the only supported way to get a Windows system to use Kerberos
for its integrated login is to join the host to a domain (whether AD or

You can, of course, run Kerberos software on unjoined Windows hosts, get
tickets, and authenticate to Kerberos services without any trouble.  The
problems arise when you want the core OS stuff to use Kerberos directly,
since I believe all of that is effectively gated on being domain-joined.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: syncing MIT Kerberos to Active Directory

2015-10-05 Thread Russ Allbery
Tony Pugielli  writes:

> Good day, I have an environment with MIT Kerberos and Active
> Directory. Is there a way to keep both databases (username and password)
> in sync? The use case is 802.1x authentication. EAP-GTC is not native to
> many devices so we want to use Active Directory so we can take advantage
> of the more widely native supplicant PEAP-MSCHAPV2. We would prefer the
> user only need to keep track of one username and password. Right now the
> Kerberos MIT database is widely used for their single sign-on
> applications.

You may find:

useful, although it only does passwords.  I believe there is a krb5-adsync
package somewhere based on that which also creates accounts.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature failure

2015-09-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Thanks for the reply!

Greg Hudson  writes:
> On 09/05/2015 01:57 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Sep  4 22:48:34 mithrandir krb5kdc[12868]: AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 16 23 25 
>> krbtgt/, Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature 
>> failure
>> Any idea what's going on?  This appears to be some failure inside OpenSSL,
>> but it looks like absolutely no information about the error is actually
>> logged anywhere?

> We're logging what OpenSSL gives us from X509_verify_cert_error_string()
> after X509_verify_cert() fails.  We could be doing more;
> X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth() would give us the depth where the error
> occured in the cert chain and X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert() would
> give us the cert that caused the failure.  In this case, I think you
> would merely find out that the error occurred verifying the leaf
> certificate against the CA's public key.

This is anonymous PKINIT, though... I'm not sure what leaf certificate is
in play.  The KDC's itself?  So the problem here is that attempting to
return the chain of the KDC cert and the signing cert is failing?  I guess
I'm confused about what operation is failing.

> Looking inside OpenSSL, this error (X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE)
> is generated when X509_verify() fails inside internal_verify().  It does
> look like X509_verify() (or rather ASN1_verify()) does something with
> the OpenSSL framework to indicate what kind of error happened, but I am
> not sure how our PKINIT code is supposed to pull that information out.
> The man page for X509_verify_cert() only mentions
> X509_STORE_CTX_get_error().

Yeah, sorry, that sounded way more critical than I'd actually intended.  I
know it's really hard to get useful information out of OpenSSL sometimes
when operations fail.

BTW, is there a way to get the equivalent of KRB5_TRACE out of a KDC?  It
looks like it normally turns this off (or at least I wasn't seeing much
when running a KDC with that set).

> It doesn't seem like the client version should have anything to do with
> this failure, so I have no theories as to what changed.

Yeah, it's really weird to me too.  The client in anonymous PKINIT isn't
doing much.

I confirmed that it does work with certs created directly with OpenSSL, so
I'll go down that path and regenerate the CA and certificates for that

BTW, a slightly different question: what's the correct way to detect, in a
GSS-API application, that the client has authenticated anonymously?  I see
that GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS exists (the project wiki mentions it without the
_C), but I'm not entirely sure how to use it.  It looks like the naive
approach of calling gss_display_name returns the string version of the
anonymous principal, so I could do a krb5_parse_name and then do a
krb5_principal_compare, but that feels inelegant and like a layering

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature failure

2015-09-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Russ Allbery  writes:

> I had working PKINIT in my test MIT Kerberos realm using certificates
> issued by Heimdal, but now all attempts to authenticate with PKINIT are
> just failing with the following error in the KDC syslog:

> Sep  4 22:48:34 mithrandir krb5kdc[12868]: AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 16 23 25 
> krbtgt/, Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature 
> failure

> Any idea what's going on?  This appears to be some failure inside OpenSSL,
> but it looks like absolutely no information about the error is actually
> logged anywhere?

> The key piece of information is probably that the certificates (CA, KDC,
> and client) were created with Heimdal hxtool.

> I was previously successful issuing certs with OpenSSL directly and the
> configuration from the wiki, but I'd really rather use hxtool, which is
> a much nicer interface.  And I'm not sure why it wouldn't work,
> particularly since it was previously working just fine (with the same
> server software version, although an older MIT Kerberos client version).

I should have added:

Client: MIT Kerberos 1.13.2
Server: Tried both MIT Kerberos 1.10.1 and 1.13.2

With 1.10.1, I got the infamous "Cannot allocate memory" error with
PKINIT, but got the "certificate signature failure" error when trying to
use a client certificate.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature failure

2015-09-04 Thread Russ Allbery
Hi all,

I had working PKINIT in my test MIT Kerberos realm using certificates
issued by Heimdal, but now all attempts to authenticate with PKINIT are
just failing with the following error in the KDC syslog:

Sep  4 22:48:34 mithrandir krb5kdc[12868]: AS_REQ (6 etypes {18 17 16 23 25 
krbtgt/, Cannot create cert chain: certificate signature 

Any idea what's going on?  This appears to be some failure inside OpenSSL,
but it looks like absolutely no information about the error is actually
logged anywhere?

The key piece of information is probably that the certificates (CA, KDC,
and client) were created with Heimdal hxtool.

I was previously successful issuing certs with OpenSSL directly and the
configuration from the wiki, but I'd really rather use hxtool, which is a
much nicer interface.  And I'm not sure why it wouldn't work, particularly
since it was previously working just fine (with the same server software
version, although an older MIT Kerberos client version).

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

Re: Fwd: Queries for Kerb Auth using Certificates and KCD for linux Reverse Proxy

2015-09-01 Thread Russ Allbery
Amit Thukral  writes:

> I am trying to implement kerberos authentication between clients and
> windows KDC using certificates.

> The product on which this needs to be implemented is a linux based
> reverse proxy.

> We have already integrated a MIT Kerberos libraries with it and are able
> to authenticate clients with Windows KDC.  i.e. we are able to get TGT
> on behalf the client (by setting forwardable flag for AS Req), pass it
> back to the browser (client) and thus client authenticates using that
> ticket with servers protected behind our product.  But for this as, as
> of now, when a user trying to access a service protected behind our
> product, we prompt him with login form where he enters his credentials,
> using which we call krb5_get_init_creds_password api to send AS REQ and
> get TGT.

> Now, we want to achieve this using certificates.

If I'm understanding your problem description correctly, I'm not sure this
is possible.  To get Kerberos tickets from a certificate (aka PKINIT), the
client that has access to the certificate private key needs to do this
directly.  An intermediate cannot do this, since it doesn't have access to
the certificate private key.  So if you're trying to get the Linux reverse
proxy to do the authentication on behalf of the user, that isn't going to

Anyway, assuming I'm wrong and you're actually doing the authentication in
the client, the short version is that you should call these two functions:

krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pa(c, opts, "X509_user_identity", user);
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pa(c, opts, "X509_anchors", anchors);

with an appropriate value for X509_user_identity and X509_pkinit_anchors,
respectively, and then do your krb5_get_init_creds_password call as normal
with a NULL password.  If the KDC offers PKINIT, the Kerberos libraries
should try PKINIT with the identity and anchors configured there.

Russ Allbery (  <>

Kerberos mailing list

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