Re: [Kicad-developers] [PATCH] Add online documenation URL to the enu

2015-05-27 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Sure, I can do it now that I’m back and “operational” after jet lag recovery ;).

I need to point a virtual http server to the jenkins workspace, and set a 
.htaccess doesn’t apply here since I’m not using apache, but the equivalent in
cherokee may be rather simple.

I’ll ping back on this thread when it’s ready during this week.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 27 de May de 2015 at 10:20, Melroy van den Berg wrote:

 Dear Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo,
 Would you like to create a new sub-domain:
 I understood that you're the only appropriate person for this.
 This link should refer (without URL changes, eg .htaccess or DNS) to the 
 content of the latest build of Jenkins. At that moment the Getting Started 
 URL will be:
 Then my patch will get accepted.
 Kind regards,
 Melroy van den Berg
 2015-05-18 20:52 GMT+02:00 Nick Østergaard 
  2015-05-18 18:59 GMT+02:00 Melroy van den Berg 
   It's a good idea to setup an URL like:
   I don't know who has webserver / DNS access besides ajo? .htacess is not
   that hard.
   You can either use the base_name directly. Or change other parts in the
   code, so I can use for example:
   event.GetId() == wxID_BLAH or event.GetMenuItem() == wxMenuItem_BLAH. Then
   you can still use a switch without hashmap.
   Well it's about how complicated you want the code, for opening the online
  I simply want to avoid any switch case, by using the base_name directly as:
  helpFile = wxString::Format(;,
  GetChars( base_name ));
   Kind regards,
   Melroy van den Berg
   2015-05-18 18:40 GMT+02:00 Nick Østergaard 
   2015-05-18 18:35 GMT+02:00 Melroy van den Berg 
Hi Nick and Blair,
I choose for a separate wxString to explicitly make a difference 
local file  online URL. However, yes you can merge them together using
If you want, you can change it to your own taste
Thanks for your reply. The first remark I agree, but the current
documentation also lacks behind, so it already doesn't match the 
installed KiCad version ;)
About the second remark, this you can easily solve in the code.
But for now, my patch only ensures that it opens the online
when no doc-package is installed or can be found.
   In my minds it would not be that great to include the patch as is.
   Firstly it uses the Jenkins URL directly, which is likely subject to
   change when we get the cmake stuff included with the docs.
   What I would like to see is that we get some more generic and nicer
   url redirects setup, such as  Ajo
   has expressed his support on IRC, but is busy at the moment.
   By doing this we could get away of the hashmap stuff and just use the
   base_name directly to construct the url. I would like other peoples
   opinion on this approach.
Hopefully this patch will get delivered soon :)!
Kind regards,
Melroy van den Berg
2015-05-18 7:31 GMT+02:00 Nick Østergaard 
2015-05-18 0:44 GMT+02:00 Melroy van den Berg (
 Hi devs,

 I created a patch which opens the online documentation page in the
 web-browser, only when the local help file could not be found.

 This way the user don't get the pop-up message: 'PDF could not be
 Instead they can read the latest successfully build documentation


 It would be nice if online documentation becomes the default.
 This way the users always read the latest version of the

 See attachment for the patch.
Why do you do the:
if( !helpFile )
... helpURL = ...
GetAssociatedDocument( this, helpFile );
GetAssociatedDocument( this, helpURL );
Why not just
 if( !helpFile )
helpFile = ...
GetAssociatedDocument( this, helpFile );
By that it will just set the helpFile if the helpfile was not found.
 Thanks in advance!

 Kind regards,
 Melroy van den Berg
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[Kicad-developers] Confluence memory..

2015-04-29 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Nick, thanks for steadily reporting any issues.

Even in the latest version, it seems that confluence is eventually hitting an 
situation, even for all the RAM java will let me give it…

So, I have set this into cron:

# restart confluence every saturday
* 0 * * 6 /sbin/service confluence restart
# check confluence every 5 minutes for Memory errors
*/5 * * * * /opt/atlassian/

And this is the


tail $LOGFILE --lines $LINES | grep java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
   exit 0  # we are ok, no memory error
   for i in {1..$LINES}
echo == BLANK ==  $LOGFILE
   service confluence restart
   echo Confluence was restarted due to OutOfMemoryError
   exit 1

I guess they have memory leaks..  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

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Re: [Kicad-developers] Python scripting error in today's compile

2015-03-30 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
That’s one of the risks of the plain C++ api translation, and why we’re 
(slowly) working on [1]  

look on [2] and [3]

Can you try switching SEGVIA for VIA  and see if that works? Please confirm, so 
I can go
and update the example.

Miguel Ángel

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 30 de March de 2015 at 9:19, Nathan McCorkle wrote:

 I just compiled from github using all the PYTHON related flags from
 the python wiki page on compiling.
 When I run the example on this page (using the .kicad_pcb file in my
 project's directory):
 I get this error output:
 Note that I'm using this from a clone that I compiled, then installed using:
 make install DESTDIR=~/Projects/github/kicad-source-mirror/build_install
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Feature freeze.

2015-03-30 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi! :)

  I have kept thinking about the new python API, I still don’t consider it 
and I believe it could make sense to have them separate from tree,
with stable releases tracking the Kicad stable releases, and a development

   This way, we can use the plain C++ python API in-tree to do CI over KiCad,
and have a separate package for python the python API SDK, or have the

building tools installing the python modules along. (If we also distribute via 
it could be something as simple as calling “pip install kicad-python”)


   For stable version tracking, do we have already a name, version numbering, or
something equivalent for the  soon-to-be stable release, and the next one?

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 30 de March de 2015 at 1:46, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 On 3/29/2015 5:55 PM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
  2015-03-29 23:53 GMT+02:00 Wayne Stambaugh 
   On 3/29/2015 5:50 PM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
2015-03-29 23:44 GMT+02:00 Wayne Stambaugh 
 On 3/29/2015 5:38 PM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
  Thank you for the announcement. Hopefully we can then close a lot of
  bugs then, not that this is something that has not been done in the
  meantime. Thumbs up.
 I'll have some more info on that over the next few days so we can 
 focusing on the stable release.
  But it seems like the newest commit does not build on the build
  server. Please see:
  Do the environment require an update?
 Are you building this against wx 2.8? Your build is failing for
 undefined wxRichMessageDialog which is only available since wx 2.9.5.
No, this is against 3.0.1 according to wx-config --version.

   I wonder if there is a custom build option when building wxWidgets under
   linux to enable this. I hope not. Otherwise, everyone's linux builds
   will be broken. I may be implementing our own custom rich message box
   sooner than I thought. I will try to build it on linux as soon as I can
   to see if I have the some problem.

  It builds fine on the fedora20 machine, with wx 3.0.2. This is using
  Ajo's wx stuff IIRC.
 I just finished building this on my Debian testing system and it build
 fine so it appears that it may be something wrong with you wx 3.0.1 build.
  2015-03-29 23:23 GMT+02:00 Wayne Stambaugh 
   Attention all developers. I have finally committed the environment
   variable configuration dialog (although I named it the Path
   Configuration because the term environment variable is 
   apparently too
   scary) so we are now in feature freeze. This means if you want to 
   add a
   new feature or change any functional behavior you must run it by 
   developers list first. This includes me as well. The only thing 
   aware that's already in the pipe line at the moment is the 
   wizard that Orson is working on so that can be committed without 

   Please test the path configuration editor to make sure it is 
   robust for
   the stable release. I did not do anything too fancy in the wxGrid
   control used in the editor so the grid editing will be very basic.
   Also, I kept the default wxGrid tab key behavior which means you 
   have to use Ctrl+Tab to perform the default action which is the OK
   button. I also created a warning dialog using wxRichMessageDialog 
   an externally defined environment variable is modified. I'm not 
   thrilled with the appearance of this dialog so I will most like 
   roll my
   own version that will look a bit like our exit dialog but feed 
   would be appreciated. This also means that KiCad will no longer 
   against wxWidgets 2.8 for anyone out there still clinging to that 

   Now that we are in feature freeze it's time to take stock on what 
   going on in other areas such as documentation and nightly builds 
   so I
   will be sending out additional topic specific messages over the 
   next few



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Re: [Kicad-developers] thoughts on dependency on SISL library

2015-03-27 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
I’m not sure it fits all use cases I could think of, for example,
let’s think you’re a board assembler/manufacturer, and you setup
a site that accepts KiCad designs, and processes the files
automatically via scripting to send you a cost estimation,
and other information.

Having SINTEF as AGPL could require them to publish their
website scripts?, or their processing scripts?, it would be nice
by the way, since other assemblers could have the chance to
start doing the same, but… it’s probably an entry barrier for
this ti happen.


Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 27 de March de 2015 at 10:13, Cirilo Bernardo wrote:

 Well spotted; so it's even less of an issue than I imagined it could be.
 I hope everyone agrees that the SISL library can become a dependency
 pending testing on MSWin (and Mac if someone can help me out). I
 imagine this won't happen for quite a few months yet since I need to
 work on many other issues including a proposal for managing the
 various 3D models and the inevitable refactor. I would need to do all
 that work before I would even start on the IGES exporter code itself;
 for the time being the IGES library will stand on its own fully capable
 of a proof-of-concept work but with no link whatsoever to KiCad until
 the 3D plugin or whatever we call it is done.
 - Cirilo
 On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Javier Serrano ( 
  On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:20 AM, Cirilo Bernardo ( wrote:
   My wording of the initial message must have been vague. AGPLv3 does not
   commercial use, but SINTEF as the copyright holder only allows AGPLv3 use 
   the application is not  a commercial cloud service.
  Sorry to be a PITA Cirilo, but this is still not correct. Look at one
  example file, say [1]. It has a standard AGPL3 header. That means you
  are fully free to do with it all the things people do with
  AGPL-licensed files, including setting up a commercial cloud service.
  Then, after the standard AGPL3 header, they write this:
  Other Usage
  You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
  a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as
  you develop commercial activities involving the SISL library *without*
  disclosing the source code of your own applications.
  Emphasis on without is mine. Also, the mentioning of commercial
  activities is superfluous in their sentence. *Any* activity,
  commercial or not, which breaches AGPL will need their permission.
  So people are completely free to set up a commercial cloud service
  using KiCad with SISL in it. They just have to provide users with an
  easy way to access all the sources of KiCad, including the SISL bits.
  This is the behaviour we all want (I guess) anyway, so all is good.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] thoughts on dependency on SISL library

2015-03-26 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Not being able to use it for cloud services because of AGPL3+ (I haven’t looked
at the license, I say it per your comments, cirilo) means that people could not 
use Kicad scripting for automating the processing for manufacturing of Kicad 
(as an example) without publishing their scripts (I guess).  And that’s not 
a good thing.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 26 de March de 2015 at 9:17, Javier Serrano wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 4:36 AM, Cirilo Bernardo ( wrote:
 [ snip ]
  The only really tricky part comes from the 'v3' bit - according to the FSF
  the AGPLv3 is not compatible with GPL2, and not even compatible with
  GPLv3 but OK to mix with GPLv3 (whatever that means - I can already
  hear some lawyers laughing).
 [ IANAL, please take the following as the opinion of a non-expert. ]
 This is why the '+' (i.e. the or-later) in GPL2+ is really
 important. The KiCad sources are, to the best of my knowledge, GPL2+
 (most) and GPL3+ (the PS router). That means that the mix is
 effectively GPL3+. SISL seems to be AGPL3+. I see no incompatibility
 (see section 13 of both licenses), but mixing in AGPL3+ code is a step
 in the stronger copyleft direction. This is a strategic decision to
 be taken, IMHO by the project leader.
  Any thoughts on eventually having SISL as a dependency? What's the
  current status of licensing of KiCad source modules? I can remove
  the SISL dependency but this will cripple the IGES code by removing
  the ability to check the validity of some structures within an input file.
 There is still the misleading COPYRIGHT.txt in the root of the KiCad
 sources, which I think should just be removed. This is important, and
 I hope it can be done before the stable release.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Library developers.

2015-03-23 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
I agree with Wayne,  

I watch the repositories, but I barely have the time to track all the 
So I join his request, if some of those discussions could affect a lot of people
using the parts, please bring it to the development list.

Looking into the future,  it would be awesome if at some point, we were able
to track parts by the UUID, regardless of in which library is, so  
if the part is moved, as long as the library is imported, we can yet use
the part (not 100% if that’s the case now. probably is?).

Yet more amazing would be to have access to the footprint version history,  
or be able to pin the footprints to certain versions, I guess something
like that would be possible the day we have some sort of footprint/design
server, with metadata (versions, comments, votes..)

Best regards,
Miguel Ángel.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 23 de March de 2015 at 19:44, Samuel Dolt wrote:

 For people who want to follow any change in library, Github allow to watch a 
  When you watch a repository, you get notifications (by email) for any new 
  requests and issues that  are created, including those not mentioning you.
 Significant changes often leads to discussion and decisions in issues or pull 
 Best regards
 Samuel Dolt
  Le 23 mars 2015 à 16:50, Wayne Stambaugh 
  ( a écrit :
  A quick note to our library developers.  I really like some of the
  recent work you have been doing.  It would be nice in the future when
  you make big changes like renaming files and paths to give everyone a
  heads up on developers mailing list and possibly the users mailing lists
  so we don't get blindsided by unexpected changes which affect old projects.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Confluence access

2015-03-21 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi, Adam

Sending you an invite link in private.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Saturday, 21 de March de 2015 at 18:13, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 I can give you access when I get home.
 Den 21/03/2015 18.09 skrev Adam Wolf 
  Hi folks!  
  Any chance I can get Confluence access?  Additionally, could I make a page 
  in confluence that is the current Installing Kicad page, but just split 
  up per platform?  I think it will be less overwhelming for new users.
  Adam Wolf
  Cofounder and Engineer
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Stable release update.

2015-03-17 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Nice Adam!

I wonder what happens with the console, basically it fires up, but most  
keystrokes are handled as shortcuts..

In the other hand plugin (footprint wizard) loading doesn’t show
any wizard (and we bundle a few).

(Open footprint editor - New footprint using wizard)
check if we’re providing correct env vars, and if this code is valid enough for 
our OS X bundling.

Otherwise we could extend the places were python looks for plugins at start if 
that were necessary.

Miguel Ángel.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 16 de March de 2015 at 19:34, Adam Wolf wrote:

 Hi folks,
 There is a debug night build of Python scripting on OS X, thanks to Collin. I 
 haven't switched it over because the scripting console is messed up.  I 
 posted details on the list a few weeks ago, but here's the link.
 If folks think I should switch it over to be the regular nightlies, I can do 
 that no problem.
 Adam Wolf
 Cofounder and Engineer
 On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Wayne Stambaugh 
 ( wrote:
  I hope we can get Python scripting working on OSX before the stable
  release but I cannot guarantee it.  Building OSX binaries has been
  difficult to say the least but I think we're close.  The OSX devs can
  probably give you a better idea than I can.
  On 3/14/2015 5:00 PM, Jean-Paul Louis wrote:
   I still cannot build with Python Scripting enabled in OS X,
   and the build made by Adam was not working (Python console unusable)
   Will that be fixed before stable release? I am not using it yet because 
   of this.
   Just curious,
   On Mar 14, 2015, at 2:47 PM, Wayne Stambaugh 
   ( wrote:
   As you all know we are currently working towards a stable release.  I
   need to get and idea of what open items are left before I declare a
   feature freeze.  Here is the list of things I know about:
   * Environment variable path edit dialog (me, in progress).
   * Add bitmaps and missing entries to GAL canvas context menu (CERN).
   * Python API (Miguel).
   * OSX track pad (Garth).
   Are there any other features that are on the radar for the next stable
   release?  I will make exceptions on a case by case basis after the
   freeze but I don't want to get blind sided by any unexpected feature
   requests the week before the stable release.
   We need to go through the bug tracker and make sure we don't have any
   known severe bugs which cause crashes and/or data loss that have not
   been tagged fix committed and take the appropriate action.  This number
   will have to be zero before I will make the stable release.  Obviously I
   would like to get as many of non-critical bugs fixed as well.
   What is the current status of the documentation and it's CMake build
   configuration code?  Are we far enough along that we can move the repo
   to  I want all of the official KiCad repos
   there for obvious reasons.  We also need to get this set up soon so the
   documentation for the new router features can be added which I'm
   guessing will take awhile.  I will give all of the necessary document
   developers commit access to that repo once it is set up.  I'm going to
   let the doc developers handle the pull requests so I can keep my
   involvement to a minimum.  Also, what about nightly builds of the
   documentation?  We will need them as well.
   I think we are in pretty good shape as far as nightly builds go for all
   of the major platforms.  Thanks to all of you who have worked tirelessly
   on this.  If we are missing anything in this regard, please help out if
   you can so we can have as many bases covered as possible once the stable
   release is out.
   Hopefully I can announce the feature freeze in the next few weeks so we
   can start focusing on the stable release.
   Thank you all for efforts.  I hoping the next stable release of KiCad
   will meet the needs of our users.
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[Kicad-developers] Stable Release freeze Python-API

2015-03-13 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

I’ve been pushing a bit lately on the kicad-python Piers started,
trying to make everything as consistent as I can, documented [1],
and code as easy to type and tested as possible [2] [3] [4] [5].

My intention was to get this for the stable release, together with python,
but, given the close deadline, I’m unsure if it’s going to be better to merge 
it not
for this but for the next stable version.

One approach could be to do a quick review of the current API interface,
merge it now, and keep gradually merging back new objects exposed via the new
API (I could do the backports), and automated stable builds could help there,
the changes are quite orthogonal to the whole kicad code, so they may not
bring regressions.

My main concerns are nits:

1) Making parameters consistent across all the exposed functions.

   pos vs position, ref vs reference, etc...

2) Making parameter ordering consistent across exposed functions.



Miguel Ángel Ajo

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Re: [Kicad-developers] Announcing work on providing windows nightlies

2015-03-12 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Awesome Nick!,  

   Good work. :)  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 12 de March de 2015 at 13:14, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 Just to announce it for the people interested: Windows nightlies
 should soon be a reality.
 A week or so ago I started looking into packaging the windows builds
 that was created in MSYS2, where I made a script and upgraded the NSIS
 install script to make it work together, including python scripting.
 This currently seems to work. My work is currently hosted on [2], but
 I will try to merge it with [1] soon. I have stashed some builds on
 [3], that interested people can try out. Be aware that they are in
 testing, but feedback would be appreciated.
 I discovered that Brian Sidebotham was looking into making the kicad
 winbuilder use MSYS2, so I am working together with Brian Sidebotham
 on upgrading the kicad winbuilder to use the MSYS2 environment, which
 should ease the creation of the toolchain and the dependencies. This
 work is currently on [1].
 We hope to get the repo under the KiCad umbrella to keep it together
 in one place.
 For nightly builds Adam Wolf has offered a build server, so he will
 eventually start pushing builds to [4] as we do for the OS X builds.
 Nick Østergaard
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Re: [Kicad-developers] github mirror out of sync

2015-03-04 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
May be we could sync it from if he agrees,  
so everything is at one place.


Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Tuesday, 3 de March de 2015 at 20:40, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 I did report it to Povilas earlier today, who runs the sync.
 2015-03-03 20:19 GMT+01:00 Paulo Henrique Silva 
  latest commit on is from Feb
  Nothing since bzr rev 5464 is there.
  Might have a script somewhere that stopped.
  -- Paulo
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Diff Pairs Length tuning in the product branch

2015-03-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
A-ma-zing work! ;)

Thank you.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 4 de March de 2015 at 3:38, Andrew Zonenberg wrote:

 So if I understand this correctly, net names must currently be FOO+ and  
 FOO- for differential pair routing.
 Can you add support for FOO_P and FOO_N naming? These names are legal  
 identifiers in most hardware description languages and will allow PCB  
 and HDL net names to be the same.
 On 03/03/2015 08:44 AM, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:
  Dear all,
  We've just merged the new features of the Interactive Router to the
  product branch:
  - Routing differential pairs (in pushshove mode too).
  - Tuning trace length.
  - Tuning differential pair length and skew.
  There's a video tutorial and a demo available on YouTube [1].
  The merge also includes some improvements to the selection/edit tools
  that we've developed alongside the new router features:
  - Snapping to the origin axes when moving (allowing to move an item
  exactly vertically/horizontally wrt its former position)
  - Editing footprint pad properties directly on PCB.
  - Moving pads of a footprint directly on PCB.
  - Opening the footprint editor for selected footprint on a PCB in GAL mode.
  - Dragging footprints by origin, pad 1 or pad nearest the cursor.
  - Guessing the best selection candidate instead of displaying the
  disambiguation menu every time.
  We did our best to make sure the branch compiles and runs correctly, and
  we'll greatly appreciate your feedback - be that bugs, feature requests
  or suggestions for improvements. Please keep in mind this is the first
  public release of the Diff Pairs, so some fine tuning may be needed in
  the future.
  Many thanks to all developers, funders  users for your help and support!
  Tom  Orson
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Python Plugin - Use of advanced LSET onstructor

2015-03-02 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
I haven’t been able to try it but the code looks good to me.

Can anybody confirm it’s working before merging it to the footprint wizards?  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Tuesday, 3 de March de 2015 at 1:08, nats wrote:

  In response to a message written on 02.03.2015, 01:26, from nats:
   I add some details I got after more test. Maybe it should be considered
   as a bug.
   I can use this constructor: __init__(self, unsigned int aIdCount,
   LAYER_ID aFirst, v(...) *args) - LSET
   But only if I put 1 layer in the list (with no respect for the aIdCount
   For example
   pcbnew.LSET(1, pcbnew.F_Cu) = Works
   pcbnew.LSET(2, pcbnew.F_Cu) = Works (but it shouldn't !)
   pcbnew.LSET(2, pcbnew.F_Cu, pcbnew.B_Cu) = Doesn't Work but it
   The Error is indicated in the previous e-mail. Maybe there is a
   confusion in the type of argument
   linked to the Python Swig translation ?

  From some reason C++ input list form is incompatible with python
  Maybe might this help (ParseHex method):
 Thanks a lot for this information.
 I managed to get it working, after some discussion on IRC I copied the
 LSET code
 inside the plugin.
 It'll be removed when kicad python new api will be ready.
 Here is the link for reference:
 If you have any remark on the code don't hesitate.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] What happened to the dxf plotter???

2015-02-27 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Did you look at the code?, may be it was because some sort of refactor
to reunify code (just guessing).

I’m not very familiar with that part.


Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 27 de February de 2015 at 10:24, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 27.02.2015, 09:28, from Lorenzo 
  On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 09:20:03AM +0100, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:
   On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 07:51:34PM -0500, Mark Roszko wrote:
I wonder if theres a bug. It literally takes 5 minutes to run a DXF plot
of the pic programmer demo kicad has. Gebers are instant.

  The long processing time could be due of that huge polygon merging
  operation. However that's not the problem; and for a plot that could be even
  acceptable. It's the final result that's not suitable for mechanical work.
 In my opinion, DXF plot should have some checkbox option „milling contour” for
 present behavior which unchecked orders for past one. Sometimes treatment 
 as tiny lines also gives some useful information in precise orientation
 mechanical work.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Mac OS X nightlies are up!

2015-02-26 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 26 de February de 2015 at 9:41, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 2015-02-26 9:39 GMT+01:00 Collin Anderson 
  Is the script that is used to produce the nightlies available somewhere in 
  the main branch? I haven't been able to find it :(.
 He said earlier that it is available on
Thank you Adam!,

May be we could put a link library to the packaging repositories all around
into the development website, (A packager section?), such thing could
other packager life easier, and they can cross-pollinate each other.

Miguel Ángel.

  Anyway, to Adam:
  The install experience of the support files etc. is effortless and feels 
  very mac-like. Great job nailing that!
  Also, what exactly is giving you trouble in regards to python scripting? If 
  you could elaborate on the problem, or even better, share the build script, 
  I could help get python going quickly, and without doing any of the stuff I 
  mentioned in some earlier emails on the subject. I figured out how to make 
  wxpython weak link python, allowing one .app bundle to correctly work on 
  10.7-10.10's libpython. No huge increase in bundle size :).
  To correctly have GUI python scriptability (using wxpython or anything 
  else, its not unique to this situation) that works across multiple major 
  revisions of OS X, you have to use weak linking, here is the low-down on 
  doing that. MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED is what you want.
  Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
   On Feb 23, 2015, at 10:58 PM, Johannes Maibaum 
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Feature freeze and next release terminology

2015-02-26 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Lol :)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Tuesday, 24 de February de 2015 at 17:28, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 Damn! Too late for 4.0.0. Better one up Linus by using 5.0.0. :)
 On 2/24/2015 11:30 AM, Adam Wolf wrote:
  Hi Wayne,
  Any chance you can make a call on 3.0.0 vs 4.0.0?
  (Torvalds just took Linux to 4.0 this week :))
  Adam Wolf
  On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Wayne Stambaugh 
  ( wrote:
  Here is the stable release policy:
  I still need to add the numbering system to this.
  On 2/24/2015 11:00 AM, Adam Wolf wrote:
   Hi folks,
   I have started and deleted this email multiple times. I really don't
   enjoy discussions like this, but sometimes they're necessary.
   I have ran into quite a few misconceptions recently from non-devs about
   what the upcoming release is going to be. The issues I am seeing seem
   to hinge around the word stable.
   As far as I know, every single source commit we make, we intend to be
   stable and usable, and we don't really commit half-features very often
   (if ever), and I have been seeing users get very confused about that
   based on the word stable for the upcoming release.
  This will always be a goal for the product branch as long as I am
  project leader. Keeping the development branch usable is important.
   As far as I know, there are going to be two things that make the
   upcoming release special:
   1) a feature freeze beforehand so we can run manual tests, make sure our
   features work well, and hopefully fix any packaging issues on the main
   targets without any churn of new features
   2) file format incompatibilities
  3) A bunch of new features (gal, pns router, 64 layers, etc.) since the
  last stable release.
   What about instead of calling it stable, we called it by a version
   number? Kicad 2.0? I think more users would understand what we're doing.
  We discussed using a triplett. Most likely the upcoming release will be
  3.0.0 or 4.0.0. Either is fine by me. There will never be a 3.1.X or
  3.2.X because features will *not* be back ported under the current
  policy. Only critical errors (read crash, data loss, memory leaks, etc)
  will be fixed in the stable release branch so there will only be 3.0.1,
  3.0.2, etc, versions. There will be no attempt to maintain
  compatibility with the development branch file formats. Either you
  bleed on the edge and help with testing or you live with the features in
  the current stable release. I am not reopening this subject for
  discussion for obvious reasons. We've beat this horse to death and
  given our resource limitations, this is the best compromise.
   This email is primarily directed at Wayne, but I like to keep things in
   the open if possible.
   Adam Wolf
   Cofounder and Engineer
   Wayne and Layne
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Rendering issues with line drawing

2015-02-23 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
That’s correct, at a minimum (if you want to do your own builds),
you need at least wxGTK3 from my copr build (and wxPython3 if you want
WXPYTHON enabled).

wxGTK3 in the copr build is built against gtk2, which will fix your issue
with drawing for now.

Now that you’re on f21 you should be able to use that copr repo.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Saturday, 21 de February de 2015 at 10:48, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 2015-02-20 23:14 GMT+01:00 Rick Walker 
  Hi Miguel,
   But you say need at least fc20 I saw
   you're running f19. Btw f21 works quite well.

  Thanks for the suggestion. I used fedup to upgrade from 19 to 21 this
  morning. I still have the same rendering problem with version 5041.
  Should I try switching from Normal View to OpenGL as Lorenzo
  suggested? How do I do this?
 See the options in the View menu, and try the hotkey F11.
 But this only fixes it in pcbnew, eeschema will still be buggy. So
 if you want to use kicad, I reccomend the copr build.
   If you're on fedora, you have the relevant packages here:

  This will be my project for the afternoon. I'll install the
  mangelajo build and let you know what happened.
  The default STABLE build and the default Fedora21 bits don't seem
  to work properly on my laptop.
  kind regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Mac OS X nightlies are up!

2015-02-23 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Awesome job!!! ;)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 23 de February de 2015 at 09:57, Javier Serrano wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Adam Wolf ( wrote:
  Thanks everyone! Even though this was a lot of work from us at Wayne and
  Layne, what we did was only a drop in the bucket compared to what has
  already been done by the dev team and the OS X devs!
 Adam, congratulations to you and the rest of OS X devs. What you guys
 have done is amazing, and very useful to many people.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Fedora 21 nightlies build

2015-02-20 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Thanks for testing Bob.

I need to go back and pull the footprints, I had to remove that part for now
because of different issues.

For now you can use the Library table wizard JP made to pull the libraries
from github. But I will work to make the footprints packaged.

I was considering to drop off the documentation for the nightlies, because
they are extremely heavy. In the end nightlies are built on top of the 
branch, and they won’t necessarily match the docs.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 20 de February de 2015 at 16:47, Bob Gustafson wrote:

 Looks pretty good. Your dnf commands are pretty straightforward. I was able 
 to see a brand new KiCad home page in just a few minutes. The Config info is 
 below. From the install, it was rev-4744
 Application: Eeschema
 Version: (2014-jan-25)-product Release build
 wxWidgets: Version 2.8.12 (release,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,GCC 
 4.9.2,wx containers,compatible with 2.4,compatible with 2.6)
 Platform: Linux 3.18.7-200.fc21.x86_64 x86_64, 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK
 Boost version: 1.55.0
 I haven't spent more than 15 minutes testing, so I haven't seen everything - 
 (no libraries installed..)
 The doc and help are properly found and look good.
 Setting the page parameters (A4 to US Letter) in the home page does not seem 
 to carry over to the schematic page parameters, but perhaps that is by design.
 Still testing (after I find the footprints..)
 Thanks much
 Bob G
 On 02/14/2015 04:18 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Fedora 21 nightlies build is fully working now (no more canvas problems), I 

  had to recompile wxGTK3 with ‘gtk2’ and wxPython with that build, then 
  kicad on top.
  If you had the repo configured previously, do a:  
  dnf clean all  
  dnf remove wxGTK3 wxPython kicad
  dnf install kicad
  Otherwise follow the instructions at:
  To override other wxGTK3 or wxPython versions, I have bumped the revisions 
  of those  
  with +1000, but that’s a bit hacky, and may break when fedora releases new 
  wxGTK3 versions,
  I will look into a definitive solution as soon as I can, but that may work 
  for now.
  Please, let me know how if it works/doesn’t work for you.  
  Eventually I will set a builder for the stable version too.  
  Best regards,   
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Thursday, 15 de January de 2015 at 11:25, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

   I wanted to announce that I have created this repository with nightly 
   builds for KiCad:

   It has wxPython and python scripting enabled, and it’s based on wxWidgets 
   as kicad is now.

   For now you will find it’s a bit broken, as the wxGTK3 canvas is not 
   working correctly  
   (having the same issue if I don’t link to wxPython3 and do it to the 
   fedora stock wxGTK3),
   that means eeschema is quite unusable, pcbnew only works correctly on the 
   OpenGL or Cairo Canvas.

   By the way, even broken I believe it’s a good opportunity for anyone 
   willing to have a look on the latest release.  

   Miguel Ángel Ajo  

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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-19 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Awesome Wayne!!, there it was [1]!!! :) :-D  

Miguel Ángel Ajo


On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 02:49, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 I figured it out. The wxPython version was getting initialize after
 config.h was getting written. Duh! This should be fixed in r5431. I'm
 going to bed now :)
 On 2/18/2015 7:26 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Just a note:
  I’m running cmake from an *empty* build dir:
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -D… -D… ..
  and I get into the problem, which goes away with the make rebuild_cache.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:24, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   Exactly, if I runs make rebuild_cache, or if I simply rerun cmake
   twice (no  
   need to delete config.h) the #define WXPYTHON_VERSION turns from “” to

   When is cmake supposed to generate config.h exactly?

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:21, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

They should match so that's the problem. I have the same problem when I
build from an existing build. It appears that config.h is not getting
rebuilt. Try running `make rebuild_cache` or deleting config.h and see
if CMake sets the WXPYTON_VERSION string to 3.0 which is what is found
during the configuration.
On 2/18/2015 6:41 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,
 where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?
 /// The wxPython version found during configuration.
 Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:
  [ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in
  bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in
  score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in
  self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
  ImportError: No module named wx._core_
  If I do this in console, it seems to work
 import wxversion'3.0')

  I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION,
  or why is it failing
  in my system when inside pcbnew.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
   Hi Wayne,

   I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m 
   relying on
   copr for my builds),
   but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build

   -- Found wxWidgets:
   (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)

   and I set KICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON on cmake:

   I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the 
   about the wxPython changes that
   I didn’t have time to read in full.

   Best reagards,
   Miguel Ángel.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh 

What is the output of:
grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
You should see something like this:
If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 It looks like something related to the python paths not
 being able to find wx._core_.
 I’ll put some time tonight on it.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo

Re: [Kicad-developers] OSX Nightlies Update

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Awesome work Adam!, I will spend some cycles in testing it this night ;)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 09:27, Bernhard Stegmaier wrote:

 Hi Adam,
 looks great!
 Small question:
 I noticed that in the non-extras dmg there are ~370MB 3D-models in 
 Is that on purpose?
 I would have expected those also in the extra-dmg along with the footprints…
 On 17.02.2015, at 18:50, Adam Wolf 
 ( wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I have an updated set of OS X nightlies.  I had about 20 users test it out 
  last week, and one user had a horrible problem and pcbnew wouldn't start, 
  and it looked like a classic bundle paths issue that we've had and solved 
  about 10 times, but the other 19 seemed to have everything work fine.
  If you can take a moment to try them out, that'd be great!  If it looks ok, 
  I'll turn on pushing to (, and then 
  work towards Python in the nightlies.
  The extras dmg has the offline footprints.
  Adam Wolf
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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi Wayne,

I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on copr for 
my builds),
but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build logs:

-- Found wxWidgets: 
 (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)


I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread about the 
wxPython changes that
I didn’t have time to read in full.

Best reagards,
Miguel Ángel.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 What is the output of:
 grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
 You should see something like this:
 If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
 On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  It looks like something related to the python paths not
  being able to find wx._core_.
  I’ll put some time tonight on it.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
   On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
   ( wrote:
Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew startup,
I need
to investigate why.
snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );

   Probably a missing

   PyLock lock;

   Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:

   const char* cmd = import wxversion;'


   Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good Luck.

   Best Regards,


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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew startup, I need to 
investigate why.

snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'), 
WXPYTHON_VERSION ); PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Tuesday, 17 de February de 2015 at 17:31, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

 On 16 February 2015 at 17:44, Wayne Stambaugh 
 ( wrote:
  On 2/16/2015 11:44 AM, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
   On 16 February 2015 at 15:42, Brian Sidebotham ( wrote:
On 16 February 2015 at 14:17, Wayne Stambaugh 
( wrote:
 How are you telling the kicad configuration where wxPython build is
 located during you winbuilder configuration? Would Garth's solution
 below solve your problem? The only issue I see with Garth's solution 
 that if you install wxPython somewhere other than where you defined
 PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_PATH, you would be right back to where you 
 In other words you could build kicad but when you launched the python
 console, it would most likely crash because wxPython would not be
 located at PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_PATH or worse a different version of
 wxPython would be loaded.
Hi Wayne,

These days however packages like mingw-w64-python2 exist and so really
we should be able to make use of that in KiCad-Winbuilder instead of
the custom projects. I'll look into it.

   I just checked

   Unfortunately we get: libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing. This is a
   show-stopper in my opinion because dwarf-2 is known to be broken with
   regards to throwing exceptions across DLL boundaries. Since the Kiway
   work there's no real option but to support exception throwing across
   DLL boundaries otherwise exceptions cannot propagate correctly.

  After all this time, this issue hasn't been addressed? This was an
  issue over 10 years ago. This makes me feel better about the bug fixing
  rate in KiCad. I'm not sure which code in KiCad would cause this error.
  Most of the exceptions that I can think of do not cross DLL boundaries.
  They only cross from the DLL to the main executable which does not
  fail. I just tested the pretty library parser which throws an IO_ERROR
  from _pcbnew.kiface to pcbnew.exe without any issues. I don't think
  wxWidgets raises any an most of Boost is the header libraries so that
  wouldn't be an issue either. Do Python exceptions cross over into C++
  land? If so, that could be an error.
 Hi Wayne,
 Thanks so much for doing a quick sanity check. I forget the check I
 used to do. Perhaps it is no longer an issue these days and I'm worry
 about a past issue. I'll try and re-base KiCad-Winbuilder off the
 MSYS2 project MINGW repos for wxPython and python.
 With regards to Python throwing exceptions, it's written entirely in C
 so there's no risk of it throwing exceptions.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] OSX Nightlies Update

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
More path stuff (sorry Adam.. ‘:D )

I tried the kicad templates, but I wasn’t pointed out to the templates when  
trying to create a project from templates.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 14:32, Adam Wolf wrote:

 I was under the impression that 3d models do not come automatically from 
 github without downloading.
 If they come through fine, then they should definitely be moved to the extras 
 Adam Wolf
 Cofounder and Engineer
 Wayne and Layne  
 On Feb 18, 2015 2:27 AM, Bernhard Stegmaier 
 ( wrote:
  Hi Adam,
  looks great!
  Small question:
  I noticed that in the non-extras dmg there are ~370MB 3D-models in 
  Is that on purpose?
  I would have expected those also in the extra-dmg along with the footprints…
  On 17.02.2015, at 18:50, Adam Wolf 
  ( wrote:
   Hi folks,

   I have an updated set of OS X nightlies.  I had about 20 users test it 
   out last week, and one user had a horrible problem and pcbnew wouldn't 
   start, and it looked like a classic bundle paths issue that we've had and 
   solved about 10 times, but the other 19 seemed to have everything work 

   If you can take a moment to try them out, that'd be great!  If it looks 
   ok, I'll turn on pushing to (, and 
   then work towards Python in the nightlies.

   The extras dmg has the offline footprints.

   Adam Wolf
   Cofounder and Engineer

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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
It looks like something related to the python paths not
being able to find wx._core_.

I’ll put some time tonight on it.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

 On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
 ( wrote:
  Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew startup, I need
  to investigate why.
  snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
  PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );
 Probably a missing
 PyLock lock;
 Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:
 const char* cmd = import wxversion;'
 Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good Luck.
 Best Regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] [Merge] lp:~metacollin/kicad/boosting_boost into lp:kicad

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
We don’t use boost-python (AFAIK). There was a patch by cirilo proposing to 
but it’s been rejected because we could (theoretically) pull it via an external 
or write it in python.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:10, Adam Wolf wrote:

 Hi Collin,
 What part of boost 1.54 is incompatible with OS X 10.10?  Are you having 
 trouble with Python scripting and boost?
 The reason why I ask, is I have been using boost 1.54 on OS X 10.10 for 
 months without issue, but I haven't enabled Python on my builds yet.
 Adam Wolf
 Cofounder and Engineer
 On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Collin Anderson 
 ( wrote:
  Sorry, I didn't mean to waste anyone's time with this patch, I am still 
  very new to the project and still getting a feel for where things are 
  heading and what is a dead end and what isn't.  Additionally, I would be 
  terrified of just jumping versions  of such a key component like boost 
  without a lot of testing first.  Boost 1.54 unfortunately is incompatible 
  with OS 10.10, that's ultimately the motivation behind this patch.
  As for ripping all that crap out, that was exactly what I wanted to do too. 
   Originally, my homebrew tap had been using the KICAD_SKIP_BOOST option and 
  using an actual install of regular boost 1.57, and it seemed to work 
  without issue for a wide variety of machines, versions of OS X, and users.  
  Beyond that, all but one of the fixes had been pulled into 1.57.  The 
  missing patch curiously was simply commenting out two useless lines in 
  minkowski.hpp, I assumed half out of removing warnings, and half out of 
  sheer principal, lines of code with no purpose should not clutter up source 
  files, in my opinion.
  However, I discovered, using my own as well as reports from several other 
  people, that the autoroute mode in pcbnew crashes the entire .app almost 
  instantly, and with total consistency.  Commenting out those useless lines 
  fix this issue completely.  I'm not sure if I discovered anything, or 
  simply rediscovered for myself something well known by other contributors.  
  When you say next stable release, do you mean of KiCad, or of boost? If you 
  mean to say that the 1.58 release of boost will incorporate the minkowski 
  patch, then terrific, I can't wait for all that crap to get ripped out.  It 
  proved to be a *huge* headache when making the homebrew tap, thats for sure!
  Or did you mean next stable release of KiCad? Sorry, I am honestly not sure.
  Assuming this was all well known to everyone, I was curious if anyone knew 
  the mechanism behind the minkowski autoroute issue? My quick guess is that 
  the unused variables being set equal to vital pointers in the convolve 
  function is causing a compiler optimization to do something unfortunate to 
  those poor pointers, and loss of whatever memory location they were 
  supposed to be holding.  *shrug*
  Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
   On Feb 17, 2015, at 2:34 PM, Wayne Stambaugh 
   ( wrote:
   Review: Disapprove
   After the next stable release, this patch will be lost.  I plan on 
   ripping out all of the custom dependency download, patch, and build code 
   from the CMake files after the next stable.  If someone needs this to 
   build dependencies on their platform than it will have to be maintained 
   as an external project.  The complexity it has added to the project 
   configure and build has been a major source of pain.  I recommend 
   creating a kicad-boost project that downloads, patches, and builds boost 
   for the platforms that need it.
   You are the owner of lp:~metacollin/kicad/boosting_boost.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,

where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?

/// The wxPython version found during configuration.

Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:
 [ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in module
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in select
 bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in 
 score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in 
 self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
 ImportError: No module named wx._core_
 If I do this in console, it seems to work
  import wxversion'3.0')
  I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION, or why 
 is it failing
 in my system when inside pcbnew.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Hi Wayne,
  I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on copr 
  for my builds),
  but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build logs:
  -- Found wxWidgets: 
   (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)
  and I set KICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON on cmake:
  I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread about 
  the wxPython changes that
  I didn’t have time to read in full.
  Best reagards,
  Miguel Ángel.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

   What is the output of:

   grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt

   You should see something like this:


   If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.



   On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
It looks like something related to the python paths not
being able to find wx._core_.
I’ll put some time tonight on it.
Miguel Ángel Ajo
On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
 On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
 ( wrote:
  Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew startup,
  I need
  to investigate why.
  snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
  PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );
 Probably a missing
 PyLock lock;
 Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:
 const char* cmd = import wxversion;'
 Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good Luck.
 Best Regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hmm, if I re-run cmake or, as Wayne suggested, I run  
make rebuild_cache, WXPYTHON_VERSION turns into “3.0” inside config.h

I will add that workaround to the kicad fedora builder, but…
why does that happen?

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:41, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,
 where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?
 /// The wxPython version found during configuration.
 Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?  
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:
  [ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File string, line 1, in module
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in 
  bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in 
  score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in 
  self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
  ImportError: No module named wx._core_
  If I do this in console, it seems to work
   import wxversion'3.0')
   I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION, or why 
  is it failing
  in my system when inside pcbnew.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   Hi Wayne,

   I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on 
   copr for my builds),
   but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build logs:

   -- Found wxWidgets: 
(found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)

   and I set KICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON on cmake:

   I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread 
   about the wxPython changes that
   I didn’t have time to read in full.

   Best reagards,
   Miguel Ángel.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

What is the output of:
grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
You should see something like this:
If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 It looks like something related to the python paths not
 being able to find wx._core_.
 I’ll put some time tonight on it.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
  On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
  ( wrote:

   Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew 
   I need
   to investigate why.

   snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
   PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );

  Probably a missing
  PyLock lock;
  Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:
  const char* cmd = import wxversion;'
  Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good 
  Best Regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:

[ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in select
bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in 
score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in __init__
self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
ImportError: No module named wx._core_

If I do this in console, it seems to work
 import wxversion'3.0')

 I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION, or why is 
it failing

in my system when inside pcbnew.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Hi Wayne,
 I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on copr 
 for my builds),
 but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build logs:
 -- Found wxWidgets: 
  (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)
 I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread about 
 the wxPython changes that
 I didn’t have time to read in full.
 Best reagards,
 Miguel Ángel.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
  What is the output of:
  grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
  You should see something like this:
  If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
  On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   It looks like something related to the python paths not
   being able to find wx._core_.

   I’ll put some time tonight on it.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
( wrote:
 Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew startup,
 I need
 to investigate why.
 snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
 PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );
Probably a missing
PyLock lock;
Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:
const char* cmd = import wxversion;'
Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good Luck.
Best Regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
What was the problem with download_boost?, PPA builds didn’t allow network 

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:30, Adam Wolf wrote:

 Years ago, when I maintained an Ubuntu PPA pre - download_boost, I had to do 
 cmake rebuild_cache on every build, but I didn't have to on my PC.  Never 
 tracked that down before download_boost made that methodology impossible.
 Adam Wolf
 On Feb 18, 2015 6:27 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
 ( wrote:
  Just a note:
  I’m running cmake from an *empty* build dir:
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -D… -D… ..
  and I get into the problem, which goes away with the make rebuild_cache.  
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:24, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   Exactly, if I runs make rebuild_cache, or if I simply rerun cmake twice 
   need to delete config.h) the #define WXPYTHON_VERSION turns from “” to 

   When is cmake supposed to generate config.h exactly?  

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:21, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

They should match so that's the problem. I have the same problem when I
build from an existing build. It appears that config.h is not getting
rebuilt. Try running `make rebuild_cache` or deleting config.h and see
if CMake sets the WXPYTON_VERSION string to 3.0 which is what is found
during the configuration.
On 2/18/2015 6:41 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,
 where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?
 /// The wxPython version found during configuration.
 Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?  
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:
  [ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in
  bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in
  score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
  File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in
  self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
  ImportError: No module named wx._core_
  If I do this in console, it seems to work
 import wxversion'3.0')

  I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION,
  or why is it failing
  in my system when inside pcbnew.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
   Hi Wayne,

   I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m 
   relying on
   copr for my builds),
   but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build 

   -- Found wxWidgets:
   (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)

   and I set KICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON on cmake:

   I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the 
   about the wxPython changes that
   I didn’t have time to read in full.

   Best reagards,
   Miguel Ángel.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh 

What is the output of:
grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
You should see something like this:
If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 It looks like something related to the python paths not
 being able to find wx._core_

Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Exactly, if I runs make rebuild_cache, or if I simply rerun cmake twice (no  
need to delete config.h) the #define WXPYTHON_VERSION turns from “” to “3.0”.

When is cmake supposed to generate config.h exactly?  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:21, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 They should match so that's the problem. I have the same problem when I
 build from an existing build. It appears that config.h is not getting
 rebuilt. Try running `make rebuild_cache` or deleting config.h and see
 if CMake sets the WXPYTON_VERSION string to 3.0 which is what is found
 during the configuration.
 On 2/18/2015 6:41 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,
  where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?
  /// The wxPython version found during configuration.
  Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?  
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

   I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:

   [ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in module
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in
   bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in
   score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
   File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in
   self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
   ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
   ImportError: No module named wx._core_

   If I do this in console, it seems to work
  import wxversion'3.0')

   I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION,
   or why is it failing
   in my system when inside pcbnew.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

Hi Wayne,
I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on
copr for my builds),
but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build logs:
-- Found wxWidgets:
(found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)
I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread
about the wxPython changes that
I didn’t have time to read in full.
Best reagards,
Miguel Ángel.
Miguel Ángel Ajo
On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
 What is the output of:
 grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
 You should see something like this:
 If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
 On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  It looks like something related to the python paths not
  being able to find wx._core_.
  I’ll put some time tonight on it.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham 
   On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew 
I need
to investigate why.
snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),
PyRun_SimpleString( cmd );

   Probably a missing

   PyLock lock;

   Also, we don't need to use snprintf here, we can simply use:

   const char* cmd = import wxversion;'


   Sorry I don't have time to investigate the crash right now. Good 

   Best Regards,


Re: [Kicad-developers] wxPython version check

2015-02-18 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Just a note:

I’m running cmake from an *empty* build dir:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D… -D… ..

and I get into the problem, which goes away with the make rebuild_cache.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:24, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Exactly, if I runs make rebuild_cache, or if I simply rerun cmake twice (no  
 need to delete config.h) the #define WXPYTHON_VERSION turns from “” to “3.0”.
 When is cmake supposed to generate config.h exactly?  
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 01:21, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
  They should match so that's the problem. I have the same problem when I
  build from an existing build. It appears that config.h is not getting
  rebuilt. Try running `make rebuild_cache` or deleting config.h and see
  if CMake sets the WXPYTON_VERSION string to 3.0 which is what is found
  during the configuration.
  On 2/18/2015 6:41 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   Hmm, it seems that in my system it’s getting an empty string ‘’,

   where does WXPYTHON_VERSION come from?

   /// The wxPython version found during configuration.

   Shouldn’t that match WXPYTHON_VERSION_FOUND from CMakeCache.txt ?  

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Thursday, 19 de February de 2015 at 00:35, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

I wonder what’s wrong with my “wxversion” thing… the exact error is:
[ajo@kicad kicad-5430]$ pcbnew
Traceback (most recent call last):
File string, line 1, in module
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 149, in
bestMatch = _get_best_match(installed, versions, optionsRequired)
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 273, in
score = pkg.Score(_wxPackageInfo(ver), optionsRequired)
File /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/, line 357, in
self.version = tuple([int(x) for x in segments[0].split('.')])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
ImportError: No module named wx._core_
If I do this in console, it seems to work
   import wxversion'3.0')

I will try to check what’s really getting through WXPYTHON_VERSION,
or why is it failing
in my system when inside pcbnew.
Miguel Ángel Ajo
On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 23:38, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 Hi Wayne,
 I don’t have direct access to the CmakeCache (due that I’m relying on
 copr for my builds),
 but I could try to replicate locally, btw, this is from the build 
 -- Found wxWidgets:
 (found suitable version 3.0.2, minimum required is 3.0.0)
 I’m going to debug a bit to see what’s happening, and read the thread
 about the wxPython changes that
 I didn’t have time to read in full.
 Best reagards,
 Miguel Ángel.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 18:05, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
  What is the output of:
  grep WXPYTHON  kicad_build_path/CMakeCache.txt
  You should see something like this:
  If WXPYTHON_VERSON_FOUND is empty, run `make rebuild_cache`.
  On 2/18/2015 10:44 AM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   It looks like something related to the python paths not
   being able to find wx._core_.

   I’ll put some time tonight on it.

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Wednesday, 18 de February de 2015 at 16:33, Brian Sidebotham 

On 18 February 2015 at 14:26, Miguel Ángel Ajo ( wrote:
 Hmm, this crashes in the fedora nightly build during pcbnew 
 I need
 to investigate why.
 snprintf( cmd, 1023, import wxversion;'%s'),

Re: [Kicad-developers] KiCad in the (CERN) news

2015-02-17 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Awesome!! :-)  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Tuesday, 17 de February de 2015 at 14:50, Javier Serrano wrote:

 Dear all,
 I thought some of you might be interested in this recent piece by one
 of our colleagues in the Communications group:
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Coverity scan.

2015-02-16 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
This is very nice!!!  

I requested access :)  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Monday, 16 de February de 2015 at 13:33, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 There is a button in there to ask for access. FYI.
 Den 16/02/2015 13.15 skrev Brian Sidebotham 
  On 15 February 2015 at 20:11, Wayne Stambaugh 
  ( wrote:
   Mark Roszko was kind enough to set up a Coverity scan for KiCad at  Thank
   you Mark.  I would at least like my lead developers to sign up and have
   Mark give you access to see the scan results.  If you see a high
   severity issue that is in your code, please make sure it's not a false
   positive and tag it as such or fix it if the issue is legitemate.  At
   the very least, we should shoot for no high severity issues.  Obviously,
   zero issues of any severity should be the goal but we have to start
   On the whole, the KiCad error rate is not as bad as I thought it might
   be.  We are currently at 1.52 per 1000 lines of code.  The average for
   open source projects larger than 1M lines of code is 0.65.  Let's see if
   we can do better than average.
  Thanks for setting this up Mark, Can you give me access?
  I signed up with my GitHub account, so username should be
  BrianSidebotham or brian.sidebotham[at]gmail,com
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Fedora 21 nightlies build

2015-02-14 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Btw, Wayne, thank you for pointing me out that probably wxWidgets+gtk3
was the problem :-)

If you have some time to provide me with more information I will try
to file bugs where necessary to get that fixed.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Saturday, 14 de February de 2015 at 23:18, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Fedora 21 nightlies build is fully working now (no more canvas problems), I  
 had to recompile wxGTK3 with ‘gtk2’ and wxPython with that build, then kicad 
 on top.
 If you had the repo configured previously, do a:
 dnf clean all
 dnf remove wxGTK3 wxPython kicad
 dnf install kicad
 Otherwise follow the instructions at:
 To override other wxGTK3 or wxPython versions, I have bumped the revisions of 
 with +1000, but that’s a bit hacky, and may break when fedora releases new 
 wxGTK3 versions,
 I will look into a definitive solution as soon as I can, but that may work 
 for now.
 Please, let me know how if it works/doesn’t work for you.
 Eventually I will set a builder for the stable version too.
 Best regards,  
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 15 de January de 2015 at 11:25, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  I wanted to announce that I have created this repository with nightly 
  builds for KiCad:
  It has wxPython and python scripting enabled, and it’s based on wxWidgets 
  as kicad is now.
  For now you will find it’s a bit broken, as the wxGTK3 canvas is not 
  working correctly
  (having the same issue if I don’t link to wxPython3 and do it to the fedora 
  stock wxGTK3),
  that means eeschema is quite unusable, pcbnew only works correctly on the 
  OpenGL or Cairo Canvas.
  By the way, even broken I believe it’s a good opportunity for anyone 
  willing to have a look on the latest release.  
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Fedora 21 nightlies build

2015-02-14 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Sorry, it seems that we were writing at the same exact moment.

If you could point me to where we setup the canvas, and use it
to draw, I would try to write a simple reproducer, may be this
way we can get the gtk3 version working in the long term :)

Best regards,
Miguel Ángel  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Sunday, 15 de February de 2015 at 00:58, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Btw, Wayne, thank you for pointing me out that probably wxWidgets+gtk3
 was the problem :-)
 If you have some time to provide me with more information I will try
 to file bugs where necessary to get that fixed.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Saturday, 14 de February de 2015 at 23:18, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Fedora 21 nightlies build is fully working now (no more canvas problems), I 
  had to recompile wxGTK3 with ‘gtk2’ and wxPython with that build, then 
  kicad on top.
  If you had the repo configured previously, do a:
  dnf clean all
  dnf remove wxGTK3 wxPython kicad
  dnf install kicad
  Otherwise follow the instructions at:
  To override other wxGTK3 or wxPython versions, I have bumped the revisions 
  of those
  with +1000, but that’s a bit hacky, and may break when fedora releases new 
  wxGTK3 versions,
  I will look into a definitive solution as soon as I can, but that may work 
  for now.
  Please, let me know how if it works/doesn’t work for you.
  Eventually I will set a builder for the stable version too.
  Best regards,  
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
  On Thursday, 15 de January de 2015 at 11:25, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

   I wanted to announce that I have created this repository with nightly 
   builds for KiCad:

   It has wxPython and python scripting enabled, and it’s based on wxWidgets 
   as kicad is now.

   For now you will find it’s a bit broken, as the wxGTK3 canvas is not 
   working correctly
   (having the same issue if I don’t link to wxPython3 and do it to the 
   fedora stock wxGTK3),
   that means eeschema is quite unusable, pcbnew only works correctly on the 
   OpenGL or Cairo Canvas.

   By the way, even broken I believe it’s a good opportunity for anyone 
   willing to have a look on the latest release.  

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

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Re: [Kicad-developers] documentation format

2015-02-05 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Sorry, I believe I understood wrong previous Nick suggestion about
hosting stuff at the current kicad servers.

I’m all for doing CI, and rendering the documentation out to:  or the chosen subdomain.

 If that was the suggestion, that’s only static file serving, which is
cheap and with 0 maintenance.

If the suggestion was “let’s install something like github” to do SCM  
that’s another beast (installs, upgrades, fighting spammers…).

Best regards,
Miguel Ángel.

On Wednesday, 4 de February de 2015 at 21:12, Bob Gustafson wrote:

 On 02/04/2015 10:13 AM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
I'll put a CMake build system in place on the documentation and make
  sure it works on Windows + Linux. OSX guys will have to help me in
  making sure it works there. It shouldn't be a problem though.

  What does this cmake include? Does it reside in the kicad-doc repo or
  in the kicad repo?
 On OSX, I am shooting for a directory structure like so:
 But whatever - but so far the Help and Docs are not hooked up to my GUI
 Best Regards
 Bob G
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Re: [Kicad-developers] documentation format

2015-02-05 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo  

It’s in a separate branch :-)  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 5 de February de 2015 at 11:53, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

 On 5 February 2015 at 10:03, Fat-Zer 
 ( wrote:
  2015-02-04 19:52 GMT+03:00 Wayne Stambaugh 

   CMake should be used as the build configuration tool which is used to
   verify all of the required tools are installed on the system and
   automatically generate the appropriate Makefiles. CMake files would go
   in the kicad-doc repo and replace the current Makefiles.

   It would be nice if everything was in one place. That may be a goal for
   the distant future. For now, we have more important issues to worry about.

  Hi, I've done some cmake macro scripting for building asciidoc based
  on Marco's repository some time ago:
  It's ready to use for generate output in several formats like docbook,
  pdf, html and other.
  But, by the word, it doesn't check some special additional
  dependencies for specific formats... may be I'll add a test if
  specified format may be build in future...
  I've gonna to report it after I'll add some macro to update the *.po
  files but have not finished it yet...
 Hi Fat-Zer,
 I cannot see any CMakeLists.txt in that repo, am I missing something?
 Best Regards,
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Update on OpenGL performance on Intel GPUs

2015-02-05 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Nice, it’s good to know that the 300EUR cpu range runs
OpenGL nice for our needs. That means we’re not adding a huge
entry barrier with the OpenGL implementation.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 5 de February de 2015 at 11:10, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:

 Well, I got rich (more or less) and plundered the store for a 300 EUR
 laptop for the office. CPU power is slightly better but the GPU is not
 a 'classic' i915 but an HD one.
 Performance on the opengl view is *wy* better; this time opengl is
 better than xlib drawing.
 (the reason is that in the HD GPUs shaders are run on the GPU, not in
 the mesa library :D)
 So I'd say that Intel's GPUs are now adequate, if you have at least an
 HD one.
 Lorenzo Marcantonio
 Logos Srl
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Re: [Kicad-developers] Update on OpenGL performance on Intel GPUs

2015-02-05 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Where I said CPU, I was meaning Laptop… I must proofread before I
click the “Send” button.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 5 de February de 2015 at 11:49, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Nice, it’s good to know that the 300EUR cpu range runs
 OpenGL nice for our needs. That means we’re not adding a huge
 entry barrier with the OpenGL implementation.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 5 de February de 2015 at 11:10, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:
  Well, I got rich (more or less) and plundered the store for a 300 EUR
  laptop for the office. CPU power is slightly better but the GPU is not
  a 'classic' i915 but an HD one.
  Performance on the opengl view is *wy* better; this time opengl is
  better than xlib drawing.
  (the reason is that in the HD GPUs shaders are run on the GPU, not in
  the mesa library :D)
  So I'd say that Intel's GPUs are now adequate, if you have at least an
  HD one.
  Lorenzo Marcantonio
  Logos Srl
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Re: [Kicad-developers] documentation format

2015-02-04 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 4 de February de 2015 at 17:52, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 On 2/4/2015 11:13 AM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
  2015-02-04 15:06 GMT+01:00 Wayne Stambaugh 
   On 2/4/2015 7:10 AM, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
On 4 February 2015 at 00:14, Wayne Stambaugh 
( wrote:
 We need to make a decision soon if we want to get the documentation
 conversion completed in time for the next stable release. I'm still 
 sure we can build on Windows. Neither the MSYS2 asciidoc or sphinx
 implementations worked correctly the last time I tried them and I have
 no way to test any of this on OSX. Cygwin may work but the last time I
 tried to build kicad on cygwin, it was more trouble than it was worth.
 This would limit us to building the documentation only on linux which
 I'm not terribly thrilled about. This means if you wanted to build a
 windows installer you would have to run linux in a VM to build the
 documentation. That would be painful for our auto builders folks. If
 we get much further along, we may just have to live with the
 documentation we have now and convert to a plain text format for the
 next release.
I think we're pretty much decided already on asciidoc - it just takes
someone to say so. I've included Marco on this email so perhaps he
could give us his up-to-date conclusion and we can make the decision
As for being able to build, well, we need to decide on an output
format. I think we've previously been hinting at html rather than PDF.
We don't need to support a million output formats. PDF is much harder
to support compared to HTML for example.

  I think HTML and PDF is what is required, I guess some people would
  like epub, but that is basically not much different to HTML in
  structure, hence I think that should look equally fine in HTML as in
However, nothing requires a POSIX shell, so we definitely don't need
to add-in cygwin, MSYS2 or anything else as a dependency for building
asciidoc works okay for me under windows, but a2x for PDF conversion
doesn't work. However, projects like asciidoctor-fopub and
asciidoctor-pdf are well underway to sort that problem out.
I'll put a CMake build system in place on the documentation and make
sure it works on Windows + Linux. OSX guys will have to help me in
making sure it works there. It shouldn't be a problem though.

  What does this cmake include? Does it reside in the kicad-doc repo or
  in the kicad repo?
 CMake should be used as the build configuration tool which is used to
 verify all of the required tools are installed on the system and
 automatically generate the appropriate Makefiles. CMake files would go
 in the kicad-doc repo and replace the current Makefiles.
So decide input and output formats and we can start implementing the
CMake build system on the Github repo.
Best Regards,


   Thank you for stepping up to write the CMake build system. This is what
   I was looking for. I didn't want to start down that path without the
   resources in place to get the work done. I would like to hear from the
   auto builder folks to see what impact it will have on what they are
   doing. I'll give asciidoc my official blessing (it seems funny to me
   saying that) so we can get moving on it. The following tasks will need
   to be completed before the stable release:

   - Set up repo on some git hosting sight. I heard some negative feedback
   at FOSDEM about using github since apparently it is not free software so
   I'm open to suggestion on this. If github is the best choice then I'm
   OK using it but it might be worth exploring other git based hosting

  Ohh well, it is just a git repo, where exactly it is located does not
  really matter IMHO. What matters is that pull requests are easy to
  perform, but I think it is no fault to put it on github for the
  forseeable future at least. We have the official libs there anyway,
  please don't do any unnessesary fragmentation of the project. By
  saying this, I don't want to close the discussion of alternative
  places. One is hosting it together with 
  ( if ajo want to
  support and help maintain that.

Sorry, I missed that part, I really believe externally provided solutions
are going to be more reliable and work better.

I prefer to spend my very little time in doing things for KiCad than handling
software upgrades, backups, etc...

Lately, the website has proven to be more reliable, partly it was unreliable
because of the huge amount of traffic we have, and that confluence
eats a lot of RAM (thanks java..), but it’s 

Re: [Kicad-developers] 3D model code for merging

2015-02-04 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 4 de February de 2015 at 21:27, Cirilo Bernardo wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
 ( wrote:
  Hi Cirilo, awesome work.
 Don’t want to delay the merge, that’s something on what we could work 
  but, are you aware of the higher lever scripting layer we started working 
  on from Piers  
  proposal? [1]
 I’m trying to splice his work into modules to have a very coherent and 
  well documented
  python API for KiCad at user level.
  The idea is to keep the modules as:
  kicad.eeschema   (when we get into such thing..)
  may be we could expose your 3D API from kicad.vrml  ?
  We adopted the naming convention of xxx_xxx_xxx for function names, and 
  X for classes,
  and we are building a higher level python API over the C++ bare 
  implementation, and we don’t
  plan to break that one to avoid breaking off anybody’s already existing 
  We could do the same on top of your 3D api, or we could go and do a follow 
  up patch to normalize
  all function names. (I see you tight controlled how python naming is 
  exposed based on the C++ API),
  probably the 1st option is going to be the most flexible.
 If necessary everything can be exposed from kicad.vrml; my only concern here 
 is if many more C++ modules
 are added then kicad.vrml might become too big. Otherwise changing the 
 library is not a very big job at the
 moment and since there aren't very many scripts it shouldn't be a big job to 
 update the scripts to use the
 newer library name.

That can be split them in submodules

Think about a logical way to provide them.

It’s common also to unify all you want to provide from a module from split 
like this:

Or importing specific stuff.

You can also leave the C++ modules as you want, and then we can create simple 
in kicad.vrml the same way, I believe that would make it easier, because 
otherwise the modules
could be conflicting at install time.

I would be more concerned about providing an unified way of naming methods,
do you find reasonable to export them to python with the pep8 naming convention?

  The intention is that [1] is very well documented for all users, and merged 
  back to the kicad code  
  base (when mature enough) so it’s widely available to everybody, and so we 
  can fix any breaking
  changes on the C++ API by updating the python layer.
  I would also be very happy about making python-scripting a 1st class 
  citizen by getting [1] merged
  and, getting all the stable builds with Python, so this is widely available 
  to everybody in the next
  release. But I want to start a discussion about that.
  One question:
 Is it currently possible (from python), to build a 3D model, and attach 
  it to a module right away?,
  that would be amazing from the footprint wizard perspective. (I didn’t have 
  enough time to fully
  dig into your code).
 Models can be built from Python and if the kicad scripting interface allows 
 you to add 3D models then
 the generated file can be immediately attached to the module.  

The scripting interface should let you do whatever the c++ module class let’s 
you do  (the positive  
side of swig, the downside is not having too much control over the naming of 
your functions if you do  
it all automatically)  
 The only issue I see here is how do you
 define model parameters and names from within the PCB script in a useful way. 

We already have that,

The C++ UI talks to the python plugins (which get registered at pcbnew boot), 
and finds what to ask the user,
then when the user changes a parameter, the parameter list is propagated back 
to the plugin, and the
footprint is rebuilt inside python.

Within such plugins we could build a 3D model and attach it to the footprint.

Please, ignore that those parts of the code are based on the C++ naming 
convention, instead
of the “pythonic” one :/

 The current workflow
 is to create a parametric model such as a tubular leaded diode model (which 
 is currently in C++ but
 could equally be a python module) and to use the python interface to create 
 multiple configurations of
 the component class through a script like  To create models from 
 within a PCB script you
 would need

Re: [Kicad-developers] FOSDEM plans

2015-01-30 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Sounds good to me!,   

Sign me up! ;)  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 29 de January de 2015 at 14:42, Javier Serrano wrote:

 What about a KiCad dinner on Saturday? Those who would like to join,
 let me know off-list so I can book a table somewhere. Also, mobile
 phone numbers for some of the CERN folks can be found in our public
 phone book [1].
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Re: [Kicad-developers] FOSDEM plans

2015-01-25 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi, sorry to update too late the topic.  

I will be earlier finally (8:30 AM), but I need to go to the Centos Dojo
to join my colleagues on presenting the openstack RDO distribution.

I can’t give many indications about how to move around Brussels,  
I’ve only been once before, and I remember the center was beautiful,
an the beer was good, but not much more.

I believe from 3-5pm I will have finished and I will be available to join,
dinner sounds great if I’m on time, any place is ok for me. :)

Best regards,  
and see you next Friday.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Sunday, 25 de January de 2015 at 19:50, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 I'll be checking WhatsApp and my email whenever I can. I get there
 around 7AM so I'll be wandering around Brussels all day. Ping me when
 you get settled in. I'm up for a beer Friday night. If you get in
 early enough, we could try to get a group together for dinner. I've
 never been to Brussels so any help with info on good places to eat would
 be greatly appreciated.
 On 1/24/2015 6:20 PM, Kaspar Emanuel wrote:
  I'll be arriving on Friday at around 5 pm and staying near the
  University in a small apartment found through AirBnB. Should be up for a
  beer Friday night. I've installed Whatsapp and added Wayne and Miguel.
  My number is +44 7543 520224. Maybe send me a message when you add me to
  see if it works ok.
  See you in Brussels!
  On 12 January 2015 at 19:54, Wayne Stambaugh 
  ( wrote:
  Look me up when you arrive Friday. My flight arrives early Friday
  morning so I should already be checked into hotel by the time your
  flight arrives. The best way to get in touch is either WhatsApp or
  email at My
  phone number is 1-757-880-5981. I've
  never been to Brussels so I could use a tour guide if you know your way
  around. Looking forward to seeing you at FOSDEM. At the very least we
  should try to get together for dinner and drinks with all the other
  kicad devs that can make it Friday evening.
  On 1/10/2015 5:57 PM, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   Hi all, sorry for not replying to the thread earlier,
   First of all, very sorry to see that Brian will be missing, I suppose
   the kid makes it more difficult, I really had troubles to make it
   fit into my schedule, I must say my wife is sponsoring my trip
   by taking care of our two daughters over the weekend ‘:-).
   I will be arriving on Fri 14:30, and leaving on Sun 20:50.
   My initial idea was to join you in any of your hotels to make
   less lonely, but in the end one of my workmates joined me, and we
   a nice hotel not so far from the place (1.6Km): Hotel Capital.
   If somebody want’s to add me on whatsapp or telegram, I will be
   on wifi hotspots during friday to see if I can sync with any of
  you for
   and/or beers ;-) , my number is +34 636 52 25 69, and it will be
   for me to
   check “” at that time.
   Miguel Ángel Ajo
   On Friday, 9 de January de 2015 at 14:57, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
   Hey Brian,
   Sorry to hear your not going to make it to FOSDEM. I hoping to
  meet you
   there. Maybe I'll find a way to make it again next year.
   On 1/9/2015 6:15 AM, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
   Hi Guys,
   Sorry I've been AWOL for so long. The new year has been extremely
   hectic for me. I hope everyone had a good new year.
   I've tried to fit FOSDEM into my schedule, but it would be
  flying out
   early Saturday morning and flying back late Sunday and then back to
   work on Monday which is not something I can fit in right now I'm
   afraid. I'm so sorry not to be able to make it. I hope you all
  get to
   meet and discuss all the issues while you're over there.
   I'm sure the presentations will go fine, but good luck with them
   I've already written FOSDEM 2016 into our calendar though, so I'll
   definitely be there for that one. I missed last year too! :(
   Best Regards,
   On 5 January 2015 at 10:38, Maciej Sumiński 
   Hi Miguel,
   There is a small group from CERN that arrives on Friday evening. We
   have already booked places at La Madeleine Hotel (most of us, I think).
   Finally we are going to meet people who have contributed so much to
   the project!
   See you there,
   On 01/02/2015 11:57 AM, Miguel Angel wrote:
   Hi, I was planning over going to FOSDEM this year.
   Is anybody going?, if so, can I ask where will you be staying?
   (thinking of kicad-breakfasts ;) ),
   I had a look over nearby hotels/hostels and I see a few

Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-25 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
And the version with default units:

Looks quite clean to me, and yet all the precision from native units is 
retained, plus
we can do things like:
 p = Point((2**31-1) * nm, (-(2**31)+1) *nm)
(2147483647.0, -2146483648.0)

(0.03937007874015748, 0.07874015748031496)

 p=Point(1*inch, 1*inch)
(1.0, 1.0)
(25.4, 25.4)
(2540.0, 2540.0)
 p.rotate(90, around=(0,0))
Point(-25.4, 25.4)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Sunday, 25 de January de 2015 at 03:03, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 A little experiment, with the suggested * mm / * inch notation. [1]
 Look specially at the tests (last files).
 Feel free to comment over the code.
 If we could default to mm (my preferred) or inches, we could
 save a lot of code (specially to process by human brains
 reading python) while retaining all the precision.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 [1] Note: 2 builds failed because I didn’t make the C++ “pcbnew” module for 
 the tests.
 On Sunday, 25 de January de 2015 at 02:56, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:
  On 25.01.2015 02:50, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

   I was just testing that.

   Python floats (in all architectures) are double, so the 52 bit fraction 
   (11 bit exp) is always
   going to hold more information that the 32bits wxPoint /wxSize can hold.

  Hi Miguel,
  Sorry, I'm a C/C++ guy, so float defaults for me to 32 bits ;) Doubles
  look ok, although the decimal part will be anyway truncated on the way
  from Python to C++ (if we decide to keep the nm as default unit)
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-24 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Saturday, 24 de January de 2015 at 20:02, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 24.01.2015, 11:58, from Miguel Ángel Ajo:
 I hope that the current possibility to use the original „import pcbnew” will  
 remain intact. Internal units under KiCAD as integers are the most precise 
 As python script writer I don't need nothing else.
 I also do not want it to previous results of my few months work has become  
No intention to break the C++ pcbnew module. This is partly why I
put everything under the kicad.* umbrella.

About IU, I believe we should provide access to IU if the user wants to
use it. May be we should call the unit NM10 or something similar,  
so people knows what it means, and in the event the internal  
unit changed (very unlikely) we could still keep backwards-compatibility.

Migue Ángel

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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-24 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hmm, I’m actually liking Tom’s suggestion, sounds quite natural to me.

pcb.create_module(ref=‘A1’, position=(10 * mm, 10 * mm))

but also accepting pcb.create_module(ref=‘B1’, position=Point(10 * mm, 10 * 

I’d do the function parameter translation into Point automatically, even if I 
believe parameter
input should be easy, having a class for points or sizes makes them easier to 
for example if we wanted to rotate them:

point.rotate(2 * rad)

point.rotate(90 * deg, around=(5 * mm, 5 * mm))


new_point = point.rotated(90 * deg)

Side note, not sure why I thought IUs were 10nm, but they are 1nm (and 10nm for 
gerbview, I suppose the
reason for the gerview change is being able to stack the biggest boards 10x10)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Saturday, 24 de January de 2015 at 22:37, tiger12506 wrote:

 I have no weight in the discussion, but I really like Tom's suggestion here.
 It allows you to use them as if they were units. 10 * mm is almost  
 syntactically identical to 10mm.
 And they don't get in the way with a bunch of boilerplate, like some of  
 the other suggestions do.
 On 1/24/2015 3:55 PM, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:
  On 16.01.2015 18:43, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
   The user shouldn’t need to know what an IU is unless he really wants, for 

  Hi Miguel,
  Why make things complicated here? Given that the choice of IUs in pcbnew
  is very reasonable and easy to understand, I see no reason for hiding
  that knowledge from script writers. A nanometer after all, is just
  one-millionth of a millimeter. No rocket science here...
  On the other hand, we need to provide a sensible way of
  inputting/presenting values with units. For hardcoded values, defining
  units could be just multiplying by a fixed scalefactor:
  from pcbnew import mm, inch, mils = 100
  #pcbnew.inch = 2540
  #pcbnew.mils = 25400
  p = Point(10 * mm, 12 * mm)
  Concerning UI input/output (dialogs) - recently I had to do some dialogs
  for PS with lots of values in mm/inches, so to avoid repeatable unit
  conversion code, I developed a class tiny called WX_UNIT_BINDER [1]. It
  binds together a WX text control with an unit label:
  class MyDialog : public dialog_generated_by_wxfb_base {
  WX_UNIT_BINDER m_myValueInUnits;
  MyDialog::MyDialog() :
  m_myValueInUnits ( m_myValueText, m_myValueUnitLabel )
  m_myValueInUnits.SetValue ( value_in_iu_here )
  // x = m_myValueInUnits.GetValue();
  All unit conversion is done inside the binder class, according to the
  current units setting. All the user needs to do is to get/set the value
  in IUs. Maybe a similar method could be used in the scripting API?
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-24 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

I was just testing that.

  Python floats (in all architectures) are double, so the 52 bit fraction (11 
bit exp) is always
going to hold more information that the 32bits wxPoint /wxSize can hold.

   So that’s not a point.

   I’m experimenting with both options, to see what’s more readable.  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Sunday, 25 de January de 2015 at 02:48, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:

 On 25.01.2015 02:04, Piers Titus van der Torren wrote:
  While I understand that for internal units it's good to use integers and
  hence small units, for this high level python api I don't see much benefits
  for not using floats and sensible default  
 Dear Peter,
 32-bit float is bad simply because the set of 32-bit floats is not a
 superset of 32 bit integers. This means merely converting an integer
 coordinate to float and back to int may loose accuracy. In case of
 tightly packed primitives, one might end up with unwanted DRC errors.
 As for small vs big units - units matter on the UI side, when the user
 inputs some parameters for the script in a dialog window.
 Inputting/outputting values with units should be therefore made as easy
 as possible. Processing the data is IMHO a different story - computers
 don't care if they do calculations in milli- or nanometers. So why
 create yet another unit definition?
 units like degrees and mm.
  Keeping the internal api intact still allows for low level scripting and
  using internal units. Even combined with this api, as the internal object
  currently is easily available as ._module for example.
  I see this api as a user interface, where internal units may be hidden just
  like in the gui.
  Also the * inch syntax can be used if preferred with inch = 25.4.
  Op 24 jan. 2015 23:48 schreef Miguel Ángel Ajo 
   Hmm, I’m actually liking Tom’s suggestion, sounds quite natural to me.

   pcb.create_module(ref=‘A1’, position=(10 * mm, 10 * mm))

   but also accepting pcb.create_module(ref=‘B1’, position=Point(10 * mm, 10
   * mm))

   I’d do the function parameter translation into Point automatically, even
   if I believe parameter
   input should be easy, having a class for points or sizes makes them easier
   to manipulate,
   for example if we wanted to rotate them:

   point.rotate(2 * rad)

   point.rotate(90 * deg, around=(5 * mm, 5 * mm))


   new_point = point.rotated(90 * deg)

   Side note, not sure why I thought IUs were 10nm, but they are 1nm (and
   10nm for gerbview, I suppose the
   reason for the gerview change is being able to stack the biggest boards

   Miguel Ángel Ajo

   On Saturday, 24 de January de 2015 at 22:37, tiger12506 wrote:

   I have no weight in the discussion, but I really like Tom's suggestion

   It allows you to use them as if they were units. 10 * mm is almost
   syntactically identical to 10mm.
   And they don't get in the way with a bunch of boilerplate, like some of
   the other suggestions do.


   On 1/24/2015 3:55 PM, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:

   On 16.01.2015 18:43, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

   The user shouldn’t need to know what an IU is unless he really wants, for

   Hi Miguel,

   Why make things complicated here? Given that the choice of IUs in pcbnew
   is very reasonable and easy to understand, I see no reason for hiding
   that knowledge from script writers. A nanometer after all, is just
   one-millionth of a millimeter. No rocket science here...

   On the other hand, we need to provide a sensible way of
   inputting/presenting values with units. For hardcoded values, defining
   units could be just multiplying by a fixed scalefactor:

   from pcbnew import mm, inch, mils = 100
   #pcbnew.inch = 2540
   #pcbnew.mils = 25400

   p = Point(10 * mm, 12 * mm)

   Concerning UI input/output (dialogs) - recently I had to do some dialogs
   for PS with lots of values in mm/inches, so to avoid repeatable unit
   conversion code, I developed a class tiny called WX_UNIT_BINDER [1]. It
   binds together a WX text control with an unit label:

   class MyDialog : public dialog_generated_by_wxfb_base {
   WX_UNIT_BINDER m_myValueInUnits;

   MyDialog::MyDialog() :
   m_myValueInUnits ( m_myValueText, m_myValueUnitLabel )
   m_myValueInUnits.SetValue ( value_in_iu_here )
   // x = m_myValueInUnits.GetValue();

   All unit conversion is done inside the binder class, according to the
   current units setting. All the user needs to do is to get/set the value
   in IUs. Maybe a similar method could be used in the scripting API?



Re: [Kicad-developers] OS X Menu Icons, Boost, Symlinkery

2015-01-23 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi Nick, in fedora21 it seems they are enabled by default for wxGTK3 at least!
(somebody is reasonable in the end!!!)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 23 de January de 2015 at 18:14, Nick Østergaard wrote:

 Yeah, and now GTK3 is also doing that crap of removing icons,
 regardless of having them or not. Pretty annoying, I can't figure out
 how to reenable them for GTK3 where it works.
 2015-01-23 17:15 GMT+01:00 jp charras 
  Le 23/01/2015 17:08, Bob Gustafson a écrit :
   Curious that it is turned off for Apple. Maybe bad things will happen?
  Not curious.
  The reason is few years ago, we just have a OSX fundamentalist who had
  write rights to the repository.

   Also, it is not USE_MENU_ICONS, but USE_IMAGES_IN_MENUS

   Thanks much

   Bob G
  Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-16 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi Brian,

 I see your point, but the problem with that is interoperability, for example
if we mix up modules which work with pcbnew, they could change units,
and mix them all up.

   I have proposed on the ether pad to do something like:, 10), which would, under the hood do:

class Point:
def __init__(x, y, unit):

 def mm(x,y):
  return Point(x, y, unit=MM)

how does it sound?

I’m also trying to think if there is any way to handle it within a context,

with Units(MM):  
point = Point(10,10)

But I haven’t found how to push the context and make it available to Point..  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 16 de January de 2015 at 11:03, Brian Sidebotham wrote:

 On 15 January 2015 at 10:20, Miguel Ángel Ajo 
 ( wrote:
  Yesterday I wrote a proposal for discussion here: (please write your name
  for your color
  using the top right icon, so what you write can be identified to you).
  I tried not to look too much into the original Piers proposal,
  to do a true top-down design (“how do I like to interact with kicad
  In the end, it looks quite much like Piers proposal, just with the
  of Point/Size objects receiving the unit.
  I was trying to be as pythonic as possible avoiding set_/get_ methods,
  and instead rely on attributes and implicit setters/getters.
  The listed options are not exclusive, just different ways of doing the same.
  Please feel free to write about other use cases, or copy, paste, then modify
  my blocks
  to provide different possible interactions.
  Miguel Ángel.
  Miguel Ángel Ajo
 Hi Miguel,
 I thought I'd add my thoughts here instead of changing what others have done.
 I see that someone doesn't like the Point( 10, 10, unit=MM ) paradime
 for creating a 2D vector.
 Personally, I prefer that construct compared to the proposed point_mm(
 10, 10 ) by quite a long way.
 But, it's of course a pain to always use unit=MM. Generally we know
 the units we're going to work with when we start with pcbnew scripting
 so it would be good to be able to do something like
 pcbnew.default_units = MM somewhere near the start of the script and
 then all 2D vectors can be created without the unit=MM additional
 argument, such as: Point( 10, 10 ) instead.
 That would make a nicer interface in my opinion. I only had a chance
 to have a quick look at it. Thanks for getting something together for
 people to look at.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-16 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
In my opinion it’s not a waste of time.

A decent API will lead to more standardized scripts, and the
people ability to share and look at other’s work.

Miguel Ángel.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 16 de January de 2015 at 13:24, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 16.01.2015, 13:09, from Miguel Ángel Ajo:
  I’m also trying to think if there is any way to handle it within a context,
  with Units(MM):
  point = Point(10,10)
 I think that any similar constructions debate are waste of time. If somebody  
 wants to create some sensible script, then she/he will made own way to ensure 
 using correct units…
 There is not only right way, there are a number of possible solutions.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-16 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

First of all, let me first clarify, we’re discussing two things at the same 

[people scripts (2, 2.1, 2.2)] — [kicad-python-api(1)i] — [C++ swigged-API]

1) Building an API to access the kicad objects in a way that is not  
tightly coupled to the KiCad internals, and that it’s for consumption from  
python scripts. This API is to be written in python.

I believe this API should live in the kicad repository, even if we iterate
first on a separate one. This way, when breaking changes happen in the C++
implementation (interface change, object change, etc..) the API layer
can be updated to work with the new C++ interface.

2) Having scripts people build on python to provide specific functions.  
This could live on a separate repo without risk, since the API contract  
should not change (unless somehow deprecated). If something becomes
really useful for the wide community, of course, it can always be packaged
together with KiCad.  

2.1) At some point, we could even make a repository available via github,
 the same way we do for footprints.

2.2) I also find interesting another kind of special functions, not to run 
from kicad, but to run inside kicad:

a) Contextual menu hooks: scripts that can hook certain contextual menus,
to provide functions, so users can plug those special functions into 

b) Tool bar hooks: To install functions in the toolbar.

c) I/O plugins: To write I/O plugins in plain python.

I’m replying between lines too-  

On Friday, 16 de January de 2015 at 15:25, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 16.01.2015, 14:35, from Tomasz Wlostowski:
  On 16.01.2015 14:06, LordBlick wrote: Dear LordBlick,
  I'm of quite opposite opinion - all scripts of decent quality should be
  available in some official repository (whether it will be separate from the
  main Kicad repo is a different discussion) and possibly packaged with the
  releases of Kicad.
 Separate repository seems more sensible. My OS packaging environment (RPM)
 spends 23 minutes to build every release (without docs and libs) and that 
 of time still grows. Every element, which can stand alone, should have 
 repo as was done with docs and libs.

Build time is painful, but I believe it's something which shouldn’t stop us 
adding new functionalities, otherwise we should stop development now ;-)
  A stable and simple API for scripting, that is independent of the pcbnew's
  internal storage model is a big step in that direction. To me the discussion
  if: Point(10, 10, Units=MM) is better than, 10) or point_mm(10,
  10) is a waste of time, because I don't see any of these forms making script
  development significantly more difficult.
 That's my appointment too, but possibly haven't found proprietary words…
 Some of ways comes from Python language specific forms.

Ok, let’s not spend more time on that part. :)
  @Miguel: PS - What do you think about adding a GAL canvas object to the
  scripting API? It could be useful for footprint/import wizards or other PCB
  feature generators as a preview window, embedded in a GUI form.
 It will be great to control fast drawing area from external script. Today I 
 cairo/gtk to my scribbles.

Yes, I totally missed that when using scripting, if you could give me an 
of how to instantiate the GAL canvas from a standalone simple wxpython  
application, that should give me an  idea on what do we need to provide  
from the C++ API layer.
  I've had in mind a Pythonish SVG graphic importer (see attachment), adding a
  simple OSHW logo to a Kicad PCB project is quite painful now...
 Curiously, I'm doing svg import work in python with additional ability to 
 edit points position.
 Screenshot contains yet unfinished UI editor. I have some ideas, eg. a choice 
 import (DrawPolygon footprint or other draws - arcs, circles segments, zone on
 board or draw elements on board etc ...)

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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-16 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 16 de January de 2015 at 20:01, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 16.01.2015, 18:43, from Miguel Ángel Ajo:
  About using mm as the default unit, other people may disagree, we should 
  facilities to let people specify their unit.
 wxPoint and wxSize can be subclassed to allow any arithmetical operation and  
 unit conversion with propietary methods.
   As Jean-Pierre Charras wrote in thread nearly, board names for cooper 
   layers may
   brd = pcbnew
   pcb = brd.GetBoard()
  pcb.SetLayerName(0, 'Top')

  pcb.SetLayerName(31, 'Bottom')

  pcb.SetLayerName(32, 'BottomGlue')


  Hmm, that’s an important point for not referencing layers by names 
  (I was proposing that too)
  may be we should be defining a set of 32 constants for the layers we can 
  and keep up to date with any ID changes at the C++ side. Although I suppose 
  are not
  going to change for compatibility reasons.
 Seems to be unessary creating independent data. Simply:
 lsLayers = tuple([(idl, brd.BOARD_GetStandardLayerName(idl)) for idl in  
 lsCuLayers = tuple(filter(lambda idl, layerName: layerName.endswith('.Cu'),  
Yes, you already told me, but wasn’t the point against using provided names
that they could eventualy change?.

This is why I was suggesting constants. It’s not an awful work ;) but I 
understand you may
not want to do it ;)  

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Re: [Kicad-developers] [Branch ~kicad-product-committers/kicad/product] Rev 5370: More work on fp lib table wizard: add a button to import the full list of .pretty libs on github.

2015-01-15 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

Jean Pierre, amazing work, that was fast!

Compiling, I want to see it in action :)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 15 de January de 2015 at 21:03, wrote:

 revno: 5370
 committer: jean-pierre charras 
 branch nick: kicad
 timestamp: Thu 2015-01-15 21:01:53 +0100
 More work on fp lib table wizard: add a button to import the full list of 
 .pretty libs on github.
 * if the current select plugin is the github plugin, one can select some of 
 these libraries and add them to the table
 * if the current select plugin is the kicad plugin, one can select some of 
 these libraries and download them to make alocal copy.
 They can added to the table after they are downloaded.
 The size of the diff (1650 lines) is larger than your specified limit of 1000 
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Re: [Kicad-developers] file version compatibility (optional tokens in s-expression files)

2015-01-15 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
I was talking about Altium in my previous email, and I believe
the points you made are quite reasonable (in favor and against).

I also didn’t know about the measures of not saving the unchanged
defaults, which are quite neat.

What about a flag in the loader parameters, disabled by default, but which 
could be
used via scripting for extreme situations (recovery of broken files?). Dumping
warnings to stdout should be ok.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 15 de January de 2015 at 21:37, Kaspar Emanuel wrote:

 My 2c: let the parser ignore unknown/incompatible s-expressions and warn the 
 user when they are encountered.  
 On 14 January 2015 at 22:24, Martijn Kuipers 
 ( wrote:
   On 14 Jan 2015, at 21:07, Cirilo Bernardo 
   ( wrote:

   On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Tomasz Wlostowski ( wrote:
On 13.01.2015 20:11, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
 This is a tricky issue that has been discussed before.  The general
 consensus in the past has been not to support forward compatibility.  
 increases maintenance and complexity of the file parser for a minimal
 net gain to the user.  My preference is to force users that want to
 bleed on the edge to use nightly builds rather than try to maintain 
 forward file compatibility.
OK, how about this:
- No extra version tokens (fits point A)
- Warning instead of error on unrecognized tokens (point C - no big
changes needed in the parser)
- If the opened file is produced by a newer version of Kicad, issue a
big warning when the user attempts to save it, that certain features
will be lost (points B and D - if somebody complains we can always tell
him he was warned). AFAIK this is what most commercial software does.

   Except for Acrobat Reader, all the other software I use simply tells me it
   cannot load the new file. In a corporate environment and especially on
   large projects no one wants to take the risk that someone obliterated some
   data. Let's say Person A sends Person B a file with data missing - what
   can Person B possibly do with that now? Person B was never aware of the
   warning that Person A ignored and the software is not psychic so it cannot
   say hey, the last time you worked on this file it was Version X.Z, not 
   The problem gets worse and more difficult to detect as the project gets
   more complex. People need to understand the limitations of their tools and
   work with that.  As I said before people can negotiate what version they
   need and if necessary build/install to support a specific project. 
   why use file versions at all if we're essentially only using it to tell 
   if there
   are newer features and essentially ignore it and write corrupted data 

  I would be very happy with backward compatibility, especially if it would 
  allow us to safe the file in the older format.
  This way, not everybody in the team needs to have the same version to be 
  able to work.
  Of course, if someone saves it in the new format, then I would not expect 
  an older kicad to be able to read it.  
  Wayne could even decide that every format-change implies a version number 
  increment, so we can tell the user to install kicad newer than version x.y
  I also think, this is not something that will happen every day, so we 
  should not overdesign this. Forward compatibility for a EDA tool is not 
  something I would advice, as there are just to many things that can go 
  If it makes things simples, an external file-format converter would also be 
  Just my 2 cents,
   - Cirilo ___
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Re: [Kicad-developers] FOSDEM plans

2015-01-10 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi all, sorry for not replying to the thread earlier,  

First of all, very sorry to see that Brian will be missing, I suppose
the kid makes it more difficult, I really had troubles to make it
fit into my schedule, I must say my wife is sponsoring my trip
by taking care of our two daughters over the weekend ‘:-).

I will be arriving on Fri 14:30, and leaving on Sun 20:50.

My initial idea was to join you in any of your hotels to make breakfasts
less lonely, but in the end one of my workmates joined me, and we found
a nice hotel not so far from the place (1.6Km): Hotel Capital.

If somebody want’s to add me on whatsapp or telegram, I will be checking
on wifi hotspots during friday to see if I can sync with any of you for 
and/or beers ;-) , my number is +34 636 52 25 69, and it will be easier for me 
check “” at that time.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 9 de January de 2015 at 14:57, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 Hey Brian,
 Sorry to hear your not going to make it to FOSDEM. I hoping to meet you
 there. Maybe I'll find a way to make it again next year.
 On 1/9/2015 6:15 AM, Brian Sidebotham wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  Sorry I've been AWOL for so long. The new year has been extremely
  hectic for me. I hope everyone had a good new year.
  I've tried to fit FOSDEM into my schedule, but it would be flying out
  early Saturday morning and flying back late Sunday and then back to
  work on Monday which is not something I can fit in right now I'm
  afraid. I'm so sorry not to be able to make it. I hope you all get to
  meet and discuss all the issues while you're over there.
  I'm sure the presentations will go fine, but good luck with them anyway.
  I've already written FOSDEM 2016 into our calendar though, so I'll
  definitely be there for that one. I missed last year too! :(
  Best Regards,
  On 5 January 2015 at 10:38, Maciej Sumiński 
  ( wrote:
  Hi Miguel,
  There is a small group from CERN that arrives on Friday evening. We
  have already booked places at La Madeleine Hotel (most of us, I think).
  Finally we are going to meet people who have contributed so much to
  the project!
  See you there,
  On 01/02/2015 11:57 AM, Miguel Angel wrote:
 Hi, I was planning over going to FOSDEM this year.
 Is anybody going?, if so, can I ask where will you be staying?
 (thinking of kicad-breakfasts ;) ),
 I had a look over nearby hotels/hostels and I see a few
 interesting options.
 Best regards, Miguel Ángel.
 --- irc: ajo / mangelajo Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo +34 636 52 25 69
 skype: ajoajoajo
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Re: [Kicad-developers] PATCH: Setting OS X KISYSMOD value in bundle

2015-01-09 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
+1 for the GUI! ;)

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Friday, 9 de January de 2015 at 18:21, Andy Peters wrote:

  On Jan 9, 2015, at 4:34 AM, Brian Sidebotham 
  ( wrote:
  On 8 January 2015 at 13:44, Wayne Stambaugh 
  ( wrote:
   Fully defined paths can be used in the fp-lib-table if that is your
   preference. Environment variable substitution is optional. You are
   free to use any environment variable you want. KISYSMOD is merely the
   variable name used for the default footprint library path. I use
   KILCLMOD to point to the path of my custom footprint libraries. I set
   these paths to the same disk partition and and path in both windows and
   linux so I'm always using the same footprint libraries when I'm
   developing on either platform.

  I think it's clear that users of a GUI, and environment variables do
  not mix well. Personally I like them as they offer me a lot of
  flexibility and I can make scripts to set-up environments that are
  useful to me, but I'm a developer and user.
  I think the best enhancement we could do here is to have an editor for
  expandable variables in kicad. That is, rather than KISYSMOD having to
  be an environment variable (which most users appear to think of as a
  bad disease!) it could instead be a variable set in the KiCad
  settings. The variable in the KiCad settings with the same name taking
  precedence, or vice-versa.
  It's a simple key-value pair editor that means variables can be
  defined in KiCad options through the GUI. This achieves the same thing
  as environment variables without the stigma associated with them and
  offers the interface for editing the values of those variables in the
  GUI that they're associated with.
  Add this to my to-do list if you think it's a reasonable idea. It
  shouldn't take too long to do.
  These variables would be saved to the kicad config. Of course, we
  could also complicate things further in the future and have
  per-project overrides for the variables too if necessary. I think
  something has to be done before the stable release so we're not
  swamped with support questions about this.
 I will just chime in and say I agree with this! On OS X, setting the 
 environment variables so that Kicad will actually recognize them requires a 
 bit of plist-fu that the Average User won't be able to do.
 The ability to set the library paths from the GUI in a standard way, and have 
 those paths be sticky, makes for a much better user experience.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] The library tables wizard

2015-01-08 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
John, talking of visualizing pull requests to modules,  
we could setup a hook to your site from the github KiCad org
if you want:  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 8 de January de 2015 at 08:33, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:

 Nice John, very interesting job, It could be very cool if you could visualize 
 pull requests, etc..
 Very good point about the unregistered API limit.  
 The unregistered API limit is 60 req/hour. That should be enough
 for a normal user (used for listing the repos) If that’s found to be  
 exceeded we could cache that response into 
 with a cron script + OAuth key if necessary.
 Miguel Ángel Ajo
 On Thursday, 8 de January de 2015 at 01:19, John Beard wrote:
  On Wed, 2015-01-07 at 23:38 +0100, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
  Hi Jean Pierre, just an idea for your wizard work:

   You could save the need to work with the HTML viewer and pagination
   using the above API endpoint, all the KiCad project repositories are
   listed into it
   in json format.

  The GitHub API is pretty comprehensive, as I found when writing my web
  footprint viewer [1]. Full GH API access would allow us to be rather
  more flexible with what we can do, for example:
  * Only load footprints one at a time, rather than having to download  
  and unzip the whole repo (note that the transfer can still be  
  * View and use footprint history (although this can't easily be done  
  in the case that a footprint has moved pretty repo, e.g. from  
  Sockets.pretty to Sockets_Samtec.pretty)
  * See changes made in all repos (currently quite hard to do, as you
  have dozens of separate repos to consider)
  * Contribute new footprints back to the GH repo in the form of a pull
  request, without leaving KiCad.
  Similar use could be made of any Git repo locally too (but not the pull
  request aspect). Additionally, any remote git repo could also be cloned
  and used from within KiCad. This does not require the GH API, just a Git
  library, of which there are many (or shell out, even, bleh!)
  just querying the URL Miguel provided would only count as a single API
  access, and would not need an API token, unless the user kept on
  refreshing the list somehow! But you would still get a complete list of
  However, the API limits are pretty low when you don't have an API token.
  The web viewer uses a private clientId and secret and then the user gets
  their own API token via OAuth. This does require that the user has a
  Github account.
  We wouldn't be able to distribute the client secret for a KiCad GitHub
  interface (it could be stolen and used fraudulently for other purposes).
  We could:
  * Make the user get their own access token (fairly easy via GitHub's
  settings page
  * Have an OAuth server somewhere which can arbitrate this process
  (user still needs to log into GitHub via Kicad to get the access token,
  This would also allow to dispense with the webviewer WX requirement,
  which adds another step to the arduous KiCad build process.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] PATCH: Setting OS X KISYSMOD value in bundle

2015-01-08 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Can’t users just change that reference to their own path on their own 
instead of the ENV var reference if they don’t want the system modules?

That would be reasonable enough to me.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 8 de January de 2015 at 13:53, Adam Wolf wrote:

 I hear what you're saying.
 I don't really like the idea of using environment variables to drive the 
 behavior of GUI programs, especially in OS X.  They're tricky in OS X, and 
 they're hard to explain to a lot of users.
 Fixing this through changing the behavior of how KISYSMOD and probably the 
 other environment variables work in Kicad is probably a fair bit of work, at 
 least a week or two--when you include developer discussion, regression 
 testing on other platforms, stuff like that, probably even longer.
 I'm not 100% happy about it, but would something like this be an OK stopgap 
 measure while we figure out the right thing moving forward?  I am fine only 
 putting this patch in my builds.
 Adam Wolf
 Cofounder and Engineer
 Wayne and Layne  
 On Jan 8, 2015 6:26 AM, Bernhard Stegmaier 
 ( wrote:
  Hi Adam, hi all,  
  that IMHO could be problematic (depends on what you intend to have).
  For a single-user environment this might be OK, but it then forces modules 
  to be in a machine specific folder common to all users. In a multi-user 
  environment you probably might not want to have that. And, I never read 
  somewhere that you can override this setting of the bundle somehow, so this 
  could be a once and for all decision (as long as you don't fiddle around 
  with the Info.plist) and you wouldn't need an environment variable at all...
  Further, I think I tried once to use ~ or $HOME in Info.plist but it 
  doesn't expand such variables. So, you obviously can't set the path to 
  something in user home with this method.  
  Last, I don't know if always any (non-root) user is allowed to write into 
  /Library/Application Support/kicad?  
  In my opinion, the old concept of search paths did fit such hardcoded paths 
  much better than it is currently with environment variables. If environment 
  variables are too hard to set, then probably a configuration setting 
  directly from some Settings menu would be better.
  My opionion: I wouldn't want to have it that way, but since I am the only 
  one using KiCad on my machines I can also live with some links pushing 
  things into the spot I want to have it.  
  This altogether is somewhat inconsistent, because eeschema will *always* 
  look in base/library with base being (in that order):
  * $KICAD
  * ~/Library/Application Support
  * /Library/Application Support
  So, if the path should be fixed for pcbnew, I would at least expect 
  eeschema to behave the same way (i.e., removing all the other paths and 
  also pointing it to the one global 

  I just had a brief look at the Apple docs and did see here

  that obviously the environment set in the Info-plist is only valid when 
  launching via an icon, but not via command-line:
  These environment variables are set only for apps launched through Launch 
  Services. If you run your executable directly from the command line, these 
  environment variables are not set.  

  So, another issue that already now with the KIGITHUB variable might lead to 

  On 2015-01-08 06:52, Adam Wolf wrote:
   Hi folks,  
   As you may know, it's harder than it seems to set an environment variable 
   on a bundle in OS X as a user.
   I have a patch here for the OS X bundle that sets KISYSMOD to 
   /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules
   Please let me know if there are any questions or comments.
   Adam Wolf
   Cofounder and Engineer

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Re: [Kicad-developers] adjust copyright date to 2015?

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
This is what I see (update as you go) in other open source projects (openstack  
related ones in my case).

Sometimes they do a major sweep for example, removing @author references and 
like that, as authorship is already tracked by git.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 7 de January de 2015 at 15:42, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:

 On 1/7/2015 5:34 AM, Blair Bonnett wrote:
  On 7 January 2015 at 20:03, Cirilo Bernardo 
  ( wrote:
   Do not replace the older dates with a newer date. Instead, as files
  are modified
   (and only as they're modified), add '2015'. So Copyright 2014 Mr. X
   become Copyright 2014-2015 Mr. X. Book publishers do something similar
   with their 1st ed. Copyright, 2nd ed. Copyright etc. You don't want

  to erase
   your history by saying only 'Copyright 2015'. There is really no point
  in adding
   2015 unless a file has genuinely been altered though; at least in the
  USA, UK,
   and Australia the copyright is valid from date of writing to copyright
   death + some large number of years (150 in the USA thanks to the Mickey
   Mouse Bill).

  And its easy enough to find out which files have been worked on this
  year from git:
  $ TZ=UTC git whatchanged --date=local --since 1/1/2015 --name-only
  --oneline --pretty=format: | sort -u
  I dare say there's a bazaar equivalent. In case anybody is interested
  I've put a copy of the changed files as of the time of writing up
  at -- note that deleting a file counts as a
  modification and so removed files will appear in the list.
  From here it should be possible to write a script which opens each file,
  looks for a copyright header at the top and checks to see if 2015
  appears in it. Bit late in the day for me to have a crack at that now
  -- Blair
 We haven't been as diligent about keeping our copyright dates current as
 we probably should be. Although I'm not thrilled with the idea of
 updating the date for every source file at the beginning of every year
 either. I think updating them whenever we modify a source file is adequate.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] The library tables wizard

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Nice John, very interesting job, It could be very cool if you could visualize  
pull requests, etc..

Very good point about the unregistered API limit.  

The unregistered API limit is 60 req/hour. That should be enough
for a normal user (used for listing the repos) If that’s found to be  
exceeded we could cache that response into
with a cron script + OAuth key if necessary.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Thursday, 8 de January de 2015 at 01:19, John Beard wrote:

 On Wed, 2015-01-07 at 23:38 +0100, Miguel Ángel Ajo wrote:
 Hi Jean Pierre, just an idea for your wizard work:
  You could save the need to work with the HTML viewer and pagination
  using the above API endpoint, all the KiCad project repositories are
  listed into it
  in json format.
 The GitHub API is pretty comprehensive, as I found when writing my web
 footprint viewer [1]. Full GH API access would allow us to be rather
 more flexible with what we can do, for example:
 * Only load footprints one at a time, rather than having to download  
 and unzip the whole repo (note that the transfer can still be  
 * View and use footprint history (although this can't easily be done  
 in the case that a footprint has moved pretty repo, e.g. from  
 Sockets.pretty to Sockets_Samtec.pretty)
 * See changes made in all repos (currently quite hard to do, as you
 have dozens of separate repos to consider)
 * Contribute new footprints back to the GH repo in the form of a pull
 request, without leaving KiCad.
 Similar use could be made of any Git repo locally too (but not the pull
 request aspect). Additionally, any remote git repo could also be cloned
 and used from within KiCad. This does not require the GH API, just a Git
 library, of which there are many (or shell out, even, bleh!)
 just querying the URL Miguel provided would only count as a single API
 access, and would not need an API token, unless the user kept on
 refreshing the list somehow! But you would still get a complete list of
 However, the API limits are pretty low when you don't have an API token.
 The web viewer uses a private clientId and secret and then the user gets
 their own API token via OAuth. This does require that the user has a
 Github account.
 We wouldn't be able to distribute the client secret for a KiCad GitHub
 interface (it could be stolen and used fraudulently for other purposes).
 We could:
 * Make the user get their own access token (fairly easy via GitHub's
 settings page
 * Have an OAuth server somewhere which can arbitrate this process
 (user still needs to log into GitHub via Kicad to get the access token,
 This would also allow to dispense with the webviewer WX requirement,
 which adds another step to the arduous KiCad build process.
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
PEP8 strongly recommends spaces:
(I was about to link the same Adam did).

The reasoning is tabs is that change width from editor to editor
or from configuration to configuration. Spaces are always the same.

Python syntax heavily relies on indenting for blocks, and that can result
in problems if people starts mixing spaces or tabs.

At least mixing spaces and tabs should be totally avoided.  

My  inclination is to use spaces. I do that with those settings in vimdc:

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab

But I’m not writing too much in KiCad lately, so.. my opinion is not  
very important here. The only thing I believe super important is not to mix.

Best regards,
Miguel Ángel.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 7 de January de 2015 at 21:44, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 07.01.2015, 20:48, from Adam Wolf:
  I have to stop responding to this thread, but it's official Python policy
  that spaces are preferred over tabs, and has been for a while.
 OK, I appreciate that, but my heart goes on tabs… :P I leave policies to
 politicians. I like the programing mainly because it is one of the few oases 
 freedom in modern times. Also freedom of choice of indentation sign… :P
 Enforcing „One correct way” is sign of civilization falling. Diversity is a
 basic rule of survival.
  In other news, is anyone else from the KiCad community going to Pycon this
 IMHO, flying to USA for foreigner is to costly and complicated(TSA etc…) than
 visiting profits… ;)
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Hi Lordblick, sorry, I was on a run before, and I actually didn’t look
into your code, but stepped into tabs vs spaces (thinking it was a discussion
about in-KiCad code).

Your python extra layer is very nice, actually, at the start I was very 
on adding another layer and reusing the C++ interface as much as possible,
and, even if that’s cheaper, it has a lot of disadvantages:

1) Resulting code is not very pythonic, and hard to read.

2) If C++ implementation changes, the available python scripts break.

3) The auto generated documentation is poor, if we had a python mid-layer,
 we could have very nice documentation rendered by sphinx or any equivalent
 pythonic solution.

I must say, that it sounds like an interesting step, and quite motivating,
if other people wanted to join forces on this, and discuss about what would
be an ideal interface (your implementation seems like a very nice start point
to start discusion),  I’d love to spend some time on it and re-join forces back
to KiCad development.

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 7 de January de 2015 at 22:10, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 07.01.2015, 21:54, from Wayne Stambaugh:
  On 1/7/2015 3:44 PM, LordBlick wrote:
   In response to a message written on 07.01.2015, 20:48, from Adam Wolf:
I have to stop responding to this thread, but it's official Python 
that spaces are preferred over tabs, and has been for a while.

   OK, I appreciate that, but my heart goes on tabs… :P I leave policies to
   politicians. I like the programing mainly because it is one of the few
   oases of freedom in modern times. Also freedom of choice of indentation
   sign… :P Enforcing „One correct way” is sign of civilization falling.
   Diversity is a basic rule of survival.

  For your own personal code, the sky's the limit as far as formatting goes.
  Any code included in the KiCad source must follow the coding policy. I
  doubt the KiCad coding policy has much influence on the overall health of
  civilization ;).
 I do not intend to violate any of the sacred rules of KiCAD congregation, my
 code will be published off-project, and here I'll just kindly inspired you 
 all... ;)
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Re: [Kicad-developers] more pythonic scripting API for pcbnew

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo
Whoops :-), %s/LordBlick/PTT/g

Miguel Ángel Ajo

On Wednesday, 7 de January de 2015 at 23:31, LordBlick wrote:

 In response to a message written on 07.01.2015, 23:07, from Miguel Ángel Ajo:
  Hi Lordblick, sorry, I was on a run before, and I actually didn’t look
  into your code, but stepped into tabs vs spaces (thinking it was a 
  about in-KiCad code).
  Your python extra layer is very nice, actually, at the start I was very 
  on adding another layer and reusing the C++ interface as much as possible,
  and, even if that’s cheaper, it has a lot of disadvantages:
  1) Resulting code is not very pythonic, and hard to read.
  2) If C++ implementation changes, the available python scripts break.
  3) The auto generated documentation is poor, if we had a python mid-layer,
  we could have very nice documentation rendered by sphinx or any equivalent
  pythonic solution.
  I must say, that it sounds like an interesting step, and quite motivating,
  if other people wanted to join forces on this, and discuss about what would
  be an ideal interface (your implementation seems like a very nice start 
  to start discusion), I’d love to spend some time on it and re-join forces 
  to KiCad development.
 Regardless that I'm different person than PTT, I think that some of most 
 code pieces (in example LayerSet with modified by me get_layer()) could be  
 included in swig staff…
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[Kicad-developers] The library tables wizard

2015-01-07 Thread Miguel Ángel Ajo

Hi Jean Pierre, just an idea for your wizard work:

You could save the need to work with the HTML viewer and pagination problems  
using the above API endpoint, all the KiCad project repositories are listed 
into it
in json format.

Best regards,  

Miguel Ángel Ajo

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