[kicad-users] Re: kicad kicad-2010-03-14-svn-R2456-final-UBUNTU_9.10.tgz

2010-03-25 Thread bernd.wiebus

Hello Paulo.

>  >>But this shows to me, that the Debian squeeze version will not solve 
> the problem

Now i am not so shure with this..

I looked for the debian squeeze backport, but the recomendet files are not 
there. So i tried in an act of despair to install from squeeze main direkt, 
frantically mixing stable lenny and testing squeeze. Eerie, i know:O)

I put a "squeeze main" source to my sources.list and installed 
libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, also libgcc1_4 and gcc-4.4.

Then i installed kicad-2010-03-14-final for Ubuntu 9.10 like recommendet by 

the result is a running kicad server, but if i try to start as an example 
eeschema, nothing seems to happen. When i tried it again, i got the message, 
that eeschema was already running.
So i started eeschema direkt by hand out of a terminal and got the error 
message:  symbol lookup error: "/usr/local/kicad/bin/eeschema: undefined 
symbol: gdk_window_is_destroyed"
Perhaps this happens, because i did it from a terminal, but with the kicad 
server itsself, it works, starting kicad from a terminal
I even tried it as a root.

Strange...maybe, the reason is mixing up stable and testing.

Now i will go back to the old 2009-final, and hope, it will run. otherwise, i 
think, i would have to remove the files from the testing.

Perhaps debian squeeze really would solve the problem.i hope.

> have you tried the aktual ubuntu 9.10 already?
> My notebook has ubuntu 9.10, I installed this new version of kicad on 
> it, and it runs well.

Good to knew. I installed the Windows version at the pc at my job, just to test 
I think the mouse handling is more smooth and i like the "undo" at pcbnew.
But i noticed, that at the module editor i am not able to change the wide of 
the lines, an in a german forum, somebody told me, that he is not able to 
choose "single layer". I think, he needs this for autorouting, an looked for 
this, and i think he is right..
I do not bother about this, because i don't like autorouting.by hand, i 
will just not put wires to the upper side. :-)

With bewst regard: Bernd Wiebus alias dl1eic

[kicad-users] Re: linux problem

2010-03-24 Thread bernd.wiebus
Hello Dan.

> > I installed a program called "ps2pdf"

I think "ps2pdf" is not a program, but a script for steering  the program 
Also ghostscript has to be compiled in a way allowing to write pdf-files.

Not all distributions support ps2pdf in their package repository or
support the convertion of ps to pdf by ghostscript.


with best regards: Bernd Wiebus alias dl1eic

[kicad-users] Re: creation library

2010-03-02 Thread bernd.wiebus
Hello Giuseppe.

> when I try to create a new library I have this error:
> "Wrong DEF format in line 5, skipped"
> and is impossibile to create it.

Did you use a blank or spacebar in the Name? Sometimes this causes errors. Dont 
use blanks/spacebar at kiCad names.

With best regards: Bernd Wiebus

[kicad-users] Some files uploaded. a symbol library and a manual for the symbol editor.

2009-09-10 Thread bernd.wiebus
Manual for the Symbol Editor of EESchema‭ ‬/‭ 
‬KiCad‭ ‬and a symbol library for EESchema‭ 
‬/‭ ‬KiCad.
Description of the files‭ 
"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-DE.pdf‭" ‬and‭ 
All files are under GNU public license by Bernd Wiebus

Despite KiCad Program works very well,‭ ‬it is rather 
complex.‭ ‬This is the reason,‭ ‬why i wrote a manual 
for a part of this projekt,‭ ‬how do create and edit symbols for 
the schematic part of KiCad,‭ ‬EESchema.‭ ‬Also there 
is a‭  ‬describtion of a bug and a workaround for this bug.
This manual is in the file‭ 
‬"SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭"‬.‭ ‬It 
belongs to the version:‭ ‬EESchema:‭ ‬Build 
Version:‭ ‬EESchema‭ (‬2006-08-28‭) 
‬-‭ ‬Unicode version
and EESchema build Version‭ 
(‬20080825c-final‭)‬.‭ ‬Operation System is Linux 
Debian‭ „‬Etch‭" ‬and‭ 
„‬Etchnhalf‭"‬,‭ ‬but the behavior with windows 
XP is just the same.‭ ‬Due to the fast progress in the work of 
Jean-Pierre Charras,‭ ‬this manual could be obsolete in some 
aspects.‭ ‬An english translation of this manual is planned,‭ 
‬but not yet ready.‭ ‬sorry.
‭"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭" ‬is the 
translation of the‭  ‬german original document‭  
‬Because my english is very bad,‭ ‬i sugest you to read the 
german original version.
The file‭ „‬SymbolsSimilarEN60617+oldDIN617-RevB-en.lib‭" 
‬contains a symbol library for KiCad.‭ ‬Despite there is 
olnly a limited possibility to draw schematics for EN60617‭ ‬with 
EESchema‭ (‬as an example,‭ ‬the wire conections are 
squares and not round‭)‬,‭ ‬i made a library with 
EN60617‭ ‬similar symbols.‭ ‬This library contains all 
often used symbols like resistors,‭ ‬capacitors,‭ 
‬chokes,‭ ‬transistors and so on.‭ ‬You can use 
it like a painters palette for peripheral and discrete circuits.‭ 
‬You only need a additional library for your ICs and for special 
devices.‭ ‬This can be done,‭ ‬because the structure of 
KiCad allows it to
make the connection between a symbol and a footprint at a later step in the 
development of the board.‭ ‬Symbol and footprint are independent at 
There are also some chokes and transformer symbols for the obsolete DIN617.

And there are symbols for wire-bridges‭ 
(‬jumpers‭)‬.‭ ‬Mostly,‭ ‬those wire 
bridges are zero-Ohm resistors,‭ ‬and so they are documented at 
schematic and assembly plan and also at the bill of materials.
But sometimes you have real wire bridges‭ (‬at standart PCB and 
breadboards‭)‬,‭ ‬which are often poorly 
documented.‭ ‬This will be ok from a sight,‭ ‬who says 
that those wire bridges are normal wire.‭ ‬But because those wire 
bridges are landmarks for orientation during debugging or because the are an 
easy acces for measuring,‭ ‬it would be a pity,‭ ‬if 
they are not documented at the schematic,‭ ‬and so here are the 
symbols.‭ ‬I never saw a wire bridge symbol at any standart.

With best regards:
Bernd Wiebus alias dl1eic,‭ ‬Uedem,‭ ‬Germany‭ 
‬10th.‭ ‬September‭ ‬2009.

[kicad-users] Some Files uploadet. Symbol library and Symbol Editor Manual.

2009-09-10 Thread bernd.wiebus
Description of the files‭ 
"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-DE.pdf‭" ‬and‭ 
All files are under GNU public license.
by Bernd Wiebus

Despite KiCad works very well,‭ ‬it is rather complex.‭ 
‬This is the reason,‭ ‬why i wrote a manual for a part of 
this projekt,‭ ‬how do create and edit symbols for the schematic 
part of KiCad,‭ ‬EESchema.‭ ‬Also there is a‭  
‬describtion of a bug and a workaround for this bug.
This manual is in the file‭ 
‬"SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭"‬.‭ ‬It 
belongs to the version:‭ ‬EESchema:‭ ‬Build 
Version:‭ ‬EESchema‭ (‬2006-08-28‭) 
‬-‭ ‬Unicode version
and EESchema build Version‭ 
(‬20080825c-final‭)‬.‭ ‬Operation System is Linux 
Debian‭ „‬Etch‭" ‬and‭ 
„‬Etchnhalf‭"‬,‭ ‬but the behavior with windows 
XP is just the same.‭ ‬Due to the fast progress in the work of 
Jean-Pierre Charras,‭ ‬this manual could be obsolete in some 
aspects.‭ ‬An english translation of this manual is planned,‭ 
‬but not yet ready.‭ ‬sorry.
‭"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭" ‬is the 
translation of the‭  ‬german original document‭  
‬Because my english is very bad,‭ ‬i sugest you to read the 
german original version, if you understand german.
The file‭ „‬SymbolsSimilarEN60617+oldDIN617-RevB-en.lib‭" 
‬contains a symbol library for KiCad.‭ ‬Despite there is 
olnly a limited possibility to draw schematics for EN60617‭ ‬with 
EESchema‭ (‬as an example,‭ ‬the wire conections are 
squares and not round‭)‬,‭ ‬i made a library with 
EN60617‭ ‬similar symbols.‭ ‬This library contains all 
often used symbols like resistors,‭ ‬capacitors,‭ 
‬chokes,‭ ‬transistors and so on.‭ ‬You can use 
it like a painters palette for peripheral and discrete circuits.‭ 
‬You only need a additional library for your ICs and for special 
devices.‭ ‬This can be done,‭ ‬because the structure of 
KiCad allows it to
make the connection between a symbol and a footprint at a later step in the 
development of the board.‭ ‬Symbol and footprint are independent at 
There are also some chokes and transformer symbols for the obsolete DIN617.

And there are symbols for wire-bridges‭ 
(‬jumpers‭)‬.‭ ‬Mostly,‭ ‬those wire 
bridges are zero-Ohm resistors,‭ ‬and so they are documented at 
schematic and assembly plan and also at the bill of materials.
But sometimes you have real wire bridges‭ (‬at standart PCB and 
breadboards‭)‬,‭ ‬which are often poorly 
documented.‭ ‬This will be ok from a sight,‭ ‬who says 
that those wire bridges are normal wire.‭ ‬But because those wire 
bridges are landmarks for orientation during debugging or because the are an 
easy acces for measuring,‭ ‬it would be a pity,‭ ‬if 
they are not documented at the schematic,‭ ‬and so here are the 
symbols.‭ ‬I never saw a wire bridge symbol at any standart.

with best Regards:

Bernd Wiebus alias DL1EIC,‭ ‬Uedem,‭ ‬Germany‭ 
‬10th.‭ ‬September‭ ‬2009.

[kicad-users] Re: How to save changes in GerbView?

2009-03-06 Thread bernd.wiebus
Hello Dan and Chris

> > But I'd rather have people shot on sight than allowing them to change the
> > output...
> >
> > If the database contains crap, don't just use tipp ex on the printout,
> > correct the data
> How I agree...

I have changed some drillings at gerber files, because we dont have the 
original Files and program, only doku and gerber files.
Otherwise the hole work would be done again.
But with knowledge of gerber, you only need a gerber viewer and an editor.

With best regards: Bernd Wiebus alias dl1eic

[kicad-users] Documentation about file formats

2009-02-23 Thread bernd.wiebus

I would make some symbols and devices, but found no documentation about 
the file format of the librays. Because i would like to chance symbols, 
editing already placed symbols (like described at the eeschema help) 
will not work.
I looked into some librarys with an editor, but most of the 
abbreviations are unknown to me.

I speak only german and english, so the portugese documentation is not 
realy a help for me.

Is there a way to get an english documentation? I would translate it to 

With best regards: Bernd Wiebus