[Koha] [Fwd: Re: Koha Foundation Vote is open]

2024-05-15 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Please, whenever we next have a community poll, we should go back to using
FOSS software, such as LimeSurvey which we have used in the past.  Using
non-FOSS software, such as JotForm if I understand correctly, where the
source code is not even available for audit is particularly problematic
for community surveys.

Some language furthering Koha as FOSS and the Koha community in a FOSS
environment wherever practical should be in the organisational purpose of
any Koha community foundation incorporation papers.  FOSS should be the
primary reason people choose Koha and we should avoid diluting that
message wherever practical.

[Previous reply with a minor word order correction is quoted below.]

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Koha] Koha Foundation Vote is open
From:"Thomas Dukleth" 
Date:Thu, May 16, 2024 02:20

[Reply inline with a word order correction.]

On Wed, May 15, 2024 21:47, Auld, Andrew wrote:
> The Koha Foundation proposal vote is now open. You can place your vote on
> the Koha Community website and there you will also find a link to the
> proposal and background research. Votes must be placed by 5pm UTC on
> Friday
> 14 June. One vote per person please.

If I remember correctly, previous survey software used for voting on Koha
community concerns certainly had the principle of one vote per person but
allowed vote reconsideration and changing the one counted voted by voting
again with a different vote.

> https://koha-community.org/koha-foundation-vote/

In https://ptfs-europe.com/koha-foundation-proposal/ , very little is
stated about the intended governance structure of a foundation other than
the legally required five member board of directors and two volunteers,
and the unstated presumptive necessity that it has to avoid legal
conflicts of interest to comply with Open Library Foundation and US
non-profit 501c3 rules.  For example, there is no statement considering a
concern of historic discussions of a possible Koha foundation to
geographically federate some input into foundation governance for such an
internationally distributed project as Koha to avoid the foundation
excessively serving US or Anglo-US interests based on the US location of
the foundation other than "in the
first instance, to keep the governance light".

There is also no historical background explaining that the project had
previously organised under Horowhenua Library Trust [HLT], subsequently
THT.   Upon the dissolution of THT for Horowhenua District Council [HDC]
to directly run Horowhenua libraries directly, Koha community assets might
have devolved to HDC which had created HLT and then THT as an
administrative organisation for local libraries.  I do not remember what
happened if anything decisive subsequent to "THT and Koha: a new Trust
Deed" - https://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2016-October/046346.html
and https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/THT_and_Koha .  The complication
at the time was that there was no representative Koha community
organisation to which THT or HDC could transfer Koha community assets
other than THT which was being dissolved.


Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

Re: [Koha] Koha Foundation Vote is open

2024-05-15 Thread Thomas Dukleth
[Reply inline]

On Wed, May 15, 2024 21:47, Auld, Andrew wrote:
> The Koha Foundation proposal vote is now open. You can place your vote on
> the Koha Community website and there you will also find a link to the
> proposal and background research. Votes must be placed by 5pm UTC on
> Friday
> 14 June. One vote per person please.

If I remember correctly, previous survey software used for voting on Koha
community concerns certainly had the principle of one vote per person but
allowed vote reconsideration and changing the one counted voted by voting
again with a different vote.

> https://koha-community.org/koha-foundation-vote/

In https://ptfs-europe.com/koha-foundation-proposal/ , very little is
stated about the intended governance structure of a foundation other than
the legally required five member board of directors and two volunteers,
and the unstated presumptive necessity that it has to avoid legal
conflicts of interest to comply with Open Library Foundation and US
non-profit 501c3 rules.  For example, there is no statement considering a
concern of historic discussions of a possible Koha foundation to
geographically federate some input into foundation governance for such an
internationally distributed project as Koha to avoid the foundation
excessively serving US or Anglo-US interests based on the US location of
the foundation other than "in the
first instance, to keep the governance light".

There is also no historical background explaining that the project had
previously organised under Horowhenua Library Trust [HLT], subsequently
THT.   Upon the dissolution of THT for HDC to directly run Horowhenua
libraries directly, Koha community assets might have devolved to
Horowhenua District Council [HDC] which had created HLT and then THT as an
administrative organisation for local libraries.  I do not remember what
happened if anything decisive subsequent to "THT and Koha: a new Trust
Deed" - https://lists.katipo.co.nz/public/koha/2016-October/046346.html
and https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/THT_and_Koha .  The complication
at the time was that there was no representative Koha community
organisation to which THT could transfer Koha community assets other than
THT which was being dissolved.


Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

[Koha] Feb. 2024 possibility of Koha list delivery problems for Gmail, etc.

2024-01-31 Thread Thomas Dukleth
except for the general list.

4.  Please be Nice to the People Who Gave Koha to the World.

The Koha general mailing list is a special problem only because Katipo for
which we are all grateful for giving Koha to the world no longer has the
capacity to actively maintain the Koha general mailing list which has been
fine as the existing configuration was good for a very long time and did
not seriously require maintenance until recently.  Even though DMARC
support is a trivial matter of changing three lines and (maybe updating a
DNS serial number for 4 lines), it has not happened for Katipo in the past
few months since I have raised the issue.

It may be possible that people assisting Rachel Hamilton-Williams are not
certain where DNS is configured for lists.katipo.co.nz to update that
record for DMARC support.  DNS configuration could be at the domain
registrar, some intermediate service, some VPS hosting provider, or on the
very system which runs the katipo.co.nz server or lists.katipo.co.nz

If using BIND for DNS line to add would be:

_dmarc.lists.katipo.co.nz. IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none"

 or the equivalent in some other system where the leading underscore is
needed and the policy is "p=none" matches the DNS configuration for the
the BibLibre managed Koha mailing lists such as the Koha-devel list.  If
using BIND, the zone file where  lists.katipo.co.nz is configured would
need a serial number update.  The BIND9 daemon would also restart.  Maybe
a change was made without a serial number update or daemon restart. 
There are two equally trivial Mailman configuration changes also needed
but a DNS update for DMARC comes first.

I have sent messages but response discussion was only about having another
party take over running the mailing list for more active maintenance which
would necessarily take time and the Koha community is pursuing a new
system which takes time.

5.  New System Fixes Everything Except New Problems.

Please be patient.

People are working on setting up, configuring, testing etc. a new system
which can give people email for doing everything and a message forum for
people who prefer forums instead of email which is important because
mailing list engagement is declining everywhere.  People need time from
the other more pressing tasks of every day to work on all that is
necessary for a fully working system.

I have weeks of research into various issues for configuration, bugs, some
tests etc.  If we rush things we may have much unhappiness with any of a
variety of common problems: from email not working properly;posts mangled;
message lists jumbled where distinctive content is difficult to find;
database backups silently corrupted and not restoring after a software
update; contented list readers having their accounts deleted after a time;
etc.  People need to take time to do things reasonably well so that
unpleasant surprises are minimised.

I expect that it may take several weeks to a few months for a new system
to be well setup, configured, tested, reconfigured, and retested before we
should have confidence in a new system informed by the problems which
other people had before us.  Meanwhile, fixing DMARC on Mailman 2.1 which
we are running is trivial by comparison.

6.  Reference.

See the message I posted on the Koha-devel mailing list about prospective
delivery problems especially the prospect for the Koha general mailing
list, "[Koha-devel] Feb. 2024 prospects of Koha lists delivery problems
for Gmail, etc." -
.  [I resolved the ARC permissions problem mentioned in the message by
having the startup script change the permissions but with DMARC Gmail has
been satisfied in my testing even when DKIM and ARC are not present.]

Please report verified mailing list receipt problems in "Bug 34927 -
Adding DMARC compatibility to mailing lists" -
https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34927 .  [Once
someone has reported that mailing list X messages are not being accepted
by subscribers using big service Y , not even in the spam box, we do not
need the same information again.  Not every user of some big mail service
may have the same experience because such large services do not tend to
implement changes worldwide all at the same time.]

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

Re: [Koha] Can the Koha Mailing List and DMARC become friends?

2023-04-12 Thread Thomas Dukleth
[Reply inline.]

On Fri, March 10, 2023 14:24, David Liddle wrote:


> 1. Can you clarify in which sense you mean "offline use"? Some people
> describe themselves as offline when they don't have a web browser open
> but are still very much connected to the internet. For others, it just
> means that they're not logged in to the specific site or service in
> question. Then there are the people who are fully offline, making only
> occasional connections to the internet to collect mail by POP.

I had meant some form of only occasional connections to the internet.  The
vast majority of mailing list subscribers may have high availability
relatively low cost internet connections.  However, we should not exclude
the less fortunate where Koha may still serve people well.  Some less
developed places have institutional islands where Koha would be suitable
to an institution which is an island with some connectivity in the midst
of an internet connectivity desert where internet connectivity has limited
availability and high metered expense.  Institutional intranet can serve
Koha while internet access is not used much.  In such circumstances,
people read messages anytime which had been collected via POP or offline
IMAP when briefly online and queue messages which they have composed for
when they are briefly online again.  The use case is also the same for
people who live just outside some internet coverage area but work where
internet is more readily available.

I have read that some people have configured Discourse so that they can
interact entirely from email and never have to interact directly with the
Discourse server.  However, Hyperkitty for Mailman 3 may serve users


> Again, a platform change is just something to consider. If there's no
> critical mass of people reporting that the communications platforms
> are insufficient or unsatisfying, then it's not worth discussing or
> pursuing. I just know for a fact that messages are not getting
> delivered to some subscribers because of address spoofing. The list
> will have to deal with that sooner or later, in one fashion or
> another.

A Discourse forum has been raised previously as a way to raise engagement
for users who do not currently engage on the mailing list.

A major issue is how much extra work maintaining a forum would be.

Are the anti-spam tools or message review tools as helpful as what we
currently have for the mailing list?  There have been many subscribers to
the mailing list from people whose systems are infected by a variety of

If people want a forum which also severs as a mailing list, Hyperkitty in
Mailman 3 provides date based access to archives as opposed to sequence
based access to archives.  For Discourse servers which I tested, I did not
find any evident means to access archives by some date based period of
time nor any evident effective means to include date in a search query. 
Maybe there is some way of configuring date based access to messages which
I did not see.

Both Discourse and Hyperkitty use continuous scrolling for the next page
of content which generally breaks returning to access a particular place
in a list of messages without accessing a particular message.  Date based
access provides some mitigation for Hyperkitty and both Discourse and
Hyperkitty provide proper paginated access for indexing robots run by
Google, Bing, etc. or otherwise perhaps JavaScript disabled on the client

Mailman 3 still does not have feature parity with Mailman 2 but maybe we
are not using or do not need Mailman 2 features which are not currently
present in Mailman 3.

The easiest thing to do for the moment is to Mung the from header in
Mailman 2 to support DMARC.  I have not found notice of any software
project mailing list adopting the MIME wrapping approach to DMARC which
has too much of an adverse risk of having messages appear as attachments
instead of the body for some users.  MIME wrapping is probably better
suited as a DMARC approach when all subscribers work for the same company
using only company supplied email software to read the company mailing


Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

Re: [Koha] Can the Koha Mailing List and DMARC become friends?

2023-03-09 Thread Thomas Dukleth
[Resending to correct accidental paste in my message but adding
consideration of use of Discourse as a partial workaround.]

I added to the meeting agenda some brief consideration of implementation
if we adopt DMARC for the Koha mailing list.  These issues have had some
discussion on the Koha mailing list.  There is no problem free way to
implement DMARC for mailing lists in part because email and mailing lists
were designed before authentication of senders was considered a
sufficiently concerning problem.

1. Mailman.

Two implementation approaches to consider are the following.  Quotations
below are from the Mailman 3 section in https://wiki.list.org/DEV/DMARC
but there are matching parts in the Mailman 2 section.

One option: "Munge the From: header - The obvious way to avoid a DMARC
rejection [...]"

Alternative option: "Wrap the message - This involves MIME wrapping the
original message [...] Users of MUAs that can't unwrap this MIME
decoration would suffer."  The suffering would be some users of the very
wide variety of email clients people use from console, to desktop, to some
old mobile device may not see any body message and merely have an
attachment requiring extra processing outside of the user's email program.
 See "If MIMEs could talk: Email structures in the wild" / Bo Waggoner -
https://bowaggoner.com/bomail/writeups/mimes.html for some perspective on
the complexities of mime use in messages and how every email client has an
individual implementation to cope.

Limiting scope to affected users.  It is reportedly possible to configure
Mailman to limit the scope of DMARC mitigations to affected users such
that the mailing list messages are unaltered for others, "Enable dmarc
mitigations" -

My current understanding leads me to prefer "munging the from header" as
an implementation despite some RFC non-compliance.  As stated above;
email, mailing lists, and their associated RFCs long preceded
considerations of authentication.  Having problematic email clients for
"MIME wrapping" in the wild seems to me to be a worse problem than some
otherwise unavoidable RFC non-compliance with the very diverse subscriber
base for the mailing list.  Diverse subscribers have diverse computer
systems and frequently restrictions on changing them where they actually
read and reply to email on work systems and other systems as opposed to
some major proprietary webmail intermediaries through which email may pass
for many people.

2. Discourse.

Does Discourse mailing list mode avoid problems with DMARC in a manner
that is still sensible for offline use?  Mailing lists are good for
offline use. Does discourse provide something similar to Mailman "munging
the from header" so that the message poster is identified in the email
from header originating from the Discourse server allowing email clients
to display lists of messages helpfully including by message poster in
addition to subject and time?

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

On Fri, March 3, 2023 17:43, David Liddle wrote:
> Thank you for adding it to the discussion points!
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 6:08 PM Katrin Fischer 
> wrote:
>> I have added the DMARC issue to the agenda for the next developer IRC
>> meeting, but we might need the people running our mailservers to weigh
>> in:
>> https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_9_March_2023
>> Hope this helps,
>> Katrin
>> On 27.02.23 15:49, Coehoorn, Joel wrote:
>> > FWIW, I'm seeing the same thing for our "york.edu" domain, but only
>> for
>> the
>> > last couple of months. The list used to handle this correctly.
>> >
>> > *Joel Coehoorn*
>> > Director of Information Technology
>> > *York University*
>> > Office: 402-363-5603 | jcoeho...@york.edu | york.edu
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 8:00 AM David Liddle 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Greetings, all!
>> >>
>> >> At the encouragement of one of the mailing list administrators, I
>> >> would like to present a situation and a proposal to you all.
>> >>
>> >> Normally, I would write from my work account,
>> david.lid...@wycliff.de,
>> >> since one of the hats I wear is that of a Koha system administrator.
>> >> One of my other hats, however, is that of the email administrator for
>> >> our corporate domains. And the latter hat has precedence over the
>> >> former.
>> >>
>> >> To help protect our

Re: [Koha] Can the Koha Mailing List and DMARC become friends?

2023-03-09 Thread Thomas Dukleth
I added to the meeting agenda some brief consideration of implementation
if we adopt DMARC for the Koha mailing list.  These issues have had some
discussion on the Koha mailing list.  There is no problem free way to
implement DMARC for mailing lists in part because email and mailing lists
were designed before authentication of senders was considered a
sufficiently concerning problem.

Two implementation approaches to consider are the following.  Quotations
below are from the Mailman 3 section in https://wiki.list.org/DEV/DMARC
but there are matching parts in the Mailman 2 section.

One option: "Munge the From: header - The obvious way to avoid a DMARC
rejection [...]"

Alternative option: "Wrap the message - This involves MIME wrapping the
original message [...] Users of MUAs that can't unwrap this MIME
decoration would suffer."  The suffering would be some users of the very
wide variety of email clients people use from console, to desktop, to some
old mobile device may not see any body message and merely have an
attachment requiring extra processing outside of the user's email program.
 See "If MIMEs could talk: Email structures in the wild" / Bo Waggoner -
https://bowaggoner.com/bomail/writeups/mimes.html for some perspective on
the complexities of mime use in messages and how every email client has an
individual implementation to cope.

My current understanding leads me to prefer "munging the from header" as
an implementation despite some RFC non-compliance.  As stated above;
email, mailing lists, and their associated RFCs long preceded
considerations of authentication.  Having problematic email clients for
wrapping" in the wild seems to me to be a worse problem than some
otherwise unavoidable RFC non-compliance with the very diverse subscriber
base for the mailing list.  Diverse subscribers have diverse computer
systems and frequently restrictions on changing them where they actually
read and reply to email on work systems and other systems as opposed to
some major proprietary webmail intermediaries through which email may pass
for many people.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

On Fri, March 3, 2023 17:43, David Liddle wrote:
> Thank you for adding it to the discussion points!
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 6:08 PM Katrin Fischer 
> wrote:
>> I have added the DMARC issue to the agenda for the next developer IRC
>> meeting, but we might need the people running our mailservers to weigh
>> in:
>> https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_9_March_2023
>> Hope this helps,
>> Katrin
>> On 27.02.23 15:49, Coehoorn, Joel wrote:
>> > FWIW, I'm seeing the same thing for our "york.edu" domain, but only
>> for
>> the
>> > last couple of months. The list used to handle this correctly.
>> >
>> > *Joel Coehoorn*
>> > Director of Information Technology
>> > *York University*
>> > Office: 402-363-5603 | jcoeho...@york.edu | york.edu
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 8:00 AM David Liddle 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Greetings, all!
>> >>
>> >> At the encouragement of one of the mailing list administrators, I
>> >> would like to present a situation and a proposal to you all.
>> >>
>> >> Normally, I would write from my work account,
>> david.lid...@wycliff.de,
>> >> since one of the hats I wear is that of a Koha system administrator.
>> >> One of my other hats, however, is that of the email administrator for
>> >> our corporate domains. And the latter hat has precedence over the
>> >> former.
>> >>
>> >> To help protect our email domains from being used fraudulently, I
>> have
>> >> implemented DMARC policies according to current recommendations. You
>> >> can read more about the Domain-based Message Authentication,
>> Reporting
>> >> & Conformance protocol at https://dmarc.org/. The policies direct
>> that
>> >> only messages from authorized sources should be allowed to send mail
>> >> from wycliff.de and our other domains; messages from all unauthorized
>> >> sources should be quarantined.
>> >>
>> >> With DMARC policies in place, messages that I send from my work
>> >> account to the Koha mailing list get quarantined by email providers
>> >> that comply with the policies' directives. Why? It happens because
>> the
>> >> Koha mailing list spoofs the email address

Re: [Koha] Koha Wiki migrated and upgraded

2022-10-27 Thread Thomas Dukleth
er weight and appear further down the result
set or pages with a single category such as [[Category:Circulation]] alone
or some particular additional categories such as
[[Category:Documentation]] have higher weight and appear further up the
result set.


Users are free to choose their own preferred MediaWiki skin and we can add
others.  VectorMod is merely set as the default to help people avoid
obsolete pages when submitting search queries from the simple search box
which appears on every page.

VectorMod is a custom version of the Vector skin which includes a modified
version of Vector/includes/templates/SearchBox.mustache supporting dynamic
archiving of obsolete content by excluding pages which have been
designated obsolete by automatically adding -inCategory:"Obsolete" to
basic search querries.  The syntax incategory requires using
ElasticSearch.  Previously, I replaced the SearchBox.mustache file in the
Vector skin
directly, which certainly worked without the extra effort of creating a
custom skin.

Automatically inserting -inCategory:"Obsolete" in the basic search box is
now somewhat elegant in conjunction with the modified AvancedSearch
extension as it uses explanatory language labels with a bubble which has a
removal [x] and allows autocompletion of query terms.

Significant renaming of references to Vector as VectorMod and vector as
vectormod has been scripted allows both Vector and VectorMod to be loaded
and available to users.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

[Koha] Please test Koha MediaWiki Canasta with Koha Portainer today

2022-10-24 Thread Thomas Dukleth
te pages are also noted with a prominent notice using
the Obsolete template.  Such pages should be updated if they can be, but
are otherwise available to consult most importantly for valuable
information they often contain which is not yet present in current pages. 
Archived obsolete pages can be found exclusively by following the
navigation link
"Advanced search obsolete archive" which includes incategory:"Obsolete"

The result set for search queries with incategory:"Obsolete" can be used
to identify the type of pages which should have the Obsolete category and
Obsolete template but do not yet, such as installation information for
some particular old Debian versions.  Various combinations of including
and excluding categories and templates can be easily used in the modified
AdvancedSearch to find pages which only have one of either the Obsolete
category or Obsolete template which should be used together or both
removed if the page has been updated to be current.

All wiki pages should have some category even if it may be
[[Category:Empty]] for people uncertain of what may be appropriate in the
moment.  Pages missing categories may not be disappearing from query
results by category when using ElasticSearch indexing as they had been
when using database based search indexing.  We can also query for pages
missing categories using
and correct the issue which has been neglected due to loss of time where
migrating and upgrading the wiki has been the priority with much less time
available otherwise especially since the pandemic.

We should take some care when thinking about faceted category use as no
wiki software uses fielded categories.  Thus there may be no concise way
to query for pages which address a topic in a general way or supplement
other documentation on a topic containing a lone category such as
[[Category:Circulation]], if we then have many other pages with
[[Category:RFCs]] and [[Category:Circulation]] but no longer
[[Category:Circulation RFCs]] as a possible change for faceting.  In such
an example, the search results of a query for incategory:"Circulation"
might have a result set in which pages for RFCs relating to circulation
issues containing both [[Category:RFCs]] and [[Category:Circulation]]
might crowd out more generally helpful pages with [[Category:Circulation]]
alone.  The problem may indicate a need for a navigation link to exclude
RFCs from a search query; designating old RFCs as obsolete; or both. 
Alternatively or additionally, we may be able to adjust the weighting of
the ElasticSearch indexing options such that pages containing
[[Category:RFCs]] have a lower weight and appear further down the result
set or pages with a single category such as [[Category:Circulation]] alone
or some particular additional categories such as
[[Category:Documentation]] have higher weight and appear further up the
result set.


Users are free to choose their own preferred MediaWiki skin and we can add
others.  VectorMod is merely set as the default to help people avoid
obsolete pages when submitting search queries from the simple search box
which appears on every page.

VectorMod is a custom version of the Vector skin which includes a modified
version of Vector/includes/templates/SearchBox.mustache supporting dynamic
archiving of obsolete content by excluding pages which have been
designated obsolete by automatically adding -inCategory:"Obsolete" to
basic search querries.  The syntax incategory requires using
ElasticSearch.  Previously, I replaced the SearchBox.mustache file in the
Vector skin
directly, which certainly worked without the extra effort of creating a
custom skin.

Automatically inserting -inCategory:"Obsolete" in the basic search box is
now somewhat elegant in conjunction with the modified AvancedSearch
extension as it uses explanatory language labels with a bubble which has a
removal [x] and allows autocompletion of query terms.

Significant renaming of references to Vector as VectorMod and vector as
vectormod has been scripted will allows both Vector and VectorMod to be
loaded and available to users.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783


Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.katipo.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/koha

[Koha] Add your KohaCon19 Hosting Proposal to wiki

2018-06-11 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Anyone who would like to host KohaCon19 (international Koha conference to
be held in 2019) should add some brief information about their proposal to
the proposals summary table in the page on the Koha Wiki which has been
prepared following the model used for previous KohaCons,
https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon19_Proposals and for which
there is already a proposal from Stockholm University Library.  At the 6
June 2018 Koha General IRC meeting, people concluded that we should
solicit bids June to 1 August 2018.

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon19.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have rules against selecting
KohaCon proposals from the same contintent within three years in case the
most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting for
selecting a proposal.  The rule would be set aside for a particular year
if no proposal from a different continent has been introduced.  See
https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Processes_for_KohaCons .]

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you want more information about MediaWiki
tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

[Koha] Call for KohaCon18 hosting proposals

2017-02-01 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Anyone who would like to host KohaCon18 (international Koha conference to
be held in 2018) should add some brief information about their proposal to
the proposals summary table in the page on the Koha Wiki which I have
prepared following the model used for previous KohaCons,
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon18_Proposals .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon18.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have rules against selecting
KohaCon proposals from the same contintent within three years in case the
most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting for
selecting a proposal.  The rule would be set aside for a particular year
if no proposal from a different continent has been introduced.]

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you want more information about MediaWiki
tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

[Koha] Call for KohaCon17 hosting proposals

2015-11-18 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Anyone who would like to host KohaCon17 (international Koha conference to
be held in 2017) should add some brief information about their proposal to
the proposals summary table in the page on the Koha Wiki which I have
prepared following the model used for previous KohaCons,
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon17_Proposals .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon17.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  People from the
Philippenes had again submitted a KohaCon proposal before the general
KohaCon17 page was created and I have now moved that merely tabular form
content which had used the form of the general KohaCon proposals page to
the newly created general KohaCon17 Proposals page.  Such persistence of
pursuing a KohaCon proposal should be encouraged.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have sometimes considered rules
against selecting KohaCon proposals from the same region successively in
case the most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting
for selecting a proposal, but in practise such rules may not have yet been

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you want more information about MediaWiki
tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

[Koha] Call for KohaCon16 hosting proposals

2015-04-13 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Anyone who would like to host KohaCon16 (international Koha conference to
be held in 2016) should add some brief information about their proposal to
the proposals summary table in the page on the Koha Wiki which I have
prepared following the model used for previous KohaCons,
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon16_Proposals .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon16.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have sometimes considered rules
against selecting KohaCon proposals from the same region successively in
case the most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting
for selecting a proposal, but in practise such rules may not have yet been
necessary.  The more important issue for the case of KohaCon15, had been
that only one candidate put forward a sufficiently complete proposal.  We
hope that people would have enough interest in hosting KohaCon that we
would generally have multiple sufficiently complete proposals in any year
to select from with a community vote.]

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you want more information about MediaWiki
tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

Re: [Koha] A Road Map for Koha

2014-11-19 Thread Thomas Dukleth
I created a proposal for progressively returning to filling the role of
Wiki Curator,

Please see the detail of that proposal for my suggestion of creating /
updating a project roadmap in the wiki which I would not have time to work
on until at least March myself.  However, I encourage others to use the
wiki for creating and updating a roadmap.  The great advantage of the wiki
is that by linking pages or linking to the documentation one could have a
view of development at arbitrary depth.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

Re: [Koha] A Road Map for Koha

2014-11-19 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Everyone should be free to contribute, especially as it is a wiki.  I
added the names of both BWS Johnson to the Arsan Farooq as wiki curators
in the plural for release 3.20,
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roles_for_3.20 .  However, nothing
should stop everyone else from also contributing.  Certainly, the task of
curating the wiki may be unmanageable without everyone who contributes to
the wiki at least thinking about the task of curation while adding a

I hope that we can coordinate efforts somewhat to the extent which may be
helpful.  Please see my proposal for my candidacy as one multiple wiki
.  Please give special attention to cautions about the risk of categories
in templates breaking authority controlled consistency for navigation in
conjunction with the SelectCategory extension.  Please also avoid the
surprise that upgrading MediaWiki without proper preparation may break
many things including my own modifications to MediaWiki extensions as has
happened in the past.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

On Wed, November 19, 2014 15:18, Arslan Farooq wrote:
 Hello Brooke!!

  Anyhow, if it's more than one person (and I hope that it is) I will
 certainly continue to help. :)

 Count me in as your assistant. I'd be honored to help with this under your



Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

Re: [Koha] Code of conduct

2014-08-13 Thread Thomas Dukleth
 to help the participant contact hotel/venue security, local
law enforcement, or the home country law enforcement of any person against
whom the complaint is made.  Additionally, event staff will be happy to
provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel
safe for the duration of the event.

We value your attendance.

2.2.5.  Procedures

Event organisers will follow rules specified above to guide their procedure.

Event organisers will keep a record of information from any participant
making a harassment complaint noting the date, time, place, and who was
involved with what specific activity.  Event organisers will also
similarly keep a record of information from witnesses.

Event organisers will consider whether warning participants accused of
violating the policy is appropriate or whether more serious action may be

Event organisers will take guidance from event participants about what
action may be appropriate but may act independently of that guidance
except as stated above that the complainant's choice must be respected
about whether contacting security or law enforcement is appropriate.

2.2.6.  Attribution

This ant-harassment policy is modified from the code borrowed from the
folks at Evergreen who borrowed it from the folks at GopherCon, who
borrowed it from JSConf, with permission.  A section is adapted from the
OpenStack Summit Code of Conduct.  Another possibly earliest progenitor is
the Ada Initiative's Model Conference Anti-Harassment Policy.

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

[Koha] Deadline for KohaCon15 hosting proposals

2014-07-11 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Friday 15 August 2014, is the deadline for adding a proposal to the Koha
wiki for hosting KohaCon15 (international Koha conference to be held in
2015).  After 15 August 2014, we will be preparing to vote on any
proposals which have been added.

Anyone who would like to host KohaCon15 should add some brief information
about their proposal to the proposals summary table in the page at
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon15_Proposals .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

There is currently only one proper proposal, which is for a venue in
Ibidan, Nigeria.  The information currently supplied for a venue to be
held somewhere in Zambia has nothing more than a country name and a
contact name which would not be enough to vote upon.  If you are involved
with the proposal in Zambia, please add sufficient information to be

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon15.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have sometimes considered rules
against selecting KohaCon proposals from the same region successively in
case the most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting
for selecting a proposal, but in practise such rules may not have yet been

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you need more information about editing
MediaWiki tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

[Koha] Add a proposal for hosting KohaCon15

2014-05-20 Thread Thomas Dukleth
Anyone who would like to host KohaCon15 (international Koha conference to
be held in 2015) should add some brief information about their proposal to
the proposals summary table in the page on the Koha Wiki which I have
prepared following the model used for previous KohaCons,
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/KohaCon15_Proposals .

Please link your summary proposal to a more detailed proposal preferably
in a new page on the Koha wiki or alternately hosted on your own

If you have submitted a proposal for hosting KohaCon in the past but had
not been selected, please submit a new proposal if you are interested in
hosting KohaCon15.  Do not be discouraged that some other proposal had
been selected over yours in some previous year.  [In the interest of
promoting regional diversity in Koha, we have sometimes considered rules
against selecting KohaCon proposals from the same region successively in
case the most populous regions might come to excessively dominate voting
for selecting a proposal, but in practise such rules may not have yet been

Anyone should be free to add additional relevant information to proposal
information in the wiki, such as links and information for local hotel or
other accommodations, attractions, etc.  We want whatever information may
be helpful for linking to a community wide ballot for selecting a
particular proposal.

As with all wiki content, it should be easy enough to edit by examining
the form in which pre-existing content has been entered, when editing to
add your own content.  If you want more information about MediaWiki
tables, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables .

Thomas Dukleth
109 E 9th Street, 3D
New York, NY  10003
+1 212-674-3783

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org