Re: [Koha] Fwd: RFP: 3rd NAKUG/KohaNA meeting

2015-11-19 Thread glaws -> With respect, in turn,
the right hand column specifically says "Countries 23", with a link to
those 23:

The list of 45 includes territories.


On 11/19/2015 04:32 PM, Paul A wrote:
> At 03:40 PM 11/19/2015 -0600, glaws wrote:
>> Concession: there is sometimes, and possibly in this case, the tendency
>> to equate North America (23 countries per Wikipedia) with the United
>> States. That is more a careless, linguistic peccadillo, I suggest, than
>> a felony warranting a call-to-arms.
> Very respectfully, <> lists
> 45 countries (colourful table about 20% down the page)[1] including
> what "old-fashioned me" used to call "Central America" and "the
> Caribbean." North America is, at the very least, Canada, the USA, St
> Pierre et Miquelon and Greenland.
> The phrase "Koha North America User's Group would like to invite
> agencies and libraries located within the United States to host its
> third annual meeting" is *NOT* a "linguistic peccadillo", it is an
> explicitly discriminatory invitation.
> Paul
> [1] Including, btw, La Navasse which is seen by most historians as an
> anomalous US land-grab under the Guano Islands Act of 1856 which
> allows the US President to "consider as appertaining to the United
> States" any piece of real estate covered in ... guano.
Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Fwd: RFP: 3rd NAKUG/KohaNA meeting

2015-11-19 Thread glaws

A. Inclusiveness

So are you saying that there can only be one worldwide Koha group, and
that there cannot be national or regional level Koha groups and
corresponding meetings?

Do you presume that anyone from outside North America would be unwelcome
at a North America/United States meeting?

Would it be appropriate for the NA/USA group to openly solicit
world-wide attendance, and possibly seem to be competing with World KohaCon?

There may be topics of interest only to US organizations, like eRate,
LSTA grants and US laws, like privacy legislation, that may be important
and need to be discussed but which may be avoided in an effort to be
inclusive of other countries attendees if those were many.

Concession: there is sometimes, and possibly in this case, the tendency
to equate North America (23 countries per Wikipedia) with the United
States. That is more a careless, linguistic peccadillo, I suggest, than
a felony warranting a call-to-arms.

B. Time of Meeting

I don't think meeting in a particular month carries the same weight of
concern as your first point about inclusiveness, or even your last about
attendance fees.

C. Attendance Fees

Libraries, few in the US rich, don't always have good conference rooms,
especially if there are conference break-out sessions. That may mean
renting some hotel meeting room space for $1,000 a day. If it requires a
$20 charge per person to get some good facilities I think that's reasonable.

I have always, albeit typically privately, supported the idea of a
reasonable attendance fee. I greatly appreciate it when a hosting
organization provides coffee, maybe juice, and pastries for breakfast so
that I don't have to run all over a hotel in the morning trying to find
the $5 coffee and $4 donuts, being late for the inaugural address, and
spilling now-cold coffee all over the nice lady in the row in front of
me as I say "excuse-me, excuse-me" as I trip over people trying to get
to the only open seat in the middle of the row in the middle of the
room. Having coffee and donuts provided at the event is worth some coin
to me and something more to the ex-nice lady soaked in cold vanilla
hazelnut coffee which clashes terribly with her /parfum du jour/.



On 11/19/2015 02:19 PM, BWS Johnson wrote:
> Salvete!
>> The Koha North America User’s Group would like to invite agencies and
>> libraries located within the United States to host its third annual meeting
>> held in early August, 2016. This meeting offers participants two days of
>> instructional sessions and presentations, followed by a two day hackfest.
> At risk of beating a dead horse, I am once again disappointed that this 
> body has taken up the mantle of "North America". There are plenty of 
> Libraries, Organisations, and Agencies within North America that do not fit 
> your group's stringent United States centric viewpoint. I am also continually 
> saddened that this body will only consider meeting in early August. It is 
> further too bad that you all charge fees for your meeting. The three of these 
> problems in combination send a strong repeated message that inclusivity is 
> not an aim of your organisation, whether that be a valid conclusion to draw 
> or no. I do so hope that at some point in future, this group might reconsider 
> any or all of those matters.
> Cheers,
> Brooke
> ___
> Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Proposal to remove the 'Paid support' list

2015-07-01 Thread glaws
I have mixed feelings on the subject, but I think there is some merit in
somebody maintaining a list somewhere. As now, it should not be any type
of certification by the Koha community or a partner program, but for
non-users researching Koha, a link to a list would be quite helpful, and
better than relying on Google (which promotes paid listings). I just
googled koha and the first item on the list?

A pie diagram unfairly penalizes smaller companies, perhaps with only a
few individuals who could still provide excellent installation and
support services, but don't have the staff to have 1,000 commits.

While I realize I have left dangling somebody maintaining a list
somewhere, a list of Koha providers associated with the broad Koha
community has value.


On 07/01/2015 09:06 AM, Tomas Cohen Arazi wrote:
 The subject is self-explanatory. But I'll try to explain my position a bit

 The project doesn't have a partner program, so being listed there only
 means you are listed.

 What is the benefit for people listed? I would say marketing and/or some
 SEO advantage (Liz told me there are counter measures applied so it is not
 used for SEO). Some places, notably India and others, expect some kind of
 official certification for service providers, and people are referring to
 being listed on the site as a way to certify their validation as service

 I think this hurts the project, because people tend to trust some quality
 degree is assured if companies are listed, which we cannot certify; and
 also makes community members spend a lot of time reviewing people's sites,
 with try/error iterations very often [1].

 I propose we replace the current listing with (a) nothing or (b) some pie
 diagram with companies/institutions contributions (git log, or what best
 addresses the need) to the project.

 I would vote (a). If there is some consensus that contributing
 companies/institutions should have some public recognition by the
 community, then we can do (b). How companies position themselves on the
 market is not something the community needs to address, but the company's
 challenge. [2]

 Kind regards

 [1] I'm pretty sure we can write a script that generates different valid
 sites that should be accepted for the list, so I find depressing that
 people doesn't even do the effort to comply with the simple rules we have
 [2] Unless we start an official partner program, but I'm sure we are still
 far from that. If you want to actually be part of the Koha community and be
 recognized, do something for the project, write a valuable article for the
 newsletter, contribute an enhancement, actively report and/or fix bugs,
 organize Koha promoting events: Get involved.

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Tomas Needs A Laptop!

2015-04-09 Thread glaws
I rather wish would accept paypal. Can people vouch for the
integrity and security of gofundme? I've not heard of it before now. And
I do hope enough money is raised to purchase a nice office safe too.

Greg Lawson


On 04/08/2015 03:49 PM, Kyle Hall wrote:
 As you all may know, our beloved Koha Release Manager unfortunately
 discovered that while he and his family were away, his home was broken into
 and his electronics were stolen, including his laptops. Let's see what we
 can do to help him replace his stolen electronics!

 Let's show everyone what the Koha community is all about!

 Thanks to everyone who's donated so far! Every bit counts! This is why I
 love being part of the Koha community so much!
 ByWater Solutions ( )
 Meadville Public Library ( )
 Crawford County Federated Library System ( )
 Koha mailing list


Koha mailing list

[Koha] MOREnet 2015 Annual Conference

2015-04-01 Thread glaws

Call for presentations. Also a good opportunity for vendors. Although
sadly I won't be attending a Koha or Evergreen (EG) presentation would
be great. Many libraries in Missouri use EG and all have heard of Koha.
MOREnet’s Annual Conference is a professional development
opportunity that allows our attendees to pick the learning
experience that’s right for you./

Greg Lawson

Koha mailing list

[Koha] FOSS Conference - Call for Papers

2014-12-09 Thread glaws

FOSS conference March 2015 in Lawrence, KS, USA.

Call for papers. Koha anyone?

Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Proposal for fund raising for Koha - to discuss/vote at December General Meeting.

2014-12-09 Thread glaws
I fully support this great idea. I do have the following

1. A fund-raising organization should not focus exclusively on
development; Koha should also have reserve funds available for legal
costs to protect its status, and HLT should receive some funds for
administrative costs.

2. I believe there is still some merit in Koha being associated with an
organization like, as a singular example, Software in the Public Interest.

3. While I would expect most of the funds raised to be in relatively
small amounts, certainly large organizations frequently support
open-source projects with large grants, and these possibilities should
be considered.

4. Where feasible the community should try to bring in new developers.
Most current developers and support companies are already fully-engaged
in writing code; when projects are funded now typically one of the
developers are diverted from their normal daily duties to work on the
paid project. While this cannibalism, if I may, is understandable, if
significant funds are raised in the future pulling in new programmers
should be considered.

5. After significant funds are raised someone should purchase Biblionix
and open-source Apollo. Then Sirsi. :)

Note: due to sad, unfortunate circumstances I do need to emphasize the
above are my own ideas and should not be associated with the library
where I work.



Greg Lawson

1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 12/09/2014 03:57 PM, Brendan Gallagher wrote:
 Hello All -

 After discussing with many of you within the Koha project for many years
 and countless times, I'd like to bring forth the idea of having a
 fund-raising organization for Koha.  It's about time the project raised
 money to help meet the needs and goals of the community.  This idea and
 concept can only be a strong option with the support and help of many of us
 in the community.  We believe that we have great organization to stand
 behind this great proposal in Horowhenua Library Trust (HLT) as a
 non-profit-organization (NPO) to help manage the funds for the Koha
 community in the most responsible way (For the good of the community).

 Please read below for some of the ideas and thoughts - and I would like to
 bring to this to a vote at the next General Meeting on if we should all as
 a community move forward with creating a Koha-Fund to use towards and only
 towards Koha.  These are just thoughts and ideas and we can all move
 forward and work on the details and rules and laws etc after we get a YES

 *Organization for Fund raising:*

 Currently the Koha project generates more patches for enhancements and bugs
 than the collective community has time to work on.  There is a need to
 raise funds so that more resources can be purchased to accelerate
 development.  All funds that are raised via the project are to be used for
 improvement in the project.

 Koha has become a large international free software and open source
 software project.  There are many projects and needs for a project this
 large.  Many of the responsibilities that are needed for the future need to
 be funded and can not rely on the volunteer hours of the many participants
 of the project.  For example, the current number of patches to be tested
 far outnumbers the amount of volunteer hours that we as a project are able
 to put towards that.  Also in the future there are many software fixes that
 need to be completed that need funding, which can not be expected to be led
 by the users of the project.  The current method of development and fixes
 of the software are led by the funding from the users, I propose that we
 fundraise from within the community and external to the community for being
 able to solve many of these large un-met needs.

 The fund raisin entity should be a non-profit organization so that all
 donations are not taxed and if possible the donors can have tax-deductions
 (if that is applicable for your local tax laws).  The goal of this fund
 organization is to gather many many small donations to lead to an effective
 pool of funds available to support Koha development.

 Some thoughts so far towards identifying the appropriate fund raising
 entity is using the Horowhenua Library Trust (HLT) (Which we now have the
 full support of and Joanne can fill us in more about that).

 *Governing board:*

 This new fund should be governed by a board.  That board should be made up
 of volunteers, that are interested to continue/champion fund raising
 efforts for the Koha project.  The most important aspect of any board
 member would be to introduce new avenues for pursuing donations.  Ideally
 the board would be representatives from all around the world so that board
 members could lead fund raising efforts in their local regions.  This board
 will also be responsible with managing the 

Re: [Koha] Firefox speed issues

2014-11-14 Thread glaws
Yes, have noticed--it's been a problem here.

Clear everything in the cache, but most important is to unselect Use
hardware acceleration when available.

For FF on Linux, that's:

Preferences - Advanced - Browsing


Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506\

On 11/14/2014 12:46 PM, Nicole Engard wrote:
 Hi all,

 Have you noticed that Firefox has been super duper slow lately?
 Sometimes I can't even get Google to load up it's so slow.  This is
 also effecting Koha.  I watched a patron page try to load for over a
 minute before I restarted Firefox and it loaded up.  I'm wondering
 what you're all doing to speed up Firefox or if you're using Chrome
 for Koha?  I know there are some things like receipt printing and a
 few Acq things that just don't work right in Chrome, but everything is
 speedy in Chrome so is it the solution? Or is there another solution
 you're all using?

 Thanks in advance
 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Firefox speed issues

2014-11-14 Thread glaws

Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506


On 11/14/2014 12:46 PM, Nicole Engard wrote:
 Hi all,

 Have you noticed that Firefox has been super duper slow lately?
 Sometimes I can't even get Google to load up it's so slow.  This is
 also effecting Koha.  I watched a patron page try to load for over a
 minute before I restarted Firefox and it loaded up.  I'm wondering
 what you're all doing to speed up Firefox or if you're using Chrome
 for Koha?  I know there are some things like receipt printing and a
 few Acq things that just don't work right in Chrome, but everything is
 speedy in Chrome so is it the solution? Or is there another solution
 you're all using?

 Thanks in advance
 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct

2014-09-26 Thread glaws
Well, yes, that's my point really. By the simple definition given in the
CoC every comment on the enumerated items is harassing.

Harassment includes...comments related to gender, gender identity,
sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or


On 09/26/2014 03:05 PM, Riley Childs wrote:
 Overly broad? You can harass without knowing it, you are taking I in
 the literal sense that every comment is harssing.

 Riley Childs
 Charlotte United Christian Academy
 Library Services Administrator
 IT Services
 (704) 497-2086
 From: glaws
 Sent: ‎9/‎26/‎2014 3:50 PM
 Subject: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct

 I have some concerns about the Koha Community Code of Conduct posted here:

 My specific concern is the second bullet point:

 Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

   * ---snip---
   * Verbal, graphic or written comments related to gender, gender
 identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
 size, race or religion

 which seems overly broad.


 If, during a conference breaking for lunch, I say to a group of
 attendees I'm Buddhist, is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?, I
 would seem to have violated this point (verbal...comment...religion).

 Or if I'm a presenter, and I make a comment for illustrative purposes,
 like Just as people come in all sizes, libraries also vary in size and
 Koha is great for all of them, have I violated the code?

 Or if I'm with a group of attendees planning on going out somewhere, and
 I say I have insert any health problem, and I can't walk with you
 that far, is that a violation?

 I would like to suggest that the wording for this particular point
 include something to the effect that the references must be obviously
 negative in nature or perhaps intended to give offense to to an average
 person _based_on_some_reasonable_standard_.

 Greg Lawson

 Koha mailing list

Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
816-232-5479 x2303

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct

2014-09-26 Thread glaws
Simply as a suggestion, something like the following could be modified
to fit the Koha CoC needs:

speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such
as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation

...hate speech, which is defined as utterances, displays, or
expressions of racial, religious, or sexual bias,+Provocative,+or+Offensive+Speech

Harassment includes _offensive_ verbal _comments_ related to gender,
sexual orientation, disability...  #note offensive

harassment may be broadly understood to consist of unwarranted
behaviour towards another person, such means as single or
successive acts of bullying, verbally or physically abusing, or
ill-treating him or her Forms of harassment covered by this code
include harassment relating to another’s sex (including gender
reassignment), sexual orientation, religion, race, or disability.



On 09/26/2014 03:19 PM, Riley Childs wrote:

 In your opinion, how should it read?
 Riley Childs
 Charlotte United Christian Academy
 Library Services Administrator
 IT Services
 (704) 497-2086
 From: glaws
 Sent: ‎9/‎26/‎2014 4:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct

 Well, yes, that's my point really. By the simple definition given in the
 CoC every comment on the enumerated items is harassing.

 Harassment includes...comments related to gender, gender identity,
 sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or


 On 09/26/2014 03:05 PM, Riley Childs wrote:
  Overly broad? You can harass without knowing it, you are taking I in
  the literal sense that every comment is harssing.
  Riley Childs
  Charlotte United Christian Academy
  Library Services Administrator
  IT Services
  (704) 497-2086
  From: glaws
  Sent: ‎9/‎26/‎2014 3:50 PM
  Subject: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct
  I have some concerns about the Koha Community Code of Conduct posted
  My specific concern is the second bullet point:
  Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
* ---snip---
* Verbal, graphic or written comments related to gender, gender
  identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
  size, race or religion
  which seems overly broad.
  If, during a conference breaking for lunch, I say to a group of
  attendees I'm Buddhist, is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?, I
  would seem to have violated this point (verbal...comment...religion).
  Or if I'm a presenter, and I make a comment for illustrative purposes,
  like Just as people come in all sizes, libraries also vary in size and
  Koha is great for all of them, have I violated the code?
  Or if I'm with a group of attendees planning on going out somewhere, and
  I say I have insert any health problem, and I can't walk with you
  that far, is that a violation?
  I would like to suggest that the wording for this particular point
  include something to the effect that the references must be obviously
  negative in nature or perhaps intended to give offense to to an average
  person _based_on_some_reasonable_standard_.
  Greg Lawson
  Koha mailing list

 Greg Lawson
 Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
 1912 N. Belt Highway
 St. Joseph, MO 64506
 816-232-5479 x2303

 Koha mailing list

Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
816-232-5479 x2303

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Comment: Koha Community Code of Conduct

2014-09-26 Thread glaws
I wish I knew the background better, but a lot of the recent discussion
on Codes of Conduct I think stems from some recent problems in the
gaming community. Again, I admit my knowledge is limited, but I think it
had something to do with male gamers putting down female gamers; very
offensive words and actions were used in that situation, and the
outing of personally identifying information was one of the problems.

I think any reasonable person applying a reasonable standard would
realize the CoC wording as is currently stands wouldn't apply to the
examples I cited, nor to yours. It's the unreasonable factors we have to
be concerned with, and just a little modding of the wording will fix things.


On 09/26/2014 04:12 PM, wrote:
 I highly agree with the spirit of the CoC, but with this discussion I realize 
 that taking the following part literally would forbid me to give people 
 credit when listening to them during a KohaCon: 

 Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
   • Posting (or threatening to post) other people’s personally 
 identifying information.

 Names are the mother of personally identifying information and since a good 
 reputation is sort of the currency in a FOSS-community not being able to 
 publicly give people credit seems counter productive :) I guess the paragraph 
 is ment to cover giving credit, but as I read it that may be the effect(?)

 Kind regards/Viktor  

 Viktor Sarge
 Regionbibliotek Halland
 Kultur i Halland

 TFN: 035-17 98 73
 BESÖKSADRESS: Södra vägen 9, 30180 Halmstad

 26 sep 2014 kl. 21:49 skrev glaws

 I have some concerns about the Koha Community Code of Conduct posted here:

 My specific concern is the second bullet point:

 Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  * ---snip---
  * Verbal, graphic or written comments related to gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race or religion

 which seems overly broad.


 If, during a conference breaking for lunch, I say to a group of
 attendees I'm Buddhist, is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?, I
 would seem to have violated this point (verbal...comment...religion).

 Or if I'm a presenter, and I make a comment for illustrative purposes,
 like Just as people come in all sizes, libraries also vary in size and
 Koha is great for all of them, have I violated the code?

 Or if I'm with a group of attendees planning on going out somewhere, and
 I say I have insert any health problem, and I can't walk with you
 that far, is that a violation?

 I would like to suggest that the wording for this particular point
 include something to the effect that the references must be obviously
 negative in nature or perhaps intended to give offense to to an average
 person _based_on_some_reasonable_standard_.

 Greg Lawson

 Koha mailing list
 Koha mailing list

Greg Lawson
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
816-232-5479 x2303

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Koha slowness and server hardware

2014-07-16 Thread glaws
We're seeing a similar problem with our Koha install; we're blaming the
32-bit OS. I'd recommend upgrading VMWare and (re)installing Deb 64bit
on your system, and also possibly moving up to Koha 3.16, if you have to
option to do those things.

Would the vSphere Hypervisor work for you? We've been playing with it
here, and will probably use it for our next virtual machine server.


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 07/16/2014 12:32 PM, Steven Nickerson wrote:
 Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some thoughts/opinions.   I have a working 3.14.04
 package install environment running on a 4-core 3.6GHz system with 8GB
 RAM.  The OS is Debian 32-bit running as a VM on top of VMware ESXi.  This
 single VM is allocated pretty much all of the physical hardware resources in
 the system...just wanted the flexibility of adding a test VM environment
 later perhaps.   We are noticing that most functions are quite slow,
 including check-ins, check-outs, and patron lookups.   I've monitored the
 system for a bit and am seeing that mysqld is consuming 100% of all 4 CPUs
 consistently during the slowness.   What I'm wondering is:

 -  Does this seem normal to folks?  Should a relatively small
 environment (less than 2000 patrons and just over 11,000 items) be consuming
 that much CPU?

 -  Could it be VMware?

 -  Could it be the 32-bit OS?   The version of VMware I installed
 wouldn't allow me to create a 64-bit Debian VM.

 -  Are there any MySQL tuning parameters I should consider?

 -  Any other thoughts/ideas on what I should look at?


 Thanks all!


 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

[Koha] Chrome Boxes/Books

2014-04-09 Thread glaws
Is anyone using Chrome Boxes/Books to authenticate via SIP to a Koha
server for logins? I'm not familiar with Google's management console,
although it apparently supports proxies, so I don't know what might be
required to get that functionality.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] To whom it may concern

2014-03-17 Thread glaws
Congrats. Obviously you will be teaching her Pithon and not Perl, right?

Hope somebody else didn't make that bright comment and I missed it


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 03/14/2014 05:14 PM, Cindy Norman wrote:
 oh congratulations Kyle!! You are in for a wonderful adventure! Kids are
 the best.

 On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Kyle Hall k...@bywatersolutions.comwrote:

 Daria Michelle Hall was born on pi day! 9 pounds 2 ounced!

 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] down?

2014-01-27 Thread glaws
It's that dang Zebra indexer.

On 01/27/2014 12:49 PM, Chris Cormack wrote:
 If it is up and down, it might be under heavy load, prolly bad search
 engine indexers.

 On 28/01/2014 7:41 am, Keener, Nancy wrote:

 OK now, just checked again!

 Nancy Keener
 Systems Librarian
 I.T.O.S.C. Chair
 KohaCon 13 Chair
 Washoe County Library System
 Reno, Nevada
 775 327-8347

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Keener, Nancy
 Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 10:06 AM
 To: Elaine Bradtke; koha
 Subject: Re: [Koha] down?

 No access here either.

 Nancy Keener
 Systems Librarian
 I.T.O.S.C. Chair
 KohaCon 13 Chair
 Washoe County Library System
 Reno, Nevada
 775 327-8347

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Elaine Bradtke
 Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 9:40 AM
 To: koha
 Subject: [Koha] down?

 I can't seem to get into the site.  Is there a problem?
 Elaine Bradtke
 Data Wrangler
 English Folk Dance and Song Society | Cecil Sharp
 House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
 Tel+44 (0) 20 7485 2206 (This number is for the English Folk Dance and
 Song Society in London, England. If you wish to phone me personally, send
 an e-mail first. I work off site)

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Conference stuff

2013-12-20 Thread glaws
How's the fishin' up there? I think I could do a trip to Portland.

I'd like to see the sandbox demo again a couple of times. Someday I
might have time to process a few signoffs.

May is good, September is dicey.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506


On 12/20/2013 03:18 PM, Lenora Oftedahl wrote:
 That being said, I offer once again to host a Pacific Northwest Koha 
 Conference anytime y'all want here in Portland.  We've got a beautiful 
 meeting room now with several hotels in the area in a wide range of prices.  
 Perhaps we could get someone to come in and teach us all to program in PERL 
 so we can all become debuggers?  Half conference/half hackfest?  May or 
 Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] North American Users Group

2013-11-13 Thread glaws
I'm fairly confident (we're hiring a new director, so somewhat
uncertain) Rolling Hills Library would be interested in sending people
to a conference. I personally don't want to be President, King or
Chairman of the Board, but I could be in charge of coffee pot operations
or something.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506


On 11/13/2013 12:47 PM, Brendan Gallagher wrote:
 Hello All -

 Can anyone that is interested in setting up a users meeting in North
 America for sometime next year - please contact me (you can reply here or
 to me directly).  I'd like to put a little group together to plan something
 like this out.  I am willing to put the group together and provide
 conference lines,etc. (perhaps with the first meeting in a few weeks)  But
 I really want this to be lead by the users and not a support company.  So
 I'll help as much as I can - but I'm looking for a librarian and/or a group
 of librarians that want to take the lead and get this going.

 As I said earlier, I will be happy in leading setting up a hackfest.


Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Summary of Open session at KohaCon13 - with a focus on Funding the Future of Koha.

2013-11-07 Thread glaws
comment note numerous snips from original post

On 11/06/2013 09:38 PM, Brendan Gallagher wrote:
 Hello All -

 I’d like to give a summary of a open discussion that occurred at KohaCon14
 in Reno...a discussion on Funding the future of
 educate the audience on some of the “plumbing” needs in the code...and how 
 are we going to
 get that done.

 Many of these “needs” are larger projects...Not one support vendor
 can brunt the front of the plumbing needs that need to happen...We need 
 to...plan going
 forward now. 

 Points that were raised.

 An important comment here from the attendees was that when someone is
 funding a development - they should not just fund the code, but also plan
 for time and funding for the Sign-Off process and the QA process.
*+1. Excellent idea! How would this work? Would the
funding organization contract directly with a separate dev
to signoff/QA, or would the code developer contract
with someone to do this? Would there be a conflict of
interest if the funding organization had someone on their staff
sign/QA if that person was qualified?*
 Funding and how would we organize this?  Since many in the audience were
 from the USA - there was discussion of getting a users group going again OR
 creating some sort of “non-profit like org” where libraries could pool
 funding towards projects.  An organization like this would be able to apply
 for grants etc.  Something where we could crowd-source funding and then
 fund a developer for a number of hours towards a project.
*+1. I also am generally in favor of charging some nominal amount
to attend KUG's/conferences. Even if it's just 25 USD--split the
amount between the hosting organization for coffee and contribute
some to Koha plumbing. US libraries typically can't just donate
money to anything, but they certainly are used to paying attendance
fees, and $25 or $50 is only a small fraction of the cost of flying
and hotels.*
*And as long as I'm on the general subject of funding, I've often
thought privately that there should be some way to help out the
Horowhenua Library Trust for their work of holding the Koha keys.
In an ideal world they should have a 10 million USD trust fund to
aggressively support Koha.*

 My thoughts on some things that we can do in the USA.

 Have a hackfest in Athen’s Ohio next summer.  Next year will be 10 years
 since Koha migrated to the US and I think it’s about time we have a
 hackfest here. 
  I have briefly talked with Owen Leonard about putting this
 together for next summer...
 Gauge the interest of a North American Koha users group so at least we are
 having more of the community meeting together and sharing practices and
 ideas.  Comments from Galen As far as a US or North American user group
 goes: I think a relaunch should start off with just the goal of hosting a
 US/NA conference, as it would /not/ be necessary to set up a nonprofit
 first to run conferences.  
 We'd just need willing hosts and, if necessary,
 a firm willing and able to act as a fiscal agent.  That's not to say that
 such a group couldn't pursue nonprofit status later, but we can get a lot
 of education and user-connecting done without ever having to have a formal


*Staccato comment #1: most of the Koha conferences to date
(to the limited extent I'm qualified to comment on this) have been
very technically focused. Someday there will begin to be more and
more library staff attending, and those people will be more
interested in end-user things. And someday I expect that KohaCon's
will have different tracks, like code development, system
administration and library staff interest. I think we need to start
considering our audience soon.
*Staccato comment #2: apologies first, I've long considered the following,
but I have some trouble expressing it coherently. Say with a larger
project like plumbing, let's presume 250,000 USD is raised by some
means by an independent organization, and by some fair and
equitable method one of the major Koha support companies or
independent developers is selected to do the work. As far as
I know, all these qualified entities are already writing Koha code
full-time, i.e., nobody has a lawn-care business for their
daytime job and only write code when they get funded. So if we take
our 250k and pay for a major rewrite, we're taking away from the
development pool by substituting paid work for
otherwise-compensated work already being done.

Assuming we can equate the two types of work (improbable?),
there is no net gain. In economic terms, this *somewhat analogous* to an
opportunity cost-the cost of an alternative that must be forgone in
order to achieve a different objective.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this block, I struggle somewhat with
what this means, if anything, but it would be nice to find a way for
major funding developments to have an additive effect.



Re: [Koha] Flippin' Yanks

2013-10-02 Thread glaws


On 10/02/2013 01:40 PM, Magnus Enger wrote:
 tirsdag 1. oktober 2013 skrev glaws følgende:

 This does, of course, present the perfect opportunity for a strong
 progressive organization outside the U.S. to step in and become
 the New
 Marc Master of the World.

  Or we could take it as an opportunity to leave MARC on the scrap heap
 of history and embrace current technologies instead... :-)

 Best regards, 
 Magnus Enger

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Flippin' Yanks

2013-10-01 Thread glaws
This does, of course, present the perfect opportunity for a strong
progressive organization outside the U.S. to step in and become the New
Marc Master of the World.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 10/01/2013 06:16 PM, Robin Sheat wrote:
 BWS Johnson schreef op ma 30-09-2013 om 11:44 [-0700]:
 Thanks to our delicate system of governance bad stuff might soon
 happen to Library of Congress sites. So, if you're getting
 related errors, (Such as setting your z39.50 target as LOC) it's not a
 Koha issue, it's a freggin U.S. government issue. Patches most
 And it looks like it has:

 Good thing I don't need to be doing any MARC conversions right now...oh

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Open source replacement for 3M self check station

2013-09-25 Thread glaws
I would certainly be interested in giving it a test run if you could
post it somewhere.

On 09/25/2013 02:59 PM, Chad Roseburg wrote:
 I use remastersys, much like the Live Koha DVD to deploy and image
 selfchecks. I could make this available as a downloadable iso if
 anyone was interested trying it out. It would require some site
 specific changes of course. I have quite a bit of documentation for
 it, but it is missing a beginner's setup guide for making the site
 specific changes currently. 

 It is designed for touchscreens and receipt printing out of the box
 using Epson T88IV or T88V printers. A Star TSP would work with some
 post-install drivers.

 We have 2 in our branches that do over 1300 and 2300 transactions each
 month. I have not updated them for Wheezy yet.


 On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:12 AM, glaws wrote:

 We do also try to remember that not everybody can do a configure,
 make install, to install software. Some small libraries without tech
 support staff simply would be unable to use some software if it
 on a CD or easily downloadable. For these sites I think it makes good
 sense to just master a Linux .iso that can be installed and just
 If library staff have to install Linux anyway, then a pre-configured
 Library Kiosk or Self-checkout distro is probably simpler than
 creating packages, again, for those users who need to minimize their
 exposure to synaptic or apt-get.


 On 09/25/2013 10:45 AM, glaws wrote:
  I'm not aware there currently exists an open source self-checkout
  system, however we've long talked about it here at our library.
 I work
  with a developer, Aaron Ogle, that is currently building a PAC
  and when he is finished with that if we have the funds available
 I would
  like to consider funding a self-checkout development. Having already
  discussed it, we think it wouldn't be terribly difficult. Aaron
  has a generalized framework for similar systems (a children's
  playstation and a Koha kiosk) that could be easily adapted to a
  I should note probably that all the development we support is
 for open
  operating systems, and all the funding we've done so far
 generally uses
  Linux Mint at the client end. The server side, where utilized,
 is more
  generalized, but we typically use Ubuntu and OpenSuse.
  Unfortunately it seems that you need a system now, and anything
 we do
  won't be worked on until at least mid- late-2014. This is,
 however, a
  good discussion topic and worth continuing.

 Greg Lawson
 Network Administrator
 Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
 1912 N. Belt Highway
 St. Joseph, MO 64506
 816-232-5479 x2303 tel:816-232-5479%20x2303
 Koha mailing list

 Chad Roseburg
 Automation Dept.
 North Central Regional Library

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Can't reach web install on Ubuntu 12.04

2013-04-12 Thread glaws

Here are a few things to try:

--If you are using DNS, can you ping the server using the DNS address?
--Can you access the staff interface using the IP address of the server?
--On the server itself, assuming you have a windowing desktop installed,
can you open the staff interface using localhost?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 04/12/2013 11:12 AM, Triana Carmenate wrote:
 I am trying to install Koha on Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop, following the
 instructions from here
 However, when I try to access the administration website it will not open.
 I am using a dynamic dns. Is there anything I need to configure with
 apache2 to get my site running?

 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Failed Login Attempts

2013-03-26 Thread glaws
I wonder if piwik or awstats would be able to track those?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 03/26/2013 08:23 AM, Owen Leonard wrote:
 does Koha notice login failures (incorrect password or user name)?
 Koha does not track the number of failed logins. It would be a nice
 feature to add, but no one has offered to contribute it.

   -- Owen

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Failed Login Attempts

2013-03-26 Thread glaws
Do you mean the OPAC or the staff client?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 02/21/2013 02:59 AM, Jenny Bellmann wrote:

 does Koha notice login failures (incorrect password or user name)? If yes,
 ... How do I display them?



 -- Jenny Bellmann ZE Sprachenzentrum HU-Berlin / Mediothek Unter den
 Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Sitz: Dorotheenstraße 65 Tel.: +49 30 2093 5041

Koha mailing list

[Koha] OPAC Usage

2013-03-21 Thread glaws
For reporting and statistical use we are interested in logging visits to
our Koha OPAC in two categories--patron logins to the OPAC from outside
the library and simple page hits without logins. How are other
organizations collecting this data?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] About the realesed time history....

2013-01-15 Thread glaws
Somebody should put all that into narrative format, interview some of
the early coders, and write a book or something.

On 01/15/2013 04:59 PM, Robin Sheat wrote:
 BWS Johnson schreef op di 15-01-2013 om 14:56 [-0800]:
 This what you're looking for?
 That's quite out of date, this is a more current version:;a=blob;f=docs/history.txt

Koha mailing list

[Koha] Problem With Scanning Barcodes

2013-01-10 Thread glaws
For some time our library has experienced problems with scanning library
card barcodes into Koha for checkout or book barcodes for cataloging,
and the system returns a patron (if library card) or item record (if
book), different from that scanned in.

The problem appears seemingly at random intervals and infrequently, but
in time clusters. It happens at two different locations, on different
computers at each location, and with those computers using different
barcode readers. This suggests the problem is not related to the client
workstations or barcode readers. I'm never close to the computers when
this happens, so I can't determine if the barcode numbers are close (off
by one digit or initial/terminal digit?), or if there is any other
relationship. I suspect neither.

I wonder if it may be something internal to Koha; I'm unsure what the
time clustering (two days ago it happened approximately eight times)
implies. We have also recently changed the system setting
CircAutocompl to don't try for a non-related issue; we'll see if
that makes a difference with the scanning.

Views and comments welcome.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Can we use Unicode to enter records?

2012-10-15 Thread glaws
You do have the koha user created, right?

sudo grep koha /etc/passwd

If so, try the following syntax:

sudo chown -R koha.koha /path/to/somedir


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 10/15/2012 04:24 AM, bidadatun wrote:

 Koustubha Kale wrote
 What details? Koha will support Unicode input out of the box, so just
 start making your entries.

 Or if you are not comfortable applying patches etc you can follow
 following procedure..

 #sudo apt-get install libicu-dev libicu38 yaz-icu

 Copy following files from /usr/share/idzebra-2.0/tab/
 to /etc/koha/zebradb/etc/

 Copy /etc/koha/zebradb/etc/words-icu.xml to /etc/koha/zebradb/etc/icu.xml

 Edit /etc/koha/zebradb/etc/icu.xml change 
 icu_chain locale=en
 icu_chain locale=en_IN.UTF-8
 Save and change ownership of all copied files to koha:koha

 #sudo chown -R koha:koha /etc/koha/zebradb/etc

 My purpose : I want to enable arabic searching 

 I've got this error after running : #sudo chown -R koha:koha

 root@koha:/usr/share/idzebra-2.0/tab# sudo chown -R koha:koha
 chown: invalid user: `koha:koha'

 Should i change  chown -R koha:koha /etc/koha/zebradb/etc to 
 chown -R root:root/etc/koha/zebradb/etc ??

 Or what should i do? Sorry to suddenly jump into this discussion.


Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Recommendation for barcode scanner for a Mac?

2012-10-09 Thread glaws
Most of the Intermec and Symbol (did Motorola buy them out?) USB barcode
readers we've tried work well.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
On 10/09/2012 01:08 PM, Lesley Kimball wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is anyone using a barcode scanner with Koha on OS X that you would


 Lesley Kimball


 You see, I don't believe that libraries should be
 drab places where people sit in silence, and that's
 been the main reason for our policy of employing
 wild animals as librarians.
-- Monty Python, Gorilla Librarian sketch
 Lesley Kimball
 Wiggin Memorial Library
 Stratham, NH


 Koha mailing list


Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Label printers

2012-09-27 Thread glaws
We use several different HP and Xerox printers here; they all seem to
work fine. Enumerated we have a Xerox 3250, an HP P1606 and an HP P1505.
All of these are probably out-of-production now, but you can follow the
series number for current models. The P1505 is low-end, bigger is
probably better.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 09/26/2012 06:00 PM, Chad Roseburg wrote:
 Hello ~

 We have just finished configuring and testing labels in Koha and are
 ready to get started. Can anyone recommend printers?
 We've had pretty good luck on the color Xerox we've been testing on
 --- but we'd like to get a BW laser
 printer for production.

 Thank you!


Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Request for IRC Meeting to Begin Planning KohaCon13

2012-08-14 Thread glaws
I've never been to a KohaKon; are there typically vendors with booths setup?


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 08/14/2012 10:03 AM, Keener, Nancy wrote:
 Hi everyone.  Please join us Wednesday August 22nd us for a preliminary IRC 
 meeting to begin planning KohaCon 13.  Our main need right now is to 
 determine the number of days for the conference and hackfest.  I will then 
 get the local hotel/casinos to begin vying for our business.  All of your 
 ideas and help will be greatly appreciated.

 Here are the links to get you there.  The conference site hasn't got much on 
 it yet, but that will change soon.  IRC Channel
Get the right time   Main conference site.

 Nancy Keener
 Systems Librarian
 I.T.O.S.C. Chair
 Washoe County Library System
 Reno, Nevada
 775 327-8347

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] reset my database

2012-07-11 Thread glaws
Just for my own information, why would someone not want to simply drop
the database? Is there no script to recreate an empty, default database?
I suppose it would be too much work to recreate one with a database tool
like phpmyadmin?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506
816-232-5479 x2303

On 07/11/2012 05:49 AM, Robin Sheat wrote:
 Op 11-07-12 10:28, schreef:

 I am trying to reset all my database to default. need to delete all the 
 patrons and items and books and whatever the data i have entered in. Please 
 help me with this. what should i do? thanks
 I have a script:

 that will delete _everything_ from a Koha database. I'm not going to
 give instructions on how to use it, as it's pretty dangerous, so the
 time spent working out how to run it will make sure that it's not used
 frivolously or accidentally, I'll just say that it requires a KOHA_CONF
 and Koha PERL5LIB defined appropriately.

 (I use it to clean up development databases when I'm moving between
 versions and such.)

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] [Koha-devel] KohaCon 13 Survey Problem

2012-07-06 Thread glaws
I think the Americans need a good lecture on preference voting. :)

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 07/06/2012 07:07 AM, Paul Poulain wrote:
 Le 06/07/2012 13:38, Nicole Engard a écrit :
 On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Mason James wrote:
 sorry, your mistake is not enough reason to void the current survey

 I would say that the mistake was mine - not the voters' - I didn't
 explain clearly
 Maybe that's worth writing the rule somewhere on the wiki page?

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] [Koha-devel] KohaCon 13 Survey Problem

2012-07-05 Thread glaws
So that's how preference voting works. Guess I mis-understood. I think
we should have a lengthy, detailed debate on the 1,204 different nuances
of preference voting w/ mjray, marshall, and a designated NZ
representative. Please include all relevant advanced statistical
analysis. The last discussion about a year ago was enlightening. Really.
Now I'm ready for more.


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 07/05/2012 12:38 PM, Jared Camins-Esakov wrote:

 Yes, please restart the vote.  I was not aware that I could only give
 points to one location.

 Every location you vote for gets points. It's just that it gets a different
 number of points depending on whether you rank it 1..5.


Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] [discussion] Privacy issue (bug 3280)

2012-07-03 Thread glaws
Make it optional at most (syspref), off by default.


On 07/03/2012 11:17 AM, Paul Poulain wrote:
 Hello Koha users  developers,

 The bug 3280 fixes a problem in cart sending in opac : the behaviour has
 changed, and for security reason, it will be possible only for logged-in
 A question has also been raised : we could also add the IP address of
 the sender in the mail that Koha sent. Do you think :
 1- we could
 2- we should
 3- we shouldn't

 (and why)

 I start arguing = I think we should, and in France, I think it's a legal
 issue, you must be able to answer any legal request from a court (9-11,
 thank you :\ )
 It's right we have the username, but the IP address is a good complement

Koha mailing list

[Koha] KohaMoble

2012-06-07 Thread glaws

Rolling Hills Library is attempting to raise funds to purchase a 
bookmobile, which will use our existing Koha database with remote 
(Internet) connections. We would also like to provide Internet access 
via a couple of stations in the van if possible. All this depends on our 
ability to raise the funds necessary to purchase the bookmobile, but we 
hope to be able to do that early next spring (2013).

1. Is anyone using such a system currently with Koha? I would be 
interested in learning from your experiences.

2. I'd like to document our process, from purchase to full usage, as a 
lessons learned for everyone to benefit from. What things would you 
like to know as I do this?

3. One of the methods of Internet access we will be looking at is 
Skycaster (link above). Any comments or suggestions on this service? We 
may also have a mobile wifi hotspot so local access can be provided to 
users with their own devices.

Comment: I am a strong supporter of free, open-source software. It is my 
intention to run everything in the bookmobile on Linux, probably Mint or 
Ubuntu.  If I can sneak it in, I may try to get some promo lettering on 
the van somewhere that says We run Koha and Linux!, and maybe a 
penguin and the Koha logo.

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] KohaMoble

2012-06-07 Thread glaws

Uh, that would be KohaMobile...

Daem spell checker didn't have kohamobile in the database...


On 06/07/2012 12:30 PM, glaws wrote:...,
Koha mailing list

[Koha] Now: Cemetery - Was: Recent Comments page

2012-05-17 Thread glaws
That's exactly what I was thinking. It wouldn't be difficult at all to
put this on Mysql (or postgresql or Firebird) and whip up a php
interface to it. Easy as pie. Wonder if there's an ISO standard for
cemetery data fields or a  MARC record equivalent? Surely the Europeans
(English, French and Germans), with their long history of record-keeping
of cemeteries, have come up with some schema.

We have all these different applications for databasing things. We have
Koha/EG for books and DSpace for digitized works and Gramps for
geneology and something for cemeteries, and they all track info that is
roughly analogous. We need a grand unifying theory for all this
stuff-like UNIMARC2013.

I have this general understanding that Evergreen likes to put the
interface/app on one machine and the database on another. I suspect that
would be a good design--load Koha/EG and DSpace and Gramps and whatever
interface on a single machine, and the database(s) on another?


Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506

On 05/17/2012 07:17 AM, Randall Rowe wrote:
 My personal choice for a database such as this would be MySQL since it's 
 already installed for Koha :-)

 Randy Rowe
  Lincoln City Libraries I.T.

  -Original Message-
  From: glaws
  Sent 5/16/2012 3:40:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Koha] Recent Comments page

 Sue: I found the cemetary link on your Koha OPAC site interesting. Here's a 
 sample pull I was looking at: Record 
 Number : 4425 Name : Estate of Charlotte Ann Smith Section : Eltham General 
 Anglican New Plot ID : 105 Block : 10 Row : Old Plot No : 16 Interment Status 
 : Occupied Plot Notes : X Coord : Y Coord: Funeral Co-ordinator : Date Of 
 Death : 12/12/1964 Date Of Interment : 14/12/1964 Date Of Birth : Type Of 
 Interment : Burial Depth Of Plot : Double Deceased Age - Years : 0 - Months : 
 0 - Weeks : - Days : - Hours : Occupation : Place Of Death : Marital Status : 
 Gender : Denomination : Anglican Nationality : Birth Place : Headstone Photo 
 : Officiating : Obviously this isn't databased in Koha, so apparently you 
 have this in a custom (Microsoft?) database? Anyone: I rather wonder if 
 DSpace would be a good DB for this type of info? 
 - Greg Lawson Network Administrator Rolling Hills 
 Consolidated Library 1912 N. Belt Highway St. Joseph, MO 64506 
 -- On 05/16/2012 03:15 PM, Sue McMillan wrote:  
 Hi Hal,   South Taranaki District Libraries have comments available. 
 http://ils.stdc.govt.nzSusan McMillan  Cataloguing and Systems 
 Librarian| South Taranaki District Council  105-111 Albion St, Private Bag 
 902, Hawera 4610, NZ  Phone: +64 6 278 0555 | 
  -Original Message-  From: 
 [] On Behalf Of Hal Bright   Does 
 anyone have the recent comments page options activated on their public 
 catalog? I would like to take a look at it.This e-mail and any 
 attachments may contain confidential and  privileged  information. If you 
 are not the intended recipient, please notify the  sender immediately by 
 return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy  any  copies. Any 
 dissemination or use of this information by a person other  than the 
 intended recipient is unauthorised and may be illegal. Please  note that 
 this communication does not designate an information system  for the 
 purposes of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.   pbCAN'T OPEN 
 ATTACHMENTS?/b/p  The Council has upgraded to Microsoft office 2007 
 suite. This may mean you cannot open attachments if you have older versions 
 of office. a 
  Click here to access Microsoft Office 2007's compatibility website.a/  
 ___  Koha mailing list 
 ___ Koha mailing list ��

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Recent Comments page

2012-05-16 Thread glaws

I found the cemetary link on your Koha OPAC site interesting. Here's a
sample pull I was looking at:

Record Number : 4425
Name :  Estate of Charlotte Ann Smith
Section :   Eltham General Anglican
New Plot ID :   105
Block : 10
Row :   
Old Plot No :   16
Interment Status :  Occupied
Plot Notes :
X Coord :   
Y Coord:
Funeral Co-ordinator :  
Date Of Death : 12/12/1964
Date Of Interment : 14/12/1964
Date Of Birth : 
Type Of Interment : Burial
Depth Of Plot : Double
Deceased Age - Years :  0
- Months :  0
- Weeks :   
- Days :
- Hours :   
Occupation :
Place Of Death :
Marital Status :
Gender :
Denomination :  Anglican
Nationality :   
Birth Place :   
Headstone Photo :   
Officiating :   

Obviously this isn't databased in Koha, so apparently you have this in a
custom (Microsoft?) database?


I rather wonder if DSpace would be a good DB for this type of info?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO 64506


On 05/16/2012 03:15 PM, Sue McMillan wrote:
 Hi Hal,
 South Taranaki District Libraries have comments available.
 Susan McMillan
 Cataloguing and Systems Librarian| South Taranaki District Council
 105-111 Albion St, Private Bag 902, Hawera 4610, NZ
 Phone: +64 6 278 0555 | 
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Hal Bright
 Does anyone have the recent comments page options activated on their public 
 catalog? I would like to take a look at it.
 This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and 
 information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the 
 sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy 
 copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other 
 than the intended recipient is unauthorised and may be illegal. Please 
 note that this communication does not designate an information system 
 for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.
 The Council has upgraded to Microsoft office 2007 suite. This may mean you 
 cannot open attachments if you have older versions of office. a 
  Click here to access Microsoft Office 2007's compatibility website.a/ 
 Koha mailing list

Koha mailing list

Re: [Koha] Koha 3.8.1 entering string freeze

2012-05-14 Thread glaws
On 05/14/2012 04:56 PM, Chris Cormack wrote:
 Hi All
 As promised, the 3.8.x branch has entered string freeze in preparation
 for the 3.8.1 release next week.
 So? you ask, What does this mean for me?
 Are you a developer? - If so just be aware I will only be pushing
 patches that do not contain changes to any of the translatable strings
 from now until the release.
 Are you a translator? - Once the translation manager emails to say the
 po files are updated, you are clear to translate your hearts out.
 Are you a Koha user? - If you have the skills or know someone who
 does, check out the 3.8.x and do some testing on it, that would be
 Are you a brewer? - I quite like a nice IPA
 Koha mailing list
I had to check the wikipedia.po file for the IPA translation string.


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