Kosovo Update: Committee for national solidarity

2000-02-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

===The Committee for 
National SolidarityTolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YUBank official's 
murder fuels fears over power vacuum in the provinceKosovo: special 
reportJonathan Steele in VitinaMonday February 14, 2000The 
middle-aged Albanian was lying on the pavement outside the bank he 
raninthe main street, bleeding heavily from his gunshot 
wounds.>From their headquarters little more than 100 yards away, 
Americanpeacekeepers raced to help. The man was taken by helicopter to the 
militaryhospital in Camp Bondsteel, the huge American base in this 
south-easterncorner of Kosovo, but died on the way.Though his killer 
or killers quickly disappeared, Danush Januzi'scircumstances suggest he was 
not a victim of Serb anger, but of somethingwhich moderate Kosovan Albanians 
fear is the new danger facing theterritory.A struggle for power and 
money is pitting Albanian leaders against eachotherin the vacuum left by 
Serb officials when they withdrew last summer."Mr Januzi had been the 
manager of the bank long before the internationalcommunity arrived in 
Kosovo," said Gilles Dubuc, the foreign official whowasappointed as 
Vitina's mayor by the United Nations mission in Kosovo."The local 
political party replaced him, but he stayed in his job and when Igot here in 
early November I was confronted with two individuals fightingover it. I 
decided to give Mr Januzi his old job back. I told the other mannot to show 
up any more but promised to find him a job somewhere else.Whether there's 
any connection with the killing, I don't know," Mr Dubucsaid. Asked which 
party the other man belonged to, he said: "The PPDK."The problem facing 
Mr Dubuc when he took up his duties several months afterthe Serbs' 
withdrawal has been repeated in scores of town halls acrossKosovo. The PPDK, 
the Kosovo democratic progressive party, is the newincarnation of the Kosovo 
liberation army, whose guerrilla forces fought forindependence against the 
Serbs.The KLA was required to disarm in September, three months after 
theagreementwhich ended Nato's bombing campaign in the province. But 
long before thedeadline expired, it used its power and wartime popularity to 
appoint localmayors and other officials in towns and villages with an 
Albanian majorityafter the Serb withdrawal.One aim was to provide 
much-needed services, but the KLA also wanted topresent the United Nations, 
which has a mandate to run Kosovo, with a faitaccompli when international 
officials arrived.Some new UN administrators accepted the KLA appointees 
as advisers, thoughthey lost the official mayoral title. Others found 
replacements. Mr Dubucchose a compromise. He dismissed Daut Shemali, a KLA 
man who became a localhero after spending two years as a political prisoner 
under the Serbs, butallowed him to stay temporarily in the office he 
occupied. In the meantime,Mr Dubuc started negotiations with other parties 
in Vitina to share out townhall departments.The position of bank 
manager was a much-coveted post, since itsresponsibilities included handling 
the wages of teachers and all other localemployees. But if jealousy over 
this access to power and cash was onepossible motive for Januzi's death, 
there was another."Everyone who collaborated with the Serbs ought to be 
killed. Presumablythat's why he died," snapped Bedre Peposhi, a history 
teacher, as he stoodoutside the town hall after Januzi's murder this 
week.Vitina's population of Serbs has halved since Serb forces abandoned 
KosovotoK-For, the international peacekeeping force, in June. Serb 
teenagers go tosecondary school in the Serb enclave of Vrbovac, five miles 
away.As Serb children yesterday piled into a bus with armoured American 
Humveevehicles acting as escorts for the journey home, Aca Nikolic, 
theheadteacher, recalled Januzi: "He stayed in Kosovo throughout the war. 
Hewasthe best Albanian in Vitina. I knew him because we got our salaries 
from theYugoslav state bank he managed."Veton Surroi, the publisher 
of Kosovo's best-known newspaper, Koha Ditore,sparked controversy last year 
when he condemned the revenge killing of Serbcivilians by 
Albanians.If public opinion did not move to stop such murders and 
prevent the growthofa climate of impunity, the next targets of Albanian 
killers would be otherAlbanians, he warned. Januzi's death this week seemed 
to bear out thoseforebodings.The former banking official's white 
Mercedes was parked close to thebloodstains on the pavement where he was 
shot. Its special four-digitlicenceplate showed that he had been 
employed in a high position by the Serbianstate. But whether he died because 
of envy, competition for power, orrevenge, may never be 
known.Secretary GeneralMrs. Jela 
___Macdonald Stainsby-Check 
out  the Tao ten point program: http://new.tao.ca ***"Those who preach the 
doctrine of the class struggle are always persecuted by those who practice 

SV: China and Serbia. (The Economist)

2000-02-15 Thread Vera Bjurling

can wrigt me on my e-mail

wwnews Digest #41

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>that violated every treaty with Native people and the
>Pentagon's actions against Iraq and Yugoslavia.
>After holding the bridge throughout the rally, demonstrators
>then adjourned to a traditional Native feast in Fort Erie,
>The demonstration was organized by the Native American
>Warriors, Workers World Party, Food Not Bombs, Concerned
>Citizens Against Police Abuse, the WNY Coalition for Global
>Economic Justice, Brock University's Free Mumia Committee
>and the Canadian Auto Workers, Local 199.
> - END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message
>to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Message-ID: <004801bf77b7$d9de7aa0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [WW]  Native delegation from U.S. arrives in Havana
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:23:29 -0500
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Feb. 17, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>Special to Workers World
>San Francisco
>The first-ever Native-Cuba Cultural Exchange arrived in
>Havana on Feb. 5.
>The project was initiated by the International Peace for
>Cuba Appeal. The delegation is led by Native leader Dennis
>Banks and includes representatives and activists from many
>Native nations from around the country, many of them dancers
>and drummers.
>The trip is the realization of an invitation made by
>President Fidel Castro to Dennis Banks in 1993. Banks--along
>with former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, African
>American author Alice Walker and others--had been delivering
>$2 million worth of insulin to the Cuban people.
>This trip will focus on Native culture and history, both
>in the U.S. and Cuba. Features of the trip will include a
>shared performance with the National Folkloric Dance Group,
>visits to historical sites in Mantanzas and Pinar del Rio
>associated with the Native peoples of Cuba, meetings at the
>University of Ministries of Culture and Justice, and visits
>to schools, daycare centers and Committees in Defense of the
>The delegation will also deliver several thousand dollars
>worth of medicines and dental supplies.
>The delegation left for Cuba after a grand send-off
>celebration in San Francisco with Native dancing and
>drumming, speakers and music from well-known activist Floyd
>Red Crow Westerman. The send-off was attended by 150 people
>and raised over $1,500 for the trip.
> - END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message
>to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Message-ID: <004e01bf77b7$ef1b7da0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [WW]  Media silence cloaks U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:24:05 -0500
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Feb. 17, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Bill Wayland
>Washington is deeply involved in a full-scale coup d'etat
>in the second-biggest former Soviet republic.
>It is part of a dangerous plan to expand NATO deep into
>the former Soviet Union. But not a word of these events has
>appeared in any major U.S. news outlet.
>Early in the morning of Feb. 8, right-wing deputies and
>state-security forces seized the main hall of the parliament
>(Verkhovnye Rada) as armed police commandos surrounded the
>building. Opposition deputies, led by Progressive Socialist
>Party leader Natalia Vitrenko, resisted the takeover but
>were overwhelmed. Vitrenko is now on hunger strike.
>The struggle began Jan. 21 when deputies loyal to U.S.-
>backed President Leonid Kuchma illegally constituted
>themselves a new parliament. They voted to remove elected
>parliament Speaker Oleksandr Tkachenko, who had charged
>Kuchma with falsifying the results of last year's
>presidential election.
>Tkachenko was evicted from his office Feb. 3.
>Before organizing the coup in the Rada, Kuchma met
>privately with U.S. Vice President Al Gore in Washington.
>Lest anyone doubt Washington's role, U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark
>was expected in Kiev, Ukraine's capital, on Feb. 8, the day
>the parliament wa

wwnews Digest #41

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>attacks on the machines. But the bosses were pushed back
>when the workers began to organize as a class to defend
>their interests. And capitalism took a really big hit when
>the workers' movements in Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam,
>Korea and other countries went on the offensive, defeated
>the repressive state of the bosses, and expropriated
>capitalist property.
>That's what we must go back to--but on a higher level.
>Armed with computers, fax machines and Web sites. More and
>more workers are being drawn into computer-driven
>technology, often at lower wages than before. We must look
>beyond the machines themselves to the class that uses them
>for its own profit.
>Let's zap not only the capitalists' Web sites, but their
>system, which allows a small group to put a stranglehold on
>technology that should belong to and serve the people.
> - END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service. Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message
>to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Message-ID: <006001bf77b8$36b62de0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [WW]  Canadian student strike
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:26:05 -0500
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Feb. 17, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Josina Dunkel
>St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
>Over 1,500 students in St. John's in the Canadian province
>of Newfoundland walked out of classes Feb. 2 to protest
>federal cuts to public colleges and universities.
>The strikers braved heavy snow to bring their demands to
>the government. By the end of the day they had shouted down
>the provincial minister of education and occupied the
>provincial government building for about an hour.
>Called by the Canadian Federation of Students, the strike
>was a nationwide day of action extending from Ottawa to
>Labrador City, from Vancouver to Montreal. Braving single-
>digit temperatures and deep snow, about 20,000 students in
>over 50 communities across Canada walked out of classes.
>They sent a clear message that the budget surplus of $12
>billion should go back to social programs.
>Protests took many forms. On Prince Edward Island,
>students served Kraft macaroni and cheese to show that
>tuition bills left little money for food. In Alberta,
>University of Calgary students set up a soup kitchen.
>Students at York University in Ontario were supported by
>the Transit Commission, which refused to let its buses cross
>the student picket line.
>In Newfoundland 15 communities held strikes--every place
>there's a public college or university. In St. John's,
>students from Memorial University of Newfoundland were
>joined by strikers from College of the North Atlantic and a
>significant faction of high school students.
>The community support for the students' action was
>remarkable. Newfoundland's morning radio news shows were
>barraged with phone calls in support, and the commentators
>were more than sympathetic. Along the demonstration, drivers
>honked to show their support even though the strikers were
>blocking off a major road.
>The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labor, the
>Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Newfoundland and
>Labrador Nurses Union, the United Steel Workers of America,
>the Canadian Auto Workers, and the Communications, Energy
>and Paperworkers Union, gave money, endorsements, and
>speakers for the strike.
>Support demonstrations for the Canadian student strike
>reached as far as Mexico City, where protestors picketed the
>Canadian Embassy.
>In less than a decade, over $7 billion has been cut from
>post-secondary education in Canada. Such deep cuts have sent
>tuition skyrocketing. It has more than doubled.
>With each increase these schools become less accessible
>for working and poor students.
>Student debt has tripled. This contributes to emigration
>from some provinces and even from Canada to the United
>States, where wages are higher and debts can be paid off
>more quickly.
>The student protesters' demands were clear and well-
>supported by the community. Students demanded a national
>system of scholarships, not loans, and that funds cut from
>social programs such as public education, health care and
>unemployment insurance be restored.
>Students also demanded that tuition fees be eliminated.
>They reminded the government of the 1976 United Nations
>Convenant, in which it agreed to make higher education free.
>Instead of fees being eliminated, tuition has consistently
>risen, save for a few temporary tuition 

SV: Kosovo Update: Committee for national solidarity

2000-02-15 Thread Vera Bjurling

kan write to me on mu e-mail 

Fw: [M-L L] China decides to restructure rural economy

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: Christer Lundgren
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@smtp2.bip.sth
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 6:09 PM
Subject: [M-L L] China decides to restructure rural economy

China decides to restructure rural economy
China has decided to make further efforts in restructuring its rural economy
and improving the daily life of the farmers this year.

In a "Proposal on Agriculture and Rural Economic Work" made public Sunday,
the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council stress
that China's agriculture and rural economy are facing new challenges and
The proposal states, among other things, that it is imperative to
comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture and rural
economy, and increase the income of farmers.
Restructuring efforts will primarily be focused on improving the quality of
agricultural products by increasing marketable crops, accelerating the
development of animal husbandry and farm produce processing, and optimizing
the layout of agricultural regions.
Cultivated land must be put under strict protection to ensure grain
production, while there will be drastic restructuring in the rural labor
force, with efforts being made to vigorously develop small towns and
township enterprises in the rural areas.
Governments at all levels are required to concentrate on four major tasks
during the restructuring. These include building a rural market system,
popularizing agricultural technology among the farmers, and protecting the
environment in the countryside.
The proposal also calls on efforts to develop rural infrastructure
facilities, including the construction of water conservancy projects.
As part of the government's poverty elimination work, the proposal says
efforts are needed to help another 10 million rural people get out of
absolute poverty this year, while promoting socialist cultural and ethical
development in the rural areas.

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US Imperialism and Caspian Oil

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

Communist Web
Tuesday 15th February 2000 9.30pm gmt

US Imperialism and Caspian Oil 
*NATO spearhead for oil monopolies

In November 1999, a conference of the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) gathered many government representatives to Istanbul. By then
the US
Government had, quite simply, forced the key regional governments to give
imperialist oil companies the guarantees and finance that these oil
monopolies wanted.
A new agreement was finally possible, and Clinton flew in for last minute
The Governments of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan agreed to
back the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline route.
Turkey's Government promised to pay all construction costs over US$1.4
billion for the
Turkish segment of the pipeline. This meant that the Ceyhan route was
suddenly as
cheap, for the oil companies, as the Iranian route would have been.
Kazakhstan dumped the Russian plan for a Tengiz-Novorossisk pipeline and
promised that in the 21st century it would send 20 million tonnes of oil a
year through a new... http://www.billkath.demon.co.uk/cw/usi/usi.html

Fw: Washington's pursuit of missile defense drives wedge in NATO

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 1:00 AM
Subject: Washington's pursuit of missile defense drives wedge in NATO


Paris, Tuesday, February 15, 2000
Washington's Pursuit of Missile Defense Drives Wedge in NATO
By Joseph Fitchett, International Herald Tribune

PARIS  - The Clinton administration's push for an anti-missile shield to
protect U.S. territory is prying apart the Western alliance and laying
bare the fragility of the allied consensus on security policy that held
up so well in Kosovo a few months ago.
The apparent contradiction between the solidarity on Kosovo and the
current strains over missile defense reflect the same simple fact,
specialists say: There is a trans-Atlantic divergence in security
priorities now that Soviet ground forces no longer threaten Europe.
There is ''a train collision in the making,'' a U.S. official at NATO
headquarters has warned.
Similar assessments emerged from recent interviews with a dozen U.S. and
European officials and analysts.
The trans-Atlantic disagreement over the importance of missile defense
reflects a gulf in perception between Europeans, who do not feel high on
anyone's hit-list, and Americans, who after two decades of mounting
anti-terrorist crusading, now feel that their territory could be a prime
For Europeans the demise of the Soviet threat amounts to an opportunity
to develop their own forces enough to take care of most crises in their
For Americans, who fret about being left alone in protecting common
Western interests such as Gulf oil flows and stability in Asia, the
downsizing of the threat to Europe has been a signal to focus on new,
more diffuse threats worldwide.
European governments, without exception, oppose the U.S. anti-missile
project. In public, they caution against meddling with arms control
treaties that could goad Russia into a nuclear weapons buildup.
Privately, they fulminate against the program as technological folly -
illusory protection against a remote threat.
These governments berate the Clinton administration, and the U.S.
Congress for what allied officials call a fresh example of American
arrogance and unilateralism.
But these attacks usually are delivered in tones of quiet bitterness
that seem to reflect Europeans' realization that their voice has
diminished in Washington now that Europe is no longer the front line in
a superpower struggle.
''This trans-Atlantic schism could turn fatal to the alliance in the
event of a violent conflict with a rogue state armed with weapons of
mass destruction,'' according to David Gompert, a former U.S. official
now at Rand Corp.
The public climate, resembling the calm before a storm, is a striking
contrast with the bruising debates, often spilling into the streets,
that battered NATO over Bosnia less than a decade ago or over the
deployment of Pershing nuclear missiles in Europe in the early 1980s.
After that debate, the alliance emerged with strengthened unity that
subsequently contributed to Western success in Kosovo, German
reunification and the Gulf War.
Today, U.S. and European officials seem wary of stoking up a fiery
debate that might end with each side going its own way.
Missile defense has been treated as something hardly worth talking about
- by Americans because it is virtually a done deal, and by the allies
because European governments do not want to raise in public a security
issue that they cannot afford to confront, technologically or
Economics play a large part in the Europeans' resistance. They want to
spend their limited defense funds close to home, not on systems to
defend against threats that seem remote.
In contrast, Americans, worried about possible threats from North Korea,
Iran or other rogue regimes in 5 or 10 years, view a missile defense as
a sensible and affordable option now that the United States has a
government budget surplus in view.
Hoping to allay European hostility to the missile-defense plan, Defense
Secretary William Cohen sought to convert critics at the recent Munich
Conference on Security Policy, an annual high-level forum of U.S. and
European defense specialists.
He emphasized that the current plan was modest compared with the
Strategic Defense Initiative, the Reagan administration's so-called Star
Wars project, which sought to intimidate Moscow by threatening to
neutralize the Soviet Union's entire missile force.
In contrast, the current, limited project is not ''strategic'' or
''global'' but ''national,'' Mr. Cohen said, meaning that it would cover
the only the United States, not the world. It was also ''limited, ' he
said, meaning that it could defend U.S. territory only against a dozen
or so missiles that a rogue nation might muster.
Arguing that this system would not create a problem for the credibility
of the Russi

Fw: [M-L L] IRA withdraws representatives from arms talks

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: Sven Buttler
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: [M-L L] IRA withdraws representatives from arms talks

  IRA withdraws representatives from arms talks

The following is the full text of a statement issued today by the IRA
announcing that is withdrawing frm talks with the IICD (Independent
International Commission on Decommissioning) following the rejection by the
British government of the IRA's latest proposition on decommissioning and
its suspension of the political institutions.

 On November 17 the leadership of the IRA agreed to appoint a representative
to enter into discussions with the IICD.

This was on the basis that it would be part of a series of events including,
and in particular, the establishment of the political institutions set out
in the Good Friday Agreement. This was designed to move the situation out of
an 18-month impasse. This impasse was created and maintained by unionist
intransigence and a failure by the British Government to advance the
implementation of the Good Friday Agreement.

The British Secretary of State has reintroduced the unionist veto by
suspending the political institutions. This has changed the context in which
we appointed a representative to meet with the IICD and has created a deeper

Both the British Government and the leadership of the Ulster Unionist Party
have rejected the propositions put to the IICD by our representative. They
obviously have no desire to deal with the issue of arms except on their own

Those who seek a military victory in this way need to understand that this
cannot and will not happen.

Those who have made the political process conditional on the decommissioning
or silenced IRA guns are responsible for the current crisis in the peace

In the light of these changed circumstances the leadership of the IRA have
decided to end our engagement with the IICD. We are also withdrawing all
propositions put to the IICD by our representative since November.

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Fw: [M-L L] Weekly News Update on Colombia #524, 2/13/00

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Pakito Arriaran 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: [M-L L] Weekly News Update on Colombia #524, 2/13/00

 ISSUE #524, FEBRUARY 13, 2000
(212) 674-9499 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


On Feb. 7, US president Bill Clinton formally introduced in
Congress his proposed supplemental aid package for Colombia, 85%
of which is slated for the army and security forces. [CNN 2/7/00
from Reuters] The bulk of the funds will go to buy helicopters
for mobile battalions trained to fight leftist rebels. [Reuters
2/9/00] Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright say the
aid is for anti-drug efforts, but the plan's chief architect, US
drug czar General Barry McCaffrey, admits bluntly that its
purpose is to help the Colombian Army "recover the southern part
of the country, currently under guerrilla control." [Boston Globe
2/6/2000; Semana (Colombia) #924, 1/17-24/00]
The aid proposal comes as talks in Sweden between the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian
government are said to be making progress. The two sides called a
joint news conference in Stockholm on Feb. 9 where they issued a
communique presenting the results of the unprecedented meeting.
[Reuters 2/7/00; Joint FARC/Government Communique 2/9/00] 
Groups concerned with human rights in Colombia and US military
intervention are suggesting that people call their congressional
representatives and senators to urge them to oppose military aid
to Colombia and support positive alternatives for peace.
According to an op-ed in the Boston Globe by freelance journalist
Ana Carrigan, Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Patrick Leahy
(D-VT) have already written to Albright opposing the military
aid, and Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA), the only member of
Congress who has personally visited the Colombian rebels, will
spearhead opposition in the House of Representatives. [Boston
Globe 2/6/2000] 
Divisions over the aid package are also emerging within the
executive branch of the US government. The New York Times
reported on Feb. 6 that "Privately...some senior defense
officials are decidedly unenthusiastic" about the US military's
growing role in Colombia. [NYT 2/6/00] The divisions were also
reflected in the media, with editorials and op-eds in major
newspapers pushing competing positions during the week of Feb. 7.
On Feb. 13, the New York Times ran an editorial opposing the aid
package ("Dangerous Plans for Colombia"), charging that support
for Colombia's military "at this stage will only escalate a war
that neither side can win." [NYT 2/13/00] 
The Washington Post ran a Feb. 8 op-ed by Robert White, former US
ambassador to El Salvador, opposing the aid package ("Shades of
Vietnam"), followed with an editorial in favor on Feb. 10 ("Yes
on Aid to Colombia"). The editorial admitted that the Colombian
army is corrupt and that there can be no real separation of anti-
drug and counter-insurgency aid, but argued: "we wonder why
preventing an unpopular and thuggish army with a long record of
kidnapping and assassination (including, recently, the
assassination of three American citizens) should necessarily be a
more suspect objective than breaking up one of the drug cartels'
protection forces." [The editorial did not explain how this
objective of "preventing" the FARC--the more than 40-year old
guerrilla army to which the editorial is apparently referring--
could be met.] [WP 2/10/00] 
The rightwing Washington Times, which supports military aid to
Colombia, suggests in a Feb. 9 editorial ("Colombia's `Flipping
Nightmare'"), that the Clinton administration's decision to send
helicopters as part of the aid package was influenced by an
opinion poll. The September survey conducted by the Mellman
Group, a Democratic polling firm, showed 62% of respondents
saying they would spend money on technology to stop drugs from
being smuggled into the US, while only 27% said they would spend
the money on advertisements to warn kids about the dangers of
drugs. The final finding of the polling firm was that Democrats
scored better than Republicans on all issues except keeping
illegal drugs out of the country. The Washington Times ended by
urging quicker action on the military assistance, while charging
that the Clinton administration's "last-hour proposal to aid
Colombia's war on drugs is little more than political cover
during an election year." [WT 2/9/00]
Those who support the aid are meanwhile intensifying their
efforts. Thomas Pickering, US Under Secretary of State for
Political Affairs, began a six-day tour of Latin America on Feb.
12 in Bogota, where he was to meet with Colombian president
Andres Pastrana. Pickering is also scheduled to visit Venezuela,
Ecuador and Brazil. [AFP 2/10/00] Retired g

Fw: Just what we need: more Navy strike fighters

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 9:05 PM
Subject: Just what we need: more Navy strike fighters


Feb 15, 2000 - 03:10 PM

Navy Says Flight Tests Show Strike Fighter Is Ready for Full Production
By Robert Burns
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - A series of flight tests confirmed that the F/A-18
Super Hornet meets the Navy's needs for a new carrier-based strike
fighter and is ready to enter full-scale production, Navy officials said
The Navy hopes to receive the go-ahead this spring to begin full-rate
production of the aircraft; it plans to buy 548 planes over the next 10
years. The total cost, including development, is estimated at $47
"We got the best grade possible" in the flight testing, Capt. James B.
Godwin III, told a news conference. Godwin manages the F/A-18 Super
Hornet program, which is one of the Defense Department's most expensive
weapons projects along with the Air Force's F-22 fighter and the
multi-service Joint Strike Fighter.
The Super Hornet is to replace today's older-model F/A-18s as well as
the Navy's F-14 Tomcat fighters.
In a series of flight tests from May to November 1999, a Navy test
squadron flew the plane for 1,233 hours in 850 missions and dropped more
than 400,000 pounds of bombs. Details of the results are classified
secret, but the Navy said it proved to be "operationally effective and
operationally suitable."
The National Aeronautic Association has called the testing program "the
most thorough and challenging operational evaluation in the history of
naval aviation."
The project has its critics, though. Some in Congress argue that the
plane does not add enough naval strike power to justify the $47 billion
Asked about the Navy's assertion that the plane performed up to
expectations in flight testing, with no new flaws discovered, a
spokesman for Defense Secretary William Cohen said Cohen would review
the results before certifying to Congress that the aircraft is ready to
enter full-scale production.
"We're encouraged by what we've seen so far," spokesman Rear Adm. Craig
Quigley said. But there will be "no short cuts taken" in certifying the
Navy's own evaluation of the plane's effectiveness and suitability, he
The Navy hopes to put the first Super Hornet squadron aboard a carrier,
the USS Abraham Lincoln, in 2002.
The Super Hornet is an upgraded version of the existing F/A-18 C and D
models. The new E model is a single-seater, and the F model is a
two-seater. The new planes are longer, have greater range, can carry
more weapons and incorporate radar-evading stealth technologies that the
older models do not have.
The Super Hornet is manufactured by a defense industry team led by
Boeing Co.

© Copyright 2000 Associated Press.

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Fw: [ADC-ITF] Large-Scale Military Attack against Iraq?

2000-02-15 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Rania Masri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 1:51 PM
Subject: [ADC-ITF] Large-Scale Military Attack against Iraq?

Washington threatens to launch a large-scale aggression against Iraq
(As-Safir. Monday, February 14, 2000) 

US Assistant Secretary-General Edward Walker said that the United States
wishes to see the rapid return of arms experts Iraq. He added that if the
Iraqi leadership trespasses the redline, this would compel the US to
launch a military operation. Iraq's Al-Thawra daily said that more than 8
thousand civilians have been killed as a result of the US-British air
raids on Iraq. Iraq threatened to reduce its oil exports if Washington and
London keep on hampering the buying of necessities. 


Also see: 

Austria... Turkey (2)

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä


>Subject: Austria... Turkey (2)

>Turkish police prevented an anti-fascist rally in Istanbul
>Turkish police prevented on February 12 about 2,000 people
>from having a rally in Istanbul for defending human rights
>and took into custody more than 200 persons. The
>demonstrators also launched slogans against the entry of a
>fascist party to the government in Austria.
>Among the detained people are also some leading members of
>the Human Rights Association (IHD), main Turkish
>organisation defending human rights and organiser of this rally.
>"The State again proved that it does respect and will not
>respect human rights in this country," said the IHD in a
>press release. "However, we shall never accept to be silent.
>We shall continue to fight for human rights despite all
>obstacles and pressures."
>The detainees were released on February 13, but nine among
>them were kept in detention because their names were in the
>list of the persons wanted by police for political reasons.
>Expansionist speech by the Turkish Defence Minister in Munich
>The Turkish Minister of National Defence, Mr. Sabahattin
>Cakmakoglu, during an international conference of European
>ministers on the subject of national defence in Munich,
>declared that he does not see any danger in the FPÖ's
>participation in the Austrian Government.
>Mr. Cakmakoglu, also a leading official of the neo-fascist
>Turkish party MHP*, harangued the partisans and sympathisers
>of his party by delivering an expansionist speech during his
>visit to the association of Grey Wolves (ÜOD) in Munich.
>"Until the centenary of our Republic, that is in coming 25
>years, Turkey will become a super power in the world and the
>undeniable leader of our region. We are eliminating all
>dialect differences  in Turkish language spoken by 250-300
>millions Turks in the world. Thanks to us [MHP], Turkish
>children learn not only the history of the Turkish living
>within the borders of Turkey, but also the history of all
>Turkish populations in the world. They learn in this
>training Islamic values as well. So, don't be afraid! Here
>is the Great Turkish Nation that arrives!" (Hürriyet,
>February 8, 2000)
>None of the European ministers taking part in the
>international conference was annoyed because of the presence
>of a fascist minister while some among them had earlier
>declared that they would boycott any  meeting in the
>presence of Austrian ministers.
>On contrary, they did their best for calming the anger of
>this Turkish minister concerning the unclear status of
>Turkey in the future European defence structure. And the
>Turkish media presented this gesture as a new diplomatic
>victory of Turkey.
>•   The MHP (Nationalist Action Party), the second partner of
>the current Ecevit Coalition Government for over six months,
>is responsible for more than five thousands political
>murders in the years 60 and 70. The MHP claims the
>superiority of the Turkish race and works for the foundation
>of a big Turkish empire, Turan, regrouping all Turks from
>the Adriatic Sea to the Chines Walls. Its militants in
>Europe, protected by Turkish diplomatic missions, have been
>implicated in many big criminal acts including drugs traffic
>and in the attempt against Pope in 1981.
>BP 12
>Chief editor: Dogan OZGUDE
>Responsible Editor: Inci TUGSAVUL
>Tel: (32-2) 215 35 76
>Fax: (32-2) 215 58 60


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Why Are German Courts Helping The Turkish Regime?

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 02:09:33 +0100
>From: "Press Agency Ozgurluk . Org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Why Are German Courts Helping The Turkish Regime?"
>Interview With Lawyer Ahmet Yuksel, Trial Observer At The DHKP-C
>Proceedings In Germany
>Question: At the end of November 1999, Ilhan Yelkuvan, a member of
>the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), was
>sentenced to life in prison by a court in Hamburg, Germany on murder
>charges after a questionable trial. Other trials against DHKP-C
>members in Germany are set to get underway in the near future.
>Members are also facing repression in other European countries. How
>did this situation come about?
>At first, it seemed like the usual type of repression, but the
>reality soon became clear. In the summer of 1997, Serafettin Gul, the
>head of the DHKP-C in Germany, and two other comrades were arrested
>in Germany. Shortly thereafter came a major sweep against DHKP-C
>supporters in France. Around 50 front members are facing charges in
>France at the moment. 10 party members are in prison in France. In
>Germany, 9 DHKP-C sympathizers are in prison.
>Question: How is the situation in other European countries?
>In the past, the authorities in other countries were more restrained.
>But in France, there have been state attacks on the DHKP-C in the
>past. In 1994, the French police arrested the chairman of the front,
>Dursun Karatas, and the people with him at a border crossing. A few
>months later, the authorities were forced to let him go. After the
>chairman of the front fled abroad, French courts charges dozens of
>followers with crimes. At this time, German authorities were working
>very closely with the French police. Step by step, the repression
>spread to other European countries. In Switzerland, 1 member is in
>prison, in Belgium there are 4. Even in Austria, DHKP-C supporters
>are threatened and intimidated by the state authorities.
>Question: Is a central strategy hidden behind this?
>In France, imprisoned DHKP-C members have been jointly questioned by
>police from France, The Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. That shows
>an international dimension. But it seems that everything is being
>directed by Germany. In October, shortly after alleged DHKP-C
>functionary Nuri Eryuksel was detained in Switzerland on a German
>arrest warrant, German intelligence agents from the BND visited
>migrants from Turkey and tried to recruit spies. The BND agents
>assumed that the entire leadership of the party was now in custody
>and that the DHKP-C would be defeated.
>Question: The involvement of the BND seems to suggest a possible
>involvement by NATO as well.
>The DHKP-C wages an armed struggle exclusively in Turkey. In other
>countries, they abide by legal, democratic means. This point is
>emphasized in many publications by the front. The German authorities
>know that this party presents no danger to Germany's domestic
>security. The repression against the DHKP-C is based on foreign
>policy interests. We assume that the USA and Germany are waging
>repression against the DHKP-C in order to aid their NATO partner
>Until the recent wave of repression, Belgium had no confrontations
>with supporters of the DHKP-C. The DHKP-C is not banned in Belgium as
>it is in Germany. Now, suddenly, public meetings have been banned
>without reason, and people have been arrested. Belgium has seemingly
>been told to carry out repression as well. There is a link between
>the repression against the DHKP-C in Turkey and Europe and the trials
>in Germany. In charges drafted by federal authorities in Germany, the
>front's struggle against the Turkish regime is often mentioned. It
>goes so far as to legitimize the repression being carried out by
>Turkish fascism.
>Question: But here, only crimes which are said to have been carried
>out in Germany are at issue.
>That's the official reason for the repression, yes. Nuri Eryuksel,
>who was arrested in Switzerland and is awaiting deportation to
>Germany, spent 11 years in prison in Turkey following the 1980
>military coup. Now this nearly blind man is being denied urgent
>medical care. Nuri Eryuksel is in isolation custody in Switzerland,
>because the German federal authorities in Karlsruhe have described
>him as very dangerous. And the DHKP-C's European spokesman, Mesut
>Demirel, who is facing charges in Hamburg, has been questioned by the
>court about his work in Turkey as editor of the newspaper 'Mucadele'.
>This journalist spent more than 10 years in prison in Turkey. Now his
>legitimate political work as a leftist journalist and a spokesperson
>are being defamed as "terrorism". That's absurd.
>Question: Why is the DHKP-C facing such attacks in Europe at the moment?
>The DHKP-C is part of the fundamental opposition. Despite heavy
>repression, the movement has been able to further develop its
>struggle in Turkey and has been gaining support among Turkish and
>Kurdish migrants in Europe. Turkey is

YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY (Morning edition) BELGRADE, 15 February 2000 No. 2894

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: "Jon Corlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY(Morning edition) BELGRADE, 15
>February 2000   No. 2894

>February 14 (Tanjug) - From Romania has originated an ecological
>disaster which has caused unforeseeable consequences for plants and animals
>along the Tisza river (Tisa in Yugoslavia), all the way to the Danube, said
>on Monday the U.S. TV network CNN that gave wide coverage to the tragedy
>caused by the spillage of cyanide from the Romanian mine near Baia Mare in
>CNN has been repeating for several days reports about dead fish in Tisa,
>in Yugoslavia, and about the efforts of Yugoslav officials and ecologists
>to stop and cleanse the polluted water.
>Carried was the statement of the Serbian Minister for the Protection of
>the Environment, Bratislav Blazic, who described the situation as a big
>ecological disaster and that Yugoslavia will demand from the international
>court in The Hague to punish the perpetrators who must compensate for the
>Yugoslav officials are taking measures to destroy the poisoned fish and
>also by other measures reduce the consequences, CNN said.
>CNN carried also Hungarian statements and assessments that the cyanide
>concentration in the Tisa river was the worst ecological disaster since
>U.S. media reports, however, ignore the fact that also responsible for the
>tragedy is an Australian company from Perth - Esmeralda Exploitation which
>is a co-owner of the Romania company from whose waste material spilled
>cyanide, used in the process of separating gold from the ore.
>The Australian firm claims that its experts are investigating the
>pollution of the river into which the poison spilled because of apparent
>carelessness and regulation breaches, and that the results of the
>investigation will be known next week.
>BUCAREST, February 14 (Tanjug) - Romania deployed on Monday near Djerdap,
>at the entrance of the Danube into its territory, teams of experts for
>measuring water pollution, because also expected to reach there is a part
>of the cyanide that spilled over from the waste material reservoir of the
>gold mine in Transylvania.
>Hungary and Romania plan to demand aid from the European Union to remove
>the consequences of the damages caused by the spilling of the poison into
>the river Somes, a tributary of Tisza, that carried the cyanide also into
>the Danube. Besides Romania, also affected by the pollution are Hungary and
>Yugoslavia, through which Tisza flows along some one hundred kilometres and
>then, at Slankamen, into the Danube.
>Official Bucarest kept silent for almost two weeks about the incident that
>only last week-end Premier Mugur Isaresku demanded that an investigation
>into the causes of the pollution which has acquired the proportions of an
>ecological disaster.
>The disaster occurred when, because of melting snow, the reservoir of the
>gold mine in Transylvania near Baia Mare spilled over its banks. Around
>100,000 cubic meters of water polluted with cyanide then spilled over into
>the stream Lapos, and then into the river Somes.
>The owner of the mine is the company Aurel, which was formed last year by
>the Romanian firm Remin and the Australian company Esmeralda.
>The Romanian press ignored the incident, only electronic media carried
>reports of foreign news agencies, including the Yugoslav news agency
>Tanjug, and showed footage of Hungarian television.
>(Morning edition)
>BELGRADE, 15 February 2000   No. 2894
>C O N T E N T S :
>BELGRADE, February 14 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on
>Monday received a delegation of participants in the International
>Conference of the European

YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY (Morning edition) BELGRADE, 15 February 2000 No. 2894

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>MOSCOW, February 14 (Tanjug) - The humanitarian group Focus opened a
>two-day final session in Geneva on Monday evening with the aim of
>discussing the renewal of aid to Yugoslavia on a bilateral basis, it was
>announced on Moscow on Monday evening. The Russian Ministry for Special
>Situations told the RIA-Novosti news agency that Russia would propose the
>continuation of humanitarian activities in Kosovo and Metohija in March or
>April with the participation of Russian experts for defusing land mines in
>mine fields and through the ecological cleaning of facilities.
>Focus, a group for providing humanitarian aid to Yugoslavia, was jointly
>set up by Russia, Switzerland, Greece and Austria in the spring of 1999
>during the NATO aggression. The aim of this organization is to sent aid to
>Yugoslavia as soon as possible since, at that time, international
>organizations traditionally dealing in relief aid activities, were not
>present in the territory of Yugoslavia.
>Russia said that now, after the corresponding U.N. structures and various
>non-government humanitarian organizations have returned to Yugoslavia,
>Focus activities are no longer needed in this manner here. This is why
>Russia will propose that aid to Yugoslavia continues on a bilateral basis,
>but that already initiated projects are completed over the next few months.
>The Russian delegation at the current session is headed by Vice Prime
>Minister Sergei Shoygu, who is also minister for special situations.
>NEW YORK, February 15 (Tanjug) - Official Washington has condemned the
>violence and killings in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica in Kosovo and
>Metohija and urged all involved sides to end the violence.
>State Department Spokesman James Rubin, who made the statement late on
>Monday, said he wanted to be precise and stressed that the confrontation
>was allegedly coming from both sides.
>It was one of many Rubin statements which shows that the U.S. takes a
>protective attitude towards the ethnic-Albanian terrorists and separatists
>in Serbia's southern province.
>Rubin did not at all mention ethnic-Albanian terrorists and separatists as
>the perpetrators of the latest wave of violence and the shooting at members
>of the international mission. Press representatively negatively reacted to
>the fact. Moreover, with a series of totally untenable assessments
>presented at the latest briefing in the State Department, Rubin tried in
>all ways possible to justify the ethnic-Albanian terrorists, once again
>falsely claiming that what was involved was nothing other than retaliation,
>for which he said there were justified reasons.
>At a time when ethnic-Albanian terrorists are again on a rampage in Kosovo
>and Metohija, Washington sits with folded arms. It has urged that terrorist
>leader Hashim Thaqi be contacted, which a KFOR commander has done and used
>the occasion to ask Thaqi "to use his influence" to calm the situation.
>Rubin, who is known for his "very close ties" with Thaqi, used the briefing
>to repeat the well known lies that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is
>calming down.
>Asked whether Kosovska Mitrovica was starting to resemble Somalia and
>could the international mission be withdrawn, Rubin hurriedly explained
>that the mission in Kosovo and Metohija was not the same as the one in
>Somalia. He said that Kosovo and Meothija was different, and then started
>commending the KFOR troops, which he insisted had allegedly done an
>excellent job so far.
>Rubin then indirectly but very clearly accused the U.S. press of not
>sharing the opinion about the success of the KFOR mission.
>PARIS, February 14 (Tanjug) - French Defence Minister Alain Richard warned
>on Monday that the international forces in Kosovo and Metohija (KFOR) would
>bring to heel all who want "to revive the conflicts and violence" in
>Serbia's southern province.
>People who want to "rekindle the conflict and violence between the two
>communities will be brought to reason with all means at the disposal of the
>international community," Richard told French private radio Europe 1.
>Richard was speaking following fierce clashes between ethnic Albanian
>snipers and KFOR during which one sniper was killed and two French soldiers
>Regarding the situation in Kosovska Mitrovica, seat of the
>French-controlled Sector North, Richard recalled that KFOR "had regained
>control" after the incidents which occurred in this city last August.
>He added that "this occurred now as well" since KFOR has returned peace
>and order to Kosovska Mitrovice following Sunday's fierce clashes in this
>The northern KFOR brigade, made up of some 8,000 soldiers from six
>countries and under the French command, is stationed in the Kosovska
>Mitrovice area.
>This contingent contains 3,500 Frenc

Colombia: 3 children killed in gov't ethnocide against U'wa

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>Mailing-List: ListBot mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> NIZKOR - Three U'wa children killed while the forced displacement of
>their indigenous community was being provoked.
>Tuesday, 15 February 2000
>Nizkor Int. Human Rights Team
>Derechos Human Rights
>Serpaj Europe
>[iii) messages]
>The Association of Traditional Uwa Authorities, ASOUWA, and the Regional
>Indigenous Council of Arauca, denounce the following to departmental,
>national and international Human Rights and Non-governmental
>1. Today, Friday, February 11, 2000, at approximately 8:15 a.m.,
>combined Colombian military and police forces arrived by air to the
>hamlet of Canoas, approximately 4 kilometers from Gibraltar, Northern
>Santander department. At the site, approximately 450 Indians -- women,
>children, men and elders from the U'wa community -- were gathered.
>Without prior warning, the public forces violently evicted the members
>of the community using heavy machinery and tear gas, and they forced us
>to flee by leaping into the Cubujon River. As a result of these violent
>acts, three U'wa children died. Other children and women are wounded,
>and there are U'wa who are missing.
>2. We denounce these crimes against humanity, specifically against the
>indigenous people. These actions violate our constitutional rights, our
>human rights and international humanitarian law.
>3. We urgently request the intervention of governmental and
>non-governmental observers, from the national and international levels.
>We urge you to speak out against these abusive acts which violate the
>precepts of the Colombian Constitution which protect indigenous people
>and which violate human rights.
>4. We demand that the President of Colombia and Occidental Petroleum
>Company take measures to respect the indigenous communities, and we hold
>them both responsible for all actions which violate our physical well
>being and territorial rights.
>For the defense of our ethnic rights, our principles and our culture.
>The U'wa community is present
>February 11, 2000
>ASOU`WA/ Consejo Regional Indigena de Arauca
>Violation of national interest and cultural identity. Today, the 25th of
>January, 2000, in a shameful action by the military and police forces,
>headed by Major Victor Hugo Rojas Aragón, we the indigenous U'wa
>people were evicted from our land at Santa Rita and Bellavista, where
>the oil drilling site Gibraltar 1 is located. The army used helicopters
>to take us out from our land, and since this action three of our
>indigenous brothers are missing.
>Since the 22nd of January, 10 big trucks have arrived in the area of the
>Samoré Block, transporting machinery to start opening up a road
>through Cedeño , in order to reach our territory, which confirms the
>absolute determination of Occidental to start oil activity, disregarding
>men, women, children, elders, cultures and history, with the goal of
>extracting the oil which is found in our land.
>These violations have been supported by the General Director of
>Indigenous Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, the lawyer Nubia
>Morales, judge from the municipality of Toledo, and the governor of
>Northern Santander, Jorge Garcia Herreros, who in a cynical tone said:
>"those animal Indians have to be evicted violently".
>We hold the Colombian Government responsible for this action of eviction
>and what it could lead to, and in particular the President, Andres
>Pastrana Arango and the company Occidental of Colombia, OXY.
>This eviction action disregards our rights of property and possession
>that we, the U'wa People and authorities, have acquired over these
>territories, through a contract of sale, carried out on the 18th of
>November, 1999, before the First Notary and duly registered in the
>Office of Register and Public and Private Instruments, Pamplona Section.
>Communal indigenous and ethnic territories are inalienable, cannot be
>seized and are unassailable, according to the constitutional and legal
>rights (articles 1, 2, 63, 70, 286 and 330 of the National Constitution,
>Agreement 179 of the ILO, law 21 of 1921).
>We are calling the General Procurator of the Nation, The People's
>Defenders office and Human Rights groups to come to our invaded
>territory immediately. We invite the national and international
>community to redouble their actions of support, denunciation and
>solidarity with the U'wa people.
>We are appealing to the governments of the world to reject the calls to
>support the Pl


2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>A little further down, a CARE official is cited by name for the first time:
>CARE Australia's emergency coordinator, Brian Doolan, said threats may have
>been made against local staff or against Wallace to extract the confession.
>(My emphasis)
>'May have been made.' Two thoughts on this: a) Doesn't the use of 'may'
>completely contradict the headline and first paragraph, which have 'CARE'
>(speaking as if it were a person) saying the confession WAS obtained under
>duress and b) isn't it true that it is always possible that a confession
>'may' have been extracted based on threats?
>Since by this point we've been told several times that Pratt was forced to
>confess, I would bet many readers wouldn't notice the use of "may".
>The article continues as follows:
>Doolan said the claims made against Pratt were ''absolute lunacy.''
>If Pratt "may" (which suggests 'may not') have confessed under duress, why is
>Doolan sure the charges are lunacy? The AP ignores this obvious
>contradiction. Nor does it try to bring some balance to the story by talking
>to someone from the Yugoslav side, for example a Yugoslav security official.
>Such a person might ask: "Since it's obvious that Mr. Pratt could be a spy
>without Mr. Doolan knowing, how can Mr. Doolan be so sure the charges are
>And so the article continues for eight (8) more paragraphs, strengthening the
>impression that Pratt must be innocent until we get to the end, where Mrs.
>Pratt is quoted. But readers are not permitted to judge Mrs. Pratt's words
>for themselves; they are given a good deal of help by CARE Australia chief
>executive Charles Tapp who is quoted before and after Mrs. Pratt who attacks
>the charge that Pratt had previously spied against Iraq, attacks the
>newspaper that covered it, and even tries to discredit Mrs. Pratt (her sin is
>being old). Here's how it reads:
>...[CARE chief executive Tapp] rejected the suggestion that they [i.e. the
>arrested CARE workers] were acting for any other organization in any
>Speaking from the Yugoslavia-Croatia border, Tapp also slammed a newspaper
>report in which Pratt's mother, Mavis Pratt, was quoted as saying her son had
>supplied information about Iraqi forces to the United Nations during the Gulf
>''He was letting the U.N. know what Iraq was doing, he was observing, so Iraq
>put a price on his head and they had to get him out of there quickly,'' she
>[Mrs. Pratt] was quoted as saying.
>Tapp said Mrs. Pratt was elderly and added, ''Frankly, I consider this to be
>extremely poor journalism.'' (AP Worldstream April 11, 1999; Sunday 22:06
>Eastern Time )
>When you think of it, the quote from Mrs. Pratt is the only news in this
>entire news story. The rest is intended to give us a proper news orientation.
>The AP is evidently anxious to guarantee that readers approach the arrests
>with the preconception that Pratt and the others are innocent. Why?
>As for CARE officials - their statements are suggestive. Consider: Pratt
>confessed on April 11th. The Sunday Telegraph printed Mrs. Pratt's statement
>the next day and within hours AP broadcast furious denials from CARE
>officials. How could these officials be so sure so fast? Why would they react
>without taking time to investigate and discuss the matter, including
>privately with Yugoslav officials? Doesn't such a hasty and violent response
>suggest that:
>Pratt et al were indeed spies;
>Tapp and Doolan were fully aware that Pratt, Wallace and Jelen were spies
>because they were themselves involved in organizing such spying;
>CARE officials were therefore worried that Yugoslav officials or, worse yet,
>Pratt or Wallace, might go public with more revelations, might expose
>high-level CARE (and Australian government?) involvement, might talk about
>CARE spying in other countries, and so on. Thus it was crucial immediately
>(on Sunday!) to discredit the arrests and especially the public confession.
>By planting the thought that the confession was made 'under duress' and 'was
>lunacy' and that Mrs. Pratt's own statement was unbelievable - the hope was
>to prejudice Western readers against any further revelations from Belgrade or
>Steve and Mavis Pratt.
>Honor thy Satellite Phone
>Four months later, Yugoslavia released Pratt and Wallace. In a dispatch at
>the time, the Australian news agency, AAP, explained that Yugoslav border
>guards had found:
>...detailed maps, a satellite telephone and a laptop computer in their car
>when Pratt and Wallace tried to cross into Croatia.
>Shouldn't this information have been presented as top news in April? It was
>not. Instead the media engaged in more preventive damage control. Consider
>this from the AAP on April 15th:
>CARE Australia worker Steve Pratt, who is being held as a spy in Yugoslavia,
>would have collected some military information, his former boss said today.
>But it would only have been to help CARE's planning and would not have been
>given to any outside body


2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>Mailing-List: ListBot mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>by Jared Israel
>It appears there are two types of Humanitarian Aid organizations in the New
>World Order: Them That Steals and Them That Spies. For the thieves, see
>Soiled Rainbow at www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/martinez/soiled.htm . If
>you are interested in spies and the liars who cover up their work, stay here.
>I have been doing research on the CARE spy scandal for several days. It is a
>Labor of Sisyphus. No sooner does one think one has dug up all there is to
>dig then one encounters (if you will pardon the mixed metaphor) more dirt
>rolling down the hill. CARE has been compromised by this mess, but not only
>CARE. Also the Australian government, the US government, the OSCE
>(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and the Western mass
>media. Perhaps the Western mass media worst of all.
>On Nov 2, SBS TV in Australia revealed that CARE Canada had been recruiting
>what amounted to spies for NATO in Yugoslavia.
>I've posted the hyperlink to the SBS CARE story below. It's worth reading.
>But before you look at the transcript, I suggest you read the background
>material because in some ways it's more revealing than the TV show, more
>damning. As happens often, when Western journalists uncovered this cover-up,
>they didn't uncover it all.
>Spies or Victimized Aid Workers?
>On March 31, 1999, three employees of CARE Australia, Steve Pratt, an
>Australian who headed the Yugoslav operation, Peter Wallace, another
>Australian, and Branko Jelen, a Yugoslav, were arrested at the
>Serbian-Croatian border. Yugoslavia charged them with using CARE as a cover
>to spy for NATO.
>CARE Australia officials ridiculed the charges, claiming CARE was completely
>neutral and that the confession of Steve Pratt, aired on Serbian TV, could
>only have resulted from coercion. Western mass media supported CARE,
>presenting the men as Good Samaritans whose only crime was being in the wrong
>place at the wrong time and falling victim to Serbian paranoia and war
>propaganda. CARE had clean hands...
>Or did it?
>Now comes a TV show, broadcast Nov. 2 by SBS in Australia. It reveals that
>CARE recruited and paid OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in
>Europe) Verifiers in Kosovo from Oct. 1998 to March 1999. That much is
>As you will see when you read the transcript, some CARE people justify the
>OSCE recruiting program on the grounds that the Verifiers were legitimate
>peacemakers. Alas, this simply does not wash.
>Goals of the Kosovo Verification Mission
>'Negotiated' (that is, 'coerced') under threat of NATO bombing last October,
>the Verification agreement let the OSCE send unarmed mediators into Kosovo,
>supposedly to help defuse tensions. However everything about the Verification
>mission suggests military intelligence, not mediation.
>It was run by William Walker. Walker had no background as a mediator. He
>wasn't even an expert in Balkans history or current politics. What he did
>know about was counter-insurgency and black ops. His role in Iran-Contra and
>his achievements in apologizing for the murderous El Salvador death squads
>all but prove he is a high-placed intelligence operative. (A factual account
>of Mr. Walker's work in Central America will be posted on Emperors-Clothes as
>soon as possible. In the absence of that account, which we have not had time
>yet to lay out, let me say these facts are uncontested. Period.)
>The U.S. verification team was composed of employees of Dyncorp, a Virginia
>company that has grown rich off Government work. At the 1992 Senate hearings
>on R. James Woolsey's appointment as head of the CIA, Woolsey commented: "I
>own less than one-quarter of one percent of the -- diluted shares of a
>company named Dyncorp here in the Washington, D.C. area. And the corporation
>has, from time to time, had a handful of very small contracts with the
>Central Intelligence Agency." Ahh, sweet understatement. Dyncorp's "very
>small contracts" have included covert work in Columbia and Peru. (Facts on
>this will be posted shortly on Emperors-clothes. Again, it is all
>documented). In the case of Dyncorp's work in Columbia, the Clinton
>administration was accused of using Dyncorp to circumvent human rights
>restrictions on US aid to the death-squad-ridden Colombian military.
>So what do we have? We have the head of the Verification mission and his
>American team linked to covert operations and death squad activities in Latin
>America. Other than that, they have no qualifications for their work in
>Given this command structure, doesn't it stand to reason that the Western
>(i.e., U.S.) goal was a) to gather military intelligence and b) to establish
>command-relations with the Kosovo Liberation Army, an outfit whose activities
>- killing ethn

"Mother of international terrorism"

2000-02-15 Thread heikki sipilä

>Mailing-List: ListBot mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Reassuring to see that Maddy and her crew of State
>Department cutthroats are winning friends in Lebanon,
>just as they have in Yugoslavia, Colombia, Iraq, and
>throughout the world.
>Was she one of the 144 nominated for the Nobel Peace
>Wednesday, February 16 5:51 AM SGT
>Students in Beirut, Sidon call for US ambassador to be
>BEIRUT, Feb 15 (AFP) -
>Student protestors held an impromptu anti-US
>demonstration Tuesday evening in the grounds of the
>American University of Beirut (AUB), to denounce what
>they said was Washington's support for Israel's air
>strikes on Lebanese infrastructure last week.
>Some of them called for the expulsion of US ambassador
>David Satterfield, and demanded that Washington should
>reconsider its policy towards Lebanon.
>The students held lighted candles to symbolise the
>destruction of three electricity substations by
>Israeli bombers on February 8, which plunged large
>swathes of the country into darkness.
>They waved the model of a bomb, with the inscription
>"Made in USA," and chanted "We all belong to the
>(anti-Israeli) resistance." They also sang the
>national anthem, as well as songs of the resistance
>"The protest was unplanned. We gathered when we heard
>the ambassador was attending a concert in the Assembly
>Hall" on the campus, one student told AFP.
>The press had been informed of plans for a rally on
>Wednesday midday.
>Some of the students told AFP they had been manhandled
>by Satterfield's bodyguards. They said the guards had
>brandished their revolvers and kicked and clubbed
>However, this was denied by the head of AUB's
>information department, Ibrahim Khoury, who told AFP
>there had been no incidents.
>The US embassy said the ambassador and those with him
>had enjoyed the music, and been unaware of anything
>going on outside.
>The demonstration in Beirut followed a similar protest
>in the southern port city of Sidon, where 300 or so
>students waved banners with such slogans as "Expel the
>arrogant American ambassador!" and "No to American
>spies! The American embassy is an outpost of the
>Israeli spy service!"
>The protestors, supporters of the Shiite Muslim
>Hezbollah movement together with left-wing secular
>nationalists, also chanted slogans describing the
>United States as the "mother of international
>terrorism" at their rally in the grounds of the public
>Lebanese University.
>The demonstrators brought into the campus a
>papier-mache effigy of US Secretary of State Madeleine
>Albright, portraying her as a vampire with blood
>dripping from her mouth, which Hezbollah supporters
>had erected the previous day on Sidon's central
>Hezbollah, which spearheads efforts to force Israel to
>pull out of Lebanese territory, is regarded by
>Washington as a terrorist organisation.
>On Friday the US State Department accused Hezbollah of
>responsibility for the recent upsurge of tension in
>southern Lebanon.
>A total of seven Israeli troops have been killed in
>Lebanon since the beginning of the year.
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Cosas olvidadas

2000-02-15 Thread contracorriente

(A propósito del imperialismo, etapa superior y 
última del capitalismo)

Cada día se habla más de las 
"plusvalías" del capital como si éste produjera dinero 
por sí mismo. Se oculta y se quiere hacer olvidar el viejo 
análisis marxista que desentrañó el milagro capitalista de 
"los peces y los panes", es decir de la producción y 
reproducción del capital. La verdadera y única plusvalía 
sale del trabajo realizado en las horas no pagadas por el burgués al 
proletario cuya fuerza de trabajo compra por un precio inferior - todo lo 
inferior que puede dadas las circunstancias y el momento - al salario que paga. 
Y con el avance tecnológico cada vez son más las horas no pagadas 
al obrero.
Toda mercancía, todas las rentas e intereses todo lo que 
tiene un valor monetario viene dado solo y únicamente por ese secreto que 
la burguesía trata siempre de guardar celosamente con mil argucias 
"Ya no hay proletarios", se dice. Mentira. Cojan la 
estadística mundial, en lugar de la local, y verán que hay 
más que en la época de Marx. "Hoy no hay fronteras en la 
clase obrera porque en el proceso intervienen cada vez más la 
técnica, la intelectualidad". Falso lo primero, cierto lo segundo 
pero con una aclaración elemental: los intelectuales, cualquiera que sea 
su profesión técnica, o no técnica, no crean de por 
sí plusvalía alguna porque intervienen desde fuera del proceso de 
producción para que el obrero deje más plusvalía. Y los 
grandes sueldos y beneficios de técnicos, directivos, ejecutivos, 
patronos y demás cuellos blancos y batas blancas salen de la 
plusvalía del obrero de la producción. Las "stock options, de 
las que tanto se habla, no son otra cosa que horas sin pagar arrancadas a la 
fuerza de trabajo que el obrero de la producción se ve obligado a vender 
como una mercancía más, pero especial porque es la única 
que asegura la producción y reproducción del sistema 
También puede haber obreros en la producción, y 
los hay con el sistema capitalista en su etapa final el imperialismo (llamado 
"modelo neoliberal" para esconder la verdadera naturaleza del 
capitalismo), que no dejan plusvalía a su burgués imperialista, 
porque este saca tanta plusvalía de los obreros de los países no 
imperialistas y de sus inmigrantes que le permite comprar de esta manera una 
parte de sus asalariados, aunque la tendencia actual tiende a recortar esos 
superbeneficios que el burgués reparte en algunos sectores obreros para 
dividir y dominar el conjunto de la clase obrera. Por poner un ejemplo, 
Telefónica desarrolla hoy día unas diferencias salariales 
abismales entre los contratados nuevos y los antiguos y no digamos ya de los 
salarios que paga a la mano de obra que contrata en su nuevo imperio de Latino 
América, de donde saca la más sabrosa plusvalía. No 
llamemos "modelo neoliberal" al imperialismo que deja los más 
grandes superbeneficios al capitalismo.
Y eso es, por ejemplo, El Ejido, un emporio del capital 
imperialista. 50.000 habitantes, de ellos 15.000 obreros agrícolas 
norteafricanos y de otras nacionalidades... y 49 sucursales bancarias. La mayor 
concentración bancaria por habitante de todos los territorios dominados 
por el Estado español. Y hay muchos El Ejidos en España y 
más habrá ya que es un país imperialista. Y el tercer 
mundo, que más o menos está en vías de desarrollo 
capitalista por obra y gracia de los países imperialistas y sus 
transnacionales es un gran El Ejido, y cada vez lo será más y con 
diferencias más abismales en cuanto a la cantidad de parias y su bajo 
nivel de vida en relación con los focos tercermundistas en el interior de 
los países imperialistas. Veamos como van los "El Ejidos" en 
algunos países imperialistas. USA, en 1999, recibió un 
millón de emigrantes, principalmente de Latino América. Ellos son 
los que hacen los trabajos más duros y peor pagados en el campo, en las 
minas, en el comercio, en la industria, en los trabajos públicos etc... Y 
el racismo, tan arraigado en los USA sirve al capitalismo para recordar a esos 
emigrantes que son trabajadores de 3ª clase sin apenas ningún 
derecho y con todas las obligaciones del esclavo. En la década de los 90 
entraron un promedio de 840.000 emigrantes a trabajar por año. Así 
va de bien la economía americana y su bolsa: imperio hacia fuera, imperio 
hacia dentro. Alemania tuvo medio millón de emigrantes el año 
pasado y esto se repite cada año. Así va el milagro 
económico alemán y el racismo para explotarles más y 
El imperialismo saquea las riquezas de los países no 
imperialistas, explota a sus más amplias masas trabajadoras y se lleva a 
su metrópoli el cupo de inmigrantes necesario para mantener el nivel de 
vida de sus sociedades burguesas. Quienes les abren las puertas en esos 
países, "en vías de desarrollo" son las 
oligarquías capitalistas y sus títeres políticos, 
servidores a sueldo y beneficio del imperialismo. Y esta ya no es solo una 

China and Serbia. (The Economist)

2000-02-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

CHINA AND SERBIA: Serbian-Chinese 
liaisonThe Economist, February 5, 2000B E L G R A D EWHO 
said Serbia was isolated? At the bustling Rezhisor caf in one ofBelgrades 
concrete suburbs, a teenage waitress confides that she islearning a foreign 
language to communicate with customers: not English orGerman but Chinese. 
Around her, Chinese men smoke, drink tea and talkonmobile phones. In the 
ill-lit shopping mall outside, Chinese vendors sellChinese-made clothes, 
toys, umbrellas and other goods to Serb customers.As parts of 
Yugoslavias depressed and chilly capital turn into anunromantic sort of 
Chinatown, the importance of President SlobodanMilosevics most promising 
diplomatic friendship is becoming clear. EveryThursday, a Yugoslav aircraft 
flies from Belgrade to Beijing and bringsback a new delegation from China. 
As many as 300 Chinese a day haveappliedfor Yugoslav residence 
permits.Nor are relations confined to cross-cultural exchanges over 
crispy noodles.In December, the Yugoslav government triumphantly announced 
that $300mingrants and very soft loans had been transferred to its 
coffers from China.The exact source is a mystery: some believe it may 
originally have beenSerbian money, sent abroad for safe keeping.In 
any event, the money from China has helped to slow down the dinarsdive, 
which might have provoked hyperinflation. Mladjan Dinkic, a 
dissidenteconomist, reckons the inflationary dragon can now be kept at bay 
for sixmonths.The seeds of Serbias friendship with China were sown 
by Mira Markovic, thepresidents influential wife, who went to China three 
years ago and lovedits mixture of Marxism, the market and firm government. 
The partnershipwassealed in fire last May when NATO bombed the Chinese 
embassy inBelgrade,setting off a wave of anti-American rage in China. 
Though China hasresumedmilitary exchanges with the United States (by 
sending a delegation to thePentagon last week), and has accepted an offer of 
compensation, it stillinsists the bombing was deliberateand is snuggling up 
to Serbia as afellow victim of NATO.
___Macdonald Stainsby-Check 
out  the Tao ten point program: http://new.tao.ca ***"Those who preach the 
doctrine of the class struggle are always persecuted by those who practice 
it".-George Bernard Shaw

S Africa/ India....

2000-02-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

I'm toying with an idea in my head:
What do comrades think of classifying South Africa 
and/or India as "semi-feudal"?
I am serious, and would like a reply, on or off 
___Macdonald Stainsby-Check 
out  the Tao ten point program: http://new.tao.ca ***"Those who preach the 
doctrine of the class struggle are always persecuted by those who practice 
it".-George Bernard Shaw

Fw: Mira Markovic Milosevic

2000-02-15 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

> http://www.truthinmedia.org/
> "Mira Markovic? Who is that?," you may be wondering. She is Serbia's
> Clinton; the power behind the throne. Still a devout communist and proud
> it, Serbia's tiny First Lady is spinning her big man around her little
> finger like a top on a table top. Many of Milosevic's flip-flops, which
> demonstrated that he does not have a consistent policy on almost any
> are directly attributable to his wife's influence.
> A senior Yugoslav official, for example, recalled the many hours which it
> took for him finally to move Milosevic from 'Position A' to 'Position B'
> a foreign policy issue. "But the next day, after he had spent the night
> that witch, he was back to 'Position A' again," this official bitterly
> lamented another Milosevic turn about face.
> The same senior official had told this writer in an earlier conversation
> about Mira Markovic's trip to India at the height of the 1997 election
> campaign. The purpose of the trip? A visit to a crystal ball fortune
> in India from whom she wanted to find out who would win. Other sources
> also told me that Markovic had traveled to India for the same reason at
> height of the Belgrade anti-Milosevic demonstration in the Winter '96/'97.
> The official also said that he had been observing and analyzing Milosevic
> for a long time. "I believe that he is a psychotic who believes in occult
> power. As does his wife. Milosevic says he does not believe in God, but he
> and his wife do believe in some supernatural power." Enter a Serbian
> of "voodoo communism."
> "She seems to have built her persona with smoke and mirrors," the Los
> Angeles Times reported on Dec. 26, 1996. "Markovic is an academic who is
> said to have purchased her credentials; her political party claims to be
> leftist but is led by the country's wealthiest and most crass
> entrepreneurs?"
> "She calls herself Mira ("peace"), having adopted the nom de guerre used
> her mother, a Communist resistance fighter in World War II who, shortly
> after her baby's birth, was shot as a traitor for having revealed names of
> fellow partisans to the Gestapo," the LA Times also said. "Rejected by her
> father, an important party leader, Mira became fast friends with the young
> Milosevic, who also suffered childhood tragedy when his father committed
> suicide. His mother committed suicide a decade later."
> Markovic's influence on her husband has also driven many talented people
> away from Milosevic. Brana Crncevic, for example, a well known Serbia
> and the first non-communist member of the old, communist Yugoslavia's
> Parliament, initially supported Milosevic while the latter was playing the
> Serbian nationalist card (roughly in the 1988-1992 period). After a while,
> however, Milosevic's wife even got to Crncevic. As he submitted his
> resignation as a Member of Parliament, he reportedly explained his reasons
> as follows:
> "I resign for health reasons. Not mine... the wife's. Not my wife's..."
> sarcastic reference, of course, was to the (mental) health of Milosevic's
> wife.
> Mira Markovic in Serbia may rival Hillary Clinton in America as possibly
> country's most hated women. But not all people speak badly of her. Zoran
> Djindjic, for example, the leader the Democratic Party in Serbia, told
> writer during a July 1994 dinner conversation in Belgrade, that he knew
> Markovic quite well, as she was one of his professors at the Belgrade
> University. Djindjic thought that she was very smart, which is why she is
> pulling the strings behind Milosevic.
> But Djindjic added that Markovic has no personal charisma. "She stutters
> has a tremendous stage fright when speaking in public," he said. "She is
> also extremely short, even for a woman."
> What irked Djindjic more than Markovic's pulling the strings behind
> Milosevic was the Serbian president's aloofness and disdain for his
> "They have to be beaten like cattle twice a day," Milosevic apparently
> Djindjic in a 1993 conversation. "Frankly, I am getting a little tired of
> it," the Serbian strongman added.
> >From Milosevic: "A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma"
> Mira Markovic: The Power