India. Dharna for Education

2000-11-27 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "aiaif" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Original Message -
From: Rajesh
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:04 AM
Subject: Dharna for Education

A Dharna For Education
The newspapers of 25th November carried photographs and extensive reports of a
small but noisy Shiv Sena demonstration at Delhi's Parliament Street the
previous day. This was political theatre at its most idiotic, as
saffron-bandanaed Shiv Sainik goons beat their breasts, clambered on police
barricades and burnt an effigy of the Prime Minister to register their protest
against the BJP's "betrayal" of Hindu interests by declaring a unilateral
ceasefire in Kashmir. Batteries of press cameras whirred and clicked and
moronic soundbites were dutifully recorded.

But after the press had departed, a demonstration that was unique by
Parliament Street's own standards took place and went largely unreported. Over
two thousand rallyists of the All India Save Education Committee marched in an
orderly procession from Ramlila Maidan for what their banners proclaimed as a
"Dharna for Education". Students, teachers and parents from at least 16
states, holding placards that protested against the commercialisation and
communalisation of education, reached Parliament Street where a temporary
stage had been swiftly erected. For the next three hours, speakers described
the condition of education in their respective states and demanded that the
Government cease its twin attacks of commercialisation and communalisation of
education. A number of eminent educationists including Professor Sushil
Mukherjee, former Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University and Dr. N.A. Karim,
former Pro-Vice Chancellor of Kerala University participated in the Dharna.
Compared to the cheap histrionics of the Shiv Sena demonstration that preceded
it and which was clearly an exercise of self-aggrandisement, this Dharna for
Education was a reflection of one of the real concerns of the common man: the
increasing inaccessibility of quality education.  Just a few days earlier,
Delhi's Education Minister Narender Nath had brazenly proclaimed that parents
who could not bear fee hikes and demands for donation in private schools
should shift their wards to Government schools as his Ministry would do
nothing to curb this menace.

The All India Save Education Committee was a product of the widespread
students' and teachers' movement in the wake of the sudden and secretive
unveiling of the National Policy on Education in 1986 by the Congress
Government. (The Policy openly proclaimed for the first time that the
provision of education was not the duty of the State, that private investment
was essential and that citizens would have to bear the ensuing rising costs).
Since then, the Committee, under the Presidentship of Justice V.R. Krishna
Iyer, has been mobilising public opinion for the cause of education. Apart
from holding two national-level conventions and several regional meetings of
citizens concerned about education, the Committee has carried out signature
campaigns and has published several booklets on the condition of education,
including an outline People's Policy on Education as an alternative to the
1986 National Policy on Education.

The text of a memorandum to the Prime Minister submitted by a delegation of
the All India Save Education Committee during the dharna is appended here:

Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee
Prime Minister of India

November 24th, 2000

Dear Prime Minister

Realising the importance of education for the establishment of a democratic
society, social reformers of the Indian renaissance and stalwarts of the
freedom struggle had stressed on the importance of establishing free and
compulsory education for all.  Subsequently, this idea was incorporated in the

But in the 52 years after independence, we have witnessed a systematic process
of curtailment of education rather than expansion of educational
opportunities. The Kothari Commission had recommended that the Central and
State Governments should invest 6% of the national income in education. But
the actual investment has always been far lower regardless of the party in
power. This has resulted in educational institutions being perpetually short
of funds, equipment, infrastructure and teachers. Regular fee hikes have
resulted in education becoming a privilege for the better-off rather than
being accessible to all. The number of seats in institutions has been
curtailed leading to an admissions crisis every year. The task of education is
such a massive one that only the Government has the necessary resources for
it. However, the National Policy of Education in 1986 openly declared that
education could not be seen as the responsibility of the government alone, it
would have to be privatised and commercialised. This Policy has resulted in
the further deprivation of education for millions of underprivileged students.
Moreover, making education more expensive will not make 

Vietnam News Nov 27

2000-11-27 Thread heikki sipilä

Scientific and technological awards presented

A ceremony to present Ho Chi Minh Awards and State Awards on Science and
Technology was held on November 26 at the Hanoi Opera House.

The State president, on September 1, 2000 signed a decision to present the Ho
Chi Minh Awards on Science and Technology to 21 works and the State Awards on
Science and Technology to 71 others.

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem presented the State president’s
certificates to the winners. The deputy prime minister spoke highly of the
great achievements and the precious contributions of the country’s scientific
and technological circle in general and of the winners in particular. He also
urged them to make greater contributions, creating more scientific products of
high value to serve the cause of national industrialisation and modernisation.

Two scientists, Professor, Dr Nguyen Van Luat, representing for the scientists
of the technological, medicine and pharmaceutical block, and Professor Ha Van
Tan, on behalf of the scientists of the social and humanity block, thanked the
Party and the State for the attention to the scientists and promised to make
more contributions to national construction.

Dignitaries to the meeting included Advisors to the Party Central Committee Do
Muoi and Le Duc Anh; Vice State President Nguyen Thi Binh; Deputy Prime
Minister Pham Gia Khiem; National Assembly Deputy Chairman Vu Dinh Cu; General
Vo Nguyen Giap and many other leaders of the Party and State.



PM meets foreign leaders

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and leaders of other ASEAN countries met with
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and President
of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Kim Dae- Jung in Singapore on November 25.
PM Khai is head of the Vietnamese delegation to the fourth ASEAN informal
summit in Singapore.

During these meetings, PM Khai expressed his delight at further development of
the relations between eastern Asian countries, saying that the development of
such relations has important significance both at present and in the future.
He affirmed that Vietnam would do its best to contribute to developing the
neighbourly friendship and co-operation between the members of the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China. He said he believed that with
both sides' determination, their relations would be certainly strengthened for
peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

He held that Vietnam has effectively fulfilled its role as co-ordinator of the
ASEAN-Japan relationship. He said he hoped that Japan would actively help
carry out the Hanoi Plan of Action which is aimed at narrowing the development
gap, developing human resources, information technology and poverty reduction,
particularly the development of the Mekong River basin and the East-West

The Vietnamese PM expressed his support for the settlement of issues on the
Korean peninsula by peaceful means through dialogue and for the Korean
people's aspiration of peaceful national unification. He welcomed the RoK's
efforts in strengthening and promoting its co-operation with the ASEAN and
asked the RoK to actively support and participate in the implementation of the
Hanoi Plan of Action, especially the ASEAN's current priority programmes.

PM Khai also met on separate occasions with Singaporean Prime Minister Goh
Chok Tong, RoK President Kim Dae-Jung, Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai,
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

During these meetings, they informed each other of the situation in their
respective countries, and discussed measures to further promote bilateral
political, economic, trade and investment ties as well as their co-operation
at regional and world multilateral forums, especially co-operation within the
framework of ASEAN and between ASEAN and the three north-east Asian countries.

PM Khai expressed his pleasure at the new development of friendship and
co-operation between Vietnam and those countries and developments in the
relations between the ASEAN countries and the north-east Asian countries. He
affirmed that Vietnam in its capacity as President of the ASEAN Standing
Committee and the ASEAN Regional Forum will spare no effort to boost effective
co-operation among ASEAN countries and between ASEAN and China, Japan and RoK.

The leaders of Thailand, China, Japan and RoK conveyed their condolences to
Vietnamese leaders on the losses in lives and property caused by recent floods
in Mekong delta provinces.

They praised the achievements recorded by the Vietnamese people in national
renovation, industrialisation and modernisation and welcomed Vietnam's
contributions to strengthening co-operation among ASEAN countries and between
ASEAN and the north-east Asian countries in its capacity as ASEAN President.
They pledged to accelerate co-operation with ASEAN 


2000-11-27 Thread Mark Clement

Monday, November 27 2000

LATEST NEWS++VHS copies of the film 'Big Ben to Baghdad', the epic
account of last year's journey in a 37-year-old Routemaster bus from London
to the capital of sanctions-engulfed Iraq. The 65-minute-film costs £9.99
from the Mariam Appeal, 13a Borough High Street,

Iraqis celebrate Asian youth cup victory. 

BAGHDAD, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Baghdad was in jubilant mood on Sunday after its
Asian youth football victory.
Hundreds of young people took to the streets in the evening to celebate
their country's 2-1 win against Japan, handing Iraq the title at the Asian
Youth Football Championship in Tehran.
Carrying Iraqi flags, the celebrators crowded the main streets of the
capital, singing and dancing as shots were fired into the air.
Iraq's youth team has won the Asian title four times - in 1975, 1977 and
1988. The team qualified this year after heading their group four on goal
aggregate. The group included Bangladesh, Nepal and the Maldives.


India and Iraq seek UN permission to enter into a barter agreement. 

NEW DELHI Nov. 25. - India has sought clearance from the United Nations
(UN),to enter into a barter agreement with Iraq, seeking crude in lieu of
India will supply Iraq with food, in an effort to bypass the sanctions
imposed on that country by the international community.

The Petroleum Minister, Mr Ram Naik, disclosed this after a preliminary
meeting with the Iraqi Oil Minister, Mr Amer Mohammad Rashid, in New Delhi
today, prior to the five-day visit of Iraq's Vice-President, Mr Yassin
Ramadhan, beginning tomorrow.

"The issue will be discussed during the meeting of the Indo-Iraq joint
commission beginning on Monday," Mr Naik said.
"Since Iraq is facing sanctions from the international community, it is not
possible for India to import oil," Mr Naik said, adding that foodgrains
could be sent on humanitarian grounds.

According to the foreign ministry, it is anticipated that this time long
term cooperation agreement, updating previous agreements, will take place on
bilateral issues.
There are currently about 74 bilateral agreements between the two countries.

The Indo-Iraq joint commission is expected to focus on trade and sectors
like agriculture, telecom, food production, industry, information and
technology, housing and construction and training.

The oil sector is, however, a primary component of bilateral cooperation,
and Iraq has been a consistent and dependable source of India's energy
requirements. Under the 'oil for food' programme, Indian companies,
including Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (Bhel), have already entered into
contracts worth $550 million.

Iraq has thus far bought half a million tons of wheat from India. Indian
government godowns are totally stacked with foodgrain stocks and it would
greatly ease the pressure on foreign exchange (Forex) reserves, if India
could dispose of some of these foodgrains for much needed crude.

India has sought special concessions for developing countries from the
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec), of which Iraq is a
member, claiming that volatile international oil prices exerts tremendous
pressure on developing economies struggling to remove poverty.
All Material Subject to Copyright
Copyright 2000: The Statesman (India). All Rights Reserved. 


Vice-President Ramadan urges airlines to resume flights to Baghdad. 
Text of report by Iraqi TV on 26th November

Vice-President Taha Yasin Ramadan left Baghdad for India this evening aboard
an Iraqi Airways plane. Ramadan is leading a delegation that comprises a
number of officials.

[Baghdad TV reporter Sham'un Matti - recording] Mr Vice-President: Would you
tell us about the nature of the visit you will pay to India and the talks
you will hold with officials there?

[Ramadan] Relations with India have witnessed over the past two years
progress in many fields, following our meeting with the Indian prime
minister in South Africa on the sidelines of the nonaligned summit. The work
of the joint ministerial committee became regular; many contracts were
signed; and contacts were held between both countries' parliaments and
organizations. The talks between senior officials dealt with economic,
scientific, technical and even political issues.

In the light of this, we received an invitation from the [Indian]
vice-president to discuss with the Indian prime minister and leaders all
aspects of cooperation between the two countries. Therefore, we will discuss
the general framework of a long-term agreement for cooperation between the
two countries in all fields.

[Matti] You will leave on board an Iraqi Airways plane. Yesterday, Tariq
Aziz left on board an Iraqi Airways plane. Is this tantamount to an official
announcement on the 

Scotland/Ireland: Terrorist Alert At Ibrox - Micheal Stone

2000-11-27 Thread red-rebel

 Terrorist Alert At Ibrox
 Kate Foster
 ONE of Northern Ireland's most notorious terrorists
 threatened to spread trouble
 to Scotland yesterday by heightening sectarian
 tensions with an appearance at the
 Old Firm game at Ibrox.
 Police officers feared Loyalist killer Michael Stone
 had travelled to Scotland to
 attend the emotionally charged fixture but were
 relieved when he could not be seen
 in the stadium.
 His presence in the Glasgow area prompted warnings
 in the media about the
 possibility of violence between fans of the rival
 clubs. Stone, who killed three
 people during an IRA funeral, was caught in an early
 morning bomb scare hoax at
 the hotel in which he was staying just hours before
 he was due to attend the
 The 45-year-old, who spent 12 years in the Maze
 jail, was travelling with friend
 and pubowner James Gray who was providing his
 He travelled with around 200 other Rangers fans from
 east Belfast but at the last
 minute pulled out of joining the crowd at Ibrox to
 witness his team beat Celtic
 5-1. Police sources said they could not be sure
 whether Stone attended the match
 but expressed their relief that, if he was there, he
 stayed out of sight to avoid
 antagonising the Celtic supporters.
 Stone declined to comment on his visit to Scotland
 but a minder said he was in
 Glasgow to thank Loyalist groups for their support.
 He said: "Michael is here for the football and for
 some time away to relax. He has
 friends here, a lot of people who supported the
 prisoners. There is nothing
 inflammatory about his visit. He wants it to be kept
 as quiet as possible."
 However, the killer's intention to attend the match
 provoked anger from
 anti-sectarian group Nil By Mouth.
 Carla Henderson set up the organisation after her
 boyfriend, 16-year-old Mark
 Scott, a Celtic fan, was murdered by Rangers
 supporter Jason Campbell in 1995. She
 attended yesterday's match and said reports that
 Stone would be attending had
 spread throughout the crowd. She said: "Stone had
 the right to be there but I
 would question his motive for coming to Glasgow.
 This kind of thing does nothing
 to help dispel sectarian associations."
 Stone was evacuated from Glasgow's Hilton hotel ,
 along with his security and 400
 guests, after staff received a telephone bomb
 threat. The call was made around
 2:30am and police and bomb disposal experts sealed
 off the area. No device was

PCE (r): Solidarity With Spanish Communists And Anti-Fascists Arrested In France

2000-11-27 Thread red-rebel


 Last 9th November the French politic police unleashed in Paris, under 
 the Spanish Civil Guard, raid against the-PCE ( r) and the GRAPO 
 arresting our Secretary General and several members of the Central 
 Committee of our Party. This is a new step in the growing repressive 
 collaboration between the Spanish fascists and the French police 
 services against the whole of the political movement of resistance 
 that confronts the Spanish fascist State. Nowadays, 7 militants of 
 our Party and the GRAPO and more than 70 Basque independentists are 
 jailed in French prisons. 
 The fact that the Spanish monopolist and fascist regime is 
 powerless to control the people's discontent and to stop the activity 
 of the revolutionaries and the patriots is becoming more public and 
 evident. In these bitter moments for the current rulers of the PP 
 government they resort to the intenational police collaboration under 
 the excuse of supporting the Spanish democracy in its struggle 
 against terrorism - to chase implacably the communist 
 revolutionaries, the antifascists and the Basque patriots. All this 
 exposes the growing fascistization of the European imperialist 
 fortress. The leaders and militants of our Party detained in Paris 
 have been arrested by the mere fact of denouncing consistently the 
 ruling Spanish fascist regime and organizing the working class to 
 overthrow it. In Spain the fascist laws do not allow even the tiniest 
 loophole to organize the workers politically in the perspective of 
 the struggle and the combat for socialism. The underground character 
 of the communist organization is something that is imposed by the 
 very nature of the fascist regimeand the repression that 
 it exerts permanently against it. The Leadership of our Party has not 
 remained underground and at exile for more than 15 years as a matter 
 of taste but in order to ensure the politic and organizational 
 survival of the whole Antifascist Resistance Movement, securing its 
 leadership and making possible in this way that it can be in 
 conditions to face up the needs that the sharpening of the class 
 struggle in our country imposes. We will continue firmly along this 
 path showed to us by the comrades that have been arrested. 
 Today, the French special judges accuse the leaders of our 
 Party of belonging to a "criminal association related to a terrorist 
 organization", repeating in this way the old-fashioned arguments that 
 the Spanish politic police has been incapable to prove nor even a 
 single time in the last 25 years. They pretend to involve our 
 Secretary General in the planning of the GRAPO actions when even the 
 Spanish judges have been forced to admit on more than one occasion 
 that the PCE(R) and the GRAPO are two different organizations. The 
 French special judges should not ignore the fact that our militants 
 are sentenced and jailed in Spain accused of "unlawful association", 
 an essentially political offence, that the 'Spanish democracy" took 
 directly from Franco's laws. The Spanish fascist State, the same one 
 that launched under successive governments its death squads (GAL, 
 Spanish Basque Battalion) to assassinate political refugees on French 
 ground allows itself nowadays the cheek of presenting our leaders and 
 militants arrested in Paris as "terrorists". 
 This is not the first time that our Party is attacked in France. In 
 1979, already after the "democratic reform", the Spanish secret 
 service assassinated in Paris Francisco Javier Martin Eizaguirre - 
 responsible of the International Relations Commission of the Central 
 Committee- and Aurelio Fernandez Cario. In 1986, also in Paris, three 
 militants were arrested and spent several years in the French 
 prisons. One of them, Milagros Caballero Carbonell, was extradited to 
 Spain after serving her sentence in France. Nowadays she needs to use 
 a walker as a consequence of a paralysis resulting from the long 
 hunger strike that she maintained in 1990-91 together with the rest 
 of her imprisoned comrades to confront the policy of torture and 
 extermination of the political prisoners. 
 Waiting for their possible extradition to Spain, our comrades 
 arrested in Paris are nowadays imprisoned in the special jails built 
 by the French bourgeoisie to annihilate those who oppose their 
 system. In view of the policy of extermination through the white 
 torture of isolation that the French gendarme- State is perpetrating 
 against the militants of Action Directe, the Basque independentists 
 and other political prisoners like the Turkish communists and anti-
 imperialists of DHKP-C, we have no doubt that our comrades are also 
 going to be submitted to the same treatment. At the same time they 
 will try to use our comrades as political hostages in order to 
 blackmail our 

Workers Party Of Belgium: Proposal Of A Common Communist Platform Against EU Summit

2000-11-27 Thread red-rebel

Workers' Party of Belgium
International department

Boulevard M. Lemonnier 171

1000 Brussels

Tel.: +32-2-5040.139, +32-2-5040.111

Fax: +32-2-5040.141, +32-2-513.98.31


 Brussels, November 26, 2000

 Proposal of a common communist platform
against the European Summit in Nice (France)

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the European Summit in Nice (France) on 7th and 8th
December 2000, we propose to present a common communist platform, endorsed
by as many communist parties and organisations as possible.

If your organisation supports the platform, please mention hereafter the
full name and address (including E-mail address) of your organisation, as
well as the name of a responsible with his/her function.


Our organisation supports the platform 'No to the European State'



 Name of a responsible with his/her function

You will find the text we propose hereafter (also in attachment).

With our fraternal communist greetings

Jean Pestieau
International Relations Secretary
International department
No to the European State

On the 7th and 8th of December, the heads of State of the countries of the
European Union will gather in Nice. Their agenda: the reform of European
institutions. In fact, it is about the creation of the foundations of a
European State. A good thing ?

This State is a creation of the European bosses. The group that has the most
influence on the European deciders is the European Round Table of
Industrialists, an association of 48 managers of the big European
multinationals: Philips, Fiat, Renault, TotalFina Elf, Bayer, Siemens,
Unilever, Shell, BP Amoco, Suez-Lyonnaise, etc. Founded in 1983 with the
support of the European Commission, it was behind the setting up of the
single market, the Maastricht Treaty, the creation of the Euro, the
expansion to the East and the submission of these countries to Western
capitalism. Today these employers want a political entity at the European

This state is and will be anti-democratic. The Parliament has only very few
powers. All power is concentrated in the Commission, in the Council of
ministers and in the European Council. Each of them are under the influence
of employers' lobbies like the Round Table. Think tanks like the European
Policy Centre, where politicians and businessmen sit next to each other,
orientate the debates about Europe. All this happens without the workers
knowing and against them.

For of course this state is also anti-social. The almost unanimous desire of
European leaders is to make of Europe a supercompetitive entity, whose
companies will be able to beat their American and Japanese rivals. To this
end, the workers must agree to make themselves available for employers
according to the conditions of the latter : extreme flexibility, decrease of
salaries and of social allowances, dismantling of social security systems,
night and week-end work, generalisation of temporary employment and
part-time work, etc. The Social Charter that is to be ratified in Nice is
another example of social regression: no right to employment, no right to
housing, no right to income.

The European State is and will be a war machine. First against the workers.
Then against the East European countries incorporated by force into the net
of European multinationals. Finally against the US and Japan. Because the
interest of European bosses in such a state is to be able to counter the
political and military hegemony of Washington. At the end of the day, it is
to be able to replace the US as the world dominant power. It is an
imperialist project.

We, communists, defend the following :

the right to a decent job for every worker
maintaining workers' established rights
democratic rights for everybody
the right for each Third World country to develop in an independent way
support for the national liberation movement in the Third World
the struggle for peace and against the dangers of war caused by the desire
for power of the US, the European Union and Japan
the development of the socialist countries
For we think that, to destroy this European state, to stop the globalisation
of markets and capital, to suppress the wealth gap in the world, in order to
create an economy centered on the human being, we have to change society.

Join us.

 Contact address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Workers'Party of Belgium)


2000-11-27 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: perry arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Perry Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:22 PM
Subject: [CrashList] Fw: this is very long, and takes a few minutes to load, but you
may find it of some importance - Perry

you'll need to click on this URL so you can see the graphs

it's worth it!!





Richard C. Duncan, Ph.D.1

Pardee Keynote Symposia

Geological Society of America

Summit 2000

Reno, Nevada

November 13, 2000


The Olduvai theory has been called unthinkable, preposterous, absurd, dangerous,
self-fulfilling, and self-defeating. I offer it, however, as an inductive theory based
on world energy and population data and on what I've seen during the past 30 years in
some 50 nations on all continents except Antarctica. It is also based on my experience
in electrical engineering and energy management systems, my hobbies of anthropology
and archaeology, and a lifetime of reading in various fields.

The theory is defined by the ratio of world energy production (use) and world
population. The details are worked out. The theory is easy. It states that the life
expectancy of Industrial Civilization is less than or equal to 100 years: 1930-2030.

World energy production per capita from 1945 to 1973 grew at a breakneck speed of 3.45
%/year. Next from 1973 to the all-time peak in 1979, it slowed to a sluggish 0.64
%/year. Then suddenly -and for the first time in history - energy production per
capita took a long-term decline of 0.33 %/year from 1979 to 1999. The Olduvai theory
explains the 1979 peak and the subsequent decline. More to the point, it says that
energy production per capita will fall to its 1930 value by 2030, thus giving
Industrial Civilization a lifetime of less than or equal to 100 years.

Should this occur, any number of factors could be cited as the 'causes' of collapse. I
believe, however, that the collapse will be strongly correlated with an 'epidemic' of
permanent blackouts of high-voltage electric power networks - worldwide. Briefly
explained: "When the electricity goes out, you are back in the Dark Age. And the Stone
Age is just around the corner."

The Olduvai theory, of course, may be proved wrong. But, as of now, it cannot be
rejected by the historic world energy production and population data.

1Institute on Energy and Man

5307 Ravenna Place NE, #1

Seattle, WA 98105




Richard C. Duncan, Ph.D.

Pardee Keynote Symposia

Geological Society of America

Summit 2000

Reno, Nevada

November 13, 2000

Collapse, if and when it comes again, will this time be global. No longer can any
individual nation collapse. World civilization will disintegrate as a whole.
Competitors who evolve as peers collapse in like manner.

Joseph A. Tainter, 1988


The Olduvai theory is a data-based schema that states that the life expectancy of
Industrial Civilization is less than or equal 100 years. We shall develop the theory
from its early roots in Greek philosophy down to respected scientists in the 20th
century. This approach is useful because, although the theory is easy to understand,
it is difficult (i.e. distressing) for most people to accept - just as it was for me.

The Olduvai theory deals neither with the geology or the paleontology of the Olduvai
Gorge. Nor is it prescriptive. Rather, the theory simply attempts to explain the
historic world energy production (and use) and population data in terms of overshoot
and collapse. I chose the name "Olduvai" because (1) it is justly famous, (2) I've
been there, (3) its long hollow sound is eerie and ominous, and (4) it is a good
metaphor for the 'Stone Age way of life'. In fact, the Olduvai way of life was (and
still is) a sustainable way of life - local, tribal, and solar - and, for better or
worse, our ancestors practiced it for millions of years.

No doubt that the peak and decline of Industrial Civilization, should it occur, will
be due to a complex matrix of causes, such as overpopulation, the depletion of
nonrenewable resources, environmental damage, pollution, soil erosion, global warming,
newly emerging viruses, and resource wars. That said, the Olduvai theory uses a single
metric only, as defined by "White's Law." But now it comes with a new twist - (((a
will-o'-the-wisp))) - electricity.

Most of my industrial experience is in electric power networks and the energy
management systems (EMS) that control them. Electricity is not a primary energy
source, but rather an "energy carrier": zero mass, travels near the speed of light,
and, for all practical purposes, it can't be stored. Moreover, electric power systems
are costly, complex, voracious of fuel, polluting, and require 24h-7d-52w maintenance
and operations. Another problem is that 

Scotland: SSP's Sheridan Seeks Pop Fans Votes - Times

2000-11-27 Thread red-rebel

Sheridan seeks pop fans votes 
TOMMY SHERIDAN, the Marxist MSP, is to record a Christmas pop single. 
The Jasmine Minks, a veteran rock band committed to the downfall of 
capitalism, have asked him to perform a rap-style monologue for their 
next release. 
His soliloquy will denounce new Labour and praise class struggle. All 
proceeds will be donated to the Scottish Socialist Party, which he 

Mr Sheridan said yesterday that he had had to bring forward the 
recording date as he could soon be imprisoned for refusing to pay a 
fine imposed after a protest at Faslane nuclear base. 

He confessed he was not an avid fan of the Minks. "The boys told me 
they had a big international following, but I had to be honest and 
say I had never heard of them," he said. 

"They e-mailed me with the lyrics, which rubbish Tony Blair's claims 
that the class war is over. This gives me a chance to raise money for 
the party - we need all we can get as we prepare to stand in the 
general election." 

He is not the first MSP to show off his musical talent.Dennis Canavan 
(Ind, Falkirk West) performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with 
an impersonation of John Swinney, leader of the Scottish National 
Party. The catchphrase he invented for Mr Swinney - "I'm so angry I'm 
going to say a sweary word" - has become repeated around Holyrood. 

Cathy Peattie (L, Falkirk East) sang to the Scottish Parliament 
during a debate about traditional music. Pauline McNeill, (L, Glasgow 
Kelvin) assembled a band called The Kelvinettes and sang in Glasgow 
Anniesland last week, helping the party's by-election effort.

Support the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles to Cuba

2000-11-27 Thread heikki sipilä


A project of the International Action Center

Ramsey Clark, Founder

9 West 14th St. # 206 New York, New York 10011

212.633.6646, Fax: 212.633.2889



Press Contact: Sarah Sloan or Teresa Gutierrez 212.633.6646

November 27, 2000


Delegates from the IAC to World Meeting in Solidarity with Cuba
held in Havana Nov. 10-14 demand an end to U.S. aggression
against  Cuba

The International Action Center condemns yet another terrorist act
against the Cuban Revolution and its leaders. We call on the
Panamanian government and its president, Mireya Moscoso, to
immediately extradite Luis Posada Carriles to Cuba for his foiled
attempt to assassinate President Fidel Castro

In addition, the U.S. government must not be allowed to obstruct
justice. The White House must make sure that Cuba be allowed to
freely seek full remedy in this case.

In November, over 600 North Americans, including 90 people
organized by the IAC, traveled to Cuba to participate in the Second
  World Meeting in Solidarity and Friendship with the People of
Cuba.  The conference was held in Havana, Cuba from November
10-14.  Over 4,000 people from 117 countries participated in the

These delegates represent a more accurate picture of how Cuba is
seen by the world than the desperate acts of a tiny minority, such as
 that of Posada Carriles and others like him. The 4,000 spirited
people  who traveled to Cuba represent millions of people around
the world  who want to see normal relations between the U.S. and

It is the U.S. government and the right wing in Miami who are
isolated on the issue of U.S. Cuba relations. On November 9 at the
 United Nations, for example, 167 countries voted against the U.S.
blockade of Cuba. This overwhelming vote shows that it is the U.S.
 government, not the Cuban government, that is isolated on this

On November 17, Posada Carriles was captured along with three
accomplices in Panama in an attempt to assassinate President Fidel
Castro while he was traveling in Panama. Posada Carriles is a
notorious anti-Cuba right-winger who is responsible for the bombing
  deaths of dozens of people.

The assassination attempt was revealed at a press conference held
by  President Castro in Panama on November 17. Castro was in
that  country attending the 10th Ibero-American Summit on
Adolescents  and Children. At the press conference, Castro stated
that Posada had  slipped into Panama on Nov. 5 with false papers
and a wide array of  weapons and explosives with the explicit
purpose of "physically  eliminating" him.

The Cuban government made the charge of the assassination
attempt  in Panama after a careful and meticulous investigation. It
came as a  result of a high level of organization by Cuban security
forces as well  as information provided by friends of Cuba. Were it
not for this  thorough effort, Panamanian authorities might not have
been able to  capture the gang in time.

Fidel's life was not the only one placed in danger. Preliminary
reports  indicate that the assassination might have been carried out
Saturday  night, November 18, when President Castro was
scheduled to speak  at the University of Panama with thousands of
students in attendance.  A sketch of the university and 20 kilograms
of plastic explosives were  part of the booty seized by the

Cuban officials are requesting that the convicted terrorist Luis
Posada  Carriles and his accomplices be tried in Cuba. They are
asking that  the Panamanian government keep these criminals in jail
in the  meantime.

In 1976, Posada Carriles was instrumental in organizing the
bombing  of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 passengers, including a
Cuban youth  fencing team. He was also behind the 1997 bombing
of a Havana  hotel that killed an Italian tourist.

The recent assassination attempt is a direct result of the hostile
policies fostered and encouraged by the U.S. government towards
the  Cuban Revolution. The Cuban government has painstakingly
proved  that Posada Carriles and his accomplices have all the
backing of the  Cuban American National Foundation (CANF).
U.S., Cuban and  other historians have well documented that the
CIA works with  Posada, who has directed many terrorist acts
against Cuban missions.  He was on the payroll of the U.S. State
Department and played a  prominent role in the Iran-Contra

While in prison in Venezuela for his deadly acts, Posada escaped
jail  with the aid of the CANF and the CIA.

As long as the U.S. government continues its covert and overt
hostility against Cuba, the likes of Luis Posada Carriles are free to
carry out their bloody acts against the Cuban people and its leaders.
  CANF has received millions of dollars from Congress to carry out
its  war against Cuba. No other immigrant group 

3rd World opposes US WTO agenda

2000-11-27 Thread heikki sipilä


   When the United States and Australia tried to set a
   date for a new WTO Round of negotiations in 2001,
   Malaysia led a fight against putting a dateline.

   Malaysian Minister for International Trade and
   Industry, Ms. Rafidah Aziz, had insisted that there
   could not be a mention of a date until an agenda for
   a round had first been agreed to."If there is no
   agenda, then what are countries going to talk about?"

Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:39:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Martin Khor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
By-way-of: Information Habitat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [mai] Analysis of APEC Summit and WTO Round

21 Nov 2000

From: Martin Khor, Third World Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The APEC Debate: Launch A New WTO Round or Fix An Agenda First?


By Martin Khor

SUMMARY: Last week's (Nov 2000) APEC meetings in Brunei saw
a dramatic debate between the developed countries and some
developing countries (led by Malaysia) on how soon to launch
a new Round of trade talks at the World Trade Organisation.
Malaysia insisted that first agreeing to the content of such a
Round should precede a move to launch a Round. Fixing the agenda
or launching a Round may appear to be only a matter of emphasis.
In fact, it could make all the difference to the future economic
and social prospects developing countries.

What's the difference between launching a new round of trade
talks at the World Trade Organisation, and fixing an agenda first
before committing to such a launch?

Lots, judging from the controversy that erupted and then stayed
on the boil at the series of high-level meetings of the Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum held in Brunei last

The battle began at the APEC Economic Ministers' meeting on 12-13
November. When APEC members from developed countries like the
United States and Australia pressed for an agreement to launch a
new WTO Round in 2001, Malaysia led a fight against putting a

Malaysian Minister for International Trade and Industry, Ms.
Rafidah Aziz, had insisted that there could not be a mention of
a date until an agenda for a round had first been agreed to."If
there is no agenda, then what are countries going to talk about?"

She denied that Malaysia was a "lone voice" speaking against the
tide, and said Malaysia's views were shared by many other
countries that were just not so vocal. "Malaysia is vocal on the
side of the majority and does not want the rest of the world to
be bulldozed by the very vocal but powerful few." (The Star, 14

However, when the APEC leaders' meeting ended last Thursday, the
mention of a date for launching a new round had appeared. The
Declaration of leaders stated that: "We agree that a balanced and
sufficiently broad-based agenda that responds to the interests
and concerns of all WTO members should be formulated and
finalised as soon as possible in 2001 and that a round be
launched in 2001."

There were, however, differing interpretations among the leaders
as to the meaning and the points of emphasis to the placed on
this part of the Declaration.

Whilst much of the mainstream media highlighted that APEC leaders
had called for the launching of a new WTO round, Malaysia's Prime
Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad stressed at a post-Summit press
conference that any launching of a Round would be conditional on
first having agreement on an agenda, and that this position was
shared by some other APEC leaders as well.

Dr Mahathir said the differently-worded Declaration did not mean
that APEC had backtracked on Malaysia's earlier proposal to set a
deadline for the agenda first before deciding on a launch date
for a WTO round.

"The general opinion is that we should have the launch in 2001,
but it must be preceded by an agreement on the agenda. If there
is no agenda, how can we have a meeting? It (the launch) is
conditional on having an agenda. And this is not just Malaysia,
others speak in the same way."

Dr Mahathir reiterated that if an agenda cannot be finalised,
then there is no way that a new Round of WTO talks can be
launched. "I hope that they (trade officials in Geneva) can have
an agenda. If they purposely do not come up with an agenda, then
it will be difficult to have a new round. What are we going to
talk about?"

The different opinions at the APEC meeting reflect the on-going
battles at the WTO between developed countries led by the US,
European Union, Japan and Australia (that want to expand the
powers of WTO through a new round) and developing countries like
Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Egypt and Zimbabwe (which want the WTO
to first resolve problems faced by developing countries arising
from implementing the WTO's existing agreements).

The sharp differences came to a head at the 

Is Israel using DU radioactive weapons?

2000-11-27 Thread heikki sipilä


International Action Center calls for an investigation

By John Catalinotto and Sara Flounders,

Depleted Uranium Education Project of the International Action

The International Action Center calls upon international
organizations,  NGOs, environmental and health organizations to
investigate the  Israeli military’s use of prohibited weapons in the
West Bank and  Gaza, and to mobilize to stop it. These weapons
include dumdum  bullets and CS gas. The IAC believes it also
includes depleted- uranium weapons.

The effect of dumdum bullets and CS gas is immediate, easily shown
 and obvious. Using radioactive and toxic depleted-uranium
weapons is  an additional crime that has an insidious long-term
effect, not only on  combatants and civilians in the vicinity, but over
a broad area and to  the general environment, as has been shown by
the Pentagon’s  massive use of DU weapons in Yugoslavia and
especially in Iraq.

The International Action Center’s own investigative team on Nov. 1
and 2 saw Israeli helicopter gun ships firing into densely populated
areas. According to international law these attacks on civilian areas
are war crimes--as is the long-term destruction of the environment
from DU contamination.

Mobilizing investigations, public challenges and mass protests
against  the use of DU weapons can stop this crime against

The aim of this paper is to show with supporting data that it is
credible  that the Israeli military is using DU weapons in the
Occupied  Territories. We know that Israel is DU-armed and
capable, and  shielding on Israeli tanks is DU-reinforced. The IAC
urges scientists,  doctors and soldiers who know of the use of DU
shells to come  forward with definitive proof that the Israeli military
has at least  tested DU weapons in its attacks on Palestinian offices
and homes. In  addition, we urge environmental and other
organizations to demand an  accounting from these authorities.

It will also show how following similar Pentagon or U.S. government
 denials regarding test-firing DU weapons in Puerto Rico, Okinawa
Panama and south Korea, revelations and public pressure have
forced  admissions and in some cases have won pledges to stop
firing DU  weapons. In Kosovo, Yugoslavia, and in the
Persian/Arabian Gulf  region this pressure has led to international
investigations and legal  actions against DU use.


U.S. arms make up the major part of the Israeli arsenal and Israel
has  been the number one recipient of U.S. arms aid for decades.
These  U.S. weapons include the M1 Abrams tank—which fires
DU shells  and is armored with DU-reinforced metal. The “Apache”
and the  Cobra helicopter gun ships are also equipped to fire DU
shells. Since  this latest Intifada started, the U.S. has shipped Israel
“the newest  and most advanced multi-mission attack helicopters in
the U.S.  inventory,” as reported in the Jerusalem Post. These were
Apache  helicopters.

The IAC delegation witnessed Israeli attack helicopters, which
people  described to them as “Apache” helicopters from the U.S.,
firing shells  and rockets at targets in and around Ramallah on Nov.
1. They then  examined a small office used by the Fatah organization
that the  projectiles hit and destroyed.

The following day they saw machine guns on tanks being fired at
Palestinian youths in Ramallah armed only with rocks and slingshots.
 They also visited a Fatah office near Nablus that Israeli rockets had
 hit the night before.

The IAC delegation gathered up shell casings and metal fragments in
 these areas. As they were preparing to leave from Ben Gurion
Airport in Tel Aviv, members of the IAC delegation were stopped,
searched and interrogated. The shell casings and metal fragments
were confiscated. While this prevented the IAC from arranging its
own tests, it made them even more suspicious that the Israeli forces
were using DU shells and trying to hide it.

Because of its great density, DU is also used to stabilize or balance
airplanes and missiles, including the Tomahawk Cruise missile.
When  the missile explodes, or should the plane crash, the DU burns
and is  released into the air just as it is when DU shells hit steel. DU
is also  used to shield tanks, including the M1 Abrams tank used by
the U.S.  and Israel. After 32 continuous days, or 64 12-hour days,
the amount  of radiation a tank driver receives to his head from
overhead armor  will exceed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's
standard for public  whole-body annual exposure to man-made
sources of radiation.

Whether from shells or from the scrapings from tanks moving
around  the countryside, radioactive materials enter into the land, the
water  and the whole food chain, contaminating the densely
populated West  Bank and Gaza, where water is a scarce resource.
Wanton  radioactive contamination of this region is a crime against