Workers World on Yugo...with a couple of questions.

2000-11-29 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

My questions in [...]- Macdonald.
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 7, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


It was the first good news out of Yugoslavia for anti-
imperialists since that unhappy day the U.S./NATO-backed
coup overthrew and burned the national assembly and national
TV last Oct. 5. A fight-back Socialist Party Congress of
2,600 delegates re-elected Slobodan Milosevic party leader
by 86 percent Nov. 25.

[I hope this optimism is accurate... but what basis is there for such optimism? Here is
a pessimistic angle. Milosevic and those around him are being primed by the new
"democrats" for the Hague. If there isn't any fight in the party, it goes down 
and they could go on trial. The program of anti-Nato (which I agree is inherently
anti-imperialist, regardless of motivation) has been the bread  and butter of the 
It cannot change now or become absolutely irrelevant.]

This doesn't guarantee the SPS will win the Dec. 23
elections for the Serbian Parliament. It doesn't mean it
will immediately win the loyalty of the working class.

[What we need to know is two things: how strong are their ties to those who didn't vote
or participate in thew coup against Milo, et al. Is there an independent SPS press that
has any real circulation? The interview posted by Jared paints a stark view of their
organizing ability. Are the people who stood aside the first time around considering
anything as per action now?]

But it does mean that the SPS leadership refuses to retreat.
It means that those who are identified with the defense of
Yugoslavia against the U.S./NATO war remain at the head of
the party. It means there is no SPS collapse.

[No total collapse. Indeed this might indicate that Milosevic had better motives than 
thought, seeing as a number of party members did indeed recently quit now that the 
is out of power. That does not mean the party can survive. As I said earlier, it can
also indicate this is a personal attempt at not being swallowed by the imperialist
"justice system".]

And it indicates that most of the party activists don't feel
they have to hide from the masses of the people.

[I have a hard time believing that they can walk freely. The counter-revolutionaries
haven't been noted for their fairness so far. The masses have been watching from the
sidelines from the best angle shown to us.]

 As one
report out of Novi Sad put it, after price hikes of five to
15 times on basic goods, people are starting to say "Slobo
come back, all is forgiven."

The counter-revolutionary wave that overthrew the Eastern
European workers' states in 1989 also dissolved or disrupted
the ruling parties. Leaders resigned or changed into instant
"reformers" at that time. This is different. If you read
what Milosevic said--the little published in the imperialist
media--he's coming out swinging against the U.S., NATO and
their puppets inside Yugoslavia.

[This is partly true. It should be clear by now that there has been much in the way of
resistance from the Yugoslav state- but it should be remembered that other leaders died
defending the old states that were in 1989 too. Yeltsin had to kill thousands with his
assault on parliament. Milo has done "better" by establishing himself as the head of 
new bourgeois state and then spending a decade fighting it out. This is ultimaely the
reason that "we" have had such a hard time seeing what Milosevic was.]

He said the October uprising was actually "a coup" backed by
"paid Western spies." This has been all but admitted in
earlier reports of the exploits of the mayor of Cacak
attacking parliament and the TV station with a gang of
mercenaries. The Nov. 26 New York Times Magazine exposed
U.S. manipulation of the opposition Otpor student

[But aren't they organizing strike committees? Sorry, couldn't resist...]

"The war against this country is now being led by money,"
the ruling Democratic Opposition of Serbia received a "major
bribe" and all the media are now in the hands of "foreign
secret services," he said. Equally true. One can expect a
stronger infusion of Western money as the Serbian election

[Why bother? The imperialists would only serve to disrupt their chances that way. They
might untie a few "aid" packages one or two days before the polling, but they will not
funnel money into the state machinery led by DOS, or by opposition led by Otpor. That
would simply be overkill, and give the SPS (with whatever level of propaganda they can
get out to the population) a major publicity coup. The West will watch, and maybe (not
likely, but...) they will say "elect SPS and you cannot get heating fuel for the

Yugoslavia's new "nationalist" president, Vojislav
Kostunica, bases his economic plans on getting $2.5 billion
in European Union aid over the next few years and his
military policy on getting 

China. People´s Daily Nov 30

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä


   Thursday, November 30, 2000, updated at 08:56(GMT+8)

   China Calls for End to Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

   China called November 29 for an end to the current
   conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, and
   voiced support for all positive efforts by the
   international community to promote the Middle East
   peace process.

   The statement was contained in the speech by Wang
   Yingfan, the Chinese permanent representative to the
   United Nations, at a public General Assembly meeting
   on the Palestinian question.

   "For the time being, it is of the utmost importance
   to stop the violence between Palestine and Israel,"
   Wang said. "We support all positive efforts made by
   countries concerned and (UN) Secretary-General Kofi

   "The Chinese government will continue its
   contribution to cessation of the violence in and the
   peace process of the Middle East," he said.

   "Facts have fully shown that the question of
   Palestine is at the core of the Middle East issue,"
   he said. "Without a thorough solution of the
   Palestinian question, there is no way to root out
   violence in the Middle East."

   "Violence will only serve to deepen mutual hatred,
   while negotiation and dialogue will bring hope and
   peace," he said.

   "To achieve the political solution of the Palestinian
   question through negotiation and dialogue will not
   only conform to the fundamental interests of the
   people of all countries in the Middle East, but also
   conduce to peace and stability in the region and in
   the whole world," he said.

   "We believe, the legitimate national rights of the
   Palestinian people, including their right to
   establish the Palestinian statehood, should be
   restored and the international community has the
   responsibility to render necessary help to them in
   this regard, " he said.

   China supports the Middle East peace process and has
   always maintained that the Security Council
   Resolutions 242 and 338 on the Middle East issue as
   well as the principle of "land for peace" constitute
   the basis for Middle East peace process, he said.

   "Both the Arab side and the Israeli side should try
   to solve their differences through earnest and
   practical negotiations and move forward the peace
   process on the basis of the implementation of
   existing agreements between them," he said.

   "We firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian
   people to restore their legitimate national rights
   and oppose Israel's easy resort to force or threat of
   use of force and its practice of bullying the weaker
   and smaller," he said.

   Thursday, November 30, 2000, updated at 08:56(GMT+8)

   Rally Staged in Syria to Support Palestinians

   Large numbers of Palestinian refugees and Syrians
   staged a rally Wednesday, Novemer 29, to show
   solidarity with the Palestinians who have lost over
   280 lives in the ongoing clashes with Israeli forces.

   The demonstration was organized on the occasion of
   the 53rd anniversary of Palestine Partition and
   involved members of different Palestinian forces and
   Syrian non-government organizations and trade unions.

   The protesters chanted slogans against the Partition
   Resolution adopted by the United Nations on November
   29, 1947, which gave 57 percent of Palestine's
   territory to the Jews.

   They raised Palestinian and Syrian national flags and
   placards of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Al
   Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.


Korean Central News Agency Nov 29

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (November.29.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to Palestinian President

   * Talks held between Kim Yong Nam and Sam Nujoma

   * Namibian President sojourns in Pyongyang

   * Greetings to Barbadian Prime Minister

   * Inter-sector talks held between DPRK and Namibia

   * Palestinian people's just cause supported

   * General Kim Jong Il Fellowship Society of Peru formed

   * DPRK ambassador to India appointed

   * "Diploma to great men of the year 2000" awarded to Kim Jong Il

   * Senior party and state officials visit families of unconverted
 long-term prisoners

   * Historical relics well preserved

   * S. Korea-U.S. "Status of Forces Agreement" burnt in effigy

   * Strong national pride

Greetings to Palestinian President

Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Yasser Arafat,
President of the State of
Palestine, chairman of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation
Organization and head of the
Palestine National Authority, yesterday on the occasion of "the day of
world solidarity with the Palestinian
The message extended solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian
President and people to retake their
legitimate national rights and achieve durable peace in Mideast.
Saying that the Korean people wish the Palestinian people great victory
in their just struggle to found an
independent state with Kuds as its capital, it expressed the belief that
the bonds of friendship and solidarity
between the two peoples would steadily develop.

Talks held between Kim Yong Nam and Sam Nujoma

Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Talks between Kim Yong Nam, President
of the presidium of the
DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, and Sam Nujoma, President of the Republic
of Namibia, were held at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
At the talks both sides briefed each other on the situation of their
countries, exchanged views on the need
to expand and develop the bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation
and issues of common concern and
shared the same view on the discussed issues.
Present there were Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol,
Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun,
Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok
Ung and officials concerned
from the DPRK side and Defence Minister Erikki Nghimtina, deputy Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Information
and Broadcasting Tuliameni Kalomoh, special adviser to the President Iyambo
Indongo, secretary to the
President Ndeutala Angolo, Namibian Ambassador E.P. to China Hopelong
Ipinge and other officials from
the Namibian side.

Namibian President sojourns in Pyongyang

Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet
of the DPRK, sent a
message of greetings to Barbadian Prime Minister Owen Auther.
Congratulating the government and the people of Barbados on the 34th
anniversary of its independence,
the message wished the Prime Minister success in his work.

Greetings to Barbadian Prime Minister

Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Namibian President Sam Nujoma on an
official goodwill visit to
the DPRK today visited the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong
and laid a wreath before it.
Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were the President, Defence
Minister Erikki Nghimtina, deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Information and Broadcasting Tuliameni
Kalomoh, Namibian Ambassador E.P.
to China Hopelong Ipinge and other members of his party.
Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, Kang
Nung Su, Minister of Culture, and others were also present there.
A guard of honor of the Korean People's Army lined up before the cemetery.
A wreath was laid in the name of the President after the national
anthems of the two countries were
The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters.
The President and his party inspected the three-revolution exhibition
After being briefed on the successes achieved by the Korean people in
socialist construction through the
ideological, technical and cultural revolutions, they looked round wings of
the exhibition with deep interest.
The President also went to the Mansudae Art Studio.
Meanwhile, some members of his party visited the Pyongyang maternity
hospital and the Pyongyang
embroidery institute.

Inter-sector talks held between DPRK and Namibia

Pyongyang, November 29 (KCNA) -- Inter-sector talks between the DPRK
and the republic of Namibia
were held here today.
Talks were held between Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il
Chol and Defence Minister
Erikki Nghimtina and between vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok Ung
and deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Information and Broadcasting Tuliameni Kalomoh.
Present at the talks w

wwnews Digest #198 3/3

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>The week before this demonstration Maryland's highest court
>threw out the conviction of the police sergeant who killed
>Preston Barnes in 1996.
>Barnes, unarmed, held his hands in the air and was shot in
>the armpit. He lay in the street for hours after police
>refused to send for an ambulance or let his mother come to
>his side.
>City officials have given a green light to the cops. They
>talk of "zero tolerance"--a code word for unleashed racism
>and repression. These politicians stand for more executions
>rather than more jobs and education.
>They've gotten the green light from the rich man's courts
>that have never kept a cop in jail for killing a resident of
>They've gotten the green light from the corporate media and
>the financial powerhouses that consider poor and working
>people as the "help"--necessary for their businesses to make
>big profits, but expendable.
>The Nov. 23 demonstration was part of a movement exposing
>injustice and demanding that killer cops be jailed. It's a
>movement demanding community control of the police--the
>community's right to hire, fire and punish the cops.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
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>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 20:54:19 -0500
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>Subject: [WW]  Seattle Newspaper Strike Gets Broad Support
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 7, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Charles (Kaz) Susat
>Assistant Chapel Chair, Graphics Communications
>International Union 767-M
>Seattle Times Chapel
>At 2 a.m. on Nov. 21, over 900 members of the Northwest
>Newspaper Guild went on strike against the Seattle Times and
>Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspapers.
>The Guild, affiliated with the Communications Workers union,
>represents reporters, photographers, customer-service
>representatives, advertising salespeople and many others.
>The newspaper workers had worked without a contract since
>July 22. Workers at both newspapers are demanding an end to
>the erosion of their wages and the two-tier pay scale.
>The Post-Intelligencer is a Hearst Corp. paper. Knight-
>Ridder owns 49.5 percent of the Seattle Times and the
>Blethen family owns 50.5 percent.
>Both papers are produced by the Seattle Times under a joint
>operating agreement. Both are flush with profits.
>Within days composing-room printers affiliated with the
>Communications Workers and Operating Engineers unions joined
>the Newspaper Guild on the picket line. Photoengravers
>affiliated with the Graphic Communications International
>Union voted to honor the lines.
>Newspaper home-delivery drivers, who drop the papers on
>doorsteps and are not organized, are visiting strike
>headquarters and asking to join the Guild.
>Despite an earlier unanimous vote to support the Guild and
>honor its picket lines, Graphic Communications Local 767-M,
>the bargaining unit representing press operators, was
>manipulated by what strike leaders termed a "weak and
>frightened leadership" to stay on the job and scab. But well
>over a dozen press operators are refusing to cross the
>picket lines.
>The press operators are to meet again Nov. 30 to take up the
>Protesters against the World Trade Organization who plan
>several big demonstrations on the anniversary of the Battle
>of Seattle Nov. 30 pledged not to talk with scab reporters
>and to bar them from news conferences.
>Seattle Mayor Paul Schell, most City Council members and
>many other local politicians vowed not to give interviews to
>scabs. Professional athletes and team officials from local
>sports teams, including the Seahawks, Supersonics and
>Mariners, are refusing to talk to scabs.
>Workers at the Mariners reported that Seattle Times co-owner
>Frank Blethen was so outraged at the team's support for the
>strikers that he canceled his season tickets.
>The Times headquarters is in the midst of a major remodeling
>project. Union construction workers have refused to cross
>the picket lines. That leaves the bosses and scabs sitting
>in a cold, half-gutted building.
>Rather than work for the Times, union plumbers donated their
>time and expertise to repair the women's bathroom at strike
>Union engineers from Boeing built and donated dozens of
>environmentally safe burn barrels to warm picketers.
>Professional and Technical Engineers Local 17, the Guild's
>landlord, has donated additional of

wwnews Digest #198 2 /3

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>Florida State Sen. James E. King Jr., a Republican, told the
>New York Times Nov. 22. "People saying the Democrats are
>stealing the election. I've never seen such an outpouring of
>rage like this toward the Democrats and the Supreme Court."
>The day after the Florida Supreme Court ruling, the Bush
>forces sent several hundred goons to Miami-Dade County, the
>largest county scheduled to recount. Miami's counter-
>revolutionary Cuban groups, who broadcast repeated calls
>over the radio to demonstrate against the recount, joined
>These forces assembled at the downtown office where the
>recount was taking place. According to Paul Gigot, reporting
>in the Nov. 24 Wall Street Journal, New York Republican Rep.
>John Sweeney gave the order to "shut it down." The right-
>wing mob then charged the counting room. The pro-Bush mob
>surrounded Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Joe Geller.
>Sweeney was aided by Elizabeth Ross, a staffer for Senate
>Majority Leader Trent Lott, and Thomas Pyle, an aide to
>House Majority Whip Tom Delay. (Salon Magazine, Nov. 28)
>Thus the assault was masterminded from above.
>The canvassing board, consisting of two Democrats and an
>independent, had voted that morning to manually count the
>10,750 ballots that did not register a vote for president
>when passed through the machines. Under duress they reversed
>themselves, basically sealing the certification of the
>Florida election for Bush.
>It is important to know that two of the canvassing board
>members, county judges Lawrence King, a Democrat, and Myriam
>Lehr, an independent, were elected with the support of
>Armando Gutierrez, who represented Elian Gonzalez's right-
>wing Miami relatives.
>According to the Miami Herald, Gutierrez collected $351,000
>in "consulting fees" for representing judges in this
>election cycle, including King and Lehr.
>This criminal conflict of interest was covered up by the
>Democratic Party leadership. It is part of the ruling class
>establishment that has nurtured these anti-communist forces
>against the Cuban Revolution for 40 years. Gore even tried
>to appease them during Elian's captivity by breaking with
>Bill Clinton and opposing the child's repatriation to Cuba.
>But to no avail.
>Nor has the Democratic leadership brought out the real
>issues in the struggle between the Florida State Legislature
>and the Florida Supreme Court. It is not only that the
>reactionary Republican majority wants Bush as president.
>They want revenge on the court.
>The court overruled their attempt to push through school
>vouchers. It overruled their law requiring parental consent
>for young women seeking abortions. It has repeatedly tried
>to slow the rate of executions. It has two Black members and
>two women members. They are Democratic appointees.
>Florida House Speaker Tom Sweeney was honored by the
>Christian Coalition and the Florida Conservative Union. He
>campaigned with Gov. Jeb Bush against abortion rights and
>for school prayer. He was described as "the most
>ideologically conservative legislative leader we've seen
>around here in years" by Lance DeHaven-Smith, a political
>scientist at Florida State University. (New York Times, Nov.
>If the Gore forces were motivated by anything other than a
>desire to get their hands on the White House, they would
>take every opportunity to expose this right-wing cabal. They
>would appeal to every progressive force in society to mount
>a counteroffensive against this den of reactionary gangsters
>bent on intimidation--and operating on the instructions of
>the Bush campaign and the highest echelons of the Republican
>What about the ever-mounting scandal of racism and exclusion
>at the polls? The NAACP has so far collected affidavits from
>10,000 people affirming that their voting rights were denied
>in one way or another--by police harassment and
>intimidation, confusion at the polls, being turned away and
>countless other grievances.
>Gore was asked about discrimination at the polls against
>African Americans on CNBC Nov. 28. He said he'd heard
>something about the NAACP compiling complaints, but that he
>really didn't know much about it. In any case, Gore said,
>that was not part of his election complaint.
>When the Rev. Jesse Jackson came to Miami and organized a
>multinational rally and march for a recount, a crowd of Bush
>goons menaced the protesters. It got to the point where
>Jackson and another speaker, a rabbi, had to be taken away
>under police protection.
>Did the Democratic leaders come charging down to Miami to
>denounce these racist threats? No. Instead they told Jackson
>to leave town and stop stirring things up.
>The Rev. Al Sharpton visited Florida to document voting
>rights violations and lay the groundwork for a counterattack
>based on the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The national
>Democratic leadership has largely ignored

wwnews Digest #198 1/ 3

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>WW News Service Digest #198
> 1) Fujimori Gone, Wall Street Power Remains
> 2) Good News from Yugoslavia
> 3) Why Gore Let Bush Goons Win
> 4) Native Leaders Demand: "Free Leonard Peltier"
> 5) Baltimore: No "Thanksgiving" for Cop Victims
> 6) Seattle Newspaper Strike Gets Broad Support
> 7) Argentina General Strike vs. IMF Plans
> 8) Report from Vieques Tribunal

>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 7, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Monica Somocurcio
>After 10 years of repression and eight years of outright
>dictatorship, the regime of Peruvian President Alberto
>Fujimori crumbled in November. The Pentagon lackey learned a
>recurring lesson: Even the most crass servants of U.S.
>imperialism are expendable when their services are no longer
>in their master's interests.
>Fujimori has sought refuge in Japan.
>The post-Fujimori regime in Peru was solidified on Nov. 25
>when the newly appointed interim president, Valentin
>Paniagua, named a cabinet and fired the top 15 generals of
>the Peruvian military.
>Paniagua, a long-time bourgeois politician and head of
>Congress, rose to the presidency after Congress rejected
>Fujimori's resignation and instead deposed him for being
>"morally unfit." Paniagua is to stay in power until new
>elections are held next July 28.
>The new cabinet is filled with darlings of the U.S. State
>Department. It includes prominent bourgeois politicians and
>figures of the Peruvian elite such as Javier Perez de
>Cuellar, former secretary general of the United Nations, and
>Javier Silva Ruete, a banker and economist who was president
>of the Andean Development Corporation and Peru's
>representative to the International Monetary Fund, World
>Bank and Inter-American Development Bank.
>Paniagua also appointed Ketin Vidal as interior minister.
>Vidal headed the police "anti-terrorism" unit credited with
>apprehending Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path) leader
>Abimael Guzman in 1992.
>Fujimori was "elected" to a third term as president in May
>after blatantly rigging the electoral process. He had
>already sacked Electoral Court justices who refused to
>rubber stamp his run for a third term that violated the
>Peruvian constitution.
>The May election won Fujimori very little legitimacy.
>Thousands of Peruvians demonstrated in the streets against
>the blatantly anti-democratic character of the elections.
>While the U.S. government whined about the elections, it
>continued to support Fujimori's government economically and
>But Fujimori's regime came to a screeching halt when
>Vladimiro Montesinos, his hated second-in-command and head
>of the secret police, was caught on videotape bribing a
>lawmaker. After the videotape was broadcast Sept. 14,
>Montesinos fled to Panama with the help of the U.S.
>government. He later returned to Peru.
>Although the entire state apparatus is supposedly searching
>for him on Peruvian soil, he remains at large. There are
>charges that he is being protected by members of Peru's
>armed forces.
>Both Fujimori and Montesinos face corruption charges.
>Another event that heralded the end of the
>Fujimori/Montesinos regime was the "discovery" of a supposed
>arms sale to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-
>People's Army (FARC-EP) by rogue individuals in Peru. It was
>said that Montesinos himself purchased the arms.
>The weapons were later discovered in the possession of the
>Colombian military, which claimed to have "found" them.
>This preposterous story--that an ideologically motivated
>counter-revolutionary like Montesinos would send arms to
>revolutionaries--was an obvious public-relations attempt by
>the Peruvian ruling class opposition to mar the
>dictatorship's key figures in the eyes of their Washington
>The Pentagon knows better, of course. The fact that it has
>not come to the defense of its former allies means that
>Washington and Wall Street have reached an agreement with
>the new ruling clique in Lima.
>The CIA and the U.S. government undoubtedly knew in advance
>of the events leading to Fujimori's demise. There is now a
>petition by a Peruvian congressional committee to the U.S.
>government to disclose any and all CIA information on
>"I find it hard to believe that the great minds of the CIA
>did not know about the millions and millions of dollars
>Montesinos was getting from money laundering," said
>Congressperson Anel Townsend, a member of the committee on
>corruption and a longtime Fujimori opponent.
>However, not much is being said about what the CIA 

Deluded, Arrogant US "Experts" Urge Changes in Cuba Policy

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:39:35 -0500
>Subject:  Deluded, Arrogant US "Experts" Urge Changes in Cuba Policy

>Deluded, Arrogant US "Experts" Urge Changes in Cuba Policy
>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>[Arrogant enough to make recommendations on how the US should prepare
>for a "post-Communist transition" in Cuba, deluded enough to think
>that Fidel Castro IS the Revolution -- the old cold warriors produce
>reports, living in the past. Cuba is not Iran or Guatemala, and this
>is not 1953 or 1954. But let them dream on.--ny transfer]
>Wednesday November 29 8:34 PM ET (via Yahoo)
>U.S. Experts Propose Closer Ties with Cuba
>By Anthony Boadle
>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A blue ribbon task force of U.S. conservatives and
>liberals proposed on Wednesday easing relations with Cuba to prepare for a
>post-Communist transition on the island.
>Their report recommended allowing Americans to travel more freely to Cuba to
>increase personal contacts with the Cuban people as a way of fostering
>political change.
>It also suggested lifting travel restrictions on Cuban Americans and raising
>the limits on their cash remittances to relatives in Cuba.
>In more controversial recommendations, the task force said the United States
>should increase its military contacts and widen cooperation with Cuba in
>fighting drug trafficking.
>The panel recommended working with Cuba to support peace talks between
>government and Marxist guerrillas in Colombia, where Cuba has played a
>`constructive role'' in negotiations, the report said.
>It also proposed allowing U.S. companies who had property expropriated after
>the revolution led by Fidel Castro (news - web sites) in 1959 to directly
>negotiate settlements with the Cuban government, including equity
>A proposal to allow limited U.S. investment in Cuba's small private sector,
>however, would not be possible without repeal of the 38-year-old U.S. trade
>embargo against Cuba.
>The task force of 29 experts was headed by William Rogers and Bernard
>Aronson, former top Latin American policy officials in Republican and
>Democratic administrations.
>Their report lays out steps, short of lifting the whole embargo or
>establishing diplomatic relations, that would prepare the United States for
>the day political change occurs on the island.
>Travel Ban An Issue
>The proposals came one month after the U.S. Congress lifted the embargo for
>food and medicine sales to Cuba, a step sought by American farmers and
>pharmaceutical companies who maintain they are losing out in the Cuban
>But Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, backed by Cuban
>American legislators representing anti-Castro exiles in Miami, inserted a
>ban on public and private credit, all but ruling out sales to cash-strapped
>They also managed to codify into law a ban on travel to the Communist-run
>island by American tourists.
>Supporters of the embargo say increased travel will only put more dollars in
>the coffers of the repressive state, which is already benefiting from
>remittances by exiles estimated at between $500 million and $800 million a
>Task force members said tourist dollars do not all end up in government
>hands but help nascent private enterprises too.
>One Republican who has changed his mind on travel to Cuba, Mark Falcoff,
>said the ban was unenforceable and should go because many Americans are
>already traveling to Cuba.
>Change Inevitable
>Falcoff said the embargo on Cuba will not be lifted in the next two or three
>years, but the climate of U.S. opinion is moving in that direction.
>`The political geography of this issue has changed,'' said Falcoff, an
>expert on Latin America at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank
>in Washington.
>`The earthquake won't happen until it happens, but you can see the change
>coming if you look at the movement of the tectonic plates,'' he said.
>Cuban American exiles, who want see the embargo as a tool to bring Castro's
>government down, were disappointed with the recommendations.
>`The task force still believes it is possible to engage a regime that has no
>interest in reform,'' said Dennis Hays, vice president of the Cuban American
>National Foundation.
>Hays said opening American travel to the island 90 miles of Florida would
>help the Cuban government without asking for any reforms in return.
>The task force recommended the United States support giving Cuba observer
>status at the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank so Cuban
>officials can learn how international financial institutions and modern
>market economies work.
>But it opposed readmission of Cuba into the Organization of American States
>until it embraces democracy and holds free elections.
>  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
>   Sin


2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 23:35:52 +0100
>From: "TKEP/Leninist (Communist Labour Party of Turkey / Leninist)"
>Evolution of capitalism, economical and historical development has
>entered a new stage. In this stage while capitalism has been entering
>into an exact collapse due to effect of destructive dynamics it has
>developed, socialism, however, has been getting more actual. Mode of
>capitalist production and productive forces developed by large industry,
>have reached a level in which capitalism will not manage anymore.
>Capitalism that couldn't manage has missed the productive forces.
>Productive forces can only be managed by society collectively.
>Productive forces can be controlled collectively by the social relation
>which pople will form by gathering in free and equal conditions and
>all-round development of individual can be performed. Domination of
>socialisn in all over the world has become inevitable.
>As a result of development of large industry, the use of science in
>production area extensively, accumulation of capital on the hands of a
>few imperialist-capitalist inonopolies, social character of production
>and labour as maturing have created whole conditions of capitalism's
>transformation to socialism. Transformation of capitalism to socialism
>is inevitable.
>In event this transformation is to be delayed capitalism will destroy
>labour and nature wholly which are the life sources of humanity. In this
>sense transformation of world has come in front of humanity as a matter
>of death or life. Social revolution and socialism in the lead of
>proletariat has become a compulsion for the fact that life will prevail
>in all over the world.
>International proletariat whose historical mission is to save the
>humanity has been treated and united by capitalism as much as it will
>accomplish this mission. Proletariat who has started the Era of
>Proletarian Revolutions is the motor force and leading class of
>transformation of capitalism to socialism. In new stage, revolutionary
>role of proletariat has come forward clearly. Proletariat's work of
>changing world is a practical mission.
>It is possible to pass socialism by socialist revolution. Basides the
>level economical and historical development have reached it is also
>possible to pass socialism by the
>aspects of knowledge buildup and great experiment of socialism. The fact
>that socialism has been realized in Russia, Eastern Europe and other
>regions of world and proletariat's class struggle buildup.
>Proletariat has waged an international struggle whose base was all over
>the world to abolish the classes. Proletariat has come into power in
>some countries and in others however, has been resuming the struggle. A
>classless world marching maintains as getting stronger. Class struggle
>at the and will be concluded everywhere that proletariat will come into
>power and with proletariat dictatoriaship. Proletariat has entered a
>next and new stage on the aim of classless stage.
>Proletariat Internationalism which is the basic condition for the aim of
>saving world, today, has come forward more clearly than every period
>before. Proletariat has launched a new revolution wave in all over the
>world to demolish capitalism. Struggle of proletariat on the world
>scale, has brought forward closer solidarity and acting collectively as
>urgent mission. Communist forces and revolutionary forces must start for
>the proletariat internationalism based on action.
>TKEP/Leninist that has aimed at socialism since it was established has
>waged struggle for an active proletariat internationalism calls
>international communist forces and revolutionary forces to put
>proletariat internationalism into practice.
>Turkey and Kurdistan which have passed the most intensive civil war for
>the last decade, today have entered the stage of proletarian civil war
>that is the second stage of civil war. The fact that imperialism has
>made its economical annexation till the end, collabrator monopolist
>capitalism has expansed economical and political power along with
>imperialism, class discrimination has become tangible everywhere,
>economical and social problems that has been accumulating for decades
>and political conditions are strengthening the bases of proletarian
>civil war. Proletariat that is the leader of proletarian civil war,
>revolution, democracy and struggle for socialism are going  into struggle
>everywhere. Proletariat epplying to economical and political devices of
>struggle like strike, resistance, rallies, is getting ready for a
>struggle which will take place harder. Class struggle of proletariat
>also sets poor peasantry farmers, urban proletarians into action.
>Proletariat's union in struggle and proletariat with the non-proletarian
>workers' union in struggle is realizing as a vital issua in practice.
>Abolishing capitalism that d

Portuguese CP, 16th Congress, Theses, Draft of Political Resolution(Chpt.3)

2000-11-29 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:24 PM
Subject: Portuguese CP, 16th Congress, Theses, Draft of Political Resolution(Chpt.3)

The purpose of the Solid Net ( Solidarity Network ) is to inform on the
activities as well as the ideological and political views of different
Communist and Workers’ Parties on National and International issues. All
articles in the SolidNet are the responsibility of the authors and in no
way commit this Web Site.
Portuguese CP, 16th Congress, Theses, Draft of Political
From: Portuguese Communist Party, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Draft of Political Resolution
  Draft Document proposed by the Central Committee to debate in all the



  1.3.1. It is necessary and possible to reverse, through the struggle,
the current course of the world's evolution, that is, to contain and
roll back the imperialist "globalisation" process, to defeat the
attempts to set up a "new order" at the service of big business, to
achieve a turn to the left and alternatives of social progress, to
advance towards socialism.

  1.3.2. In what ways is this possible, with such a disproportion of
forces and in times of such an accelerated internationalisation of the
productive processes and of social relations?

  1.3.3. There are no easy answers nor ready-made "models" to break the
huge difficulties and the complexity of the current situation. But we
are sure that the course of an alternative and of revolution is the
course of the working class and the masses, of their organisation and
mobilisation for the struggle, for the satisfaction of their interests
and most heart-felt expectations and for political power. It is, at the
same time, the course of solidarity and internationalist co-operation of
Communists, progressives, workers and peoples world-wide.

  1.3.4. In valuing national sovereignty as an indispensable component
of democracy, and the national State as a privileged and unavoidable
arena of the class struggle, the PCP views the goals and the struggle at
a  national level as dialectically articulated with world-wide goals and
struggle, the growing importance of which is recognised.

  1.3.5. History, and particularly the history of the workers' movement,
shows that, despite huge difficulties and obstacles, there is an
accumulation of forces and processes which can evolve, sometimes very
quickly, in favourable ways for the progressive and revolutionary
struggle. But it also shows the dangers of underestimating the strength
and determination of big capital in defending its class privileges and
its hegemonic power. The process which will lead to a fundamental change
in the world balance of forces will probably be a complex and prolonged
one, involving huge social and political explosions, and implying bitter
struggles to overcome the resistance and confront the violence of the
ruling classes. To privilege and circumscribe the action to the
institutions of the system, disregarding the reality of the class
struggle and the Marxist-Leninist conception of the State and power, can
only favour a wait-and-see attitude and lead to bitter disappointments.

  1.3.6. In general terms, the present stage may still be considered as
one of resistance, of the accumulation of forces, including very
diversified actions and struggles, covering a very broad range of
demands and goals.

  1.3.7. At the same time, the advancing processes of
internationalisation, co-operation and integration and imperialist
"globalisation" itself, tend to bring together and to establish
increasingly closer objective links of interdependence between the
workers' and peoples' struggles all over the world.

  1.3.8. It is the Communists' and revolutionaries' duty to act in order
to expand the international and internationalist dimension of their
activity, and to find the common problems, demands and goals enabling
them to bring together in a broad anti-imperialist front very
diversified social and political sectors that fight for democracy,
national independence, peace, the preservation of the environment,
social progress and socialism.

  1.3.9. Considering the diversity of political, economic and social
situations, and therefore the diversity of tasks which each people
faces, it is necessary, urgent and possible to achieve a broad unity in
the struggle against imperialism and neo-liberalism, for peace and
social pro


2000-11-29 Thread noisolation

 November 25, 2000   
Statement: 132
Our appeal is to all forces and 
institutions in the world which are on the side of human rights, the law and 
justice and against fascism. Resistance is continuing in the prisons of Turkey. 
This resistance started on October 20 when nearly 1,000 prisoners submitted 
their bodies to hunger. And on November 19, 99 prisoners continued with a DEATH 
The resistance in the prisons of 
Turkey expects your support. The resistance expects the support of all the 
peoples of the world, revolutionary, democratic and progressive institutions and 
human rights organisations.The resistance is appealing to all the peoples of 
the world to join its resistance to fascism. In the name of those who are 
resisting and marching towards death, we seek to send this appeal to the entire 
world.On November 19, that is, on the 30th day, the action was turned into a 
DEATH FAST, and today is the 37th DAY! Now, 99 revolutionary prisoners are on 
 75 male captives and 24 women prisoners 
are marching towards death.
Let us briefly summarise their 
1 - They want the immediate 
closure of the "special" prisons, called the 'F' Type prisons, created from 
isolation cells, designed to deprive prisoners of their revolutionary 
personality and to more conveniently inflict torture and death upon them. These 
prisons are meant to isolate all inmates and are in fact torture centres 
patented in the USA.
2 - They want the immediate 
abolition of Law No. 3713, called the Anti-Terror Law, a law designed to 
obstruct every form of struggle by the people and every attempt by them to 
organise themselves. This is the sort of law which means that trade unionists 
and workers can be branded "terrorists", and those who say hello to a 
revolutionary can be thrown in prison for "aiding terrorism". This is the sort 
of law which has given legal underpinning to the murder of thousands of people 
over the past decade. This law is the law of the torturers and the death 
3 - They want the abolition of 
the courts known as the State Security Courts which legitimise illegality and 
protect torturers and mafia members, while at the same illegally and without 
proof sentencing revolutionaries to death or decades in prison.
4 - They want those responsible 
for murdering three prisoners in Buca Prison (1995), four prisoners in Umraniye 
(1996), 10 prisoners in Diyarbakir (1996) and 10 prisoners in Ulucanlar (1999) 
to be brought to judgement, along with those who tortured prisoners in the 
course of operations carried out at various dates. In short, they want justice, 
democracy and humane living conditions in their country. In Turkey, for the sake 
of these demands, 99 prisoners are marching towards death. 37 days have passed 
in which they have paid the price of hunger. There is a strong possibility that 
they will begin to die after 50 days have elapsed. From the 60th day onward, 
each day will be a "day of death".
This is our appeal to the 
world:  Prevent Their 
PRO-AMERICAN FASCIST AUTHORITIESIn Turkey, in the prisons and in every area 
we are conducting a grim struggle for democracy against the authorities, who are 
fascists backed by the USA. The decision to throw political prisoners and 
convicts into the cells was not taken by the Justice Ministry nor by the prison 
administrations, it was taken by the MGK (National Security Council). And in our 
country the MGK is the means whereby the army expresses its dominance. 
The racist and fascist party the 
MHP (Nationalist Movement Party - "Grey Wolves") has taken its place in the 
pro-American government, and to implement MGK decisions has unleashed one 
massacre and provocation in the prisons after another. It is continuing to do 
so.On September 26, 1999, 10 prisoners were slaughtered at Ulucanlar for 
refusing to accept the cell-type prisons. To legitimise throwing prisoners into 
the 'F' Type prisons, mafiosi in the jails were encouraged to start rebellions. 
In every incident it was the revolutionary prisoners who paid the price.The 
prisoners in the resistance are waging a democratic struggle against a fascist 
government.To all individuals and institutions on the side of democracy, 
freedom, human rights and justice, all revolutionary, democratic and progressive 
organisations!THERE ARE MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO.All institutions 
and organisations in your countries can organise demonstrations and solidarity 
hunger strikes. Faxes, e-mails and letters can be sent to the Justice Ministry 
of Turkey and other relevant institutions. (At the end of our statement details 
of institutions are given.) Internet sites of organisations and instit

Global Warming Talks Wane

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä


>November 29, 2000
>How the US Torpedoed the Global Climate Talks
>Bill McKibben, Grist
>November 28, 2000
>Depending on how you spin it, the collapse of the climate negotiations
>in The Hague, Netherlands, could leave you confident that much progress
>has been made, despairing that a Bush presidency may doom the future of
>new talks, or convinced that this is simply a problem too big for human
>beings to get their heads around.
>I think, though, that it really leaves us in pretty much the same
>position we were in two weeks ago, before the conference began: We're
>waiting on the weather.
>Exhaustive and exhausting negotiations tend to leave all involved with a
>severe case of tunnel vision. Inside the mammoth meeting hall, everyone
>came to believe their own hype: that they were on the verge of an
>agreement that would truly change the way people used energy, and hence
>kick-start the process of reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the
>Indeed, the Kyoto treaty did represent a kind of triumph of implacable
>bureaucratic optimism. At each potential breakdown point, someone came
>up with yet another fix. After six large-scale conferences, the document
>resembled one of those late-Ptolemaic maps of the universe, with a
>bewildering variety of epicycles and adjustments added to somehow make
>the model comport with the real world. There were Clean Development
>Mechanisms to allow the rich world to purchase easy credits and to buy
>off the poor world; there were Hot Air provisions and complicated
>Baskets of Gases; and there were the Carbon Sinks, also known as trees,
>designed to make the whole package easy on Americans.
>That is, instead of a straightforward plan to wean the world from coal
>and oil and gas, there was a Rube Goldberg machine that attempted to
>meet every national interest. And it might, just possibly, have worked
>-- that is, it might have provided enough incentives to get the energy
>industry serious about researching and developing alternative
>technologies, and those technologies might have taken off so
>spectacularly that they would have provided us energy junkies with the
>methadone we seem to require.
>But in the end -- in the waning hours of Saturday morning -- the
>Europeans decided they couldn't sell this particular contraption at
>home. It was simply too easy on the Americans, who, arrogantly, had
>never really believed anyone would call their bluff. The French did, and
>shortly thereafter the cleaning crew arrived to cart away the tons of
>thin carbon sinks known as sheets of paper that rose daily like an
>ever-higher tide.
>Even if the Europeans hadn't stood tough, though, the document wouldn't
>have made it through the Senate. Not with George W. Bush as president,
>and not with Al Gore as president. And the reason is simple: The
>American public still does not believe with the necessary passion that
>climate change represents a problem serious enough to require any
>compromises in our way of life.
>One of the ironies of the entire global warming debate is that America
>-- chief contributor to the problem -- is geographically situated in
>such a way that it will be one of the last places to feel the pain. With
>the exception of Florida (take that, Katherine Harris!) and a few other
>parts of the Gulf Coast, our shorelines are not especially vulnerable,
>nothing like Bangladesh or the small island states or the Nile Delta.
>Sure, we've had some floods and hurricanes, but we're a vast and rich
>land and we recover easily, at least for now. Drought over one set of
>fields is usually offset somewhere else in the grain belt. That won't
>help us much when the temperature really climbs, as every computer model
>now predicts, but so far the public is not scared enough to make it an
>issue, something that our politicians instinctively realize.
>Europeans care -- or at least enough of them care that in a
>parliamentary system they can exert sufficient pressure to move their
>governments. Americans don't, not yet.
>For those of us who have been working on this issue for a decade or
>more, it's sometimes hard to imagine that there could be anyone anywhere
>who does not realize that the freaking earth is coming to an end. But,
>of course, the guy I sat next to on the airplane home -- a perfectly
>decent engineer who had voted Democratic -- greeted the news of where
>I'd been with only the most casual interest. "Oh yeah, I've heard about
>that," he said when I mentioned global warming. "So tell me, is that
>stuff for real or not?" It's a strong indictment of the insider,
>deal-making, tech-talking American environmental community -- and of the
>Clinton-Gore administration, which blew a decade it could have spent
>educating the citizenry.
>The day will come when Americans will be convinced of the reality of
>climate change -- probably the day after a really big hurricane. When
>that day comes, we will badly need 

Turkey: Announcement of Second Death Fast Team

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: "dhkcbureau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>We, as political prisoners in the prisons of ULUCANLAR-ANKARA,
>started hunger strikes on the dates of October 20, 23 and 26, 2000,
>announced to public opinion that we had turned it into a DEATH FAST on
>November 19, 2000 as our demands had not been met. In the meantime, since
>there have been no developments, on November 29, 2000, we, as the SECOND
>DEATH FAST TEAM, started the DEATH FAST action. Until our demands are
>granted, we will continue our DEATH FAST resistance with the same
>- The closure of the 'F' Type prisons
>- Law No. 3713, the Ant-Terror Law, to be abolished along with all its
>- The cancellation of the Tripartite Protocol
>- The cancellation of the State Security Courts
>- Those responsible at various dates for the killing and serious wounding of
>our friends in Buca, Umraniye, Diyarbakir, Ulucanlar and Burdur prisons to
>be brought to trial,
>- Those prisoners suffering from various illnesses, those who are suffering
>from the after-effects of the 1996 Death Fast, those who were wounded in
>various attacks and who have not had medical treatment are to be released,
>- The torturers are to be brought to judgement,
>- All anti-democratic laws which are an obstacle to the struggle of the
>peoples for democracy and freedom are to be abolished, and there must be an
>end to repression.
>Umraniye Prison:
>TKIP Trial prisoner: AHMET TURAN
>Bursa Prison:
>Cankiri Prison:
>TKIP Trial prisoner: OZGUR SOYLU
>Aydin Prison:
>The prisoners continuing the Death Fast by the name of: AHMET IBILI, OKKES
>[ DHKP-C: Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front
>TKP(ML): Communist Party of Turkey (Marxist-Leninist)
>TKIP: Communist Workers' Party of Turkey ]
>Leninist-International mailing list
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Vietnam News Nov 29

2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

Party. Vietnam Civil Aviation
>General Secretary Le Kha Phieu recognised the efforts of the Vietnam Civil
>Aviation Administration in his speech at the sector's Party congress.
>He said this achievements contributed greatly to the development of the
>country and reaffirmed that the sector must be a leading sector in the
>national economy. He urged the staff of the sector to study and apply latest
>technological and scientific solutions to move the sector forward, especially
>the application of electronic technology and software.
>On building of the Party, the General Secretary urged the staff of the
>administration to maintain internal unity and solidarity and exercise
>democracy in all Party affairs since unity and solidarity are vital to the
>power of the Party.
>Mr Nguyen Tien Sam, secretary of the Party committee and general director of
>the administration read the political report. This stated that the
>administration was formed and developed from the operations of the aviation
>transport, the airport and the flight control. The leadership of the
>administration over the past three years directed the development of these
>operations. To date, the network of the national flag carrier, Vietnam
>Airlines, has 19 domestic routes and 25 international routes to countries in
>Asia, Europe and Australia. Vietnam Airlines’ passenger carriage in 1999 is
>5.6% higher than 1998 figure with international passengers up 10%. In the
>first nine months of 2000, passenger transport is 12.5 % higher than 1999
>figures. Other services were also increased.
>It is expected that the administration will carry six million passengers and
>200,000 tonnes of cargo in this year. The flight control section of the
>administration was successful in providing safe control and of flights in FIR
>in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and earned a lot of money for the State budget.
>The sector was recognised Labour Hero by the State for its efforts.
>The report also said that, in the coming time, the administration would try
>its best to build a strong staff to meet the increasing requirements of the
>sector in the 21st century.

>NA passes draft State budget
>National Assembly deputies approved a Resolution on the draft State budget
>2001 and another Resolution on the State budget balance last year in the
>plenary meeting chaired by NA Vice Chairman Mai Thuc Lan on November 28.
>Earlier in the morning, deputies continued their discussions on work reports
>by the People's Supreme Court and the People's Supreme Procuracy, the
>implementation of law cases and the management of the local courts on the
>organisation and the enforcement of Law on Complaints and Denunciation.
>Twelve deputies from eleven provinces and cities took the floor, focusing
>their opinions on the situation of complaints and denunciations of citizens
>this year; achievements and shortcomings of relevant agencies in settling
>complaints and denunciations; the reasons and effective measures for the
>settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations in the coming time.
>They also voiced their ideas on the situation and the results of the fight
>against crimes this year, reasons and solutions for the issue.
>Strong points, weak points and shortcomings of judicial activities in 2000,
>reasons and solutions for the problem were also posed by the deputies in the
>Several deputies put forth issues relating to the implementation of democratic
>regulation at the grassroots level and the settlement of administrative
>The NA is to hear the explanations to the questions raised by NA deputies

>Efforts to overcome flood aftermath,
>start winter-spring crop
>Efforts are continuing to overcome the flood aftermath in affected areas.
>Naval units garrisoned in Cam Ranh town, Khanh Hoa central province such as
>Navy Force M26 corps and the Navy Force Zone 4 are continuing their efforts to
>help local people overcome the flood consequences.
>The provincial Military Command has sent medical officers to some villages to
>spray chemicals to clean the environment, sterilise 50 wells and provide free
>medical check-ups and medicines worth over VND 6 million to more than 500
>The provincial Fisheries Department has sent technical cadres to localities to
>instruct shrimp breeding farmers on measures to restore damaged shrimp ponds.
>The province has also helped each household whose member was killed in the
>flood with VND 1 million; those whose house was destroyed with VND 1 million
>and those whose house was damaged with VND 500,000.
>The recent flooding that hit Dong Thap has contributed to the increase of poor
>households in this southern province. Local leaders have asked districts and
>towns to define the exact poor households so as to grant waiving of schooling
>fee in the 2000-2001 school year for children of these families.
>Fifty two working groups including 208 doctors and physicians of the Militar


2000-11-29 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Forward from mart.
>Please distribute widelyand remember this, the next time America
>hypocriticly accuses some other country of violating "international law"!!!
>-Original Message-
>From: Mark Clement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: November 28, 2000 11:31 PM
>Subject: [pttp] Mumia Column - IMPERIAL KILLERS & INTERNATIONAL LAW
>#483 Column Written 11/16/2000
>Mumia Abu-Jamal, M.A.
>All Rights Reserved
>  The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when
>nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just,
>they are no longer strong.
>  -- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
>  For most of us, international law is a fog.  It is words we hear
>politicians use when they want to criticize or even demonize third world
>leaders, and it is used by the corporate press to justify the aggressive
>military actions of the American Empire abroad.
>  When a nation violates international law, it is often called an
>"outlaw" nation, for ignoring the rules set down by the world community. But
>what happens when the United States violates international law? In a word,
>  In 1998, a citizen of the South American nation of Paraguay, Angel
>Breard, was facing execution in Virginia.  According to an international
>treaty called the Vienna Convention, all citizens of a foreign nation must
>be allowed access to consular officials from their native country at the
>time of their arrest.  In practice, however, this, and similar provisions,
>are regularly and routinely ignored.  Such was the case with Mr. Breard.
>  He was not informed of his right under the international treaty, and
>indeed, did not see any consular official.  Paraguay filed a suit in the
>International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands, calling on the
>U.S. Government to "take all measures at its disposal" to halt Mr. Breard's
>execution until a full hearing, but the U.S. State Dept. and U.S. Justice
>Dept. opposed this.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his appeal.
>  Mr. Breard was executed.
>  A year later two German nationals, brothers Karl and Walter LaGrand,
>were facing execution in Arizona, stemming from the killing of a bank
>manager in a botched robbery attempt.  Like Breard, the LaGrand brothers
>were also denied access to consular officials from Germany.  In early 1999,
>Arizona killed the LaGrands.
>  On Tuesday, November 14, 2000, the U.S. told the International Court
>of Justice that it had indeed violated international law, but it rejected
>demands from Germany for reparations.  The United States killed two German
>citizens, violated international law to do it, and a year later, agreed it
>did so.
>  What does it mean?  Nothing.
>  "Sorry."
>  Being an Empire means being big enough to do what one wants to do,
>whenever it wants to.  It means ignoring international law whenever it wants
>  It means having the unbridled power to kill with utter impunity, for
>the rest of the world, with all of its words, its treaties, and its
>international conventions, can do nothing.
>©MAJ 2000
>Knowledge is Power!
>Elimination of the exploitation of man by man


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