wwnews Digest #206 1/2

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

>WW News Service Digest #206
> 1) Turkish Police Deadly Assault on Prisoners
> 2) Movement Responds to Anti-Peltier Campaign
> 3) California Energy Crisis: Free Market Failure
> 4) U.S. Mercenaries March into Colombia
> 5) An Ode to the Old Year and New
> 6) Big Layoffs Announced Just Before Holidays

>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 28, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By John Catalinotto
>At 4 a.m. on Dec. 19 the Turkish government sent police and
>army riot squads armed to the teeth into 20 prisons where
>over 1,100 political prisoners were conducting a hunger
>strike. Almost 300 prisoners were on a death fast. As of 7
>p.m., the assault had left 20 people dead, including 18
>prisoners and two police, according to BBC News.
>The prisoners were protesting plans to separate inmates into
>individual cells--the so-called Type-F prisons. They
>demanded to remain in dormitory prisons where they could
>continue to have contact with each other.
>While the regime presented the assault as an attempt to stop
>the hunger strikers from dying, other reports say troops
>opened fire on some of the prisoners and beat many more.
>Police were armed with explosives and heavy weapons,
>according to reports from Turkish revolutionary groups.
>In some prisons the fasting prisoners set themselves on
>fire. In all places they fought back against the vicious
>attack from the Turkish state.
>According to Turkish Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk, two
>prisoners in Istanbul's Bayrampasa prison died after setting
>themselves on fire. A third inmate was shot and killed by
>soldiers in Istanbul's Umraniye prison after setting himself
>on fire and rushing toward soldiers, he said. Prisoner or
>prisoner-support sources have not yet verified Turk's
>statements as to how the prisoners died.
>The revolutionary and anti-imperialist prisoners have been
>on a hunger strike since Oct. 20 to stop their transfer to
>Type-F prisons. The new prisons are modeled on U.S. maximum-
>security, behavior-modification prisons. These impose high-
>tech total isolation in order to break down prisoners'
>morale and control them politically.
>This total isolation of all prisoners combines physical and
>psychological torture.
>Members of three leftist groups in Turkey started this
>hunger strike. Imprisoned members of the Revolutionary
>People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), the Communist
>Party of Turkey-Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML) and the Communist
>Workers Party of Turkey (TKIP) have called for the death
>These groups were followed by other organizations with
>political prisoners, including the Kurdish Workers Party
>(PKK). And the action has spread outside the prisons.
>About 12,000 of the almost 72,000 prisoners in Turkey are
>political prisoners. These include members of different
>communist organizations, Kurds, writers, journalists and
>members of Muslim groups.
>The Turkish state imposes truly horrible conditions on the
>leftist and Kurdish political prisoners, turning prisons
>into centers of torture. Prison guards and soldiers
>frequently murder prisoners. Last year prison guards and
>soldiers attacked political prisoners in Ulucanlar prison,
>killing 10 of them.
>According to a Reuters report from Istanbul, an official of
>the Human Rights Association, which closely monitors
>prisons, said she knew of at least five deaths from self-
>immolation or gunshot wounds during raids on several jails.
>"The so-called life-saving operation by the Justice Ministry
>is causing deaths," she said.
>Relatives of leftist prisoners gathered outside Bayrampasa
>and denounced the raids and the transfer plan, as well as an
>amnesty law that would mostly release non-political
>prisoners. "The goal is clear: they want to kill my
>children," one woman said.
>Turkish immigrants in Western Europe have already
>demonstrated support for the prisoners. An Italian
>organization has called a demonstration before the Turkish
>embassy in Rome. Prisoner-support groups have called upon
>the European left to demonstrate solidarity with the
>Turkey, a NATO member, is a client state of the Western
>imperialist powers and has especially close ties to the
>United States and Germany. Both Western powers supply
>weapons and training to the Turkish army even as it crushes
>the movement in Kurdistan. The Pentagon used Turkish air
>bases to launch air attacks on Iraq and Yugoslavia.
>For these reasons, the Turkish left also holds West European
>and U.S. imperialism responsible for the crimes of the
>Turkish state.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy a

China. People´s Daily Dec 21

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä


   Thursday, December 21, 2000, updated at 10:45(GMT+8)

   Jiang Zemin Receives Credentials of DPRK Ambassador

   Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of
   China has received credentials from Choe Jin Su,
   newly appointed DPRK Ambassador to China, Xinhua
   reports today (Dec.20,2000).

Hu Jintao Urges More Efforts from Youth for Modernization Vice President Hu
Jintao Wednesday, December 20, called for the Communist Youth League of
China (CYLC) to earnestly mobilize young people to exert their enthusiasm
and creativity towards the country's modernization drive.

When speaking at the fourth plenum of the CYLC Central Committee, Hu, also
a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist
Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that the youth, as the most
active and vigorous force in the country, are playing a more and more
important role in economic development as China speeds up the reform and

The CYLC should guide young people to show their utmost fortitude and
bravery to unswervingly make effort for the country's economic and social
development, Hu said.

Hu also stressed that the youth groups focus on the work of cultivating
skilled young people, helping them improve their professional level and
enrich their experience.

Meanwhile, the youth groups should establish a smooth system for
supporting, awarding and promoting skilled young people, Hu said.

The young people were also urged to be firmly rooted with patriotism,
collectivism and socialism, and have correct outlook on the world, life and

In addition, Hu encouraged the youth groups to devote themselves into the
grassroots of the mass and solve practical problems for them.

Before the plenum, Hu met with leaders of CYLC local committees,who were
awarded by the CYLC Central Committee this year, and the annual ten most
outstanding young people nationwide.

UN to Look into Human Rights Violations by Israel Against Palestinians The
United Nations has set up a three-member commission of inquiry to gather
information on human rights violations by Israel in the occupied
Palestinian territories.

According to a UN press release Tuesday, the inquiry commission will begin
its work soon and present its conclusions and recommendations in an effort
to prevent a repetition of such violations.

"The inquiry commission is expected to complement the various efforts being
undertaken towards establishing a just and lasting peace in the Middle East
by contributing to the cause of promotion and protection of human rights,"
the commission said.

The three members are appointed on the basis of their independence and
objectivity, the press release said. They are John Dugard of South Africa
at Leiden University, Holland; Richard Falk of the United States of
America, a professor of International Law at Princeton University, USA; and
Kamal Hussein of Bangladesh, former Foreign Minister of Bangladesh.

The inquiry commission was set up in accordance with a resolution entitled
"Grave and massive violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people
by Israel," which was adopted by the Commission on Human Rights at its
fifth Special Session and endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council on
November 22, 2000.

Official: Beijing to Improve Public Safety Beijing should give top priority
to improving public safety for its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, said
Jia Qinglin, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese
Communist Party, Wednesday.

The focus of the improvements should be on the prevention of crime, said
Jia at the municipal work conference on politics and law held Wednesday.

The police along with other departments should strive to maintain a secure
environment and social order to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games and to
implement the 10th Five-Year Plan, said Jia.

The Beijing municipal government has focused on building a strict,
efficient, and capable police force to ensure public safety, he said.

The secretary also called on all Beijing citizens to make contributions to
public security by enhancing campaigns against crimes.

On April 7, 1999, the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee formally presented
Beijing's bid report to Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the IOC's Lausanne-based


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Fw: [SWR] Welsh rockers to play in Cuba

2000-12-20 Thread red-rebel

For those who don't know, the "Manics" are Socialist Labour Party

> Thursday, December 21, 2000
> WELSH rockers the Manic Street Preachers will become the first
> western band to perform in Cuba when they play there in February.
> The band, who have not played live this year, will appear at the 5000-
> capacity Karl Marx Theatre in the capital, Havana.
> Bass player Nicky Wire said: "It could be a disaster.
> "There might be no PA or whatever but it's the idea that it is a bit
> of an adventure. It'll be like Wham! in China."

wwnews Digest #206 2/2

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

>arrangement has worked relatively well because the usual
>peak seasons for power consumption are summer in California
>(air-conditioning) and winter in the Pacific Northwest
>(heating). Thus it is particularly ominous that California's
>power crisis has erupted in what is usually the slow time of
>year for electricity demand.
>But overall demand has increased sharply, particularly in
>areas like Silicon Valley, where the computer industry and
>its huge appetite for electricity have boomed, raising
>electricity demand by 14 percent in the last year alone.
>Gov. Davis has nothing to say about this anarchic and
>unplanned capitalist growth. Instead the governor has
>repeatedly called for people to keep their holiday lights
>turned off.
>The Power Exchange is required to purchase electricity from
>the generating companies at deregulated "free market"
>prices. The power-generating companies have manipulated
>supply, particularly at times of high demand, frequently
>causing prices to spike at several hundred times what they
>were a year ago. One way of driving down supply and driving
>up prices has been to shut down many plants at the same time
>for "routine maintenance."
>Some of the sellers of electric power own no generating
>plants at all. They are brokers, speculators like the Morgan
>Stanley Capital Group, which buy and sell blocks of power to
>utilities or other brokers.
>As a result of deregulation, profits for the power companies
>and brokers are astronomical. A few examples: Southern
>Energy's Pittsburg, Calif., plant, purchased from PG&E in
>1998, will exceed $106 million in profit this year, compared
>to $21.6 million last year. Reliant's Oxnard facility's
>profits this year will be more than $90 million, compared to
>$17.3 million last year. Duke Energy's Morro Bay and Moss
>Landing plants will reap a combined $343 million in profit,
>compared to $65 million last year.
>Now the big utilities that forced through deregulation are
>screaming for relief, with PG&E claiming that it is losing
>$1 million per hour. They want a second giant bailout from
>residential customers. And Gov. Davis wants to give it to
>them, despite the fact that for five years they have been
>making super-profits from their 50-percent-above-national-
>average electric rates.
>Davis's attempt to appear as a "champion of the people" is
>based partly on his fear that the energy crisis could cost
>him dearly in popular support. But more than that, Davis is
>speaking for Silicon Valley and other capitalists who see
>the huge increase in power costs as exacerbating an already
>serious economic downturn.
>And while deregulation is the immediate cause of
>California's power crisis, one which may preview what is to
>come in other deregulating states like New York, the deeper
>problem is the system of capitalist property itself. This
>crisis has to raise the fundamental question of how a small
>band of piratical profiteers have come to own the world's
>energy resources. The answer, in short, is that they stole
>A real resolution to the recurrent energy crises will come
>only when private ownership of the world's energy and other
>resources is ended and replaced with a system based not on
>profit but on human need--socialism.
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
>Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 20:28:23 -0500
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-transfer-encoding: Quoted-printable
>Subject: [WW]  U.S. Mercenaries March into Colombia
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Dec. 28, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>By Teresa Gutierrez
>While President-elect George W. Bush was proposing Gen.
>Colin Powell as the next U.S. secretary of state, repression
>in Colombia was intensifying.
>Two people were killed when paramilitary gunmen shot at a
>leading labor activist Dec. 15. A bullet grazed the head of
>the shooters' target, Federation of State Workers President
>Wilson Borja.
>Borja, who heads Colombia's biggest labor union, was
>participating in peace talks between the U.S.-backed
>Colombian government and rebel groups.
>Just a few days earlier, Borja told reporters he had
>received death threats from a right-wing paramilitary group
>that accused him of being aligned with one of the rebel
>groups, the National Liberation Army (ELN).
>In response to the shooting, Colombian unions called for a
>general strike on Dec. 18.
>Paramilitary death squads operate in Colom

Turkey. 1 Fascist Killed and 3 Fascist Wounded. Press Release.

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä


>We the Leninist Guerilla Troops of TKEP/L have assault with automatic weapons
>a Fashist Organisation in Istanbul / Turkey and kill a Fascist and wounded 3
>This is our answer on massacre of our Comprades KENAN TAYBARAN, MAHMUT MURAL
>ÖRDEKCI and countless friends and comrades.
>Last word finished, time is coming to give the fascist state the language with
>it understands.
>Factories, Fields, Political Power, Everything will be Labor's!
>time: 18.00


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Korean Central News Agency Dec 20

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.20.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA song and dance ensemble

   * Kim Jong Il directs newly built medicine institute and syringe factory

   * Jiang Zemin on Sino-Korean friendship

   * Seminars on Juche idea held abroad

   * Japan urged to redress its past crimes

   * Many poems and songs created

   * Computer education strengthened in DPRK

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il presencia funcion de conjunto artistico de epc

   * kim jong il dirige sobre terreno instituto y fabrica construidos

   * rpdc: ensenanza de computacion

   * simposios sobre idea juche en varios paises

Kim Jong Il sees art performance of KPA song and dance ensemble

Pyongyang, December 20 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
Tuesday appreciated an art
performance given by the KPA song and dance ensemble.
Seeing the performance with him were director of the KPA general
political department Jo Myong Rok,
chief of the KPA general staff Kim Yong Chun, Minister of the People's
Armed Forces Kim Il Chol, member
Yon Hyong Muk and vice-chairman Ri Yong Mu of the DPRK National Defence
Commission, generals Ri
Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and colonel generals Kim Yun Sim
and O Kum Chol and
other KPA general officers.
Among the audience were also secretaries Choe Thae Bok and Kim Kuk
Thae, department directors and
first deputy department directors and other leading officials of the
Worker's Party of Korea Central
Committee, first vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Sok Ju, chief editor
of the Rodong Sinmun Choe Chil
Nam, general director of the Korean Central News Agency Kim Ki Ryong and
chairman of the DPRK Radio
and TV Broadcasting Committee Cha Sung Su.
The numbers of the performance included chorus "Dear General, Where Are
You?", a male vocal solo
"Long Live the Great Army-First Revolution", dance "In Defence of the Red
Flag" and a song and dance "We
Will Defend the Headquarters of Revolution with Our Lives".
After enjoying the performance, Kim Jong Il congratulated the artistes
on their successful performance
and warmly waved to the enthusiastically cheering audience.
Then he advanced highly important tasks to be carried out in the
creation of the revolutionary art and
artistic activities, expressing the expectation and belief that the KPA
song and dance ensemble will continue to
take the lead in the work of encouraging the army and people in the heroic

Kim Jong Il directs newly built medicine institute and syringe factory

Pyongyang, December 20 (KCNA)-- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
Tuesday provided on-site
guidance to the medicine institute and the syringe factory newly built by
servicemen of the people's army.
Kim Jong Il first visited the medicine institute.
Looking round the outside and inside of the institute, he acquainted
himself in detail with its construction
and the production of medicines.
He highly appreciated the feats performed by soldier-builders, greatly
satisfied to learn that they have
constructed such a modern institute as to win the admiration of posterity
in the days of the "arduous march"
and the forced march.
He also praised all the scientists and technicians for their devotion,
greatly pleased with their research and
development of new varieties of many highly efficacious medicines.
He said that the scientists, technicians and workers of the institute
should actively research and develop
highly efficacious medicines agreeable to our people's constitution in the
spirit of devoted service for them
and put them into production. He indicated specific tasks and ways for the
implementation of his instruction.
Then he moved to the syringe factory.
He was briefed on the factory before looking round its production
processes. After learning about details
of its construction and its production, he expressed great satisfaction
with the great job done by the
soldier-builders for the people and highly appreciated the feat they have
performed by erecting one more
precious edifice in the era of the Worker's Party of Korea.
He underscored the need to increase the production of syringes and
instillation appliances and provide
highly sanitary and cultured conditions.
He earnestly instructed all the functionaries, workers and technicians
in the field of pharmaceutical
industry to supply more medicines and medical appliances to the treating
and preventive institutions so that
our people may live in happiness free from any diseases, regarding the age
of sixty as the prime of youth and
celebrating their longevity at ninety.
Kim Jong Il was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general
political department of the
KPA, Kim Yong Chun, chief of its general staff, Kim Il Chol, Minister of
the People's Armed Forces, Yon
Hyong Muk, member, and Ri Yong Mu, vice-chairman, of the National Defence
Commission of the DPRK,
Choe Thae Bok and Kim Kuk Thae


2000-12-20 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 7:22 PM


PRESS STATEMENT BY IKM (Committee For Struggle Against Torture Through Isolation)

with reference to the press statement by IKM today, "Massacre of the prisoners"



Sadi Ozbolat, Yazgulu Guder Ozturk and 10 other prisoners whose names are unknown have
been murdered in Bayrampasa

Ahmet Ibili set himself on fire in Umraniye and was then shot dead by soldiers

Hasan Gungormez and Irfan Ortakci were murdered in Cankiri

Fidan Kalsen was murdered in Canakkale

Murat Ozdemir was murdered in Bursa

Burhan Gardas was murdered in Aydin

Mesut Ors burned himself to death in Bursa

In some prisons, the resistance, and also the attacks go on. The prisoners in some
other prisons have been transferred into military hospitals.

They are refusing any form of nutrition.

Dozens of relatives of prisoners had their houses stormed shortly after the beginning
of the massacre. A youth who took part in a protest has been shot and has been put in
a hospital ward set aside for prisoners. Hundreds of relatives and their supporters
have been arrested in front of prisons or during street protests.

Protests In London Against Turkish State Attack

2000-12-20 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:15 PM
Subject: [MLL]Reuters: Protests In London Against Turkish State Attack

LONDON (Reuters) - A group of protesters angered by violent clashes between
security forces and inmates in Turkish jails occupied the London offices of
the European Commission on Wednesday, witnesses said.
The protesters, described by police as Kurds, told Reuters in a brief
telephone call from the building that they were the "families and friends of
political prisoners in Turkey".
A spokesman declined to say how many were inside the building.
Turkish security forces have laid siege to two prisons where armed inmates
have clashed with troops in confrontations that have so far cost at least 19
Police said they were negotiating with the occupiers in an attempt to
persuade them to leave.
A police spokesman said: "They have a history of setting themselves on fire
and that is always a risk when they demonstrate."
Police at the scene said another group of protesters had gathered at the
London Eye, the giant ferris wheel on the banks of the Thames, and
threatened to set fire to themselves.

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Turkey: Prisoners - 2 Reuters Reports

2000-12-20 Thread red-rebel

(Forwarding: The comrades are still fighting on!)

Turkey lays siege to two jails, toll rises
 By Steve Bryant

   ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish security
   forces laid siege to two prisons on
   Wednesday for the second day running
   as the justice minister urged protesting
   prisoners to end armed resistance to
   troops which has so far cost at least 19

 Paramilitary police raided Istanbul's Umraniye prison before
 dawn, accompanied by fire-engines, a bulldozer and armoured
 cars. A few hours later they moved on Canakkale prison in
 western Turkey where television pictures showed they had knocked huge
holes in the
 walls of the prison blocks to gain entrance.
 "There is strong resistance at both prisons," an Interior Ministry
official told Reuters. "The
 operation was re-started from where it left off yesterday evening."
 Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk, speaking to reporters in Ankara,
called on the
 inmates of both jails to give up and put an end to the bloodiest
clashes in years in
 Turkey's prisons, where prisoners often have more control than their
 "This meaningless resistance at Umraniye and Canakkale has to stop," he
said. "I am
 calling on them once again to end their resistance. It leads nowhere."
 Turk said that two paramilitary gendarmes had died along with at least
16 prisoners, most
 of whom burned themselves to death, when security forces stormed 20
prisons on
 Tuesday to end hunger strikes aimed at blocking the transfer of
prisoners to small cells
 from the large dormitories they now occupy.
 Another 78 prisoners had been injured in the raids.
 Anatolia news agency reported a 17th prisoner had died of burns in
Ankara's Numune
 hospital on Wednesday.
 Paramilitary police armed with gas grenades and backed by helicopters
struck early on
 Tuesday, moving in after weeks of vain attempts to bring a peaceful end
to the hunger
 At least 12 inmates died at Istanbul's Bayrampasa prison, where
officials said the clouds
 of teargas used in Tuesday's raid delayed a full search of the jail for
many hours.
 By Tuesday night, security forces had taken control of most of the
prisons, with only
 Umraniye and Canakkale holding out.
 The security operation was slammed by Greece, Turkey's long-time rival
and critic, and
 the European Commission also expressed concern.
 "We are worried," said Jean-Christophe Filori, spokesman for EU
 Commissioner Guenther Verheugen.
 "We expressed our worries yesterday and once again we call on all
parties to stop the
 violence in order to come to a pacific outcome of this conflict,"
Filori said. Turkey is a
 candidate for EU membership.


 The action sparked angry demonstrations in Istanbul and Ankara, where
 remained on the streets until late on Tuesday, clashing with police and
setting alight a
 police car.
 Prison officials say the transfer of inmates to smaller cells is
necessary to break the grip of
 organised crime gangs, extreme leftists, Kurdish separatists and
militant Islamists.
 Many of those involved in the prison protests were jailed for links to
the Revolutionary
 People's Liberation Party-Front, a militant urban guerrilla group that
police said in August
 planned a bomb attack on a military airbase hosting U.S. and British
air patrols over
 northern Iraq.
 Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said the seizure of the leftists' jail
dormitories would stop the
 group's leaders directing other actions. But he warned of possible
retaliation by leftist
 groups at large in major cities.
 "Of course there could be provocations; we've got to act very
cautiously," Ecevit told
 reporters in Ankara. "The important thing is that a major terrorist
nest has been wiped
 out, and that is an important success."
 The protesters say the small cells will make them more vulnerable to
abuse by jailers.
 They are demanding that the plans be scrapped and sections of strict
anti-terrorism laws
 under which many of them were jailed be repealed.
 Turk said the government would not back down from plans to transfer
prisoners to small
 "F-Type" cells, adding that damage from the raids had already led him
to transfer nearly
 500 prisoners to various facilities with the new cells.
 "With the new developments...we have no choice but to open some of the
F-Type jails,"
 he said.
 Turk said he respected the right to criticise the raids, dubbed
"Operation Return to Life",
 but defended them as necessary to rescue hundreds of prisoners with
weakening health
 under the hunger strikes.
 He said 821 protesters, 1

Reuters on protests in London about massacre in Turkey

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: dhkcbureau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Turkish London Eye protesters threaten to set themselves ablaze
>By Kate Kelland and Mike Peacock
>LONDON (Reuters) - Turkish protesters threatening to
>set themselves on fire took over the giant London Eye ferris wheel, and
>occupied the London offices of the European Commission on Wednesday,
>witnesses said.
>The protesters, described by police as Kurds, told Reuters in a brief
>telephone call from the European Commission building, thatthey were angered
>by violent clashes between prisoners and security forces in Turkish prisons
>this week.  Police sent officers in riot gear into the EU building.  They
>estimated that between 10  and 20  people had locked themselves into a room
>on the second floor.  A police spokesman said fire officers and equipment
>were on standby because of a risk that the protesters might start fires.
>"We believe they have inflammables of some description with them".  Staff
>were evacuated and streets cordoned off.  A spokeswoman for the protesters
>said:  "This is a demonstration to show political prisoners in Turkey that
>we are with them and we will be with them to the end.  "The Turkish
>authorities have been murdering them." Turkish security forces have laid
>siege to two prisons where armed inmates have clashed with troops in
>confrontations that have so far cost at least 19 lives.
>A spokesman for British Airways, which runs the London Eye, said 22
>protesters had boarded the attraction and were occupying two of the wheel's
>"All passengers have been evacuated apart from the protesters and the
>police have now taken over," he said.
>A police spokesman said: "They have a history of setting themselves on
>fire and that is always a risk when they demonstrate."
>Police said the protesters who had taken over the London Eye, a major
>tourist attraction on the south bank of the Thames, had threatened to  set
>fire to themselves.  Earlier, a man and a woman chanting "Stop the
>massacres in Turkish prisons!" were dragged by attendants from the public
>gallery in the House of Commons while Tony Blair was answering questions
>from members of parliament.  The pair tried to unfurl a banner but it was
>snatched by the attendants who then with considerable effort bundled them
>both out.
>It was not the first time that Kurds have staged spectacular protests in
>In February 1999, a group of 79 protesters occupied the Greek embassy for
>three days following the arrest of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan in
>A 15-year-old girl outside the building set herself on fire during the
>protest but survived.
>Press Agency Ozgurluk
>In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey
>DHKC: http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc


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NATO Forces Kill Civilians In Kosovo

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: NATO Forces Kill Civilians In Kosovo [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>14:18 2000-12-19
>A serious incident took place on Saturday night in
>Leposavic, northern Kosovo, between Serb civilians and
>Belgian forces from the NATO Kfor peacekeeping force.
>The incident was provoked by the imprisonment of a
>Serb by Kfor forces. The NATO barracks were surrounded
>by a furious group of Serb civilians, who have accused
>NATO of favouring the Albanians and discriminating
>against the Serbs. In the middle of the disturbance,
>Belgian soldiers in the NATO force opened fire,
>killing one civilian (Milan Jokovic, 20 years old)
>outright and seriously wounding another (Mladen
>Obradovic, 19), while a third civilian (Trifun
>Milenkovic, 42) died of a heart attack.
>Meanwhile in southern Serbia, the Albanian terrorist
>group U«PMB continues to launch attacks on Serbian
>targets from their strongholds deep within Kosovo.
>NATO has proved useless in controlling the Albanians
>and the case was taken to the United Nations
>Organization, which has decided to launch a series of
>ìdebatesî on the issue.
>The Yugoslav and Serbian authorities have decided to
>launch a massive operation against these terrorists,
>in case the UNO does not manage to react. Judging from
>past experience, it would seem better to launch this
>operation now, because waiting for the United Nations
>Organization to perform, when unauthorized to do so by
>NATO, is a lost cause.
>The situation in the Balkans can be blamed fair and
>square on NATO. In a gross error of judgement, a very
>serious miscalculation of the situation was made when
>it was decided to enter Kosovo, sovereign territory of
>the state of Yugoslavia, freeing the Albanian eagle to
>fly all over the Balkans, something which 500 years of
>history had been trying to prevent.
>The incidents of last weekend were certainly not
>premeditated murder by NATO troops, but rather acts by
>frightened young soldiers, out of their element and
>too deeply involved in conflicts and cultures which
>have nothing to do with them. Nobody expects NATO to
>understand the Balkans, but nobody asked them to
>What is totally unacceptable is that civilians have to
>pay the price of death for demonstrating against the
>terrorists who are destroying their country and
>stealing their livelihoods.
>Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
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Vietnam News Dec 20

2000-12-20 Thread heikki sipilä

>Ho Chi Minh City Party Congress opens
>Ho Chi Minh City opened its seventh Party Congress yesterday, December 19,
>with the participation of almost 400 delegates representing more than 100,000
>local Party members.
>Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, President Tran Duc Luong, Prime Minister
>Phan Van Khai, advisors to the Party Central Committee (PCC) Do Muoi and Vo
>Van Kiet, PCC former advisor Vo Chi Cong and National Assembly Vice Chairwoman
>Truong My Hoa attended the five-day congress.
>Party leader Le Kha Phieu speaks
>at the congress.
>Speaking at the congress, Party leader Le Kha Phieu praised the city Party
>Committee for its tenacious efforts and determination to record achievements
>over the past five years, thus making the people’s life more stable, helping
>create new incentive for the city to effectively implement the next five year
>plan. He also affirmed that the city has been deserved with the trust of the
>whole country.
>In his report delivered at the congress, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City
>Party Committee Nguyen Minh Triet, who is also Politburo member, highlighted
>the achievements recorded during the last term and affirmed a new quality and
>a correct orientation in line with the Party’s renovation, creating a premise
>for the process of industrialisation and modernisation of the
>socialist-oriented economy, thus making positive contributions to the
>achievements of the whole country.
>Party secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Minh Triet delivers a
> at the congress.
>According to his report, Ho Chi Minh City recorded an average annual growth
>rate of 10.2%, almost one and half times higher than the national average over
>the past five years. Economic structure has seen positive movements. State-run
>economic sector in the city still plays a dominant role in key areas,
>accounting for 45% of the GDP. Private and foreign invested economic sectors
>have been considerably developed. Infrastructure has been improved.
>Scientific, technological and education activities have made important
>progress. People’s living standard has been improved with a per-capita annual
>income of US $1,365. Political stability in the city has been maintained in
>the past five years.
>As for development plan by 2010, Mr Triet emphasised that by that time, Ho Chi
>Minh City must be a civilised and modern city with about seven million people
>with a high level of wide knowledge and culture and with a per-head annual
>income of US $3,000. The city will also maintain the role as a centre of many
>fields of the whole country and be one of commercial and financial centres of
>Southeast Asia. The city, he added, will also maintain the national cultural
>identity and socialism.
>In the afternoon, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai addressed the congress as a son
>of the city and contributed ideas on many important issues.
>State president praises legal agencies in HCM City
>State President Tran Duc Luong praised the efforts made by the Court of
>Appeals, the Standing Office of the People's Supreme Court in the south and
>the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court.
>He made the praises at the working sessions with those three agencies on the
>afternoon of December 19.
>President Luong emphasised the significance of building a socialist
>legislative State of the people, by the people and for the people, so that all
>citizens in the society live, work and study by the Constitution and laws.
>As we have not got many experiences in classifying economic and civil cases
>which causes difficulties in judgment of the trials, so it was necessary to
>study and find out effective solutions to the problem, President Luong
>He asked the agencies to eliminate, by all means, injustice and wrong
>Lao NA chairman visits Vietnam
>Lao National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignaketh and his wife arrived in Hanoi
>on December 19 for an official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of National
>Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh.
>The Lao NA chairman was accompanied by Mr Thongloun Sisoulith, head of the Lao
>NA Committee for External Relations; Mr Bouasy Lorvansay, head of the Lao NA
>Committee for Economic and Finance; Mr Somphone Khagnong-ek, head of the Lao
>NA Office and Mr Thongsa Pangnasith, head of the Lao NA Committee for Culture
>and Social Affairs.
>The delegation also includes the deputy head of the Lao NA Legal Affairs
>Committee, NA deputies from Luang Prabang, Phongsaly and Bokeo provinces as
>well as the Saysomboune special zone, the deputy head of the Lao NA Office and
>the Lao ambassador to Vietnam.
>Vietnam, Iraq boost co-operation
>A signing cer