China. People´s Daily Dec 14

2001-12-13 Thread sipila


FM Spokeswoman: China Concerned over US Planned Withdrawal from ABM.

China is opposed to the buildup of a national missile defense system by the
United States,and is concerned over its plan to withdraw from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.

China is opposed to the buildup of a national missile defense system by the
United States ,and is concerned over its plan to withdraw from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.

Chinese Foreign Ministry  spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue made the remarks at a
press conference here Thursday. She said it is a matter of great importance
to maintain the international system of arms control and disarmament and the
world's strategic balance and stability.

China hoped that the U.S. will listen to the advice from the international
community, and take careful steps on the issue of the ABM treaty, she said.
Zhang said that the United Nations General Assembly has adopteda resolution
calling for joint efforts to strengthen and preserve the Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty for consecutive three years.

On November 29, the United Nations General Assembly once again passed the
resolution, which fully demonstrated that the world hoped to keep the
resolution and its function of maintaining worldpeace and stability, said

She pointed out that China and the United States are important countries in
the world, sharing same responsibilities and interests in maintaining the
global peace. She added, China is always ready to join hands with the
international community for the issue concerned, and hopes that the
countries concerned could find solutions through constructive dialogue.

Chinese Diplomats to Meet Afghan Interim Government Officials.

A group of Chinese diplomats will be sent to inspect the Chinese embassy in
Kabul, Afghanistan, and meet officials of the Afghan interim government
officials there. 

A group of Chinese diplomats will be sent to inspect the Chinese embassy in
Kabul, Afghanistan, and meet officials of the Afghan interim government
officials there. 
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue told the press Friday at
the routine press conference.
According to sources, the team, led by Zhang Min, a senior official with
years of working experience in Afghanistan, is scheduled to leave Beijing
for Afghanistan Friday.
China closed its embassy in Kabul in 1993 for security reasons.
It is reported that a power-transfer ceremony is to be held in Kabul on
December 22, during which Northern Alliance chief Burhanuddin Rabbani will
hand over the power to the head of the interim government Hamid Karzai.
On such development, Zhang commented that the establishment of the Afghan
interim government in the war-torn country is "an important step towards
She also said that China will actively participate in the post-war
reconstruction in Afghanistan.

More Aid to Afghan Refugees
China will continue to provide assistance to the Afghan refugees now in
Pakistan and Iran within its capacity, the spokeswoman said.
The Chinese government and the Red Cross Society of China have already
provided aid to the Afghan refugees.
She said that for humanitarian concern, China has provided assistance to
Afghanistan "through different channels, including the International
Federation of Red Cross" since 1980.

China to Actively Participate in Afghan Reconstruction
China will take an active part in the reconstruction of Afghanistan as well
as continue to provide humanitarian aid to that country, Zhang said
Through joint efforts by different Afghan parties, an interim government
will soon be established in Afghanistan, which is an important step for
peace in that country.
China has always cherished friendship with the Afghan people, and has
provided assistance to them within its capacity, she said.
The ten projects including the irrigation system in Parwan and a hospital in
Kandahar, built by China for Afghan people, have made satisfactory profits,
and are praised by local people, Zhang said.
Since the September 11 terrorist attack in the U.S., the Chinese government
has started temporary aid programs and has provided goods for Afghan
refugees in Pakistan and Iran, Zhang said.
Chinese representatives also attended meetings on the reconstruction of
Afghanistan held in Washington and Islamabad, she said.

China-Myanmar Friendship Highlighted in Yangon.

China will make concerted efforts with Myanmar to comprehensively implement
the joint statement on bilateral cooperation so as to enable the two peoples
to be good neighbors and partners forever and make their friendship last
from generation to generation, said visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin
December 12. 

Chinese President Visits Myanmar

Chinese President Jiang Zemin  made the remarks Wednesday afternoon in his
talks with Than Shwe, chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of
Myanmar . 

Jiang Brings "Pawkphaw" Friendship to Myanmar
Than Shwe welcomed Jiang, saying Jiang h

China. People´s Daily Dec 14

2000-12-13 Thread heikki sipilä

Extracts. Thursday, December 14, 2000, updated at 10:32(GMT+8)

   Premier Zhu Rongji on Economic Issues
   Premier Zhu Rongji said next year China will cement
   and extend its achievement in getting State-owned
   enterprises (SOEs) out of difficulties and SOE
   reform, and attach more importance to the status of
   agriculture as the foundation of the national

   During a recent inspection tour to east China, the
   premier also urged to accelerate the improvement of
   the social security system,and regulate the market
   economy order in order to achieve faster economic
   growth next year.

   Zhu inspected rural financial reform, enterprise
   reform and future development, social security
   system, and market economy order in Jiangsu and
   Zhejiang provinces from December 7 to 13.

   He noted that as the economy takes a major turn for
   the better, the adjustment of agricultural structure
   could not meet the demand of the economic situation.
   There has been a slow increase in farmers' income and
   in some major grain-producing areas, farmers even
   earned less.

   He urged that the problems be solved immediately to
   avoid negative impact on the stability and
   development of China's rural areas, or even the
   national economy.

   He asked governments at all levels to vigorously push
   ahead the readjustment of the agricultural and rural
   economic structure; develop planting, breeding and
   high-yield agriculture suited to local conditions;
   try every means to extend the channels of raising
   farmers' income; further reform the circulation
   systems of agro-products; actively promote the rural
   fee-to tax reform and fundamentally reduce the
   burdens on farmers; and step up infrastructure
   construction in agriculture and rural areas to
   improve farmers' production and living conditions.

   On the Rural Credit Cooperative (RCC), the premier
   said that full play should be given to RCC's role as
   the main force in rural finance and the bond linking
   farmers. The RCC should adhere to its principle of
   serving agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

   The RCC reform has achieved some positive results and
   quite a few problems are yet to be solved, Zhu said.

   The premier hailed as a remarkable achievement that
   China has basically realized its target to deepen the
   SOE reform and pull most of the large- and
   medium-sized SOEs out of difficulties within three

   The SOEs, however, need to transform their management
   mechanism, and raise their innovative capabilities,
   competitiveness and profitability, Zhu said, adding
   that there is still a long way to go for SOE reform
   and development.

   He encouraged large- and medium-sized SOEs to adopt a
   shareholding system by getting themselves listed, a
   move he said will help pool funds, transform
   management mechanisms, and place the operation of the
   SOEs under public supervision.

   He said that every entrepreneur should have a
   pioneering spirit and determination to blaze new
   trails to make a success of their enterprise.

   On the building of the social security system, the
   premier said that it is a major issue that impacts on
   China's reform, development and stability.

   He promised that laid-off workers of SOEs and retired
   workers will have their basic allowances and pension
   distributed adequately and punctually. The central
   government will make public information of allowance