Korean Central News Agency Dec 14

2001-12-14 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (December.14.2001 Juche 90)



Seminar held

Murder of S. Korean professor confirmed

Struggle against imperialism called for

Exhibition of British books and scientific and technological invention held

Honorary diploma and gold medal awarded to Kim Jong Il

U.S. accused of its crimes

Japanese authorities' suppression of Chongryon denounced

Final damming completed

Greetings to President of Switzerland

Destruction of statues of Tangun under fire

For Spanish-speaking people


kim jong il recibe diploma honorario y medalla de oro de peru

declaracion de vocero de consejo de reunificacion de nacion de tangun

imperialismo es enemigo perverso de causa de independencia de humanidad

Seminar held
     Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- A seminar of officials and members of
trade unions took place here yesterday to mark the 30th anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung's famous work "On the Character and Tasks of the Trade
Unions in a Socialist Society." The work is his speech at the fifth congress
of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea on December 14, Juche 60
    It specifies all the tasks facing the trade unions and ways of carrying
them out, including the contents of ideological education and issues of
imbuing the unionists with the Juche idea, leading them to have
collectivism, communist attitude toward labor, hatred for the exploiting
system and ardent love of the socialist system and a high level of technique
and skill and encouraging them to carry out their economic tasks.
    It was pointed out at the seminar that the idea of defining trade unions
as ideological education organizations, training unionists as true
revolutionaries through the intensified education of them in the Juche idea
and building the trade unions into organizations that share the destiny with
the party is the idea of building a mass organization of the working class,
the first of its kind in history.
    It was also noted there that over the last three decades the trade
unions have performed their mission and duty as befitting the transmission
belt linking the Workers' Party of Korea with the masses and its outer
organization to greatly help model the whole society on the Juche idea,
fully proving the justness and vitality of the work of the president.
    Present at the seminar was secretary Kim Jung Rin of the central
committee of the WPK.

Murder of S. Korean professor confirmed
     Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The doubtful death professor Choe Jong
Gil of the law college of Seoul National University was reported to have met
during severe questioning in the CIA in 1973 on the charge of "espionage"
was confirmed as murder by a CIA agent, according to Seoul-based Radio No.
1. The committee for probing the truth about the questionable death claimed
that it had testimonies and evidence to prove it.

Struggle against imperialism called for
     Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Imperialism is malicious challenger to
the human cause of independence, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
article. Imperialists, styling themselves "protectors of human rights,"
"advocates of humanitarianism" and "apostle of peace," carry guns behind
their coats and look for more targets of their aggression and plunder, it
says, and goes on: 
    Imperialists leave no stone untried to poison people ideologically.
    Imperialists' ideology and culture are meant to achieve this aim.
    The imperialists are trying to make the people who aspire after
independence victims of their ideological and cultural poisoning.
    In case they fail to do so, they do not hesitate to suppress the people
by physical force. 
    The United States is attempting to bisect the world into two parts and
set one against another on the plea of "combating terrorism."
    Its attempt at escalating "war against terrorism" serves as a potential
tinderbox of the third world war in the new century.
    The imperialists cry out for "globalization" in a bid to set up a global
order of neo-colonialist exploitation, plunder and domination.
    The realities clearly prove that the imperialists are the main obstacles
lying in the way of the human cause of independence.
    The human cause of independence can make a victorious advance only when
a vigorous anti-imperialist struggle is waged.

Exhibition of British books and scientific and technological invention held
     Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- An exhibition of British books and
scientific and technological invention was held at the grand people's study
house yesterday on the occasion of the first anniversary of the

Korean Central News Agency Dec 14

2000-12-14 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.14.2000 Juche 89)


   * 1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

   * Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

   * Joint soiree of north-south workers held

   * "International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

   * Japan's call for "regional cooperation" dismissed as deceptive trick

   * Probe into death of S. Korean woman called for

   * Guinean President meets DPRK delegation

   * Kim Jong Il praised as sun of humankind

   * Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk praised

   * Korean pro-boxer retains his world championship

   * Grand gymnastic display and artistic performance praised

   * Exhibition of Koryo medicines and medicinal herbs

   * Implementation of three-point charter of national reunification called

1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The first day sitting of the 4th round
of the north-south ministerial
talks was held in Pyongyang on December 13 amidst growing expectation and
concern of the people at home
and abroad for the implementation of the north-south joint declaration.
Present there were the members of the north side's delegation headed by
Jon Kum Jin, senior councilor
of the cabinet of the DPRK, and its suite members and the members of the
south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu and its suite members.
At the talks both sides reviewed the implementation of the June 15
joint declaration for half a year after its
publication and exchanged views on the matters which would serve as a
lesson in implementing it.
The talks will go on.
On the same day, the south side's delegation saw the demonstration of
Taekwon-do instructors and
players of the north side at the Taekwon-do Hall and enjoyed a performance
at the Pyongyang Circus

Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, Foreign Minister of the
DPRK, sent a message of
greetings to Srdjan Kerim upon his appointment as Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Macedonia.
Extending warm congratulations to him, the message expressed the belief
that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the two countries would further develop on
good terms in the future.
It wished him great success in the performance of his new duty.

Joint soiree of north-south workers held

Kosong, December 13 (KCNA) -- A joint soiree of participants in the
north-south workers' grand
seminar for reunification was held on Mt. Kumgang today.
Present at the soiree were members of delegations of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea,
the Federation of South Korean Trade Unions and the South Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions who
participated in the north-south workers' grand seminar for reunification.
At the soiree workers of the north and the south were pleased to share
the will for reunification and
patriotism and have a clear-cut goal of struggle at the first grand seminar
for reunification and expressed their
determination to demonstrate the wisdom and stamina of the working class,
in the future, too and open up a
new history of a reunified country.
They sang songs reflecting the faith and will of working class and
other people of Korea to put an end to
the tragic division and achieve the reunification of the country in the
spirit of independence and great unity of
the nation, demonstrating that they are united in thought and desire for
They intermingled with each other, singing songs, dancing and reciting
poems, stirring up strong desire
for reunification.
Earlier, members of the south side's delegations visited sea-Kumgang
and lagoon Samil in Mt. Kumgang
and appreciated a circus performance.

"International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- "International Kim Il Sung Prize" was
awarded to Dorank
Diasseny Assifat, Minister of National Defence of the presidency of Guinea,
who is also director general of
the African Regional Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea.
The prize was instituted to meet the ardent desire of the world
progressive figures and people to glorify
forever the immortal exploits performed by the President Kim Il Sung for
It has been awarded since Juche 82 (1993) to prominent political and
public figures and followers of the
Juche idea of the world who have ardently espoused the immortal Juche idea
founded by Kim Il Sung and
worked hard to embody it and made outstanding contributions to achieving
global independence and world
Dorank Diasseny Assifat received a diploma, a gold medal and a souvenir
at a ceremony held in Conakry
on December 8.
Congratulatory speeches were made there by Lamine Sidime, Prime
Minister of Guinea, Moussa Solano,
Minister of Land Administration and Decentralization and Security, who is
chairman of the Guinean National