Vietnam News Dec 19

2001-12-19 Thread sipila


Meeting marks 55th anniversary of
National Resistance War

A meeting was held in Hanoi on December 18, to celebrate the 55th
anniversary of the National Resistance War (December 19).

Prominent among those present were Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh,
President Tran Duc Luong, and Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam.

Tran Van Dang, General Secretary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central
Committee, delivered a report recalling the glorious victories of the two
resistance wars against French and U.S. aggression. He stressed that the
great victories of the Vietnamese people were inseparable from the
leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Entering a new century, the entire Party and people are determined to follow
the path taken by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, continuing with
renovation process, promoting national industrialisation and modernisation,
and safeguarding the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr Dang said. He also
called upon all Party members and people to uphold the spirit of great
national unity to strive for the target of a prosperous people, a strong
country, and an equitable, democratic and civilised society.

* On the occasion of the 55 years President Ho Chi Minh issued the Appeal
for National War of Resistance (December 19, 1946-December 19, 2001), the
Vietnam Revolutionary Museum and Hanoi Museum, have organised a display
entitled ŒHanoi Joins the Whole Country in the Resistance War, 1945-1975.¹
The displaying room features nearly 500 exhibits including those on Hanoi in
early days of the resistance war; weapons and tools used during 1945-1975;
soldiers¹ mementoes and the support of world people to Vietnamese people in
the two resistance wars.

* Nhan Dan newspaper, in co-ordination with Vietnam People¹s Army General
Department of Politics held a get-together for people who got involved in
the propaganda and agitation works among enemy in Hanoi on December 18. This
is an activity to mark the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War
(December 19), 57th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People¹s Army, the
11th anniversary of the National Defense Day and on the occasion, the
Propaganda and Agitation Among Enemy Department, under the General
Department of Politics, received the People¹s Army Forces Hero title.

* Also on this occasion, the Viet Minh alliance board of Hoang Dieu citadel
handed over photos, diaries and memoirs of the defense soldiers of the

* The Party¹s Committee, People¹s Council, People¹s Committee and the
Fatherland Front of Thua Thien-Hue province held a solemn ceremony to mark
the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War on December 18.

* The Party¹s Committee, People¹s Council, People¹s Committee and the
Fatherland Front of Binh Dinh province held a seminar to review the past 55
years under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the occasion
of the 55th anniversary of the National Resistance War.

Party leader urges Phu Tho to tap potential
for development

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nong Duc Manh has urged
northern midland province of Phu Tho, the native land of the founding
fathers of Vietnam, the root of Vietnamese nation, to take advantages of its
geographical, cultural, and historic position to develop the local economy
and tourism.

During his working visit to Phu Tho province on December 16 and 17, he told
local leading officials that by tapping such potentials, Phu Tho's economy
would develop faster than other localities.

The Party leader stressed some important industries which could help the
province change its economic structure. He said that Phu Tho was the first
locality in which the Party Central Committee decided to build an industrial

The province is accessible by road, waterway and railway, and has a
revolutionary tradition, and a time-honoured culture and history. All these
create favourable conditions for the locality to develop, Mr Manh said.

He asked the province to combine the development of industry and
agriculture, agricultural production and agricultural products processing,
and actively apply scientific and technological advances to production.
Industry should help create new trades and services, thus generating more
jobs for local people, Mr Manh noted.

He also requested Phu Tho to take advantage of its culture and history by
building cultural villages and tourist centres to draw more domestic and
foreign visitors.

The Party leader asked Phu Tho to continue implementing Party building work
and exercise more democratic rights at a grassroots level.

Phu Tho's gross domestic product (GDP) growth is estimated at 9.5% this
year, setting up a record in recent years, the Party leader stressed.

The province has registered an average annual rise of 4.5%-5% in
agricultural production with food output reaching 357,000 tonnes in 2001, an
increase of 157,000 tonnes 

Vietnam News Dec 19

2000-12-19 Thread heikki sipilä

Party leader visits residents in HCM City

Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu yesterday visited residents in quarter 4
in Binh Thach district and Ho Van Hue tenement in Phu Nhuan district, Ho Chi
Minh City.

This was part of his trip to the city to attend the seventh Congress of the Ho
Chi Minh City’s Party Committee.

General Secretary Phieu heard reports on achievements recorded by the people
of the quarter 4, an outstanding quarter, for the past five years.

He also inquired after their heath and livelihood and praised their spirit of
mutual assistance. He said he wished that the quarter would obtain sustainable
developments towards prosperity and civilisation.

Mr Phieu called on and presented gifts to Cham ethnic minority people in the
quarter and visited Ho Van Hue tenement.

President values Heroic Mothers’ contributions

President Tran Duc Luong expressed profound gratitude of the Party and State
to the sacrifices and devotions by Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and families with
contributions to the struggle for the national independence.

During a meeting with Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and contributors to the
country from the Central Highlands province of Dac Lac in Hanoi on December
18, President Luong inquired after their health and living conditions and was
happy at the mutual assistance of people of ethnic minority groups in the
province, which helped many families to get out of hunger and poverty.

The president also asked the provincial authorities to pay more attention to
the spiritual as well as material life of the Vietnamese Heroic Mothers,
families, and of the war invalids and families of war martyrs.

The Heroic Mothers expressed their gratitude to the Party, State and President
Luong’s attention paid to them. They further affirmed to continue encouraging
and educating their offspring to follow the revolutionary tradition, thus
making a contribution to the national renovation and building a richer and
stronger country.

Vietnam treasures co-operation with Iraq, says president

President Tran Duc Luong receives Iraqi Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi Saleh.

Vietnam always treasures its friendship and co-operation with Iraq, said
President Tran Duc Luong while receiving Iraqi Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi
Saleh in Hanoi on December 18.
President Luong thanked the Iraqi government and people for their support to
Vietnam and expressed the Vietnamese people's solidarity with the Iraqi people
in their just struggle for national independence and territorial integrity.

He expressed the hope that the Vietnam-Iraq traditional friendship and
co-operation would be further developed to their mutual benefit and for peace,
stability and development in each region.

President Luong asked Minister Saleh to convey his best regards to President
Saddam Hussein and expressed his wishes that under the latter's leadership the
Iraqi people would continue overcoming every difficulty and obtaining greater
achievements in their national defence and construction.

Trade Minister Saleh expressed joy at the achievements of the Vietnamese
people in the past struggle for national independence and in national

He briefed President Luong about Iraq's political and socio-economic situation
and affirmed the Iraqi people's determination to continue with their struggle
for national independence and territorial integrity while constantly boosting
co-operation with Vietnam. (VNA)

Cu Chi’s excellent pupils presented scholarships

PM Phan Van Khai presents scholarships to excellent pupils in difficulties.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai participated in a ceremony to present
scholarships granted by the Governmental Office, the Ha Tien Cement Company No
1 and others donors to 400 excellent pupils in difficulties of Cu Chi
district, Ho Chi Minh City on December 17.

The prime minister urged the pupils to learn harder in order to become good
citizens, thus making active contributions to national construction, deserving
to be children of a locality that has  revolutionary traditions and made great
achievements during the country’s resistance wars. More than 10,000 martyrs
died on the land of Cu Chi so that their children can be able to go to
schools, the prime minister stressed.

The authorities and people of Cu Chi have always attached importance to
education and training work. Since 1996, the district has set up an Education
Sponsoring Fund with the participation of 82 donors to help excellent pupils
in difficulties.

The Vietnam Unilever group has announced a two-year educational sponsoring
programme worth over VND 3 billion for the district. The programme includes
providing US $50,000 as scholarships to study abroad to Cu Chi’s young talents
in the 2000-2002 period and building a modern kindergarten worth VND 2.5
billion in An Nhon Tay, a poor village of the district.

Other units such as Kymdan Company, the Association for Poor Patients also
sent gifts to Cu Chi’s excellent pupils.