2016-04-02 Thread Earl Klinker
I think Paul will be there with 1200 sheets of pink foam to sell this 
year.  lol

On 4/2/2016 2:28 PM, Raymond Fuenzalida via KRnet wrote:
> Hello All,
> Who is planning to go to Sun-n-Fun this year?  Haven't heard anything.
> I'll be there Tuesday thru Thursday.  Any meet ups planned?
> Thanks.
> Ray_pilot
> New Orleans
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> see to change 
> options


2016-04-02 Thread Raymond Fuenzalida
Hello All,
Who is planning to go to Sun-n-Fun this year?  Haven't heard anything.
I'll be there Tuesday thru Thursday.  Any meet ups planned?

New Orleans


2015-03-23 Thread bjoenunley
Two years ago I stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn in Lakeland. It is the hotel 
right next to the airport. Phone number?(863) 647-0066.

Joe Nunley
Baker Florida

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

 Original message From: Dan Heath via KRnet 
 Date:03/23/2015  10:45 AM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: KRnet ,CorvAircraft  Subject: KR> SNF 
Anybody going to SNF, who plans to stay at a hotel?  Or, who has gone 
before and can recommend a hotel? 

Dan Heath
Search the KRnet Archives at
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2015-03-23 Thread danrh at
Anybody going to SNF, who plans to stay at a hotel?  Or, who has gone before 
and can recommend a hotel? 

Dan Heath

KR> SNF race

2014-02-05 Thread brian.kraut at

They have finally brought racing back to Sun N Fun.  Here is the link
for information and to register.  There is a limit on the number of
racers then a waiting list so sign up early.

Brian Kraut

Fw: Re: KR> SNF

2009-04-27 Thread

That may be true as the first hour and a half was into the wind and there were 
2 climbs to 10500 and a bit more agressive on the throttle to make sure I was 
going to get to SNF early enough. I knew that the first hour and a half I had 
burned a lot of extra fuel already and was concerned that I would not make KCUB.
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: Re: KR> SNF
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 21:15:10 EDT

just did the math on your first 1000 mile leg and looks like you burned  
5.5+ gph.  That seems a little higher than what I have been reading on  other 
posts to the net.

Todd  Thelin
"The older I get...The faster I was!"

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
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2009-04-26 Thread Pete Klapp


You're right !!!  Sun-n-Fun was a good time. Glad the weather gods were 

In that case, we hope you can make it to our Wings and Wheels on June 6th and 

Fly safe'

Pete Klapp

> From:
> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:58:30 +
> To:;
> CC: 
> Subject: KR> SNF
> Wow what a great week guys and girls,..
>.. I'm all hooped up. I need some place else to 
>go. I have flown very close to 4000 miles in the last 8 days and put about 22 
>hours on N357CJ. Any suggestions? - Joe Horton
> Save $10 on Flowers and Gifts!
> Shop now at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

Windows Live? Hotmail®:?more than just e-mail.


2009-04-26 Thread
just did the math on your first 1000 mile leg and looks like you burned  
5.5+ gph.  That seems a little higher than what I have been reading on  other 
posts to the net.

Todd  Thelin
"The older I get...The faster I was!"

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 


2009-04-26 Thread
Wow what a great week guys and girls,
I left KUKT at about 6:10 on Thursday morning with clear skies forecast for the 
whole East coast. I was not in much of a hurry as the call was for head winds 
so I figured on spending a couple hours with Dan Heath and getting in to SNF 
after the air show. The forecast was right for the first hour and half but 
after going around DC I climbed to 10500 to get over a few clouds and and was 
presented with a nice 10 to 15 tail wind. I arrived at KCUB at 10 am and fueled 
up quick and in short order decided to blow off Dan cause I saw that I had a 
chance to make it in to SNF before the air show. That all worked out great as 
the tail wind stayed all the way down to LAL. I got there with no one in the 
pattern and didn't screw up any of the arrival proceedures. Total flight time 
was 6.1 hours for 1000 miles and burned 34 gals. You can figure it out.
   Started meeting up with guys that were there and found out that I missed a 
few also. Went out to hooters for the KR dinner and also took advantage of Jack 
Coopers kindness for a place to sleep. The next day was the shopping day as 
well as meeting up with vendors that i had questions and problems to solve. 
Nearly all my issues are taken care of and the big purchase was a new Dynon 10a 
for me as they now have the servo's availlable for altitude hold and wing 
leveling slaved to the 10a. Still had acouple hours of time left and that was 
good enough for an impomtu party with all that wanted to join inn. 
About 6 pm we all retired to Dave Stroud's for the Bar b Q that he puts on each 
year and continued to have more fun than a human should have. I heard that a 
couple of guys may have slept in a ditch? Good food good friends and good 
times, It can't be beat.
Jack brought me back around 8am and I got fueled up while talking to Scott the 
owner of the personal cruiser and we decided to leave together to X50 as I was 
going to visit my Mom for a day. We flew together for about an hour and 15 min 
cmparing performance numbers. Wind at X50 was 90 cross at 14kts, right at my 
limit. I got lucky as it wasn't gusty for me but Scott had to try 3 times to 
get it down. All turned out fine. Spent the night at my Mom's and checked the 
forecast for today. Jeez, I must be doing something right, The forcast was for 
clear skies for the east coast again and a 15 kt tail wind to go home. 
I left X50 at about 8 am and under 2 1/2 hours latter I was at Dan Heath's 
hanger. I flew mostly at 11500 to there and burned 12 gal. I spent a while with 
Dan looking over his latest engine install and it will again be a thing of 
beauty and i am confident he will get it right.
I left KCUB at about 12:25 pm and climbed to first 7500, then 9500, then 11500 
testing the tail wind at each level. The wind got slightly stronger with 
altitude but the real advantage was the fuel burn, I stayed at 11500 for about 
1 1/2 hours until i caught up with some high clouds that kept building a little 
higher, over the next hour i climbed to first 13500 and then 15500 and even 
eventually  just shy of 17000 to get past the last cloud and still stay out of 
the DC adiz. At 16500 I could still climb at just under 500 fpm and the true 
airspeed was about 130. The real beifit was the fuel burnleaned out at fuel 
throttle I was burning just lover 3 gph. My total fuel used for the trip home 
was 27 gal. for 850 miles. Total flight time was just under 6 hours. 
I'm all hooped up. I need some place else to go. I have flown very close to 
4000 miles in the last 8 days and put about 22 hours on N357CJ. Any 
suggestions? - Joe Horton

Save $10 on Flowers and Gifts!
Shop now at


2008-10-12 Thread Joseph H Horton
I think that I got my fix of flying in this weekend. I left
Friday morning from KUKT at about 6:20 local. Blessed with clear skies
and a 20 kt tail wind I was at KCUB in just 3 hours ( over 500 miles)
after fueling up and a short visit with Dan Heath I was on my way again.
although by now clouds had built in and I had to stay below which was
only about 2500 ft. I got beat around pretty good and ran around a couple
 rain showers but still with a good tail wind I arrived for my first fly
in to SNF for a total of 970 miles in 5 hours and 40 min. The fuel burn
was good the first half of the trip at about 4.5 g/h at 8500 ft but more
like 6 g/h down low fro a grand total of 36 gal. 
 After having a couple good days of fun I got out of Lakeland
just before 8 am and thankfully found that the winds aloft were in fact a
head wind but very light. Most of the way it was only a couple kts except
over North and South Carolina where it was abut a 15 mph head wind. I
went for the marathon flight on the first leg arriving at KDAN in 4 hours
and 5 min and burning 21 gal @ 9500 ft.  made a quik stop out of it and
finished up in another 2hr and 40 min to complete the 970 mile return
Now I'm tired.
Keep building , I flew over 800 miles today with out a cloud in the sky.
Joe Horton


2008-10-12 Thread
 Where were you in Central Fl? We had a race horse outfit in Ocala for
lots of years.Used to fly into Cedar Key when Lenny's mom was
still using the old station wagonBobby

> Is Lenny, the cab driver still there?  I grew up in central florida and
> did
> all of my flight training there.  I flew a C150 to ceder key and Lenny
> picked us up in the big cab.  When we asked how much for the ride, he said
> "whatever you want to pay me is fine".
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
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> please see other KRnet info at


2008-10-12 Thread Dana Overall
OK a little update with no photos.  I have to get past April 15 and I'll 
throw some pics up.

We stopped by Mark Langford's on Saturday and met him at the airport.  I got 
a chance to flying with Mark in his highly modified KR that I have watched 
him build since it was little more than a boat.  Let me tell you, it flies 
like a dream and when you put the flaps down...well, let's just say they 
are effective.  We had a great dinner out with Mark, Jeannie (sp) and their 
kids before turning in at Langford Manor, of course after spending some time 
in what was the building area of the basement just for old time sake.  
Thanks Mark.

First of all, go to airnav and look up Cedar Key.   On the way Elaine called 
and asked to reserve room number 7 at The Dockside, I'll post the number 
with the pics.  She was told 7 was unavaiable but he had other openings and 
would give us #8.  Elaine asked to reserve the room with a credit card but 
was told she could not..he would only accept cash or PERSONNAL 
CHECK!!  In addition, he would reserve the room via the phone call but would 
be closed by the time we got there...however, he would leave the 
door open and the keys on the tablewe could pay him in the morning.  
I was beginning to already like the place.  To make a long story short, 
Cedar Key has a wide 2300' runway that has water on both ends but is open on 
both approaches. The pics will tell the story...even the Checker 
Cab.what a hoot.  Go there.

We got to SNF on Weds to spectacular weather only to meet up with Brian as 
he was packing camping stuff into the woods.  We literally met up at the 
"trail head".  Luckily, Brian had already made three trips back to his 
airplane to retrieve camping stuff and was on his last load:-).  Elaine and 
I rented and kiddy cart and loaded our camping stuff onto it, tied it down 
with bunggie cords and set up shop.  Elaine drove back to Tampa to pick up 
Adam who was flying in commercial.  Elaine, Brian, Adam and I sat around 
camp all eveningmostly listening to Brian talk to his wife.  "Honey, 
I'm flying home on Sunday to get the pick up the 
airplanethe one I just boughtthe one I always 
wanted.I wrote a 


2008-10-12 Thread troy Mcgrew
Is Lenny, the cab driver still there?  I grew up in central florida and did 
all of my flight training there.  I flew a C150 to ceder key and Lenny 
picked us up in the big cab.  When we asked how much for the ride, he said 
"whatever you want to pay me is fine".


2008-10-12 Thread F Ross
--- Mark Langford  wrote:
> I'm aware of what an F-16 looks like, but not from
> the bottom, apparently. 
> I did four years in the Air Force, 2.5 of them at
> the Ramstein AB missile 
> shop, about 150 feet from the end of the runway. 
> I've seen (and heard) more 
> than my share of F-4s and F-15s, but usually from
> the front, side, or rear. 
> I'm not exactly a warbird expert, but I know a good
> picture when I see one.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama

Your photography was good to start with, and just
keeps getting better. You may want to consider a
change of career. Thanks for sharing. I'm still
enjoying looking at your photos of Germany.

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

Do you Yahoo!? 
Plan great trips with Yahoo! Travel: Now over 17,000 guides!

KR> SNF picture

2008-10-12 Thread larry flesner
At 09:43 AM 4/18/05 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm aware of what an F-16 looks like, but not from the bottom, apparently. 
>I did four years in the Air Force, 2.5 of them at the Ramstein AB missile 
>shop, about 150 feet from the end of the runway.  I've seen (and heard) more 
>than my share of F-4s and F-15s, but usually from the front, side, or rear. 
>I'm not exactly a warbird expert, but I know a good picture when I see one.
>Mark Langford

I don't think you owe anyone an explanation or apology.  The picture
speaks for itself.  Nobody can know everything and you seem to know
more than most.  Get that bird of yours flying.  You best make it to
Mt.Vernon.  No excuses !!

Larry Flesner


2008-10-12 Thread Robert Morrissey
The F-4 is one of the later E models. It has the internal 25 mm Gatling gun,
the IFF system (Identify Friend Foe), the two position leading edge wing
maneuvering slats, and lastly the fatigue improvement wing torque box that
included both thicker materials and Taper Lok fasteners. If my memory serves
me accurately the acft was good for 4,000 flight hours and "oh by the way"
the wing tips during a 10 G pullout were displaced up 48 inches without any
permanent deformation.
Bob Morrissey
- Original Message - 
From: "P.Byington" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 11:40 PM
Subject: Fw: KR> SNF

> Mark;
> The other plane is a  F-16 Fighting Falcon, not sure which  model, the
> is definetly a F-4 probably an E model or the G Wild Weasel.
> >
> Thanks
> Parley Byington
> N54PB (Kr-2)
> Henderson Nv
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Mark Langford" <>
> To: "KRnet" <>
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:51 PM
> Subject: KR> SNF
> > NetHeads,
> >
> > Here's my favorite photo from SNF this year.
> > See .
> > Holding up the rear is "Glacier Girl" (the P-38 rescued from the
> > ice pack in 1992), following a P-51, an F-4 (I think), and another jet
> that
> >> > > --
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Search the KRnet Archives at
> > to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> > please see other KRnet info at
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> SNF news from the front

2008-10-12 Thread Brian Kraut
We sure miss all of you who could not make it.  Weather is beautiful and
three KRs have shown up; Bill Clapp, Steve Makish, and Bob Lester.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

KR> SNF news from the front

2008-10-12 Thread VIRGIL N SALISBURY
Say  HI! to Susan Needham at the Holiday Inn for me, Virg

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:04:00 -0400 "Brian Kraut" 
> We sure miss all of you who could not make it.  Weather is beautiful 
> and
> three KRs have shown up; Bill Clapp, Steve Makish, and Bob Lester.
> Brian Kraut
> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at 
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

KR> SNF news from the front

2008-10-12 Thread Kenneth B. Jones
There was a real beauty over in HB Camping from Monday night to Friday 
morning.  Sorry you missed it.  It came down from Porkopolis Monday and 
returned home Friday (80kts groundspeed) and Saturday 120 kts groundspeed).

Ken Jones,
Sharonville, OH
N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Kraut" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 2:04 PM
Subject: KR> SNF news from the front

> We sure miss all of you who could not make it.  Weather is beautiful and
> three KRs have shown up; Bill Clapp, Steve Makish, and Bob Lester.


2008-10-12 Thread Mark Langford

Here's my favorite photo from SNF this year.
See .
Holding up the rear is "Glacier Girl" (the P-38 rescued from the Greenland
ice pack in 1992), following a P-51, an F-4 (I think), and another jet that
I won't venture to guess the name of.  Where else would you see this flying
overhead, other than OSH?

Thanks to Doug Steen for another great ride in his '49 v-tail Bonanza, and
Dana and Elaine for some good company.  Had lunch today with William Wynne,
and came away a little smarter, as usual.  Had brats with Brian Kraut and
Dean Cooper Thursday night, and the KR crowd Friday night.  It's come to the
point that I don't go for the great planes, but the chance to hang out with
good friends.   Next year my KR will be out there on the flight line with
the rest of 'em...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"


2008-10-12 Thread P.Byington

The other plane is a  F-16 Fighting Falcon, not sure which  model, the other
is definetly a F-4 probably an E model or the G Wild Weasel.

I worked on the F-4 Flight simulators for over six years during my stint in
the Air Force and as a civilian at Hill AFB Utah.  I helped Singer Link
build the one and only F-4 G Wild Weasel simulator , it was a converted E
model, back in 1982.

I had the priviledge of accumulating approximately 4000 hours of simulator
time mostly in the F-4 but some in the simulators of Delta Airlines.

I also had the opportunity to have worked on the first F-16 simulator (while
they were building it)  while at Hill AFB with the 388th.

Parley Byington
N54PB (Kr-2)
Henderson Nv

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Langford" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: KR> SNF

> NetHeads,
> Here's my favorite photo from SNF this year.
> See .
> Holding up the rear is "Glacier Girl" (the P-38 rescued from the Greenland
> ice pack in 1992), following a P-51, an F-4 (I think), and another jet
> I won't venture to guess the name of.  Where else would you see this
> overhead, other than OSH?
> Thanks to Doug Steen for another great ride in his '49 v-tail Bonanza, and
> Dana and Elaine for some good company.  Had lunch today with William
> and came away a little smarter, as usual.  Had brats with Brian Kraut and
> Dean Cooper Thursday night, and the KR crowd Friday night.  It's come to
> point that I don't go for the great planes, but the chance to hang out
> good friends.   Next year my KR will be out there on the flight line with
> the rest of 'em...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> --
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I can't believe you don't know what an F-16 and an F-4 is for sure, where
have you been for the last 20 years? Building?
On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:51:06 -0500 "Mark Langford" 
> NetHeads,
> Here's my favorite photo from SNF this year.
> See .
> Holding up the rear is "Glacier Girl" (the P-38 rescued from the 
> Greenland
> ice pack in 1992), following a P-51, an F-4 (I think), and another 
> jet that
> I won't venture to guess the name of.  Where else would you see this 
> flying
> overhead, other than OSH?
> Thanks to Doug Steen for another great ride in his '49 v-tail 
> Bonanza, and
> Dana and Elaine for some good company.  Had lunch today with William 
> Wynne,
> and came away a little smarter, as usual.  Had brats with Brian 
> Kraut and
> Dean Cooper Thursday night, and the KR crowd Friday night.  It's 
> come to the
> point that I don't go for the great planes, but the chance to hang 
> out with
> good friends.   Next year my KR will be out there on the flight line 
> with
> the rest of 'em...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> email to N56ML "at"
> --
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at 
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at


2008-10-12 Thread Oscar Zuniga
>I can't believe you don't know what an F-16 and an F-4 is for sure,
>where have you been for the last 20 years? Building?

Jim; check your leg... I think Mark was pulling it.  He served in the Air 
Force for years.  As far as the Phantom, there were several variants through 
the VietNam era and if you're only looking at the underside of it, it would 
be impossible to tell which variant you have.  But the profile is 

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX
website at


2008-10-12 Thread Mark Langford
I'm aware of what an F-16 looks like, but not from the bottom, apparently. 
I did four years in the Air Force, 2.5 of them at the Ramstein AB missile 
shop, about 150 feet from the end of the runway.  I've seen (and heard) more 
than my share of F-4s and F-15s, but usually from the front, side, or rear. 
I'm not exactly a warbird expert, but I know a good picture when I see one.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread Joseph H Horton
Looks like a MicroAir in the center top-- Joe Horton

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 11:57:14 -0400 "Wood, Sidney M." 
> There is a transponder, but where is the VHF radio?
> Sid Wood
> Mechanicsville, MD

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
you got that rite,,with homemade antenna of copper foil it works GREAT  

KR> SNF, report from the front

2008-10-12 Thread Brian Kraut
Here is a Sun and Fun report for those who couldn't make it.

Weather was pretty lousy Tuesday and Wednesday and it was pretty gusty in
the mornings, but it has been beautiful since then.  There seems to be a
good amount of more planes and people than the last two years.

Four KRs have shown up.  Steve Makish and Robert Lester came in yesterday
with nice tailwheel KRs with Corvairs from Ft. Lauderdale.  There was one
that came and left yesterday also.  The builder's name was Ken, but I did
not get the last name or where he was from.  He had a Jaibru engine.

Steve Jones came in yesterday with a beautiful white and yellow KR2.  He has
a type 4 VW and a nosewheel.  This is an absolutely beautiful KR and
probably the best looking I have seen inside and out.  The panel is great
looking and very well equipped.  The finish work and paint are outstanding.
He mentioned that the EAA magazine people took some pictures and with any
luck we will have a much deserved article on this one.  He has only been
flying it for a few months and has over 100 hours on it.  I am sure we will
some awards on this one as it gets out and about more.

Many thanks to the KR owners that flew in and were willing to take gathering
flyers to put by their planes.  There are a ton of KR builders and pilots
that are not on the net, so events like this are a great way to promote the
gathering to those that don't know it exists.

Six of us were at the BBQ and we had a good time.  Many thanks to Art Bruce
for saving the day with the extra charcoal.

26 made it to the dinner and had a great time and good food at a very
reasonable price.  Virg made a call to Jeanette so we could all say hello.
She is planning on coming to the gathering and it will be nice to see her
there.  Many thanks to Virg for running the diner for the past few years.

I have taken the torch for the dinner next year.  Any suggestions or
comments are welcome.  Please email them directly to me at

Now back to Wicks booth to push fiber optic instrument lights.  Hope to see
more of you the next few days and next year.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread Dean Cooper

We had 4 KR's show up at SNF this year.  I took pics of the 3 that I saw (I 
heard there was a 4th, but, it left before I could see it) and posted them here:

Steve Jones' tri-gear was being photographed for Sport Aviation.  It would be 
great if we could get the visibility on our plane!  As Brian mentioned earlier, 
Dinner Friday night was great.  Thanks to Virg for hosting.  This trip has 
gotten me motivated and looking forward to the gathering in Mt. Vernon.

Mark L / Dana O - Brian and I looked for you at Margaritaville last night with 
no luck...  

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at

KR> SNF Pics - spring driven?

2008-10-12 Thread Steve and Lori McGee
Explain to me please what you mean by spring driven trim?

Steve McGee
Endeavor Wi. USA
Building a KR2S widened. 

KR> SNF Pics - spring driven?

2008-10-12 Thread Dean Cooper
Steve wrote:
> Explain to me please what you mean by spring driven trim?


For the rudder, he has a spring attached from the rudder pedal to an
adjustment knob.  By tightning or loosening the knob you add or release
pressure on the pedal and, therefore, the rudder.  The aileron works the
same way, except it is connected to the stick instead of the rudder pedal.
Looks simple and easy to use.  Robert actually used the adjustment knob from
a guitar, which was interesting,  Hope this helps...

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread Ray Fuenzalida
Good photos.  Makes me jealous and even sorrier that I
couldn't make it this year.

--- Dean Cooper  wrote:
> Netters,
> We had 4 KR's show up at SNF this year.  I took pics
> of the 3 that I saw (I heard there was a 4th, but,
> it left before I could see it) and posted them here:
> Steve Jones' tri-gear was being photographed for
> Sport Aviation.  It would be great if we could get
> the visibility on our plane!  As Brian mentioned
> earlier, Dinner Friday night was great.  Thanks to
> Virg for hosting.  This trip has gotten me motivated
> and looking forward to the gathering in Mt. Vernon.
> Mark L / Dana O - Brian and I looked for you at
> Margaritaville last night with no luck...  
> Dean Cooper
> Jacksonville, FL
> Email me at
> See my KR project at
> ___
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread Dennis Mingear
He didn't leave much off the panel did he?

Denny ...

Dean Cooper  wrote:

We had 4 KR's show up at SNF this year. I took pics of the 3 that I saw (I 
heard there was a 4th, but, it left before I could see it) and posted them here:

Steve Jones' tri-gear was being photographed for Sport Aviation. It would be 
great if we could get the visibility on our plane! As Brian mentioned earlier, 
Dinner Friday night was great. Thanks to Virg for hosting. This trip has gotten 
me motivated and looking forward to the gathering in Mt. Vernon.

Mark L / Dana O - Brian and I looked for you at Margaritaville last night with 
no luck... 

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at
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KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread Wood, Sidney M.
The 4th KR was parked next to Steve Jones tri-gear, but he left about five 
minutes after we got there on Friday.
Bernie Wunder and I searched for you and Brian at Margaritaville Saturday 
evening also with no luck.. what a mob scene.  Must have been the bar drawing 
'em in.  We finally went down the road a couple hundred yards and got some BBQ 
pork ribs at Johnson's BBQ.  That was some kinda good.  The night time air show 
with fireworks was impressive.
Steve Bennett put on a VW assembly forum every day.  In two hours he built up a 
1.6 L VW explaining everything, hard lessons learned, etc., step by step.  That 
was worth the whole trip by itself.

Sid Wood
Mechanicsville, MD

 -Original Message-
[]  On Behalf Of Dean Cooper
Sent:   Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:24 PM
To: KRnet
Subject:KR> SNF Pics


We had 4 KR's show up at SNF this year.  I took pics of the 3 that I saw (I 
heard there was a 4th, but, it left before I could see it) and posted them here:

Steve Jones' tri-gear was being photographed for Sport Aviation.  It would be 
great if we could get the visibility on our plane!  As Brian mentioned earlier, 
Dinner Friday night was great.  Thanks to Virg for hosting.  This trip has 
gotten me motivated and looking forward to the gathering in Mt. Vernon.

Mark L / Dana O - Brian and I looked for you at Margaritaville last night with 
no luck...  

Dean Cooper
Jacksonville, FL
Email me at
See my KR project at
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KR> SNF update

2008-10-12 Thread Brian Kraut
Just got back home from Sun and Fun.  It was a great show and we had four KRs 
show up.  Steve Jones had the well deserved best auto engine conversion award.  
It is good to see a KR in the winers circle.  I think it has been a while since 
a KR has won.

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 4/19/2004 11:58:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


the con is the top guage lookin inst. above the throdle,  steve, n212kr

KR> SNF, report from the front

2008-10-12 Thread Virgil Salisbury
The KR Dinner was a success because of the people attending, A
GREAT bunch.
Door prize info to follow Brian, Virg

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl