Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of locale users?

2014-10-13 Thread Sophie
Hi all,
Le 12/10/2014 22:09, Mihovil Stanic a écrit :
 I'm not sure what info from update pings is Mozilla collecting, but I
 don't see any private informations there.
 Country of origin, current version and UI/keyboard locale doesn't seam
 like private info to me.
 I'm guessing weekly update pings in LibreOffice are already sending
 version info now, and with IP from which ping is comming you can know
 from which country it's coming. Only thing missing is locale info.
 Anyway, users can always disable automatic update check which will
 disable all this.

You should ask on the private marketing list, I know the marketing team
is following download stats, but I'm not sure they do that per language.


Sophie Gautier
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of locale users?

2014-10-13 Thread Mihovil Stanic

I think they are using RedMine now which requires one more unused account...
Next suggestion, implement one account for all TDF/LO services. :)

Best regards,

13.10.2014 u 8:43, Sophie je napisao/la:

Hi all,
Le 12/10/2014 22:09, Mihovil Stanic a écrit :

I'm not sure what info from update pings is Mozilla collecting, but I
don't see any private informations there.
Country of origin, current version and UI/keyboard locale doesn't seam
like private info to me.

I'm guessing weekly update pings in LibreOffice are already sending
version info now, and with IP from which ping is comming you can know
from which country it's coming. Only thing missing is locale info.
Anyway, users can always disable automatic update check which will
disable all this.

You should ask on the private marketing list, I know the marketing team
is following download stats, but I'm not sure they do that per language.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of locale users?

2014-10-13 Thread Michael Bauer

I'm thinking we should file a feature request bug and see what happens?


13/10/2014 07:43, sgrìobh Sophie:

You should ask on the private marketing list, I know the marketing team
is following download stats, but I'm not sure they do that per language.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of locale users?

2014-10-13 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Mihovil Stanic wrote:
 Is there some way to see number of users using your locale?

Nope, at least not yet/not for historic data.

 What kind of data do you get from automatic update pings?

As windows build includes all languages, and windows users are by
magnitude the biggest part of users (and most linux users very likely
use their distro's version), there's no way to distinguish between
what languages are actually used.

info in an update ping is the based on the UpdateUserAgent string
that's taken from versionrc/version.ini and looks like this for


→ Version used (human readable)


→ the commit hash the build was based on

 Windows; x86;

→ OS and architecture/variant

BundledLanguages=en-US af am ar as ast be bg bn bn-IN bo br brx bs ca
ca-XV cs cy da de dgo dz el en-GB en-ZA eo es et eu fa fi fr ga gd gl
gu he hi hr hu id is it ja ka kk km kn ko kok ks ku lb lo lt lv mai mk
ml mn mni mr my nb ne nl nn nr nso oc om or pa-IN pl pt pt-BR ro ru rw
sa-IN sat sd sh si sid sk sl sq sr ss st sv sw-TZ ta te tg th tn tr ts
tt ug uk uz ve vi xh zh-CN zh-TW zu)

→ List of languages, in the case of Windows build → all (doesn't
distinguish between actually installed languages/languages in the

The BundledLanguages parameter is actually pretty useless in this regard.

However the request is also sent with a HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
that corresponds to the UI-language, but that's not logged anywhere,
so cannot create data from that right now (would be possible to add in
future though)

The only approximation we have in regards to what languages are used
are the download numbers for the helppacks on windows and/or the
languagepacks on Mac/Linux - but helppacks are often not downloaded at
all (either because not available for a language, or because people
just use wikihelp instead), and Mac/Linux has too few market share
compared to windows to be a trustworthy indicator.

So only part we can do is to use geolocation of the requesting IP to
see where in the world LO is used (and has update-check enabled) - but
not in what language the UI is used.

So using the update-check pings, we could evaluate the Accept-language
header to create ratios (but of course no absolute numbers, as there
are no unique IDs and one client pings multiple times, and the
poll-ratio also is configurable) that probably would satisfy the

i.e. it would be possible to create in future reports for
* geolocation
* UI-locale from request-header

but not
* list of actually installed locales
for that the BundledLanguages parameter would need to change or
additional one would have to be introduced.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Number of locale users?

2014-10-13 Thread Mihovil Stanic

Hi Christian,

If I understood you correctly, you already have all data, you just 
didn't setup infrastructure to collect them (IP geolocation and UI 
locale from header).
When/If  you ever decide to collect that data, I don't think real user 
number can diviate much from that.
Default setup are weekly pings. My guess is that very few people change 
that, it cannot be more then 1-2%.
If you calculate your data on weekly (monday to sunday) basis, after few 
months of collecting data, you should know inside few % of statistical 
error what is your user count.

Only big difference in numbers can be with large deployments behind 
firewall (government?), which will block all ping update requests.

Anyway, do I need to suggest this somewhere or open an bug?

Best regards,

13.10.2014 u 14:34, Christian Lohmaier je napisao/la:

Hi *,

i.e. it would be possible to create in future reports for
* geolocation
* UI-locale from request-header

but not
* list of actually installed locales
for that the BundledLanguages parameter would need to change or
additional one would have to be introduced.


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