[LAAMN] Re: [change-links] The myth of fair elections in America

2006-09-09 Thread Jonathan Markowitz
Typical of so-called progressives and liberals, the Collier 
brother's book, VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America (published in 1992), 
has been systematically ignored as a source on history and methodology 
of vote fraud in the US going back decades (to read the first 19 
chapters of Votescam, go to: 

Why has this book been disregarded for nearly 15 years by the 
prog/libs?  Because the Collier's didn't play political favorites in 
terms of which party's election fraud they were exposing. One of the 
(then Republican) Collier's ran for US Congress against Democrat Claude 
Pepper in Florida and experienced vote rigging in that election, yet 
prog/lib Dems don't want to discuss that story. There is no doubt that 
Democrats and Party machinery around the country stand to lose a lot of 
credibility if and when a more complete history of vote rigging in this 
country is given credence. And now the NY Times says election fraud may 
well have happened in the 2004 Ohio election. Well who woulda thunk?

The plain truth of it is, both parties have been deep in election 
rigging for the entire history of this country, while organized crime 
and CIA cutouts are in the wings, covering up the trail before it pops 
up in a newspaper somewhere. Now it doesn't even matter if the rigging 
is exposed in the light of day - look at the Kerry and Democratic Party 
response to Ohio in 2004!. No problem, the CIA doesn't even bother 
anymore to veil it's election rigging operations in foreign countries 
targeted for destabilization and coups d'etat, why should they or their 
Republican and Democratic party sponsors bother with domestic election 
rigging if no one cares enough to stop it. Now the CIA openly brags 
about its kidnapping and torture operations yet like bleeding parrots, 
the prog/libs are content to call it Extraordinary Rendition and 
scratch their Democratic Party hat festooned noggins without a clue as 
to what to do about it.

Most so-called progressives and liberals just smile and shrug their 
shoulders when the facts of election rigging in Illinois in the 1960 
Presidential election are brought up. Of course we are all glad that 
JFK was installed in the White House over Tricky Dick, but is that the 
only measure of political impetus in the 'land of the free and the home 
of the brave'?  It would seem so.
And again, after two frauded-up Presidential election cycles come and 
gone, the liberals and progressives are still mired in the muck of 
Democratic Party control as the current Let's all get on the bandwagon 
and defend Bill Clinton on 911 operation is in full swing (while sober 
questions about the facts about the 911 events are still avoided and 
questionable investigative exposes on the events are promoted without 
consideration that some of the information smells of red herring).

Welcome to the land of programmed political failure of the ignorant and 
stupid. All Hail Hillary for 2008, as the feminist contingent 
gleefully prepares itself to be baited into a sea of house parties 
promoting dead end narrow political platforms and Bush gang operatives 
in centrist clothing, while the police state burgeons and the genocide 
flourishes with DU for all. I still see Gore/Lieberman and Kerry/Edwards 
bumper stickers on cars in LA, their drivers with that typical 
progressive/liberal, deer-in-the-headlights look on their face, 
yapping on their cell phones as they drive their SUV's and Subaru 
Foresters to Whole Foods. As if ANY of the Democrats have any intention 
of being an obstacle to the Bush/CIA juggernaut to unfettered 
totalitarianism and broad genocide (how else are we going to depopulate 
the planet, right?).

John Kerry still hasn't made an issue of the stolen 2004 election. He 
only has one more year before the statute of limitations runs out on 
those crimes. Don't hold your progressive breath. What a fraud. The 
Democrats, our only hope? Make no mistake, the 2006 general election 
will see only those Democrats winning their elections who are actually 
in alignment with the Bush gang's foreign policy goals. The model? Sen 
Barbara Boxer, Rep Nancy Pelosi, etc. The Dems may actually gain control 
of the House but what Democrats will those be?  I say they will be 
Demopubs in collagen and greasepaint, ready to suck the cock of the 
military industrial complex and the national security state like they 
always have.


 Original Message 
Subject: [change-links] The myth of fair elections in America
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 06:20:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Geraldo Cienmarcos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The myth of fair elections in America


The debacle surrounding the Republican victory in 2000 demonstrated to the
world that America's electoral process is wide open to abuse. But as Paul
Harris discovers, the system has 

[LAAMN] Norman Finkelstein on the New Anti-Semitism, Gaza's Darkness

2006-09-09 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi.  Here's an exchange which prompted today's essays.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: Ilan Pappe: Genocide in Gaza,
  Alyah Strauss visits Los Angeles

On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Ed Pearl wrote:

Genocide in Gaza

Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 2 September 2006

Ilan Pappe is an anti-Semite, a Marxist, and in 1996 was a Communist
Party candidate for the Knesset.  He has openly advocated the
destruction of Israel.  I'm astonished that you would give column
space to this revisionist who pulls faux history out of his ass.  And
if you subscribe to Pappe's garbage about Israel, then your
newsletter is no longer welcome in my mailbox.

Please remove my name from your mailing list.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: Ilan Pappe: Genocide in Gaza,
  Alyah Strauss visits Los Angeles

Look at what you write.  You haven't addressed a single issue or
position Dr. Pappe poses in his article.  Not one.  About those you
pose, he is in favor of one democratic state for both Jews and Arabs,
the same position of Einstein and Freud, and of my own upbringing.
Karl Marx was as Jewish as you or I, a brilliant analyst who changed
the reading of history, with no relation to Josef Stalin.  Einstein's fear
for the soul of Judaism being severely damaged is exemplified by your
ill-tempered blast, designed not to enlighten, discuss or debate, but to
close the mouths, minds and spirit of Judaism.
I'll go with Albert.  I honestly have no idea why you waited for Pappe
to appear before wanting off my list, but your request is granted,
with sadness.
Ed Pearl

Norman Finkelstein on the New Anti-Semitism

excerpted from an interview on Democracy Now - Aug 30, 2006

AMY GOODMAN: Our guest is Norman Finkelstein, professor at DePaul
University in Chicago, professor of political science, author of Beyond
Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History. The issue
of Human Rights Watch -- I guess he's talking about Amnesty International --
and then to the New York Times of being anti-Israel.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Well, it depends on what standard you're using.
Throughout most of the world, I think American media, generally, and the New
York Times, in particular, are considered very pro-Israel. I suppose in
certain extreme fanatical corners of the universe, they're considered
anti-Israel, but if you look at -- you know, you take an ordinary incident,
and it's useful to look at ordinary incidents.

Take the case in June of this year when there was the killing of the
Palestinian family in Gaza Beach, and there was the famous scene of the
ten-year-old girl wailing beside her father. Now, there were two ways the
story could have been reported. There was the official Israeli version. They
claim they had nothing to do with the killing of the family and the firing
of the shell. And then you had the version of Human Rights Watch, which is
one of the leading human rights organizations in the world. They sent over
an expert to examine all the available evidence. He concluded that the
evidence was overwhelming that the Israeli government was responsible for
the deaths of that family.

What did the New York Times do? It reported the Israeli government version.
Then it reported the Human Rights Watch version. And then, a few days later,
the Human Rights version disappeared, and the New York Times stated that the
deaths that occurred on Gaza Beach, we don't include as among those for whom
Israel is responsible. Why? Because the Israeli government said it wasn't

Now, that kind of reporting you haven't found in the United States since the
days of the Daily Worker, when it reported on the Stalin purge trials to
take the word of a government against the word of a human rights
organization, and then to simply deposit the findings of the human rights
organization in Orwell's memory hole. Human Rights Watch disappeared. Israel
wasn't responsible. Why? Because the Israeli government said it wasn't

AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to go to this issue of criticizing organizations or
people who criticize Israeli military policy, calling them anti-Israel,
and then there's always the step beyond, anti-Semitic. Your comment.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Well, first of all, it has a long history. Every time
Israel comes under international pressure, as it did recently because of the
war crimes committed in Lebanon, it steps up the claim of anti-Semitism, and
all of Israel's critics are anti-Semitic. 1974, the ADL, the Anti-Defamation
League, puts out a book called The New Anti-Semitism. 1981, the
Anti-Defamation League puts out a book, The New Anti-Semitism. And then,
again in 2000, Abraham Foxman and people like 

[LAAMN] So Pas Vigil Event- Film this Sat.at the LIbrary narrated by Amy Goodman. SpecialMedia Guests and Lots of Giveaways!.

2006-09-09 Thread John Johnson

We're Back!  Just in time for our event this Saturday-
The subject of our event is our great Alternative and Independent 
Media- where many of us go to get informed:  It's where millions of 
Americans  now go, too - disillusioned with the commercial mainstream 
media which have shown themselves to be lapdogs for Bush and the big 
corporations, without the interests of us the people -nor our 
democracy- in mind .
We- you and me - are the vanguard - we're leading the pack -  the 
mainstream media Alphabet soup CBS NBC CNN ABC  - yes they are fat 
cats, but they are also Dinosaurs. Come be entertained with the Real 
Life Media the whole rest of the world is tuned into!
We start with a  30 minute film featuring Amy Goodman of Democracy 
Now speaking on  Independent Media in a Time of War.
Afterwards,we will have speakers from various new media  in the area, 
such as  Joe Piasecki. Deputy Editor of the  Pasadena Weekly, 
Change-Links, representation via video of Air America, LINKTV, and 
DemocracyNow,  Internet,KPFK, and even  the blogesphere PLENTY OF 
-maybe finally, we'll get a chance to BASH THAT BUSH PINATA  we've 
been talking about for weeks!  - Get a bag full of special goodies ( 
that aptly describe the 'Presi-DUNCE, as a local radio host calls him.
Here's the Flyer - LOOK FOR IT AROUND TOWN!( please forward this 
e-mail to everyone you can think of- we need the publicity for this 
event - It would be a great help!)
  South Pasadena Neighbors for Peace and Justice Presents
narrated by Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow.

An offereing of Alternative media with speakers, Film and take-home goodies!
Saturday Sept 9th
South Pasadena Library Community Room--Doors open 6:30 pm

Where Millions of Americans now go to find out the real news : Air 
America, LinkTV, KPFK, the Pasadena Weekly, internet news sites and 
the up and coming Blogesphere! Why is satellite better than cable? 
Unspun news that gets at the root our life today. Meet Special Guests 
and get Take-away goodies.
A fun and informative way to open your eyes and ears to the real 
world of today.
 The So. Pas. Library is at 1115 El Centro (corner Diamond) 
South Pasadena, 91030; Metro Gold Line Mission stop.  For More 
information call: 626-441-1324
Suggested Donation $5. Seniors and Youth $2. Free refreshments!. This 
Event Not Sponsored by the City of South Pasadena nor the So. Pas. Library

Please forward this newsletter - we need publicity for the event - 
badly- PLEASE, help us out in that way for this event!

The truest and greatest power is the power of Peace, because Peace is 
the Will of the Great Spirit. (Hopi)
.Oh, Great Spirit, enter the hearts of the war makers, that they 
bow their heads, and make war no more.

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
Subscribe to our list server. Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(818) 782-1412
Cell (818) 681-7448.


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John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
Subscribe to our list server. Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(818) 782-1412
Cell (818) 681-7448.


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[LAAMN] Another Inconvenient Truth: Meat is a Global Warming Issue, E mag

2006-09-09 Thread bigraccoon
E - The Environmental Magazine August 2006

Another Inconvenient Truth: Meat is
a Global Warming Issue

By Dan Brook

Al Gore's movie (and book), An Inconvenient Truth, is playing
to rave reviews. His laudable project is an urgent message
on the vital issue of global warming. We all must heed the

If we didn't realize it already, we now know that we are
overheating our planet to alarming levels with potentially
catastrophic consequences. 2005 was the hottest year on
record. Think of an overheated car; now imagine that on a
planetary scale.

Organizations from Greenpeace to the Union of Concerned
Scientists, World Bank and the Pentagon, all agree that
global warming is, perhaps, the most serious threat to our
imperiled planet. The Pentagon report, for example, states
that climate change in the form of global warming should be
elevated beyond a scientific debate to a U.S. national
security concern, higher even than terrorism.

The effects of global warming are not hypothetical: waves
are already washing over islands in the South Pacific, coastal
cities and low-lying countries face severe flooding, extreme
weather conditions like hurricanes are intensifying, the polar
ice caps and the world's glaciers are melting, polar bears and
other species are threatened with extinction, diseases are
spreading more easily, crop failures are mounting. We are
standing at a precipice.

There are many human activities that contribute to global
warming. Among the biggest contributors are electrical
generation, the use of passenger and other vehicles,
over-consumption, international shipping, deforestation,
smoking and militarism. (The U.S. military, for example, is the
world's biggest consumer of oil and the world's biggest

What many people do not know, however, is that the
production of meat also significantly increases global
warming. Cow farms produce millions of tons of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and methane per year, the two major
greenhouse gases that together account for more than 90
percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions, substantially
contributing to global scorching.

According to the United Nations Environment Programme's
Unit on Climate Change, There is a strong link between
human diet and methane emissions from livestock. The 2004
State of the World is more specific regarding the link
between animals raised for meat and global warming:
Belching, flatulent livestock emit 16 percent of the world's
annual production of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

The July 2005 issue of Physics World states: The animals we
eat emit 21 percent of all the CO2 that can be attributed to
human activity. Eating meat directly contributes to this
environmentally irresponsible industry and the dire threat of
global warming.

Additionally, rainforests are being cut down at an extremely
rapid rate to both pasture cows and grow soybeans to feed
cows. The clear-cutting of trees in the rainforest - an
incredibly bio-diverse area with 90 percent of all species on
Earth - not only creates more greenhouse gases through the
process of destruction, but also reduces the amazing benefits
that those trees provide. Rainforests have been called the
lungs of the Earth, because they filter our air by absorbing
CO2, while emitting life-supporting oxygen.

In a nutshell, according to the Center for International
Forestry Research, cattle ranchers are making mincemeat
out of Brazil's Amazon rainforests.

Of course, the U.S. should join the other 163 countries in
ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. Of course, we should sharply
reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and shift towards
renewable sources of energy. Of course, we need to stop
destroying the rainforests. Of course, we need to stop the
war in Iraq and drastically reduce the U.S. military budget
(presently at half of the entire world's total military
spending), which would increase, not decrease, national and
global security. But as we're struggling and waiting for these
and other structural changes, we need to make personal

Geophysicists Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin from the
University of Chicago concluded that changing one's eating
habits from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a
vegetarian diet does more to fight global warming than
switching from a gas-guzzling SUV to a fuel-efficient hybrid
car. Of course, you can do both - and more! It has been said
that where the environment is concerned, eating meat is
like driving a huge SUV Eating a vegetarian diet is like
driving a mid-sized car [or a reasonable sedan, according to
Eshel]. And eating a vegan diet (no dairy, no eggs) is like
riding a bicycle or walking. Shifting away from SUVs and
SUV-style diets, to much more energy-efficient alternatives,
is key to fighting the warming trend.

Global warming is already having grave effects on our planet
and we need to take action. Vegetarians help keep the
planet cool in more ways than one! Paul McCartney says, If
anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do 

[LAAMN] 9/28 Los Angeles, CA: Immigrant Workers March and Mass Civil Disobedience

2006-09-09 Thread SIUHIN

Call to Action

This Fall  the Next Stage of the Immigrant Rights Movement begins…

September 28th Los Angeles, CA
March and Mass Civil  Disobedience
for Immigrant Rights  a Living  Wage

This past spring the world witnessed the  rise of a powerful new civil rights
movement. Millions of immigrants across  our nation marched, closed shops, 
work, and walked out of school in an  historic protest for equal rights. 
the struggle to win a legal path to  citizenship for undocumented immigrants
continues, it is only half the  battle.

As millions of immigrants who have obtained legal documents but  still 
to survive know, legalization alone will not lift us and our  communities out 
poverty. To bring the American Dream within all our reach,  we must take the
fight to the corporations that continue to exploit  documented and 
immigrants every day.

September 28th will  mark a new stage in the immigrant rights movement.  We 
demand that  corporate America open the road out of poverty for all workers 
support a  path to citizenship for all immigrants. We will start with the
largest  industry of immigrant workers, the hotel and restaurant industry, in
the  economic center of one of the poorest parts of Los Angeles , the  
cities of Lennox, Hawthorne , and Inglewood .

On September  28th, thousands will join the LAX Century Blvd hotel workers in 
mass march  that will end with one of the largest acts of nonviolent civil
disobedience  in the history of Los Angeles .  Hundreds of people will risk
arrest and  shut down Century Boulevard to send a message to the airport 
and to  corporations everywhere:

Respect  our work, our rights, and our community – now.

Join us and Make History!!
Rally 4:30pm @ Radisson  LAX
Meet on corner of Century  Sepulveda Blvds
March begins @  5:30pm

Reverand James Lawson, Board Member of Clergy and Laity United for  Economic
Justice (CLUE) and a working colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  from
1957-1968, will hold a training on non-violent civil disobedience on  
14th at 6pm.

The training will  take place at Angelica Lutheran Church located at, 1351
Burlington Ave. in  Los Angeles.

This event will be open to the press.  If you are participating in the Civil
Disobedience on September 28th, or even  if you are just contemplating it but
are not yet sure if you will, or if you  just want to learn more about
non-violent civil disobedience as a form of  resistance, we recommend that you
attend this training. It is very  inspirational hearing from a man who trained
so many of the civil right  leaders in non-violent resistance during the civil
rights  movement.

Hope to see you there.

For more  information:
_http://www.september28th.org_ (http://www.september28th.org/)  
_http://myspace.com/september28th_ (http://myspace.com/september28th)   

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

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Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
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