[LAAMN] Venezuelan Government Commits to Resolving Indigenous Yukpa

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Sabino Romero, Yukpa chief murdered by hired killers Zulia
Venezuela 2013]

Venezuelan Government Commits to Resolving Indigenous Yukpa Land Issue

Mar 26th 2013, by Tamara Pearson
[image: Sabino Romero (archive)]

Sabino Romero (archive)

Merida, March 26th 2013 (Venezuelanalysis.com) –  Following the murder of
indigenous Yukpa leader Sabino Romero three weeks ago, a committee of 17
Yukpa met yesterday with the minister for foreign affairs, Elias Jaua, who
promised to make payments so their lands could be inhabited by them.

The payments are to compensate land and building renovations made by cattle
ranchers who are occupying 25 large land holdings that the Yukpa have legal
collective titles to.

On 12 October 2009 the government handed over collective property titles to
Yukpa communities, and on 11 October 2011, then President Hugo Chavez
publically announced the government would nationalise the 25 ranches, with
a total area of 15,810 hectares. Then on 6 May last year Chavez announced
the assignation of Bs 259 million to make those nationalisation payments.

Jaua, representing the government, has promised the payments will be made
within sixty days.

Romero was murdered on 3 March and until now, no arrests have been made.
Two local police have been detained for investigations, then released due
to lack of evidence linking them with the crime.

Last year seven Yukpa were also murdered by cattle ranchers or killers
hired by them, and many more have been injured. Cattle ranchers have
refused to hand over the land to the rightful owners, claiming they haven’t
received payments for the land. In response, Yukpa people have occupied
some of the large farms, and have been violently removed.

So far, the murderers of the Yukpa remain unpunished.

Romero’s son, who shares the same name, told press after the meeting with
Jaua that the Yukpa had demanded the government investigate the crime.

Days after the murder however, the government said it had sent an
investigation team to the region, including members of the national
intelligence service SEBIN, and the criminal investigation body CICPC.

Homo et Natura reported that the Yukpa are demanding a “holistic”
investigation which includes the other seven Yukpa murdered. They also
demanded that Captain Lopez and other soldiers be detained and judged, for
allegedly allowing the two hired killers to flee on their motorbike after
killing Sabino. Further, they requested that two other individuals be
detained for allegedly beating Sabino and his family and making death

The Yukpa met with Zulia governor Francisco Arias  last week, who then
arranged the meeting with Jaua in Caracas. Jaua, previously vice-president
of Venezuela, has also been minister for agriculture, and the director of
the land institute, Inti.

The Yukpa live in the Perija region of Zulia state. The region is one of
Venezuela’s key producers of milk and beef, and there are also certain
mining interests there.
*Source URL (retrieved on 27/03/2013 - 5:57am):*

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[LAAMN] Nicolás Maduro on the legacy of Comandante Chávez

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene

Nicolás Maduro on the legacy of Comandante
26, 2013 — Sabina Becker

[image: maduro-panorama]

The current (and sure to be future) president of Venezuela recently gave an
interview http://www.aporrea.org/actualidad/n225643.html to the
Venezuelan newspaper, Panorama, and shared some remarkable insights into
Chavecito’s illness, his last days, and the extensive preparations that lay
behind it all:

*When Nicolás Maduro talks about President Chávez his face changes, his
eyes too, he swallows hard at times, like a son when talking about a father
who is no longer there.*

“Aren’t there risks of fractures within the PSUV to guarantee this triumph
you speak of?”

We are in the best moment for motivation, commitment to the ideas of
President Chávez, unity amongst ourselves on the politico-military team
directing the revolution, among the most distinguished and recognized
sectors of the revolution, we have a brotherly relationship.

The blow of losing President Chávez has been terrible, tragic. I,
personally, when I wake up in the mornings, I look at the ceiling and think
of him, because every morning I got up with the day’s agenda and that was
to call him. It’s incredible because he’s not there anymore physically, but
that has motivated us a lot in taking on our responsibilities. It’s not
easy, because in effect Chávez is a giant and we are ordinary, common,
run-of-the-mill people. The only thing that can fill the giant space of
Chávez is the people, the other giant. There are those two giants and us,
the articulators of the process which is complex but which will work out

What our people did 200 years ago is hard to find in the universal history
of humanity. President Chávez reawakened it. I remember once, in Lisbon,
Portugal, when we were talking about this subject, because we were
travelling a lengthy road and he said to me: “Nicolás, what happened is
that our people have always had in their genes the glory of the liberators.
No one could take it from them, and that glory was only waiting for someone
to press a button.” It’s like pressing a button for the genes to activate
once more. He pressed the button of the liberatory genes of the Venezuelan
people and that button made it possible to build all the consciousness on
which this revolutionary process rests.

“There are radicalisms on both sides, especially in Chavismo now. There is
so much emotion. It’s a moment that demands responsibility from political
actors. What will be your quota of responsibility?”

Everything, and we’ve already demonstrated it. Remember, since the day the
president was operated, on December 11, we started. Review all the videos.
Between Ernesto [Villegas] and myself, who were the official spokespeople,
we started by sending a message of peace. We knew it was in the hearts of
the people and we knew that the irresponsibility of the opposition, of some
of its spokespeople, joking about the president’s illness, prognosticating
and making fun of the possible death of the president, could have provoked
in Venezuela a “Bogotazo”, a “Gaitanazo”. We faced that possibility every
day, and we came out to tell the people and the Bolivarian National armed
forces: peace, peace, peace.

That day, March 5, we held a meeting because the doctors had told us that
his symptoms were grave. That had already happened in December and January
as well, and the Comandante had always overcome those symptoms but this
time the doctors told us: “It’s a special situation now”. We ourselves had
always believed and prayed to God that he would recover again, because
weeks before we had seen him in good spirits. We took precautions, we met
with the Military High Command, the entire political-military directorate
of the revolution met and we said: “All right, we have to prepare.” If it
happened, we would have to deploy all the Armed Forces, all the directors
of the revolution in all the states of Venezuela, to talk to the people and
make sure that they, in their grief, would not fall into frustration and a
desire for revenge. We were very close to that happening.

On March 5, at 5:15 in the afternoon, I gave the news, that sad and painful
news. I almost lost my voice, and when I was done telling the first part, I
heard a cry, a scream, and I was afraid. I thought: The violence is
exploding, the people’s anger. Fortunately, it was only a cry of grief.

For that reason, when that gentleman candidate of the opposition, whom I’ve
called the Pharisee of the hour, the Pontius Pilate of the hour, started to
mess with the President, we were in full mourning, holding a wake over the
body of the Comandante, Hugo Chávez, and he started talking insanities
about the day of the Comandante’s death, meddling with his family, with the
honor of our Comandante, with the moral purity of Hugo 

[LAAMN] PHOTOS: Palestinian Christians protest Israeli permit regime during Palm Sunday procession

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene
Activestills http://972mag.com/author/activestills/PHOTOS: Israeli forces
demolish Palestinian camp built to protest Obama

March 24, 2013 | 8 Comments

The lie of 'state lands': Whitewashing the confiscation of Palestinian land

By Activestills http://972mag.com/author/activestills/ |Published March
25, 2013PHOTOS: Palestinian Christians protest Israeli permit regime during
Palm Sunday procession

*During the annual Palm Sunday procession, Palestinian Christians protest
permits delayed and denied during the Easter season.*

Photos by: Ryan Rodrick Beiler/Activestills.org

In the annual Palm Sunday procession, Palestinian Christians carry signs
naming their West Bank communities, all of which are cut off from Jerusalem
by the Israeli separation barrier, requiring their residents to obtain
special permits to enter, March 24, 2013. Such restrictions have
dramatically reduced the number of Palestinians able to participate in
religious traditions of any faith in Jerusalem.

Whether during Ramadan or Easter, every year, Palestinians with West Bank
IDs face challenges entering Jerusalem for religious worship. Despite
claims by Israeli authorities of granting more permits and relaxing
restrictions, each year thousands of worshipers are denied entry.

This Easter season, early reports indicate that Palestinian Christian
communities from the northern West Bank had to cancel their Palm Sunday
celebrations in Jerusalem due to a lack of permits. Parishes from the
Bethlehem and Ramallah areas received between 30% and 40% of the permits
they requested.

One individual from the Bethlehem area lamented that while he was granted
entry, the rest of his family was turned away at the checkpoint. Such
arbitrary policies are typical with Israel’s permitting system, which
rarely provides a coherent rationale for who is granted and who is denied,
other the than the catch-all excuse of “security reasons”.

PLO official Hanan Ashrawi was quoted as

There should not even be a question of needing permits to visit one’s own
city…. East Jerusalem is the occupied capital of the Palestinian people and
freedom of worship is a basic human right for all of our Christian and
Muslim citizens; a right which is being systematically and increasingly
denied by a foreign occupying force. The fact that so many Palestinian
Christian communities are denied their simple human right to worship freely
in their own capital city is unacceptable.

Palestinian Christians and Muslims rightly ask why if they are granted
special permission to visit Jerusalem for religious holiday seasons–and are
at that time not considered a security threat–why they are not allowed to
freely visit throughout the year.

The heavy Israeli military presence along the procession route contrasts
with the original meaning of the holiday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus’
“triumphal entry” into Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the Christian
Holy Week. According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus rode a donkey into
Jerusalem, and the celebrating people there lay down their cloaks in front
of him and waved palm branches as a symbol of victory. Additional
symbolismhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_Sunday included
his choice to ride on a donkey, perhaps referring to Eastern traditions
that it is an animal of peace, versus the horse, which is the animal of
war. A king came riding upon a horse when he was bent on war and rode upon
a donkey when he wanted to point out he was coming in peace. Jesus’ entry
to Jerusalem would thus symbolize his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as
a war-waging king.

The Gospel of 
contains this prescient passage of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem: “As he came
near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, ‘If you, even you, had only
recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are
hidden from your eyes.’”


The procession begins at the Church of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives,
also known as the “Palm Sunday Church”, which is located directly next to a
Palestinian home that was demolished by Israeli authorities several 

[LAAMN] Music and The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 9

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene
Hands Off Venezuelahttps://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HOVcampaign
 @*rebeldiaz* https://twitter.com/rebeldiaz rap from El Bronx, NYC, for
Bolivarian Venezuelayoutube.com/watch?v=rKkveM… http://t.co/sZP3TynKvk
 (via @*davidsegarra* https://twitter.com/davidsegarra )

CAMPESINOS RAP y otro muscic


The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part 9March 27, 2013 — Sabina

[image: censorship-worst-thing]

Good morning! And welcome to the latest edition of VenOpIronía, in which we
find out that the Venezuelan opposition is now so Bolivarian, so very
Chavista, that it is now doing exactly what it always (falsely) accused the
Bolivarian, Chavista government of doing. Guess what that

*Not asking questions of the right-wing candidate, Henrique Capriles
Radonski, is apparently the principal requisite which the media who wish to
cover him must fulfill during press conferences given by the presidential
aspirant in various parts of the country.*

So says the newspaper, Diario El Tiempo de Trujillo, which was allowed at a
press conference on Tuesday on the condition that they not ask questions of
the candidate.

With a communiqué signed by the president of the paper’s editorial staff,
José Luis Mazzari Velasco, and published on a full page of the paper, they
announced their decision ot to cover the activity, owing to the fact that
“they invited us to a press conference where we were not allowed to ask

For the paper, the right-wing candidate’s activities inhibit freedom of

On March 13, the minister for Communication and Information, Ernesto
Villegas, denounced the censorship of Capriles Radonski and his campaign
command of the journalists and press crews of the Bolivarian System of
Communication and Information (SIBCI), who were impeded from covering the

It bears remembering that this was not only a veto, but an aggression as
well. Last May, the VTV correspondent in the state of Guárico, Giovannina
Guillén, was assaulted by Capriles’s bodyguards while covering his campaign
in that state.

That same month, the VTV correspondent for Barinas, Janeth Suárez, and her
camera crew were also assaulted by Capriles’s men on a campaign stop in
that state.

*In January of this year, journalist Pedro Carvajalino denounced an assault
upon himself, again by Capriles’s bodyguards and by those of Metropolitan
Caracas mayor Antonio Ledezma, before the Supreme Court (TSJ).*

Translation mine.

Yes, that’s right, kiddies…they’re censoring the news
 *Cero Chavismo en pantalla*, as they used to say during the coup of ’02.
No Chavismo on TV, or in the papers, or anywhere. Only in this case, the
“Chavismo” is Majunchismo. And the censorship is the equivalent of an own
goal in soccer.

Boy, at this rate, they’ll have that dead guy and his bus driver beat in no

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[LAAMN] Sign Petition Nominating Bradley Manning for The Nobel Peace Prize!

2013-03-27 Thread Frank Dorrel

 GRAPHIC: Roots Action logo header 


 This time, honor someone who's earned it!

 GRAPHIC: Sign here button

 Share this action on Facebook

 Share this action on Twitter 

Earlier this week, RootsAction sent out the email below, to announce a new 
petition urging a Nobel Peace Prize for Bradley Manning.

The response was overwhelming. More than 15,000 people signed the petition in 
the first day, and the number keeps rising.

Now, we're taking an unusual step, sending you this special email to ask: 
Please forward this email to people you know and lists you're on, perhaps with 
a cover note explaining why you think a Nobel Peace Prize for Bradley Manning 
is such an important idea.

A lot more signers will be essential to create the kind of grassroots pressure 
we need. That's where you come in. We hope you'll forward this letter now.


Whistleblower Bradley Manning has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and 
he should receive it.  
Let's help make that happen.

No individual has done more to push back against what Martin Luther King Jr. 
called the madness of militarism than Bradley Manning. And right now, 
remaining in prison and facing relentless prosecution by the U.S. government, 
no one is more in need of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Alfred Nobel's will left funding for a prize to be awarded to the person who 
shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for 
the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion 
of peace congresses.

The intent of the prize was to fund this work. As a result of enormous legal 
expenses, Bradley Manning is in need of that funding.

 Click here to help him get it.

The people of the United States and the rest of the world have learned more 
about the intentions of the U.S. government from Bradley Manning than from 
anyone else.

Thanks to Manning's alleged disclosures, we have a sense of what transpired in 
Iraq and Afghanistan.  We have an image of how Washington operates in the 
world, author Chase Madar wrote in his book about Manning's whistleblowing.

Just a few of the results: Thanks to those revelations we now know just how 
our government leaned on the Vatican to quell opposition to the Iraq War. We 
now know how Washington pressured the German government to block the 
prosecution of CIA agents who kidnapped an innocent man, Khaled El-Masri, while 
he was on vacation. We know how our State Department lobbied hard to prevent a 
minimum wage increase in Haiti, the hemisphere's poorest nation.

Manning revealed a secret U.S. war in Yemen, U.S. records of massive civilian 
deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, video of a U.S. helicopter attack on civilians 
and their rescuers in Baghdad, and facts about the corruption of numerous 
governments including those of the United States, Tunisia, and Egypt.  In those 
last two nations Manning's revelations contributed to nonviolent pro-democracy 

 While Manning sits in prison under dire conditions, we can let the Nobel 
committee know that we support his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Among the revelations made by Manning through WikiLeaks is the extent of time 
and energy the U.S. State Department puts into marketing U.S. weapons to the 
world's governments.  We all have a better understanding of the work that is 
needed for peace as a result of this exposure of diplomacy as consisting so 
greatly of weapons selling.

The Guardian newspaper and BBC Arabic detailed last week how the United States 
armed and trained Iraqi police commando units that ran torture centers and 
death squads.  Maggie O'Kane, executive producer of the documentary, said: I 
hope this film will be a legacy that actually says, 'If you want to go to war, 
this is what war means. It means 14-year-old boys being hung up and tortured. 
It means men being turned on spits. And that's called counter-insurgency.'  
This would not be coming to light if it hadn't been for Bradley Manning.

 Let's help someone who's earned it to 

[LAAMN] Fwd: food justice news march 27

2013-03-27 Thread John A Imani
-- Forwarded message --
From: Frank Tamborello fr...@hungeractionla.org
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:59 PM
Subject: food justice news march 27
To: food-advoca...@aumlist.com

*To All Those Interested in Food and Justice... *

* *

A (usually) weekly update on food issues, promoting access to sufficient,
affordable, healthy food ---with a focus on campaigns you can become active

*Follow us *on Twitter @HungerActionLA . Welcome to all the new people on
the list: please respond to fr...@hungeractionla.org if you wish to use a
different e mail or be removed

Like our new Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hunger-Action-Los-Angeles/133467296826961 ,
replacing the old, rickety page that gave people access to my private

** **

** **

*March 27, 2013:  *

* *

***1. Hunger Action LA Training April 26: Let’s End the
Criminalization of Poverty *

***2. Cornerstone Theater Presents “Lunch Lady Courage” March
28-April 13  *

***3. How WIC (Temporarily At Least) Beat The
Sequester  *

***4. The “Monsanto Protection Act” : US Congress Caves In To GE
Food Pushers*

***5. Homeless Vet Ticketed Over A Donut In The

***6. Advocates Call for Restoration of

***7. Minnesota Launches Fruit and Vegetable Incentive

***8. Healthy Food Just Ain’t Our

***9. Support Sick Days for

**Fighting for Living Wage in DC***

** **


* *

*1. Hunger Action LA Training April 26: Let’s End the Criminalization of

** **

The next HALA Monthly Meeting, Friday April 26 at LAANE , 464 S Lucas, from
10 am to 12 noon will be a training on the current California proposals
aimed at ending the criminalization of poverty, including but not limited
to AB 5 (the Homeless Bill of Rights) and SB 283 (the Successful Re-Entry
and Access to Jobs bill). The training will not just cover bill
information, but how to successfully communicate with your public
officials, the media, and your friends and neighbors about important issues
such as these.

SB 283 has a Facebook page you should check out:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Successful-Re-entry-SB-283/227210493968835 **

** **


** **

*2. Cornerstone Theater Presents “Lunch Lady Courage” March 28-April 13*

* *

From our colleague Elizabeth Medrano of the Healthy School Food Coalition:
“I would like to invite, to encourage you, to go see “Lunch Lady Courage,”
a play by Cornerstone Theater Company.

** **

“In the fall of 2012 I met Peter Howard from Cornerstone and shared about
the work we do on school food policy in LAUSD.  He came with me to schools
to meet parents. Then he followed me, notebook and pen in hand to meetings
with teachers and Cafeteria visits. The idea was to have a deeper
understanding about school food, to talk about it and to share it with
others through theater. It is such an honor and delight to see school food
and cafeterias as a central focus of this play, the third in The Hunger
Cycle Plays by Cornerstone.”

** **

“This play not only elevates the conversation about school food, but it
educates the audience and brings about the varied complex perspectives
school folk, and others, have about food, nutrition and health.  In
addition, this play has the direct participation of students as most of the
cast are LA High School for the Arts (LAHSA) students! What a great and
appealing combo— school food, youth and art! What a taste!”

** **

“TELL EVERYONE you know and COME OUT together to the Cocoanut Grove Theater
at the Robert F. Kennedy Campus.”

** **

THE PLAY: When Ana, aka Lunch Lady Courage, arrives at an urban campus with
her food cart of healthy “Grab n Go” meals, she doesn’t expect to find a
shadow economy. Donuts and candy sales raise funds for student clubs, an
enterprising student peddles homemade tortas from his backpack, and a
teacher sells Hot Cheetos to pay for classroom necessities.Inspired by
Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and her Children and the people working and
learning in Los Angeles schools, Lunch Lady Courage explores what happens
when one cafeteria worker battles for the future and health of her own
children, and the hundreds she serves every day.

** **


March 28, 2013 – April 13, 2013   Thursdays – Saturdays @ 7:30 PM

Student Performances:   Wednesdays –April 3  April 10 @ 4:30 p.m.

*Location:*  Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools – Cocoanut Grove Theatre***

701 S. Catalina St.  Los Angeles, CA 90005

Tickets and More Details about Parking, etc:



2013-03-27 Thread Frank Dorrel






Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Program at 7:00 PM - Refreshments at 6:30 PM 

At Friends Meeting Hall   

1440 Harvard Street, Santa Monica 90404


At the forum, anti- nuclear activist leaders will lead a broad and very
personal discussion touching on Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima,
Diablo Canyon and current efforts to shut San Onofre.


This Free Forum will take place the eve before the anniversary of the March
28, 1979 Three Mile Island near meltdown.


The Activist Support Circle is an ongoing open support group for progressive
activists that started in February, 2005 to help guard against activist
burnout, and to provide an opportunity for activists to share their activist
related fears and frustrations, as well as their hopes and aspirations in a
safe and supportive environment. 


For Further Information Contact Jerry Rubin: 310-399-1000 or:






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[LAAMN] Peasant Reserve Zones in Colombia: Between Magical Realism and Revolutionary Praxis

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene
   [image: PM 
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» Peasant Reserve Zones in Colombia: Between Magical Realism and
Revolutionary Praxis
Peasant Reserve Zones in Colombia: Between Magical Realism and
Revolutionary Praxis
 Nazih Richani https://nacla.org/nacla-bloggers#Nazih
Cuadernos Colombianos https://nacla.org/node/7328
March 27, 2013
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The three thousand peasants that participated in the third encounter of the
National Association of Peasant Reserve Zones, which took place in San
Vicente del Caguán in the department of Caquetá last Friday, were an
important impetus to the FARC’s proposal of expanding these reserved zones
from 830,000 hectares to 9.5 millions hectares. FARC’s proposal and this
meeting demonstrate the dialectics between the negotiation in Havana and
the popular mobilization—a rare phenomena in a peace negotiation processes.
Such an example must be seen within the context of involving a wider
cross-section of intellectuals, experts, and organizations into the talks.
The National University and UNDP has achieved this by collecting proposal
and inquiries about the agrarian question. The same format will be followed
before commencing negotiation for the second item on the agenda in early
April: Political
During the previous peace negotiations that took place in 1998-2002, the
FARC also called for participation but without a clear agenda like the one
that was defined this time around by the warring parties. Now, the creation
of Peasant Reserve Zones would mean expanding the areas of agricultural
production to an area that is less than 4 million hectares, including
permanent crops.

[image: 1629] Photo Credit: Transnational Institute

If the expansion of reserved zones with legal, cultural, environmental, and
economic protection against big capital ever becomes a reality, it will
chart a new path of development based on the peasant small economy where by
Magical Realism and revolutionary praxis create a new reality setting a
global example for development. The challenges, however, are enormous.
Alonso Lozano, a participant in the mentioned encounter and peasant leader
of the Patriotic
took place in 2012 to bring attention to social and agrarian issues,
was kidnapped and his whereabouts are unknown as of this writing. Another
peasant leader, Gustavo Adolfo Pizo García, was
March 25. As president of the Association of Peasant Workers of Totoró
(Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del Totoró) Pizo García was active
in the creation and expansion of the Peasant Reserved Zones in the
department of Cauca. Disappearing and killing peasant leaders have been
standard operating procedure of state agents and their allies
(paramilitaries and large landowners) since the early 1920s. Between
January and September 2012, 37 human rights activists, most of whom were
peasant leaders according to United Nation Human Right Commissioner Office,
were killed. On an even more troubling note, between 2006 and 2011, 71
peasant leaders were killed as well. The expansion, or not, of the Peasant
Reserved zones will be determined by the violent dialectic between Magic
Realism and revolutionary praxis.


*Nazih Richani is the Director of Latin American studies at Kean
University. He blogs at

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[LAAMN] Fw: South Dakota tribes file lawsuit over removal of Native American children from homes

2013-03-27 Thread Romi Elnagar

South Dakota tribes file lawsuit over removal of Native American children from
Dakota routinely violates the federal law governing foster care and adoptions
for American Indian children by holding improper hearings after children are
removed from homes, two tribes allege in a lawsuit filed Thursday. The Oglala
Sioux and Rosebud Sioux Tribes, along with three Native American parents, filed
the lawsuit in federal court in Rapid City, alleging the state is violating the
Indian Child Welfare Act. The lawsuit is part of an ongoing dispute about
Native American children in foster care in South Dakota.
Native American artists take back the headdress
When Dyani
White Hawk Polk asked a group of artists for work for her exhibition Make
it Pop, she was looking for contemporary pieces responding to issues of
the day. We've had somber exhibits, politically driven, fine art,
says White Hawk Polk, sitting at her desk in All My Relations Gallery. I
wanted this to feel more playful and cutting edge, something that really speaks
to our youth and people interested in pop culture as well as fine art

AP: Tribe: Nevada coal plant falsified pollution data
Representatives of an Indian tribe fighting to force the
closure of a coal-fired power plant outside Las Vegas said Wednesday they
uncovered evidence that from 2006 to 2011, the state's dominant electric
utility submitted phony reports to the state about pollution levels
near the plant, and avoided any penalty when the problem was discovered. Moapa
Band of Paiute Indians President William Anderson accused NV Energy of
deceiving the state and the tribe's approximately 320 members by submitting
false reports to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection about airborne
pollution levels near the Reid Gardner Generating Station. 
NSF: Native
Americans Trained to Address Environmental Problems on Their Lands
Native Americans
are disproportionately vulnerable to the varied impacts of climate change on
natural resources. Why? Because the livelihoods and cultures of Native
Americans are, in many ways, inextricably linked to their natural resources.
Indian Model Schools charter revoked in Oakland
of the American Indian Model Schools hold signs before the start of a Oakland
Unified School District special meeting to pull the charter of the American
Indian Model Schools in Oakland, Calif., on Wednesday, March 20, 2013.

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[LAAMN] Marxists and Morality

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene

Marxists and Morality http://www.marxist.com/marxists-and-morality.htm
Written by Marie FrederiksenWednesday, 27 March 2013
[image: Print] http://www.marxist.com/marxists-and-morality/print.htm[image:

http://www.marxist.com/images/stories/art/delacroix_liberty.jpgWhat is
moral and what is amoral in the struggle for the transformation of society?
75 years ago Leon Trotsky wrote his masterpiece *Their Morals and
*, in which he explained that morality is one of the key ideological
components in the class struggle.

[image: delacroix
*Liberty Leading the People* a painting by Eugène Delacroix commemorating
the July Revolution of 1830. A woman personifying Liberty leads the people
forward over the bodies of the fallen, holding the flag of the French
Revolution in one hand and brandishing a bayonetted musket with the other“The
ruling class forces its ends upon society and habituates it into
considering all those means which contradict its ends as immoral. That is
the chief function of official morality. It pursues the idea of the
“greatest possible happiness” not for the majority but for a small and ever
diminishing minority. Such a regime could not have endured for even a week
through force alone. It needs the cement of morality.” (Leon Trotsky, *Their
Morals and Ourshttp://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1938/morals/morals.htm
**, *1938)

The class struggle cannot be reduced to a question of mere economics and
that is why Marxism deals with all spheres of life. Capitalism today finds
itself in an organic crisis. It is an economic crisis based on the fact
that capitalism as a system cannot take production forward. We have
millions who are unemployed while factories and machines are standing
still. And this is happening not because we do not need what could be
produced, but because the capitalists cannot sell everything that the
system has the capacity to produce and therefore cannot create enough
profit for the capitalist class.

This crisis in the economy leads to a general crisis in society and a
crisis in the regimes that govern society – state corruption, political
scandals, sex scandals in the church and the illegal intrusion by the media
into people’s private lives. In short, the crisis in the economy is also
expressed as a crisis of morality.

Open the papers any day in any western country and you will find someone
moaning about the lack of morality in society. In Denmark the government is
planning to cut student grants and to prepare the ground for this attack
the students are portrayed as being greedy and selfish. There is also a
constant campaign about “social fraud” aimed at stigmatising all those who
are on the dole.

And when young people’s anger and frustration come to the surface and leads
to street protests, there is a hue and cry about the end of morality, as
was the case during the riots in Britain in the summer of 2011. “Look at
all the cars burned and shops plundered!” they cry.

As Marxists we do not believe that looting and burning cars is the way to
solve the problems of the youth. It does not change anything – quite the
opposite. However, we do not add our voices to those who simply complain
about the “unruly” youth. Our task is neither to weep nor laugh, but to
understand. We first ask the question: what lies behind these outbursts of
anger and violence?

Beneath the surface we see the building up of an enormous frustration with
a society that discriminates between the haves and have-nots, a society
that offers no future for a whole generation. And secondly we have to ask:
who are these moral hypocrites who moan about the lack of morality? The top
layers of this society are rotten to the core. Every day in the same papers
you see one scandal after another involving the Establishment.

In 2009 we had the scandal of British MPs who had claimed large amounts of
public money as “expenses” to refurbish luxury flats, pay for non-existent
premises and even repair moats around castles! In Spain, the ruling party
PP is now involved in a corruption scandal. Not to speak of the Spanish
royal family. While massive attacks were being carried out on the Spanish
working class, King Juan Carlos was on a £20,000safari in Africa hunting
elephants (a protected species).

In Britain the media itself has also been exposed as being completely
rotten. They hacked the mobile phone of a murdered teenage girl, bribed
police officers, and suborned and blackmailed the holders of the Highest
Office in the Land. And then we have the bankers and finance speculators
who literally make money by cheating people.

In the light of all this, it is easy to see that those who cry out about
the amorality of a 

[LAAMN] . A visualization of all documented drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004

2013-03-27 Thread Cort Greene
Out of Sight, Out of Mind. A visualization of all documented drone strikes
in Pakistan since 2004. http://fb.me/2DCFE0A9A  http://t.co/Gse2t1jKT0

click on url:


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[LAAMN] Fw: Fwd: Memphis will host its KKK rally on March 30!!

2013-03-27 Thread Romi Elnagar

- Forwarded Message -
From: V Alba panama.a...@gmail.com


(NOEL - THATNational  Emergency Center for Police Brutality and Racist 
Attacks that I spoke about in 2009 might be acted upon now)

fyi  From Mary Neal and FB friends

 NAACP and Sons of Confederate Veterans shook hands and agreed to ignore the 
Klan rally in Memphis on March 30. Brother Lorenzo and others 
disagree. The Memphis Black Autonomy Federation and Ida B. Wells 
Coalition Against Racism and Police Brutalitydecided to hold an an anti-rally. 
A fugitive warrant was issued for Bro. Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervinfrom a past protest 
(12 years ago in Nashville), which seems to be a 
ploy to get him out of the way and behind bars while the Klan holds its 
rally. A difficult situation.

brief biography for Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, former Black Panther Party 
member and internationally known freedom fighter, is available in 
BuggStories blog at the link below. The article gives information on the 
criminal charges lodged 12 years ago that gave rise to the fugitive 
warrant that may be used to punish Ervin for organizing people against 
police violence in Memphis and for planning the anti-Klan rally for 
March 30.

This harassment is coming now in order to disrupt  the Anti-Klan Protest on 
March 30 that the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation initiated, with the 
creation of  the Ida B. Wells Coalition Against Racism and Police 
Brutality.The mayor and the police think that if they arrest Lorenzo, 
that will stop the protest. It will not.

 Here 's what you can do to help. Complain to the police and the mayor about 
our harassment:

 1. Call Memphis Police Department Director Toney Armstrong at (901)636-3700.
2, Email your complaint to the police at m...@memphispolice.org.
3. Call Memphis Mayor A C Wharton, (901)636-6000.
4. Email your complaint to Wharton at ma...@memphistn.gov. 

Love and struggle,
JoNina and Lorenzo Ervin
Acting Chair and Acting Vice Chair (respectively)
Memphis Black Autonomy Federation
One can tweet the Memphis Police Department at @mpdMemphis. They have not 
tweeted since 2009, but the Twitter account is open at 
https://twitter.com/mpdMemphis .

Additional articles in the Memphis Klan rally series include:


1. Memphis Hosts KKK Rally March 30

2. Memphis Anti-Klan Protest March 30


Vicente Panama' Alba
Tel # 917 626 5847

Lets Be Realistic
Lets Do The Impossible
Ernesto Che Guevara 

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[LAAMN] Which anti Citizen Legislation does your Phone habits support?

2013-03-27 Thread scotpeden

I got my CREDO mobile phone bill today, and in it was the accounting for
the yearly donations they made, using money we gave them for our phone

Last year it was $2,841,754, towards causes or organizations, we the
customers told them we wanted the donations to go to.

Since I left ATT over them using money I gave them for service, to get
legislation approved to spy on me, and then sell my information to not
only other corporations, but to the government, I took a hard look at, did
I need their service at all? A cell phone is not essential for me, but it
did increase my ability to make money.

Last year ATT Political influence spending was down to about 23.5 million
from about 26 Million. They are the 10th largest Investor in donations

Here are the politicians that DIRECTLY BENEFIT form approving favorable
legislation for ATT, as they are Share Holders.

Verizon on the other hand, only ranks #14 in those who use Tax Deductible
Donations as a way to influence legislation, and of course they get that
money from their customers too.


Since they were backing the same spying on Americans that ATT was, I
surely wasn't just going to go with the lesser of the evils, as a few of
us are aware, the lesser of evils, IS ALSO EVIL. I wasn't interesting in
forwarding the agenda of EVIL agasint my own best interests.

Even more Federal Politicians own shares of Verizon and profit from
everything Verizon profits from, in legislation approved by the
shareholders, er I mean the Federal Politicains.

Of our 300 or so Federal Politicians, 85 of them profit directly by
favorable legislation for these 2 companies. None of that profits us on
the other hand, we are the ones that supply the money for their profits,
whether we want to or not.

CREDO/Working Assets on the other hand, ranks 262 of 20,968 political
contributors, and even then... those donations were from Working Assets
employees, not the company themselves. 0 Politicians own shares of Credo.

So if they aren't funding the DNC or the RNC who are they funding?

And how do they decide who to fund? They ask their members what percentage
of the donations they want to go to the areas WE recommended.


OK, so the Credo 2.8 million dollars isn't much agasint the combined 40
million a year from Verizon and ATT.

But I helped to defund ATT by leaving them, and I enabled Credo to use
much of that amount in a manner I am happier with, not 100% but it's not
100% angry as I am with ATT and Verizon, that's for sure!

I feel better, not having to look at spying legislation agasint you and I,
and knowing, I'm helping to fund that.

Your choice.

A disclaimer. Credo uses Sprint, and Verizon as a roll over.

Nope,. it's not perfect, but it is a vast improvement over what my money
financed 1.5 years ago when I was still with ATT.

If you've got other ideas how to use our consumer dollars to defund those
who invest the profits from us, agasint our own best interests, or invest
them in those that do represent what we want, please share them.


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[LAAMN] Commemorating Palestinian Land Day in Los Angeles ~ Demonstration Outside the Israeli Consulate ~ Friday, March 29th, 3:00 to 7:00 PM ~ 11766 Wilshire Blvd, West LA ~ Sponsored by: Al-Awda Los

2013-03-27 Thread Frank Dorrel
Commemorating Palestinian Land Day in Los Angeles


Please join Al-Awda Los Angeles/Orange County/Riverside and San Diego
chapters in commemorating DAY of the LAND. It is our duty to continue the
struggle until all Palestinians get their complete, unequivocal, and
indisputable rights. We will have a demonstration in front of the Israeli
Join Us Commemorating Palestinian DAY of the LAND!

WHEN: This Friday March 29th - 3:00 to 7:00 PM

WHERE: Outside Israeli Consulate - 11766 Wilshire Blvd, West Los Angeles
90025 - (West of Barrington Ave. and East of Bundy Dr.)

SPONSORED BY: Al-Awda Los Angeles/Orange County/Riverside and San Diego

FACEBOOK EVENT RSVP:  www.facebook.com/events/269308646535702  


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