[LAAMN] 5/24: SOS going to Garden Grove

2006-05-23 Thread SIUHIN
SOS going to Garden Grove  5/24
CCIR Proudly Presents...

PLACE: Women's Club - 9501 Chapman Avenue at  Gilbert, Garden Grove, 
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, May 24,  2006
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
ADMISSION: Free (Members) -- Non-members:  $5.00

California Assembly Candidate - 67th District  
Jim Silva -- Former Huntington Beach Councilman and Mayor and currently an  
Orange County Supervisor, he helped restore funding and positions to the Orange 
 County Veterans Service offices, helped lead the County out of a financial  
bankruptcy crisis, saving the County $512 million by paying the debt in record 
 time and without raising taxes. Most importantly, he vows that, if elected, 
he  will stop CA spending $10 billion per year for benefits for illegal 
aliens, he  opposes drivers licenses, reduced tuition and social services for 
illegal aliens  "who should be sent home and not given amnesty." He also 
training local  police to enforce immigration laws. 

Anti-Illegal Alien Petition  Qualifies for Ballot - Joe Turner (SOS) Reports 
Proponent Joe Turner collected the 2,216 signatures needed to force the San 
Bernardino City  Council to vote on a proposal that appreciably limits illegal 
alien rights in  that city. Don't miss his exciting report. 

AIC Film: "AMERICA TAKES  ACTION" featuring Rep. Tom Tancredo 
This 20 minute film includes  candid shots of illegal aliens crossing our 
border as well as citizens working  to halt the "invasion". -- It has been 
by elected officials in WDC and  immigration reform activist groups in 
Nevada, Northern CA, etc. 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

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[LAAMN] 5/25: Senate Passed the Immigrant Bill, What Is The Next Stage?

2006-05-26 Thread SIUHIN
The Senate Passed the Bipartisan  Immigration Reform Bill
& What is The Next Stage of Our  Immigrant Struggle?
Lee Siu Hin
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
May 25,  2006

_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/)
   _http://www.NoHR4437.org_ (http://www.nohr4437.org/)  

On Thursday, May 25, the U.S. Senate voted 62-36 to approved a bipartisan  
immigration 'reform' bill (S. 2611), calling for increase border security, 
 worker program, more immigration enforcement, and the immigrant  
legalization program.
Although the bill includes some positive provisions that would  reduce the 
backlog in family-based immigration, as well as AgJobs, DREAM Act,  and a 
legalization program; however, a quick analysis from Immigrant Legal  Resource 
Center point out  that the positive provisions in the bill  have been fatally 
compromised by the negative measures included in the bill.  Such as: 
of the border, more government power to deport  immigrants, flawed and 
unrealistic legalization program, and guest  worker program as a new kind of 
labor.' (see below)
Even worse, when the Senate meet with the House (HR 4437) at the conference  
committee to draft the final bill (could be before or after the November  
election), it'll not get better, but will get worse--where the  positive 
provisions on the Senate bill may disappear, but the worse part of the  bill 
will be 
Therefore, We should expect our struggle will be still long and  difficult, 
and we need to prepare for a long campaign to defeat the racist  anti-immigrant 
bills, and the institutionalized racist government anti-immigrant  policies.
National Immigrant Solidarity Network is  calling for National Grassroots 
Immigrant Strategy Conference this summer, to  invite activists from across the 
country to discuss and strategies our next step  on the immigrant solidarity 
movement, and building the new civil rights  movement. More details will be 
coming by the end of the  week.
On May 1st, millions of us had made the history on "A Day Without  
Immigrants" Movement. We have shown the world that our  force, our strength and 
voice  cannot be silenced from this moment! and  we'll fight for our demands 
we prevail
United We'll Win!  Together We'll Achieve  Our Dreams!
The Senate Immigration Reform Bill   
They Didn’t Get it Right! 
May 25, 2006   
Judith Golub
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
_www.ilrc.org_ (http://www.ilrc.org/) 

After much debate and discussion, the Senate by a vote of 62 to 36  passed S. 
2611, a measure that would profoundly reform our immigration  laws.  
Unfortunately and tragically, they did not get it  right:  unfortunately, 
because our 
nation desperately needs  good reform; and tragically because the positive 
provisions in the bill have  been fatally compromised by the negative measures 
included in the bill.  Moreover, in a conference with the House, we expect that 
the bill’s positive  provisions will be further eroded, if not eliminated, and 
the negative  provisions made more draconian and unfair. 
This has been a difficult debate,  and we applaud those Senators who spoke 
out in support of immigrants and the  positive contributions immigrants are 
making to our nation.  We thank them for standing up for immigrants on  the 
floor every day and for speaking out loudly and clearly against the  
restrictionist and nativist sentiments that have erupted during this debate.   
What are the provisions of most  concern to the ILRC that are in the Senate 
*   A fundamentally unworkable three  tiered legalization program with 
exorbitant fees that will be a nightmare to  implement.  
*   Local and state police encouraged  to enforce federal civil 
immigration law, a body of law that most do not  understand and the enforcement 
which will dramatically hamper community  policing and discourage victims and 
witnesses of crime from coming forward.  Contracts between the Department of 
Homeland Security (DHS) and local police  in every state will be promoted so 
local police will enforce immigration  laws and immigration information will be 
entered into NCIC, the federal  criminal database.   
*   U.S. Mexico border militarized: An  additional 370 miles of 
triple-layered fencing will be added along the  U.S.-Mexico border as well as 
500 miles 
of vehicle barriers.
*   People, including persons with  green cards, will be detained without 
bond for failing to file a change of  address card, even though the federal 
government does not even have the  capacity to process all these filed changes. 
*   Increased number of people  deported for minor crimes and 
misdemeanors, changing the rules in the middle  of the game: Long time legal 
residents will be mandatorily  deport

[LAAMN] 5/2 Los Angeles, CA: Campaign to Support LA 8

2006-05-29 Thread SIUHIN
Campaign to Support LA 8
Aiad Barakat   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
May 22,  2006

More than  nineteen years have passed since the vicious pre-dawn arrest of 
the (LA8) in  front of their families in the Los Angeles area. The Eight were 
detained in  maximum-security cells for three weeks on fabricated charges of 
"aiding a  terrorist organization."  After tens of court hearings and 
litigations, the  government failed to produce a shred of evidence of any wrong 
doing on 
the part  of the LA8. Still, the government is adamant in perusing this 
injustice. It is  constantly amending charges, denying citizenship, and causing 
and their  families a good deal of hardship. The Eight are rubbed out of 
normal life even  after they become middle aged trying to take care of their 
families in a normal  manner like everyone else. 
One of the  important phases of the struggle for justice for the LA8 is the 
coming hearing  in the Los Angeles Federal Court. This is a case filed by Aiad 
Barakat, one of  the Eight, against the government. It is very important for 
its vital  ramification on the LA8 and the Arab American community's First 
Amendment  rights.  
We must  stand with Aiad in this case as a united community. We must not let 
this  opportunity of defending our rights escape unattended. It is our case as 
a  whole, and it is our duty to defend our sons and daughters who did nothing 
wrong  but defend Arab American civil rights. 
All we  need to do to support is to show up for the hearing. We must prove to 
everyone  that we are united in opposition to what this case attempts to do, 
and that we  are behind Aiad and the eight in their struggle for justice. 
Together, united,  we can make a difference and win. 
Date:  2006/20/06
Time: 8  am
312 North Spring Street 
  Los Angeles, CA.  90012
  Room # 6, Stephen Wilson,  2end floor 
See you  all there!

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 6/3 Los Angeles, CA: FMLN Film Showing "Plan Colombia"

2006-06-02 Thread SIUHIN
nete  a una tardeada amena y especial
con  los Comits de Base del FMLN-Los  Angeles
Intervenciones  de los Comits de Base del FMLN-Los Angeles
Mesas  Informativas, Videos, Exposiciones Fotogrficas, Expresiones 
Artisticas,  Informes.
Participacin  de la Juventud Farabundo Mart-Los Angeles
FMLN  y el Movimiento Pro-Inmigrante
Comida,  Refrescos, y mucho mas en un ambiente amigable con la gran 
familia del FMLN.
Sbado  3 de Junio, 3 PM
Programa  Juventud FMLN, 7 PM
Los  Angeles Workers Center
1251  S. St. Andrews Place
Los  Angeles, Ca 90019
(2  cuadras al Oeste de Western Ave y Pico Blvd)
FMLN-Los Angeles
Mas  Informacin: (818) 216-3984(323) 280-2800   (310)  472-8312

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[LAAMN] 6/4: Phone Banker This Sunday for API State Assembly candidate Warren Furutani!

2006-06-03 Thread SIUHIN
Personal Appeal: Phone Banker This  Sunday for API State Assembly candidate 
Warren Furutani 
SUNDAY, June 4th: 11am-8pm, 
Precinct  Walking and Phoning at APALA Headquarters for Warren Furutani: UFCW 
770 (25949  Belle Porte Ave., Harbor City)
If you can come, please call me: Lee Siu Hin,  ActionLA Coalition Tel: 
Hi everyone:

We are looking for volunteers who can help us for the  phone banking this 
Saturday to support the Asian American State Assembly  candidate Mr. Warren 
Furutani (56th district Long Beach).
Warren is a long hard working Asian American activist, his campaign had  been 
endorsed by Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), LA County  
Federation of Labor, Judy Chu, Mike Eng and so on.
We need people this SUNDAY, June 4th: 11am-8pm, for Precinct  Walking and 
Phoning at APALA Headquarters for Warren Furutani: UFCW 770 (25949  Belle Porte 
Ave., Harbor City)
I'll be there from 1 PM to support Warren for phone banking, if  you're 
interested to come, please call me: (626)695-3405
**We urgently need Filipina/o volunteers in this district and more  
volunteers for Tuesday to reach our goal. Union members, ask if your local will 
you at this office on Election Day! To everyone, if you have access to  
personal days with your job, please consider taking one on Election Day!  
consider asking your instructors for special permission to miss class!  We 
need you!**

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[LAAMN] 6/7 Lee SiU Hin : Hate E-Mail & Call We Received to Today

2006-06-07 Thread SIUHIN
6/7 Lee Siu Hin : Hate E-Mail, Call We  Received to Today
We had been receiving large amounts of hate e-mails/calls event death  threat 
against us because of our stands of fighting for immigrant rights and  fight 
against racism.
Last night, we received the following hate call to our office and it was  
recorded to our system: 
Meantime, this morning, I received a e-mail from a self-proclaimed  
interfaith peace activist angry about my immigrant right works:
Perhaps you-all don't realiz that immigrants  MUST be LEGAL, or the U.S. will 
have too
great a burden, to dd the services needed, and  consider our national debt. 
Mexico should not be forcing their cituzens to  leave" (exact e-mail).
The first phone call show the right wing racist anti-immigrant forces  
desperate attempts to terrorize the people of oppressed who choose to fight  
and the second e-mail shows a large number of so-called "peace activists"  are 
completely cureless and ignorance about what is the immigrant rights and  
human rights about when they claim to fight for the human rights of Iraqi  
For the past 5 months, we had been received far more hate calls/death  
threats against our immigrant works then our works on anti-war/labor  
rights/anti-globalization for the past 5 years combine.
Recently, I was told by one of the top AFL-CIO official, according to their  
study, 60% of the labor against immigrant rights,. This shows the difficult  
tasks in front of us--not only we need to fight racist/Nazi/KKK anti-immigrant  
Minutemen, but we also need to confront the racist/ignorance 'left' who talks 
 human rights/anti-war/labor rights every day.
Lee Siu Hin
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

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[LAAMN] 6/26: A New Wave of Immigrant Crack Down On the Way?

2006-06-25 Thread SIUHIN
A New Wave of Immigrant Crack Down On  the Way?
An Analysis from National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
June 25, 2006  

_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 

On mid-June, a wave of ICE immigrant sweep  targeting 'criminal' undocumented 
immigrants--the so-called "Operation Return To  Sender" had arrested over 
2,100 immigrants. While the Congress' immigration  debate had been cool down 
little, a semi-covert immigrant arrests had been  picking up, and the 
Government want to label all "Illegal Aliens" are "criminal"  to justify their 
anti-immigrant campaigns. 
_6/14:  US sweep nets nearly 2100 immigrants_ 
_6/18  San Diego, CA: Latest on "Operation Return to Sender" Police/ICE Raid 
Against  Immigrants_ 
_6/18  San Diego, CA: Immigration Sweep Brings Fear to Community_ 
_6/23:  AZ GOP candidate's call for labor camp rebuked_ 
Also, on the Congress.. 
_6/26:  Congress may yet move on immigration_ 
_6/20:  Terrible immigrant voting bill (HR 4844 FEDERAL ELECTION INTEGRITY 
ACT OF  2006)_ 
  _Latest  Updates on the 
Bill_ (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-4844)  

Mark Your  Calendar!
National Grassroots Immigrant  Strategy Conference

Together, We Build A New National,  Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights/Civil 
Rights  Movement!

Friday - Sunday July  28-30
American University, Washington DC.

Called by National Immigrant Solidarity Network

For  Registration and More Information
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 7/15 Action Alert! Minutemen in Laguna Beach, CA

2006-07-14 Thread SIUHIN
Minutemen in Laguna  Beach
The Minutemen will be at the Laguna Beach Day Laborer's Center Sat,   
July 15th, from 10am-1pm.

Given their large turnout last weekend in  Hollywood, it's important  
for us to take the project of substantially  outnumbering them very  
seriously.  The jornaleros in Laguna Beach  are organizing.

1765 Laguna Canyon Road.  Please join all those who  want to protest 

Gracias, Al rato
Please visit Minutemen Watch - Projects  of Immigrant Solidarity Network
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.MinutemenWatch.net) 
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org)  
Mark your calendar..
National Grassroots Immigrant  Strategy Conference
Together, We Build A  New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights/Civil 
Rights  Movement!

Friday - Sunday July 28-30,  2006
American University, Washington DC.

Called by National Immigrant Solidarity Network

For  Registration and More Information

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[LAAMN] August 2006: National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest

2006-08-11 Thread SIUHIN

August 2006 National  Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest  
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
No Immigrant Bashing! Support  Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990 
Every Dollar Counts!  Please Support Us!  

August 2006 U.S. Immigrant  Alert! Newsletter 
Published by National  Immigrant Solidarity Network 
URL: _http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/August06.pdf  _ 
[Requires Adobe Acrobat, to download, go: _http://www.adobe.com_ 
(http://www.adobe.com/) ]  
July 28-30  Washington DC National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference 
A  Success and Milestone for the Immigrant Rights  Movement!

In This  Issue: 
1) Report: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference
2)  Immigration News From Across The Country
3) Upcoming Nationwide  Immigrant Events
4) Detention Standard & Complain
Yesterday We Marched, Today We  Organized, 
Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and  Goals!

Lee Siu Hin
National  Coordinator, National Immigrant Solidarity Network 
The 3-day (July 28-30, 2006) Washington DC National Grassroots  Immigrant 
Strategy Conference at American University has been without  doubt a success 
a milestone for the immigrant rights movement.  
Organized by National Immigrant Solidarity Network, one of the leading  
coalitions involved in the March 25 Los Angeles "Gran Marcha" and the _May 1st 
Day Without Immigrants"_ (http://www.nohr4437.org/)   General Strike/Boycott, 
there were approximately 180 people from over 80  organizations across the 
country in attendance. 
The conference represented diverse groups, including [EMAIL PROTECTED], APIs,  
Americans, African immigrants, European immigrants, LGBTQ, women,  
youth/students, interfaith, peace/global justice activists, white allies,  
immigrant day laborers and community organizers from two dozen  states. 
Community/grassroots immigrant activists from across the country  met 
face-to-face for the 
first time to discuss how to collectively build a  new national, broad-based, 
immigrant rights/civil rights movement. 
Please read the newsletterURL: 
_http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/August06.pdf  _ 

Special Report: Immigration Policy  Update  
National Immigration Forum
August 10,  2006 
Political Circus 
Congress is in the midst of August recess. Normally, this is a slow  period 
for policy advocates. This August, however, the House Republican  leadership 
will continue to stage their anti-immigration circuses. By the  end of the 
month, the House will stage 21 performances in 13 States. (For  comparison, 
month the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus,  arguably more 
entertaining depending on how you feel about circus animals,  _will perform in 
cities in seven states_ (http://www.ringling.com/schedule/index.aspx) .) 
for the House political circuses are  not available; if you have an opinion 
that is sensible on immigration,  your voice is not welcome. However, though 
the House Republican leadership  may not be interested in a pro-immigrant 
the media is. The House  circuses present an opportunity to put our messages 
in front of the public  through the journalists who are covering the story.  
For a list of House hearings, see the Web site of the New American  
Opportunity Campaign at: 
Check this page periodically, as information on the House hearings has  been 
hard to come by, and is sometimes revealed only at the last minute.  On the 
same page, listed under each event, you will find contact  information of the 
person who is organizing a pro-immigrant event around  the House hearing (if 
there is one). 
How has the circus strategy been working for the House Republican  leaders? 
Not so well. Perhaps they would do better with some _professional circus 
training_ (http://www.clownschoolsf.org/) . For  now, in the print media at 
the press has been overwhelmingly  negative about these hearings. They are 
being described for what they  are—faux hearings that are not meant to collect 
variety of perspectives  on immigration. Thanks to the good work of advocates, 
the media has been  reporting the stories that are not being told inside of 
the hearings. To  get a flavor of press coverage so far, see this _collection  
of clips_ 
compiled by the Forum. You can also view some editorials,  which we 

[LAAMN] 8/14 Minutemen Watch: Racist Madness in Maywood, CA

2006-08-15 Thread SIUHIN
Racist Madness in Maywood,  CA
Minutemen Watch - Projects of National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/) 
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 

Hate Mail, Threats Probed in  Maywood
The deputy clerk has been linked to an alleged  plot to kill a councilman in 
the 'sanctuary city' for illegal  immigrants.
By Hector Becerra and Richard Winton
Los Angeles Times
July 13, 2006
After the city of Maywood made national headlines earlier this year for its  
embrace of illegal immigrants, Councilman Felipe Aguirre and Mayor Thomas 
Martin  began receiving threats in the mail.
Now, the Los Angeles County district attorney's office and Maywood police  
are investigating whether the town's deputy city clerk not only sent some of 
 hate mail but also tried to have Aguirre killed.
Hector Duarte, 29, was arrested last week by Maywood police officers on  
suspicion of soliciting to commit murder, said Los Angeles County sheriff's  
spokeswoman Kerri Webb. Bail was initially set at $1 million, but he was  
July 5, pending further investigation. He has not been charged him with  a 
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Capt. Steve Johnson of the department's Major  
Crimes Unit said his detectives were consulted on the probe within the last  
Aguirre said Wednesday that Maywood police first learned of a possible plot  
when they arrested a man a month ago during a drug bust. The man allegedly 
said  that Duarte had inquired about killing the councilman, he said.
Duarte was relieved of his duties by the City Council on Tuesday night. He  
could not be reached for comment.
But Councilman Sam Peña said he did not think Duarte was capable of sending  
the death threat, let alone trying to get Aguirre killed.
"Apparently their source is someone who was arrested … for drugs and is  
trying to cut a deal," Peña said. "To me it sounds like they have a very bad  
informant, and they don't have enough evidence. It's all hearsay."
Law enforcement officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said  
they are investigating a power struggle at City Hall that involves the city's  
stance on illegal immigration as well as other issues.
The election last fall that brought immigrants-rights activist Aguirre and  
an ally into power in Maywood, causing a shift in political power, had been a  
raucous one.
As soon as he got into office, Aguirre and the council majority enacted  
policies that benefited illegal immigrants.
The city eliminated the Maywood Police Department's Traffic Division after  
complaints that officers unfairly targeted illegal immigrants. Then the city  
made it much more difficult for police to tow cars whose owners didn't have  
driver's licenses, a practice that had affected mostly undocumented people who  
could not obtain licenses.
In January, the City Council passed a resolution opposing a proposed  federal 
law that would criminalize illegal immigration and make local police  enforce 
immigration law.
In a conversation with The Times earlier this year, Duarte voiced  
frustration that the city's forging of an identity as a "sanctuary" for illegal 
immigrants had unleashed a torrent of angry calls, e-mails and letters to City  
"There's been a lot of bad blood," said Peña, a political rival of Aguirre.  
"They talk about a city of no laws and order, and I think Maywood is becoming  
that. When you let go of the Traffic Division, which takes care of moving  
violations in your city, you have a problem."
Aguirre defended the changes in the city. And he said he took the threats  
"In small cities in the southeast there's been a history of a lot of  
political violence," said Aguirre, referring to the 1999 shooting of South  
mayor during a period of political turmoil.
Maywood, south of downtown Los Angeles, is one of the nation's most densely  
populated cities — nearly 45,000 people (when illegal immigrants are factored  
in) live in 1.2 square miles. An estimated 96% of the residents are Latino 
and  more than half are foreign-born.
As Maywood gained publicity for its stance on illegal immigrants, Aguirre  
appeared on national television talk shows and defended his position.
The details of the death-threat probe remain unclear.
Aguirre said a Maywood detective told him that officers had matched  
handwriting on some of the threatening letters to Duarte. But neither police 
prosecutors would comment.

[LAAMN] Aug-Sep, 2006: This Fall, We Declare Peace! A Call By UFPJ

2006-08-16 Thread SIUHIN
This Fall, We  Declare Peace!
A Call By United For Peace &  Justice
_http://www.UnitedForPeace.org_ (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/)  
August  15th, 2006

Join United for Peace and  Justice
in Raising the Political  Costs of the War

It's time to answer fear with  courage, to step out of our personal comfort 
zones and take bold action to  end the Iraq War.  

_Join us in a week of nonviolent civil disobedience actions from  September 
21-28_ (http://www.declarationofpeace.org/) , and in pressuring pro-war  
politicians all this fall through the _Voters for  Peace pledge_ 
(http://www.unitedforpeace.org/voterspledge) .

*   August 12-September 2: _Camp Casey_ 
*   August 29: 1st Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina  and Disaster FEMA
*   Sept. 5-21: _Camp_ (http://www.campdemocracy.org/) _  Democracy_ 
*   5th Anniversary of Sept.  11th
*   Sept. 21-28: _Declaration  of Peace_ 
(http://www.declarationofpeace.org/)  -- A Week of Nonviolent Civil  
Ongoing: _Voters For Peace_ 
(http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3298)  and Candidate  
Bird-Dogging More to come  ...

It's time to answer fear  with courage, to step out of our personal comfort 
zones and take bold  action to end the Iraq War.  
_Join us in a week of nonviolent  civil disobedience actions from September 
21-28_ (http://www.declarationofpeace.org/) , and in pressuring  pro-war 
politicians all this fall through the _Voters for Peace  pledge_ 
(http://www.unitedforpeace.org/voterspledge) .
Fear is in the air again. From Dick  Cheney to Joe Lieberman, the proponents 
of the Iraq War are once again  playing the fear card to try to shore up 
support for their failed policies  -- policies that have only made us more 
vulnerable to attacks like the one  thwarted last week in England.

Neither their overheated rhetoric,  nor their color-coded warnings, nor their 
bloated and ineffectual  "homeland security" apparatus are doing anything to 
keep us safer. They're  just designed to keep people in fear and keep pro-war 
politicians in  office.

Shameless Dick Cheney said Ned Lamont's victory in the  Connecticut primary 
might encourage "the al-Qaida types" who want to  "break the will of the 
American people in terms of our ability to stay in  the fight and complete the 

Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman --  defeated at the polls last week because of 
his support for Bush's war --  said, "If we just pick up like Ned Lamont wants 
us to do, get out [of  Iraq] by a date certain, it will be taken as a 
tremendous victory by the  same people who wanted to blow up these planes in 
plot hatched in  England. It will strengthen them, and they will strike again." 
It's time to answer fear with  courage -- to step out of our personal comfort 
zones and take  more resolute action than ever to end the War in Iraq.

This fall,  United for Peace and Justice and our many member groups and 
allies are  declaring peace. We are using a variety of tools designed  to help 
movement tap into the broad antiwar sentiment that exists in  every corner of 
the nation. There is an unprecedented opportunity to reach  out more broadly, 
bring more people into the work at whatever level of  activity they are 
comfortable with, and raise the political costs of the  war. 
 (http://declarationofpeace.org/) DECLARATION OF PEACE
We will declare peace by  putting our bodies on the line in a variety of acts 
of peaceful resistance  to the war, including with a powerful week of 
nonviolent civil  disobedience and direct action from September 21-28, 
pro-war  members of Congress and coordinated by the nationwide Declaration  of 
Peace campaign.  
*   _Check the calendar of  activities_ 
(http://declarationofpeace.org/view/events)  to see what's already being 
planned in your city or town,  and 
find out how you can get involved.
*   If you are planning something for  that week, be sure to _list  it on 
the calendar_ (http://declarationofpeace.org/add-an-event-to-the-calendar)  
as well.
*   _Sign up to  serve as the point person_ 
(http://declarationofpeace.org/organizing-resources)  to help coordinate visits 
or protests at  the offices 
of your members of Congress.
*   Now is the time to start planning  an action in your community for 
Monday, September 25, when there will be  local nonviolence civil disobedience 
actions around the country,  targeting pro-war members of Congress. _Click  
here for more information._ 
*   And begin making plans to join the  national civil disobedience 
actions scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday,  September 26 & 27, in Washington, 
 (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/voterspledge) VOTERS FOR  PEACE
We will also declare peace 

[LAAMN] 8/18 Los Angeles, CA: Immigrant Women Press Conference

2006-08-17 Thread SIUHIN
8/18 Los Angeles, CA: Immigrant Women  Press Conference
March 25th Coalition, Los Angeles
Media  Advisory-Photo Op

Gloria Saucedo 818-989-3019 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
Javier  Rodriguez 213-471-3116 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Oscar Sanchez  323-552-2840 

“All Women’s Press Conference”

· Moratorium  on all deportations until immigration reform is
· March  in support of Elvira Arellano
· March to Stop Deportations of all  undocumented mothers
· March for all the children
· March for 12 million  immigrants and Legalization for all
· San Fernando Valley will march Sept  2

Where: La Hermandad Mexicana 7915  S. Van Nuys Blvd.

When: Friday August 18, 2006 at 4:00  pm

Over fifty women and children and women immigrant  rights leaders from the 
San Fernando Valley, Oxnard, ELA, LA and San Diego will  march on September 2 
Downtown Los Angeles to demand a stop to deportations of  all undocumented 
immigrant mothers, in support of all their children and family  unity, call for 
a moratorium on all deportations and detentions until  immigration reform is 
approved, and demand a full and immediate legalization for  all 12 million 
undocumented immigrants. 

The all women's press event will  highlight the growing national case of 
Elvira Arellano, a single mother and an  undocumented immigrant now in a 
Sanctuary Church in Chicago under  orders of deportation. The Coalition 
members will also present the case of a  mother in Oxnard with a US born child 
a handicapped, wheel chair bound US  citizen husband. 


Gloria Saucedo President of Hermandad  Mexicana-Van Nuys, Martha Soriano 
President La Casa del Mexicano, Attorney  Isabel Rodriguez, Alicia Flores 
President Hermandad Mexicana-Oxnard, Ady Lira  California State University 
Student leader, Maria Ahumada, Elva  Salinas-Professor San Diego Community 

Jesse Diaz,  Jr. 

ASA.NIMH Minority Fellow
Criminology & Race and Class  Inequality

University of California, Riverside
Sociology Department,  
Riverside, California 92521

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 8/23 Garden Grove, CA: Protest Minutemen Founder Jim Gilchrist Speaks!

2006-08-22 Thread SIUHIN
8/23 Garden Grove, CA:  Protest Minutemen Founder Jim Gilchrist Speaks!
Minutemen Watch - Projects of National  Immigrant Solidarity Network
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/) 
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org) 

Protest Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen in  Garden Grove this 
Jim Gilchrist is scheduled to speak at a CCIR meeting  this Wednesday.  Show 
up to voice your opposition to the racist Minutemen  project.

 PLACE: Women's Club - 9501  Chapman Avenue at Gilbert
Garden Grove, California
DATE:  Wednesday, August 23, 2006
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
ADMISSION: Free (Members) -- Non-members: $5.00

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] 9/23 Los Angeles, CA: African American and Latino Summit at USC

2006-08-23 Thread SIUHIN
   African American and  Latino Summit at USC  
Building coalitions  between LA’s Black and Latino communities
Los Angeles,  Calif., August 23, 2006  - To heal the growing divide between 
Los Angeles County’s African  American and Latino communities, a task force of 
clergy, law enforcement,  elected officials and civic leaders brought together 
by Sheriff Lee Baca  will hold its fourth conference at USC on Saturday, 
September 23rd. Led by  Bishop Edward R.Turner (pictured below), the Sheriff’s 
Multi-Faith Clergy  Council will host this gathering as part of an ongoing 
dialogue designed  to address problems common to both groups.  
Conflict between African Americans and Latinos has received increased  media 
attention in recent months. Last winter, LA County jails exploded in  deadly 
battles between Latino and African American gang members, forcing  prolonged 
lockdowns. Racially motivated shootings closed area freeways  earlier this 
Fights sometimes involving more than 100 high school  students divided along 
racial lines regularly disrupt Los Angeles schools.  Backlash by isolated 
black spokesmen against this past spring’s mammoth  immigrant rights 
demonstrations further strained relations between the two  communities. 

This event will build upon earlier conferences where  as many as 700 civic 
leaders documented a core set of issues plaguing both  communities. In focusing 
on such issues as low voter turn-out, high  incarceration rates, 
discriminatory immigration policies, high  unemployment, substandard education 
and high 
drop-out rates, absent health  care, and worsening gang violence, attendees at 
the next conference will  develop a detailed action plan, which they will make 
available to  community leaders across Los Angeles County. Says Turner, “We 
need to sit  down and come up with a plan that supports African Americans and 

This series of conferences is gaining widespread support from a  broad cross 
section of LA County leaders, with attendance expected to  exceed 900. “
Latinos in our county want to be part of the American dream;  this includes a 
peaceful existence with our African-Americans friends. We  support these noble 
efforts, and we will be there to help find solutions”  said Andrew D. Catalan, 
Public Relations, Unidos Por Jesucristo, Inc.  Andrew Henderson, Director of 
Families for Children and one of the  conference’s facilitators, said of the 
series, “We are trying to build  upon the unity that was established at earlier 
conferences and make this  into a movement.” 
When,  Where
Saturday, September 23, 2006,  9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (registration at 8 a.m.)  
USC’s Town & Gown Conference Center
3415 South Figueroa  Street
Los Angeles, CA 90089
For more  information, contact  
Scottie Gray
Executive Director
Hope for Life  Foundation

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax 

The web  page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 8/25 NISN: Please Join Our Immigrant Working Groups!

2006-08-25 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 
Please Join Our  Working Groups!
August 25, 2006

Dear Immigrant activists:
During our  7/28-30 National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/2006Conference/) ) we voted to create dozen 
working groups,  to coordinate our next 3-6 months campaign strategies, and to 
create a new  diverse-based grassroots immigrant solidarity  movement.
We would like you to join the  working group as member or point person, 
please contact the intern point  person(s) of each working group for how you 
participate (see the list  below)
We'll have bi-weekly conference  call and I hope you can be part of the 
historical movement.
If you have any questions,  please contact Lee Siu Hin, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  or  call: (213)403-0131.   
In Solidarity
Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Lists of Working Groups 
(and the  lists of intern point person)

Vicente Panama, LIUNA Local 108

Direct Action
Jesse White, National Immigrant  Solidarity Network

Day Labors
Rita Dentino, Casa Freehold

Jesse Diaz, Los Angeles March 25th  Coalition

Event Organizing (March 25/May 1/September-October  Actions)
Teresa Gutierrez, New York May 1st Coalition
Ceci Wheeler, PFOI in Pittsburgh

Carolina Reyes, New Orleans Worker  Justice Coalition

Community Work/Supports
Juan Espinoza 

Vicenta Montoya

Debanuj DasGupta
Queers For Economic  Justice

Jessica Hernandez, National Latina  Institute for Reproductive Health

Ceci Wheeler, PFOI in  Pittsburgh

Education & Outreach
Adrian Boutureira, United  for Fair Economy

Luis Arturo Alvarenga, UCC Latina  Organizing Group/Western Mass Coalition 
for Immigrant Rights
Yesterday We Marched
Today We  Organized
Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and Goals! 
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 8/30: Alert - DEA Raids Medical Cannabis Center In LA!

2006-08-31 Thread SIUHIN
ALERT - DEA Raids Medical Cannabis  Center In LA!
From: Dale Gieringer [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Date: Wed, August 30, 2006

Los Angeles - - Aug 30, 3:30 PM - DEA agents are raiding  Trichome
Healing Center at 7100 Van Nuys Blvd. LA area patients and  supporters  are
urged to come and display their outrage.  RIGHT  NOW.  Contact:  Dege
Coutee, 323-334-5282.

California NORML (415) 563-5858  // [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
2215-R Market St. #278,  San Francisco CA 94114

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] 9/7: World Can't Wait! Nat'l Organizing Call for Oct 5 Actions

2006-09-06 Thread SIUHIN
Bring This to a Halt!
The World Can't Wait!  Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Thursday, September 7: Nationwide Organizing Meetings 7  pm

See below for meetings in cities across the  country

Dear friends,

You have probably seen World  Can't Wait's full page ad in the August 30 
issue of the New York Times or you  may have heard ours ads on Air America, 
announcing a day of mass protest on  October 5. We are inviting you to be part 
the planning process for  this day, by taking part in one of the many meetings 
across the country, this  Thursday night, September 7. Come and meet others in 
this area ready to plan and  organize for a powerful day of mass resistance 
exactly 4 weeks later. On  Thursday, October 5, in cities nationwide, people 
will make a huge political  statement that cannot be ignored by massing in 
numbers to say:  "Bring This to a Halt! The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the 
Bush  Regime!"

Travis Morales - World Can't Wait

War! Torture! Katrina! Theocracy! Thursday,  October 5 –
Bring This to a Halt! 

_View this ad  from the New York Times 8-30-2006_ 
9-1-06 on _Counterpunch.org_ (http://counterpunch.org/nader09022006.html)  
"So, taking the lead in full page  advertisements in The New York Times is a 
new group by the  name of _The World Can't Wait_ 
(http://www.worldcantwait.org/) . They  are not waiting for Congress to impeach 
Bush. They want a mass  
mobilization to make Bush/Cheney resign. Richard Nixon resigned and  Vice 
President, Spiro Agnew, resigned for causes far less momentous  than the crimes 
these stubborn recidivists in control of our  federal government." - Ralph 

_Ray  McGovern interviewed by Peter Werbe on Air America about October 5  and 
the movement to drive out the Bush Regime._ 

Thursday, September 7: Nationwide Organizing  Meetings 7pm

In every city where the movement to Drive Out the  Bush Regime is, and places 
were it isn’t yet, people will gather  simultaneously at 7pm on Thursday 
September 7 to get organized.  Learn more about making October 5 a giant step 
toward driving the  Bush Regime from office, and meet others ready to organize 
a day  of mass protest exactly 4 weeks later. 
Then, on Thursday October 5, in those cities, and  more, people will make a 
huge political statement that cannot be  ignored by massing in large numbers to 
say: "Bring This to a Halt!  The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush 
Regime!"  Speakers at  the September 7 meetings include: Speakers  include:
(NY)  Anurhada Baghwati 
(NY) Father Luis Barrios 
(Chicago)  Timuel Black
(DC) William Blum
(Chicago) Bob  Bossie
(San Francisco) Larry Brinkin 
(LA) Rev. Richard  "Meri Ka Ra" Byrd
(NY) Elaine  Brower
(NY) Kathleen Chalfant 
(San Francisco) Chris Daly  
(L.A.) Jesse Diaz Jr. 
(San Francisco) Daniel  Ellsberg
(NY) Esther Kaplan
(NY) Mark Crispin Miller  
(NY) Chris Owens 
(DC) Malik Rahim 
(NY) Jean  Rohe
(Seattle) Judith Shattuck 
(Chicago) Jed Stone  
(San Francisco) Debra Sweet 
(NY) Jonathan Tasini  
(NY) Sunsara Taylor 
(Chicago) Rev. Charles Tigard  
(Seattle) Bob Watada 
(DC) Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr.  
(DC) Kevin Zeese 
_Host  a Meeting_ 
_Find  a Meeting_ 
_Bakersfield,  CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_Fresno, CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
_Los Angeles,  CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_Palm Springs, CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
_Poway, CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_San Diego,  CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_San Francisco Bay Area,  CA_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_Arvada, CO_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
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[LAAMN] 9/28 Los Angeles, CA: Immigrant Workers March and Mass Civil Disobedience

2006-09-09 Thread SIUHIN

Call to Action

This Fall  the Next Stage of the Immigrant Rights Movement begins…

September 28th Los Angeles, CA
March and Mass Civil  Disobedience
for Immigrant Rights & a Living  Wage

This past spring the world witnessed the  rise of a powerful new civil rights
movement. Millions of immigrants across  our nation marched, closed shops, 
work, and walked out of school in an  historic protest for equal rights. 
the struggle to win a legal path to  citizenship for undocumented immigrants
continues, it is only half the  battle.

As millions of immigrants who have obtained legal documents but  still 
to survive know, legalization alone will not lift us and our  communities out 
poverty. To bring the American Dream within all our reach,  we must take the
fight to the corporations that continue to exploit  documented and 
immigrants every day.

September 28th will  mark a new stage in the immigrant rights movement.  We 
demand that  corporate America open the road out of poverty for all workers 
support a  path to citizenship for all immigrants. We will start with the
largest  industry of immigrant workers, the hotel and restaurant industry, in
the  economic center of one of the poorest parts of Los Angeles , the  
cities of Lennox, Hawthorne , and Inglewood .

On September  28th, thousands will join the LAX Century Blvd hotel workers in 
mass march  that will end with one of the largest acts of nonviolent civil
disobedience  in the history of Los Angeles .  Hundreds of people will risk
arrest and  shut down Century Boulevard to send a message to the airport 
and to  corporations everywhere:

Respect  our work, our rights, and our community – now.

Join us and Make History!!
Rally 4:30pm @ Radisson  LAX
Meet on corner of Century & Sepulveda Blvds
March begins @  5:30pm

Reverand James Lawson, Board Member of Clergy and Laity United for  Economic
Justice (CLUE) and a working colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  from
1957-1968, will hold a training on non-violent civil disobedience on  
14th at 6pm.

The training will  take place at Angelica Lutheran Church located at, 1351
Burlington Ave. in  Los Angeles.

This event will be open to the press.  If you are participating in the Civil
Disobedience on September 28th, or even  if you are just contemplating it but
are not yet sure if you will, or if you  just want to learn more about
non-violent civil disobedience as a form of  resistance, we recommend that you
attend this training. It is very  inspirational hearing from a man who trained
so many of the civil right  leaders in non-violent resistance during the civil
rights  movement.

Hope to see you there.

For more  information:
_http://www.september28th.org_ (http://www.september28th.org/)  
_http://myspace.com/september28th_ (http://myspace.com/september28th)   

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please  join our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] UFPJ: Peace Groups to Commemorate 9/11 in 21 Cities

2006-09-10 Thread SIUHIN

  |  212-868-5545
P.O. Box  607, Times  Square Station; New  York, NY 10108 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 7,  2006
CONTACT: Hany Khalil,  212-868-5545, 718-637-7351 mobile, 
Peace Groups to  Commemorate 9/11 in 21 Cities 
Contending  Bush's "War on Terror" Has Made U.S. Less Secure,  Groups Will 
Call for End to Iraq War, Torture,  and Assault on Rights at Home 
WHAT:  Commemoration events in 21 cities across the U.S. Events include 
teach-ins,  vigils, film screenings, photographic exhibits, and concerts. 
WHEN:  Sunday, September 10, and Monday, September 11,  2006. For a complete 
list of events,  visit _http://www.unitedforpeace.org/sept11_ 
WHERE: While New York  City will host the largest number of  commemoration 
events, activities are also planned for Tuscon, AZ; Hartford, CT; Washington, 
DC; Baltimore, MD; Arlington, TX; and  elsewhere. 
WHO: Local affiliates of United for  Peace and Justice 
To mark the 5th anniversary of the  attacks on the World Trade Center, peace  
groups will hold vigils, teach-ins, film screenings, and concerts in more 
than  21 cities in 13 states across the country. Activists will remember those 
killed  on 9/11 as well as a result of the Bush Administration's "war on 
terror."  Arguing that there is no military solution to the political 
grievances that 
 enable terrorist groups to recruit supporters, peace groups will call for an 
 immediate end to the Iraq war,  the widespread use of torture, and the 
assault on immigrants' rights and civil  liberties in the name of fighting 
Among the highlights, from Friday,  September 8, to Monday, September 11, 
September 11th Families for Peaceful  Tomorrows -- an organization of people 
lost family members in the 9/11  attacks -- is convening a major international 
conference in New York City,  bringing together 30 people from nations around 
the world who have been  personally affected by terrorism and war and have 
responded by breaking the  cycles of violence. Organizing sessions will be 
followed by public panel  discussions at universities, places of worship and 
venues in New York City. 
For a complete list of events,  visit: _http://www.unitedforpeace.org/sept11_ 
Leslie Cagan, UFPJ National  Coordinator, said today, "For five years the 
Bush Administration has exploited  the tragic events of September 11,  2001, to 
win elections, launch its  empire-building agenda abroad, and strip people of 
basic rights at home. As a  result, tens of thousands of civilians and 2,650 
U.S.  soldiers have died needlessly in Iraq and Afghanistan. But  rather than 
make residents of the U.S. more secure, the ‘war on terror' --  especially the 
occupation of Iraq -- has given terrorist groups the best  recruitment ad they 
could hope for. Permanent war is not the answer to 9/11.  Critics of the war 
will bring that awareness into the voting booth this  November." 
United for Peace and Justice  (UFPJ) is the largest U.S. peace  and justice 
coalition with more than 1,400 member groups under its umbrella.  Since its 
founding in October 2002, UFPJ has spurred hundreds of protests and  rallies 
around the country, including the two largest marches against the Iraq war. 
_http://www.unitedforpeace.org_ (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/)   

Peace, No War
War is not the answer,  for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the  World, please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check  pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit 

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German,  Italian or Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:_http://www.

[LAAMN] 9/10 Culver City, CA: Anti-Moslem Hate Groups Besiege City's Mosque as 9/11 Near

2006-09-11 Thread SIUHIN
9/10  Culver City, CA: Anti-Moslem Hate Groups Besiege Culver City  Mosque

CULVER  CITY, September 10, 2006 [LA IMC] An Anti-Moslem demonstration took 
place today  in front of a Mosque in Culver City. The anti-Moslems numbered 
about 75 and were  countered by an equal number of counter demonstrators who 
out in solidarity  with Moslems and to defend the mosque. Although outnumber 
at first those  countering the anti-Moslems arrived early and were able hold 
their ground in  front of the mosque. They were unable to stop the hanging of a 
Moslem effigy  across the street however. Inter-faith activists from 
_ICUJP.org_ (http://www.icujp.org/)  also  established a second line at the 
doors to 
the mosque and were able to prevent  the anti-Moslems from disrupting afternoon 
payers inside the mosque. There were  some heated exchanges between the two 
groups but no instances of violence or  arrest have been reported. Culver City 
Police watched from a far and did not  come between the two groups or attempt 
to separate them. From the Newswire: _Anti-Moslems Countered in Culver  City_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/09/177876.php)  by A | | _Racists Hang 
Effigy of Bin Laden Near  Mosque_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/09/177883.php)  by Marcus

9/8: Culver  City Mosque Braces for Anti-Moslem Demonstration 


CULVER  CITY, September 8, 2006 [LA IMC] An offshoot of anti-immigrant groups 
has  announced plans hold a demonstration at a mosque in Culver City this 
Sunday. The  anti-immigrants say they plan to hang an effigy of a Moslem in 
of the  mosque. The event has been linked to Ted Hayes who has a history of 
using  provocation and violence to get media attention. News of the planned  
demonstration has ignited debate amongst immigrants rights activists on how 
 to respond. From the Newswire: _Counter-Protest Against Anti-Muslim Rally 
Against  The Prophet (pbuh)_ (http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/09/177497.php) 
| | _Counter-PROTEST Planned For This  Sunday_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/09/177668_comment.php#177680)  by  Ibrahim  

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love  can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the World,  please visit:_ 
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send  e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124  West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All  donations are tax deductible)

The web page  has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit 

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German, Italian  or Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:_http://www.systransoft.com/_ 

**"Report From Baghdad" CD-ROM**

Pacifica Radio KPFK  Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to 
U.S. occupied Iraq. An  interactive CD-ROM with articles, photos, audio and 
interviews includes:  people of Iraq, U.S. military, human rights workers, 
religious leaders and  more!

Please Visit the Web Site: _http://www.BaghdadReport.net_ 

Each CD costs: $15.00 plus $3.50 S/H (work both PC and  Mac)
The CD sells will be benefit the Baghdad Independent Media Center,  ActionLA, 
and PeaceNoWar.net
*Additional donations are welcome, and it will  be tax deductible.

Send check/money orders to: 

ActionLA  / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows 9/11/06 Statement

2006-09-11 Thread SIUHIN
Peace No War Network
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  
September 11th Families for  Peaceful Tomorrows 9/11/06 Statement
_http://www.peacefultomorrows.org_ (http://www.peacefultomorrows.org/)   
On September 11th, 2001, members of our  families became civilian casualties 
of terrorism. And while we grieved  their loss, we were seized by the urgent 
desire to spare other families,  in any part of the world, the suffering that 
we were experiencing.  

In expressing these desires, we heard from others who saw us as  kindred 
spirits. They were from places like Israel and Palestine, Japan,  Northern 
and South Africa. Each had suffered a similar loss—from  the terrorism of war 
and atomic weapons, to the terrorism of  state-sponsored violence. 

Hearing from them, we learned that we  were not alone. We also learned that 
the deaths of our family members,  although unique in circumstance, were far 
from unique in human history.  The means were different, but the results were 
still the same: innocent  people dying, families torn apart, traditions and 
histories cut short. We  came to see our losses as happening in a bigger 
one that cut  across national boundaries and the confines of time. 

>From those  who reached out to us after 9/11, we developed a sense of 
responsibility  to all those who suffered as the result of 9/11: immigrants and 
 people perceived to be terrorists, targeted by hate crimes and hateful  
legislation; those who suffered in terrorist attacks from Bali to  Beslan;  
killed in the train bombings in Madrid and London; and  those in Afghanistan 
and Iraq who continue to suffer under occupation and  the terror of war. 

Today, five years after September 11th, 2001,  we see clearly that civilian 
casualties overwhelmingly have been the  common denominator in all that has 
taken place. We see that the path we  have taken has created a world that is 
safe, less humane, and less  likely to survive. Where we saw children in 
mortal danger from unexploded  cluster bombs in Afghanistan, we now see 
in mortal danger from  cluster bombs in Lebanon.  Where we saw the brutality 
and inhumanity  of Saddam Hussein, we now see the same brutality and inhumanity 
occurring  under U.S. occupation, in Fallujah, in Haditha, in Abu  Ghraib.

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said,  "The ultimate  weakness of violence 
is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very  thing it seeks to 
destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it…  Hate multiplies hate, 
violence multiplies violence, and toughness  multiplies toughness in a 
spiral of destruction The chain  reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, 
wars producing more wars - must be  broken, or we shall be plunged into the 
abyss of annihilation." We  have seen those words become a sad reality. 

In the days  immediately following September 11th, 2001, the world came 
together with a  sense of mutual humanity and mutual purpose.  Five years 
later, we 
 are in a death spiral of increasing violence, increasing terrorism, and  
increasing civilian casualties. In the days immediately following  September 
11th, Iranians risked negative consequences by holding  spontaneous candlelight 
vigils for those who had died in America. Five  years later, Iran is in the 
crosshairs of America’s next war. In the days  immediately following September 
11th, the United States could have asked  the world to do anything for us. The 
U.S. government has instead generated  anger, fear, death, and profound grief. 
On the fifth anniversary of  September 11th, 2001, we believe it is time for 
America to end the cycle  of violence. It is time for the United States to 
become a positive force  in world affairs.

The hope we felt from those who reached out to  us—those who had, like us, 
been touched by terrorism, violence and war,  continues to resonate. These 
people, who have been so deeply affected by  loss, have a wisdom from which we 
continue to benefit. It is their wisdom,  their strength, and their stories 
have kept us going. And it is their  wisdom, their strength, and their stories 
that we hope to share with  people across the United States. 

This year, we have brought to the  U.S. 30 people from around the world who 
have been personally affected by  terrorism, violence and war and have chosen 
to break the cycle of  violence. All of us have chosen acts of peace rather 
than acts of violent  revenge. Together, we will create an international 
that will share  ideas, initiatives and actions. This network will become one 
of many new  efforts to do what the United States could have, and should have, 
done  five years ago: join in common purpose with the rest of the world to 
end  the scourge of civilian casualties—the lost children, broken families and  
futures that have always been the unacknowledged byproducts of violence  and 


[LAAMN] UFPJ: 5 Years After 9/11 -- When Will the Killing End?

2006-09-12 Thread SIUHIN
  | 212-868-5545  
5  Years After 9/11 -- When Will the Killing End?  
Dear friends,  
Today, on the fifth anniversary of  9/11, we find ourselves grieving not just 
the horrible events of that day,  but the whole string of horrible events 
that have occurred since. Instead  of taking action to make our country and the 
world safer, the Bush  Administration used the deadly attacks as a pretext for 
an unending "war  on terror" that is only generating more hatred and violence. 
No one, no  nation is safer today. 
The number of U.S. servicepeople  killed in Iraq is unrelentingly approaching 
the number of people killed on  September 11; Iraqi deaths are unimaginably 
higher, with the violence  sparked by the U.S. invasion escalating every month. 
We are heartbroken -- and we are  angry. The Bush Administration has turned 
tragedy into catastrophe.  They, and all those who have supported their 
destructive policies, must be  stopped. The war in Iraq must end now and new 
must be stopped before  they start. 
So as we take time today for sad  remembrance of the past, we also look ahead 
to an entire fall of  activities and organizing for peace. We hope you'll use 
this occasion  to renew your commitment to taking action toward ending the 
war in Iraq,  bringing all the troops home, and preventing future wars of  
Here are some ways you can plug  in: 
1.  Participate in the _Declaration  of Peace_ 
.org/)  activities being organized around the country. We are  demanding that 
our representatives in Congress take action to end the  war in Iraq. _Find  
out what's happening in your area_ 
, and learn more about how you can  be involved. 
2.  Join the efforts of the _Voters  for Peace_ 
g/article.php?id=3298)  campaign. Help gather signatures on the _Voters  for 
Peace Pledge_ 
.jsp?petition_KEY=339)  and send a message to everyone running for Congress  
this year: We want the war to end and we want it to end now! 
3.  Learn more about how you can use  this election season to turn up the 
heat on Congress and the Bush  Administration as we give the antiwar 
sentiment throughout the nation  greater voice and visibility. Check out the 
_Elections  Clearinghouse_ 
  on the UFPJ 
Help United for Peace and Justice  strengthen our efforts in the weeks and 
months ahead. Please think  about _making  a generous donation today_ 
nitedforpeace.org/donate) , as we re-commit ourselves to the struggle  for a 
world truly at peace, with justice. 
If you are in the New York City area,  please join us Tuesday, September 19, 
at 9am, to stand up to Bush as he  addresses the UN. _Check  our website in 
the coming days for details_ 
  about where we are  
assemblying and the march route. _If  you need a ride to NYC, please check our 
ride  board._ (http://w
Migrants rights advocates pays  tribute  to undocumented migrant workers 
killed in 9-11 ; says no human  being  is illegal

September 11, 2006

(New York  City) Migrant workers and migrant rights organizations from the 
United States,  Asia, Africa and Europe will converge at the Ground Zero this 
evening and join  the New York-based immigrant rights advocates to recognize 
heroism of  hundreds of undocumented migrant workers killed in the September 
2001 terror  attacks. The early evening vigil also aims to challenge 
repressive migration  policies across the globe and call for the 
of undocumented  workers who are called illegal workers in many countries.

“Migrants  are among the victims of that heinous and barbaric attack five 
years ago. Some  of them did not have the proper documents as well. Would you 
call those people,  who had served coffee, mopp

[LAAMN] 9/21:Another Unionist Killed in Philippines, Join Vigil on Sept 21 @ Los Angeles

2006-09-14 Thread SIUHIN
Join  BAYAN-USA on Tuesday, September 21, 5pm for a protest vigil in front  
of the Philippine Consulate, 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA. To date, there 
 are over 740 political killings in the Philippines under President Arroyo 
since  she took power in 2001.

153 Barangay Niugan,  Cabuyao, Laguna, Philippines  
tel no: 049.8322189 
telefax:  049.5310054
Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa  sa Timog Katagalugan • Kilusang Mayo Uno

12 September  2006
Another unionist murdered,  surveillance and killings continue
Another  unionist was killed today in Southern Tagalog region.  
Nemesio  Aquino, a worker of JAM Transit (formerly Tritran Bus Company), was 
shot dead by  unidentified men when he just came out from the Bureau of Labor 
Relations office  in Barangay Parian, Calamba City, Laguna at around 2:00  PM.
The  militant Pagkakaisa ng Manggagawa sa Timog Katagalugan (PAMANTIK-KMU) or 
 Solidarity of Workers in Southern Tagalog expressed condemnation and 
alarming  concern over the recent killing of a unionist.
“In  the region, this is the recent incident of killing which seemed to have 
been  quiescent after the murder of church worker Noli Capulong in May 2006,”  
according to Luz Baculo, PAMANTIK secretary-general.
“Although  Aquino does not belong to any of the militant unions in the region 
(Southern  Tagalog), the whole labor movement should stay as vigilant as ever 
in these  times of intensifying political repression and killings.  
Baculo  cited the failed attempts to liquidate Romeo Legaspi, union president 
of Honda  Cars Philippines in Laguna Technopark and federation president of 
Organized  Labor Association in Line Industries and Agriculture (OLALIA-KMU).  
“Legaspi  cannot anymore go to his work since October 2005 due to the 
continued  surveillance and threats to his life.”
Baculo  added, “The case of murdered PAMANTIK-KMU labor leader and Nestlé 
union  president Diosdado Fortuna has not been solved to this day since he was 
killed  on September 22, 2005.  The killings  continue while justice has not 
been served to the  victims.”
“The  killers are just around and wait for the moment to strike.  We know for 
sure their main targets are  the militant organizations, like KMU workers and 
unionists, which the government  and the military branded as terrorists and 
communist fronts.  However, we are in no way afraid to push  for with the 
struggle for wages, job security, respect for workers’ rights and  to fight for 
justice for our slain leaders,” said Baculo.

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 9/15 US Militray Watch: Last chance to ban permanent bases- act now!

2006-09-16 Thread SIUHIN
9/15 US Military Watch: Last chance to  ban permanent bases- act now!
U.S. Military Watch: Projects of Peace No War  Network
_http://www.usmilitarywatch.net_ (http://www.usmilitarywatch.net) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.PeaceNoWar.net) 
From: Sue Udry
Legislative Action Coordinator
United for  Peace and Justice
Please forward this alert, written by the Friends Committee on National  
Legislation, a UFPJ member group.  We've worked hard on the permanent bases  
issue-- the House and the Senate both approved an amendment banning permanent  
bases on the Defense Authorization bill last spring, but a conference committee 
stripped the amendment from the final bill -- at the insistence of the Bush  
administration.  We have a repeat of that situation -- both chambers added  an 
amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill to ban permanent bases. A  
conference committee will meet to adjust other parts of the bill where the 
house  and 
senate disagree, but we know the Bush administration has already  pressured 
them to strip out the permanent bases ban again.  We can't let  that happen 
Iraq: Last Chance for  Congress to Ban Permanent Bases  
_Printer-friendly version of this  alert_ 
Read this alert online at _http://www.fcnl.org/action/2006/lam0914.htm_ 
We are training Iraqi troops so they can defend  their nation. We're helping 
Iraq's unity government grow in strength  and serve its people. We will not 
leave until this work is  done.
– President George Bush, September 11, 2006  
Publicly, President Bush insists that the U.S. is in  Iraq to reduce the 
violence, strengthen democracy, and unify the  nation. After that, the U.S. 
leave. But we have seen in news  reports from Iraq over the last few days that 
the political,  economic, and security policies of the U.S. government in Iraq 
are  neither reducing the violence nor unifying the country.  
Now the administration is telling Congress  that the U.S. should not rule out 
having permanent  military bases in Iraq. This is the worst possible signal  
policymakers could send right now to people in Iraq and the United  States, as 
the monthly death toll rises to levels not seen since the  initial U.S. 
invasion. Iraqis tell us this talk of permanent  military bases confirms the 
of many people in their country  that the U.S. plans to stay indefinitely, 
helps recruit new people  to join the anti-U.S. insurgency, and contributes to 
the slide  toward civil war.  
For years, the administration has denied reports  that the U.S. is planning a 
permanent military presence in Iraq.  Policymakers have insisted that the 
U.S. will remain in Iraq only as  long as necessary and, as several officials 
have said, "not a day  longer." FCNL put forward the Iraq STEP (Sensible 
Transition to an  Enduring Peace) proposal in part to persuade Congress to go 
on the  
record opposing a permanent U.S. military presence in Iraq. And  Congress 
Thanks in large part to the efforts of the people in  the UFPJ network and 
the extensive networks of member groups,  both the House and the Senate have 
passed provisions declaring the  U.S. will not maintain permanent military 
in Iraq. But FCNL  lobbyists learned this week that the administration – for 
the second  time this year-- has successfully worked behind closed doors to  
persuade Congress to delete that language from legislation already  passed in 
the Senate.  
Congress has one final opportunity in this  session to pass legislation 
barring the Pentagon from spending money  to establish permanent military bases 
Iraq. Majorities  in both the House and the Senate have voted to approve this 
language  in amendments to the military appropriations bill. Negotiators from  
the House and the Senate will be meeting in the next two weeks to  finalize 
this legislation in a conference report.  
Take Action Now
Write, or email your representative today. Urge her  or him to sign the _Dear 
Colleague  letter_ 
(http://www.fcnl.org/issues/item.php?item_id=2061&issue_id=35)  that 
Representatives Barbara Lee (CA)  and Tom Allen (ME) are 
circulating this week in support of the "no  permanent bases" provision in the 
appropriations bill. You  can _write a letter using the FCNL  website_ 
(http://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=9024266&type=CO) .   

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love  can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the World,  please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send  e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Pea

[LAAMN] 9/15: U.S.-Mexico border fencing passes House, votes to build wall of shame!

2006-09-16 Thread SIUHIN
U.S.-Mexico border fencing passes House  - again
Republican Congress votes to build wall  of shame
September 15, 2006
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/)  

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday (9/14) voted in  favor of 
building a fence along portions of the border with Mexico, the Secure  Fence 
(H.R. 6061), this is no doubt a racist anti-immigrant bill,  the vote had more 
to do with election year politics than solving  immigration issues.

The Republican-written bill, approved on a vote of  283-138, calls for 
construction of about 700 miles of fence along the 2,000-mile  border with 
Anti-immigrant forces in the Congress, understand they  cannot finalize the 
anti-immigrant legislation to become the law this year, so  they are trying to 
appeal to the "fears" of people, the measure was a charade  designed to help 
Republicans ahead of the November 7 elections.
National Immigrant Solidarity Network will call for a conference  call very 
soon to discuss the strategies how we can responds to this before the  November 
Please stay turned!
Immigration Policy  Update 
National Immigration Forum
September  14, 2006 
House Finishes Summer Round of Immigrant  Bashing 
After their August recess, members of Congress are  putting in an appearance 
in Washington before leaving again to campaign.   Their presence in 
Washington, however, does not mean that they are taking a  break from 
campaigning.  We 
can expect the House Republican leadership to  offer a number of anti-immigrant 
proposals in the next few weeks.  They  will say that they are merely 
following up on what they learned in the series of  “hearings” conducted by 
Republican leadership in August and earlier this  month. 

When  they left town in August, however, House Republican leaders left their 
hearing  aids in Washington.  They did not “hear” from the public, or from 
anyone  who would present a reasonable solution to the immigration mess.  
Instead,  they came to tell us that immigrants are bad, that the Senate bill is 
and  that they are in no mood to listen to anyone who would disagree with 
their  enforcement-only approach. 

Rep.  _Charlie  Norwood_ (http://www.house.gov/norwood/sendemail.shtml) , 
Republican of Georgia, put it best, responding to  the testimony of a 
representative of the Congressional Research Service when she  did not tell him 
what he 
wanted to hear regarding immigrants and the economy:  “What I wanted was 
witnesses who agree with me, not disagree with me,” said  Norwood.  He then 
threatened to call her boss. 

Such  behavior reminds us why Congress is held in _near  record low esteem by 
the American public_ 
 .  Who were  they kidding? Not the majority of 
reporters and editorial writers from  newspapers large and small across 
America.  Here are some examples of  editorial headlines: 
§   “A Failure to Communicate,” the Arizona Republic 
§   “Facts, not fear, on immigration,” the Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, 
§   “Politics in immigration debate,” the Denver Post 
§   “Sideshow: Theatrical anti-immigrant hearings don't  excuse Congress 
from doing its job,” the Houston Chronicle 
§   “Closing our minds to facts won't fix immigration  mess,” the 
Gainesville [FL]  Times 
§   “The Immigration Dodge,” the Los Angeles Times 
§   “Immigration debate must focus on more than higher  walls,” the 
Walla Walla [WA]  Union Bulletin 
…and  the list goes on.  You can find a more complete list of editorial 
headlines  that were printed in August and September, as well as an analysis of 
themes  emerging from the press coverage of the House “hearings,” in our “Facts 
on  Immigration” article on our Web site:  
You  can read the editorials from newspapers across the country on our Web 
site  at: 
For  news on how the debate is playing out in Hispanic constituencies (to the 
 detriment of the GOP), see this article from the National Journal 
temporarily posted on our  Web site: 
Reasonable voices were heard…just not  by House Republican Leaders 
Thanks to the good work of advocates around the country,  every story about 
the House “hearings” was accompanied by sensible voices  advocating for real 
reform.  You can see a list of the House “hearings,”  and the flyers and press 
releases of the pro-immigrant events that were held to  counter the 
one-sidedness that the House intended, on the We

[LAAMN] 9/21 Los Angeles, CA: Protest Against ICE Immigrant Raid

2006-09-17 Thread SIUHIN
9/21 Los Angeles, CA: Protest Against  ICE Immigrant Raid
To My Colegas en El Movimiento 

In my conversations with who I call  the matriarch of the current period in 
the movement, Gloria Saucedo, we have  discussed the need to once again go 
directly to the offices of the migra in a  series or rallies, specifically 
Downtown LA first.  then, work with our  brothers and sisters closest to the 
offices, therefore supporting each  other on other rallies throughout the 
greater Los Angeles area, including East  Los Angeles, El Monte, Bell, 
Santa Ana, Camarillo, San Bernardino,  Los Angeles International Airport, San 
Pedro, Lompoc, and Lancaster.   

We believe it is effective to go and demand an immediate  moratorium on the 
raids until a just and fair reform is realized, as well as a  meeting with the 
officials like we did in June 2004; where Libreria del Pueblo,  San Gabriel 
and Pomona Valley Latino Roundtable, the Pomona Day Labor Center,  and Estamos 
Unidos attended.  We had semi-direct communication with TJ  Bonner, then the 
migra/hls director.  Moreover, we along with the office of  Hilda Solis, who 
one of the only politicians at the time to stand up and  organize with us, 
led the charge to stop the "roving raids."  There is a  much broader network 
today than back then, let's work together and make this  another historical 
victory in the movement.  

But we  cannot go demand a meeting without a show of force.  Back then, the  
National Alliance for Human Rights, working indirectly with our small 
coalition,  took a contingency to the Temecula office and stood down with the 
in  front of the office, and with the migra, which had positioned 
shotgun-toting,  bullet-vested, and helmeted goons at the entrance gate in a 
show-of-force; at 40, I was probably the youngest one there, and our group  
numbered roughly 25 mostly from the Inland Empire, and Javier Rodriguez from  
But it worked, along with the Los Angeles Coalition to Stop the  Raids' work, 
and a 10,000 person march from Ontario to Pomona, the raids were  stopped.  
MALDEF also played a pivotal role in bringing forth the  unconstitutionality 
enveloped in the racial profiling question.  From this  station, however, is 
where the genesis of the so-called seatbelt and car  insurance checkpoints 
emerged as mechanisms to clandestinely check for licenses.  

Nonetheless, on behalf of La Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, this call is  made 
to our colleagues, move yourselves and your base, no matter how large or  how 
small, to the Downtown office located at 300 North Los Angeles  Street, Los 
Angeles, CA 90012 next Thursday, September 21st, 2006, at  10am.  The office 
closes on Thursdays at Noon, so be on  time.  Bring signs, noise, and a your 
personal demands.  Flyers  will be out shortly.  For now, you can contact LHMN 
in Panorama City  818.908.2383, Gloria at 818.919.4718, LHMN in Oxnard/Alicia 
Flores at  805.483.4620, or myself at 213.471.3187, if you want to share a 
few thoughts  with us or at the rally on behalf of yourself, coalition, group, 
organization,  union, or club. 

Stay strong in the struggle, 

Jesse Diaz, Jr.  

ASA.NIMH Minority Fellow
Criminology & Race and Class  Inequality

University of California, Riverside
Sociology Department,  
Riverside, California 92521

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

[LAAMN] 9/20: National Call-In Day to STOP Congress from Passing Anti-Immigrant Bills!

2006-09-19 Thread SIUHIN
Action Alert! National Call-In Day  to STOP Congress from Passing 
Anti-Immigrant Bills!  

September 20 National Call-In  Day!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/)  
On Wednesday September 20, the U.S. House will be discuss and voting  several 
racist anti-immigrant legislation (see above). After last week the  passage 
of last week's (9/14) Secure Fence Act of 2006 H.R. 6061. 
(http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2006/roll446.xml)  the 
anti-immigrant forces in Washington D.C. want to push  their enforcement-only 
immigrant agendas before November election.  And we need to mobilize to stop it!
On Wednesday September 20, we urge you  to CALL, FAX AND MAIL your elected 
H.R. 4844 - Federal Election Integrity Act of  2006 ("Voter ID bill")
H.R. 6089 - Illegal Immigrant Deterrence  Act 
H.R. 6090 - Immigration Enforcement  Act
H.R. 6091 - Border Security Enhancement  Act 
Talking Point (by: New American Opportunity  Campaign)
"Congress should stop the piecemeal,  enforcement-only approach to 
immigration reform. I support a comprehensive bill  that reunites families, 
the undocumented population, and provides  future immigrants with a safe and 
legal way to live and work in the  U.S." 
or we'll not vote for you at the  November election!

To find your House members, please visit the following  site:
_http://www.house.gov/writerep/_ (http://www.house.gov/writerep/) 
Here's the suggest key persons to call:
1) We need call Democrats who had vote for the  anti-immigrant, ask them DO 
Andrews (D-NJ) - Baird (D-WA) - Barrow (D-GA) - Bean (D-IL)
Berkley  (D-NV) - Berry (D-AR) - Bishop (GA) (D-GA) - Bishop (NY) (D-NY)  
Boren (D-OK) - Boswell (D-IA) - Boucher (D-VA) - Boyd (D-FL)
Brown (OH)  (D-OH) - Brown, Corrine (D-FL) - Capuano (D-MA)
Cardoza (D-CA) - Chandler  (D-KY) - Cooper (D-TN) - Costa (D-CA)
Costello (D-IL) - Cramer (D-AL) - Davis  (AL) (D-AL) - Davis (TN) (D-TN)
DeFazio (D-OR) - Delahunt (D-MA) - Edwards  (D-TX) - Etheridge (D-NC)
Ford (D-TN) - Frank (MA) (D-MA) - Gordon (D-TN) -  Herseth (D-SD)
Holden (D-PA) - Hooley (D-OR) - Israel (D-NY) - Kanjorski  (D-PA)
Kildee (D-MI) - Kind (D-WI) - Lipinski (D-IL) - Lynch  (D-MA)
Maloney (D-NY) - Marshall (D-GA) - Matheson (D-UT) - McCarthy  (D-NY)
McIntyre (D-NC) - Melancon (D-LA) - Miller (NC) (D-NC) - Mollohan  (D-WV)
Moore (KS) (D-KS) - Moran (VA) (D-VA) - Pascrell (D-NJ)
Peterson  (MN) (D-MN) - Pomeroy (D-ND) - Rahall (D-WV)
Ross (D-AR) - Ruppersberger  (D-MD) - Ryan (OH) (D-OH)
Skelton (D-MO) - Smith (WA) (D-WA) - Spratt  (D-SC)
Stupak (D-MI) - Tanner (D-TN) - Taylor (MS) (D-MS)
Weiner (D-NY) -  Wexler (D-FL)


2) And here's the lists of Pro-Immigrant Republicans who had been  identify 
by the anti-immigrant organization, we need to call them to thanks for their 
pro-immigrant support and urge them VOTE NO THE  BILLS!
John McCain  (R-AZ) 202-224-2235
Lindsay Graham  (R-SC) 202-224-5972
Mike  DeWine (R-OH) 202-224-2315
Arlen Specter  (R-PA)   202-224-4254
John Warner  (R-VA) 202-224-2023
Richard Lugar  (R-IN)   202-224-4814
Robert Bennett  (R-UT) 202-224-5444
Sam  Brownback (R-KS)   202-224-6521
Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI) 202-224-2921
Norm Coleman  (R-MN)202-224-5641
Judd Gregg  (R-NH)  202-224-3324
Chuck Hagel  (R-NE) 202-224-4224
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 202-224-2541
Lisa Murkowski  (R-AK) 202-224-6665
Susan  Collins (R-ME)   202-224-2523
Larry Craig  (R-ID) 202-224-2752
Pete Domenici  (R-NM)  202-224-6621
Mel  Martinez (R-FL)202-224-3041
Gordon Smith  (R-OR)202-224-3753
Olympia Snowe  (R-ME)  202-224-5344
Ted  Stevens (R-AK) 202-224-3004
George Voinovich (R-OH)202-224-3353
Other Useful  Links
National Council of La Raza
_http://www.nclr.org_ (http://www.nclr.org/)  (http://www/) 
National Immigration Forum
_http://www.immigrationforum.org_ (http://www.immigrationforum.org/) 
New American Opportunity Campaign
_http://www.cirnow.org_ (http://www.cirnow.org/) 
National Network of Immigrant & Refugee  Rights
_http://www.NNIRR.org_ (http://www.nnirr.org/)  


Background Information  About 
H.R. 4844, H.R. 6089, H.R. 6090 H.R. 6091 

Congress Aims to Require Voter ID H.R.  4844
This week (9/20 Wed and 9/21 Thurs), the House of Representatives is poised  
to consider the "Voter ID bill" H.R. 4844, the Federal Election  Integrity Act 
of 2006.
The VOTER ID bill aims to decrease the number of citizens  able to vote by 
requiring all citizens to show proof of citizenship in order to  vote.  
of Americans, wh

[LAAMN] 9/20 Laguna Beach, CA: Cops Arrest--Then Release--The Day Labor Attackers!

2006-09-22 Thread SIUHIN
9/20 Laguna Beach, CA: Cops Arrest--Then Release--The Day Labor  Attackers, 
But Still Pursuing Charges Against Anti-Minutemen  Protester! 
Minutemen Watch, Projects of National Immigrant Solidarity  Network 
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/)   
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.net_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.net/)  
We  Suggest you to contact Susan Schroeder Orange County District Attorney's 
Office,  ask the: 
1) Why they release these  two attackers when the Laguna Day Labor Center had 
been repeatedly attacked and  harassed by Minutemen/KKK Groups? Why they 
actively file charges against the  peaceful anti-Minutemen protester Kurt 
(see above) 
2) If they will file  any charges against the attackers? 
County District Attorney's Office, Tel: (714) 834-3600  
D.A. Delays Decision On Filing In Laborer Attack 
September 20, 2006 
CBS  News 
(CBS) LAGUNA  BEACH, Calif. Prosecutors have  delayed a decision on whether 
to file charges against two young men arrested for  allegedly assaulting 
several day laborers at a Laguna Beach hiring center, an official said  
"We sent it (the case) back for  further investigation," said Susan Schroeder 
of the Orange County  District Attorney's Office. 
Artem Soloviev, 23, and Dennis  Kaptilniy, 18, were arrested Sunday and 
booked at the Orange County Jail on  suspicion of attempted murder, assault 
with a 
deadly weapon and a hate crime,  police said.  
The delay in filing charges meant  the pair were released from jail.  
Prosecutors normally have 48  hours, or two court days, to file charges if 
arrestees do not post bail and  remain behind bars, Schroeder said. 
If no charges are filed within  that time, arrestees are released and an 
arrest warrant is issued if and when  charges are filed, Schroeder said.  
Additional investigation can take  weeks, but at the maximum, prosecutors 
have as long as a crime's statute of  limitations, which is about three years 
many felonies, Schroeder said.  
Soloviev and Kaptilniy allegedly  assaulted several day laborers at a hiring 
center and then plowed their car  through the parking lot of the Day Labor 
Hiring Site at 1690 Laguna Canyon  Road, hitting two workers while shouting  
racial insults, police said.  
Several people called Laguna Beach police around 9:12 a.m. to report the men  
driving the black Toyota, police said. 
Witnesses said the men pulled  into the hiring center parking lot and tried 
to hire a worker. When the worker  rejected the terms of the job, he and a 
friend were allegedly assaulted by  Soloviev and Kaptilniy, police said.  
The suspects then fled the scene,  only to return moments later speeding 
through the area. Witnesses were forced to  jump out of the vehicle's path as 
suspects continued to circle the parking  lot, striking two workers as well  
as metal lunch tables and a  chain-link fence.  
The initial assault victim was  taken to a hospital for treatment.  
Day laborers and their supporters  gathered at the center Tuesday to denounce 
the alleged attack. 
9/15: Orange County D.A. Seeks to Prosecute Garden Grove Demonstrator  Found 
Innocent (LA IMC) 
Kurt Isobe, one of the Garden Grove 5, who was found innocent  of charges of 
throwing cans, is still stuck in the court system for allegedly  resisting 
arrest and interfering with police officers. He is due back in court  on Sept 
Others arrested and charged at the Garden Grove demonstration against the  
Minutemen were found not guilty, or took plea bargains for lesser charges, but  
Isobe decided to fight the false charges, in the name of justice. The system,  
however, has pursued charges against him, despite the jury's clear finding 
that  Isobe did not commit the most serious and concrete acts charged against 
To help defray legal expenses a benefit concert on Sept. 16th from 2 to 5 pm  
will be held at Union Center for the Arts, 120 Judge John Aiso St., featuring 
 Warren and Lisa Furutani, George Abe, Kiyoshi Graves, Miwa Lyric, the 
Afro-Cuban  All Stars from J-Flats, and Kyoko. Donations can be made to the 
Isobe  Support Committee.  

Recent News on Laguna Beach Day Labor Center 
7/17: Laguna Beach: Minutemen drop their  mask (LA IMC) 
LAGUNA BEACH, 15 July 2006--The  minutemen were mean. Just sheer, ugly, 
dog-biting mean. One of them had  discovered the Laguna Beach Day Labor Center 
on state land but, just days  later, on July 11, the City of Laguna Beach 
leased the land from the state to  keep the center open. The minutemen came to 
Laguna Beach to protest their  defeat, at a day labor center that has been a 
hotspot ov

[LAAMN] 9/25: The Immigrant Battle Shifts to the Senate – More Calls Needed!!!!!

2006-09-25 Thread SIUHIN
9/25: The Immigrant Battle Shifts to the Senate – More  Calls Needed!

Urgent  Alerts from National Immigrant Solidarity Network
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 

Dear immigrant activists:
The coming week will be the critical moment for the immigrant struggles,  
despite the opposition from the immigrant activists, the U.S. House last week  
passed several outrageous racist anti-immigrant bills:
H.R. 6061 - Border Fence Bill
H.R. 4844 - Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006 ("Voter ID  bill")
H.R. 6089 - Illegal Immigrant Deterrence Act 
H.R. 6090 -  Immigration Enforcement Act
H.R. 6091 - Border Security Enhancement Act 
The next struggles will be at the Senate, we  need to spare no time to 
non-stop calling the Senate: 

- Tell your Senator that he or she  should not allow enforcement-only 
legislation to be attached to spending bills.  

- Also tell your Senator that the enforcement-only approach taken by the  
House will only make matters worse, and that only comprehensive immigration  
reform will fix our broken immigration system. 

- Tell your Senator to  vote no on the Fence bill, H.R. 6061.

The  following Senators are key, as they are on the Homeland Security 
Subcommittee of  the Appropriations Committee:

Senator Judd  Gregg (Chairman) (NH) 
Senator Thad Cochran (MS)
Senator Ted Stevens  (AK)
Senator Arlen Specter (PA)
Senator Pete Domenici (NM)
Senator  Richard Shelby (AL)
Senator Larry Craig (ID)
Senator Robert Bennett  (UT)
Senator Wayne Allard (CO) 
Senator Robert C. Byrd (Ranking Member)  (WV)
Senator Daniel Inouye (HI)
Senator Patrick Leahy (VT)
Senator  Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Senator Herb Kohl (WI)
Senator Patty Murray  (WA)
Senator Harry Reid (NV)
Senator Dianne Feinstein  (CA)

You can find contact information for all Senators here:
Please tell us what happened by send us a copy of  your messages to: 
Please read the following excellent analysis from the National  Immigration 

The Battle Shifts  to the Senate – More Calls Needed
National  Immigration Forum
September 21,  2006
With the House having  passed their anti-immigrant legislation, it is now up 
to  the Senate (where there is not as much of the panic about the _low regard 
of the public for  Congress_ 
that is driving the House to spend so much  time 
creating fear of immigrants) to stop enforcement-only legislation from  
passing.  Still, it will take an intense battle to stop the House effort to  
through enforcement-only legislation at the end of the session. 
The good news is that  at least in some offices we have heard that Senators 
are hearing from  pro-immigrant voices, and there have been positive signs from 
some Senators that  the Senate will not go along with what the House has 
For example, Senator  Arlen Specter (R-PA), a key player because he is Chair 
of the Judiciary  Committee as well as a member of the Homeland Security 
Subcommittee of the  Appropriations Committee, told reporters today that House 
Republicans would have  no incentive to work out differences with the Senate on 
comprehensive  immigration overhaul if senators go along with the piecemeal 
approach of the  House.  "We have to take care of a guest worker program, we 
have to take  care of employer verification, we have to take care of 11 million 
undocumented  workers," Specter said.  
Other Senators who  have made positive comments expressing concern about what 
the House has done, or  about the need to reform the immigration laws in a 
comprehensive manner, include  Senators Larry Craig (R-ID) and Dianne Feinstein 
House Measures May be Attached to Spending Bills
The fence bill may  pass when it is considered on Monday.  The more worrisome 
scenario  is that the state and local enforcement and anti-due process bills 
will be  attached to bills allocating money for the Department of Homeland 
Security (or  possibly for Defense).  Once that is done, it becomes extremely 
difficult  to stop, because that requires Senators to vote against funding for 
the entire  Department of Homeland Security—a politically difficult move. 
The object, then, is  to prevent the House measures from being attached to 
the Spending bills in the  first place.  That will take calls to your Senators 
and to Senate  appropriators. 
Continue your  calls to Senate offices!
§   Tell your Senator that he or she should not allow enforcement-only  
legislation to be attached to spending bills. 
§   Also tell your Senator that the enforcement-only approach taken by  
the House will only make matters worse, and that only comprehensive immigration 
 reform will fix our broken immigration system. 

[LAAMN] 9/30 Los Angeles, CA: Immigrant Town Hall Meeting

2006-09-27 Thread SIUHIN
"10 Years After IIRIRA: Communities  Coming Together to Expose the War
on Immigrants"

Town Hall  Meeting

Date: Saturday September 30,  2006
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Location: Shatto Recreation Center, 3191 West  4th Street (between
Virgil & Vermont Ave) Los Angeles,  CA

Will Coley: 213.383.7484 or 917.523.1963, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
Shiu Ming Cheer: 562.403.0488 or 213.235.8269, 


The U.S. government has ripped apart  millions of immigrant families
and communities. Ten years after the U.S.  Congress passed the 1996
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant  Responsibility Act, over 1.5
million people have been deported.   September 30 marks the ten-year
anniversary of the law's passage.  As  Congress debates further
immigration reform, we will use this day to take  stock of the effect
of immigration laws and policies on immigrant communities  and discuss
how more enforcement will further destroy our  communities.

Townhall Format:

Various communities will attend this  town hall event to share their
experiences with migration and criminalization  of their communities.
We will discuss:
• The economic and political  policies driving global migration
• The laws and policies that tear immigrant  families and lives apart
• Deaths caused by increased border militarization  and the fear of
collaboration between
immigration authorities and local  law enforcement
•  "Know Your Rights about Immigration and Criminal  Justice" (i.e.
What to do when someone gets stopped, arrested, or detained  and how to
prevent it)
Out of this sharing process, communities will  develop a collective
strategy to oppose racism and defend human  rights.

Sponsors of the event:

The event is sponsored by a number  of community-based groups that are
based in Los Angeles County:
• Garment  Workers Center
_http://www.garmentworkercenter.org/_ (http://www.garmentworkercenter.org/)   
• Homies Unidos
_http://www.homiesunidos.org_ (http://www.homiesunidos.org)  
• The  Institute of Popular Education of Southern California (IDEPSCA)
_http://idepsca.org_ (http://idepsca.org)  
• Khmer Girls In  Action
_http://kgalb.org/_ (http://kgalb.org/)  
• Koreatown  Immigrant Workers Alliance
_http://www.kiwa.org/_ (http://www.kiwa.org/)  
• Pilipino Workers'  Center
_http://www.pwcsc.org/_ (http://www.pwcsc.org/)  
•  Q-Team
• South Asian Network
_http://www.southasiannetwork.org/_ (http://www.southasiannetwork.org/)   
• Youth Justice Coalition

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and  mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd  Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 9/27: National Call-In ACT NOW To Stop the Fence Bill!

2006-09-27 Thread SIUHIN

9/27  National Call-In ACT NOW To Stop the Fence  Bill 
Dear  Immigrant  Rights Advocate 
Good  News:   
No  enforcement bills (like the three "new" Sensenbrenner initiatives)  were 
attached to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  appropriations 
conference report. This means that when the must-pass  appropriations bill is 
voted on 
in the House and Senate it WILL NOT  contain the Sensenbrenner enforcement 
language. See _http://www.aila.com/content/default.aspx?docid=20673_ 
(http://www.aila.com/content/default.aspx?docid=20673)   for details.  
Bad  News:   
1.  Senate Majority Leader Frist (R-TN) made a procedural move (filed  for 
cloture) that ties the Secure Fence Act and the  military tribunals bill 
together. The SENATE VOTE on the Secure Fence Act could take  place this 
September 28th.  
(See _http://www.aila.org/content/default.aspx?docid=20533_ 
(http://www.aila.org/content/default.aspx?docid=20533)   for a summary of the 
Secure  Fence 
2.  Speaker Hastert (R-IL) is insisting that the Community Protection Act 
(the  "Gang Bill") be attached to the Department of Defense Authorization  
It is unclear at this point if the Senate will go along with  this proposal.  
3.  Funding for border security is still included in the DHS  appropriations 
conference report.  
Participate  in this urgent National Call-in  Day on Wednesday,  September 
--  Ask your Senators to vote NO  on the Secure Fence  Act, H.R. 6061.  
--  Tell your Senators that the enforcement-only approach taken by the  House 
of Representatives will only make the immigration situation  worse. Ask them 
to support a comprehensive approach to immigration  reform.  
--  Tell your Senators that enforcement-only provisions should not be  
attached to unrelated bills, such as spending bills or the Defense  Department 
Find  your Senators and their phone numbers at 
(http://www.facts-online.org/naoc_/leg-lookup/search.tcl) .  You can also call 
the Congressional switchboard to be connected to  
their offices: (202)  224-3121.  
Forward  this Action Alert and urge your friends, family, and co-workers to  
make phone calls until the Senate votes.  

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 10/12 Nuke Watch: Peace Movement to Bush - Negotiate With North Korea Now!

2006-10-13 Thread SIUHIN
10/12: Peace Movement to Bush - Negotiate With  North Korea Now! 
Nuke Watch Projects of Peace No War  Network
_http://www.NukeWatch.net_ (http://www.nukewatch.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  

[United For Peace & Justice] North Korea's apparent nuclear test is  chilling 
evidence of how the Bush administration's policy of shunning  negotiations 
has failed. There is no doubt: People in the U.S. and around the  world are far 
less safe than we were five years ago.
But the primary blame for this situation lies with the Bush administration,  
not North Korea. The nuclear test is a direct reaction to the Bush  
administration’s policy of shunning negotiations and threatening North Korea  
with war 
and regime change.
There is only one way to address the current crisis: Direct negotiations  
with North Korea. With few exceptions, much of the mainstream media is going  
along with the White House’s claims that negotiations won’t work. The media  
played a major role in the run-up to the war in Iraq -- we can’t let them do  
that again. 
Now is the time to get the word into your local media  that negotiation, not 
war, is the answer. _Click here to send a letter to the editor of one or more 
of your  local media outlets today._ 

_Read More »_ (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3404) 

10/12: _Korean Americans for Peace Statement on North  Korean Nuclear Test_ 

North Korea resource link:
Analysis and Commentary
Kevin Martin, Peace Action, letter to the  editor

Selig Harrison, Center for International Policy, "In a Test, Reason to  
Talk," Op-Ed, Washington Post, 10/10/06

Amy Goodman interview with Professor Bruce Cummings

John  Feffer, "Pyongyang 1, Bush 0," Foreign Policy in Focus
_http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/3581_ (http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/3581)   
Park Song-wu, "N. Korea Pressures US to Accept Bilateral Talks," Korea  Times

Robert  Scheer, "Just Blame Bill"

Statements from movement organizations
Friends Committee on  National Legislation

Peace  Action

Quotes about North Korea from scholars and former government  officials
Friends Committee on National Legislation

Additional Background
American Friends Service Committee

Young Koreans United 
_http://www.ykuusa.org/english/_ (http://www.ykuusa.org/english/)  

Go to _Nuke Watch Main Page_ 

Peace, No War
War is not the answer,  for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the  World, please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check  pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit 

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, 

[LAAMN] 10/30: International Protest Against the Killings in Oaxaca, Mexico+Latest News

2006-10-30 Thread SIUHIN
10/30: International Protest Against the Killings in Oaxaca,  Mexico+Latest 

Americas Watch - Projects of Peace No War  Network
_http://www.AmericasWatch.net_ (http://www.americaswatch.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)   

_Lists of Protest Cities_ 
URGENT -- Using Brad Will's murder as a  pretext, federal troops have been 
ordered to invade and violently suppress the  social movements in Oaxaca. 
helicopters, airplanes, armed troops and  undercover infiltrators are now 
attempting to enter Oaxaca. The social movement  intends to hold their ground. 
Indymedia is giving minute-by-minute _breaking news_ 
 and  APPO radio is broadcasting as possible -- pick a stream mirror: _one_ 
(http://ahimsa-radio1.indymedia.org:8300/appo.mp3.m3u)  _two_ 
(http://stream.r23.cc:2323/appo.mp3.m3u)  _three_ 
_four_ (http://radio.indymedia.org:8000/appo.mp3.m3u) 
Mexican embassies and consulates around the world are hearing our  outrage 
and grief about the deaths in Oaxaca. There is an _international  call to 
action_ (http://espora.org/limeddh/article.php3?id_article=76) . Email us info 
missing at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) . 
 Find a _Mexican  embassy_ (http://elenemigocomun.net/128)  in the US/Canada, 
join the _cyber-protest_ (http://www.mountainrebel.net/oaxaca/) ,  email the 
_Mexican  government_ (http://www.ulisesruizasesino.com/mexico_emails.txt) 

10/29: The circle of police, military and  paramilitaries closes over Oaxaca 
[Independent Media Center] Currently the people of Oaxaca organized in the  
Peoples Poplular Asembly of Oaxaca (APPO) are under attack by the mexican  
federal government. More than 10 thousand milatary sweep the streats of Oaxaca. 
Headed by water tanks follows by lines of 3,500 riot cops with batons and 
behind  them 3,000 military police with automatic rifles; 5,000 army troups 
in the  outskirts of the city while paramilitaries continue attacking. There 
are reports  of military tanks a few meters from the pacific protests and urban 
trucks  without logo of the Federal Bureau of Inviestigations of Mexico which 
remain in  the International Airport of Mexico, now converted into military 
base. Since the  morning there are reports of one death - but nothing confirmed.
The air space has been closed for the last two days to comercial and civil  
flights, only permiting the entry of federal and military agents. Since the  
morning the army has closed allo roads in and out of oaxaca.
10/29: The New York City Independent Media Center responds to the death of  
Brad WILL >> _Read_ 
10/29: Latest News from Oaxaca, Mexico  >> _Read_ 

Radio Stream: _Radio Universidad de  Oaxaca/Radio APPO_ 
Links: _Centro de Medios Libres-DF_ (http://cml.vientos.info/)  | 
_Indymedia-Oaxaca_ (http://mexico.indymedia.org/oaxaca)  | _Indymedia-Chiapas_ 
(http://chiapas.indymedia.org/)  | _Radio  Zapote_ 
(http://zapote.radiolivre.org/)  | 
_Ke  Huelga_ (http://kehuelga.org/) 
Will's last video from Oaxaca (Spanish site): 
More News from Oaxaca (NYC Indymedia)
_NYC Indymedia journalist  Brad Will shot dead_ 
(http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77757.html)  || _Last Communique from NYC  
Indymedia Journalist Brad 
Will_ (http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77760.html)  || _More Photos From 
Oaxaca  Today_ (http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77765.html)  || _Massacre 
Under Way in  Oaxaca_ (http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77768.html)  || 
Will, Assassinated by  Pro-Government Gunshot in Oaxaca_ 
(http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/3.html)  || _Global IMC_ 
(http://www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml)  || _Mexico IMC_ 
(http://mexico.indymedia.org/tiki-index.php?page=ImcMexico)   || _La Jornada_ 
(http://www.jornada.unam.mx:8080/ultimas)  || 
_World  Prout Assembly_ 
(http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2006/10/news_from_our_b.html)  || 
_Narco News_ (http://www.narconews.com/)  || _Oaxaca on the 
Brink_ (http://www.indypendent.org/?p=558)  || _USA Embassy in Mexico  
Contact_ (http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77785.html)  || _Indymedia: Brad 
 Bravery, Our Common Struggle_ 
(http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77793.html)  || _I Knew Brad_ 
(http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/77811.html)  || 
_more..._ (http://www.peacenowar.net/en/2006/10/7.html)  

10/30: International Protest Against the  Killings in Oaxaca, Mexico
International Call to Action:

[LAAMN] Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and Fund Raising Reception

2006-12-29 Thread SIUHIN
Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and Fund Raising  Reception  

Lee Siu Hin : Journey to My Life --  15 years of Photojournalism From Around 
The World
Friday, January 5th  2007
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Kaldi Coffeehouse
1019 El Centro St  
South Pasadena, CA 91030   _View  Map_ 


Over 90 photos from Lee's works from Bosnia, Rwanda  and Los Angeles
All photos are for sale: $10 or more --  all proceeds will be benefits Action 
LA and Peace No War Networks 2007  projects.
Lee Siu Hin is the founding member and unpaid organizer  for the ActionLA 
Coalition, an Los Angeles-based activist group, URL:  _www.ActionLA.org_ 
(http://www.actionla.org/) . Coalition members  include: _ChangeLinks 
Newspaper_ (http://www.change-links.org/) , US-Mexico Border Action Project,  
_Peace No War  Network_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  and _National  Immigrant 
Solidarity Network_ (http://www.actionla.org/ISN/index.html) .  
He was the long-time producer and reporter with  Pacifica Radio KPFK - Los 
Angeles and WBAI - New York. His articles had  been published on Change-Links, 
Z-Magazine, IPS and, Covert Action  Quarterly and Christian Science  Monitor. 
For More Information, please call Tel:  (213)403-0131 
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

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(Yahoo! ID required)

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<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

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[LAAMN] National Action and Vigil the Day After 3,000 U.S. Military Deaths

2006-12-29 Thread SIUHIN
Peace No War Network
War is not the  answer, for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

URL: _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 

Join  Peace No War e-mail list, send e-mail to: 

National Action and Vigil the Day After 3,000 U.S. Military  Deaths 
American Friends Service Committee  (AFSC)
Wage Peace Campaign
_http://www.afsc.org/3000_ (http://www.afsc.org/3000)  
Unfortunately, the sad milestone of 3,000 U.S. military deaths in  Iraq is 
quickly approaching.  As I write, 2,988 U.S. troops have  died in Iraq. 
3,000 service member deaths are a tragedy. That up to  600,000 Iraqis have 
died in the war is unconscionable.  This war must  end! 
On the day after the 3,000th death is announced, thousands of  people will 
commemorate the military and civilian dead in Iraq, call for  the U.S. troops 
come home, and insist that the U.S. government funds  reconstruction and 
diplomacy in Iraq. 
So far, events are scheduled to occur in more than 150  communities.  Follow 
the link below to find one near you, or to list  an event in your community:

At the current rate, the 3,000th death may occur on or even before  New 
Year's Day. While we do not want this event to ever happen, we hope  that you 
help make this the last time we need to mark a milestone of loss  in this war. 
Please join our call for “Not One More Death, Not One More Dollar.” Tell the 
 government that we want not one more dollar spent on this war and will not  
accept another death in Iraq.  3,000 service  member deaths are a tragedy. 
That up to 600,000 Iraqis have died in the war is  unconscionable.  This war 
If you're planning to attend or organize an event,  please visit our web site 
for posters, religious resources,  fliers, and more.  Find them at 
(http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=Mo5pmOoQnA2LJwBEWFCDZQ..) .   
Please join the memorial events by registering to organize or  attend an 
event at _http://www.afsc.org/3000_ (http://www.afsc.org/3000) .   
_Organize_ (http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=ivUrN2-F7JU9guo_Rjwnsg..)  or  
_find_ (http://support.afsc.org/site/R?i=7F50CrUrkwJ6YzOKJoTOlQ..)  a  
community event in your hometown. 
While you gather with your neighbors to commemorate the civilian  and 
military losses in Iraq, you will be joining thousands of people in hundreds  
towns and cities to call for an end to the war in Iraq. 
To learn more about these memorial events, visit _www.afsc.org/3000_ 
Peace, No War
War is not the answer,  for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the  World, please visit:_ 
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check  pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit 

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German,  Italian or Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:_http://www.systransoft.com/_ 

**"Report From Baghdad" CD-ROM**

Pacifica Radio  KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to 
U.S. occupied Iraq. An  interactive CD-ROM with articles, photos, audio and 
interviews includes:  people of Iraq, U.S. military, human rights workers, 
religious leaders and  more!

Please Visit the Web Site: _http://www.BaghdadReport.net_ 

Each CD costs: $15.00 plus $3.50 S/H (work both PC  and Mac)
The CD sells will be benefit the Baghdad Independent Media Center,  ActionLA, 
and PeaceNoWar.net
*Additional donations are welcome, and it will  be tax deductible.

Send check/money orders to: 

ActionLA  / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[LAAMN] 12/30:Nat'l Vigil for 3000 US Military Death+Talking Points for Saddam Execution

2006-12-31 Thread SIUHIN
Iraq Watch - Projects of Peace No War  Network  
_http://www.IraqWatch.net_ (http://www.iraqwatch.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Please Join Peace No War Listserv, send  e-mail to: 

National Action and Vigil the Day After 3,000  U.S. Military Deaths 
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Wage  Peace Campaign 
_http://www.afsc.org/3000_ (http://www.afsc.org/3000) 
_More Details_ 
  from AFSC 
Useful Media Talking Points by: United For Peace and Justice >> _More_ 
You can download a sample media advisory to announce your group's  activity
marking the 3,000th U.S. soldier's death at

You'll  notice there are several places where you will need to add
information  specific to your group and plans. Feel free to adapt it to fit
your local  needs.

Other resources are available at _http://afsc.org/3000/resources.htm_ 



Phyllis Bennis
Director, New  Internationalism Project
Institute for Policy Studies
_www.ips-dc.org_ (http://www.ips-dc.org/)  

1)   The execution of Saddam Hussein was not Nuremberg.   Despite their
flaws, the Nuremberg tribunals for the first time recognized  that the crime
of waging aggressive war lies at the root of all other war  crimes. Nuremberg
empowered international law in entirely new ways. Justice  Jackson, one of
the Nuremberg prosecutors, wrote that the individual  accountability
determined there must apply to the victors as well as the  vanquished.  And
while Jackson's goal has yet to be implemented, the  Nuremberg precedent set
the terms for using international law as a weapon  against leaders of
powerful as well as defeated governments.  The flawed  U.S.-controlled trial
of Saddam Hussein did not even abide by, let alone  chart new ground in
international law.  This was victor's justice of the  worst sort - just the
opposite of what Justice Jackson called for.   Despite the Iraqi faces in the
judge's chair and at the prosecutors' table,  there is no question that U.S.
occupation authorities were determining how  and under what kinds of laws
Saddam Hussein would be brought to trial.   Dozens of U.S. government-hired
American and expatriate Iraqi lawyers had  worked for the U.S. occupation
authorities from the earliest days of the U.S.  invasion and occupation in
spring 2003.  With U.S. officials still  running the legal show in Baghdad,
the U.S. military occupation still in  control of the country, and the
escalating war engulfing Iraq, no trial held  under these conditions can be
considered legitimate.

2) Some ask "if the trial had been fair, would the results have  been
different?"  The conviction of Saddam Hussein for huge crimes  against the
Iraqi people would almost certainly be the same.  The key  difference would
have been that a fair trial would have allowed -- insisted  on -- including
evidence implicating those who enabled those crimes: the U.S.  for providing
military, financial and diplomatic support for the regime, as  well as
providing the seed stock for biological weapons; the Brits for  providing
growth medium for biological weapons; the Germans for providing  chemical
weapons; the French for providing missile technology...  etc   Also, in a
"new Iraq" the convictions after a fair trial  would have led to life
imprisonment -- not the death  penalty.

3)   Shouldn't Saddam Hussein have been executed  though?   The people of
Iraq have suffered enormously for more than  a quarter of a century of
repression, war, sanctions, invasion and  occupation. There is plenty of
accountability to go around, and certainly  Saddam Hussein is responsible for
a great deal of suffering.  But he did  not act alone. For U.S. officials to
orchestrate a trial so profoundly  flawed, that was designed to keep all
evidence of U.S. (as well as European  and other international) complicity
from emerging, simply shows once again  that real democracy and real justice
were never part of the U.S. agenda in  Iraq.  Hanging Saddam Hussein has done
nothing to improve the lives of  the suffering people of Iraq. What the Iraqi
people want, and so desperately  need, is an end to the occupation so they
can end the war.  Many also  want an end to the state-inflicted violence that
Iraqi governments, both  before and since the U.S. invasion, have practiced -
that means an end to the  death penalty.  

4)  The fact that the first confirmation, for  almost an hour, came only from
the U.S.-backed propaganda station al-Hurra,  indicates again that the U.S.,
not the Iraqi government, i

[LAAMN] Annual Fund Raising Appeal to Support ActionLA Community Info/E-Mail List

2006-12-31 Thread SIUHIN
Annual Fund Raising Appeal to Support ActionLA Community  Info/E-Mail List  

 (http://www.actionla.org/) _http://www.ActionLA.org_ 
Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
ActionLA Network
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
We are appealing to your supports for ActionLA Network--An Los  Angeles based 
activist network and e-mail activism/announcement list. 
Last year we had organized dozen major campaigns/projects, includes  antiwar 
town hall meeting, May 1st immigrant rights mobilization, labor  rights 
campaigns, youth education, and peace & justice protests. 
Our e-mail activism/announcement list is the biggest in L.A. had  send over 
1,500 event announcements this year. We are also partnership with  Change-Links 
progressive newspaper to promote and distribute their  newspapers.
We are fully volunteered based collective and need to raise at  least $20,000 
for the 2007 programs. _Please Support the Important Work of  ActionLA!_ 

Every Dollar Counts! Please Support Us!  

Web: _http://www.actionla.org/Donation.htm_ 
or mail your check, payable  to: ActionLA/SEE 
and send to:
ActionLA/The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048 
All  donations are tax deductible! 

About ActionLA Network  
Our People's Movement For Justice Is a World Wide Project. Understanding  the 
connections between our own individual conditions of life and the  lives of 
people everywhere allows us to come together and organize across  all borders!

ActionLA is a  nonprofit organization under SEE, it was established since 
2000 D2K LA mobilization. ActionLA is fiscal umbrella for ActionLA affinity 
group, ActionLA web page/Listserv, Changelinks monthly newspaper, Peace No War 
Network, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, and US-Mexico Border Action 
We are part of the Los Angeles activist communities,  and we offer our 
resources to help labor,  immigrant, youth, environment and economic justice 
movements across the city and California, includes: 
S26 LA Action (Sep 26, 2000)
FTAA/US-Mexico Border Protest (Apr 20-22,  2001)
Tijuana Borderhack Festival (Aug 24-26,  2001)
LA/Irvine Taco Bell Actions (Spring,  2002)
National Immigrant Solidarity Network (since  2003)
Peace No War! antiwar/peace movement  (since 2001) 

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and Fund Raising Reception

2007-01-02 Thread SIUHIN
Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and Fund Raising  Reception  

Lee Siu Hin : Journey to My Life --  15 years of Photojournalism From Around 
The World
Friday, January 5th  2007
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Kaldi Coffeehouse
1019 El Centro St  
South Pasadena, CA 91030   _View  Map_ 


Over 90 photos from Lee's works from Bosnia, Rwanda  and Los Angeles
All photos are for sale: $10 or more --  all proceeds will be benefits Action 
LA and Peace No War Networks 2007  projects.
Lee Siu Hin is the founding member and unpaid organizer  for the ActionLA 
Coalition, an Los Angeles-based activist group, URL:  _www.ActionLA.org_ 
(http://www.actionla.org/) . Coalition members  include: _ChangeLinks 
Newspaper_ (http://www.change-links.org/) , US-Mexico Border Action Project,  
_Peace No War  Network_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  and _National  Immigrant 
Solidarity Network_ (http://www.actionla.org/ISN/index.html) .  
He was the long-time producer and reporter with  Pacifica Radio KPFK - Los 
Angeles and WBAI - New York. His articles had  been published on Change-Links, 
Z-Magazine, IPS and, Covert Action  Quarterly and Christian Science  Monitor. 
For More Information, please call Tel:  (213)403-0131 
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and Fund Raising Reception

2007-01-04 Thread SIUHIN
Jan 5 07 : ActionLA Photo Exhibition and  Fund Raising Reception  

Lee Siu Hin : Journey to My Life --  15 years of Photojournalism From Around 
The World
Friday, January 5th  2007
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Kaldi Coffeehouse
1019 El Centro St  
South Pasadena, CA 91030   _View  Map_ 


Over 90 photos from Lee's works from Bosnia, Rwanda  and Los Angeles
All photos are for sale: $10 or more --  all proceeds will be benefits Action 
LA and Peace No War Networks 2007  projects.
Lee Siu Hin is the founding member and unpaid organizer  for the ActionLA 
Coalition, an Los Angeles-based activist group, URL:  _www.ActionLA.org_ 
(http://www.actionla.org/) . Coalition members  include: _ChangeLinks 
Newspaper_ (http://www.change-links.org/) , US-Mexico Border Action Project,  
_Peace No War  Network_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  and _National  Immigrant 
Solidarity Network_ (http://www.actionla.org/ISN/index.html) .  
He was the long-time producer and reporter with  Pacifica Radio KPFK - Los 
Angeles and WBAI - New York. His articles had  been published on Change-Links, 
Z-Magazine, IPS and, Covert Action  Quarterly and Christian Science  Monitor. 
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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2007-01-07 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

*to join the immigrant Solidarity  Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 


From: DHS Press Office [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Sent:  Friday, January 05, 2007 7:53 AM

Press Office
U.S. Department  of Homeland Security

Press  Release   
January 5, 2007

Contact:  DHS Press Office, (202)  282-8010

Download the document: 

DHS ANNOUNCES $1.7 BILLION AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL homeland security  programs

WASHINGTON —The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released  today fiscal 
year 2007 grant guidance and application kits for five grant  programs that 
will total roughly $1.7 billion in funding for state and local  
efforts.  With the fiscal year 2007 funding, the  department will have 
invested nearly $20 billion in local planning,  organization, equipment, 
and exercises.

“This year’s grant  process will be more user-friendly.  There will be 
increased interaction  with all applicants before we award the grants to ensure 
effective investment.”  said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.  
funds will be  distributed to reduce risk across the United States, not just 
in a handful of  places. But, let me be clear that the communities facing the 
highest risk will  receive the majority of the funds.”  

The five programs that  comprise the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) 
encourage a regional  approach to strengthening homeland security.  Grant 
funding priorities  include reducing risks of improvised explosive devices and 
radiological,  chemical and biological weapons.  They emphasize interoperable  
communications, information sharing and citizen preparedness.  HSGP fiscal  
2007 funding totals are:

- State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)-  $509.3 million 
- Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP)-  $363.8 million 
- Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)- $746.9 million  
- Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)- $32.0 million 
- Citizen  Corps Program (CCP)- $14.6 million 

The department has refined its  grants programs over the past year to 
increase transparency, provide a more  streamlined and interactive application 
process, and tier certain core programs  according to risk.  In addition, the 
highest risk UASI cities will be  permitted for the first time to apply up to 
percent of their award toward  current state and local personnel dedicated 
exclusively to counterterrorism  field operations.

HSGP risk-methodology considers a variety of factors,  including intelligence 
assessments, population size and density, economic  impacts, and proximity to 
nationally critical infrastructure such as  international borders.  More than 
100 law enforcement, emergency management  and homeland security experts from 
federal, state and urban areas will form peer  review panels to assess this 
year’s grant applications.  Upon completion of  the review process, DHS expects 
to announce grant allocations by summer  2007.
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay to:
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network/AFGJ

Send check to: 
ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

**Please join our following listservs:

Asian American Labor Activism Alert! 
send-e-mail  to: [EMAIL PROT

[LAAMN] 1/7 Iraq Watch: U.S. Set to Control Iraq's Oil for the Next 30 Years!

2007-01-08 Thread SIUHIN
Iraq Watch - Projects of Peace No War  Network
_http://www.IraqWatch.net_ (http://www.iraqwatch.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Please Join Peace No War Listserv, send e-mail  to: 

Blood and oil: How the West will profit from Iraq's most  precious commodity

The Independent  (UK)



January 7,  2007

The 'IoS' today reveals a draft for a new law that would  give Western oil 
companies a massive share in the third largest reserves  in the world. To the 
victors, the oil? That is how some experts view this  unprecedented arrangement 
with a major Middle East oil producer that  guarantees investors huge profits 
for the next 30 years  

So was this what the Iraq war was  fought for, after all? As the number of US 
soldiers killed since the  invasion rises past the 3,000 mark, and President 
George Bush gambles on  sending in up to 30,000 more troops, The Independent 
on Sunday has learnt  that the Iraqi government is about to push through a law 
giving Western  oil companies the right to exploit the country's massive oil 
And Iraq's oil reserves, the third  largest in the world, with an estimated 
115 billion barrels waiting to be  extracted, are a prize worth having. As 
Vice-President Dick Cheney noted  in 1999, when he was still running 
an oil services company,  the Middle East is the key to preventing the world 
running out of  oil. 
Now, unnoticed by most amid the  furore over civil war in Iraq and the 
hanging of Saddam Hussein, the new  oil law has quietly been going through 
drafts, and is now on the  point of being presented to the cabinet and then the 
parliament in  Baghdad. Its provisions are a radical departure from the norm 
for  developing countries: under a system known as "production-sharing  
agreements", or PSAs, oil majors such as BP and Shell in Britain, and  Exxon 
Chevron in the US, would be able to sign deals of up to 30 years  to extract 
Iraq's oil. 
PSAs allow a country to retain legal  ownership of its oil, but gives a share 
of profits to the international  companies that invest in infrastructure and 
operation of the wells,  pipelines and refineries. Their introduction would be 
a first for a major  Middle Eastern oil producer. Saudi Arabia and Iran, the 
world's number one  and two oil exporters, both tightly control their 
industries through  state-owned companies with no appreciable foreign 
as do  most members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries,  
Critics fear that given Iraq's weak  bargaining position, it could get locked 
in now to deals on bad terms for  decades to come. "Iraq would end up with 
the worst possible outcome," said  Greg Muttitt of Platform, a human rights and 
environmental group that  monitors the oil industry. He said the new 
legislation was drafted with  the assistance of BearingPoint, an American 
firm hired by the  US government, which had a representative working in the 
American embassy  in Baghdad for several months. 
"Three outside groups have had far more  opportunity to scrutinise this 
legislation than most Iraqis," said Mr  Muttitt. "The draft went to the US 
government and major oil companies in  July, and to the International Monetary 
Fund in 
September. Last month I  met a group of 20 Iraqi MPs in Jordan, and I asked 
them how many had seen  the legislation. Only one had." 
Britain and the US have always hotly  denied that the war was fought for oil. 
On 18 March 2003, with the  invasion imminent, Tony Blair proposed the House 
of Commons motion to back  the war. "The oil revenues, which people falsely 
claim that we want to  seize, should be put in a trust fund for the Iraqi 
administered  through the UN," he said. 
"The United Kingdom should seek a new  Security Council Resolution that would 
affirm... the use of all oil  revenues for the benefit of the Iraqi people." 
That suggestion came to nothing. In May  2003, just after President Bush 
declared major combat operations at an  end, under a banner boasting "Mission 
Accomplished", Britain co-sponsored  a resolution in the Security Council which 
gave the US and UK control over  Iraq's oil revenues. Far from "all oil 
revenues" being used for the Iraqi  people, Resolution 1483 continued to make 
deductions from Iraq's oil  earnings to pay compensation for the invasion of 
Kuwait in 
That exception aside, however, the  often-stated aim of the US and Britain 
was that Iraq's oil money would be  used to pay for reconstruction. In July 
2003, for example, Colin Powell,  then Secretary of State, insisted: "We have 
taken one drop of Iraqi  oil for US purposes, or for coalition purposes.

[LAAMN] 1/11: UFPJ Nationwide Protests Say NO!! to Bush's War Escalation

2007-01-10 Thread SIUHIN
 1/11: UFPJ  Nationwide Protests Say NO!! to Bush's War Escalation
No U.S. military escalation to from Iraq to  Somalia!

[United For Peace & Justice] Whatever the numbers are, the Bush  
administration is once again moving in the wrong direction. In November the  
elected a new Congress with a clear mandate: End this war! The people of  this 
country want the war to end and we do NOT want more troops sent to  Iraq.
We need to act quickly and in large numbers to oppose this escalation.
United for Peace and Justice has joined an effort initiated by Win Without  
War and True Majority to encourage as many local actions in communities all  
around the country this Thursday, the day after Bush announces his plans. We  
need to be visible and vocal. Our message must be heard by the White House and  
by the Congress. NO more troops, end this war now! >> _Read More_ 
1/11 Call from International ANSWER: _http://www.internationalanswer.org/_ 

Urgent Updates - 1/9: U.S. attacks in Somalia  Killed Dozen Civilians!
Latest news from Somalia, please visit _Africa Watch home page_ 


1/9: Latest Updates - Peace Activists in Cuba to Protest Guantanamo Prison,  
End U.S. Sanctions
On January 9, CODEPINK cofounders Medea Benjamin and Jodie  Evans are leading 
a 15-person delegation to Guantanamo. The delegation will  include family 
members of detainees, former detainees, constitutional lawyers  and US peace 
activists including Cindy Sheehan and Colonel Ann Wright. >>  _Read More_ 
The Call: 
Thursday, January 11, 2007: The 5 year anniversary of the  first prisoners 
being brought to Guantánamo. March, Press Conference and  Nonviolent Direct 
Action in Washington, DC (_DETAILS_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/jan11_dc) ). 
Endorsed by _Center for  Constitional Rights_ (http://www.ccr-ny.org/) , 
_CodePink_ (http://www.codepink4peace.org/) , _Pax  Christi USA_ 
(http://www.paxchristiusa.org/) , _United for Peace and Justice_ 
and other  groups.  
Come to DC or organize a vigil, demonstration or speaker in your own  

*   _READ_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/node/429)  our call to action.  
*   _ENDORSE_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/endorse)  the Jan 11 Day of  
Action or _VIEW_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/node/420#endorsers_list)  
list of  endorsers. 
*   _DOWNLOAD_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/jan11_downloads)  flyers, 
web  buttons and more. 
*   _FIND_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/logistics)  housing, food,  
transportation, legal and other logistical info. 
*   _VIEW_ (http://www.witnesstorture.org/jan11_events)  a list of 
scheduled  Jan 11 events or _POST_ 
(http://www.witnesstorture.org/?q=node/add/flexinode-1)  your  event to our 

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for only love  can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the World,  please visit:_  
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send  e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124  West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All  donations are tax deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit 

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German, Italian  or Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:_http://www.systransoft.com/_ 

**"Report From Baghdad" CD-ROM**

Pacifica Radio KPFK  Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to 
U.S. occupied Iraq. An  interactive CD-ROM with articles, photos, audio and 
interviews includes:  people of Iraq, U.S. military, human rights workers, 
religious leaders and  more!

Please Visit the Web Site: _http://www.BaghdadReport.net_ 

[LAAMN] Help the Homeless - Jan. 13th/Jan. 23-25

2007-01-10 Thread SIUHIN
Help the Homeless - Jan. 13th/Jan.  23-25
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please let me know if you are available  this month to help reach out to 
our ever growing homeless  population.

Homeless Outreach - Saturday January  13th

On the evening of January 13th, Poverty Matters  volunteers will provide
blankets, clothing, and other needed items to the  homeless.  To volunteer, 
please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  . This is a  very rewarding 
experience and provides a wonderful opportunity to give  directly to those 
in need.

We will meet at 5:00 pm in Los Angeles and  outreach to the skid row area. 
Please send us an e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   for  more information.


Help Count the Homeless -January 23rd, 24th and  25th

Poverty Matters is teaming up with the Los Angeles  Homeless Services
Authority to Count the Homeless in Los Angeles  County.

1500 volunteers are needed to participate in the largest homeless  census 
count in the United States.

To be part of this important  project, please go to www.lahsa.org  and 
click on the "Sign up Now"  button.

Please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   after  you sign up for the 
Count the Homeless project to receive a special  recognition from our  


Or get  involved in one of our many other community programs to help 
empower  underprivileged communities.

At Poverty Matters we can get you connected  to an enriching experience in 
the community that can be life  changing.

And, if you can't give of your time, please consider supporting  the 
programs at Poverty Matters by making a tax-deductible donation.   Go to
www.povertymatters.org for more information on making a  contribution.

Warm Regards,

Susie Shannon

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/AFGJ, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
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(Yahoo! ID required)

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[LAAMN] 1/13: Cactus, TX: Urgent Help for Families & Deported Relatives at Swift Raids!

2007-01-15 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

May  Day 2007 National Day of Immigrant Rights! _http://www.MayDay2007.org_ 

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send  e-mail 
visit:  _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 


1/13: Cactus, TX: Urgent Help for  Families And Their Deported Relatives at 
Swift Raid!

To Whom it May Concern,
A group of activist traveled to Cactus, Texas on December 27 to find out  
about the events that took place on December the 12th regarding the deportation 
of Swift employees.
I am writing to you because our visit to Cactus has left us with a mission  
to help 400 families who have been left behind and have not heard from their  
deported relatives.
I wrote an article, which I am enclosing with this message and I would like  
to find out if there is a way we could get your organization to join us in the 
 efforts to help this community in great need.
Thank you
Viviana Hall
Dallas, Texas

Where is my dad? The struggle of  MANY CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND!

Christmas has come and gone,  but for approximately 250 children in Cactus, 
Texas, Christmas was just another  day going to bed wondering…  where were 
their parents?

On  December 12, 2006 immigration authorities, wearing black masks and 
carrying  machine guns, seized the Swift meat packing plant. Employees were 
and  their children left without their father or mother. In some cases they are 
missing both.

Local residents and activists have been organizing  humanitarian efforts to 
provide for these children’s basic needs, but what could  possibly fulfill the 
need for these children to be in the heart of their WHOLE  family? 

15 days later, on December 27, we decided to take the almost 8 hour  trip 
from Dallas to Cactus to learn firsthand about this heart breaking story.  It 
amazing to learn that out of the 400 families affected by the December 12  
events, only a small number have had contact with their loved ones; most of 
 do not know where they are We spoke with Guatemalan indigenous women whose  
husbands were taken away on that day. Only one of them had received a call 
from  her husband, a native Guatemalan, who reported being dropped off at 
 Mexico. His lack of ability to speak Spanish (Quiche is his native language) 
and  the fact that he has no knowledge of the Mexican system, or the city of 
Juarez,  has made it impossible for him to do anything to reunite his family.  
This  young mother, holding their baby in her back, shared with us that she 
would be  too scared to go with him since he has never been there before…. He 
is not in  Guatemala.

Mercedes Rodriguez, a local civic activist, has opened a donation  center 
where near one hundred families receive food, clothes, and other basic  needs 
behalf of the children who have been left with no household provider.  
Catholic churches located at near-by towns such as Dumas and Amarillo are  
other donation centers. 
Father Juan Garza coordinates the efforts from these churches, which help  
close to 300 families where children have been LEFT BEHIND. This group includes 
families of workers who use to travel to Cactus to work, but lived in the  
surrounding areas. Father Juan reports that the situation is more than sad, 
 terrible, he said. Imagine the chaos! Babysitters and local elders who are  
already impacted by poverty, are caring for children who lost both parents,  
while single mothers are soon to ran out of the financial means to pay for the  
sites they currently occupy. In a short amount of time these 400 families 
will  be homeless and if their main providers can’t be contacted, who is going 
pay  for their expenses? What’s going to happen when the children are 
expected to go  back to school next week?

The separation of these families is a  criminal act, but much more 
complicated issues are also arising. For starters,  not knowing any NEWS from 
those who 
were forced to leave their children behind  means this situation is going to 
extend for a very long period of time. How are  these people supposed to be 
reunited with their loved ones when they don’t even  know where they are?  

Guatemala  Indians with their babies and our group who brought Santa Claus to 
visit the  children in Cactus, Texas

These and many other questions need to be answered. They are core human  
rights issues. Humanitarian efforts need to double and if the whole Texas  
community responds with love and compassion for these children, perhaps they  
grow up remembering this event not as what it really is: the most cruel and  
depressing part of 


2007-01-15 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

*to join the immigrant Solidarity  Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

What Happened:  
At 5:30am Tuesday morning, January  9th, upwards of ten ICE (Immigration and 
Customs Enforcement)  violently arrested an entire Pakistani family - all 
active members of DRUM -  from their home in Queens, just hours after a federal 
court  judge sentenced their twenty-four year old son, Matin Siraj, to 30 years 
in  prison for (false) terrorism charges. The family has been in jail in New 
Jersey since Tuesday.   The racist 'War on Terror' is destroying South Asian 
and Muslim  communities and families. The migra is destroying all immigrant 
communities! We  must unite and act to put an end to it! 

For more coverage of Siraj  Matin's case, read Democracy Now' s interview 
with the  attorney
( _http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/10/151203_ 
(http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/10/151203)   )


WRITE a letter in support of the  family addressed to the Hon. Judge Tadal, 
and FAX it to  718-205-3037
We  will collect all letters, and the lawyer will present them to the judge 
on the  day of the hearing.  The letters should indicate support for  the 
family, politely request leniency from the judge, and that the family should  
"released on their own recognizance or on reasonable bond." 
CALL ICE at  973-645-3666 (Deputy Director - Ext.5010, or Supervising 
Deportation Officer -  Ext.5017), or FAX at 973-645-6124 (leave messages if 
1. Demand that  the entire Siraj family be released on recognizance or a 
reasonable bond (ICE  officials have stated that that the father was picked up 
because his asylum case  appeal was denied, but in fact his appeal is still 
pending and the mother &  daughter still have not had there day in court on 
2. Demand that  ICE, NYPD, and other enforcement agencies stop targeting 
immigrant communities,  in particular Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians 

CALL Warden Charlotte  Collins at Elizabeth Detention Center at 908-352-3776, 
Press *2, Press 242#  (leave messages if necessary)
1. Demand that Elizabeth Detention Center and ICE officials provide  
continuing medical care and medication for the mother and father for their  
severe medical conditions 
2. Demand that the Siraj family be kept  together, and that the family be 
allowed to visit and see each other in the  facility. Currently, the father is 
unable to see the mother and daughter who are  in a separate room
3. Demand that the family be able to directly communicate  and visit their 
son, Matin, who is being held at Metropolitan Detention Center, and both 
detention facilities  pro-actively facilitate direct communication between 
members of 
a traumatized  family 
Support the family by contributing to  their legal and support fund
For checks over $50 –  tax-deductible – Send checks made out to our fiscal 
sponsor: The AJ Muste  Memorial Institute, and write "DRUM – Siraj Family Fund" 
on the memo  line.  For checks under $50 – non-deductible – Make checks out  
to DRUM.  Mail checks to DRUM, PO Box 720187, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 
COME show support for the mother  & daughter's Bail Bond hearing by 
demonstrating outside Elizabeth Detention Center before, during & after the  
1. The  hearing is at 1pm on Tuesday, January  16th at 625 Evans  Street, 
Elizabeth , NJ 07201
2. DRUM is organizing a bus  or vans (with limited seats) to take allies to 
the detention center: please plan  to donate to help cover costs. CALL Kavitha, 
718-216-0756, to reserve  seats or for day-of info, OR e-mail: 
*We plan to be back in NYC at approximately 3-4pm 
Bus Meeting  times:  
10am at DRUM, 72-26 Broadway, Jackson Heights: EFVGR to Roosevelt; 7 to 74th  
11am, Midtown: 327 W. 42nd  St between  8th & 9th Ave at Burger  King.


Desis Rising Up &  Moving

72-26 Broadway,  4th Fl., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 
Tel. (718)  205-3036  |Fax (718) 205-3037  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) rg | _www.drumnation.org _ 

PRESS  RELEASE  January  13, 

Bond  Hearing Set for Entire Queens  Family Arrested as Intimidation 
For  questions, contact: Fahd Ahmed, DRUM (940)

[LAAMN] 1/20 Los Angeles, CA: Downtown LA Garment Sweatshop Tour

2007-01-17 Thread SIUHIN
ActionLA - Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel:  (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)   

Join our ActionLA e-mail list, go  to:_  
(http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla)  or send e-mail 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Downtown LA Garment Sweatshop Tour: This  Saturday 1/20, 9:30am
Dear friends,

This Saturday, January 20th, beginning at 9:30am, we  will be 
gathering at Libros Revolucion to set out on our Downtown LA Garment  
Sweatshop Tour. All are welcome for this unique exploration beneath 
the  surface of modern day US capitalism-imperialism... and beyond! 

We will  meet the people, part of an international class of 
proletarians (the vast  majority of humanity), whose collective labor 
produces everything humanity  needs, yet who themselves scuffle and 
grind everyday just to survive-many  millions without success in that 
mission, here and around the world.  

We will learn first-hand about their experiences and their dreams.  
And we will explore how this class of people, as a class, can be the  
backbone force for revolution right here in the belly of the beast, 
and  around the globe. Why do we say, with historical sweep and 
scientific  grounding that they are the potential emancipators of all  

We will dig into the production and social relations that  undergird 
this global system of exploitation and oppression, examining why  it 
is that people come to this country from all over the world. How do  
peasants from Oaxaca in Southern Mexico or Central America end up  
producing clothing and other commodities in Downtown Los Angeles? 
What  does this illustrate about the nature of this system and the 
need and  possibility to advance to a whole new, liberated world?

And finally, we  will explore the most liberating and thoroughly 
scientific vision and method  to arrive at a better world: communism 
and its radical reenvisioning by Bob  Avakian, Chairman of the 
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. We will engage  some of his 
recent works including 7 New Audio Presentations available for  
download at bobavakian.net and his DVD presentation, Revolution: Why  
It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About.

Please  contact us right away to RSVP.

For the Libros Revolucion  staff,

Libros Revolucion 
(Revolution Books) 
312  W. 8th Street, 
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(213) 488-1303

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/AFGJ, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:

[LAAMN] 1/19: Rally This Saturday -- Stop the Mass Sweeps of Skid Row Homeless! NOW!

2007-01-19 Thread SIUHIN
ActionLA - Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel:  (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)   

Please join our ActionLA Listserv go  to:_  
(http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla)  or send 
e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
RALLY Starting this Saturday   to Demand Police Commission, Villariagosa, 
Bratton, Perry -- End the Sweeps and  Mass Arrests of Skid Row Homeless  People 

THIS  SATURDAY; January, 19, 2007

WHEN:Starting at 1  p.m.

WHERE:   Gathering will be in front of LAPD's
Skid Row (Central City  East) LAPD Division Headquarters
Address: 252 E. 6th St. (6th Street two  blocks
east of  Los Angeles St.)

CONTACT: David Busch (310) 883-3288 member,  WorkingDemocracy!


Since last August, Skid Row's homeless  people have undergone the
largest mass arrests of homeless people in L.A.  history; hundreds of
homeless people each month now have faced multiple daily  raids of cops 
demanding warrant checks, searches and property confiscation  --as waves of 
50 new
cops brought to the area have swept through the area for  daily beatings and
arrests of homeless people --in order to now clear  downtown for the newest
wave of luxury loft developers. The Los Angeles  Coalition to End Hunger and
Homelessness estimates as many as 4,000 poor and  homeless people
may have had cops demand their ID; handcuffed them; searched  through every
bag, suitcase, and possession they have --and then been  transported to
the LAPD booking room; and cuffed to a bench for up to an hour  or more
before being given a choice: get into a "shelter" --or go to  jail.

A Federal Court recently found almost 90,000 homeless people in  Los
Angeles County --and less than 30,000 shelter beds.

Incredibly,  Central Division is getting away with now not
classify these Skid Row actions  as  "arrests" --Division Captain Andrew 
Smith even recently claims that  arrests on Skid Row "declined" this year. 
(citing only about an additional 2,000 "official arrests").


LAPD are conducting a mass disinformation campaign that has hid
the  actual arrests figures since last November.


Nor do these figures include recent pre-dawn raids --where
sleeping  residents are woke up and are told, now, since the first of the
year, to  "leave in 20 minutes" or be arrested.

Additionally, since the first of  the year, Skid Row Police are
systematically clearing now entire streets in  pre-dawn raids: Los
Angeles, San Pedro, 5th St. and Crocker St. --and herding  people towards the
L.A. river --demanding that thousands of homeless people  maintain
themselves now in the fifty blocks of Skid Row for up to 2&1/2  hours each 
day without any public water source; only one public toilet  that's not in a
religious mission; and not a single public place to lie down,  or even sit,
until 8:30 a.m..; when only two tiny parks, with barely enough  rain cover 
for 50 people, are supposed to serve a street population of up to  4,000 at
any given time.

A homeless person on Skid Row was mocked last  week by one LAPD
cop, "By the end of this month all this will be gone"  --referring to the
thousands of homeless people here who are breaking no law,  and yet are 
facing daily, unprecedented, cop harassment. LA City Council  insiders are 
warning activists that such raids are being now  contemplated soon for
Hollywood, Venice, the Valley, and South  L.A..

Stated, recently, Robert Erlinbusch, Director of the anti-poverty  advocacy 
The Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness:

"There  are also many reasons why people will refuse to go to
shelters; firstly, they  are almost always full --making them impossible for
many to get into -and,  additionally, shelters separate unmarried partners; 
they often refuse to  accommodate people's dogs or other pets; or provide
adequate storage and  transport of possessions; they do not accommodate
mothers with children of  certain ages; and they are often places extreme, 
and unlawful, hostility to  anyone of the LGBT community."

A Federal Court order currently  forbids LAPD from arresting
anyone for merely sleeping on the sidewalk in the  Skid Row
area between 9 p.m. at night and 6 a. m. each morning.

People  are urged to bring signs, banners, and
self-standing tents with footprints no  larger than 8'x8'; solar
panels; water; legal internet relay antennas;  healthy vegetarian
food and  --respect for ALL residents here --for the  rally, and to
support the growing community resistance.

[LAAMN] 1/21 California: Undocumented immigrant parents facing aid cut

2007-01-21 Thread SIUHIN
National  Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!  
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 
*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily  news litserv, send e-mail 

Call To  Action!  May Day 2007
National Mobilization to Support Immigrant  Workers! 
_http://www.MayDay2007.net_ (http://www.mayday2007.net/) 

Illegal immigrant parents facing aid  cut
Sunday, January 21, 2007
By: WILLIAM FINN BENNETT - North County  Times (San Diego, CA)

NORTH COUNTY  The low-income  illegal-immigrant parents of an estimated 
36,000 children in California would  lose cash assistance on July 1 if Gov. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget  is approved, a spokesman for the state 
Department of Social Services said  Friday. 

Cutting off those payments would save Golden State taxpayers  $144 million in 
the fiscal year starting July 1 as the $491 monthly payments  end, Michael 
Weston said. 

The proposal is the latest in a series of  possible changes to immigration 
policies in California, a focal point in the  continuing national debate over t
he country's immigration policies.

Under  current rules, the parents are eligible for the money until their 
U.S.-born  children reach age 18, Weston said. But with the changes proposed by 
the  governor, the payments would be stopped when families have received the 
money  for five years. 

State officials estimate that would mean 36,000 of the  90,000 children whose 
families now receive the benefit would be at the 60-month  threshold by July.

The money is allocated by county agencies through a  debit card issued to 
parents "for need uses (for the children), but we can't  track how they are 
used," said Tom Christensen, a spokesman for the San Diego  County Department 
Health and Human Services. 

About $500 million is  now spent each year on providing the assistance, 
according to state  officials.

Mike Herald, a spokesman for the Western Center on Law and  Poverty, said 
Friday that California Department of Social Services officials  have told him 
that eventually, almost every illegal immigrant family now  receiving the 
would see it end. 

"If we cut off all assistance,  kids are going to suffer," he said.

The center is an advocate for the  rights of low-income Californians in 
health, housing and public  assistance.

U.S. Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Escondido, said he thinks the  governor is moving 
in the right direction. 

"At no time should an illegal  alien get (money) from the government," 
Bilbray said in an interview  Friday.

Continuing to pay illegal immigrants the costs of raising their  children 
simply serves to attract other immigrants to the U.S., he  said.

"It tells the world that we really want illegal immigration, that  we are 
willing to pay for it," he said.

The 50th Congressional District  representative proposed a radical solution 
to advocates' concerns about the  effect of the cuts. The answer, he shot back, 
is for illegal immigrant parents  to give up their child by finding a legal 
U.S. resident to take over his or her  guardianship.

Local costs in tens of millions

About 4,000 payments  were made in San Diego County in December, at a cost of 
nearly $2 million, said  Christiansen.

Officials with the Riverside County Department of Public  Social Services 
said Thursday that each year, the agency makes payments to  illegal immigrant 
parents for an average of 3,015 children who are U.S.  citizens, at an annual 
cost of about $15 million. 

The agency's assistant  director, Susan Lowe, said Thursday that 46 percent 
of that taxpayer money comes  from the federal government and the rest from 
state and local  governments.

Reaction varies

An immigrant advocate said that  cutting off the payments after 60 months 
would be shortsighted and  inhumane.

If California cuts off the funding to those children after five  years of 
benefits, "we are making the child the scapegoat for whatever  immigration 
that we, as adults, have not been able to resolve," said  Arcela 
Nunez-Alvarez, associate director of the National Latino Research Center  at 
Cal State San 
Marcos. "The kids will be paying the consequences."  

Mike Spencer, a Vista resident and founder of an anti-illegal  immigration 
group called the Vista Citizens Brigade, said Thursday that he had  mixed 
feelings about the issue.

"I hate to be wishy-washy," he said. But  "in the morning, I might say, 
'special programs are needed for these kids,' and  in the evening I might say, 
have to send them all back  lock, stock and  barrel.' " 

One thing is for sure, Spencer said: The costs of illegal  immigration to the 
taxpayer "are the most egregious financial attack on us  citizens that I can 

"As you peel back the layers, it just goes  on and on - we pick up the 
costs of the pregnancies and then pick up the  cost of welfare because they are 

[LAAMN] 1/26 Pomona, CA: March Against ICE Raids in Pomona!

2007-01-25 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

May  Day 2007 National Day of Immigrant Rights! _http://www.MayDay2007.org_ 

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send  e-mail 
visit:  _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 


National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay to:
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network/AFGJ

Send check to: 
ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

**Please join our following listservs:

Asian American Labor Activism Alert! 
send-e-mail  to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant workers  information 
and alerts
send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders! Support  
Immigrant Rights! 
send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
or visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

Immigrant Deportation and Detention Alert!
send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:
(Yahoo! ID required)

<*> To change settings via email:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] 4/15-22: National Boycott for Impeachment and Peace

2007-02-06 Thread SIUHIN
ActionLA - Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Boycott Across America

April 15th-22nd  2007
wearenotbuyingit.org   Fighting for  Truth  Fighting for  Justice
February 2007
There  are political realities we have to face if we are to be  successful in 
this massive effort to bring the Bush  administration to justice.  While 
millions are well aware  of the litany of criminal charges levied against this  
administration, many of us have also been unwilling to accept  the very real 
political power that they wield.  Frankly  the path of this administration is 
littered with destroyed  reputations, ruined lives and untimely deaths. 
It is  not outside of the realm of possibility that key members of  Congress 
may be under extraordinary pressure to refrain from  pursuing criminal 
charges.  The reasons for this position  are no doubt many:  They are 
compromised in  some way, they may want to hold onto expanded executive powers  
for their own ends, they may truly feel as if the majority of  Americans are as 
mean-spirited and destructive as the  administration so they want to appease 
them.or perhaps  they are just afraid and uncertain, lacking a moral  
Whatever the actual pressures are that have  caused the Democratic leadership 
to abandon any direct  opposition to the Bush Administration, we must 
understand that  at heart, almost all politicians are concerned first and  
with getting elected again.  And unless this  issue is heard within the home 
districts of even the  staunchest neo-con Republican, it will be possible for 
the  House Leadership to just ignore our calls for justice and  pursue their 
politically driven agenda.   Impeachment  Statistics
Change is  Hard   
OK, There may be  lies, damned lies and statistics but the numbers can  also 
reveal the truth.  Compare these two poll  results, the first and IPSOs poll 
taken during the  elections and the second a Zogby poll released in  January---
IPSOs Poll  November 2007

Favoring Impeachment :
By Party 
*   72% of Democrats   
*   56% of Independents  
*   20% of Republicans  
*   Region   
*   53% Northeast  
*   51% West  
*   50%  South 
Now the Ipso's  poll was only asking for an up or down opinion.After 
House Speaker Pelosi took the issue "Off the  table" we see a 6% drop in 
from Democrats.   But so what, the 3% gains with both the Independent and  
Republican voters make up for  it. 

Zogby Poll in  January 2007 
*   66% of Democrats   
*   59% of Independents  
*   23% of Republicans.

By  ideology, impeachment was supported by:  
*   90% of Progressives  
*   71% of Libertarians  
*   65% of Liberals  
*   58% of Moderates  
*   33%of  Conservatives  
*   ...and even 28%  of Very Conservative voters favor  impeachment!

(Still that  means a third of conservatives are open to the message  whereas 
a third of liberals are  not!).

Responses also varied by  age, sex, race, and religion. 

74% of  those 18-29 
47% of those 31-49 
49% of those  50-64
40% of those over 65 
55% of women49% of men.   
By  Race:
75% of African  Americans 
56% of Hispanics 
47% of Whites   
By  Religion:
Majorities of Catholics, Jews, and  Others favored impeachment, 
while 44% of Protestants  and 38% of Born Again Christians did  so.

Majorities favored  impeachment in every region: 
54% in the  East   53% in the 
 South  2% in the  West   
 50% In the Midwest

By community size  impeachment support  runs: 
56% in large  cities  
  58% in small  cities
  48% in the  suburbs 46% 
in rural areas 
 There are a lot of  things you can do to help in this fight besides just  
signing the pledge:
1.  If you are already  involved then keep up the work!  Helping to spread  
the word about this boycott is a tremendous help in and  of itself! 
2.  If you have time to  volunteer we have a  goal of reching out to people 
in every Congressional  District.  There is a lot that you can do to help  just 
by putting in an hour or two a  day. 
3.  Make signs and flyers  and pass them out at work, at home and in the  
community.  Promote the boycott as a civic 

[LAAMN] 2/6 Los Angeles, CA: Protest and press conference at UCLA

2007-02-06 Thread SIUHIN
Minutemen Watch
Projects of National Immigrant Solidarity  Network

_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/) 
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 

May Day  2007 National Day of Immigrant Rights! _http://www.MayDay2007.org_ 

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

Conferencia  de Prensa/Protesta
Fuerzas  Pro-inmigrantes  Estudiantiles y  Comunitarias Protestan al líder de 
los Minutemen Carl Braun en el campus de la  UCLA el martes 6 de febrero, 2007
Una coalición de estudiantes y organizaciones  comunitarias tendrán una 
manifestación, una protesta y una conferencia de prensa  para denunciar la 
presencia de Carl Braun, Director Ejecutivo del Proyecto  California Minutemen, 
estará hablando en el campus de UCLA el martes 6 de  febrero, 2007 a las 7 
p.m. en Moore 100. 
La coalición está compuesta por los siguientes grupos:  Unión de Estudiantes 
Africanos, Conciencia Libre, Coordinadora Estudiantil de La  Raza, M.E.Ch.A, 
Asociación de Estudiantes de Posgrado de la Raza, Estudiantes  por una Sociedad 
Democrática, y Unión de Estudiantes Salvadoreños.  Organizaciones 
comunitarias que también  participarán incluyen la Asociación de Educadores de 
la Raza, 
Frente  Continental, Coalición Pro-Derechos de la Raza, y Unión del Barrio. 
 Durante la conferencia de prensa, estudiantes y  miembros de la comunidad: 
1) tendrán una manifestación Pro-inmigrante afuera del  Evento Anti-inmigrante; 
y  2)  denunciarán públicamente la presencia de la organización paramilitar, 
racista y  anti-inmigrante Minutemen.  
Contacto:  Alfonso Gonzáles 310 904 8487
Qué: Estudiantes de  UCLA y aliados comunitarios pro-inmigrantes Protestan la 
Presencia de Carl  Braun, E.D. de la California Defensa Civil Minutemen
Dónde: Kerkhoff  Patio en UCLA (Atrás  de Moore Hall)
(Haga  click aquí para obtener direcciones a Moore Hall)
ges/pDetails.css&p_loc_id=179  ) 
Cuándo:  martes 6 de  febrero, 2007.
Hora:  7:00 P.M

F  O R  I M M E D I A T E  R E L E A S E
Press  Conference/Protest
Pro-Immigrant Rights Student/Community Forces  Protest Minuteman Leader Carl 
Braun at UCLA Campus on Tuesday February 6, 2007 
A pro-immigrant rights  coalition of student and community organizations will 
hold a rally, protest, and  press conference denouncing the presence of Carl 
Braun, Executive Director of  the California Minutemen Civil Defense Project, 
who is scheduled to speak at the  UCLA campus on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 
7:00 p.m. in Moore 100. 
The coalition is comprised of  the following organizations: African Student 
Union, Conciencia Libre,  Coordinadora Estudiantil de La Raza, Raza Graduate 
Student Association, Student  for a Democratic Society, and Union of Salvadoran 
University Students. Community  organizations scheduled to participate 
include, the Association of Raza  Educators, Continental Front, Raza Rights 
Coalition, and Union Del Barrio 
During the press conference  student and community speakers will: 1) Hold a 
Pro-Immigrant Rights Rally  outside of the Anti-Immigrant Event; and 2) 
Publicly denounce the presence of  the racist, anti-immigrant, paramilitary 
organization of the Minutemen. 
Contact: Alfonso Gonzales 310 904  8487
What: Pro-Immigrant Rights UCLA Students and  Community Allies Protest 
Presence of Carl Braun,  E.D. of the Minutemen Civil Defense Project
Where: Kerkhoff  Patio at UCLA (Behind Moore Hall) 
(Click  for Directions to Moore Hall)
.dev.admin.ucla.edu/CampusMAP/Images/pDetails.css&p_loc_id=179)   )
When:  Tuesday, February 6th,  2007.  
Time: 7:00  P.M.

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)595-8990

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay to:
National Immigrant  Solidarity Network/AFGJ

Send check to: 
ActionLA /  The Peace Center

[LAAMN] 2/5: Ban the box! Support the Workers Rights! Contact Supervisor Yaroslavsky!

2007-02-06 Thread SIUHIN
ActionLA - Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel:  (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)   

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go  to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

2/5: Ban the box! Support the Workers  Rights! Contact Supervisor Yaroslavsky!
Alicia Lepe
The California Partnership/Center for Community  Change 

Support the Fair Employment Resolution, calling to reposition the  question 
about prior convictions on applications for employment with the County  so that 
people with prior convictions have a better opportunity to reenter  society 
successfully. Please forward to constituents of Supervisor Yaroslavsky  and 
write to him if you are a constituent, using the sample letter  below .


Dear Supervisor Yaroslavsky,

I live in  ___ and I am a constituent of 
yours.  I am  writing to express my support for the Fair Employment Resolution, 
and to urge  you to support the substitute Motion put forth by Supervisor 
on January  23rd, 2007.  

I am concerned about the thousands of  people returning from prisons and 
jails to our communities each year.  I  believe that access to housing, drug 
alcohol rehabilitation programs, and  perhaps most importantly, living wage 
employment is critical to successful  reentry. 

I believe that people with prior convictions should  not continue to be 
punished after having served their sentences, and that the  opportunity for a 
start is in all of our best interest, and the interest  of public safety.  
Los Angeles County should take the lead in reducing  barriers to employment 
faced by people who have prior convictions.   Modifying the County’s own 
application process by asking for conviction history  later in the hiring 
process is a 
simple, no cost way to make the County’s  process more open and fair, and to 
send a strong message to other  municipalities, as well as the private sector, 
that L.A. County supports the  successful reintegration of people returning 
from prisons and  jails.   

I support the effort to reposition the  question about prior convictions on 
applications for employment with the County,  and urge you pass the Fair 
Employment  Resolution.

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/AFGJ, all donations are  tax  

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to:_  http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 8/8 US Military Watch: Support Cindy Sheehan's Vigil at Bush's Texas Ranch

2005-08-08 Thread SIUHIN
U.S. Military Watch - Project of Peace No War  Network
URL: _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
August 5, 2005
Leslie Cagan 
National Coordinator  
By now you probably already know about Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside George  
Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Cindy's son Army Spc. Casey Sheehan was 
killed  in Iraq in April 2004. Since then Cindy has been working to end the war 
 bring the troops home, telling her story and speaking out at every 
opportunity.  This past Saturday she went to Crawford, marched as close to the 
president's  ranch as the police would allow, and has not moved since. She is 
demanding that  Bush meet with her and that be bring the troops home from Iraq 
Cindy is  prepared to stay in Crawford until the president meets with her, or 
until he  ends his vacation and returns to Washington, DC. 

Cindy's action has  already generated tremendous media interest. And there 
are signs that what she  has done is inspiring other Gold Star families - 
who have lost loved ones  in Iraq - and other military families to also go to 
Crawford. This effort could  easily grow in the coming days and weeks. 

United for Peace and Justice  strongly encourages you to support the work 
that Cindy and the Gold Star Parents  for Peace, along with Military Families 
Speak Out, are doing. This action comes  at a critical moment and we need to 
sure their voices are heard. 

We  urge you, even though it is the middle of the summer, to take action 
locally.  Here's what you can do: 

1) Organize a vigil, picket, rally or other  public protest in front of your 
local Federal Building, or any central location  in your town. Demand that the 
president talk with Cindy and the other Gold Star  parents. Be sure to list 
any activity you are organizing on the UFPJ web site at  

2)  Make sure your local news outlets are covering this story. Call the 
editor of  your paper and contact producers of radio shows to encourage their 
ongoing  coverage of this important news. 

3) Flood the White House with phone  calls. Let them know that people in 
every corner of this country support Cindy  and that we want George W. Bush to 
out and meet with Cindy! The number for  the White House comment line is 

And finally, we hope you  will build on the attention Cindy is getting to 
expand your ongoing local  antiwar work, and to help build for the largest 
mobilization ever against this  war on Sept. 24th in Washington, DC. Be sure to 
the most up-to-date  information about the three days of action that United 
for Peace and Justice is  organizing by visiting the fall mobilization section 
of our website at_  http://www.unitedforpeace.org/fallmobe_ 

Please be sure to contact the  UFPJ national office if you need assistance or 
if you have other ideas for our  collective efforts: 212-868-5545. 
Peace No War Network is the member organization of UFPJ, and fully  supports 
Cindy Sheehan's courageous work.

Latest Iraq Body Count Number (Based on Verifiable  Info): 
Minimum: 23,456 
Maximum: 26,559 
URL: _http://www.iraqbodycount.net_ (http://www.iraqbodycount.net/)  
(The  number is very conservative, other independent estimates had put the 
Iraqi  causalities to over 100,000) 

Latest US-UK and "Coalition" Forces  Causalities (Based on DoD Info):
2,027 Killed
13,189 Wounded
URL: _http://icasualties.org/oif/_ (http://icasualties.org/oif/) 
(the number does not include U.S. "contractors,"  U.S.-U.K. installed Iraqi 
puppet forces and the wounded U.S. soldiers died after  they'd return to the 
The War in Iraq Cost  the United States (so far):
URL: _http://www.costofwar.com_ (http://www.costofwar.com/) 

September 24-26 Mobilizations in  Washington D.C.! 
_http://www.unitedforpeace.org_ (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/) 

Useful Links:
February 2005 Peace Zine
Special Counter  Recruitment Issue
The  Monthly Newsletter from Peace No War Network
URL:  _http://www.peacenowar.net/PeaceZine/Feb05.pdf_ 

Photos of U.S. Military Torture in Abu Ghraib Prison 

Los Angeles Times has a  complete biographical Information on U.S. Soldiers  
For more photos and Videos from Iraq,  visit: 
"Report from Baghdad" July,  2003 

[LAAMN] 8/23 Americas Watch Alert! Protest Pat Robertson Calls for Chavez Assassination

2005-08-23 Thread SIUHIN
Protest Pat Robertson Calls for Chavez  Assassination
Americas Watch Action  Alert!
August 23, 2005
Americas Watch, Projects of ActionLA  Coalition
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/) 
It's widely reported on the media that the right wing conservative  radio/TV 
host Pat Robertson call for assassinate Venezuela's President Hugo  Chavez 
last Monday his the Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club."  See the 
following reports:
So far, Robertson had refused to retract and/or apologize for his racist  
comments. At the past, he had made many anti-gays & lesbian and  other racists 
comments on the air. 
Therefore, we are calling for international protest against Pat Robertson's  
"The 700 Club" and the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN). 
Here's what you can do:
1) Call The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center: (800) 759-0700
This is a 24 hours a day hotline for prayers, we are encouraging people to  
call this too-free line, and ask why Christians religious worker like him ill  
advocate CIA covert assassination.
2) Call CBN Main Switchboard (757)  226-7000
Ask to talk to talk to Pat Robertson office and CBN's public relation  
office. Demand his to retract and apologize for his racist comments.
You also can write to CBN office:
The Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville  Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463
3) Call local TV stations to kick CBN and "The 700 Club" out  the air!
Here's the list of the local stations carry the shows, please check which  
one is the nearest TV station and call their public relations office, demand  
unless Pat Robinson will make on-air apologize and guarantee never again,  the 
TV station should drop their show>
State City Station Local Time   ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM WIAT TV42 3pm  

KPAZ TV21 (TBN) 12noon  ARIZONA PHOENIX (10 translators/various cities) KAZT 
ILLINOIS CHICAGO (cable, various channels) TLN (Total Living Network) 6pm  

[LAAMN] 8/26 Beverly Hills, CA: Protest against the Minuteman Conference!

2005-08-25 Thread SIUHIN
Call to Action : Protest against the  Minuteman Conference on 8/26 at the 
Beverly Hills!
La Tierra es de todos  Coalition
Friday August 26, 4:00 - 6:00  PM
Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel 
9500 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills,  CA
For more info: (213)  810-8438

The arrival of violent anti-immigrant groups like the minutemen is  an 
alarming development. But each time these racists have appeared, they’ve met  
resistance from La Tierra es de Todos Coalition and other supporters of human  
rights. The minutemen want to return to the border on Sept. 17. How can we stop 
them? Come join us in our struggle to protect our communities from  racism!
Minutemen Watch
A New Project For the  Immigrant Solidarity Network  
URL: _http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Campaigns/Minutemen.htm_ 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New York:  (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please join our following  listservs: 
National Daily email update:
The immigrant Solidarity  Network daily news litserv, 
to join, visit web: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 
or send e-mail to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Asian American Labor Activism Alert!  Listserv
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 
NYC Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and  Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers information and alerts
send e-mail to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 
US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! 
send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ 
or visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
 tsunami villages rebuild at GlobalGiving. The real work starts now.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 9/9 East LA: NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL! Town Hall Meeting

2005-09-05 Thread SIUHIN
Friday, September 9, 7-10pm 
East Los Angeles College  (ELAC), Student Center


•   Peter Camejo, California Green Party
•  Rufina  Juarez, South Central Farmers
•  Jesse Diaz, La  Tierra es de Todos
•  Dele Ailemen, South  Central Coalition
•  Laguna Beach Day Laborers  Center
•  Video of actions along the border and  protests
against the California Minutemen and Save Our  State
•  and other invited  speakers

Friday, September 9,  7-10pm

East Los Angeles College (ELAC), Student Center
Building  G-1
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez

It’s time to build the  movement to defend the lives
and rights of immigrants and of all workers  in
California. A vigilante group, Friends of the Border
Patrol, plan to  come to the Mexico/California border
starting on September 17 and people from  around the
Southwest are organizing to stand up against their

Stand up against the militarization of the border.
Stand up for the  rights of migrant workers and the
Mexican and Latino and other immigrant  communities in

With governors declaring “emergencies”  along the
border and the growth of vigilante groups like the
Minutemen,  politicians and organized racists alike are
stirring up anti-immigrant  hysteria – in the name of
the war on “terror” and hype about the “invasion  of

And U.S. government policies toward Mexico,  Latin
America, and the rest of the world continue to force
large numbers  of people to emigrate from their homes
to try to stay alive.

Get  involved in the movement that proudly states: No
Human Is Illegal – We Want a  World Without Borders

The movement against racism and for  international

MORE INFORMATION: Call 213-309-2713;  Email

Hosted by La Tierra es de Todos  coalition.

Viernes, 9 de Septiembre, 7-10 pm 
East Los Angeles College  (ELAC), Student Center
*   Peter Camejo, el Partido  Verde de California  
*   Rufina Juarez, los Campesinos  del Sur Central  
*   Jesse Diaz, coalicion La  Tierra es de Todos  
*   Dele Aileman, Coalicion del  Sur Central  
*   Centro Jornalero de Laguna  Beach  
*   video de las acciones por la  frontera y protestas contra los 
Minutemen deCalifornia y  Save Our State  
*   y otros oradores  invitados
Viernes, 9 de Septiembre, 7-10  pm 
East Los Angeles College (ELAC), Student  Center 
Edificio G-1 
1301 Avenida Cesar  Chavez 
Es tiempo para crear el movimiento para defender las vidas y los derechos de  
los inmigrantes y todos los trabajadores en California. Un grupo de 
vigilantes,  Amigos de la Patrulla Fronteriza, planea llegar a la frontera de  
Mexico/California el 17 de Septiembre y la gente del suroeste se esta  
para confrentar ese racismo. 
Resista la militarizacion de la frontera. Defienda los derechos de los  
trabajadores migrantes en las comunidades mexicanas, latinas y todas otras en  
Con la declaracion de "emergencias" por la frontera hecho por gobernadores y  
el crecimiento de grupos vigilantes como los Minutemen, los politicos y 
racistas  organizados ambos estan fomentando un histerismo anti-inmigrante -- 
en el  nombre de la guerra contra "el terrorismo" y la publicidad exagerada 
de "la  invasion de ilegales." 
Pero la politica estadounidense hacia Mexico, Latino America, y el resto del  
mundo continua a forzar mucha gente a emigrarse de sus tierras para seguir  
Involucrese en el movimiento que declara orgullosamente: Ningun Ser  Humano 
Es Ilegal -- Queremos Un Mundo Sin Fronteras 
El movimiento contra el racismo y para la solidaridad internacional ! 
PARA MAS INFORMACION: Llame 213-309-2713 ; Correo  electronico(email): 
(http://us.f344.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Anfitriado por la coalicion La Tierra es de  Todos. 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)544-9355

Please consider  making a donation to the important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network  
Send check pay to:
1013 Mission St. #6
South Pasadena  CA 91030
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join the  immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn

[LAAMN] 9/5 Hurricane Katrina Alert: Calls For Progressive Emergency Supports!

2005-09-05 Thread SIUHIN

Hurricane Katrina Alert!
Calls For  Progressive Emergency Supports to the Victims!
September 5, 2005
An Appeal from  ActionLA
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/) 
ActionLA Coalition and several other  progressive organizations, will launch 
a national call for a donation  drive to supports New Orleans areas 
progressive agencies for the  humanitarian-aid efforts. Detail will coming soon 
please donate  generosity!
Lee Siu Hin
ActionLA Coalition
For More Information please visit  our Hurricane Katrina Alert Webpage:
How You Can  Help!

Several Suggest Agencies To Donate Your Hurrican Katrina  Relief

Volunteer  Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities to Help Katrina Victims!

News  Blogs

Katrina Blogosphere  Digest
Katrina News Digest

Missing People Database 
Katrina Missing/Found Persons Digest
Red Cross Missing People Database
Katrina Survivor-Connector List (Gulf Coast  News)
Emergency Housing Information  
Hurricane Housing Webboard

Notes From Inside New  Orleans
by Jordan Flaherty
Friday, September 2,  2005

I just left New Orleans a couple hours ago. I  traveled from the apartment I 
was staying in by boat to a helicopter to a  refugee camp. If anyone wants to 
examine the attitude of federal and state  officials towards the victims of 
hurricane Katrina, I advise you to visit one of  the refugee camps.

In the refugee camp I just left, on the I-10 freeway  near Causeway, 
thousands of people (at least 90% black and poor) stood and  squatted in mud 
and trash 
behind metal barricades, under an unforgiving sun,  with heavily armed 
soldiers standing guard over them. When a bus would come  through, it would 
stop at 
a random spot, state police would open a gap in one of  the barricades, and 
people would rush for the bus, with no information given  about where the bus 
was going. Once inside (we were told) evacuees would be told  where the bus was 
taking them - Baton Rouge, Houston, Arkansas, Dallas, or other  locations. I 
was told that if you boarded a bus bound for Arkansas (for  example), even 
people with family and a place to stay in Baton Rouge would not  be allowed to 
out of the bus as it passed through Baton Rouge. You had no  choice but to go 
to the shelter in Arkansas. If you had people willing to come  to New Orleans 
to pick you up, they could not come within 17 miles of the  camp.

I traveled throughout the camp and spoke to Red Cross workers,  Salvation 
Army workers, National Guard, and state police, and although they were  
no one could give me any details on when buses would arrive, how many,  where 
they would go to, or any other information. I spoke to the several teams  of 
journalists nearby, and asked if any of them had been able to get any  
information from any federal or state officials on any of these questions, and  
of them, from Australian tv to local Fox affiliates complained of an  
unorganized, non-communicative, mess. One cameraman told me "as someone who's  
here in this camp for two days, the only information I can give you is  this: 
out by nightfall. You don't want to be here at night." There was also  no 
visible attempt by any of those running the camp to set up any sort of  
transparent and consistent system, for instance a line to get on buses, a way 
register contact information or find family members, special needs services for 
children and infirm, phone services, treatment for possible disease exposure,  
nor even a single trash can.

To understand this tragedy, its important to  look at New Orleans itself.

For those who have not lived in New Orleans,  you have missed a incredible, 
glorious, vital, city. A place with a culture and  energy unlike anywhere else 
in the world. A 70% African-Ame

[LAAMN] 9/30 Irvine Regional Park, CA: Minuteman's First Annual Get Together!

2005-09-21 Thread SIUHIN
9/30 Irvine Regional Park, CA:  Minuteman's First Annual Get Together!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network  Alert!
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) 
Please visit our "Minuteman  Watch" 


Sep 21,  2005 

I realize we probably don't have time to  mobilize with only one
meeting, but I thought we all would want to know about  this.

. . . 3000 my *ss.

First  Minuteman Anniversary Sept 30, 2005 at the Irvine Regional Park
,  Southern California .2 - 7 PM Jamboree exit  off the 5
freeway and   Right North East  5  miles to the  park. James Gilchrist
says he expects 3000 to be there. All Minutemen present  and original
and all supporters are welcome. 

Chris Simcox, Jim  Gilchrist, and myself will be there with rings on
our fingers and bells on  our toes.

James Chase - Spokesman
_www.CaliforniaMinutemen.com_ (http://www.californiaminutemen.com/)   

PS  Also go to my website _www.CaliforniaMinutemen.com_ 
(http://www.californiaminutemen.com/)  and  sign up for
emails from CMM
James Chase - Spokesman 
_www.CaliforniaMinutemen.com_ (http://www.californiaminutemen.com/) 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)544-9355

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news  litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a monthly ISN monthly Action  Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Make a difference. Find and fund world-changing projects at GlobalGiving.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] Please Post Your Protest/Community Event Information at ActionLA!

2005-10-05 Thread SIUHIN
Please Post Your Protest/Community Event  Information at ActionLA!
Los Angeles largest activist information  network!
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.ActionLA.org) 
Please post your protest, community event and news at  ActionLA!
To add your event, please  go:
To publish your announcement and  community news, please visit:
_http://actionla.org/user/publish.php_ (http://actionla.org/user/publish.php) 
Please join our ActionLA e-mail  list:
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.ActionLA.org)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
1013  Mission St. #6
South Pasadena CA 91030
(All donations are tax  deductible)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Give at-risk students the materials they need to succeed at DonorsChoose.org!

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] Please Post Your Protest/Community Event Information at ActionLA!

2005-10-16 Thread SIUHIN
Please Post Your Protest/Community Event  Information at ActionLA!  
Los Angeles largest activist information  network!
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/) 
Please post your protest, community event and news at  ActionLA!
To add your event, please  go:
To publish your announcement and  community news, please visit:
_http://actionla.org/user/publish.php_ (http://actionla.org/user/publish.php) 
Please join our ActionLA e-mail  list:
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please  Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:
1013  Mission St. #6
South Pasadena CA 91030
(All donations are tax  deductible)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Help Sudanese refugees rebuild their lives through GlobalGiving.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

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[LAAMN] October 05 U.S. Immigrant News Alert!

2005-10-31 Thread SIUHIN

October 2005  National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest   
by National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
No Immigrant Bashing! Support  Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355 
October 2005 U.S.  Immigrant Alert! Newsletter 
Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network  
URL: _http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Oct05.pdf_ 
[Requires  Adobe Acrobat, to download, go: _http://www.adobe.com_ 
(http://www.adobe.com/) ]  
First They Come to  the "Illegals"
The worsen situations of U.S. immigrant  rights
"Injury To One Is Injury to All!"
That's no secrets that domestically, "War Against terror" is in fact  
oppressions against immigrant communities. However, the government and the  
obviously doesn't really want to get rid of all undocumented  workers, because 
it would be the simplest thing in the world to find them.  Everyone knows 
where undocumented workers work. No, we want them here…as  long as they don't 
for a living wage and thereby threaten our ongoing  massive accumulation of 
It's no secret: Pick any commercial building in downtown Los Angeles or  New 
York Garment districts, and at least a third or even half the workers  in the 
building will be undocumented. It's also common knowledge that most  major 
restaurants are staffed with undocumented immigrants, with police or  immigrant 
agents eating in such restaurants everyday. Who harvests the  fruits and 
vegetables we eat daily at California, Texas or Florida?  College kids? Or 
immigrants we don't even care their names? 
With the recent U.S. passage of the CLEAR Act, the possible passing of  
Immigrant "Reform" bill next year, the racist Minutemen at U.S.-Mexico  border 
California Governors recent veto against Immigrant Driver  License Bill, the 
life of immigrant communities will not getting better,  but will be worse. All 
we can do is hope for the best and bite our teeth  to live through it. 
It's the time anti-globalization, peace and social justice activists  need to 
spend their time focusing the community struggles where we lives,  join us to 
support immigrant workers solidarity campaigns!  

In This  Issue: 
1. Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Pg 1)
2. Minutemen Watch (Pg  2)
3. Fed-Sponsored Anti-Immigrant Campaigns (Pg 3) 
4. Immigration  News Briefs (Pg 4)
5. Immigrant Labor Solidarity Movements (Pg 5)
6.  News, Updates from the Network (Pg 6) 
Please subscribe to the US Immigration  Alert!
A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $25.00
It  will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the ISN  
projects (additional donations to the ISN is tax  deductible!)

Check pay to:  ISN/SEE
ActionLA / The Peace Center 8124 West 3rd Street, 
Suite 104  Los Angeles, California 90048 

Please Visit Our New  Webpages! 
Asian American Labor Watch
NYC Immigrant Alert!
Minutemen Watch
_http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Campaigns/Minutemen.htm  _ 

Please Support Following Immigrant  Solidarity Campaigns! 

 (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Campaigns/Minutemen.htm) 1)  CALLING ALL 
Join the National Asian American Student Conference (NAASCon) in an  
educational equity campaign to foster Asian American Studies (AAS)  advocacy by 
providing resources for student activists working toward  raising awareness 
APA issues, recruiting faculty in AAS, building  AAS programs, and fighting 
tenure battles for AAS professors. 
CONNECT with other AAS student activists-- share news and information  about 
AAS campaigns across the country by joining NAASCon's AAS listserve  
BUILD shared resources for AAS student activists by contributing to  
NAASCon's directory of AAS campaigns (send the following form to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) ). We're  hoping to post AAS 
resources on this segment of the website. If  you are interested in 
resources including: FAQs about AAS,  Strategies & Tips, How-To Guides on 
everything from meeting with  administrators
to organizing a teach-in, and information on AAS-related  speakers; or if you 
have any additional questions, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Asian American Studies Campaign Directory  Form

[LAAMN] 11/6 South Central Farmers: 2nd Civil Disobedience Training and Preparedness

2005-11-04 Thread SIUHIN
11/6 South Central Farmers: 2nd Civil  Disobedience Training and Preparedness
November 4, 2005 For more info (909)  605-3136
10:34 PST


Who: The South  Central Farmers and Cindy Anderson
For more info (909) 605-3136
What: 2nd  Civil Disobedience Training
When: Nov. 6th 2005, @ 12:00 noon 41st and  Alameda
Why: In preparation of the forceful removal of the SCFs by Strip Mall  
Developer Ralph Horowitz and the Los Angeles Sheriffs  Dept.

Cindy Anderson is a long time political activist in  the Los Angeles area.  
She is an active lawyer that specializes in  police misconduct cases.  She is 
also and past president of the Los  Angeles Chapter of the National Lawyers 
Guild.  She has been arrested  on several occasions doing civil disobedience.

(Los Angeles, CA) 350  Families in South L.A.Defend Community Farm.  For 13 
years, 350  families have tended a 14-acre community farm in the middle of 
South L.A.’s  gritty industrial belt.  Growing their own cabbage, potatoes, 
tomatoes  and other staples has helped make good nutrition affordable. 
Traditional  crops like chipillin, alachi, quelite and pipicha have helped 
keep  traditional cuisine and folk-medicine alive.

The City of L.A. acquired  the land in the late 1980s, but abandoned plans to 
build a trash incinerator  after community protests.  In 1994, officials 
transferred title to the  Harbor Department, which contracted with the L.A. 
Regional Food Bank to  operate a community farm on the property.  In 2003, 
the City Council  agreed to sell the 14 acres back to the original owner, 
private strip-mall  developer Ralph Horowitz, in a back-room deal, who wants 
to demolish the  garden and build a warehouse.

The community is outraged by the comments  that were made by Ralph Horowitz 
on the Los Angeles Times Oct 31, 2005  article (see  
These 19th century statements like, “"We have to throw them off," said  
Horowitz, of Brentwood”, and others like, “…They have to be thrown off by a  
sheriff.", remind the community of the historical injustices perpetrated on  
them by the historical occupation.

The 350 families – organized as  South Central Farmers – have camped out in 
the field for weeks to prevent  Horowitz from grabbing the land.  A sneak 
attack can come at any time,  though, and the group will hold a 2nd civil 
disobedience training in an  effort to inform the community and its members 
of their constitutional  rights.

Civil disobedience encompasses the active refusal to obey certain  laws, 
demands and commands of a government or of an occupying power without  
resorting to physical violence. Civil disobedience has been used in  
nonviolent resistance movements in India in the fight against British  
colonialism, South Africa in the fight against apartheid and in the civil  
rights movement of the USA and Europe as well as in the Scandinavian  
resistance against Nazi occupation.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a  leader of the US civil rights movement in the 
United States in the 1960s  also adopted civil disobedience techniques, and 
antiwar activists both  during and after the Vietnam War have done likewise. 
Since the 1970s,  pro-life or anti-abortion groups have practiced civil 
disobedience against  the U.S. government over the issue of legalized 
abortion. More recently, in  the 2000s, people have used civil disobedience 
to protest the war on  Iraq.

Many who practice civil disobedience do so out of religious faith,  and 
clergy often participate in or lead actions of civil disobedience. A  notable 
example is Philip Berrigan, a Roman Catholic priest who was arrested  dozens 
of times in acts of civil disobedience in antiwar protests.

In  seeking an active form of civil disobedience, one may choose to 
deliberately  break certain laws, such as by forming a peaceful blockade or 
occupying a  facility illegally. Protesters practice this non-violent form of 
civil  disorder with the expectation that they will be arrested, or even 
attacked  or beaten by the authorities. Protesters often undergo training in 
advance  on how to react to arrest or to attack, so that they will do so in a 
manner  that quietly or limply resists without threatening the authorities. 

For example, Mahatma Gandhi outlined the following rules:
1.   A civil resister (or satyagrahi) will harbour no anger.
2.   He will suffer the anger of the opponent.
3.In so doing  he will put up with assaults from the opponent, never 
retaliate; but he will  not submit, out of fear of punishment or the like, to 
any order given in  anger.
4.When any person in authority seeks to arrest a civil  resister, he will 
voluntarily submit to the arrest, and he will not resist  the a

[LAAMN] 11/5-8: We Need Volunteer for Election Phone Banking/Precint Walking!

2005-11-04 Thread SIUHIN
Make history by defeating anti-worker propositions 
NO TO 74, 75, 76, 77 & 78!
YES on 79 &  80!
We Need  Volunteers to Help Precinct Walking!
An  Appeal from ActionLA Network
_http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/) 

GOTV Walk Schedule 
Sat. 11/5 9am-1pm 

Sun. 11/6  12pm-4pm

Mon. 11/7  11am-8pm

ELECTION DAY  Tues. 11/8   8am-8pm 
Five LA County  Locations: 
South LA  
5625 S. Figueroa LA 90037 
Contact: Karla Zomboro (323)  752-4045 
Central/East LA S
SEIU 347 
1015 Wilshire Blvd LA  90017 
Contact: Andre Schoorl (213) 481-7253 
San Gabriel  Valley 
Fire Fighters 1014 
3460 Fletcher Ave El Monte 91731 
Contact:  Saira Soto (626) 527-3984 x 200 
West  LA/Beach Cities 
IBEW 11 8333 Airport Blvd Westchester 90045 Contact: John  Outcelt (310) 
San  Fernando Valley IATSE 80 
2520 W. Olive Ave Burbank 91505
Contact: Issac  Lieberman (661) 373-6084 
For  more info contact Norma Lopez at 
(213) 381- 5611 x 49
Or _email_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

November 6,  2005 ~ 3:00 - 6:00 PM ~ Peace Center 
We had a  very good meeting last night. James Johnson & Jackie Goldberg 
shared their  knowledge of the Propositions with us & even the greatest of 
political  junkies in attendance learned something.  
>From this  event we have organized a GOTV phone bank to call our list. PLEASE 
join us  this Sunday 11/6, from 3-6 PM, at the Peace Center, 8124 W. 3rd  
St., Los Angeles 90048.  
It is  extremely important that we contact our people & get them out to vote 
or  send in their absentee ballots right away. We just need you for a few 
hours  Sunday afternoon. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!  
Voter Guide to the  Propositions: 
CA  Proposition 73 - NO! (Waiting period & parental notification)
Prop 73  would put teens’ lives in danger, undermine safe access to abortion 
in  California, and erode Roe v. Wade and women’s right to choose. 
CA Proposition 74 -  NO! (Public school teacher  tenure)
Another one of Schwarzenegger’s attacks on education and public  workers. 
Teachers need better wages and more respect, not attacks on job  security. 
CA Proposition 75 - NO! (Public employee  union dues)
A major attack on unions. Corporations outspend labor hundreds of  times over 
in elections. This would drastically limit workers unions’ ability to  weigh 
in on politics. 
CA Proposition 76 -  NO! (State spending & school  funding limits)
An anti-education proposition that would eliminate guaranteed  school funding 
and give the Governor the power to cut any education  program. 
CA Proposition 77 -  NO! (Redistricting)
A move by  the right-wing to consolidate political control state-wide. 
CA Proposition 78 - NO! (“Discounts on  prescription drugs”)
The pharmaceutical companies’ alternative to Prop 79.  Don’t fall for it. 
CA Proposition 79 -  YES! (Discounts on prescription  drugs, for real)
A result of a community-based effort, Prop 79 would give the  state leverage 
to negotiate drug discounts on behalf of low-income  Californians. 
CA Proposition 80 -  YES! (Regulation of electric  service providers)
A step toward repealing the electricity deregulation that  helped cause 
California’s energy crisis while the energy companies  profited.
Additional Resources:
_http://smartvoter.org_ (http://smartvoter.org/) 
_http://www.VoteCircle.com_ (http://www.votecircle.com/) 

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!
Tel: (213)403-0131

URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to  ActionLA!
Send check pay to:

The Peace Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite  104
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(at the memo line write donations to  ActionLA/SEE, all donations are tax  

Please join our ActionLA  Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert!  Listserv, 
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] ActionLA Advice to November 8 California Election

2005-11-07 Thread SIUHIN
ActionLA Advice to November 8 California Election  

CA Proposition 73 - NO! (Waiting period & parental notification)
Prop 73 would put teens’ lives in danger, undermine safe  access to abortion 
in California, and erode Roe v. Wade and women’s right to  choose.
CA Proposition 74 - NO! (Public school teacher tenure)
Another one of Schwarzenegger’s attacks on education and public workers.  
Teachers need better wages and more respect, not attacks on job  security.
CA Proposition 75 - NO! (Public employee union  dues)
A major attack on unions. Corporations  outspend labor hundreds of times over 
in elections. This would drastically limit  workers unions’ ability to weigh 
in on  politics.
CA Proposition 76 - NO! (State spending & school funding limits)
An anti-education proposition that would eliminate  guaranteed school funding 
and give the Governor the power to cut any education  program.
CA Proposition 77 - NO!  (Redistricting)
A move by the right-wing  to consolidate political control  state-wide.
CA Proposition 78 - NO! (“Discounts on prescription drugs”)
The pharmaceutical companies’ alternative to Prop 79. Don’t  fall for it.
CA Proposition 79 - YES! (Discounts on prescription drugs, for real)
A result of a community-based effort, Prop 79 would give  the state leverage 
to negotiate drug discounts on behalf of low-income  Californians.
CA Proposition 80 - YES! (Regulation of electric service providers)
A step toward repealing the electricity deregulation that  helped cause 
California’s energy crisis while the energy companies  profited.


_Good In-Deph  Analysis On All Propositions (Pasadena Weekly)_ 
_Jackie Goldberg's  Advice_ (http://actionla.org/features/view.php?id=293) 
_A.N.S.W.E.R.  Coalition Guide to the Propositions_ 
Additional Resources:
_http://smartvoter.org_ (http://smartvoter.org/) 
_http://www.VoteCircle.com_ (http://www.votecircle.com/) 

We need  volunteers!
_11/5-8: We Need  Volunteer for Election Phone Banking/Precint  Walking!_ 
_11/5-8: We Need  Asian Volunteers to Help Precinct Walking at El  Monte!_ 
_10/23-11/8  Phone Banks & Precinct Walks to Defeat Arnold's Props  73-78_ 

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

Please join our  ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Please  join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, 
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] November 2005 U.S. Immigrant News Alert!

2005-12-01 Thread SIUHIN

November 2005  National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest   
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
No Immigrant Bashing! Support  Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355 
November 2005 U.S.  Immigrant Alert! Newsletter 
Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network 
URL:  _http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Nov05.pdf_ 
[Requires  Adobe Acrobat, to download, go: _http://www.adobe.com_ 
(http://www.adobe.com/) ]  
Please Visit Our New Minutemen Watch  Home Page!
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/)  
Bush's "New"  Immigration Policy:
Old Wine in the New Bottle + Spinning from the  Losing Iraq War

Bad Border Bill Sailing Through Congress, Bush Pushes  His "Compassionate" 
Anti-Immigrant Agendas
Commentary and Action Appeal  from National Immigrant Solidarity Network 
Although Congress was out of session for the Thanksgiving holiday, they  have 
vowed to have a full vote on the Border Security and Terrorism  Prevention 
Act the week of December 12. It is very important to express  opposition to 
bill - right now, and this bill may get even worse  before it gets better. 
And U.S. Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican,  is pushing legislation to 
create a citizen border patrol whose members  would be deputized to make 
and authorized to carry guns. 
President Bush, on the other hand, once again along with the Congress,  
spinning his rhetoric from the failure war in Iraq, to blaming the  immigrants 
all the World's problems. 
For much of the past five years, President Bush has sought to smooth  the 
edges of the national immigration debate with the sentimental  observation that 
"family values don't stop at the Rio Grande River." He  has lamented the 
suffering inflicted by illegal border crossings and  celebrated the migrants' 
contributions to the U.S. economy. But during his  visit to the border this 
the president tucked away his compassionate  conservatism and strutted his 
as a tough-talking lawman determined  to bring order to the 1,950-mile 
U.S.-Mexico border.  
He showed far more willingness to crack down at the country's edge,  however, 
than to demand that employers, whose jobs draw migrants  northward, comply 
with the law - which many believe is essential for  successful immigration 
reform. Here are some of the provisions of the bill  draft by the Congress:
* The Department of Homeland Security must  develop a comprehensive border 
security plan in the next six months that  will increase the use of technology, 
infrastructure, and manpower at the  border.
* The bill puts terrorists and undocumented migrants in the  same category, 
saying that this new plan must respond to both threats  equally.
* Put 8,000 new Border Patrol Agents on our borders
* The  Department of Defense must develop a plan to allow the Border Patrol 
to  more fully take advantage of its resources. It
includes unmanned aerial  vehicles, radars, surveillance equipment and 
"assistance" in conducting  surveillance activities.
* Requires Homeland Security to develop a plan  for securing national parks, 
forests, and other recreational areas along  the border. This would give them 
increased authority on environmentally  sensitive lands.
* Mandates the detention and deportation of all  undocumented migrants. If 
they are released pending a court date, they  must take out a minimum bond of 
$5,000. This will basically increase the  jailing of migrants.
* Transfer the authority of the Tohono O'odham  Shadow Wolves (the 
reservation's police force that addresses migration  issues) to the Bureau of 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 
Take Actions! Contact President Bush and your congressional  representatives 
For more updates information, please visit our webpage: 
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/)  
(Source: UFW, Copley News Service, Latin America Working Group)

In This  Issue: 
1. Bush/Congress Anti-Immigrant Agendas (Pg 1)
2. Minutemen Watch  (Pg 4)
3. Media Bias Against Immigrants (Pg 5) 
4. Immigrant Peace  & Justice Campaign (Pg 5) 
5. Immigration News (Pg 6) 
6. DREAM  Watch (Pg 7)
7. Updates from the Network (Pg 8) 
Please subscribe to the US Immigration  Alert!
A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $25.00
It  will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the ISN  
projects (additional donations to the ISN is tax  deduc

[LAAMN] DEC 6 LA: Free Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan NOW!

2005-12-01 Thread SIUHIN
Immigrant Solidarity  Network Alert!
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
DEC 6 LA: Free Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan  NOW! (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan has been unjustly detained since July 2004.  Please 
the word about the hearing this coming Tuesday in Los Angeles,  and wherever 
are, take a few moments to phone, fax or email ICE  officials to ask why they 
are detaining Mr. Hamdan. If you don't have time  to call or write, please at 
least sign the online petition calling for Mr.  Hamdan's release: 
(http://www.petitiononline.com/Hamdan/petition.html)   . For more info see the 
Hamdan website at _http://freehamdan.org_ (http://freehamdan.org)   or email 

From: "Ban Al-Wardi, Esq." [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Please post widely.


Pack the Court to Demand the Release of  Brother Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan who has 
been denied justice and held in  immigration custody for more than 16 months!

The Hamdan Family Needs Your  Strength!

WHAT: Court Hearing  for an ACLU Petition filed with the Federal Court to 
the Release of  Brother Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan

WHEN: Tuesday December 6, 2005 at  10AM

WHERE: 312 North Spring Street, 8th Floor, Courtroom C, Downtown Los  
CA (Judge Johnson)

BRING: Posters, Banners, Signs with  Positive Words for the Hamdan Family

If you cannot  make it to the hearing, we encourage you to tell Immigration 
Customs  Enforcement (ICE) to Free Brother Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan NOW!

Abdel-Jabbar  Hamdan has been detained on an alleged immigration violation 
more than  16 months, since July 27, 2004. In July the ACLU filed a petition 
seeking  his release (see LA Times article below), but we need YOU to help 
up  the pressure on ICE with phone calls, faxes or emails.

Mr. Hamdan is a  respected community leader in Orange County, California, who 
has been living  in the US for 25 years and has six US-born children. He has 
never been  charged with a crime, and he is not a security threat. Mr. 
health  continues to deteriorate in jail. An immigration judge ruled last 
February  that Mr. Hamdan cannot be deported to Jordan because he would face 
torture  there.

Tell ICE: The use of immigration detention as punishment--for  ethnicity, 
religion, political views or other reasons--is illegal and  unconstitutional.

Ask ICE: why are you keeping Mr. Hamdan in  jail?

Call, fax or email:

John P. Torres, Acting Deputy Assistant  Director, Office of Detention and 
Removal Operations (DRO), US Immigration  and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 425 
Street NW, Washington, DC 20536; Phone:  202-514-0078 or 202-514-8663; Fax: 
202-353-9435; email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Gloria Kee, field operations director of ICE Detention and Removal  Office in 
Los Angeles, 300 North Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012;  phone 
213-830-7900, 213-830-7913 or 213-830-7970; fax 213-830-7973; email  

Sign an online petition to demand Mr. Hamdan's  release at 

ACLU Seeks Freedom for Muslim  Accused of Ties to Terrorists

A Buena Park man has been jailed for a year  on suspicion of aiding
Hamas. No evidence exists of security threat, civil  rights petition

By H.G. Reza
Times Staff  Writer

July 15, 2005

Civil rights lawyers asked a federal  judge Thursday to free a Buena Park
man who has been jailed for a year after  Homeland Security officials
accused him of having ties to  terrorism.

The American Civil Liberties Union petitioned U.S. District  Court in Los
Angeles on behalf of Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan, who was prosecuted for  being
in the United States illegally. An immigration judge this year  ordered
him deported and refused to grant him bail while he appealed, on  grounds
that he was a threat to national security.

The 17-page  petition says "there is not one shred of evidence in support
of the  government's argument that Hamdan poses a danger to national
security." It  calls his continued detention arbitrary, unlawful  and

Hamdan's case has been a rallying cry for critics of  the Bush
administration's practice of using allegations of terrorism as  grounds
to arrest Muslims. In many cases, the suspects are never charged  with
terrorist crimes but instead are prosecuted for immigration  law

Hamdan, 44, worked as a fundraiser for the Texas-based  Holy Land
Foundation, an Islamic charity shut down by U.S. officials in  December
2001 after it was accused of supporting Hamas, which was designated  a

[LAAMN] 12/12 Alert! Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Denied Clemency for Tookie!

2005-12-12 Thread SIUHIN
12/12 Alert! Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger  Denied Clemency for Tookie!
ActionLA Alert!
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.ActionLA.org) 
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has refused to spare  the life of former
gang leader Stanley Tookie Williams. Latest  details:

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency for Williams

Associated Press  Writer
Published December 12, 2005, 2:48 PM  CST

SAN FRANCISCO -- Gov. Arnold  Schwarzenegger on Monday refused to spare the 
life of Stanley Tookie Williams,  the founder of the murderous Crips gang who 
awaited execution after midnight in  a case that stirred debate over capital 
punishment and the possibility of  redemption on death row. 

Schwarzenegger was unswayed by pleas from  Hollywood stars and petitions from 
more than 50,000 people who said that  Williams had made amends during more 
than two decades in prison by writing a  memoir and children's books about the 
dangers of gangs. 

"After studying  the evidence, searching the history, listening to the 
arguments and wrestling  with the profound consequences, I could find no 
justification for granting  clemency," Schwarzenegger said, less than 12 hours 
before the 
execution. "The  facts do not justify overturning the jury's verdict or the 
decisions of the  courts in this case." 

Schwarzenegger could have commuted the death  sentence to life in prison 
without parole. 

With a reprieve from the  federal courts considered unlikely, Williams, 51, 
was set to die by injection at  San Quentin State Prison early Tuesday for 
murdering four people in two 1979  holdups. 

Williams' fate became one of the nation's biggest death-row  cause celebres 
in decades. 

Prosecutors and victims' advocates contended  Williams was undeserving of 
clemency from the governor because he did not own up  to his crimes and refused 
to inform on fellow gang members. They also argued  that the Crips gang that 
Williams co-founded in Los Angeles in 1971 is  responsible for hundreds of 
deaths, many of them in battles with the rival  Bloods for turf and control of 
drug trade. 

Williams stood to become  the 12th California condemned inmate executed since 
lawmakers reinstated the  death penalty in 1977 after a brief hiatus. 

Williams was condemned in  1981 for gunning down a clerk in a convenience 
store holdup and a mother, father  and daughter in a motel robbery weeks later. 
Williams claimed he was innocent.  

The last time a California governor granted clemency was in 1967, when  
Ronald Reagan spared a mentally infirm killer. Schwarzenegger -- a Republican  
has come under fire from members of his own party as too accommodating to  
liberals -- rejected clemency twice before during his two years in office.  

Just before the governor announced his decision on clemency, the 9th  U.S. 
Circuit of Appeals denied Williams' request for a reprieve, saying among  other 
things that there was no "clear and convincing evidence of actual  innocence." 

In his last-ditch appeal, Williams claimed that he should  have been allowed 
to argue at his trial that someone else killed one of the four  victims, and 
that shoddy forensics connected him to the other killings.  

Williams was convicted of killing Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang,  63, 
and Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at a Los Angeles motel the family owned, and  Albert 
Owens, 26, a 7-Eleven clerk gunned down in Whittier. 

Among the  celebrities who took up Williams' cause were Jamie Foxx, who 
played the gang  leader in a cable movie about Williams; rapper Snoop Dogg, 
a former  Crip; Sister Helen Prejean, the nun depicted in "Dead Man Walking"; 
Bianca  Jagger; and former "M A S H" star Mike Farrell. During Williams' 24 
years on  death row, a Swiss legislator, college professors and others 
nominated him for  the Nobel Prizes in peace and literature. 

"If Stanley Williams does not  merit clemency," defense attorney Peter 
Fleming Jr. asked, "what meaning does  clemency retain in this state?" 

The impending execution resulted in  feverish preparations over the weekend 
by those on both sides of the debate,  with the California Highway Patrol 
planning to tighten security outside the  prison, where hundreds of protesters 

A group of about  three dozen death penalty protesters were joined by the 
Rev. Jesse Jackson as  they marched across the Golden Gate Bridge after dawn 
Monday en route to the  gates of San Quentin, where they were expected to rally 
with hundreds of people.  

At least publicly, the person apparently least occupied with his fate  seemed 
to be Williams himself. 

"Me fearing what I'm facing, what  possible good is it going to do for me? 
How is that going to benefit me?"  Williams said in a recent interview. "If 
my time to be executed, what's all  the ranting and ravi

[LAAMN] URGENT Tookie Williams -Take Action to Stop the 12/13 Execution!!!

2005-12-12 Thread SIUHIN


Please join the online campaign to STOP THE EXECUTION OF STAN TOOKIE  
He is  scheduled to be executed by the state of California TUESDAY DECEMBER 


Send  emails to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, President Bush,  
Congressional leaders and Senators and Representatives from Texas, U.N. Secy  
General Kofi Anan and your senators and representative, DEMANDING that Tookie's 
 execution be stopped IMMEDIATELY
Go to:
to send your own message or have the following email sent in your  name:
Governor Schwartzenegger, President Bush, Secretary-General Annan, Senators  
and Representatives: 
On Tuesday, Dec 13, 2005, Stan Tookie Williams, an innocent man convicted  by 
prejudicial prosecutorial misconduct, is scheduled to be executed by the  
State of California.  
I appeal to you to grant clemency to Stan Tookie Williams and to take  
immediate action to reverse the miscarriage of justice in his case.  
Stan Tookie Williams is innocent. No physical evidence tied him to the  
crimes. Blatantly discriminatory conduct by the prosecutor barred all 3  
prospective African Americans from the jury. The same prosecutor has been  
twice by the California State Supreme Court for unconstitutionally  striking 
prosective jurors in two other capital cases. Major witnesses  against him 
were themselves criminals who had charges dropped or received lesser  sentences 
in exchange for their testimony, according to the 9th Circuit Court of  
Stan Tookie Williams has devoted his time while on death row to writing  
books aimed at ending gang violence and helping youth avoid gang involvement. 
has been nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace and Literature prizes.  
This summer he received a service award from President Bush for his work with  
Stan Tookie Williams execution would be a continuation of the war on  African 
American youth that can be seen in the government's negligent response  to 
Hurricane Katrina, and the overwhelming numbers of African American youth in  
jail around the country. His conviction was the product of racist 
 prosecutorial misconduct. His execution would be a crime against justice,  
African Americans and African American youth in particular, and all  
justice-loving people everywhere.  


Note: On  Thursday, Dec 8, there will be a clemency hearing in the case 
between Gov.  Schwarzenegger, Stan's defense attorney and the lead prosecutor. 
Stan's  supporters will be outside the state capitol building while it is going 
on. The  Governor is expected to decide in one of three ways: 
1) Commute the sentence  from death to life in prison. 
2) Go ahead with the execution
3)  Temporarily suspend the execution while a California Legislative "Justice 
 Commission" completes its study and report on death sentences and executions 
in  the state. In addition, there is a California State Assembly bill, AB 
1121,  under consideration which would put on hold all state executions until 
 "Justice Commission" completes its report and the Legislature has had time 
to  act on the  findings.

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate  to ActionLA!
Send check pay to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

Please join our ActionLA  Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Please  join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, 
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Help the victims of the Pakistan/India earthquake rebuild their lives.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 12/13: L.A. Press Conference to Oppose the Anti-Immigrant Bill

2005-12-12 Thread SIUHIN
Immigrant Communities and Advocates  Decry Sensenbrenner 
Bill Attack on Immigrants and Due Process  Rights

A broad coalition of national and local Asian Pacific Islander,  Latino, and 
immigrant rights organizations have joined together in Los Angeles  to speak 
out, and call for community response, against a dangerous House  immigration 
bill that threatens to take away the due process rights of millions  of 
immigrants in the United States.

Antiterrorism, and  Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437)

Tuesday,  December 13, 2005 at 11:00 A.M.

Asian Pacific American Legal  Center
1145 Wilshire Blvd (at Lucas), 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA   90017
(Parking is available at Athena Parking, 634 Lucas Avenue, directly  adjacent 
to APALC.)
Media Contact: Gina Montoya
(213) 629-2512 ext.  135

Featured speakers and participants include: 
- Angelica  Salas, Executive Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights 
of Los  Angeles
- Ann Marie Tallman, President and General Counsel,  MALDEF
- Angela Sanbrano, President, National Alliance of Latin American  and 
Caribbean Communities
- Linton Joaquin, Executive Director, National  Immigration Law Center
- EunSook Lee, Executive Director, National  Korean American Service & 
Education Consortium
- Maria Elena Durazo,  President, Local 11 UNITE-HERE
- Daniel Huang, Policy Advocate, Asian  Pacific American Legal Center

Background Information on HR 4377 the  so-called "Border Prevention, 
Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control  Act of 2005"
On Thursday, December 8, 2005, the U.S. House of Representatives’  Judiciary 
Committee passed the Border Prevention, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal  
Immigration Control Act of 2005, introduced by Committee Chair James  
(R-WI).  The passage clears the way for a House floor vote on  the bill next 
week.  Among the many anti-immigrant measures in the  Sensenbrenner bill are 
provisions that would: 1) strip citizenship opportunities  that are currently 
available to legal immigrants; 2) curtail crucial Due Process  rights in 
immigration proceedings; and 3) make it a criminal offense to remain  in the 
illegally after entering legally. 
Resources on HR  4377:
The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has  just posted a 
section-by-section summary of the bill on their Web site  at:

AILA has also updated their action alert on the bill, and you can use  the 
following page to send a message to your member of Congress:

The bill has been posted on the Library of Congress Web site.  You  can find 
information about the bill here:
(http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:h.r.04437) :  

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation  to the important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send  check pay to:
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network/AFGJ

and mail  to:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West  3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news  litserv, send e-mail 
or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a monthly ISN monthly Action  Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following  listservs:
Asian American Labor Activism Alert!  Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   
or visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[LAAMN] 12/13-14: National Call-In Days To Defeat The Anti-Immigrant Bill!!!

2005-12-13 Thread SIUHIN
12/13-14: National Call-In Days To  Defeat The Anti-Immigrant Bill!!! 
National  Call-In Days Tuesday and Wednesday 
ACT OF 2005” (H.R.  4437).   
Call the Capitol  Switchboard (202) 224-3121 or go to _www.house.gov_ 
(http://www.house.gov/)  to find your representative’s  phone number. 
Last week Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-WI)  introduced the “Border and  Immigration 
Enforcement Act of 2005” (H.R. 4437).  The  House Judiciary Committee passed 
H.R. 4437 last Thursday; the bill is expected  to go to the full House of 
Representatives this week.  We also expect that  an amendment to eliminate 
birthright citizenship for babies born in the  U.S. to undocumented immigrants 
and  an 
amendment to build a 2,000-mile wall along the U.S.-Mexico border will be  
Among its many provisions, H.R. 4437  would 
·  Place  religious groups, employers, and even private citizens at risk of 
criminal  prosecution as “smugglers” if they aid or transport an undocumented 
·  Classify all  11 million undocumented immigrants working in the U.S. as  “
aggravated felons,” subjecting them to deportation and imprisonment and  
depriving them of any access to a hearing prior to deportation.  
·  Disrupt the  U.S. economy by creating an overly  broad and retroactive 
employment verification system without creating legal  channels for needed 
workers to work lawfully.  
·  Deputize  local police forces in border communities to act as immigration 
agents, despite  the objections of many police officials.  
·Make it more difficult for legal immigrants  to become U.S. citizens 
Contact your  representatives TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE H.R. 4437. 
Talking  Points: 
H.R. 4437 could make YOU a  criminal.  H.R. 4437 will allow the government to 
 prosecute almost any American who has regular contact with the  
H.R. 4437 turns 11 million immigrants  into criminals.  Unlawful status is 
currently a civil  violation of immigration law.  H.R. 4437 would classify 
undocumented  immigrants as criminals and “aggravated felons,” subjecting them 
imprisonment  as well as deportation. 
H.R. 4437 will disrupt the economy and destabilize U.S. workers.  H.R. 4437 
seeks to drive out seven million undocumented  immigrant workers, consequently 
disrupting the economy, with no corresponding  increase in security or 
legality.  H.R. 4437 will create an Employment  Eligibility Verification System 
(EEVS), which could severely limit workers’  claims, including prohibiting 
action lawsuits against the government, and  will displace millions of 
documented workers – U.S.  citizens and legal residents alike. 
H.R. 4437 denies due process and  citizenship to lawful permanent residents.  
H.R. 4437  limits judicial review of executive branch decisions, violates the 
 constitutional guarantee of due process and separation of powers, and, most  
importantly, strips the courts of their role in protecting the individual  
against excessive governmental power. 
H.R. 4437 divides families.  H.R. 4437 will separate more American families 
with its  excessive deportation authorities.   
H.R. 4437 is an attack, not an  answer.  This is not an antiterrorism bill, 
not a border security bill, not  an enforcement bill, and not an immigration 
reform bill.  This bill fails to address many of the most important elements  
immigration reform.  Rather, it targets all immigrants for punishment  and 
does not contribute to our security or to immigration reform. 
We need a solution, not a  headline.  We want effective reforms of the nation’
s  immigration laws, not shortsighted measures that appear tough on 
immigration but  do not resolve the underlying problems.  Only a comprehensive 
that  provides a path to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants, 
creates new  legal channels for future flows of needed immigrants, reduces 
immigration  backlogs, and protects worker rights will reduce undocumented 
immigration and  bring order to our immigration system.  H.R. 4437 does not 
us down the  path of real immigration reform.   
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing!  Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant So

[LAAMN] 12/17: Ant-Immigration Bill Passed, We Still Have Long Struggle Away!

2005-12-17 Thread SIUHIN
Ant-Immigration Bill Passed, We Still  Have Long Struggle Away!
December 17, 2005
Alert! and Commentary from National  Immigrant Solidarity Network
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
Unfortunately, despite the strong protest from the immigrant, human  rights, 
labor and civil liberty groups the, U.S. House last night passed  the 
disgraceful anti-immigrant H.R. 4437 the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism,  
Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005" by House Judiciary Committee  Chairman 
James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) and House Homeland Security  Committee 
Chairman Peter T. King (R-N.Y.).
It's clears that President Bush along with the Congress, again  spinning 
their rhetoric to blaming immigrants for causing all the World's  problems 
from the failure war in Iraq, decline economy, and  government/corporate 
It's also clears that the President, right wing Republicans and  even many 
Democrats will use immigrant as scapegoat for their Nov 2006  mid-term 
elections. They will use any possible mean to secure conservative/right  wing 
voters by 
focusing on blaming people of colors, immigrants and support  anti-abortion 
and anti-gays/lesbian rights. 
Yes, we need to away our struggle will be long and hard, but that  doesn't 
mean we don't have hope. While the House vision of  the Bill had passed, we 
still can mount our strong opposition against the  upcoming Senate vision--will 
introduce and debate at sometime February,  2006. 
When we finished our Holiday seasons, we should  gear up our fighting spirit 
to build multi-ethnic community actions against the  final passage of the bill 
in early next year!
Unity is very  important! This is NOT only about the  immigrant rights, it 
also about the Human Rights for everyone! because injury to  one is injury to 
The activists and organizers have  particular responsibilities in pointing 
out the links between Katrina's impact,  immigrant rights, civil liberties, 
labor rights and the U.S. war in Iraq.  Understanding the connections between 
individual conditions of life and the  lives of people everywhere in the word 
allows us to come together and organize  across all borders. WE NEED to link 
the connections between: wars in Africa,  south America, Asia, Iraq, Palestine 
& Korea with sweatshops in Asia as well  as in Los Angeles, New York; 
international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA &  CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child 
and child solider; multinational  corporations and economic exploitation with 
racism and poverty at home--then we  can win the struggle.
House OKs Bill to Tighten  Immigration Laws
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The House acted Friday to stem  the tide of illegal 
immigration by taking steps to tighten border controls and  stop unlawful 
from getting jobs. But lawmakers left for next year the  tougher issue of what 
to do with the 11 million undocumented people already in  the country.

The House legislation, billed as a border protection,  anti-terrorism and 
illegal immigration control act, includes such measures as  enlisting military 
and local law enforcement help in stopping illegal entrants  and requiring 
employers to verify the legal status of their workers. It  authorizes the 
of a fence along parts of the U.S.-Mexico  border.

But it put off consideration of a guest worker program, which  President Bush 
and many in Congress say must be part of a lasting solution to  the illegal 
immigrant crisis.

The vote was 239-182, with  opposition coming from Democrats and some 
Republicans upset by the exclusion of  the guest worker issue and other 
wanting tougher border control  measures.

One measure that Republican leaders wouldn't allow a  vote on was a volatile 
proposal to deny citizenship to babies born in this  country to illegal 

The issue next moves to the Senate, where  Majority Leader Bill Frist, 
R-Tenn., says he will bring up immigration  legislation in February that will 
provide a framework for guest worker  ideas.

Nobody is advocating the deportation of 11 million illegal  immigrants, said 
Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., sponsor of a guest worker measure.  Without a 
temporary worker program, he said, ``We simply won't enforce the law,  and 
the dirty little secret here.''

While many agree with Flake,  there are wide differences on the details of a 
guest worker program. Some  lawmakers would require those in the country 
illegally to leave before applying  for such a program, arguing that 
counterproposals allowing those already here to  seek legal status is 
equivalent to amnesty.

Bush has proposed that  undocumented immigrants be allowed to get three-year 
work visas. They could  extend those for an additional three years, but would 
then have to r

[LAAMN] 12/20 Iraq Watch: The Daily Hidden U.S. Bombings in Iraq

2005-12-20 Thread SIUHIN
The Daily Hidden U.S.  Bombings in Iraq
December 20, 2005
Iraq Watch: Projects of Peace No war  Network
URL: _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  
Latest Iraq Body Count Number (As of 12/19 based on  Verifiable Info): 
Minimum: 27477 
Maximum: 30989 
URL: _http://www.iraqbodycount.net_ (http://www.iraqbodycount.net/)  
(This estimation is very conservative, other independent estimates  had put 
the Iraqi causalities to over 100,000) 

Latest US-UK and "Coalition" Forces  Causalities (As of 12/19 based on DoD 
2358 Killed
15568 Wounded
URL: _http://icasualties.org/oif/_ (http://icasualties.org/oif/) 
(the number includes the U.S.  "contractors," but does not includes U.S.-U.K. 
installed Iraqi security  forces; nor the wounded U.S. soldiers died after 
they'd return to the  country) 
The War in Iraq Cost  the United States (as of 12/19)
URL: _http://www.costofwar.com_ (http://www.costofwar.com/) 

U.S. Air Power Strikes Iraq Targets  Daily
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP)  - The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have flown thousands 
of missions in  support of U.S. ground troops in Iraq this fall with little 
attention back home,  including attacks by unmanned Predator aircraft armed 
Hellfire missiles,  military records show.

News reports and the public have focused mainly on  ground action by the Army 
and Marines, but a variety of U.S. aircraft are  striking targets in Iraq 
daily. They include frontline Air Force and Navy  fighters as well as Marine 
Corps attack planes. American and allied refueling,  transport and surveillance 
planes also are flying.

The airstrikes have  been largely in areas of western Iraq and other places 
where the insurgency is  strongest, such as Balad, Ramadi and in the vicinity 
of Baghdad, according to  the U.S. military's Central Command, which is 
responsible for military  operations in Iraq. For example, it said that on 
election day, Dec. 15,  an Air Force F-16 fighter fired a precision-guided 
munition at an access road  used by insurgents near Baghdad.

The number of U.S. airstrikes increased  in the weeks leading up to last 
Thursday's election, from a monthly average of  about 35 last summer to more 
60 in September and 120 or more in October and  November. The monthly number 
of air missions, including refueling and other  support flights, grew from 
1,111 in September to 1,492 in November, according to  figures provided by 
Command Air Force's public affairs  office.

Those figures pale in comparison to the aerial onslaught that was  unleashed 
at the start of the war in March 2003, when B-2, B-1 and B-52 bombers  were 
part of the offensive. Even so, air might has remained part of the arsenal  
U.S. forces routinely use in what is now largely a ground fight against a  
shadowy insurgency.

The insurgents have had little luck defending against  air attacks. Yet it is 
difficult to know how effective the strikes have been in  killing them, 
disrupting their movements or improving security for ordinary  Iraqis.

The action by U.S. aircraft comes with the nascent Iraqi air  force having no 
offensive strike capability. Late last month the crew of one of  Iraq's three 
U.S.-donated C-130 cargo planes flew a mission without a U.S.  instructor 
aboard for the first time.

According to brief reports provided  by Central Command Air Force officials, 
recent strikes have included a Predator  firing a Hellfire missile on Dec. 12 
``with successful effects'' at an insurgent  ``improvised explosive device 
location'' near the town of Haditha. An Oct. 7  report said an F-16 expended 
1,000 20mm cannon rounds in attacks against  insurgents near the town of 

The role of the Air Force  Predator is not secret but has been largely lost 
in the clutter of violence on  the ground. At least five times this month an 
unmanned Predator flown remotely  by airmen at flight consoles at an Air Force 
base in Nevada has struck targets  in Iraq, mostly in insurgent strongholds in 
western Anbar province.

Gen.  Michael T. Moseley, the Air Force chief of staff, said in an interview 
with  reporters at the Pentagon last Tuesday that Predators are attacking 
targets in  either Iraq or Afghanistan ``almost every day.'' He gave no details.

In a  more common surveillance role, unarmed Predators are used in Iraq to 
monitor  roads where insurgents might plant improvised bombs. They transmit 
images  to intelligence units that share the information with ground troops.

The  aircraft used most frequently for strike missions in Iraq are Air Force 
F-16 and  F-15 fighters based at an air base in Balad, north of Baghdad; Navy 
F-18  fighters launched from a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, and 
Marine  Corps F-18s from Al Asad air base in western Anbar province.

Air power  played a central role in the initial U.S.-led invasion in March 
2003. Air

[LAAMN] 12/22: Senate Passes Patriot Act Extension

2005-12-22 Thread SIUHIN
Senate Passes Patriot Act  Extension
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate on Wednesday passed  a six-month extension of 
the terror-fighting USA Patriot Act as a last resort  after Democrats and a 
small group of GOP senators blocked President Bush and  Republican 
leaders' attempt to make most of the anti-terrorism law  permanent.

Approval of the six-month extension came on a voice  vote, and cleared the 
way for a final vote in the House possibly as early as  Thursday. Sixteen 
provisions in the current law expire Dec. 31 unless the  Congress and White 

Patriot Act critics said  White House-pushed legislation did not provide 
enough civil liberty safeguards  and blocked the Republican-controlled Senate 
approving it last  week.

The six-month ``extension ensures that the tools provided  to law enforcement 
in terrorist investigations in the Patriot Act remain in  effect while 
Congress works out the few differences that remain,'' said Sen.  John Sununu, 
R-N.H., one of a small group of Republicans who crossed party lines  to block 
Patriot Act legislation.

``This will allow more time to  finally agree on a bill that protects our 
rights and freedoms while preserving  important tools for fighting terrorism,'' 
added Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who  was the only senator to vote against the 
original Patriot Act in  2001.

Despite insisting earlier that a short-term extension of the  Patriot Act 
would not be acceptable, Bush seemed to indicate in a late-night  statement 
he would sign it.

``The work of Congress on the Patriot  Act is not finished,'' Bush said. 
``The act will expire next summer, but the  terrorist threat to America will 
expire on that schedule. I look forward to  continuing to work with Congress to 
reauthorize the Patriot Act.''

Senate  Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said he had no choice but to 
accept a  six-month extension in the face of a successful filibuster and the 
Patriot Act's  Dec. 31 expiration date. ``I'm not going to let the Patriot Act 
die,'' Frist  said.

Frist said he had not consulted with House Speaker Dennis Hastert,  R-Ill., 
yet on the six-month extension. Senior Republicans there have opposed  any 
temporary extension of the current law, insisting that most of the expiring  
provisions should be renewed permanently, but it would be difficult for the  
to reject a plan agreed to by the Senate and President  Bush.

Republicans who had pushed for legislation that would make most of  the 
expiring provisions permanent said the agreement only postpones the ongoing  
arguments over the Patriot Act for six months. ``We'll be right back where we  
right now,'' said a clearly frustrated Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

Sen.  John Cornyn, R-Texas, added, ``Our intelligence and law enforcement 
officials  should not be left wondering, yet again, whether the Congress will 
manage to  agree to reauthorize the tools that protect our nation.''

The bill's  critics gained momentum Wednesday when they released a letter 
crafted by Sununu  and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., showing they had 52 
agreeing to  support a three-month extension.

``This is the right thing to do for the  country,'' Schumer said after the 
deal had been announced. ``To let the Patriot  Act lapse would have been a 
dereliction of duty.''

President Bush,  Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Republican 
congressional leaders have  lobbied fiercely to get the House-Senate compromise 
and issued dire  warnings of what would happen if the Patriot Act expires.

Most of the  Patriot Act - which expanded the government's surveillance and 
prosecutorial  powers against suspected terrorists, their associates and 
financiers - was made  permanent when Congress overwhelmingly passed it after 
Sept. 11 terrorist  attacks on New York City and Washington.

Making permanent the rest of the  Patriot Act powers, like the roving 
wiretaps which allow investigators to listen  in on any telephone and tap any 
computer they think a target might use, has been  a priority of the Bush 
administration and Republican lawmakers.

If  Congress fails to renew 16 expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act by 
Dec.  31, America will be less safe, Gonzales and Homeland Security Secretary 
Michael  Chertoff warned Wednesday. Chertoff said every morning he reviews 
threat  information against the United States and lies awake at night worrying 
about  ``what's coming next.''

``The threat is still very much alive,'' Chertoff  said, referring to terror 
groups that want to strike the United  States.

12/22/05 00:02 EST 

Recent U.S. House passage of the racist  anti-immigrant bill
_12/17: Analysis - Sensenbrenner/King Bill Passes  House_ 
By National Immigration  Forum 
In indepth analysis o

[LAAMN] 12/23 Costa Mesa, CA: Protest Merger of Costa Mesa PD and DHS

2005-12-22 Thread SIUHIN
March/Protest Against  Costa Mesa's Decision to Deputize Police Officers 

WHEN: Friday, December 23, 2005  

TIME/WHERE: March begins at 3PM at the corner of Bristol and Sunflower,  near 
South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa 

Protest begins at 4:30 PM at the  Costa Mesa Police Department located at 33 
Fair Drive 

For more  information, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

COSTA MESA- On Friday, December 23, concerned  citizens throughout Orange 
County will converge upon the Costa Mesa Police  Department in protest of the 
City Council's decision to train city police to  enforce immigration law. The 
measure was approved by the council on December 7,  2005. Costa Mesa will be 
first United States city to merge police and  immigration duties. 

This measure raises concern among Mexican, Central  American, and other 
so-called "Latinos." People with brown skin will be subject  to racial 
based on appearance and surname. The measure will also  erode relations between 
immigrants and police, as immigrants will fear reporting  crimes. 
Furthermore, vigilantism may increase, as residents may attack and  harass 
people that 
they perceive to be "illegal." 

Police officers are  not border patrol agents! All are invited to demand the 
repeal of the City  Council's decision and prevent racial profiling and unfair 
attacks on immigrants  in Costa Mesa. 

WHEN: Friday, December 23, 2005  

TIME/WHERE: March begins at 3PM at the corner of Bristol and Sunflower,  near 
South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa 

Protest begins at 4:30 PM at the  Costa Mesa Police Department located at 33 
Fair Drive 

For more  information, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED])   


"Costa Mesa police will enforce immigration law."  Overley, Jeff. 
Orange County Register. Dec. 7, 2005. 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No  Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)544-9355

Please consider  making a donation to the important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network  
Send check pay to:
1013 Mission St. #6
South Pasadena  CA 91030
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join the  immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas  immigrant 
workers information and alerts, send e-mail to:  
or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders!  Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
or visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Activists and Community Unite to Rebuild from Katrina! Report from New Orleans

2005-12-22 Thread SIUHIN
Activists and Community Unite to Rebuild from  Katrina!
Report from New  Orleans
by: Lee Siu Hin

ActionLA 2005 Year Ends Report (Part One of the  series) 
This is the series of reports to exam what U.S. peace  and justice movements 
had done in 2005 and hope for the better future for the  year 2006. 

"We're back- to take it  back!"

On December 10's International Human Rights Day, survivors of  Hurricane 
Katrina together with hundreds of supporters took buses from Jackson, 
and  nearby states to New  Orleans for a rally. A two-mile long march began at 
the  City's famous Congo  Square, with a banner and jazz music march to City  
Hall, to present a "Declaration of the People" to Mayor Nagin: New Orleans 
hurricane  survivors want to return to their homes! 

The December 8 to 10 Hurricane  Katrina assembly and rally, organized by the 
People's Hurricane Relief Fund  & Oversight Coalition (PHRF), is a New Orleans 
and Gulf South umbrella coalition  of people of color, survivors of Hurricane 
Katrina, local, national and  international organizations, and individual 
supporters committed to working  together to rebuild their community and to win 
justice for hurricane survivors.  The PHRF Coalition has earned the respect and 
endorsement of many national  organizations across the country. Their 
message: From Outrage to Action, The  People Must Decide! 

There is a clear connection between the hurricane's  human toll and racism in 
New  Orleans. Many survivors are angry at the inadequate  response of 
President Bush, FEMA and Mayor Nagin during and after Katrina. Three  months 
the Hurricane, many survivors, majority of whom are poor &  black, are still 
left out of jobs, building contracts, and other aspects of the  city's 

According  to another estimate, over 100,000 immigrants—many of them 
undocumented—have been  directly affected by Hurricane Katrina in the southern 
Before the  hurricane, they worked at sweatshop jobs across the city; after 
the flooding,  they fled the city with no chance of receiving any federal 
assistance because of  their immigration status. Several were even arrested by 
immigration officials  for deportation because they asked for government 
assistance. Some of them were  re-hired by private contractors to rebuild the 
city; in 
several cases, the  bosses cheated them of their pay after their work was 

With FEMA  set to cut Katrina survivors' hotel vouchers in early January, 
2006, a ticking  time bomb of anger is building up. Activists from across the 
country showed  their solidarity by offering their support for rebuilding New 
Orleans. Activist  collectives like Common Ground Collective and Community 
United have built  support centers to offer food and legal aid to returning 
hurricane survivors,  and the ACLU of Louisiana and Mississippi will consider 
complaints of  constitutional violations from hurricane victims. 

Hundreds of  volunteers--young and old, and of many colors--from New York, 
Chicago and Oregon  are coming to New Orleans in order to help. 
Some of these generous folk  have suffered or even lost their lives: 
according to the New Orleans Independent  Media Center, volunteer Meg Perry of 
Ground was killed on the afternoon  of December 10 when their vegetable 
oil-powered relief bus was caught in an  accident, and several of the other 
volunteers who were on the bus were  injured. 

With the needs of long-term humanitarian operations in the Gulf  region, the 
leadership of the People's Hurricane Relief Fund & Oversight  Coalition 
decided to call an emergency conference to discuss how to build a  long-term 
nationally coordinated effort to support the victims of Hurricane  Katrina. 

The one-day December 9th survivors assembly at a church in  Jackson, 
Mississippi (210 miles north of New Orleans) attracted four hundred  activists 
across the country, including approximately150 hurricane  survivors, to 
strategize how displaced people from the hurricane can foster  
self-determination and 
their own vision for the best way to rebuild their own  communities and lives, 
and how supporters around the world can help. (Organizers  chose to host the 
conference in Jackson because many hotel facilities near the  New Orleans had 
been destroyed by the hurricane. and occupied by FEMA, Red  Cross, and other 
contractors and speculators and employees of every interest  except that of 
providing a way for the residents return. There are many hotels  available in 
city, but few rooms are available to)  

Vision and Demand 
Throughout the assembly and  rally, everyone agreed that the key issue for 
post-Katrina recovery is helping  survivors to find permanent housing. 

After  the assembly, the survivors presented the following list of demands to 
the City  of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, and the U.S. Government:

· The Local,  State and Federal government must make cond

[LAAMN] 12/22: House Approves 1-Mon Extension of PATRIOT Act and 453 Billion Military $$

2005-12-22 Thread SIUHIN
House Approves One Month Extension of  PATRIOT Act, Approves 453 billion 
defense spending bill
December 22, 2005
National Immigrant Solidarity Network, Peace No  War Network Alerts!
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
 _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  
At the last days of the House and Senate before Christmas vacation,  the 
House balked at a Senate plan to extend the USA Patriot Act by six months to  
Congress and President Bush more time to work out their differences,  instead 
forcing the Senate and the administration to accept a one-month  extension.  
At the same time, the House approved a $460 billion defense bill that  was 
shorn of a provision promoted by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) that would have  
opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to  oil drilling. But it put 
until next year final agreement on a major budget  measure that would trim 
federal spending by nearly $40 billion over five years.  Read the full 
1) Patriot Act  Extension Is Reduced To a Month
House Action Overcomes Senate's  Longer Reprieve 
By Jonathan  Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday,  December 23, 2005; A01 
The House balked yesterday at a Senate plan to extend the USA Patriot Act by  
six months to give Congress and President Bush more time to work out their  
differences, instead forcing the Senate and the administration to accept a  
one-month extension. 
At the same time, the House approved a $460 billion defense bill that was  
shorn of a provision promoted by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) that would have  
opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to  oil drilling. But it put 
until next year final agreement on a major budget  measure that would trim 
federal spending by nearly $40 billion over five  years. 
Congress finished a year in which it rebuffed Bush on many of his top  
priorities and showed a new willingness to assert its prerogatives after four  
during which the president largely dictated the terms and sought to expand  
executive power at the expense of the legislative branch. 
It was also a year marked by bitter infighting in a Republican caucus that  
had been known for exceptional discipline. Bush and GOP leaders were buffeted 
by  unforeseen events, most of all Hurricane Katrina, that continued to consume 
 lawmakers even as they tried to depart for the year. 
One of the most contentious disputes was over whether to reauthorize the USA  
Patriot Act, and it appeared as if the Senate had finessed an impasse with 
the  White House by agreeing Wednesday night to extend the existing domestic  
surveillance law -- set to expire on Dec. 31 -- by six months. But House  
Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) refused to go  
along with the agreement yesterday. He demanded that the House pass an 
only through Feb. 3, forcing a few senators to return to the Capitol last 
night  to give the Senate's consent. 
"The fact is that a six-month extension, in my opinion, would have simply  
allowed the Senate to duck the issue until the last week in June," said  
Sensenbrenner, who had largely prevailed in negotiations with the Senate on a  
version of the anti-terrorism law, only to see the compromise blocked by a  
Senate filibuster. "Now they came pretty close to wrecking everybody's  
I didn't want to put the entire Congress in the position of them  wrecking 
everybody's Independence Day." 
The Patriot Act was passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to  
strengthen the government's hand in combating terrorism. The administration  
sought to toughen some of the provisions and prevent 16 from expiring. Critics  
charged that the proposed renewal was too slanted in the government's favor  
regarding national security letters and special subpoenas that give the FBI  
significant leeway in obtaining records, among other concerns. 
The House action was a setback for Bush, who had repeatedly said he would not 
 accept a "short-term extension." Wednesday night's Senate action, which  
increased the proposed extension from three months to six, was seen in part as 
way for Bush and his allies to save face while accepting the collapse of a  
four-year renewal of the law; they had supported its renewal and the House had  
passed it on Dec. 14. 
Yesterday's House vote not only erased the face-saving measure, but it also  
forced Bush to accept the shortest extension that lawmakers had seriously  
Democratic lawmakers quickly hailed the House vote as a victory. Senate  
Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said: "Democrats are happy with a  
extension of the Patriot Act. We always said that we would accept a  

[LAAMN] 12/25: Happy Holidays and Latest Updates from Peace No War Network

2005-12-26 Thread SIUHIN
Happy Holidays and Latest Updates from  Peace No War Network
December 25, 2005
URL: _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Lee Siu Hin
Co-Founder - ActionLA Coalition, Peace No War  Network, National Immigrant 
Solidarity Network
New Peace No War Web page (temp)  created! Please visit: 
_http://peacenowar.net/newpeace/_ (http://peacenowar.net/newpeace/) 
I hope everyone has great holiday weekends, and the joyful time  with your 
family members. as for me I still non-stop working fighting for peace  and 
justice this moment (December 25).
I wishes I can have sometimes to take a break, but the injustice  doesn't 
seems to take a break to relax, and I need to fight for my survival--it  always 
my hopes that one of these days, I could have the happy endings just like  that 
old movie "Jerry Maguire."
Anyway, as part of my 2005 New Year resolutions, we are finally  close to 
complete our new Peace No War web page, please visit the temp URL: 
_http://peacenowar.net/newpeace/_ (http://peacenowar.net/newpeace/) 
Please give us your opinions and to be check out to all  the new functions we 
are offering at the site: better outlook, posting  message/news, news blog, 
opinion poll, latest news wires and  more!
Please give us any suggestions and we are planning to formally  launch at 
January 1, 2006.
Thank you for your supports and don't forget to vote our polls:  How do you 
rate President Bush? at the right column  of our web page! and please, if you 
can donate us funds to support our works! Send check pay to:

The  Peace Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048
(at the memo line write donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are  tax 

Lee Siu Hin
Peace, No  War
War is not the answer, for only  love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Tel:  (213)403-0131

Information for antiwar movements, news across the World,  please visit:
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)   

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send  check pay to:

The Peace Center/ActionLA
8124 West  3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(at the memo line write  donations to ActionLA/SEE, all donations are tax  

*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit ajeeb.com:

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German, Italian or  Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:
_http://www.systransoft.com/_ (http://www.systransoft.com/)  

**"Report  From Baghdad" CD-ROM**

Pacifica Radio KPFK Los  Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to 
U.S. occupied Iraq. An  interactive CD-ROM with articles, photos, audio and 
interviews includes:  people of Iraq, U.S. military, human rights workers, 
religious leaders and  more!

Please Visit the Website: _http://www.BaghdadReport.net_ 

Each CD costs: $15.00 plus $3.50 S/H (work both PC  and Mac)
The CD sells will be benefit the Baghdad Independent Media Center,  ActionLA, 
and PeaceNoWar.net
*Additional donations are welcome, and it will  be tax deductible.

Send check/money orders to: 
The Peace  Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA  90048

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Help save the life of a child. Support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

[LAAMN] 1/7 Southern CA: Shut Down Minuteklan National Day of Action Against Immigrants

2006-01-04 Thread SIUHIN

In a massive response to racist persecution  of
migrants, racial profiling and worker oppression,
counter protestors  will be rallying to oppose Minutemen
protests at four Southern California day  labor
locations California on Saturday morning, January 7 at
7:30  a.m.

Minutemen groups and their supporters in Southern
California will  be protesting at day labor centers on
that day as part of their nationwide  protest to "stop
the invasion."  They have notified the media of  their

All good people who support the right of workers  to
work and who oppose targeting people based on their
ethnicity are asked  to join one of the counter
protests below.  Get there early, and brings  signs, 
noisemakers, and an attitude for  justice!

8118 Arrow Route.  I-10 to Vineyard N,  left on
Vineyard (1.7 mi.), left on Arrow Rte. (0.5 mi.) Time:
7:30- 9:30  a.m.

1765 Laguna Canyon  Rd.  I-5 to Ca 133S (9 mi., becomes
Laguna Canyon Rd.)  Time:   8:00-11:00 a.m.

El Toro and  Jeronimo Roads.  I-5 to El Toro Rd., left
on El Toro to Jeronimo (1.4  mi).  Time: 8:00-11:00

5040 San Fernando Rd.  I-5 to Colorado East, turn
right on San  Fernando Rd.  (0.5 mi) Time: 8:00-11:00 a.m.

Remember that  jaywalking, littering, and bullhorns can
get you busted, depending on  locale--and that Minutemen
sometimes claim to carry tasers and pepper  spray.
Please Visit Our Minutemen  Watch
URL: _http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/)  

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
Clean water saves lives.  Help make water safe for our children.

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

[LAAMN] 1/7 Minutemen Watch: Few Drawn to Racist Minutemen's Anti-Immigration Protests

2006-01-08 Thread SIUHIN
Minutemen Watch : Projects  of National Immigrant Solidarity Network
URL: _http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/) 
Few Drawn to "Illegal" Immigration  Protests
.c The Associated Press 

LOS ANGELES (AP)  - Illegal immigration protests organized across the country 
Saturday drew small  numbers, and some were outnumbered and out-shouted by 
those who support  immigrant rights.

The so-called ``Stop the Invasion'' protests were  organized in 19 states, 
demanding the government increase border security and  penalize employers who 
hire illegal workers.

``We are keeping the debate  on illegal immigration in the forefront of the 
American consciousness,'' said  Joseph Turner of Save Our State, who was among 
about two dozen protesters who  waved American flags outside a home-supply 
store in a Los Angeles  suburb.

But Turner's group in Glendale was surrounded by more than 100  drum-beating 
supporters who chanted, ``Racists go home.'' The two groups traded  shouts and 
obscene gestures for more than an hour. There were no arrests, police  said.

In Farmingville, N.Y., where immigration-related violence erupted  several 
times in recent years, only about a dozen protesters showed up and  argued 
against the growing number of day laborers on eastern Long  Island.

Paul Streitz, who organized the demonstrations, said members  believe illegal 
immigrants are taking jobs from citizens while driving down  property values.

``This is not a racist thing,'' said Daniel Anastasia,  46, a construction 
worker from Westchester, N.Y. ``We pay taxes, they don't. I  get paid what the 
union says. The contractor pays them cash. It's not fair to  me.''

In Framingham, Mass., near Boston, a small group protesting illegal  
immigration was met by a much larger group of counter-demonstrators, some of  
surrounded them and temporarily disrupted the protest.

``What they  are doing is just harassing people who are out here to go to 
work every day, and  they're doing it in a hateful manner, which is against 
everything this country  stands for,'' said Manuel Olivera, pastor of the 
New Life Presbyterian  Community Church.

In Danbury, Conn., about 50 people calling themselves  the Connecticut 
Citizens for Immigration Control spent about two hours chanting  and holding 
that read ``Arrest Illegal Employers.'' Several dozen people  held a 
counterprotest across the street.

In Las Vegas, John Holiday, 43,  and his son, Conner, 9, held signs near a 
convenience store where undocumented  workers are picked up by employers. The 
boy, who held a sign that read ``Our  lawmakers encourage lawbreaking,'' said 
illegal immigration has divided the  country.

``Do you think the problem will be over when I grow up?'' Conner  asked.

Associated Press writer Ken Ritter in Las Vegas contributed to  this report.  

01/07/06 23:37 EST 

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] New Peace No War Webpage Officially Launched!

2006-01-08 Thread SIUHIN
New Peace No War Webpage  Officially Launched!
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 

Please Visit Us and post  your information and events!
* _View Our Calendar_ 
* _Add Your Events_ 
* _News Feeds_ 
* _Register_ 
   to Post Your News Items!
* News 
  _Iraq  Watch_ 
   _Americas  Watch_ 
)   _U.S.  Military Watch_ 
   _Peace  Activism_ 
=38)   _Counter  Recruitment_ 
   _Immigrant  Solidarity_ 
32&Itemid=41)   _Enviro  Watch_ 
   _Africa  Watch_ 
mid=33)   _Palestine  Watch_ 
   _Labor  Watch_ 
34)   _Globalize  Watch_ 
   _Looking  Back 9-11_ 

* _Opinion Polls_ 
Thanks _ActionLA_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  Web  Design Team 
(_http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/) ) and _Activist Design 
Studio _ 
(http://www.activistdesign.net/) (_http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
(http://www.activistdesign.net/) ), for their great work,  and our web hosting 
company for the 
last-minute technical  supports.
Please Donate to Peace No War Network!  Support Our Work!

Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)
Credit Card  Donations:
_http://www.actionla.org/Donation.htm_ (http://www.actionla.org/Donation.htm) 

Peace, No War
War is not the answer, for  only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news  across the World, please visit: 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 

Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to:  

Please Donate to Peace No War  Network!
Send check pay to:

ActionLA / The  Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)
*To  Translate this page to Arabic, please visit ajeeb.com:

*To Translate this page to French, Spanish, German,  Italian or Portuguese, 
please visit Systran:
_http://www.systransoft.com/_ (http://www.systransoft.com/) 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network

[LAAMN] 1/10: Stop Anti-Immigrant CLEAR Act from Becoming Law, Write Your Senators Now!

2006-01-11 Thread SIUHIN
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
Stop the CLEAR Act from Becoming Law –  Write Your Senators Now!
From: National Immigration  Forum
January 10,  2006

In the last update to this list-serv, I reported that in December the  House 
of Representatives approved the CLEAR Act as part of the  Sensenbrenner-King 
immigration restriction bill, HR 4437.  The CLEAR Act  was added as a floor 
amendment, even though other provisions in the original  legislation also 
encouraged state and local police to enforce federal  immigration laws. 

This is a dangerous package for law enforcement  officers who rely on tips, 
information, and cooperation from immigrants in their  communities.  If the 
Sensenbrenner-King bill becomes law, those sources  will dry up, and we will 
be less safe as a result.  

In  the previous Congress you were able to stop CLEAR from becoming law by 
working  with state and local police departments, law enforcement associations, 
state and  local governments, and crime victim advocates to communicate that 
this  legislation harms, not helps, community safety.  Members of Congress look 
 pretty silly pushing an “enforcement” bill when it is opposed by these key  
constituencies, and for good reason—this is anti-enforcement legislation!   

The Senate is poised to take up immigration legislation early on  this year.  
The only way the CLEAR Act will be kept out of any final  immigration reform 
package negotiated between the House and Senate is if we  mobilize, yet again, 
and tell our senators why this legislation is bad for our  states and 

Please go back to your state and local  government, law enforcement, and 
crime victim advocacy organizations and ask  them to add their voices to round 
of the debate.  The Senate may act on  immigration legislation as early as 
February.  Letters from these key  constituencies as well as your own 
organizations are crucial to convincing  senators that they should not approve 
like the CLEAR Act.   

These letters should be sent to your state’s U.S.  Senators, as well as 
Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter.  His fax  number is 202.224.9102.  If 
do not know how to contact your Senators,  visit www.senate.gov or call the 
Capitol Hill switchboard at  202.224.3121.  

The basic message to your Senators is this: When the Senate takes up  
immigration reform in 2006, provisions like the CLEAR Act that make state and  
police into immigration agents should not be included.  This  legislation is 
dangerous to public safety, because it discourages members of our  communities 
from reporting crimes and assisting in investigations.  Also,  by having state 
and local police enforce federal civil immigration laws, it  sends them after 
people with minor paperwork violations instead of the real  criminals and bad 
guys preying on our communities. 

Talking points to use in the letters can be found at 
(please note, this is an older web page, but the basic arguments are  valid). 
Letters from the last Congress, which you can use as samples, are available  
at: _http://www.immigrationforum.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=567_ 

For more information, see the following:   

Summary of HR 4437, from the American Immigration Lawyers  Association: 

“Lowlights” of HR 4437 from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center:  
_http://www.ilrc.org/HR4437.html_ (http://www.ilrc.org/HR4437.html)   

Summary of the CLEAR Act (HR 3137) and its Senate counterpart (S  1362), from 
the National Immigration Law Center and National Council of La Raza:  

More on HR 4437: 

More on real immigration reform: 
_http://www.immigrationforum.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=732_ (http://www.i

An advocacy toolkit on the CLEAR Act is being prepared by the  National 
Council of La Raza and other organizations. 

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +

MPI Report Offers First Look  at Police Use of Immigration Records in the 
NCIC Database from  2002-2004

A new report authored by NYU School of  Law for the Migration Policy 
Institute provides a first glimpse of data on the  use of the National Crime 
Information Center (NCIC) database by state and local  police to enforce 

[LAAMN] 1/20: Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Bills!

2006-01-23 Thread SIUHIN
Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose  Anti-Immigrant Bills!
An Appeal from National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
January 20,  2006
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
_Please Lick Here to Sign the  Petition!_ 

We are  asking you for your help in collecting signatures for a petition 
(please see  attached) addressed to the Los Angeles City Council requesting 
adopt a  resolution in favor of the immigrant community. The petition will be 
hand  delivered to City Council on February 2nd. Our voices need to be heard 
and we  need to defeat H.R. 4437 the moment it reaches the Senate. Currently, 
folks in  D.C. are speculating that the issue of immigration will be taken up 
mid  February. If City Council approves the resolution it will be an issue 
the  lobbying committee of the city takes on in D.C. as a  priority.  
_Please Lick Here to Sign the Petition!_ 

(Powered by ActionLA  Coalition) 

Recent News About the Bill:
12/22: _More  on the Sensenbrenner/King Bill and Next Steps in Comprehensive 
Reform  Advocacy_ 
_Read More Information_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/#hr4437)  
Anti-Immigrant Bill, PATROTIC  Act
Our Next Struggle 
Commentary: National  Immigrant Solidarity Network
January, 2006 
Unfortunately, despite  strong protest from immigrant, human rights, labor 
and civil liberty groups the  U.S. House passed the disgraceful  anti-immigrant 
H.R. 4437 -- the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and  Illegal  Immigration 
Control Act of  2005" by House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James  
Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) and House  Homeland Security Committee Chairman 
Peter  T. 
King (R-N.Y.). 
It's clear that President  Bush, along with the Congress, is again spinning 
rhetoric to blame immigrants  for causing all the world's problems. 
It's also clear that the  President, right wing Republicans and even many 
Democrats will use immigrants as  scapegoats for the Nov 2006 mid-term 
They will use any possible means  to secure conservative/right wing votes by 
focusing on blaming people of color  and immigrants, and by attacking abortion 
rights and the rights of LGBT  people. 
Our struggle will be long  and hard, but that doesn't mean we should have no 
hope. While the House vision  of the Bill has passed, we still can mount a 
strong opposition against the  upcoming Senate version, which will be 
and debated sometime in  February, 2006. 
Now that we have finished  the holiday season, we should gear up our fighting 
spirit to build multi-ethnic  community actions against the final passage of 
the Senate bill early next  year. 
Unity is very important!  This is NOT only about immigrant rights, it is also 
about human rights for  everyone. An injury to one is an injury to all! 
Activists and organizers  have a particular responsibility to point out the 
links between Katrina's  impact, immigrant rights, civil liberties, labor 
rights and the  U.S. war in  Iraq. Understanding the connections  between our 
individual conditions of life and the lives of people everywhere in  the world 
allows us to come together and organize across all borders. We need to  make 
connections between wars in Africa, south America, Asia, Iraq,  Palestine and 
Korea, and sweatshops in Asia as well as in Los Angeles and in New  York; 
international arms sales and the WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS,  hunger, 
labor and child soldiers; multinational corporations and economic  
exploitation with racism and poverty at home--then we can win the  struggle. 
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 
Send check pay  to:
1013 Mission St. #6
South Pasadena CA 91030
(All  donations are tax deductible)

*to join the  immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 

or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to  webpage 

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 


[LAAMN] 1/24 Los Angeles, CA: Community Forum on Immigration

2006-01-24 Thread SIUHIN
Tuesday Night Forum on Immigration
An Community Event  Co-sponsor with National Immigrant Solidarity  network 
January, 24, 2006 7:30 PM -  9:00 PM
"The Onion," 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills  CA.

Lee Siu Hin of the National  Immigrant Solidarity Network will facilitate a  
planning meeting to develop a strategy to help defeat  the anti-immigrant  
bill (H.R. 4437- the Border  Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration 
Control Act  of 2005) that was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on 
Dec.16,  2005.

Lee Siu Hin is a cofounder of ActionLA in Los  Angeles <_www.actionla.org/_ 
(http://www.actionla.org/) >   and the 
National Immigrant Solidarity Network   <_www.immigrantsolidarity.org/_ 
(http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/) >,  a reporter for Pacifica Radio 
Angeles, a member of the Asian Pacific  American Labor 
Alliance (APALA) and a national leader of United for  Peace and Justice 
and the Latin American Solidarity Coalition. 

The Tuesday Night Forum, sponsored by the Social Concerns  Committee of the 
Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society meets on the  second and fourth 
of each month at 7:30 PM. Guest speakers discuss current  social justice 
from a progressive point of view usually not covered by the  corporate media. 

The Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also  known as "The Onion," is 
at 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills. From Los Angeles take the  405 freeway 
exit left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go two blocks and turn right  on Haskell. 
It's on 
the right side just past Plummer. $2.00 donation. The  Onion is wheelchair 
accessible. _http://webcom.com/onion/concerns.htm_ 
Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose  Anti-Immigrant Bills!
An Appeal from National Immigrant Solidarity  Network

January 20,  2006
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
_Please Lick Here to Sign the  Petition!_ 

We are asking you  for your help in collecting signatures for a petition 
(please see attached)  addressed to the Los Angeles City Council requesting 
adopt a resolution in  favor of the immigrant community. The petition will be 
hand delivered to City  Council on February 2nd. Our voices need to be heard 
and we need to defeat H.R.  4437 the moment it reaches the Senate. Currently, 
folks in D.C. are speculating  that the issue of immigration will be taken up 
mid February. If City Council  approves the resolution it will be an issue 
the lobbying committee of the city  takes on in D.C. as a priority.  

_Please click Here to Sign the Petition!_ 

(Powered by ActionLA  Coalition) 

Recent News About the Bill:
12/22: _More  on the Sensenbrenner/King Bill and Next Steps in Comprehensive 
Reform  Advocacy_ 
_Read More Information_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/#hr4437)  
Anti-Immigrant Bill, PATROTIC  Act
Our Next Struggle 
Commentary: National  Immigrant Solidarity Network
January, 2006 
Unfortunately, despite  strong protest from immigrant, human rights, labor 
and civil liberty groups the  U.S. House passed the disgraceful  anti-immigrant 
H.R. 4437 -- the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and  Illegal  Immigration 
Control Act of  2005" by House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James  
Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) and House  Homeland Security Committee Chairman 
Peter  T. 
King (R-N.Y.). 

It's clear  that President Bush, along with the Congress, is again spinning 
rhetoric to  blame immigrants for causing all the world's  problems. 

It's also  clear that the President, right wing Republicans and even many 
Democrats will  use immigrants as scapegoats for the Nov 2006 mid-term 
They will use  any possible means to secure conservative/right wing votes by 
focusing on  blaming people of color and immigrants, and by attacking abortion 
rights and the  rights of LGBT people. 

Our  struggle will be long and hard, but that doesn't mean we should have no 
hope.  While the House vision of the Bill has passed, we still can mount a 
strong  opposition against the upcoming Senate version, which will be 
and  debated sometime in February, 2006. 

Now that we  have finished the holiday season, we should gear up our fighting 
spirit to build  multi-ethnic community actions against the final passage of 
the Senate bill  early next year. 

Unity is  very important! This is NOT only about immigrant rights, it is also 
about human  rights for everyone. An injury to one is an injury to  all! 

Activists  and organizers have a particular responsibility to point out the 
links between  Katrina's impact, immigrant rights, civil liberties, labor 
rights and the  U.S. war in  Iraq. Under

[LAAMN] 1/26 El Sereno, CA: Commity Meeting to Against War/Protest Attacks on Immigrants

2006-01-26 Thread SIUHIN
Community Meeting to Plan Activities  Against War and Protest 
the Attacks on Immigrants!
When: Saturday, January 26, 6 PM and  February 4, 1 PM.
Where: Antigua Cultural Coffee House
4836 Huntington  Drive El Sereno, CA 90032

Latinos Against War
Contact:  Carlos Montes (213) 712-0370
_www.latinoscontralaguerra.org_ (http://www.latinoscontralaguerra.org)   

Community Meeting to Plan Activities Against War  and Protest the  
Attacks on Immigrants!

When: Saturday, January 26, 6 PM and February 4, 1  PM.
Where: Antigua Cultural Coffee House
4836 Huntington Drive El Sereno,  CA 90032

Daily we read about more young Latinos  dying in Iraq and the abuse,  
deportations of thousands of Mexican and  Latino immigrants. Our  
community is under attack by the hypocrisy of  the US policy which  
arrests and deports immigrant workers while their  children are been  
recruited to the military to fight and die foreign  wars of domination.

Latinos Against War (LAW), students, teachers, union  members, and  
parents will hold a series of Community Meetings Against  the War in  
Iraq and to Protest the Attacks on Immigrants especially  along the  
Mexican border.

Join us to discuss and plan actions,  community/educational events to  
protest the effects of the war in Iraq  and the increasing racist and  
repressive attacks against our immigrant  community.

Be part of local community organizing and uniting to the  broader  
regional and statewide coalitions and mass actions been  planned for  
this year.

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the  important work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay to:
National  Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

Send check to: 
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite  104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

*to join the immigrant Solidarity Network  daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 

**Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas  immigrant 
workers information and alerts, send e-mail to:  
or visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders! Support  
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] 1/31 6 PM -10 PM: Los Angeles State of Union Speech After Party!!!

2006-01-26 Thread SIUHIN

1/31 Los Angeles 

State of Union  Speech After Party  

The Only One Not Invited Is "W"
Tuesday, January 31 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM 
Peace  Center, 8124 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles

(almost) everyone  is invited to the state of the Union Speech After-Party 
with food, drinks, games  and intelligent conversations.

Donations at the door, no one will be turned  away for lack of funds, 
organized by United For Peace & Justice (UFPJ) and  Coalition For World Peace 
For more information, please call:  (626)695-3405
This is a national call  by UFPJ, in Los Angeles organized by ActionLA : 
_Throw a House Party for the State of the Union  Address_ 
(http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3168)  by UFPJ
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send  check pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West  3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are  tax deductible)

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Please  join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, 
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] 1/31 6 PM -10 PM: Los Angeles State of Union Speech After Party!!!

2006-01-29 Thread SIUHIN

1/31 Los Angeles 

State of Union  Speech After Party  

The Only One Not Invited Is "W"
Tuesday, January 31 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM 
Peace  Center, 8124 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles

(almost) everyone  is invited to the state of the Union Speech After-Party 
with food, drinks, games  and intelligent conversations.

Donations at the door, no one will be turned  away for lack of funds, 
organized by United For Peace & Justice (UFPJ) and  Coalition For World Peace 
For more information, please call:  (626)695-3405
This is a national call  by UFPJ, in Los Angeles organized by ActionLA : 
_Throw a House Party for the State of the Union  Address_ 
(http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3168)  by UFPJ
Other Recommended  Actions:
_5 PM - 7 PM : World  Can't Wait State of Union Actions at CNN_ 
_5:30  PM : Immigrant Rally to Protest State of the Union  Speech_ 
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send  check pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West  3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048
(All donations are  tax deductible)

Please join our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or send  e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Please  join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, 
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

[LAAMN] February 2006 U.S. Immigrant News Alert!

2006-02-01 Thread SIUHIN

February 2006  National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest   
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network
URL: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 
No Immigrant Bashing! Support  Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles:  (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355 
February 2006 U.S.  Immigrant Alert! Newsletter 
Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network 
URL:  _http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Feb06.pdf  _ 
[Requires Adobe Acrobat, to download, go: _http://www.adobe.com_ 
(http://www.adobe.com/) ]  
Take Actions To  Defeat Anti-Immigrant Sensenbrenner-King bill!  

In This  Issue: 
1. Defeat Sensenbrenner-King Bill! (Pg 1) 
2. Minutemen Watch (Pg  2)
3. Immigration News (Pg 5)
4. Feb-March Major Immigrant Events  (Pg 6)
5. Katrina Resources (Pg 6)
6. Hate e-mails against NISN (Pg  7) 
Although the U.S. House had passed the anti-immigrant H.R. 4437 -- the  
"Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of  
2005" by 
House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.  (R-Wis.) and 
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter T. King  (R-N.Y.) last 
December. It doesn't mean we lost our battle. While the  House vision of the 
has passed, we still can mount a strong  opposition against the upcoming Senate 
version, which will be introduced  and debated sometime in February, 2006.

Now that we have finished  the holiday season, we should gear up our fighting 
spirit to build  multi-ethnic community actions against the final passage of 
the Senate  bill early this year!

Suggest Community Actions

•  Call your U.S. Senate members, ask them not to support the bill.

•  Community dialogue/town hall meeting to educate the people the facts  
behind the bill, and to build a community alliance to oppose it.

•  Grassroots campaign to push city resolution to against the bill (For  
example, Los Angeles has done a great job pushing the city resolution. 
Petition to the Los Angeles City Council
January  2006 

WHEREAS, on December 16, 2005 the House of Representatives passed  Bill H.R. 
4437 introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) which would  allow felony 
prosecution of anyone who resides in the United States  without authorization, 
or anyone who assists them, including, their  spouses, relatives, friends, 
churches, schools, hospitals, employers and  community based organizations;

WHEREAS, in the last few weeks,  anti-immigrant sentiments have resulted in 
actions that generate fear and  insecurity in our communities, such as, the 
ordinance passed by the City  of Costa Mesa, which authorizes the police to act 
as Federal Agents for  the purpose of implementing immigration laws. This 
situation creates  unsafe conditions for all Angelinos.
THEREFORE, the undersigned,  request the Los Angeles City Council to:

1. Declare its opposition  to H.R. 4437 and to request California Senators, 
Dianne Feinstein and  Barbara Boxer to oppose H.R. 4437 and to work for 
comprehensive  immigration reform that would lead to permanent residence and 
citizenship;  and 

2. Reaffirm its support for Special Order 40, which prohibits  questioning, 
detaining or interrogating persons solely because of  suspected undocumented 
immigration status.  
Please Visit Our New Minutemen Watch  Home Page!
_http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ (http://www.minutemenwatch.net/)  
New! Useful Resource Page
Please subscribe to the US  Immigration Alert!
A Monthly Newsletter from  National Immigrant Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12  issues) is $35.00
It will help us pay for the printing costs, as well  as funding for the ISN 
projects (additional donations to the ISN is tax  deductible!)

Check pay to:  ISN/AFGJ
ActionLA / The Peace Center 8124 West 3rd Street, 
Suite  104 Los Angeles, California 90048  

 First National Study of Day Laborers  Exposes Abuse, Injuries  
Center for the Study of Urban Poverty
January  23, 2006
URL: _http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/issr/csup/index.php_ 

They attend church, raise children and participate in community  activities 
and institutions. Yet, when America's day laborers go to work,  they have 
experiences that would shock any other upstanding community  member: police 
harassment, violence at the hands of employers, withheld  wages and conditions 
dangerous that is not unusual for them to be  sidelined for more than a month 
with work-related injuries or to work for  weeks on end in pain. 
This is the vivid portrait painted by the first nationwide study of  
America's 117,600 day laborers. Orchestrated by social scientists from  UCLA, 
University of Ill

[LAAMN] 1/31 State of the Union Speech: Anti-Bush Protesters March in Hollywood

2006-02-01 Thread SIUHIN
1/31  State of the Union Speech @ Los Angeles: Anti-Bush Protesters March in  
[LA  IMC] Close to 2,000 people marched in the streets of Hollywood tonight  
in respond to Bush's speech. The protest initiated by
_worldcantwait.net_ (http://www.worldcantwait.net/)  drew a diverse group of 
people all in agreement that the Bush  administration is a failed presidency 
and that he and his administration must be  removed from office. The slogan “
The world can’t wait” is derived from the idea  that if the people wait for the 
2008 election it may be to late. The protest and  march was militant and 
noisy, yet peaceful. There have been no reports of police  violence or arrests.

Reports from the  newswire: _Photos from Bush Step Down rally in  Hollywood_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/01/146040.php)  by Pacifist Vegan Frog || 
_BuSh gets Drowned Out in  Hollywood_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/01/146067.php)  by A 

1/31: Capitol Police arrest antiwar activist Sheehan  at the State of the 
Union Speech Cindy  Sheehan was arrested and removed from the House gallery 
Tuesday night just  before President Bush’s State of the Union address, she was 
invited to attend  the speech by Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif. >> _Read  More_ 

Analysis: State of the Union  Agitated
February 1,  2006
.c The Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - The state of the union is fretful.  President Bush 
acknowledged the public's agitated state Tuesday night when he  gave voice to 
concerns about the course of the nation he has led for  five years.

His credibility no longer the asset it once was, the  president begged 
Americans' indulgence for another chance to fix  things.

There is no shortage: the Iraq war, global terrorism, a nuclear  Iran, a 
stingy global economy, skyrocketing health care costs, troubled U.S.  schools, 
rising fuel costs, looming budget deficits and government corruption.  All 
received presidential attention Tuesday night.

In his fifth State of  the Union address, Bush sought to balance his usual 
optimistic message with an  odd-fitting acknowledgment that many Americans are 
suffering beneath a crush of  change.

``Fellow citizens, we have been called to leadership in a period  of 
consequence. We have entered a great ideological conflict we did nothing to  
Bush said. ``We see great changes in science and commerce that will  
influence all our lives. And sometimes it can seem that history is turning a  
arc, toward an unknown shore.''

Unknown and uneasy.

The  problem for Bush is that few of these troubles are new. He's had four 
years to  ease people's pain.

Nearly 46 million Americans have no health insurance,  up nearly a million in 
the last year. Health care costs are increasing three or  four times the rate 
of inflation.

One of Bush's first successes of his  presidency was the 2002 No Child Left 
Behind, but parents still wonder about the  quality of education in their 
schools. For the first time in generations,  American children could face 
prospects than their parents and  grandparents did.

Calling for less dependency on foreign oil is a State  of the Union 
evergreen. Bush has done so in every address.

The president  who promised to be a uniter, not a divider, has presided over 
the  hyper-polarization of Washington.

Osama bin Laden has not been  caught.

Weapons of mass destruction were not found in  Iraq.

Victory in that war seems elusive, with more than 2,240 American  troops 
killed - and counting.

The solutions Bush offered were relatively  small-bore and wrapped in 
familiar language: tax cuts, health savings accounts,  alternative energy 
and investments in education to help keep America  competitive with emerging 
democracies; and a stay-the-course approach to  fighting terrorism.

In a preview of his November election strategy, Bush  accused foreign policy 
critics of ``defeatism.'' He also took a jab at critics  in his own party on 
immigration and trade.

Bush's goal in the address was  to acknowledge the public's concerns, and if 
not solve their every problem,  assure them he will try to do better.

``He's learned that the election is  over - and now he's free to acknowledge 
that course change doesn't necessarily  mean a mistake,'' said Republican 
consultant Rich Galen.

Bush spoke of  the global economy and suggested that competitors like China 
and India are  making gains on the United States. ``This creates an 
uncertainty, which makes it  easier to feed people's fears.''

He said violent crime, abortions and  teenage pregnancies are down in an era 
that has seen Americans take more  responsibility - ``a revolution of 
conscience'' he called it. ``Yet many  Americans, especially parents, still 
have deep 
concerns about the directi

[LAAMN] 1/25 Lee Siu Hin: The Upcoming Battle for Immigrant Rights

2006-02-02 Thread SIUHIN
The  Upcoming Battle for Immigrant Rights
A War on  the Home Front That Will Affect Millions of People
By: Lee Siu Hin -  National Immigrant Solidarity Network
January 25, 2006

For the past two  years, the United  States has been quietly pursuing its 
largest  anti-immigrant campaign in 50 years. 

With the U.S. losing the war in  Iraq, President Bush, right wing Republicans 
and even many Democrats are once  again using immigrants as scapegoats (along 
with promising more money for  domestic programs, tax cuts for the rich, 
faith-based initiatives to attack  abortion rights and the rights of LGBT 
in order to secure  conservative/right-wing votes for the November 2006 
midterm elections.  

Attacking recent immigrants is historically nothing new. Since the  Chinese 
Exclusion Act of the1890's, different immigrant groups have been  targeted when 
they begin arriving in this country: Irish, Jews, eastern  Europeans, 
Japanese, Filipinos have all been the target of attack at various  points in 
history. This time the forces of  racism are once again spinning rhetoric to 
blame immigrants (especially the  Latino immigrants) for causing all the 
problems—arguing that they could  be potential terrorists who wish to harm our 
country and 'welfare queens' who  plan to steal money from our social programs—
a potent scare tactic which  exploits the fear and anger of the poor and 
working-class communities, who are  the victims of corporate downsizing and the 
government's budget cuts because of  the war in Iraq. 

Not surprisingly, the right-wing anti-immigrant forces  have been using the 
Minutemen campaign to exaggerate the so-called "crisis" of  undocumented 
immigrants after September 11. 

What happened in 2005 was a  chain of events, each one carefully crafted to 
build to a climax of mindless  xenophobia. From the first appearance of the 
Minutemen in the beginning of the  year to the passing of the 
Bill right before the year's end,  this was a well coordinated plan serving 
the agenda of the right-wing, racist  anti-immigrant forces, and most 
community and social justice  activists were caught-off guard. 

The Minutemen
When Jim Gilchrist,  co-founder of the anti-immigrant vigilante group calling 
itself "The Minutemen,"  announced their plan to go to the U.S.-Mexico border 
in Arizona to stop Mexican migrants from entering the  U.S., it immediately 
upset the  immigrant community and sparked the creation of a national movement 
against the  racist group.

For the next few months, several dozens of  Minutemen-sponsored actions 
across the country—mainly protests or surveillance  actions designed to harass 
laborers--were met with much larger groups of  counter-protesters, sometimes 
20 and even 30 times larger than the Minutemen's  numbers. 

While most cities don't welcome the Minutemen, some gave them a  green light 
and even a police escort to support their racist  activities.

Two examples: the Southern California cities of Garden Grove and Baldwin  
Park, both east of Los  Angeles. It's no accident that the Minutemen never dare 
to protest in big cities with large immigrant populations like Los Angeles, 
New York and  San  Francisco—all bastions of strong progressive politics at  
community and City Hall levels. Instead they tend to choose smaller suburbs  
and rural areas where much stronger anti-immigrant, conservative politics  
dominate the political discourse from the community level to the City  

Garden Grove and Baldwin Park were some of  the cities of major Minutemen 
actions that drew national attention during the  summer of 2005. The mainstream 
corporate media took great pains to avoid  mentioning that their police 
department was on the side of the Minutemen,  attacking and arresting the 

On May 25, during the  counter-protest against the Minutemen meeting 
featuring its founder Jim  Gilchrist in Garden  Grove, community activist 
Theresa Dang 
was hit by a van  driven by Minutemen supporter Hal Netkin. He was detained 
by police but released  and never charged; instead the police targeted the 
counter-protesters, arresting  several youths during the protest. 

After the car incident, Dang went to  the Orange County District Attorney's 
office to complain about the incident  (Garden Grove is a city in Orange 
County, CA). Soon after her action, in the early  morning hours of June 16 the 
Garden Grove PD raided Dang's house with a search  warrant, charging her with 
counts of bogus felony charges falsely accusing  Dang of stealing a police 
flashlight during the May 25 counter-protest.  

The case went to a jury trial in late November and she

[LAAMN] 2/1 Updates: Police Drop Charge, Apologize to Cindy Sheehan!

2006-02-02 Thread SIUHIN
Peace No war Network Peace  Activism Watch Updates!
URL: _http://www.PeaceActivism.net_ (http://www.peaceactivism.net/)
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)   
February 1, 2006
Police Drop Charge, Apologize to Peace  Mom
Congressman's Wife Also  Gets Apology From Authorities
February 1, 2006

Mandel Ngan, AFP / Getty Images

Cindy Sheehan was escorted from the Capitol before the State of the  Union 
address. Later, police apologized and dropped a charge against her.  

WASHINGTON (Feb. 2) - Capitol Police dropped a charge of unlawful  conduct 
against antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan on Wednesday and apologized for  
her and a congressman's wife from President Bush's State of the Union  
address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

Police removed Sheehan and Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. "Bill"  Young, 
R-Fla., from the visitors gallery Tuesday night. Sheehan was taken away  in 
handcuffs before Bush's arrival at the Capitol and charged with a  misdemeanor, 
while Young was not arrested.

Capitol Police did not explain why Sheehan was arrested and Young was  not. 
However, Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer was asking the U.S.  attorney's 
office to drop the charge against Sheehan, according to Deputy House  Sergeant 
of Arms Kerri Hanley.

"They were operating under the misguided impression that the T-shirt  was not 
allowed," Hanley said Wednesday. "The fact that she (Sheehan) was  wearing a 
T-shirt is not enough reason to be asked to leave the gallery or be  removed 
from the gallery or be arrested."

And in a private meeting Wednesday, Gainer apologized and said he  planned to 
issue a statement, Rep. Young told reporters.

"They  apologized," Young said. "They made a serious mistake. What they did 
had no  basis."

A foreign-born American citizen who was the guest of Rep. Alcee  Hastings, 
D-Fla., also was taken by police from the gallery just above the House  floor, 
Hastings said Wednesday.

The congressman met with Gainer and said he also requested a meeting  with 
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., about the incident.

"I'd like to find out more information," Hastings said in an  interview, 
identifying the man only as being from Broward County in Florida. "He  is a 
constituent of mine. I invited him proudly."

Sheehan's T-shirt alluded to the number of soldiers killed in Iraq:  "2245 
Dead. How many more?" Capitol Police charged her with a misdemeanor for  
violating the District of Columbia's code against unlawful or disruptive 
conduct  on 
any part of the Capitol grounds, a law enforcement official said. She was  
released from custody and flew home Wednesday to Los Angeles.

Young's shirt had just the opposite message: "Support the Troops -  Defending 
Our Freedom."

The two women appeared to have offended tradition as much as the law,  
according to several law enforcement and congressional officials. By custom, 
annual address is to be a dignified affair in which the president reports on 
 state of the nation. Guests in the gallery who wear shirts deemed political 
in  nature have, in past years, been asked to change or cover them  up.

Generally, the House's sergeant at arms sets out rules at the House  
speaker's direction. The Capitol Police enforce them and the Secret Service  
any threat to the president.

Rules dealing mainly with what people can bring and telling them to  refrain 
from reading, writing, smoking, eating, drinking, applauding or taking  
photographs are outlined on the back of gallery passes given to tourists every  

However, State of the Union guests don't receive any guidelines,  Hanley 
said. "You would assume that if you were coming to an event like the  State of 
Union address you would be dressed in appropriate attire," she  said.

Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, had been invited to  the 
speech and given a ticket by Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif.

Capitol Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said police warned Sheehan that  
displays such as her T-shirt were not allowed.

Sheehan said she had one arm out of her coat when an officer yelled,  
"Protester." She said she intended to file a First Amendment lawsuit over the  

Young was removed from the gallery during Bush's address and told she  was 
being treated the same as Sheehan.

Her husband was angry about the way she was treated.

"Because she had on a shirt that someone didn't like that said support  our 
troops, she was kicked out of this gallery," Young said on the House floor  
Wednesday, holding up the gray shirt.

"Shame, shame," he scolded.

Beverly Young was sitting about six rows from first lady Laura Bush  when she 
was asked to leave. She argued with police in the hallway outside the  House 

"They said I was protesting," she told the St. Petersburg Times. "I  said, 
'Read my shirt, it is not a protest.' They said, 'We consider that a  protest.' 
I said, 'Then you 

[LAAMN] 2/3 LA City Council to Minutemen: Go Home! + No Charges In Tezcalipoca Case!

2006-02-04 Thread SIUHIN
Minutemen Watch: _http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ 
Projects of National Immigrant  Solidarity Network
_http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ (http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/)  

2/3 LA City  Council to Minutemen: Go Home!


LOS ANGELES,  February [LA IMC] The Los Angeles City Council this morning 
issued an official  and harsh rebuke to inland and border anti-migrant 
vigilantes. The Council moved  Item No. 7 to second position on the agenda, 
declaring it a consent  item.  The Council resolved to "include in the City’s 
2005-06 State and  Federal Legislative Program, SUPPORT of State or Federal 
Legislation denouncing  and prohibiting the vigilante actions of individuals 
against immigrants along  the border and within urban communities and enact 
immigration reform leading  towards a path of permanent status for immigrants 
now and wider legal  channels for those coming in the future. 

>From  the Newswire: _LA City Council to Minutemen: Go Home!_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/146318.php)  by Leslie Radford 
2/3: No Charges In  Tezcalipoca Case; Investigation of Costa Mesa mayor 

COSTA MESA - February 3 [LA  IMC] The District Attorney’s office confirmed 
this morning that a charge filed  against immigrant rights activist Coyotl 
Tezcalipoca for resisting police  officers at a January 3rd Costa Mesa city 
meeting had been dropped. The  charges stemmed from an incident at a City 
Coucil meeting after Mayor Allan  Mansoor cut off Tezcalipoca’s speaking time 
because he asked members of the  audience to stand in opposition to the city’s 
immigration  policies.
Coincidentally or not, about  an hour after Tezcalipoca’s press conference at 
the Harbor Justice Center,  fellow Collective member Duane Roberts received 
notification by cell phone that  the Mayor is “under investigation” for 
allegedly ordering the removal of Coyotl  Tezcalipoca from the council meeting, 
order which would be unlawful under  city charter’s own rules. 
For More news about his  recent arrest and the Minutemen, please visit 
Minutemen Watch: _http://www.MinutemenWatch.net_ 
and our _Immigrant Rights  page_ 

>From the Newswire:  

_No Charges In Tezcalipoca Case; Investigation of mayor  starts_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/146326.php)  by John Earl 

_DA declines to file criminal charges against Coyotl  Tezcatlipoca!_ 
(http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/146313.php)  by  Duane J. Roberts 

Report: The Upcoming Battle for Immigrant Rights (By: Lee  Siu Hin) 
For the past two years, the United States has been  quietly pursuing its 
largest anti-immigrant campaign in 50 years.
>> _View More_ 
Please Read: _February 2006  Immigrant Alerts! Newsletter_ 
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant  Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

New  York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.:  (202)544-9355

Please consider making a donation to the important  work of National 
Immigrant Solidarity Network 

Send check pay  to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

and mail to:
ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax deductible)

*to join  the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn_ 

*a  monthly ISN monthly Action Alert! listserv, go to webpage 

Please join our following listservs:
Asian  American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv, send-e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la_ 

NYC  Immigrant Alert!: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas immigrant 
workers  information and alerts, send e-mail to: 
or  visit: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert_ 

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of  Borders! Support 
Immigrant Rights! send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
or  visit: _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Border01/_ 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[LAAMN] Activist Design Studio Toll-Free: (888)635-3307 http://www.ActivistDesign.net

2006-02-06 Thread SIUHIN
Activist Design  Studio

Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

_http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ (http://www.activistdesign.net/) 
If you need a web page, please call  us!
We are an community-based web page design collective  providing inexpensive 
and highly effective web page development services to the  businesses and to 
the activist community. All  proceeding will be benefits the activist  works!

Reasonable Prices   Free  Consulting
- E-Commerce/On-line shopping
-  Bilingual web page 
- Content management web  page
- On-line news web  page
Our projects  includes:
ActionLA _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  
Peace No War: _http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  
National Immigrant Solidarity  Network: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_ 

Toll-Free:  (888)635-3307

_http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ (http://www.activistdesign.net/) 

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LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 2/10 Civil Liberties Watch: Patriot Act May Be Passing Soon! Take Action!

2006-02-10 Thread SIUHIN
Civil Liberties Watch
Projects of  Peace No war Network
_http://www.civillibertieswatch.net_ (http://www.civillibertieswatch.net/) 
_http://wwwPeaceNoWar.net_ (http://wwwpeacenowar.net/) 

Patriot Act compromise may be  near

More  civil liberties protections key to a 4-year extension
By Rick Klein, Boston Globe
February 10, 2006 

A key group of Senate Republicans reached an agreement with the  White House 
yesterday to include several new civil liberties protections in the  USA 
Patriot Act, a development that appears likely to break a logjam over  
the controversial antiterrorism law. >> _Read  More_ 
 Take  Action Now! Call Congress today and urge leaders to stand fast  
for real reform.   
 Join Our Action  Network. _SIGN UP FOR ACLU ACTION ALERTS!_ 
_src=rtpa1118)Become a Card-Carrying  Member! _JOIN THE  ACLU TODAY_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/join)  and help  defend our fundamental freedoms.   Tell 
and urge  your friends to get involved. 
(http://www.aclu.org/focus.cfm?contentStyle=1§ion=42&num=10)   Updates on 
_http://www.ACLU.org_ (http://www.aclu.org/)   

NSA Lawsuit - Stop Illegal  Surveillance 
The ACLU is suing the National Security Agency for violating the U.S.  
Constitution. The illegal NSA spying program authorized by President Bush just  
after September 11, 2001, allows the NSA to intercept vast quantities of the  
international telephone and Internet communications of innocent Americans  
court approval.

Without a system of checks and balances,  the government can monitor any 
phone call or e-mail they want, and they can  collect and disseminate any data 
they find however they like. Just knowing that  the government is spying 
cause on innocent Americans sends a chilling  message to all of us that our 
conversations are not our own. 

The NSA's  warrantless surveillance must end and checks and balances be  
_Read  the Client Statements and Bios >>_ 
_Learn About the Spy Files  >>_ (http://www.aclu.org/safefree/spyfiles/)  
_Clients  in the Lawsuit_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/index.html#client)   | _Legal  
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/index.html#legal)  | _News_ 
|  _Resources_ (http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/index.html#features)   
_ACLU  Sues to Stop Illegal Spying, Saying President Is Not Above the  Law_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/23486prs20060117.html)  (1/17/2006)  
_Renewed  Call for Investigation of Spying Order_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/spying/23356prs20060105.html)  (1/5/2006) 
_ACLU  Slams DOJ Investigation of NSA Whistleblower_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/23288prs20051230.html)  (12/30/2005) 
_Ad  Urges Investigation Into President's Surveillance of U.S.  Citizens_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/spying/23268prs20051229.html)  (12/29/2005)  
_Gonzales  Asked to Appoint Special Counsel on NSA Spying_ 
(http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/23195prs20051221.html)  (12/21/2005)  
_Top  Ten Myths About the Illegal NSA Spying Program_ 
_Recent ACLU  Advertisements_ (http://www.aclu.org/safefree/spyads/)  
_NSA  Spying on Americans is Illegal_ 
_ACLU  Calls for a Special Counsel: Add Your Voice_ 
_www.NSAWatch.org_ (http://www.nsawatch.org/)   
_Congressional Research Service Report_ 
(http://www.nsawatch.org/CRS-informing-Congress-of-intel.pdf)   (PDF) 
_Letter to  Congress From Former government Officials and Law  Professors_ 
(http://www.nsawatch.org/DOJ.Response.AUMF.final.pdf)  (PDF)  
Peace, No War
War is not the answer,  for only love can conquer hate
Not in our Name! And another world is  possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the  World, please visit:_ 
http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
Tel:  (213)403-0131

Please Join PeaceNoWar Listserv, send e-mail to: 

Please Donate to Peace No War Network!
Send check  pay to:

ActionLA / The Peace  Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Ang

[LAAMN] 3/12-27: Latinos March for Peace from Tijuana to San Francisco

2006-02-16 Thread SIUHIN
Peace Activism Watch  
Projects of Peace No War  Network
February 16, 2006
_http://www.PeaceActivism.net_ (http://www.peaceactivism.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
March for Peace
March 12 to  March 27, 2006
Tijuana, Mexico to San Francisco, CA
Contacts: For Information please contact:   Fernando Suárez del Solar at 
760-233-0630 or at l 858-774-0172 and via e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

Objective:  A 241 mile  march that aims at ensuring that the Latino voice of 
opposition to the War is  heard loud and clear across the Americas.

WHAT/ WHEN:  Fernando Suarez del Solar, Pablo Paredes, Camilo Mejia and Aidan 
Delgado will  lead a coalition of the willing across this 241 mile quest for 
peace starting in  Tijuana, Mexico, going through Marine Corps Depot Camp 
Pendleton to the Cesar  Chavez burial site in La Paz, CA, culminating in The 
Mission district of San  Francisco with a memorial ceremony and blood drive.  

The March will begin on 12 March 2006.  The coalition of the  willing will 
arrive at La Paz, CA on 22 March 2006 and culminate in San  Francisco from 26 
March 2006 to 27 March 2006.  

WHY:   Latinos represent nearly 15% of the US population and 11% of the US 
military,  with many serving in combat or hazardous duty occupations.  In 
addition, an  estimated 20% of the fallen service members in the early months 
of the 
invasion  were Latino.  With the continued growth of the Latino population 
and its  vital importance to the future of this country, it is time the Latino 
community  become an active and vocal part of the 60%+ of US citizens that 
oppose this  War.  It is also time to show the Latino community that they have 
voice  and a right to fight for peace and stability.  Fernando Suarez Del Solar 
is  committed to self-sacrifice.  At 50 years of age he cares more about 
ending  this war than even his own health.  We make this call not only to the  
Latino population but to all those who agree with our message “No more 
in Iraq”.

About the Route and Structure

Why 241 miles?

Last Year was the 75th anniversary of Gandhi’s Salt March one of the  most 
impactful non-violent acts of protest and civil disobedience in  pursuit of 
social justice in history.  Gandhi marched 241 miles to  free India from 
imperialism.  This legacy has been vibrant in  all Latino Social Justice 
movements.  Cesar Chavez was a disciple of  Gandhi.  We wish to rekindle this 
tradition and one year after the  75th , we wish to put Gandhi’s spirit into 
practice rather than wait for  the next milestone to honor his memory.  

About the march leaders:

Fernando Suarez Del Solar

Is the father of one of the first Latinos to die in Iraq. He was lied  to 
about his son’s death, found the truth in Iraq with the help of a well  know 
recent victim of the war, (co-anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight) Bob  
His son Jesus stepped on an illegal US cluster bomb.   Since then Fernando is 
a tireless advocate for peace.   

Pablo Paredes

Navy war resister who refused boarding an Iraq bound ship on Dec. 6th  2004.  
He was court martialed, sentenced and now speaks out for  Peace.

Camilo Mejia

Served one tour in Iraq and then became a National Guard war  resister.  He 
was jailed for nine months for his opposition to the  war and is now a 
prominent anti-war speaker and member of Iraq Veterans  Against the War (IVAW).

Aidan Delgado

Is a Conscientious Objector of the Iraq war.   He served at  Abu Gharib and 
now tours the country with slide shows of the prison  abuses. 

Jesus Suarez Del Solar

Fernando’s son Jesus was born in Tijuana, Mexico in November of  1982.  He 
was educated at PS 44 and in 1995 came to the United  States, with dreams of 
joining the Marines.  He realized his dream in  2001 well before 911.  Jesus 
deployed to Iraq from MCD Camp Pendleton  in February of 2003, with dreams of 
liberating the children of Iraq.   Seven days into the invasion of Iraq, on the 
27th of March 2003, Jesus  stepped on an illegal US cluster bomb.  Jesus died 
shortly after.  

About the march route:


The march from Tijuana across the US-Mexico Border is a symbolic  gesture of 
Peace without borders.   Jesus Suarez del Solar was  born and educated in this 
beautiful city, our march will also be born in  Tijuana and we also wish that 
our gesture serves to educate around border  issues and peace. 


Escondido is the city in which Jesus was recruited and today is  buried.  We 
wish to trace Jesus’ steps and then continue his fight  for the children of 
Iraq and America in the name of peace rather than  war.


Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton is the place where Jesus and many of  our 
youth are trained for war.  Jesus deployed from Pendleton to  Iraq.  We wish to 
rewrite history with our march and deploy our  soldiers from MCD Camp 
Pendleton to La Paz. 

La Paz

La Paz translates to The Pe

[LAAMN] 3/15 Los Angeles Peace Event to End the War on Iraq with Fernando Suarez

2006-02-23 Thread SIUHIN
Los  Angeles Community/Activist Event to End the War  on Iraq, Bring All the 
Troops Home  Now! 
Wednesday, March 15 7:00 PM - 9:00  PM  
Downtown UCLA Labor  Center
675 S. Park View St. Los  Angeles, CA 90057 
Fund Raiser to  Support Fernando Suarez  del Solar and  Pablo Paredes’ Latino 
March For Peace 
Community  Mobilization to Support L.A.  City Anti-War Resolution   
Host by: Sonali  Kolhatkar, KPFK - Los  Angeles "Uprising Radio" show 
Sponsored by: ActionLA  Coalition, Peace No War Network, Coalition for World 
Peace, United for Peace  & Justice 

End the War on  Iraq
Bring All the Troops Home  Now!   

Three Years Too Many! At the  wake of the Third Anniversary of the Iraq War, 
this is a community event to  highlight the local costs of the  war and how we 
can  involve for the up-coming local peace and justice  movements. 
We  demands
- bring national guard back home
- city  resolutions to oppose war
- immigrant rights/civil liberties
- people of  color community anti-war organizing 
The Initial  Programs: 
6:00 -- 7:00 PM  tabling and welcoming 
7:00 -- 8:15 PM  speakers and entertainment  
8:30 PM – 9:00 PM  community dialogue with speakers 
1) Fernando Suarez del  Solar and Pablo Paredes will lead a coalition  of the 
willing across this 241 mile quest for peace starting in Tijuana, Mexico,  
going through Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton to the Cesar Chavez burial site 
in La Paz, CA, culminating in The Mission district of San Francisco with a  
memorial ceremony and blood drive. (web site: _http://www.guerreroazteca.org_ 
(http://www.guerreroazteca.org/)  and 
(http://swiftsmartveterans.com/index.html) ) 
2) Josh  Kamensky, Eric Garcetti's  Communication's Director: he will address 
the  issue of city budget and funding of social programs vis-a-vis the 
enormous war  spending by the feds. 
3) Lee Siu Hin, National  Immigrant Solidarity Network: He will focus on the  
impact of immigrant community at the war in Iraq. 
4) Andy Griggs, LA US Labor Against the  War: he'll focus on labor  movement 
against the war. 
Music: Underground Economy 
$3 admissions, but no  one will be turn away for lack of funds 
For more information,  please call: Lee Siu  Hin 
Tel:  (213)403-0131 
URL: _http://www.PeaceNowar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)
_http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

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[LAAMN] 2/27: Updates on Philippines Arroyo' State of 'National Emergency'!

2006-02-27 Thread SIUHIN
Asia Watch Alert!  Projects of  Peace No war Network  
URL: _http://www.Asia-Watch.net_ (http://www.asia-watch.net/)   
_http://www.PeaceNoWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)  
2/27: Updates on Philippines Arroyo' State  of 'National Emergency' 

2/27: Philippines Updates & Action from KMU - More Arrests and  Protests
Two leaders of the Alliance of Nationalist & Genuine Labor Organization  
(ANGLO-KMU) arrested while negotiating to visit Rep. Crispin Beltran in Camp  
>> _Read More_ 

Latest Reports from Manila Indpendnet  Media Center:

2/27/06: A _seven-hour  drama occurred yesterday night_ 
(http://www.pcij.org/blog/?p=657#more-657)  at a Marines headquarters in Fort  
Bonifacio, when a 
military officer protested against the sudden relief of their  Commandant from 
his post. This caused a _brief  hysteria_ 
(http://www.pcij.org/blog/?p=658#more-658)  inside the Marine Headquarters that 
mobilized hundreds of  marine 
soldiers out from their barracks, but would later _return back  to drop arms_ 
(http://www.pcij.org/blog/?p=661#more-661) .

2/26/06: The _National Union of Journalists  in the Philippines_ 
(http://nujp.org/?p=71)  (NUJP) held a media gathering on Sunday to forge  
among journalists in condemning media clampdown under the state of  national 
emergency declared by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. [ _Read_ 
(http://www.pcij.org/blog/?p=654#more-654)  ] 

2/24: Philippines' Arroyo is Real State of Natl Emergency; FilAms Call for  
People Power 3-BayanUSA 
Bagong Alyansang Makabayan USA Chapter declares overall failure  and disgrace 
of the Arroyo government as the Real State of  National Emergency which 
cannot stop third People Power ouster!>> _Read More_ 
2/26: Resist Gloria Arroyo's new fascist dictatorship (Communist Party of  
the Philippines) >> _Read More_ 

2/25: URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Arrest of Philippine Labor Leader Crispin "Ka  
Bel" Beltran
Parliament member Crispin "Ka Bel" Beltran was arrested on 2/25, while  
police tried but failed to arrest Parliament member Satur Ocampo. The offices 
two daily newspapers -- Daily Tribune and Abante-- were likewise raided by the  
police and military. 
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declared the Philippines under  
a state of "national emergency" on the false premise of a non-existent coup  
attempt yesterday, 24 February.  Two generals and a colonel have been  arrested 
allegedly for planning to join rallies calling for the resignation of  Gloria 
Macapagal-Arroyo during the commemoration of the EDSA People Power 1 that  
ousted the dictator Marcos from power in February 1986. Her government is now  
conducting a crackdown on known opposition leaders and the media. >> _Read 

State of Emergency in the Philippines
February 25, 2006
by Manila Indymedia

MANILA INDYMEDIA-- A local _newspaper was closed_ 
(http://news.inq7.net/breaking/index.php?index=1&story_id=67408) ; peaceful 
_protesters were violently 
dispersed_ (http://manila.indymedia.org/?action=newswire&parentview=6868) , 
_arrests_ (http://manila.indymedia.org/?action=newswire&parentview=6859)  of 
political dissent and curtailment of  basic democratic rights were 
indiscriminately violated as President Arroyo  proclaimed a _State of 
(http://news.inq7.net/nation/index.php?index=1&story_id=67409)  yesterday 

Proclamation no. 1017 is a President’s declaration of State of  Emergency 
that believed to be an order to take a direct totalitarian  control to suppress 
political dissent against the regime. The proclamation  was declared during the 
middle of commemorating the 1986 People Power  anniversary after she assessed 
the national situation, saying that the  Left, Right and Center is, "in 
tactical alliance and engaged in a  concerted and systematic conspiracy to 
down the duly constituted  government elected in May 2004." 

President Arroyo was accused of  rigging the 2004 elections that maintained 
her seat of power. She was also  the sole authority who raised taxes of basic 
necessities, assassination of  media persons and radical political 
personalities, cuddles gambling lords,  and protects Military Generals who were 
accused of 
corruption. These acts  of the President foiled unrest among the common 
masses, rank-in-file  military soldiers and junior officers who called upon to 
her regime.  Opposition politicians also joined the call to unseat the 
President fro

[LAAMN] 2/26: Former Political Prisoner Matt Lamont Arrested in L.A.!

2006-02-27 Thread SIUHIN
2/26: Former Political Prisoner Matt  Lamont Arrested
Former Anarchist  political prisoner, Matt Lamont, was
arrested yesterday after detectives  escorted him out
of his workplace. Only after repeated demands that he
be  told why he was being held, one of the detectives
stated it was for a parole  violation. Plain-clothes
police then searched Lamont's car and apartment,  where
they seized political documents, letters from
prisoners, as well as,  the hard drive to his computer.

During his interrogation, detectives  alluded to Lamont
plotting to target the Big Bear Damn- an allegation
that  is simply not true. Detectives also inquired
about the Southern California  Anarchist Federation
(SCAF), a group Lamont has had some association  with
since his release.

Matt’s wife, Jenny, has not been able to get  any
information about the charges or where Matt is
currently being held.  The last she has heard, Matt may
have been taken to Chino State  Prison.

Matt and Jenny Lamont are in serious need of support,
legal  and financial. Though the facts of the case have
yet to surface, we can  assume Matt will need legal
aid. Since Matt is being detained, serious  economic
strain is being placed on his wife. Matt’s arrest and
detainment  will make it difficult for Jenny to pay
their bills.

Information is  still limited and we will keep folks
updated. Until I get permission to  release Jenny's
phone number and address, people can contact  LA-ABCF
regarding Matt's case and donations. We ask that
people prepare to  assist them with financial
contributions and moral support.

Matt  Hart

Donations for the Lamonts can currently be sent  to

PO Box 11223
Whittier Ca  90603
Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 3/15:End the War on Iraq Event w/ Medea Benjamin, Fernando Suarez&Pablo Paredes

2006-02-28 Thread SIUHIN
Los  Angeles Community/Activist Event to End the War  on Iraq, Bring All the 
Troops Home  Now!  
Wednesday, March 15 7:00 PM - 9:00  PM  
Downtown UCLA Labor  Center
675 S. Park View St. Los  Angeles, CA 90057 
$3 admissions, but no  one will be turn away for lack of  funds 
Fund Raiser to Support Fernando Suarez del Solar and Pablo  Paredes’ Latino 
March For Peace 
Iraqi Woman Faiza Al-Araji Speak Out No to  War! 
Global Exchange, Code Pink Co-Founder Medea  Benjamin 
Community Mobilization to Support L.A.  City Anti-War  Resolution  
Host by: Sonali Kolhatkar, host and producer of "Uprising,"  Pacifica Radio, 
and Co-Director of Afghan Women's Mission

Sponsored by: ActionLA  Coalition, Peace No War Network, Coalition for World 
Peace in support to  United for Peace & Justice  

End the War on  Iraq
Bring All the Troops Home  Now!   

Three Years Too Many! At the  wake of the Third Anniversary of the Iraq War, 
this is a community event to  highlight the local costs of the  war and how we 
can  involve for the up-coming local peace and justice  movements. 
The Initial  Programs: 
6:00 -- 7:00 PM  tabling and welcoming 
7:00 -- 8:15 PM  speakers and entertainment  
8:30 PM – 9:00 PM  community dialogue with speakers 
1) Fernando Suarez del  Solar and Pablo Paredes will made a stop  on their 
coalition of the willing, a 241 mile quest for peace starting in  Tijuana, 
Mexico, going through Marine Corps Depot Camp Pendleton to the Cesar  Chavez 
site in La Paz, CA, and culminating in The Mission district of San  Francisco 
with a memorial ceremony and blood drive. (web site: 
_http://www.guerreroazteca.org_ (http://www.guerreroazteca.org/)  and 
(http://swiftsmartveterans.com/index.html) ) 
2) Faiza  Al-Araji: is a Iraqi civil engineer, a 
(http://afamilyinbaghdad.blogspot.com/) ),  a religious 
Shia with a Sunni husband, and a mother of three. After one son was  recently 
held as a political prisoner by the Ministry of the Interior, the  family fled 
3) Medea  Benjamin: Co-Founder Global Exchange, Code Pink. 
4) Josh  Kamensky, Eric Garcetti's  Communication's Director: he will address 
the  issue of the city budget and funding of social programs vis-a-vis the 
enormous  war spending by the federal government 
5)  Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity Network: He will  focus on the 
impact of immigrant community at the war in Iraq. 
6) Andy Griggs, LA US Labor Against the  War: he'll focus on labor  movement 
against the war. 
Music: Underground Economy 
$3 admissions, but no  one will be turn away for lack of funds 
For more information,  please call: Lee Siu  Hin 
Tel:  (213)403-0131 
URL: _http://www.PeaceNowar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)
_http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)

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[LAAMN] 3/7: LA Daily News Town Hall Meeting

2006-03-05 Thread SIUHIN
LA Daily News Town Hall Meeting  
Tuesday, March 7, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

North Cal State Northridge
Satellite Student  Union’s Fernandeno Room
18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA  91330

Dear Community Member,

Media images can affect the way people  view each other. That is certainly 
true when it comes to the Hispanic community  in San Fernando Valley.

The Daily News of Los Angeles and the  National Association of Hispanic 
Journalists (NAHJ) have partnered through  NAHJ’s Parity Project to work toward 
improving that coverage, while also helping  the paper to hire more journalists 
who happen to be Hispanic.

NAHJ  would like to ask that you please take a free and anonymous online 
survey  regarding the Daily News’ coverage of Hispanics. Here is a link to that 


We ask that you please encourage other Hispanics in the San  Fernando Valley 
area to complete this survey.

We also encourage you  to attend the town hall, co-sponsored by NAHJ, and 
meet the management, editors  and news staff of the Daily News and voice your 
concerns. It is important that  the Daily News hears from you about your 
regarding its coverage of the  Hispanic community.

LA Daily News Town Hall Meeting  
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
North Cal State  Northridge
Satellite Student Union’s Fernandeno Room
18111 Nordhoff  St.
Northridge, CA 91330

This building is located at  the corner of Zelzah Avenue and Lassen Street on 
the CSUN campus. Student Lot  G10 is very near that building. Please note 
that, while attendance at the town  hall is free, CSUN does charge $4 to park. 
The best way to make change is to  stand up and be heard.

If you have any questions or plan to attend,  please call in your RSVP to 
818-713-3688 or email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or contact NAHJ Parity 
Project Associate  Director Rosa María Santana (213) 437-4405 or [EMAIL 

To  visit the Daily News of Los Angeles website go to: 
_http://www.dailynews.com/_ (http://www.dailynews.com/)   

We look forward to seeing you at the Town Hall  meeting. 

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Yahoo! Groups Links

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[LAAMN] 3/15-19:Fernando Suarez & Pablo Paredes "March For Peace" South CA Schedule

2006-03-07 Thread SIUHIN
3/15-19:Fernando Suarez & Pablo  Paredes "March For Peace" South CA Schedule

A 241 mile march that aims at ensuring that the Latino voice of  opposition 
to the War is heard loud and clear across the Americas! Lead by  Fernando 
Suarez del Solar and Pablo Paredes from Tijuana to San Francisco  Between March 
3/15: Los Angeles  Community/Activist Event to End the War on Iraq

Fund Raiser to  Support Fernando Suarez del Solar and Pablo Paredes’ Latino 
March For  Peace,Community Mobilization to Support L.A. City Anti-War 
Resolution, Iraqi  Woman Faiza Al-Araji Speak Out No to War! Global Exchange, 
Code Pink 
Co-Founder  Medea Benjamin. Host by: Sonali Kolhatkar, KPFK - Los Angeles 
"Uprising Radio"  show. >> _Read  More_ 

Wednesday, March 15 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Downtown UCLA Labor  Center
675 S. Park View St. Los Angeles, CA 90057


Greater Los Angeles March  Route
March 16,17,18,19

This quest for peace starts in Tijuana, Mexico, goes through Marine  Corps 
Depot Camp Pendleton to the Cesar Chavez burial site in La Paz, CA,  
in The Mission district of San Francisco with a memorial ceremony  and blood 
drive. The March will begin on 12 March 2006. The coalition of the  willing 
will arrive at La Paz, CA on 22 March 2006 and culminate in San  Francisco from 
26 March 2006 to 27 March 2006. The leaders through Los Angeles  are Fernando 
Suarez del Solar, whose son was one of the first Latinos to die in  the Iraq 
War; Pablo Paredes, who was court-martialed for refusing to go to Iraq.  

Join the March on Los Angeles at the following locations: (events  

Thursday, March 16 Long Beach to Maywood
AM  rally/Press ConferenceDowndown Long Beach
Noon Rally
5:30 PM Meeting PUMA  2040 Slauson Blvd
7 PM • St. Matthias Church •Chase Room • 7056 Washington  Ave, Whittier 
Info: (562) 698-9154

March 17 Santa Fe Springs to  East LA/Boyle Heights
AM rally/press conference 11627 East Telegraph  Rd
Rally East Los Angeles College -
3:00 pm join the Latinos against War  March at Soto & 5

March 18 La Placita to Hollywood and Vine  Anti-war March
AM march beginning La Placita – Olvera  Street
12 noon join at front of Anti-war march –  Hollywood and Vine
3:00 PM Speak at peace Rally Hollywood and Highland– info:  323-464-1636

March 19 Los Angeles to Arlington West, Santa  Monica
1:00 PM March beginning Wilshire Blvd, Los  Angeles
4:00 PM Arrive at Arlington West, Santa Monica  Beach

Events organized by the following groups and others: American Friends  
Service Committee, Latinos for Peace, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Against the War, 
Coalition for  World 
Peace, Global Exchange, GAPP, National Immigrant Solidarity Network,  Padres 
Unidos de Maywood,  ANSWER LA, MFSO-OC,  Veterans for Peace,  CodePink, ISO,  
World Can’t Wait,  Whittier Area Peace & Justice  Coalition, Topanga Peace 
Alliance, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and  Peace,  Coalition 
Militarism in the Schools, Mexicana American  Political Association, United 
Farm Workers, Latinos for America, U.S. Tour of  Duty,  Long Beach Area Peace 
Alliance, SoCalDMC, Foothills Peace  Coalition.

Info: (626) 791-1978 ext 130 • _http://www.guerreroazteca.org_ 

Action for World Liberation  Everyday!

Tel: (213)403-0131
URL: _http://www.ActionLA.org_ (http://www.actionla.org/)  

Please Donate to ActionLA!
Send check pay  to:

ActionLA /  The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street, Suite 104
Los Angeles, California  90048
(All donations are tax  deductible)

The  web page has been design by Activist Design Studio
Please visit: _http://www.ActivistDesign.net_ 
Toll-Free: (888)635-3307

Please join  our ActionLA Listserv
go to: _http://lists.riseup.net/www/subscribe/actionla_ 
or  send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

Please join our new Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv,  
send-e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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