[LAAMN] Congress and Libya

2011-08-25 Thread Cort Greene

*Congress and Libya *
 Submitted by rjohnson on Thu, 2011-08-25 18:29

   - rjohnsons blog http://hnn.us/hnn-b-type/7

Working in a field long dominated by the 30-year rule (in which key
documents don’t become available in the *Foreign Relations of the United
States *series until 30, or often more, years after the fact), it’s
remarkable to see how the internet has increased access to more recent
foreign policy documents.

On some occasions, it’s through established sites, such as the National
Security Archive or the Cold War International History Project. But in other
instances, it’s more haphazard, as in two documents released in the past few
days regarding Congress and U.S. foreign policy toward Libya.

The first, which has received some attention, came from
and involved a 2009 meeting between the Qaddafi regime and Senators John
McCain, Joe Lieberman, and Lindsay Graham. Lieberman mused about how “we
never would have guessed ten years ago that we would be sitting in Tripoli,
being welcomed by a son of Muammar al-Qadhafi,” while McCain promised to
push for increased U.S. arms shipments to Libya. The latter revelation
proved embarrassing to McCain given his criticism (and then churlish
of Pres. Obama’s Libya policy.

The second document was referenced a few hours ago in the *Guardian
live-blog of Libyan
*. The paper’s reporter on the ground, Luke Harding, has been going through
foreign policy documents recovered from the Qaddafi compound. Harding
discovered a strange Libyan effort to broker a Libyan-U.S. cease-fire . . .
by working through Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich. (It would be hard to
imagine a less influential member of Congress in spring 2011.) The Libyans
wanted Kucinich to come to the country as part of an all-expenses paid
“peace mission,” but the congressman demurred, citing concerns for his
personal safety.

Then, in yet another bizarre misreading of Congress, a Libyan filmmaker
named Sufyan Omeish informed the regime, in a “highly important and strictly
confidential” document,” that Senate support for Obama’s policy was at such
an extent to make likely “a future ground invasion in either late September
or October of this year.” This, of course, was the same Congress that
featured members of both parties, in both houses, complaining that Obama had
committed U.S. air forces to battle without congressional authorization. It
was absurd to even consider a U.S. ground invasion ever was possible.
Omeishnonetheless informed Libyan officials that “a high-profile US
would lead the fight against a U.S. invasion.

In the past decade, diplomatic history has increasingly redefined itself as
“international history”—for practical reasons perhaps a good idea, since
doing so extracts the field from U.S. history, and the preference of hiring
committees for U.S. specialists in race, class, and gender. But the McCain
and Kucinich documents provide a reminder that, even if the profession would
like to believe otherwise, it’s hard to divorce domestic politics and
Congress from an analysis of U.S. foreign policy.

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[LAAMN] Congress person missing ?

2011-08-18 Thread Scott Peden

Looking for your Congress person ?
Try Jerusalem !


  I've known for decades that they
 weren't my Congressperson/Senator, and who they worked for,
 AIPAC being only one of the largest money and power flows that
 controls even who gets to run for office much less whether they
 get media or bank funding to be able to run a campaign.

 Did you know that 5 candidates made it to the primaries last
 pResidential sElection season without ANY Party support OR
 Banker or MSM (Main Stream Media) support? 3 Were Democrats and
 2 were Republican. Some people heard a little about Ron Paul or
 Dennis Kucinich, but though their own parties or the MSM, it was
 only to belittle them, yet their voting records are so
 dissimilar to those who get the attention of AIPAC and the
 International Bankers and International Corporations funding,
 you'd think it was a completely different Countries Political
 process altogether.

 Unless your looking for who is running, instead of sitting at
 home expecting the information to be delivered to you via one of
 the Corporate Political Parties or the MSM, you'd never know
 that we actually had candidates who actual voting record (not
 the lying claims PAID Political Talking heads made) showed that
 they represented us.

 Of course, it is easier to just sElect between the choices
 offered you, neither one is going to pay you 1/1000 the
 attention or representation, they'll give a foreign Government.

 Feel free to share.

 Input your Zip code, and your representatives will show up,
 click on them, and then click on their voting record. I consider
 their political compass the most important of all, as that tells
 you where their stance is on the issues, and I no longer vote
 for anyone that doesn't  want us to know where they stand.


 Here's a little help separating fact from fiction.


 This is still set up from the last pResidential sElection
 process, I call it as such, due to... well tell me when you've
 finished filling out the survey if you even know the candidates
 that ran, and they all paid for advertising at the same rate as
 those who got the nod/funding from AIPAC.


 Here's another good one. Are you as Liberal, or Conservative as
 you think?



 A little work on your part, and you won't have have to rely on
 the Government of Israel or AIPAC to make the best choices for
 you, in your country.

 And if all else fails, take a look at what the political
 cartoonists are saying. They  rarely support anyone, as they are
 noted for caricature of those who are 'off enough' to aid them
 in making a living. (How many wouldn't have been able to feed
 the kids if Sara Palin/Clinton/Coulter/Pelosi/Bush/Obama/Cheney
 hadn't been as forth coming with materiel for them to write




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[LAAMN] Congress

2011-08-13 Thread Scott Peden

/The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain 
the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the 
government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.*
- Patrick Henry -*/

*I have totally cleaned this e-mail from all  other names, sending it to 
you in hopes you will keep it going and keep it clean.  This is 
something I will fight for and  I hope you all read it all the way 
through.  You will be glad you did. *
The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took 
only 3 months  8 days to be ratified!  Why?  Simple!  The people 
  demanded it.  That was in 1971...before computers, before e-mail, 
before cell phones, etc.

Of  the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less 
to become the law of the  land...all because of public pressure. *
I'm asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty 
people on their address list;  in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the 
message.  This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of  2011

1.   No Tenure / No  Pension.
   A  Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay 
when they are out of office.

2.   Congress (past, present  future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social 
Security system immediately.  All  future funds flow into the Social 
Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.  It 
may not be used for any other purpose.*
3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all 
Americans do. *
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.  Congressional 
pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. *
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in 
the same health care system as the American people. *
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American 
people. *
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 
   The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. 
  Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.   Serving in 
Congress is an honor, not a career.  The  Founding Fathers envisioned 
citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home 
and back to work. *
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, it will only take 
three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message.  Maybe 
it is time. *

*If  you agree with the above, pass it on.   If not, just delete.  You 
are one of my 20+.  Please keep it going.*

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[LAAMN] Congress Votes this Week to Cut Funding to the School of the Americas! Call and email today! I did both. Message from the School of the Americas Watch

2006-06-06 Thread Frank
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Original message sent by:


School of the Americas Watch
url=http://www.soaw.org/new/ www.SOAW.org | 202-234-3440 |
http://soaw.live.radicaldesigns.org/modinput4.php?modin=52 Click to

Please forward this email widely!
June 6, 2006

Congress Votes this Week to Cut Funding to the School of the Americas/

SOA Watch has received confirmation that this week Congress will vote on
an amendment to close the School of the Americas, now called the Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/ WHINSEC). Rep.
McGovern of Massachusetts will introduce an amendment to the Foreign
Operations appropriations bill to cut funding for the school!

Send an email and fax to your Representative:
http://www.soaw.org/legislative. (Be sure to click the Send a Fax box
to have the fax sent).

National Call-in Days to Close the SOA/WHINSEC

Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, June 7:
Call Congress at 202-224-3121 or toll free at 888-355-3588.
The School of the Americas is a military training facility for Latin
American security personnel located at Fort Benning, Georgia that
catapulted into the headlines in 1996 when the Pentagon released
training manuals used at the school that advocated torture, extortion
and execution. Despite this shocking admission and hundreds of
documented human rights abuses connected to soldiers trained at the
school, no independent investigation into the training facility has ever
taken place.
url=http://www.SOAW.org http://www.SOAW.org.

We expect a close vote in the House this week, and we need as many
people as possible flooding the offices of Members of Congress with
calls in support of a YES vote on the amendment! We need you to call,
email and fax Congress every day until the vote happens.

It's been six years since our last vote in Congress, and the work of
thousands of you and people across the Americas who care about justice
has gotten us to where we are today. Let's make this final push
together! Visit the  http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=96
Legislative Action Index for more information:

Please take the time to call the DC office of your Representative
through the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224-3121 or toll free at
1-888-355-3588. Ask to speak with the foreign affairs legislative
assistant. Here is a suggested message for you to convey: 

I am calling Congressman/woman  to urge him/her to vote YES on
the McGovern amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill.
This amendment is a cut in funding for the School of the Americas/
WHINSEC. New information indicates that WHINSEC has allowed known human
rights abusers to instruct and receive training at the school. Argentina
and Uruguay are two more countries that have made public announcements
they will no longer send students to the school, citing the negative
image and history of this institution. Voting YES on this amendment
sends a positive human rights message to Latin America and will help to
improve the U.S. image abroad. As an elected official in Washington
D.C., I hope you will represent me and vote YES on any amendment in the
House that would cut funding for the school.

Send an email and fax to your Representative:
http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=96 . (Don't forget to click the
Send a Fax box to have the fax sent).

For more information,, visit the SOA Watch website at
url=http://www.soaw.org  and the Legislative Action
http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=96 Index at
http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=96 .

Enter your email below to receive email alerts: 



Our postal address is
PO Box 4566, Washington, DC 20017.


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[LAAMN] Congress is selling out the Internet

2006-04-24 Thread John Johnson

 From www.MoveOn.org

The free and open Internet is under siege! Do you buy books online,
use Google, or download to an Ipod?
These activities will be hurt if Congress passes a radical law that
gives giant corporations more control over the Internet.
Internet providers like ATT and Verizon are lobbying Congress hard
to gut Network Neutrality, the Internet's First Amendment. Net
Neutrality prevents ATT from choosing which websites open most
easily for you based on which site pays ATT more.   Amazon.com
doesn't have to outbid Barnes  Noble for the right to work more
properly on your computer.
Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. Many
of them take campaign checks from big telecom companies and are on
the verge of selling out to people like ATT's CEO, who openly says,
The internet can't be free.
The free and open Internet is under siege--can you sign this petition
letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Network
Neutrality? Click here:


A list of all the ways you might be affected by Net Neutrality is
located on the bottom of this link:


John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
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Change Links Progressive Newspaper.
Act.  Act in Love and Spirit.

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John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
Subscribe to our list server. Email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[LAAMN] Congress pauses . . . now tell them what to do about Rice and Gonzales

2005-01-23 Thread activist_xw

Your emails and other acts of speaking out have already had an impact.  Why 
else would the nominations of both Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales be on 
hold for a week?  Whether the ultimate vote will be affected or not, what 
matters is who will stand up for justice and what is right.  With each vote in 
the direction of truth the movement grows stronger.  So if you have not already 
had your say, perhaps that is the only reason your views are not being enacted. 
What do you think Congress should do?

These are both easy one-click forms you can use make your voice heard. They 
automatically look up your senators and house representative and send them your 
personal message all at the same time:



Do you want our representatives in Washington to stand up for you more often?  
We must back them up with our vocal support if we expect them to fight for us 
on this or any issue.  The People's Email Network encourages you to speak out 
and keep speaking out, regardless of your political position, until our 
representatives truly hear you.

And now you can have your own custom Issue Action Center featuring any issue of 
interest to you for you for no charge.  It's an amazingly small block of HTML 
code you can drop into any web page anywhere for an instant dynamic action menu 
effect.  And we will set up a corresponding issue action page on The People's 
Email Network for you too.  Pursue your own policy initiative!  See the code in 
action at


Please post these links everywhere you can to everyone you know.  

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[LAAMN] Congress Slouches Home, Just Cut Out Their Tongues

2004-09-24 Thread Ed Pearl

- Congress Slouches Toward Home
  The New York Times | Editorial 
  Friday 24 September 2004

  The Republican-controlled Congress is shambling to the end of one of the lightest 
workloads in decades without a hint of embarrassment, concentrating on the defense of 
the flag, tax cuts and marriage while failing at the most demanding obligations of 

  When the lawmakers get back home, voters should ask them how they could quit their 
posts while leaving a dozen basic spending bills in next year's budget unfinished - 
hung up once more in back-room feuds about pork and logrolling. The assault weapons 
ban was allowed to lapse to appease the gun lobby. A simple $5 billion corporate-tax 
plan to satisfy a violation of tariff laws remains mired in a $150 billion pork fest, 
while American products suffer retaliatory sanctions in the billions. As for fully 
financing and enforcing the No Child Left Behind Act, voters have to settle for 
lawmakers' posing tenderly with schoolchildren.

  Equally disturbing is how our elected representatives have been spending their time.

  Eager to help the middle class, a goal no one can argue with, they threw moderation 
to the winds this week on a $145 billion extension of existing tax cuts benefiting 
families. They hoped voters would not notice that they had not bothered to find budget 
savings to offset the costs of this program, and that these tax cuts will spawn a 
borrowing binge by the government from banks around the world. The loans will come due 
for America's children and grandchildren, whose earnings may just as well be stamped 
Payable to the Bank of China. Republican leaders did find the fiscal constraint to 
brush aside proposals to extend minimal credits for millions of children in 
working-poor families, only to add a $13 billion dollop of tax boons to corporations.

  The House began its work on the decades-delayed reform of the American intelligence 
agencies by announcing that its kudzu patch of competing committees, one of the 
central points of criticism by the 9/11 commission, was too sacred to touch. Beyond 
that, House Republican leaders' most enthusiastic response to the call for reform 
seemed to be in trying to tack on a Patriot Act postscript that would grant law 
enforcement even more powers that could curtail civil liberties.

  Republican leaders have also been chipping away at the Constitution by proposing to 
deny judges jurisdiction to review selected acts of Congress. The House passed a 
measure yesterday retaining the Pledge of Allegiance's under God phrase and 
prohibiting any federal court - including, outrageously, the Supreme Court - from 
judging the law's constitutionality.

  In essence, the House proposed to protect a patriotic ritual by trashing the 
constitutional system it celebrates. This measure was spurred by discontent over a 
2002 federal appeals court ruling that invalidated the recitation at public schools of 
the pledge with the under God phrase in it, and the Supreme Court's recent choice to 
dismiss the case on technical grounds rather than addressing the merits. It echoed the 
mean-spirited and unconstitutional Marriage Protection Act, which the House approved 
in July to bar federal courts from reviewing the legal definition of marriage.

  The other day, Congressional Republicans celebrated the 10th anniversary of their 
ascendancy to power with the Contract With America, somehow failing to mention that 
their fervid conversion to unchecked deficits was not exactly part of that contract. 
Once upon a time, gridlock was considered the ultimate problem with Congress. That 
looks better than what we're getting right now.


Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit
sent by Rich Winkel (activ-l)

Scoop New - Sept 22, 2004

Just Cut Out Their Tongues

by Thom Hartmann

The CBS/Rather/Bush/Guard affair - regardless of how it ultimately
turns out - has brilliantly deflected the issue of George W. Bush
having strings pulled to get him into the Guard, and then not
fulfilling his service requirements. Anytime the issue is raised
in the future - regardless of facts or context - partisan Republicans
will simply dismiss it by saying, Those documents were forged.
That four-word sound byte will be remembered long after the details
of Bush's failures have dimmed from popular memory. Politically,
it was a masterstroke.

And not only does it hurt Bush family enemy Kerry, but also gets
back at Bush family enemy Dan Rather, against whom they've nursed
a 16-year grudge.

The Bush family's hostility to Rather first broke the surface of
public attention back in 1988, when Vice President George H.W. Bush
was confronted on network television about his various roles in the
criminal affair now known as Iran/Contra. At the time, rumors were
flying that in the fall of 1980 then-VP-candidate Bush had negotiated
with Iran to hold the American