[lace] Lace teachers

2009-04-05 Thread Catherine Barley
I started teaching lace in the early 1970s, I knew little and had to work
had to keep ahead of my students. 

Like Alex, I too started teaching in the early 1970's with very little
knowledge and protested to my teacher Nenia Lovesey that I had insufficient
knowledge.  She insisted that I would be fine but I was extremely nervous!
What many of you don't know is that I began my lacemaking career teaching
bobbin lace and I recently found three pillows with unfinished pieces of
bobbin lace on them; one a Beds collar with raised leaves over a half stitch
background, one a narrow Bucks edging and the third with a fairly wide
torchon pattern and all my lovely bone antique bobbins! I am known for my
needlelace and would have no idea how to complete these pieces started so
many years ago but would have no problem whatsoever in asking my old
students (should I ever get the opportunity) to help me out!  Students love
nothing more than when their tutor makes a mistake!  I would openly admit to
having made a mistake but of course would correct it and it showed my
students that I was not a dragon but only human like themselves and I
believe they found this comforting.

Nenia Lovesey would frequently quote 'Poor is the student who cannot surpass
his master' by Leonardo da Vinci and has written this quotation in the front
of a book she once gave me.  I should love to have had a student who was
better than myself and young enough to pass on the knowledge gained from me
to future generations.  I have had several excellent students over the years
but sadly all have been of a similar age to myself.  The last thing I want
is all the knowledge and expertise that I have gained over some forty years
or so, to die when I leave this world - what a waste!

I believe that unless a teacher is prepared to give all, then he/she should
not be teaching.  I do not insist that a student does things my way but
always ask that they do at least try.  After all, what is the point of
paying good money to attend a class if a student is not prepared to learn a
different way of doing something?  I always ask that they try my method but
that if it doesn't work for them I will be happy for them to continue doing
it their own way.  At least I have tried but 'You can lead a horse to water
. . . . . .' and sometimes it can be very frustrating but one just has to
ignore it.

Catherine Barley



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[lace] Little crown fan

2009-04-05 Thread Jean Nathan

Ken wrote:

I have found a reference to a Torchon fan called a Little Crown.  I do not 
have pattern with one to see how

the shape is created.  Does any one know of this reference?

Also known as a French fan or a coronet fan. These might be helpful:


http://tinyurl.com/c65mgk page 74



http://www.brandis.com.au/craft/Lace/2007stage1b.html  Item 10

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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RE: [lace] Little crown fan

2009-04-05 Thread Ruth Budge
The layout of the pins is slightly different between the Little Crown Fan
and the Coronet fan, Jean.  At least in what the Australian Guild calls a
Little Crown Fan.   I sent Kenn a clear photo of one - may I send it to you


-Original Message-
From: owner-l...@arachne.com [mailto:owner-l...@arachne.com] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Sunday, 5 April 2009 5:37 PM
To: kenn van dieren; Lace
Subject: [lace] Little crown fan

Ken wrote:

I have found a reference to a Torchon fan called a Little Crown.  I do not 
have pattern with one to see how
the shape is created.  Does any one know of this reference?

Also known as a French fan or a coronet fan. These might be helpful:


http://tinyurl.com/c65mgk page 74



http://www.brandis.com.au/craft/Lace/2007stage1b.html  Item 10

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK 

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Re: [lace] Lace teachers

2009-04-05 Thread Beth Marshall
Thanks to all who've shared their experiences of lace teaching and/or lace 

I've had two very different lace teachers for regular classes:
I was lucky enough to start with Marie Kell in Leeds back in the early 80's. 
Marie used a progression of patterns, each one introducing a new technique or 
techniques, each with written instructions so we could carry on at home until 
we found a difficult bit or something we didn't understand. That way, I always 
came to the next class knowing what I needed explained or demonstrated. Once a 
student had mastered the basics of torchon, she would suggest it was time to 
try beds then maybe bucks point, and so on. As one became more proficient, we 
were given more choice of patterns/techniques to move on to.  I only had about 
18 months in Marie's class before we moved to the other side of the country, 
but by then she'd taught me enough to be able to carry on with the help of 

Which was just as well, because family commitments and lack of transport meant 
I didn't have chance to go to lace classes for about another 10 years! When I 
did join another class it was more for company and inspiration than for the 
teaching as I'd got used to working things out from books. My current teacher 
is a lovely person, a wonderful lacemaker (when she gets chance to make any 
lace of her own) and a great source of ideas and patterns, but when it comes 
to teaching beginners...  No written instructions/diagrams (so practice at 
home is limited to what they can remember without) or suggestions for a book 
to refer to, not much order or progression in the choice of patterns (so 
students miss out on some of the basic techniques) and she demonstrates things 
so fast most of us can't see how they were done...  some students attempt 
patterns way beyond their skills and get discouraged, others never attempt 
anything beyond the simplest torchon - and some of those never learn to start, 
finish or turn a simple corner unaided (those who do learn are the ones who've 
found a good book or two to use between classes). We've also lost a fair few 
beginners by the wayside (I know of at least one ex-pupil who still wants to 
have another go at lacemaking, but not with that teacher).

We're a private class, but with a slightly unusual set up - it's the students 
who do all the organisation and pay the room hire and the teacher (we work out 
the total cost for the term and divide it by the number of people who've 
signed up). Our numbers have dropped to the point where we can probably no 
longer afford the teacher, but I suspect some of us will find it very 
difficult to carry on lacemaking as part of a mutual-help group because, even 
after 10 or 15 years they still lack the knowledge/confidence to work 
independently. I can't help wondering whether if J's teaching skills had been 
as good as her lacemaking ones we might actually still have a viable class - 
and at least if we were too few to continue we could carry on by ourselves.

in North West England


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Re: [lace] Little crown fan

2009-04-05 Thread Jean Nathan
Sorry - got the French fan wrong. It All the workers are worked round one
point for that.It's also known as a Paris fan or shell fan.

Ruth wrote:

The layout of the pins is slightly different between the Little Crown Fan
and the Coronet fan, Jean.  At least in what the Australian Guild calls a
Little Crown Fan.   I sent Kenn a clear photo of one - may I send it to you

Having looked at the little crowns in Jenny's lace for her proficiency test,
the only difference I can see between those and the coronet fan is:

Little crowns: there are 3 passives pairs all separated by twists in the

Coronet fans: there are more than three passive pairs in the coronet fan, with
twists in the worker between passive pairs 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, (working from
the edge in) but no twists between the lower ones.

Haven't so far found any reference to little crowns, other than the Australian
Guild test. Is it peculiar to Australia?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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[lace] Lace Teachers

2009-04-05 Thread Catherine Barley
and she demonstrates things 

so fast most of us can't see how they were done...  some students attempt 

patterns way beyond their skills and get discouraged, others never attempt

anything beyond the simplest torchon - and some of those never learn to

finish or turn a simple corner unaided (those who do learn are the ones

found a good book or two to use between classes). We've also lost a fair

beginners by the wayside (I know of at least one ex-pupil who still wants

have another go at lacemaking, but not with that teacher).

In my many years of experience as a teacher I have learned that no two
students progress at the same rate, which makes a structured teaching plan
required by Adult Education Authorities, a complete waste of time!  Some
students will sail through this lesson plan whilst others will struggle
beyond belief.  Many want to be 'spoon fed' and I guess they feel that's
what they are paying for but will not do a single stitch between classes and
openly admit to all and sundry in the class that they have not touched their
bobbins/needle since last class, but will say weekly/monthly to the tutor
What have you new for us to see this week/month?  If a student is really
keen to learn, they will go home and practise and try to work out for
themselves how to do something.  This is what 'sorts the men out from the
boys' so to speak.  They can't bear to wait a whole week/month to find out
what to do next and they are the type of student who quickly moves on to
become a tutor themselves.

When a student just can't grasp how to do something ie. the diamond
formation in Venetian Gros Point, which they can follow quite clearly whilst
I am demonstrating to them and doing all the counting, I continue to work
their sample but have them sitting next to me telling ME what I should do
next.  This way, they are thinking for themselves and not following 'parrot
fashion' what I am telling them.  We get out of life what we put into it,
and if a student asks their teacher to show them how to start or finish a
piece, and she refuses to do so, for whatever reason, then they should find
another tutor.  I don't teach every type of needlelace but if a student asks
me a technique that I do not know, I openly admit this and offer to do my
best but suggest that they go to Mrs .  or Mrs . who is expert in this
particular field.  It's no use pretending otherwise because students are not
stupid and will soon realise that the teacher is not quite what they were
looking for.

Catherine Barley



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RE: [lace] Little crown fan

2009-04-05 Thread Ruth Budge
This is jolly hard to explain in words!!!

In a Coronet fan, the workers are taken through the passives and round a pin
- but those inside pins are all (roughly) in a vertical row, at least
according to The Lace Guild's Torchon Assessment book.   The workers travel
backwards and forwards through the same number of pairs of passives, except
for the first and last row of the fan.

In a Little Crown Fan, that inner row of pinholes is staggered - they are
not anything like straight.   In addition, at the inside pinhole of each
row, a pair is left out (in the same manner as a Spanish or fir tree fan).
So the workers travel through one less pair of passives each row until the
middle of the fan, then one extra pair of passives for each row until the
completion of the fan.

I've never seen this type of fan in any published book at all (with the
exception of the Australian Lace Guild magazine)I've tried in vain to
find out where they came from, and so I've come to the conclusion that yes,
it is a fan which is peculiar to Australia.

These fans have been on the Australian proficiency assessment list of
requirements for at least 26 years, and every year I answer at least one
query from a prospective candidate about where to find a pattern.

(Sydney, Australia)

-Original Message-
From: owner-l...@arachne.com [mailto:owner-l...@arachne.com] On Behalf Of
Jean Nathan
Sent: Sunday, 5 April 2009 6:50 PM
To: kenn van dieren; 'Lace'; Ruth Budge
Subject: Re: [lace] Little crown fan

Sorry - got the French fan wrong. It All the workers are worked round one
point for that.It's also known as a Paris fan or shell fan.

Ruth wrote:

The layout of the pins is slightly different between the Little Crown Fan
and the Coronet fan, Jean.  At least in what the Australian Guild calls a
Little Crown Fan.   I sent Kenn a clear photo of one - may I send it to you

Having looked at the little crowns in Jenny's lace for her proficiency test,
the only difference I can see between those and the coronet fan is:

Little crowns: there are 3 passives pairs all separated by twists in the

Coronet fans: there are more than three passive pairs in the coronet fan,
twists in the worker between passive pairs 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, (working
the edge in) but no twists between the lower ones.

Haven't so far found any reference to little crowns, other than the
Guild test. Is it peculiar to Australia?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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[lace] Teachers

2009-04-05 Thread Alex Stillwell
Cathy and Ruth have added more of my own thoughts. Surely for a teacher to
have a student surpass her must be the highest accolade, and the greatest
statement of her ability to teach.


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[lace] How to stiffen a small lace piece?

2009-04-05 Thread Jensen Marilyn
I am finishing a small oval of Hungarian lace (from Louise Colgans  
class)and before removing the pins, what should I do? I plan to frame  

Marilyn Jensen
Whidbey Island, WA
Where the sun is shining and it's 60 degrees on this Palm Sunday!

Sent from my iPod

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[lace] Another piece in Cantù

2009-04-05 Thread Sister Claire
I've completed a tray insert that will be a gift. Once again, it is a very
imperfect piece of lace and once again, I am content with it. In particular,
the finitura con pippiolini is not the traditional one, but I think the one
I did is nice, too.

If you want, you can see the piece here: 

Sr. Claire

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[lace] Re: [lace] Another piece in Cantù

2009-04-05 Thread Sue

That looks very attractive lace and a lovely present.
Sue T

I've completed a tray insert that will be a gift. Once again, it is a very
imperfect piece of lace and once again, I am content with it. In 
the finitura con pippiolini is not the traditional one, but I think the 

I did is nice, too.

If you want, you can see the piece here: 

Sr. Claire

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[lace] Another fence by joep

2009-04-05 Thread J. Falkink
About 3/4 of the program
It's Dutch but the video controlls speak for themselfs.


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[lace] threads for lace ed. 1 giveaway

2009-04-05 Thread bev walker
Hi all
I have my first copy of Threads for Lace to give to a good home. It was much
used, contains a few notes, but since replaced by later editions. Perhaps
there is someone who hasn't seen this useful resource yet or for whatever
reason - write a message to me privately if you would like it, plead your
case g and I would mail to anywhere.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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[lace] travel plan request

2009-04-05 Thread Beverly Bronner
Can anyone give me some travel advice?   I will be traveling with 2 ladies who 
also enjoy shopping for lace, so any help pointing us in the right direction 
will be greatly appreciated.  We will be driving and have plans to stop in 
Frankfurt, Salzburg, Koln, Trier and Bruges.  We will be traveling May 12th 
thru May 30th. I have been to Bruges before so unless something special is 
going on I should be able to find my favorite shops.

Thanks for any information, this group seems to know everything, thank heavens.

 Beverly in Anchorage, AK

Who wants winter and the volcano to be over so I can get warm!

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[lace] Another piece in Cantù

2009-04-05 Thread Margot Walker

On 5 Apr 2009, at 14:17, Sister Claire wrote:

I've completed a tray insert that will be a gift.

That's lovely and I really like the tray too.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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[lace] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Alice Howell
My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is in 
the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather good writeup 
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the interview. 
 The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

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[lace] RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Daphne Martin
Hello All

   The artical about you Alice was very well done.

Although being picky she could have called you Alice instead of Howell.

For someone who did`nt know anything about lacemaking. She certainly took
interest enough to listen and repeat everything you had told her.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Thankyou for sharing it with us.
 Daphne Norfolk England

 Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:06:25 -0700
 From: lacel...@verizon.net
 Subject: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
 To: lace@arachne.com; lace-c...@arachne.com

 My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is
in the online archives at our local newspaper. It is a rather good writeup
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the
interview. The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed

 It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

 Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and
tomorrow. Then cool again.

 To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
 unsubscribe lace-chat y...@address.here. For help, write to

View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – Learn more!

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[lace] RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Janice Blair
That is how they write up stories in the US.  Awful isn't it, never using the
first name again and not even giving you a prefix.  One other thing they say
about a person doing a crime is the actor did such a thing.  On first
reading that I thought that the acting profession was full of criminals. 

Janice Blair

Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA



--- On Sun, 4/5/09, Daphne Martin ladylace...@msn.com wrote:
From: Daphne Martin ladylace...@msn.com
Subject: RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
To: lacel...@verizon.net, Arachne lace@arachne.com, lace-c...@arachne.com
Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 3:22 PM

Hello All

   The artical about you Alice was very well done.

Although being picky she could have called you Alice instead of Howell.

For someone who did`nt know anything about lacemaking. She certainly took
interest enough to listen and repeat everything you had told her.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Thankyou for sharing it with us.
 Daphne Norfolk England

 Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:06:25 -0700
 From: lacel...@verizon.net
 Subject: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
 To: lace@arachne.com; lace-c...@arachne.com

 My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006
in the online archives at our local newspaper. It is a rather good writeup
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the
interview. The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed

 It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the

 Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and
tomorrow. Then cool again.

 To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
 unsubscribe lace-chat y...@address.here. For help, write to

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To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] Survey Invitation

2009-04-05 Thread paternos...@appleshack.com
I have put together a short survey about bobbin lacemaking and the experiences 
and preferences of Arachne members.  

It is anonymous and there are no questions about money or other personal 

Brenda Paternoster


This email was sent to lace@arachne.com on behalf of:




Report Abuse: 

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Re: [lace] Survey Invitation

2009-04-05 Thread Brenda Paternoster

Dear spiders

I've had a few responses already - in the first couple of minutes!
It's only a bit of fun, but will hopefully give an overall idea of what 
lace and other craft activities we all get up to!


On 5 Apr 2009, at 22:33, paternos...@appleshack.com wrote:

I have put together a short survey about bobbin lacemaking and the 
experiences and preferences of Arachne members.

It is anonymous and there are no questions about money or other 
personal details.

Brenda Paternoster


Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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Re: [lace] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Norma Harris
Well written story Alice, I enjoyed reading the presentation.
Norma (Salem, VA/USA)

NATA #847

  The new Internet Explorer 8 optimised for Yahoo!7: Faster, Safer,

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Re: [lace] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Brenda Paternoster

Oh Alice,
that's a lovely article, and the reporter certainly made a lot of 
pretty accurate notes - which is more than most of them do!


On 5 Apr 2009, at 21:06, Alice Howell wrote:

My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 
2006 is in the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather 
good writeup considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when 
she did the interview.  The archives do not show all the pictures that 
were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the 


Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

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Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to

[lace] question about threads used in Lace Express

2009-04-05 Thread Marianne Gallant


I have several issues of Lace Express, and would like to start making some
of the things in it. However, I am having a hard time finding the threads
used in the magazines.

They use a lot of 'Brok' 32/2 cotton in assorted colours, as well as
'Bockens' 60/2 linen in several colours. I can only find these threads in
white or off-white, no colours. Have these coloured threads been
discontinued? If so, what would be appropriate subs for these threads? 

Or am I going to have to dye my own

If these threads are still available, does anyone have website sources for




Marianne Gallant

Vernon, BC Canada



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[lace-chat] travel plan request

2009-04-05 Thread Beverly Bronner
Can anyone give me some travel advice?   I will be traveling with 2 ladies who 
also enjoy shopping for lace, so any help pointing us in the right direction 
will be greatly appreciated.  We will be driving and have plans to stop in 
Frankfurt, Salzburg, Koln, Trier and Bruges.  We will be traveling May 12th 
thru May 30th. I have been to Bruges before so unless something special is 
going on I should be able to find my favorite shops.

Thanks for any information, this group seems to know everything, thank heavens.

 Beverly in Anchorage, AK

Who wants winter and the volcano to be over so I can get warm!

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[lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Alice Howell
My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is in 
the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather good writeup 
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the interview. 
 The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
unsubscribe lace-chat y...@address.here. For help, write to

RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Daphne Martin
Hello All

   The artical about you Alice was very well done.

Although being picky she could have called you Alice instead of Howell.

For someone who did`nt know anything about lacemaking. She certainly took
interest enough to listen and repeat everything you had told her.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Thankyou for sharing it with us.
 Daphne Norfolk England

 Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:06:25 -0700
 From: lacel...@verizon.net
 Subject: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
 To: l...@arachne.com; lace-chat@arachne.com

 My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is
in the online archives at our local newspaper. It is a rather good writeup
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the
interview. The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed

 It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

 Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and
tomorrow. Then cool again.

 To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
 unsubscribe lace-chat y...@address.here. For help, write to

View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – Learn more!

To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
unsubscribe lace-chat y...@address.here. For help, write to

RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Janice Blair
That is how they write up stories in the US.  Awful isn't it, never using the
first name again and not even giving you a prefix.  One other thing they say
about a person doing a crime is the actor did such a thing.  On first
reading that I thought that the acting profession was full of criminals. 

Janice Blair

Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA



--- On Sun, 4/5/09, Daphne Martin ladylace...@msn.com wrote:
From: Daphne Martin ladylace...@msn.com
Subject: RE: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
To: lacel...@verizon.net, Arachne l...@arachne.com, lace-chat@arachne.com
Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 3:22 PM

Hello All

   The artical about you Alice was very well done.

Although being picky she could have called you Alice instead of Howell.

For someone who did`nt know anything about lacemaking. She certainly took
interest enough to listen and repeat everything you had told her.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Thankyou for sharing it with us.
 Daphne Norfolk England

 Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 13:06:25 -0700
 From: lacel...@verizon.net
 Subject: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon
 To: l...@arachne.com; lace-chat@arachne.com

 My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006
in the online archives at our local newspaper. It is a rather good writeup
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the
interview. The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed

 It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the

 Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and
tomorrow. Then cool again.

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Brenda Paternoster

Oh Alice,
that's a lovely article, and the reporter certainly made a lot of 
pretty accurate notes - which is more than most of them do!


On 5 Apr 2009, at 21:06, Alice Howell wrote:

My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 
2006 is in the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather 
good writeup considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when 
she did the interview.  The archives do not show all the pictures that 
were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the 


Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

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Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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Re: [lace-chat] news story on Alice in Oregon

2009-04-05 Thread Clay Blackwell

Hi Alice!

I have to say that your newspaper did a decent job.  There were some 
glaring errors...  tying your threads, for example...  but that was 
their failure to understand the process.   Still, it was a fine article, 
and you should be proud!!  And, BTW, the picture of the tablecloth 
edging...  it's very pretty!  Has it been finished, or is it still a WIP?

I've seen (and been featured in...)  much, much, MUCH worse!!  ; ) 


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA, USA

Alice Howell wrote:

My husband just found that the write up on me and my bobbin lace in 2006 is in 
the online archives at our local newspaper.  It is a rather good writeup 
considering the reporter knew nothing about the art when she did the interview. 
 The archives do not show all the pictures that were in the printed article.

It you have a few minutes and would like to take a look, here's the link:

Alice in Oregon -- sunshine and supposed to reach 70 degrees today and 
tomorrow.  Then cool again.

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