[lace] Admin: Please trim your posts!

2009-10-30 Thread Avital
Dear spiders,

Please trim your threads, er, I mean posts. I'm seeing a lot of double
footers, previous postings quoted in full, etc. Just leave the
relevant bits and DELETE everything else.

My Gmail account hides quoted bits, but every now and then, when I
have the time and I see long threads developing, I start unhiding the
quoted material to see what's happening. There are too many of you not
trimming postings for me to write private emails.

Think of those poor digest subscribers who have to scroll through
repeated messages!

Best wishes,

Arachne Moderator

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Re:[lace] Lace knitting - help!!

2009-10-30 Thread pene piip

Maxine, there is no need to buy a longer circular needle.
You can use several shorter ones - 2 or 3 it's up to you.
When you start knitting with one needle, make sure that
you are using the other end of the same needle. There is
no need to have another separate needle as when you
are using double pointed needles.

Best of luck with the shawls.

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Re: [lace] Lace knitting - help!!

2009-10-30 Thread Nathalie
Maxine, I think an option - especially if you like knitting with
circular needles - is, buying the Addi Click set. It includes a
connector that enables you to lengthen the cords. I have the KnitPicks
(or KnitPro set, as it is known in Europe) set which also contains a
connector. I think... Not sure because I am still too much of an
amateur to tackle lace shawls. Maybe one day eh?

Jealous of your talent and also of your offspring whom will receive
such a fantastic gift! Good luck!


> I am currently knitting a lace shawl - three ply wool on 3.25 mm needles.
> This is because I was silly enough(?) to offer to knit a shawl for each of
> my offspring as they produced their first child - outcome is that I have 10
> months to knit two shawls
> My problem is that I am currently on a curiclar needle that is absolutely
> chokka, and the only larger one I can buy locally is only 20cm longer at 1
> metre - far too short for what I am going to need.  My request is, does
> anyone know where I can buy, online, a longer circular needle - 3.25mm x 1.5
> and/or 2 metres long.??
> Thanks in advance.

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[lace] the dress of Maria-Theresia

2009-10-30 Thread Nathalie
Dear lace lovers,

Would there be anyone who has the right source to define the type of
lace of the dress of Maria-Theresia. I mean the lace which she got on
the occasion of her inauguration in 1744.
Some sources, such as Santina Levey, mention Brussels lace. Some
others think it was made in Mechlin lace by the orphans of Ghent. Did
these young girls made Mechlin lace?

There is an opinion that the dress was made in Brussels lace but the
cuffs and collar in Mechlin lace.

As the dress was made in Flanders, it surely must be bobbin lace.

The picture of the painting is on the cover of the book of Santina
Levy, "Lace - a history."

Looking forward to your thoughts. :-)


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Re: [lace] the dress of Maria-Theresia

2009-10-30 Thread Pat Tinney
A quick question.

Are you referring to the dress in this painting used on Wikipedia:

Not all of us have the book, but would like to see what you are referring to,
if possible.

Thank you,
Pat T.

From: "Nathalie" 
> Would there be anyone who has the right source to define the type of
> lace of the dress of Maria-Theresia. I mean the lace which she got on
> the occasion of her inauguration in 1744.

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[lace] Glass bobbins on ebay

2009-10-30 Thread Christine Lardner
I have some similar bobbins made by Malcolm Fowler. I never saw any glass
bobbins made by the Millers, Jean, as you say they made (make?) lovely painted
bone bobbins. I suspect the seller had the box already and put it with the
bobbins to make it more attractive, and look more like a genuine set.

Christine Oxford, UK

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[lace] glass bobbins on ebay

2009-10-30 Thread Win Lambert
The glass bobbins on ebay, attributed to Diane Miller, look to me like Bill
Tuffnell (UK) bobbins.  Bill Tuffnell used to make lovely glass bobbins (with
beads to match).  I have watched him make bead filled glass bobbins and have
personally bought several pairs of clear and coloured, worry doll filled (as
on ebay) and oil filled sparkly bobbins.  I believe family still run the glass
business and still make bobbins and beads.

Win Lambert
Merseylea Tasmania

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Re: [lace] glass bobbins on ebay

2009-10-30 Thread Scotlace
Yes, indeed.  Bill Tuffnell is still making glass bobbins among other  
things.  He was a speaker at our lace day a few years back and had us  almost 
crying with laughter.  A real character as well as a very skilled  craftsman.
Patricia in Wales

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[lace] Re: Long Circs

2009-10-30 Thread Susan Reishus
Addi lace needles first release had a finish that tarnished and was more
"grippy." They re-did the finish but I find they still do leave a greyed tinge
to light colors.  It often isn't obvious until you work for a bit on white or
a pastel, and you can see the initial portion is a dirtied color.  They also
have a smell, which fades to some degree after use.  Their tips and weight are
ideal for lace (and often regular knitting with yarns that aren't too
"splitty.")  They are typically much cheaper in Europe than the US, as Thomas
Selter makes them and distributes them in Europe, but Skacel distributes them
for Selter in NA, so the added price along with exchange rate, shipping,
market will bear a higher price here, etc.
I have used the Kollage needles and they are kind of fun.  They do tend to be
a softer metal and are a higher price than quality comps.  I called Kollage
asking if they would make a 00 as I find I get a looser gauge with them, and
since I do a lot of fine work, would need the smaller needle.  They were
considering it, but I personally doubt it, as the metal is "softer" than other
I gave up on them as I didn't like the square ridge, which seemed unnatural,
but there are many who adore them.  They bothered my hands, and fingers, esp.,
though I don't knit tightly.  It is interesting to me that some find they get
tighter gauge, unless they are working with a very "springy" yarn, as most
yarns would create a circumference that is equal to the outside corners of the
square, which is why I felt I got larger gauge.  They are well marked, as if I
remember correctly, a typical needle gauge doesn't work for them, but memory
could have lapsed on that part, and my needles are not accessible now.
I really enjoy rosewood needles for lace also, but they don't come in the long
lengths.   Inox teflon coat are a nice and reasonably priced option, but I
don't think the long lengths are very accessible.  I used to get boxes of them
from Beehive in Canada, which used to have a very reasonable price and when in
doubt, they always fit the bill.  They are like the old Aero needles, which I
search out in the UK regularly, as they originals of decades ago were so well
Best,Susan Reishus
I've been working a lace shawl for several months with the Addi Turbo 
lace needles, and I haven't noticed any color coming off... 

I've recently discovered a relatively new needle made by Kollage that 
have the most flexible cable of any I've tried, and the shaft of the 
needles is square (the points are still rounded).  Their package says, 
"Yes, they really are easier on your hands!  Handcrafted to our exacting 
standards, Kollage's square knitting needles are designed to be 
ergonomically suited to your hands..."

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[lace] lace dress

2009-10-30 Thread Lorelei Halley
I have Levey's book and looked at the cover.  But from that it is impossible
to tell if it is needle or bobbin, or what kind.  The open transparency of the
ground possibly suggests needle lace with a bar ground (large holes).  Given
the time period the other kind of transparent ground (point ground) is
unlikely, and bobbin laces of that time did not use large areas of bar ground
(although large areas of Flanders ground or Mechlin ground might be possible).
Possibly it will be forever unknowable.  A painting is not a photograph,
however much attention the artist pays to accurate detail.

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[lace] Glass Bobbins

2009-10-30 Thread Daphne Martin
I would like to add my two-penneth about the makers of the glass bobbins.
Bill Tuffnell no longer makes glass bobbins.
The ones you can buy now are made by his son Martin who took over the business
a few years ago in East Yorkshire.
Daphne Norfolk UK

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[lace] the dress of Maria-Theresia

2009-10-30 Thread Laurie Waters
I am making an extensive web discussion on Maria-Theresia's lace dress as 
part of my developing new lace web site. Apologies for the length of this 
Maria-Theresa was the eldest daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI 
(1685-1740) - his only male heir died as an infant. He worked extensively to 
guarantee the succession of his daughter to the Habsburg Empire. Despite her 
elevation upon her father's death in 1740, Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria and 
France, which had previously agreed to femine rule under the Pragmatic 
Succession of 1713, repudiated their promise. Prussia went so far as to 
invade the Habsburg province of Silesia, initiating the War of the Austrian 
Succession, which lasted eight years. Other parts of the Empire, such as the 
States of Flanders, were eager to curry favor with the new monarch, and 
presented her with this magnificent gown in 1744 - it was known that she 
wanted a gown and a garniture of lace from the Netherlands. Such an 
extensive work could not have been done quickly, it was probably ordered 
several years before 1944. The States of Flanders was basically a 
'parlimentary' body supporting the Counts of Flanders (Maria-Thersia became 
Countess of Flanders upon her accession in 1740), and consisted of the 
clergy, nobles, and commoners. Bruges, Ghent, and Ypres were economically 
the most important cities in Flanders, and could well afford the expense of 
this gift.  The records of the debate concerning this gift are hilarious:

"M. Comte de Lalaing, having made known to the assembly that her Majesty the 
Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, our gracious Sovereign, would like to have a 
garment and a garniture of lace from the Netherlands manufactured in that 
country, and that she has already asked Her Higness the Duchesse d'Arenbergh 
to procure this for herself, and after having taken into consideration that 
it is necessary to profit by this favorable occasion to try and prove to 
some extent to Her Majesty, our innate and tireless zeal by contributing, in 
so far as possible, by this assembly with the satisfaction and the pleasure 
of and to give her on behalf of the Province of Flanders, before all the 
other provinces, the first marks (of attachment), it was decided to give Her 
Majesty the present of a gown or a garniture of lace fabricated in the 
Netherlands to the value of 25 thousand florins, to be paid by the Clerk of 
the impost in the district of Ghent (thread by thread) to be assigned to Her 
Highness the Duchesse d'Arenbergh; and when the amount of the aforesaid sum 
has been paid by the above-named clerk of taxes in the district of Ghent, he 
will be allowed to pass ordinance in the tax compatability.
In addition, it was decided to charge and appoint the Very Reverend M. 
Cassin de Boulers, abbot d'Eenaeme, M. Albert François Baron della Faille 
and the Huysse, and the gentleman Jean Walckiers, seigneur d'Ooswinckel, 
clerk of taxes in the district of Ghent, to make known the above-mentioned 
resolution to his Excellency the Count von Königseeg and to Her Highness the 
Duchesse d'Arenbergh and ask them to obtain for Her Majesty that which she 
would like to have, hoping that it will be agreable to her."

(signed) J. B. J. Ameije

All throughout its history, the Habsburg empire was centered in modern 
Austria, however the lace gown was made in Gent, Documentation exists to 
show that the Gent orphans known as the 'Red Corsets' from the dress the 
female orphans wore, were paid to do the work. The population of the Gent 
orphans rose and fell over the years depending on local wars, but by in 
large the girls were trained as lacemakers and seamstresses, while the boys 
eventually went into the Navy.  This way the government could ensure a 
military workforce.

Six of Maria-Theresa's sixteen children had been born by the time this dress 
was received, and she was around 26 years old when the seated portrait by 
Martyn van Meytens (1695-1770) was painted - it remains to this day in the 
town hall of Gent. It was a gift to the States of Flanders in appreciation 
of the dress. The underdress is a rose color. The standing portrait was 
painted around 1745, and is in the Schönbrunn palace near Vienna. Both 
paintings are attributed to van Mytens. Two stamps have been issued by 
Belgium, one with the standing dress portrait in and one with the seated 
portrait in 1972 for the 200th anniversary of the Academie Royale des 
Sciences des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (The Empress was the 
founder of the institution). The second stamp was of the standing portrait 
and was issued in 1964 as part of a series raising money for Tuberculosis 
research (different countries issued a set of stamps for this enterprise 
every year).  You can see both portraits at
and at


I am working on a translation Mme Lucie Paulis, in

Re: [lace] Jean Leader's Picasa photos

2009-10-30 Thread Jean Leader

Lorelei Halley wrote:
I've enjoyed looking at your Picasa photos on the LePuy Couvige.   
Your photo

"wall hanging".  What is it,  I wish we had more detail.

You'll find more about the wall hanging including a couple of photos  
of details on my website at

It has areas of cloth and half stitch joined by plaits and tallies and  
there are groups of raised tallies on some of the cloth stitch.


Jean Leader
Glasgow, Scotland

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[lace] Jean's wall hanging

2009-10-30 Thread Lorelei Halley
That wall hanging is a marvelous piece.  And your photos are so clear.  The
detail is fascinating, all sorts of layered stuff, different kinds.  Also
seeing the work in progress is interesting.  This is an example of a principle
I believe in: geometry is interesting if it is complex enough.  The layers and
textures turn simple squares into something fascinating and modern.

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RE: [lace] the dress of Maria-Theresia

2009-10-30 Thread jeanette
At the OIDFA congress in Ghent, this dress was discussed in one of the
lecture sessions but I unfortunately do not have the  print-out any longer
but it was essensially as Laurie puts it (as far as I can remember!!).  I
admire Laurie for her knowledge and the willingness to share it with us all!
Thank you.
Jeanette Fischer, Western Cape, South Africa.


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