Re: [lace] State Fair competitions - Virginia

2004-08-15 Thread Lydia Mae
That is so funny to read this post...I am definately going to enter something into the 
competition.  It is funny to read it because I am trying to make something that will 
pass as something lace-like for the fair.  I just got done telling my husband TODAY 
(like he cares!) that I am going to enter something.  A woman down here in Suffolk (VA 
not UK) on a farm said it was the same kind of thing with spinning wool.  I will 
definately be in the beginner category because I have only been doing it for a month, 
but I am definately going to enter and hopefully get to go see other peoples work!

"Tamara P. Duvall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Gentle Spiders,

On Aug 15, 2004, at 5:25, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:

> You may have to wait a few days for a reply from Helen, as she is 
> currently
> in Pueblo, judging the lace at the Colorado State Fair.

It's that time of year again; the round of State (and local) Fairs has 
started, and the competitions with them. Many of those include lace as 
a separate class/category; in some, you can enter lace under a 
diffferent "umbrella". But, please, *do* enter. How else will general 
public get to see that handmade lace is still alive?

Yesterday, the mail brought my yearly invitation to judge lace at the 
VA State Fair, and my DH asked: "are you going to do it?" Somewhat 
ungraciously, I replied "I guess so; if I don't, who will?"

The reason my answer was so unenthusiastic is that, every year, I've 
seen less and less interest, with fewer and fewer entries. I had to 
skip going last year for personal reasons, so don't know what was there 
but, 2 yrs ago, I was the only judge (for lace) who showed up, and I 
was given only about 5 entries to judge. Clay, who accompanied me, 
graciously agreed to serve as a second judge - I don't think it's fair 
that entries should be judged on the whim of a single person - but that 
meant that she had to pull out two entries of her own (we re-designated 
them as "non competitive, for education purposes"). *Very* unfair to 
her, and it left us with even fewer entries - no competition at all, as 
each of the entries was in a different category.

It's a 300 mile (round) trip for me, and I don't like to drive... :( I 
wouldn't mind it "eating up" my Sunday - 2.5 hrs driving out; abut 
that much there, given the administrative details that need to be "seen 
to" in addition to the "judging proper"; then 2.5 hrs driving back - 
*if only* I knew I was doing something *useful* "for the cause of 

If, OTOH, "the cause of lace" is deader than a doornail in VA, at least 
on this particular front, then it's pointless for everyone concerned to 
try and keep the zombie alive. Pointless for the Fair organisers to 
print the ribbons, pointless for me to go and judge what's not there 
*to* judge. I might as well advise them to cut the lace class enitrely 
(I already had to advise them to limit the number of "classes", and 
they had)...

Unlike the Colorado State Fair and the Craft Adventure that Sumac has 
mentioned, *only Virginia residents* can participate in the VA State 
Fair competition, unfortunately. But I know we do have quite a number 
of lacemakers in VA... And yes, I do realise how much pain in the neck 
(and expense) it is to mail stuff out to Richmond (I wonder if it would 
be possible to mail out *batches*, to cut on costs?). But...

So, to the lacemakers in Virginia: If you have lace which had never 
been entered in the State Fair before, *please* send it in. There's 
still time - the application forms need to be in Richmond by September 
3, the entries by Sept 18 (judgement day being the 19th ). You can 
find the rules and regulations and print off the entry fom from:

Please scroll down, till you get to the adult section - it doesn't seem 
to have a URL of its own. General rules (what, when, where) are the 
same for all; the specific "classes" for lace can be found in Sections 
33 and 34 of the Needlework, though lace can also be entered in other 
Sections (Seniors, for example)

I hope to see enough entries this year to make my trip to Richmond 
justifiable; if I don't, it'll be my last trip to Richmond :)

And, BTW. We get "paid" with a pair of tickets to the Fair. Since I get 
to see all that I'm interested in during the "judging Sunday", and 
since the distance is really too big for me to go for other things, I 
always have them to spare. So, anyone who wants a couple of free 
tickets, to go and see what others have wrought in lace, can have mine. 
*Provided* that you are one of the entrants... :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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Re: [lace] The Lace Fairy's Web Site

2004-08-12 Thread Lydia Mae
Speaking of beautiful web sites!  Since I discovered bobbin lace, I have frequented 
both the lace fairy site and YOUR site.  I like what you have done with your bobbins.  
I decopagued and painted some of my own and it makes me feel like my bobbin lace is 
something more personal.  

Celtic Dream Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What a beautiful web site...with a whole lot to take a gander at. I really enjoyed 
spending some time in looking at the lace toons, post cards and the paintings of the 
lacer from a picture are.. wellit leaves me speachless. What a work of art by the 
artists!!! I also had fun in looking at the Arachne member's picturesand I 
happened to notice the list of names of the Arachne Members...which I don't see my 
name there and I have been an arachne member sincewell.since I found the lace 
stuff on the internet. At least I think I am member...if not then I guess I shouldn't 
have sat at the spider table in Ithaca a couple years agoHmm
Speaking of Ithaca that time is coming around againThis year it will be a bit 
different for me than in the years least I think it will be different. This 
year I am the Finger Lakes Lace Guild presidentBut actually it shouldn't be any 
different I will take a lace class...which oops I just found out today, yesterday 
was the date that the registration forms were to be mailed in byso I guess that 
means now...I won't get my number one choice...but I was thinking...hey it is only 
August...just August...but I guess time got away from me. But...I did get on the phone 
and made my reservations for the hotel at least that is done.
But...I know I always have such a good time going to the Lace workshop. I get away for 
a couple myself...and I get to be with other lacers...who love lace and 
making lace just like me...Yeah! And Yippee...AnyhowI am getting carried 
away...I wonder if it is a sickness I have that once I am in front of the fingers don't want to stop typingLOL!
AnyhowI just really wanted to say, there is so much on the Lace Fairy website. I am going to go back and look some more as soon as I click 
on the send away button. 

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[lace] Newbie question

2004-08-09 Thread Lydia Mae
Hi.  This question is pertaining to wrapping around a pin.  I was working the Baby 
Heather Edging in the book called Lessons in Bobbin Lacemaking by Doris Southard.  The 
instructions state...
T pair 5 times.  Set pin at #3.  Then bring the twisted threads around the pin to form 
the open-loop edge.
Thats what I did and they look "OK"  but not great.  I was wondering if there was a 
particular method for wrapping around a pin.  
-Your baby spider Lydia (who is just beginning to weave her webs)

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