[lace] Vienna

2005-01-14 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
I don't remember whether this has been mentioned before but it is worth
another reminder! I treated myself to 4 days in Vienna just before Christmas
and it was wonderful. If any of you visit the city then you must visit the
Museum of Decorative Art and its incredibly beautiful display of historic
lace. It is together with the glass collection and it seems to be a
permanent exhibition. The lace is displayed in cabinets and you can easily
come to study it at close range, but unfortunately there is no photography
permitted. I visited the museum to see the Wiener Werkstatte section and so
discovering the lace was an extra bonus.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: US Christmas of old?

2004-11-25 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
I can recommend a very good book on the history, folklore and origins of the
Christmas tree:
The Solstice Evergreen by Sheryl Ann Karas
ISBN 0-944031-26-9 published 1991 by Aslan Publishing, CA
It leads you through various patterns of behaviour which been handed down
over the years through legend and tradition, but it isn't at all boring to
read, it's fun and is really interesting. It finishes off with Hans
Christian Andersen's fairytale, The Fir Tree, and it's famous motto,
Past! Past! Had I but rejoiced when I could have done so! Past! Past!
Hans Christian Andersen was born 1805 and there will be big celebrations all
next year in Denmark, to mark the 200 year anniversary of his birth.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] lace cylinder

2004-11-22 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
In an earlier letter to lace, I mentioned a lace cylinder, which is on
display in the temporary the exhibition about Manor Houses in the National
museum in Copenhagen. This excellent exhibition is well- worth seeing, also
because some of their gorgeous dresses are on display. One in particular,
which is the one of the oldest and best preserved items of civil clothing in
the world, is from 1695. It is a masterpiece in moss green silk brocade and
gold, weighing in a about 17 kilos! The weight of the gold makes it
difficult to display as is is tearing the silk and it isn't very often that
it comes out of storage.
Back to the cylinder! Their information available about this item is pretty
sparse, as you can see from the reply I received after contacting the

Unfortunately it is not much we know of such items as lace cylinders. In
the exhibition it is perhaps most telling in as much as it is a specific
item connected with elite culture; manors often have and keep items not in
use in other places. The function is as you describe it. We believe it to be
from mid-18th century but we do not know the factory. possibly it is of
Danish manufacture. Such cylinders may have been more common that we think
but as is often the case such everyday items tend to be forgotten and not
left to museums.

The cylinder is glazed ceramic and is about 12cm diameter and 20cm high. It
is peppered with holes to allow the washing and rinsing liquid to penetrate
the lace, which is wound around the cylinder. An excellent idea and much
better than a bottle.
I would like to know if any of you have come upon such an item in this big
wide world of Arachne and I look forward to hearing from you!
All the best and keep bobbin' along
from Avril 

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Flax and Linen

2004-11-22 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
I have just remembered a very good source of information about linen. Shire
Publications published a little booklet Flax and Linen by Patricia Baines
for just under 4 British pounds.
I have several of their books and they are very cheap and often written by
quite well-known experts in the field.
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along
from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] hearts and more - for Newbies

2004-11-21 Thread Tune
Dear Jeri,
Thank you so much for telling us about the Christmas tree at the
Metropolitan and also your own. They both sound amazing and I so enjoyed
your description. Makes me happy to think that Denmark's Georg Jensen
inspired your collection and it is wonderful that you have so many happy
memories to treasure.
all the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] Hearts

2004-11-16 Thread Tune
Hi Ruth,
I don't have the book you mention but the 2 sections of the hearts form
little pocket when you weave them together. This is hard to explain but see
if you can make any sense of this description!
Lay the 2 sections folded double with the fingers facing each other. Take
the first finger of the right hand section (i.e. the one nearest the middle)
and wrap it round the first finger of the left hand section, then thro' the
2nd finger of the left hand section and round the 3rd (and so on depending
on how may fingers you have in your heart). Take the next finger of the
right section and do the opposite, going thro' where you previously went
round. This is the weaving and if you have done it right, you can finally
open your heart like a pocket. Then you can attach the strap to hang it up.
The Danes use these paper hearts in all kinds of complicated combinations to
decorate their Christmas tree. Originally they were made during a wave of
patriotism after the 1848-50 war against Prussia. They were made in the red
and white colours to symbolise the Danish flag. Try with a paper form first
to get the hang of it.
I have just had a look on the net and try this link. Click on the union jack
and then making a woven Christmas heart!

All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Slagelse Lace Fair

2004-10-20 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
It's time once again for our Lace Fair in Slagelse and this year it will
take place on the 30th and 31st of October in the usual Nordhallen of
Norrevangs School, Rosenkildevej 88, Slagelse. Rosemary Urban from Leipzig,
Germany is running our workshop with the theme being Motifs from nature
transformed to lace. It is intended to develop our individual creativity
and technical ability in design and lacemaking. She is a delightful person
and is a very talented and active member of the German Lace Guild, and also
a very popular lace teacher. I am really looking forward to seeing the
results of her workshop. She will also be staging a lace exhibition in the
hall along with Jana Frajkova from Slovakia who makes contemporary lace
pictures. Anne Rose Weiss from Germany will be exhibiting her antique lace
and giving advice on the laundering and care of lace. Helene Schou from
Denmark will be exhibiting her wonderful collection of lace pillows and Aase
and Benny Kroll, also from Denmark will be exhibiting their exciting lace
inspired jewellery. A group of Danish lacemakers called KIT will exhibit
their members work and Agnethe Skott, a well known Danish lace teacher will
be decorating the Christmas tree with her own lace designs. In addition
there will be 23 stands with vendors such as Leif and Bodil Christensen with
their fine silk products, Langtved Gaardbutik with their more robust silk
for scarves vests etc., Karelly with Karen Trend Nissen, Moravia with Jana
Novak, Barbara Fay and their wonderful book selection - all in all, lots to
tear at the heart of the lacemaker and plenty to tear at your purse strings!
I hope to see some of you at the fair and there are still a few places
available on the workshop if anyone is interested.
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along
from Avril in a cold and windy Denmark, but we have had sun the last 2 days
and the Autumn colours are wonderful.
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Danish wedding gowns

2004-06-01 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
I managed to visit the exhibition of wedding gowns today at the royal palace
of Amalienborg, and if any of you are in Copenhagen, it is well worth a
visit. It is running until September. Crown princess Mary's dress is a
dream. The Carrickmacross lace veil is wonderful and as I mentioned earlier,
the same Carrickmacross lace was also the under the folds of her dress. The
Carrickmacross lace on Mary's dress was the same lace, which had been on the
front panel of Queen Margrethe's wedding dress in 1967. Queen Margrethe's
dress was also on display - minus the Carickmacross and also minus the
Tønder lace Big Heart trimming on her train. The lace had been removed
after the wedding to be kept for later use in the royal family. Queen
Ingrid's dress and Queen Alexandrine's dresses were also to be seen, but
they had no lace trimming. Beside  Mary's dress was the beautiful Tonder
lace handkerchief made especially for her by Astrid Elton Hansen. It is
described in a very nice article in the latest magazine from the Danish Lace
The Carrickmacross fan, handkerchief and another lace trimming, which
originally accompanied the veil, were also to be seen along with a beautiful
documentation of the gift from the women of Connaught. The lace was
originally a gift to princess Margaret of Connaught who was a grandchild of
Queen Victoria and daughter of Victoria's son, Prince Arthur, Duke of
Connaught and Strathearn.
There is a very nice and well illustrated small catalogue, which can be
bought at the exhibition for 45 Danish kroner (approx. 4 English pounds or 7
dollars). The catalogue has English and Danish texts.
I didn't have to wait in a queue to see the exhibition but there were quite
a lot of people. There was no limit to the time that one spent in the
exhibition and Mary's dress and veil were not under glass, as were the other
exhibits. You could buy a foto permit for a little extra and flash was
I hope that some of you have the chance to see the exhibition. If you have
to drag your long suffering hubby along, there is also a permanent
exhibition of the private studies of Denmark's kings from 1863 up to the
last king Frederik 9th who died in 1972.
Unfortunately I wont be able to come to the Tonder Lace Festival this year
but I hope that it is a big success and that those of you who attend have a
great time.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Rosemary and Jana

2004-05-20 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
Just to end this crazy discussion about the fantasy flowers. Jana Novak is a
very good friend of mine and I have therefore always stayed out of any
discussion concerning her or her products and publications, because of the
list rules about promoting and advertising. However, this situation really
calls for an explanation. I spoke with Jana today about Rosemary's book. She
knows Rosemary well, has met her on several occasions and respects her work,
and after looking at Rosemary's homepage, Jana has no suspicions whatsoever
that Rosemary has copied her work. Jana's first book was published in 1985
and she met Rosemary for the first time in Australia, about 10 years later,
when Rosemary showed her some of her flowers and Jana actually suggested to
her that she ought to publish her work. That also rules out the opposite
situation of Jana copying Rosemary.
In the near future, Jana will be publishing a new book which is intended to
inspire and encourage lacemakers to use her basic models and expand upon
them to create  a new design. She actually states in her introduction that
she looks forward to seeing the results in lace circles! She asked me to say
that in  her workshops and books she tries to develop the hidden artist in
us all, and she is more than  delighted when the result is even better than
her own! Also as Jana wisely remarked ,  Basic shapes and the construction
of flowers are inspiration for us all
I sincerely hope that this doesn't offend anyone, as is often the case on
this list with the written word. It is only sent with the kindest of
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] Royal Wedding

2004-05-16 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone
To answer some questions - Anette, Jaqueline - about the royal wedding in
1. The young man standing beside crown prince Frederik was his brother
Joachim. The present queen, Margrethe 2nd has only 2 sons, Frederik was born
in 1968 and Joachim in 1969. Frederik is therefore next in line to the
Danish throne and he will then be Frederik 10th of Denmark. Joachim was
married in 1995 to Alexandra Manley, a British citizen from the then British
Hong Kong. Her father is Chinese and her mother is Austrian and Princess
Alexandra is a very beautiful young woman. So Queen Margrethe now has 2
beautiful daughters-in-law.
2. The temperature was about 15C. on Friday and it was a bit windy, but then
we often have a breeze blowing in Denmark The forecast had been rain but it
stayed dry and the sun, defying the forecast, actually came out for the
happy couple just as they came out of the church.
3. Yes, Copenhagen certainly is a beautiful city with  some very old
historical buildings but also a nice blend of new modern buildings too.
Denmark is renowned for its architects and this year sees the completion of
the spectacular new opera house in Copenhagen, designed by Henning Larsen.
4. Jealousy on the part of the Brits - that might well be as this little
monarchy in Denmark, the oldest in the world, could today teach the British
royals a thing or two when it comes to relations both private and public!
5. The veil is most DEFINATELY Carrickmacross, made by the nuns of Connaught
for the English princess Margaret's wedding on 15th June 1905 in St. George
Chapel Windsor, where she married the Swedish crown prince, Gustav VI Adolf.
She was the mother to Ingrid, and Ingrid is the mother of the present queen
Margrethe. There is no certain facts about the production of the veil but
according to Patricia Wardle, it was probably designed by Mrs. O'Brien and
made under her supervision by the St. Louis sisters in their lace school.
Under the open folds of the dress side panels you can see more of the
Carrickmacross lace - 8 metres! The lace has been in the possession of the
royal family for more than 100 years. I believe there was Chantilly used to
trim the underskirt, but whether this is machine or handmade -I'm not sure.
This will most probably be described in the exhibition of the dress as from
Thursday, and I will keep you informed.
best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Royal Wedding

2004-05-16 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone
To answer some questions - Anette, Jaqueline - about the royal wedding in
1. The young man standing beside crown prince Frederik was his brother
Joachim. The present queen, Margrethe 2nd has only 2 sons, Frederik was born
in 1968 and Joachim in 1969. Frederik is therefore next in line to the
Danish throne and he will then be Frederik 10th of Denmark. Joachim was
married in 1995 to Alexandra Manley, a British citizen from the then British
Hong Kong. Her father is Chinese and her mother is Austrian and Princess
Alexandra is a very beautiful young woman. So Queen Margrethe now has 2
beautiful daughters-in-law.
2. The temperature was about 15C. on Friday and it was a bit windy, but then
we often have a breeze blowing in Denmark The forecast had been rain but it
stayed dry and the sun, defying the forecast, actually came out for the
happy couple just as they came out of the church.
3. Yes, Copenhagen certainly is a beautiful city with  some very old
historical buildings but also a nice blend of new modern buildings too.
Denmark is renowned for its architects and this year sees the completion of
the spectacular new opera house in Copenhagen, designed by Henning Larsen.
4. Jealousy on the part of the Brits - that might well be as this little
monarchy in Denmark, the oldest in the world, could today teach the British
royals a thing or two when it comes to relations both private and public!
5. The veil is most DEFINATELY Carrickmacross, made by the nuns of Connaught
for the English princess Margaret's wedding on 15th June 1905 in St. George
Chapel Windsor, where she married the Swedish crown prince, Gustav VI Adolf.
She was the mother to Ingrid, and Ingrid is the mother of the present queen
Margrethe. There is no certain facts about the production of the veil but
according to Patricia Wardle, it was probably designed by Mrs. O'Brien and
made under her supervision by the St. Louis sisters in their lace school.
Under the open folds of the dress side panels you can see more of the
Carrickmacross lace - 8 metres! The lace has been in the possession of the
royal family for more than 100 years. I believe there was Chantilly used to
trim the underskirt, but whether this is machine or handmade -I'm not sure.
This will most probably be described in the exhibition of the dress as from
Thursday, and I will keep you informed.
best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] Royal Wedding

2004-05-15 Thread Tune
Hi Joan and Elizabeth,
I hope that you managed to see a bit of the Danish Royal wedding. It was the
stuff that fairytales are made of. It was so romantic - the crown prince
and half the kingdom of Denmark were literally moved to tears as his
beautiful bride made an entrance into the church. She really was a dream in
a wonderful creation by Danish designer, Uffe Frank, who works in Milan. Her
dress was so, simple so elegant and it set off the fabulous Carickmacross
lace veil magnificently. I hope that you can see some close ups of this
either on the web site I mentioned or in magazines. It was a lovely gesture
that the Queen of Denmark allowed her new daughter-in-law to wear her
grandmother's veil, which up until now had only been worn by mother-daughter
relationships in the royal family. The new crown princess Mary, also carried
a much needed handkerchief of Tonder lace - Denmark's Big Heart. It was made
by a very special person in the Danish lace world, Astrid Elton Hansen.
Those of you who subscribe to Knipling i Danmark will have seen the many
Tonder lace patterns, which she regularly contributes to the magazine. She
is now retired from teaching lace but many of us have had been introduced
the the art of Tonder lace under Astrid's expert tuition. She started making
the handkerchief when the couple became engaged and handed it into the
office of the crown prince before the wedding. I am so happy for her, to see
that the handkerchief was used for this royal occasion. She will be
On Thursday an exhibition, White bride -in the royal tradition opens at
Amalienborg, the Danish royal Palace in Copenhagen. The wedding dress of the
new crown princess will be on display (probably the handkerchief too!)
together with the dress of the present Queen Margrethe, the dress of the
former queen mother, Queen Ingrid and also the dress of the queen before
that, queen Alexandrine (who was a lacemaker! and she was given the Tonder
lace eventually used on queen Margrethe's train). The exhibition is running
for the summer and so those of you visiting Denmark should make an effort to
come to Copenhagen if you would like to see it - also the royal dresses at
Rosenborg too, which I have mentioned previously.
Today I went to see Copenhagen cathedral whilst it was still decorated with
the beautiful floral decorations for the royal wedding. I had to stand in a
queue for 45 minutes but it was worth it. I have never seen such a wonderful
sight and the perfume as you entered the church was heavenly. Yes, you have
guessed correctly - that most of us here in the little kingdom of Denmark
are still floating on cloud nine. AND, as an exiled Scot, I was extra proud
to see Mary's father, John Donaldsen, wearing in his kilt of Dress Macdonald
to lead his daughter up the aisle. He and Mary's mother emigrated to
Tasmania, and he hasn't lost his Scottish accent, as we clearly heard in his
moving yet amusing speech to his daughter. But you Australians can be proud
too, as she is a real beauty and the couple seem a perfect match.
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] Royal Wedding

2004-05-15 Thread Tune
Hi Joan and Elizabeth,
I hope that you managed to see a bit of the Danish Royal wedding. It was the
stuff that fairytales are made of. It was so romantic - the crown prince
and half the kingdom of Denmark were literally moved to tears as his
beautiful bride made an entrance into the church. She really was a dream in
a wonderful creation by Danish designer, Uffe Frank, who works in Milan. Her
dress was so, simple so elegant and it set off the fabulous Carickmacross
lace veil magnificently. I hope that you can see some close ups of this
either on the web site I mentioned or in magazines. It was a lovely gesture
that the Queen of Denmark allowed her new daughter-in-law to wear her
grandmother's veil, which up until now had only been worn by mother-daughter
relationships in the royal family. The new crown princess Mary, also carried
a much needed handkerchief of Tonder lace - Denmark's Big Heart. It was made
by a very special person in the Danish lace world, Astrid Elton Hansen.
Those of you who subscribe to Knipling i Danmark will have seen the many
Tonder lace patterns, which she regularly contributes to the magazine. She
is now retired from teaching lace but many of us have had been introduced
the the art of Tonder lace under Astrid's expert tuition. She started making
the handkerchief when the couple became engaged and handed it into the
office of the crown prince before the wedding. I am so happy for her, to see
that the handkerchief was used for this royal occasion. She will be
On Thursday an exhibition, White bride -in the royal tradition opens at
Amalienborg, the Danish royal Palace in Copenhagen. The wedding dress of the
new crown princess will be on display (probably the handkerchief too!)
together with the dress of the present Queen Margrethe, the dress of the
former queen mother, Queen Ingrid and also the dress of the queen before
that, queen Alexandrine (who was a lacemaker! and she was given the Tonder
lace eventually used on queen Margrethe's train). The exhibition is running
for the summer and so those of you visiting Denmark should make an effort to
come to Copenhagen if you would like to see it - also the royal dresses at
Rosenborg too, which I have mentioned previously.
Today I went to see Copenhagen cathedral whilst it was still decorated with
the beautiful floral decorations for the royal wedding. I had to stand in a
queue for 45 minutes but it was worth it. I have never seen such a wonderful
sight and the perfume as you entered the church was heavenly. Yes, you have
guessed correctly - that most of us here in the little kingdom of Denmark
are still floating on cloud nine. AND, as an exiled Scot, I was extra proud
to see Mary's father, John Donaldsen, wearing in his kilt of Dress Macdonald
to lead his daughter up the aisle. He and Mary's mother emigrated to
Tasmania, and he hasn't lost his Scottish accent, as we clearly heard in his
moving yet amusing speech to his daughter. But you Australians can be proud
too, as she is a real beauty and the couple seem a perfect match.
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Royal Wedding

2004-05-14 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
This is for those of you who would like to see the Danish Royal Wedding
live. One of our TV stations is transmitting live on the internet and there
is also English translation.
I'm off to my favourite position on the sofa to enjoy it all. The actual
ceremony is at 4pm Danish time.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace-chat] FW: Royal Wedding

2004-05-14 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
This is for those of you who would like to see the Danish Royal Wedding
live. One of our TV stations is transmitting live on the internet and there
is also English translation.
I'm off to my favourite position on the sofa to enjoy it all. The actual
ceremony is at 4pm Danish time.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] Big Heart of Denmark

2004-04-20 Thread Tune
Hi Linda,
I am sure you will see something of the Danish Royal wedding. Prince Charles
will represent the British Royal Family. This is the Danish royal website in
English where you can find all the latest news.


The veil of Denmark's Big Heart that Bjarne mentioned, was in fact the
train of Queen Margrethe's wedding dress. The Big Heart lace was used as a
trimming for the train of her dress. She wore her mother's beautiful
Carrickmacross veil from 1905. I described this before on Arachne and so I
wont bore you with a repeat! However, I don't think Mary will be wearing
this veil, as the tradition has been that it goes from mother to daughter.
But, no-one knows for sure what will happen as everything about Mary's dress
is a big secret. 
 It is all very exciting and there are lots of celebrations planned for the
big day -just hope there isn't a power cut as we will all be glued to our
TV's. I can't make up my mind as to whether I should go into Copenhagen or
stay put in my favourite armchair and watch the wedding on tv!
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
who is off to the woods tomorrow to see the wild anemomes in bloom. It is a
wonderful sight and the woodlands of Denmark are simply a bed of white at
this time of year. Sometimes you are lucky to see the yellow and the very
rare blue variety. 

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] portrait of lacemaker

2004-03-02 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
On the subject of portraits, I have a watercolour painting of a frail old
lacemaker. She is obviously English with her bolster pillow on a wooden
tripod stand and her spangled bobbins. She is sitting in front of her
cottage with a background of hills and moors, and is working on a broad
edging, but the pattern isn't clear. She is wearing a black bowler type of
hat and with this hat, I was wondering if anyone can tell me which part of
England this might be. The painting is called The Lacemaker and has the
initials JGW. My mother-in-law found it for me in an auction in Scotland and
we don't know anything about the history of the painting. Could it be a
Scottish lacemaker?
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Dresses of the Danish Queens

2004-02-24 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
I would like to tell you about the fantastic exhibition in the beautiful
little fairytale castle of Rosenborg, here in Copenhagen. The exhibition has
been set up by Katia Johansen, who is the textile conservator at Rosenborg
and she has given us some absolute gems of exhibitions over the years.
Rosenborg's textile collections go back to the time of Christian 4th who was
crowned king in 1596 and ruled Denmark until his death in 1648. Most of you
have seen or read or bought the book about Chr. 4th's lace and Katia
Johansen was also involved with this book. Christian 4th had heard that his
counterpart king in Sweden had donated battle clothes to a permanent
collection. Not wanting to be outdone, Chr. then ordered his lace trimmed,
blood stained battle clothes from this Battle of Kolberger Heide in 1644 to
be kept, and this was the start of the Rosenborg textiles. This battle
against the Swedes ended in a stalemate.
The exhibition starts with Chr. 4th's mother, Queen Sophie, who was married
to Frederik 2nd. Here we only! have portraits and trimmings and the
exhibition continues, with dresses portraits and trimmings, in chronological
order up until the present day Queen of Denmark, Margrethe 2nd. It is
difficult to slect but I persaonally found the textile highlights to be:
1. a masterpiece of embroidery in the form of a silk fitted jacket from 1645
with gold lace trimming. The material is believed to have been a gift to CH.
4th from his sister, Anne, who married James 1st, the son of Mary Stuart.
This assumption arises from the heraldic symbols of the 3 ostrich feathers
(crown princes symbol) and a delfin (referring perhaps to the dauphin)
2. a Valencienne barbe from 1747, belonging to Queen Louise, who married
Frederik 5th (she was the daughter of George 2nd of GB)
3. silk Lille lace ca. 1755, incorporating the name Juliane Marie, who was
the 2nd wife of Frederik 5th.
4. an amazingly detailed portrait of the same queen by the artist Vigilius
Eriksen and you could make the lace on her dress from the portrait
5. the dress made for the crowning ceremony in 1840 of the last absolute
monarchs in Denmark-  Christian 8th and his Queen Caroline Amalie. This
dress is believed to have been one of the most expensive dresses ever made
and ladies it is exquisite! It simply takes your breath away. The dress is
made of ca. 16 metres of gold embroidered silk satin, made by a Paris firm
called Popelin Ducarre. The dress is trimmed with a small white lace
trimming on the neck outline and also has a broad gold lace berthe with a
similar lace trimming on the sleeves. There is also a gold lace veil The
dress and lace trimmings cost the equivalent of 31 years wages for a
craftsman in the 1840!
4. and in complete contrast - a galla dress belonging to the present queen,
from 1987 designed by the Dane, Erik Mortensen, who worked for the house of
Balmain in Paris. The dress is made of black and black and white striped
silk with a bright green silk lining which is just visible on the skirt.
The exhibition is running until 13th June 2004, if any of you are planning a
trip to DK!!
 There is a book about the exhibition(in Danish only at the moment)
Dronningens Kjole by Katia Johansen, but another book published in English
for a previous exhibition in 1990 Kongelige Kjoler by Katia Johansen is
well worth buying.
I could go on for ages but take a look at the homepage of Rosenborg, if you
have a minute.  
and if anyone is interested this is the homepage of the Danish royal family
where you also can find the latest information about the forthcoming wedding
on the 14th May, of crown price Frederik to Mary Donaldson of Australia.
There is another royal gown in the making and we are all waiting with baited
breath to see it.

Best wishes and keep bobbin' along
from Avril in a cold Denmark where the aconites and snow drops are fighting
a loosing battle against more snow today!

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace-chat] Aussie Love Poem

2004-01-20 Thread Tune
Hi David,
I thought your poem was very funny - I wonder if the crown prince of Denmark
will ever woo Mary with that one?!! Who knows, maybe we will have a Hobart
girl making Tonder lace soon. I am looking forward to seeing her wedding
dress on the 14th May and hoping that there will be Tonder lace on it, or
better still Australian lace!
Thanks for the giggle and keep bobbin' along
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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[lace] Lace Fair

2003-10-20 Thread Tune
Hi Everyone,
It is once again time for our Lace fair in Slagelse, here in Denmark and it
takes place on the 25th and 26th October in Nordhallen at Norrevangskolen,
Rosenkildevej 88, Slagelse.  23 stands will be selling various items for
lacemaking and tatting ( amongst those you might recognise: Atelier Moravia
with Jana Novak, Bodil and Leif Christensen with their silk threads, Barbara
Fay  books, Rigmor and Bent with their beautiful hand turned Tonder bobbins,
The Danish Lace Guild, The Tonder Festival Committee, Karelly with Karen
Trend Nissen and the Danish Tatting Guild). There will be 6 exhibitors:
Jitka von Lindern from Belgium with her ultra modern textile design
incorporating lace, Rosemary Urban from Germany with her beautifully
executed contemporary designs, Gry Hvidberg from Denmark with exciting
silver lace jewellery, Lorenzens Gaard from Ballum near Tonder with examples
of their wonderful collection of old Tonder laces, Lene Bjorn and Jytte
Bjork Olsen with modern Danish lace. The Christmas tree will be decorated
this year by Jana Novak, displaying her very newest Christmas lace designs,
which have just been published. The workshop this year will also be suitable
for new beginners in bobbin lace and the product will be a star and/or a
heart using  Idria technique in Torchon, instucted by Jytte Bjork Olsen. I
think that should just about satisfy every need in lace making! A lot od
work for just 2 days and I hope to see some of you there - Vibeke,  Bjarne,
Arne and Aage!
Best wishes and keep bobbin along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

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Re: [lace] Hamilton Lace

2003-10-14 Thread Tune
Hi Adele and Everyone,
An excellent article on Hamilton Lace is Lace-making in Hamilton by Jessie
H. Lochhead, M.A. published by Hamilton Handbooks and Hamilton Public
Libraries and Museum Committee in 1971. According to the article the lace
could represent the coarsest torchon or the finest Vaenciennes with endless
variations between
Vibeke Ervo very kindly gave me the article.
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril in Denmark, where it has been
the most beautiful Autumn day, with a touch of our first ground frost this
morning, then glorious sunshine and a wonderful spectacle of Autumn colours.

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers

Avril Bayne

 Lately I have been reading my copy of Mrs. Lowes' Chats on Old Lace
 and Needlework and she has this comment: Scotch lace can hardly be
 said to exist. At one time a coarse kind of network lace called
 Hamilton lace was made, and considerable money was obtained by it,
 but it never had a fashion, and deservedly so.

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