[lace] Lace Ebay seller

2008-06-22 Thread Daphne Martin
Hello everyone.
 I have been reading about the Biggens patterns on e`bay.
The lady in question Chris Greg would be horrified to know she is doing
anything wrong.
I bought a card which was advertised as handmade lace. It turned out to be
machine lace. It is still pretty so I did`nt mind,
I did write to her and pointed this out to her, she apologised and refunded
my money.
I did`nt want her to do that because as I have already said I was happy.
She told me she was selling the lace items for an old lady who has given up
lacemaking and is`nt too clear in her head about many things.[It comes to us
all in the end]
So the prices have come from her and the seller went by that.
Yes I can see what Vivienne said about the price it was put in the auction
for should have been a lot lower. But if you don`t know what price things
are new, what can you do???
In essence the seller is not doing anything wrong as such, she just took
advice from the owner of the patterns etc. Which was misguided.
 Daphne Norfolk England

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[lace] lace Ebay seller

2008-06-22 Thread Daphne Martin
To Jean and everyone
Here is the link for the e`bay seller.

Item number: 380036862095
There are no patterns at present on the link.  DaphneSunny norfolk England

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Re: [lace] Lace Ebay seller

2008-06-22 Thread VivienneWalton
Hi Daphne, I haven't looked at her site but the friend who told me has. In  
her history she has sold more than one copy of patterns. Does a little old lady 
 have more than one copy? I think she may be very savvy. We once bought a car 
 which we had been told had only been driven by a little old lady. We later 
found  we had been conned! I am not trying to stop you buying her stuff but if 
you want  people like Christine Springett and us at Biggins (I think the 
wonderful Joan  Kelly is no longer designing) to keep on designing for you all 
need to  support us. The lace world is shrinking so you all need to support 
us. Joan is a  wonderful (sorry Joan) old lady and if she got 10p for every 
pattern of hers  that has been stolen she would be a lot better off in her 
retirement than she  actually is. I can hold my hand up and say, even before we 
designed our own  patterns I never ever copied someone else's pattern. If I 
liked it I sent  off for one. This is my last email on the subject. Since I 
have been in plaster,  though I am working as much as I can I have a lot of 
to think. I shall try  to come up with a new subject soon. Vivienne

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