[lace] Review: Insertions Borders - 16th 17th C. Lace - Book 4

2015-06-23 Thread Jeriames
Insertions  Borders - 16th  17th Century Lace - Book 4, by  Gilian Dye, 
published by Cleveden Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-9553223-6-5, 60 pages,  soft 
cover, amply illustrated in color and in black  white.Dedicated to the 
memory of Vibeke Ervo, Denmark.
It is a celebration day when a new Gil Dye book arrives in the mail,  
because she always delivers new information that does not appear in other  
As in Gil's earlier books in this series, reproductions of the  earliest 
printed pattern books, actual surviving 16th and 17th  century laces, and very 
detailed depictions of laces in period  portraits are inspirations for her 
work.  She recreates these laces for the  benefit of 21st century 
lacemakers, writing detailed texts, sharing patterns and  prickings, and using 
that are available today.  
It occurs to this reviewer that the early use of lock stitch (included  in 
all 4 books of this series), instead of reliance on many pins,  is something 
that may be of value to 21st century  lacemakers.  Time-pressured 
lacemakers might consider adding it  to their bobbin lace repertoire.

It is interesting to observe Gil's thought process as she solves  
problems.  For example, she was disappointed with the lace sample on page  26 
because the threads did not fill spaces, as seen on the original  lace.  Her 
solution was to soak her sample in warm water, which  plumped up threads.  
(Reviewer's note:  it is suggested the water be  distilled or de-ionized).  
would be a good subject to discuss further  at individual lace meetings 
throughout the world, or on _Lace@Arachne.com_ (mailto:Lace@Arachne.com) . 
In looking at wide borders, it sometimes seems that several edgings have  
been joined.  However, Gil's studies and experiments revealed that  often a 
wide border was a single piece of lace, requiring many  bobbins.  She writes 
as if making samples is a wonderful lace puzzle  game.  The challenge is to 
get threads to where they are needed, and  traveling in the correct 
direction.  There is much to inspire and expand  skills. 
On page 34 is a memorable sentence worth keeping:  The flow of  your work 
will be much better if you watch the threads rather than constantly  
referring to a diagram or traced lines  
Quote from footnote 8 on page 56:  Low resolution images of hundreds  of 
16th and 17th century portraits in public ownership can be found on the  BBC 
Your Paintings website: _www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/_ 
Quote from footnote 14 on page 57:  See:  You should always look  twice, 
on the Understanding British Portraits website:  

One interesting observation in Book 4 was with actual collar and  cuff 
insertions on the same garment, the collar insertion being slightly  wider than 
the cuff insertion.   Gil realized a  modern lacemaker could make the collar 
lace insertion longer  so part of the yardage could be pulled slightly for 
the narrower  cuff lace.  However, she concluded that two different 
lacemakers made the  originals.  
We owe considerable appreciation to Gil for analysing details of  the many 
laces in this series.  Should you wish to do your own  research, she 
suggests studying cuffs, because they are less likely to be  gathered.  The 
cover photo of Sir John Done by Gheerarts (look it up  and enlarge) serves 
as an illustration of this.  Both cuffs are clearly  shown against dark green 
sleeves.  You'll love all the details in  this portrait!

First came the still-available 64-page acclaimed book:   Elizabethan 
Lace, in 1995, which many lacemakers have used and  loved.  In 2012, Gil Dye 
began issuing a series of four 60-page  books devoted to 16th and 17th century 
laces, published by Cleveden Press (Jean  Leader), in Glasgow.  All are 
lightweight and can be easily  carried with traditional lace equipment in a 
pillow tote  bag. 
These books all complement costume books of the period,  especially those 
written by the late Janet Arnold.  
Gil Dye's books are available in the U.S. from Van Sciver Bobbin Lace,  in 
Europe from Barbara Fay- Germany, and from other  lace suppliers from whom 
earlier books in this series have  been purchased.
The conclusion of this series sets Gil free to embark on other long-planned 
 research projects.  We are fortunate to have experts of this calibre  and 
commitment in our international lace community.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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Re: [lace] Review: Insertions Borders - 16th 17th C. Lace - Book 4

2015-06-23 Thread robinlace
 jeria...@aol.com wrote: 
Insertions  Borders - 16th  17th Century Lace - Book 4, by  Gilian Dye, 
published by Cleveden Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-9553223-6-5, 60 pages,  soft 
cover, amply illustrated in color and in black  white.Dedicated to the 
memory of Vibeke Ervo, Denmark.
Thanks so much for the review, Jeri.  Not only was it very helpful in finding 
out about this book (on a subject of interest to me); somehow, I missed hearing 
about any of these books--I have Elizabethan Lace but didn't know she'd done 
more recent early lace books.  I need to get those!

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

Parvum leve mentes capiunt
(Little things amuse little minds)

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