[lace] re Lace Museums

2015-04-13 Thread Louise Bailey
Dear Arachnes,

Just to add to the discussion. The amount of lace on display in the Cecil 
Higgins at Bedford, now rebranded the Higgins bedford has been drastically 
reduced since the remodelling (and I gather the same is true of Luton). 
Although the collection *is* still there and they do have occasional collection 
access talks, and will do study visits.  I was lucky enough to go to one just 
before Easter, I only heard about it at the last minute or I would have posted 
the info. Their Social History curator Lydia is actually learning  lace with a 
local group and we begged her shamelessly for more talks. 

A bit of better news is that the Fan Society is celebrating its 40 years with 
an exhibition of lace fans there during May which will be worth a look.

Fans-i-ful Lace
May 2015
Collectors gallery - Entry free
 The Fan Circle International are celebrating 40 years in 2015 and are marking 
the occasion with a display of beautiful lace fans for the month of May here at 
The Higgins Bedford.



In sunny Cambridge where we seem to have jumped from winter to summer in one 
day: frost this morning and a threatened 23C this afternoon. I am looking out 
for the first swallows.

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[lace] Re: Lace Museums in France 3

2006-07-15 Thread Ilske Thomsen

Dear LAcefriends,
Sorry for the delay but life isn't only lace. Hope I could finish it 

A bit more south we find Alencon and the Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la 
Dentelle. The other fantastic needle-lace museum. Here also a very fine 
done video and a big room full of fantastic laces in different 
techniques. All this in the second floor. Have a look at the first 
floor as well. there are the paintings. One of them showar a fairy 
tale about a poor lacemaker. The story is written there.
At the ground floor the temporary exhibitions take part. At the moment 
a big fashion show with the titleFroufrous  La Mode en dentelle de1865 
à 1905. Dresses and other things from noble people and rich normal 
people. But not only the big evening dresses also the things they wear 
at home. Very interesting.
The next day we reached Luxeuil-les-Bains in the east near Belfort. 
Those of you who are on the list since five years remember perhaps my 
report from that time. there take part a festival for lacefriends if 
needle-, bobbin- or mixed lace. The theme was The four Seasons for 
the exhibitions, for the fashion show and for the competition. People 
from whole Europe were there. For the fashion show Gabrielle Sonntag, 
the director worked together with a school class. The pupils designed 
and worked dresses and trousers for the four seasons and showed them 
themselves at the fashion show. During the other time all those things 
were in the exhibition room. Two very interesting lectures/discutions 
were held. And all the members worked in the conservatory or at the 
sales room to show the visitors how Luxeuil-lace is done. It's a mixed 
lace with machine made braids and handmade  needle-lace stiches. The 
little museum is open every tuesday and friday.
After some days there we traveled northwords to Chantilly. All these 
wonderful old laces, dresses,fans and other things Still house in only 
one room and can't be shown as they should. But it is a treasure and if 
you are in France don't miss it.
Another wonderful museum is La Musée national de la Renaissance au 
Château d'Ecouen. The laces there are breathtaking and I was lucky to 
be alone in there. The museum has fine tapesteries, paintings and 
furnitures from that time as well.

That's it, have a wonderful weekend


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[lace] Re: Lace Museums in France 2 (very long)

2006-07-12 Thread Ilske Thomsen

Hello Lacefriends,
Let's go along with the subject. From Bayeux it isn't a long way to 
Courseulles sur Mer. We arrived just before the Musée du Vieux C. And 
the lady was very sad to tell me that there aren't lots of laces. but I 
looked at them and found some interesting caps for folk-costumes, some 
lovely Chantilly laces, big drawings for a huge shawl and a few other 
lace related things. the rest of the museum is about all the other 
things belonging to this region during the last centuries. We call such 
a museum Heimatmuseum. The lady who was probably the director of the 
museum tried during that time to fone to the family which hosts the 
Polychrome Chantilly Laces. But again didn't get an answer. I heard 
from a lacefriend that the man died in january and since that time his 
widow doesn't appear in public neither answer the fone. that's a pity 
because this is the onliest point we could see such laces. I told 
everybody I met in Luxeuil and we discussed what to do. Perhaps 
somebody of you has an idea.
So we drove back to Caen sad and a bit soughtful. And Dp didn't know 
what to say.
We spent the afternoon at the museum of Caen. This museum shows the 
history and the cafts and trades of the town. So a bit of lace too. 
There you find a dress and a shawl totally from Blonde-lace, a dress 
for a bride. Unhappily there isn't a lot of light. Nearby some marriage 
thigs with or without lace. Bonnets for folk costumes in another corner 
and the story from Rose Durand who after 1927 tried to give children 
lace lessons.
The next day I reached needle-lace-friends paradise. South east of Caen 
you find Argentan. A lovely little French town. A bit outside the 
center situated in a beautifull garden with the lake Noé behind you 
find a very nice middle-class house from the XIX cent.  Today the House 
of Laces. It was closed for renovation and had just opened the first of 
june. On the rez-de-chaussee you find not only breathtaking Argentan- 
and Alencon-laces but the needle lace history beginning with Punto in 
Aria and Reticella.
One of the pieces, very long and about 30 cm broad looked as if it is 5 
cm high so three-dimesional because of the delicate way to put the 
different points together and because of the dent de loup -  
wolf-tooth. Do you know what this is If not I'll explain tomorrow.
They explain very understandeble the differnce between the both needle 
laces starting with the Point Royal de France and so on.
The laces have wonderful describtion and for those not understanding 
French they have sheets in other languages. And in a correct language. 
Because DP doesn't speak French he got an English one, the German one 
wasn't ready at that day.
On the first floor you find a collection of different bobbin lace 
pieces and in another room machine made laces. And they explain that 
those laces not only replaced the hand made but got their names as 
well. And today the name Calais Lace was synonym for Mechanical 
Before or at the end you can look at the video, which is really good 
but only in French.
And you can take some of the treasures with you in form of postcards. I 
have never seen such a selection. Also books and lace things but 
machine made ones.

By the way at the end I'll write you all the adresses on a list.
Greetings for today


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[lace] Re: lace museums in France

2006-07-11 Thread Janice Blair
Dear Ilske,
  Thank you for your posting about museums in France.  I hope to be in the 
Caen/Bayeaux area over Christmas week this year as my DD will be teaching 
English in the Rouen school district until May 2007.  We are hoping to rent a 
gite for the week, possibly in Honfleur.  Does anyone know if places close down 
during the week after Christmas Day?  I am also looking in the Alencon area 
where I thought I visited a lace shop/school when we were there a few years 
ago, DH seems to think it was a different town.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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[lace] Re: lace museums in France

2006-07-10 Thread Ilske Thomsen

Dear Lacefriends,
Just back from an exciting lace-travel for me and some other things for 
DP from France I'll try to send you my experiences.
First I was invited by a lace-friend to see her collection of lace 
pillows. This was near Cologne in Germany. After that we took our way 
to Caen. There we had a room with the window to the race court. There 
wasn't a race but we  saw the training one morning.
The next day we went to Bayeux. A lovely old town with a huge 
cathedreal and nearby the Musée Baron Gérard which is actually closed 
till 2010 for renovation. But parts of it house on the other side of 
the cathedreal in another old and lovely house. In several glass 
vitrines beautiful laces. A big part from the collection of this Baron 
Gérard born in 1770, his mother was Italiennne and his father French 
(like yesterday evening). He lives most of its lifetime in Rome as a 
diplomate. So most of its laces are from the time 1830 till 1880 and 
made in the manufacture of Auguste Lefébure. One of the brothers 
Lefèbure from Belgique, Grammont. And are Blonde or Chantilly-lace.
To start at the beginning, in this region lacemaking is known since 
1650 and tilll French revolution mostly in so called Hôtel-Dieu or 
Couvent de la Charité. What means under church care. Still under Louis 
XIV Colbert formed manufacturies.
Around 1830 there were 15 000 people making lace for their living. In 
1829 August Lefébure opend his manufature. And in 1891 the big crash 
was there too after the machines were able to imitate Chantilly-lace, 
so that at that time there were no more than 72 lacemakers.
In one of the vitrines you can see the original painting of The 
lacemaker from Penrose. In other ones laces in Torchon technique done 
in cotton only for underwear. And laces for bonnets from the time 
between 1860 and 1900. And a lot of other lace pieces in different lace 
techniques. And a few of these original designs for this huge shawls.

It was a real pleasure.
Next point, the manufacture. There also wonderful old laces are to seen 
but also some very modern ones. One of them this famous evening-dress 
whose whole upper part is done in lace for the house of Pierre Balmain 
a few ears ago. You can buy there silk, by the way this one some of you 
are looking for for an IOLI-class, also lovely bobbins, small books 
with patterns.
nearby is a shop selling old handmade lace and other things. Very 
expensive and not all handmade if I am right.
Than down the center the Tapestery of Bayeux. You know this famous 
embroidered tapestery on which the live of Guillaume-le Conquérant is 
shown. It's a must it's breathtaking believe me.

DP is hungry and if I am honest I too so I must stop here for today.


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