Re: [lace] Plays about Lacemakers, found it

2006-07-18 Thread bevw

On 7/16/06, Bridget Marrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know any more instances of lace in drama?

and  Bev answered

There was a brief article IIRC in a European lace magazine about a
modern play where, as the picture in the article showed, a female
character stands at a lace pillow on stage.

and I found it - in the Spanish magazine La Encajera, issue No. 9. It
is also the play mentioned in another message to the list, from
Australia - that is I think the message-writer is from Australia. And
I think she mentioned the same play.
(pathetic really, how 'I think' ~)

The article about the play was written by Lia Baumeister, and the play
is "Doña Rosita la soltera" by F. Garcia Lorca as performed by the
Poncel Group Amsterdam (about 1999, going by other dates in the
magazine). The original article seems to have gone through a few
iterations before it was printed in the English supplement to the
magazine - so I'll paraphrase it rather than quote it:
"The objective of playwright Frederico Garcia Lorca when he wrote the
play was to portray a hyprocritical provincial society. It is located
in Granada, Spain; Albaicín to be exact. In a subtle way the play
expresses the complex relation of Lorca with his birthplace. The aunt
in the play is a 'lacemaker.' The actress did not know how to make
bobbin but she did a very good job..."  Lia had designed a rose in
Schneeberger technique for the actress [presumably to have on the
pillow during the play]. The name of the motif is, fittingly, Doña

The picture I remember having seen is indeed in this magazine. The
Spanish-type pillow (cylindrical) has been rigged so that the actress
stands at it to make lace and to deliver her lines.

Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
blogging lace at

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RE: [lace] Plays about Lacemakers

2006-07-16 Thread Janette Humphrey
-Quote -

"Does anyone know any more instances of lace in drama?

Bridget, in Watford, England.
Just catching up with digests after a week away."

I had to come out of lurkdom for this one.  I costumed a show many years ago
called "Men at Arms" based on a book by Terry Pratchett, and one of the
characters in a high office made lace.  I gave him a lesson so that he could
make some semblance of lacemaking on stage, rigged up my pillow with some
lace and bobbins and with everything firmly attached it made it on stage!
After every show I fixed up the lace he 'made' and it was ready for the next
He didn't do a bad job at looking like he knew what he was doing either!

Janette Humphrey in Canberra, Australia

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Re: [lace] Plays about Lacemakers

2006-07-16 Thread bevw

On 7/16/06, Bridget Marrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know any more instances of lace in drama?

There was a brief article IIRC in a European lace magazine about a
modern play where, as the picture in the article showed, a female
character stands at a lace pillow on stage. I would have to sift
through the 'stacks' to locate which magazine and further particulars.
It could have been in La Encajera, Kantbrief or possibly Kniplebrevet.
Not much help, eh :(

Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins
blogging lace at

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Re: [lace] Plays about Lacemakers

2006-07-16 Thread Bridget Marrow
I was pleased to read (Sat, 08 Jul 2006) about the new revival of Shirley 
Gee's play "Ask for the Moon", and sorry I couldn't get to see it.  I well 
remember the original London production at (I think) the Hampstead Theatre. 
Shirley Gee was a promising playwright of the 1970s/80s who died far too 

The only other play I know featuring lacemakers as characters is "Le Baruffe 
Chiozzotte" by the 18th century Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni.  
("Hullaballoo on Chioggia" would be a rough translation).
It is set on the island of Chioggia in the Venetian Lagoon, where all the 
men are fishermen and all the women make lace.  It's a comedy about feuding 
families, and escalates to a ludicrous battle royal in which the women use 
their lace pillows as weapons!  I think they must have been the upright, 
cigar-shaped ones that are still used on Malta.
The play is written in a strong local dialect - not even standard Venetian - 
so it is not often revived even in Italy and I don't think it has ever been 
translated into English.

Does anyone know any more instances of lace in drama?

Bridget, in Watford, England.
Just catching up with digests after a week away.

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