[LARTC] (no subject)

2002-08-18 Thread noroozi

Hello every body,
I install Traffic control on the my system(Kernel 2.4.7),when I adjust rule on that,my 
network rate decrease,I don't know why,
In the normal operation I get 98Mbps ,but when I use cbq class ,and set the bandwith 
50Mbit I get 15Mbps, :(
what is the TC buttleneck ?
I am really wait for you help,

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Re: [LARTC] (no subject)

2002-08-18 Thread Eric Leblond

Le dim 18/08/2002 à 13:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 In the normal operation I get 98Mbps ,but when I use cbq class ,and set the bandwith 
 50Mbit I get 15Mbps, :(
 what is the TC buttleneck ?

The bandwith parameter has to be set to the physical bandwith (use in
internal computation), not to the deisirated one, use rate to specify
the bandwith of the class.

Eric Leblond
Tips and Linux: http://www.regit.org
 Computers are like air conditioners. They don't work when Windows are

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http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

[LARTC] Announce: Backport QoS from 2.4 to 2.2

2002-08-18 Thread Julian Anastasov


I'm happy to announce a QoS Backport from 2.4 to 2.2.
This is unofficial DiffServ v9 release (a.k.a DS-9).

This beta release includes some bugfixes after the last 2.2
release, known as DS-8, many files copied from 2.4.19, some definitions
and functions useful for keeping the interface for schedulers and
classifiers similar to the 2.4 one.

I'm planning to apply all 2.4/2.5 QoS fixes to this DS-9
tree, so the result should be fully functional net schedulers
for 2.2. As there are still some 2.2 specific parts, any kind of
reports are useful (even the good ones :)).

Any bugfixes and comments can be posted directly to me or
to the LARTC and/or DiffServ mailing lists.

Have fun!

DS-9 - QoS Backport from 2.4.19 to 2.2.21:

Changes between DS-8 and DS-9:


Julian Anastasov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LARTC mailing list / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

Re: [LARTC] HTTP traffic limiting

2002-08-18 Thread Radosaw oboda

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Alexey Sheshka wrote:
 Sorry for ugly english.
 /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle  -s x.x.x.x --sport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 199

And where is your tc filter statement? You must set some filters to catch
the traffic into corresponding class.

 But it doesn't work ! Users download files via HTTP at full 100Mb, but if replase
  last line with 
 /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle  -s x.x.x.x  -j MARK --set-mark 199
 they got 51Mbit.

Consider setting some TOS values, it could speed up some traffic if the
routers on the route are configured correctly. You could then attach the
traffic with each TOS to any of your HTB classes with tc filter statement.


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# `V__V' with a very small shell script. #

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[LARTC] Long delays

2002-08-18 Thread Radosaw oboda

I'm using HTB to divide my 115kbit (95kbit of actual speed - HDSL) link
for 10 people. IT seems to work fine for me. I have created such tree:

ISP --,   1:1  - rate 95kbit, ceil 95kbit, burst 10k
  +--1:10 - rate 95kbit, ceil 95kbit, burst 10k, prio 0
  +--1:20 - rate 30kbit, ceil 40kbit, burst 2k, prio 1
  +--1:30 - rate 30kbit, ceil 40kbit, prio 3
  `--1:99 - rate 40kbit, ceil 50kbit, burst 5k, prio 2

Filters based on TOS (packets are mangled by firewall):
- 1:10 - interactive class, low delays: SSH, telnet and some network games
(like MoH,Q3,Battle.NET)
- 1:20 - high reliability: WWW, mail, news...
- 1:30 - high throughput: KaZaA, FTP...
- 1:99 - default class

All classes get also the SFQ.

The problem is that when classes other than 1:10 are loaded, even
slightly, the delays on 1:10 grow too large, thus distorting heavily the
network games. When that classes are very heavily loaded, no reasonable
playing is possible.

I want to reduce the delays in 1:10 to the absolute minimum, especially
when the other classes aren't heavily loaded. What should I do? Too slow
CPU (P166MMX) ?


PS. What is the unit for burst: bit/s, byte/s, packet/s or something


#   |   p0wer|   #
#   __  |GG#1877248  |   #
#  (oo) | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   #
# / \/ \ Go away or I will replace you   #
# `V__V' with a very small shell script. #

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Re: [LARTC] Another sharing tehnique, is this possible ?

2002-08-18 Thread Stef Coene

 Say I have a internet link with 100kbits bandwith, then I want to share it
 between many clients (which will increase over time). Let's i start with 5
 clients with rate = 30kbits... See the total bandwith of users is 120kbits
 but I have only 100kbits So where is the problem I want to describe
 their bandwith like

 total 100kbits

  |__ user1 = rate 30kbits, ceil 30kbits
  |__ user2 = rate 30kbits, ceil 30kbits
  |__ user3 = rate 30kbits, ceil 30kbits
  |__  .
  |__ userX = rate 30kbits, ceil 30kbits

 U can say why I just don't calculate 100/5 = 20 and set for all users rate
 20kbits, ceil 30kbits, 'cause i will add more users in the future and will
 need to calculate again and again this value... also some of them may want
 30kbits other 10kbits etc (it is ok for them to get lower rates 'cause
 the speed is ungaranteed the user are not online 24hours a day and of
 course when bandwith got used to the max it will upgraded to better

 In fact what I want to say is : the max rate should be X but if the link is
 overused u will get lower speed ...?? One way this to be done is if I use
 something like this :

  rate 0 ceil desired-speed

 but is this possible, or if not what is the lowest possible value
 - Will proirity have be taken into account so that i can say some should be
 served better than other ? - the lower possible bandwith i will lend is
 9600bps .. yes we have such speeds the price here is big :(
Normally, each class gets the rate as a minimum.  After that, the remaning 
bandwidth is divided according to the proportions of the rate (more accurate, 
the quantums) but the classes with the lowest prio will be serverd first.  So 
only remaining bandwidth will be influenced with the prio parameter.

And giving a class rate 0 is a strange idea :) 



 Using Linux as bandwidth manager
 #lartc @ irc.oftc.net

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http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

Re: [LARTC] HTB equivalent for 'bounded' and 'isolated' in CBQ

2002-08-18 Thread Stef Coene

On Friday 16 August 2002 23:09, Amit Kucheria wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sally Floyd's Link sharing paper defines the following:

 1. Bounded class: class that is not allowed to borrow from ancestor
 classes, regardless of the limit status of those classes.

 2. Isolated class: class that does not allow non-descendant classes to
 borrow its unused bandwidth and that does not borrow bandwidth from
 other classes in turn
 How does HTB implement a 'bounded class'? I seem to see no constructs to
 be able to do this.
You can use the ceil parameter to bound a class to a certain rate.  With rate 
 = ceil, you will get the same result as the bounded option in cbq.

 The 'ceil' parameter allows us to implement a part of the 'isolated'
 definition above. By setting it equal to 'rate', the class does not
 borrow bandwidth, but what will stop other classes from borrowing its
 unused bandwidth?
Providing no ceil parameter means rate = ceil.  But this can not be used to 
implement isolated like in cbq.  Rate = ceil means the class can not use more 
bandwidth then it's rate.  Isolated in cbq means other classes can not borrow 
bandwidth from the class and that's not the same.  There is no way you can 
implement isolated with htb.  

But with htb you can do something like this :

Total : 100
class1   rate 20   ceil 20
class2   rate 40   ceil 80
class3   rate 40   ceil 80

class 1 is isolated like in cbq.  It can not use more then it's rate/ceil and 
class2 and class3 will never use bandwidth from class1, only from each other. 
 Just like the definition of isolated :)


Btw, I never could get isolated working with cbq.


 Using Linux as bandwidth manager
 #lartc @ irc.oftc.net
LARTC mailing list / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

Re: [LARTC] Another sharing tehnique, is this possible ?

2002-08-18 Thread Stef Coene

On Sunday 18 August 2002 21:56, Ivo De Decker wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 18, 2002 at 09:48:09PM +0200, Stef Coene wrote:
  Normally, each class gets the rate as a minimum.  After that, the
  remaning bandwidth is divided according to the proportions of the rate
  (more accurate, the quantums) but the classes with the lowest prio will
  be serverd first.  So only remaining bandwidth will be influenced with
  the prio parameter.
  And giving a class rate 0 is a strange idea :)

 Well, not really:

 There might be some sorts of traffic (eg backups) that aren't really
 prioritary. The classes of this traffic could use borrowed bandwith
 exclusively: if there is no other traffic (or not enough to fill the total
 available bandwith), the backups can happen, but if there is other (higher
 priority) traffic, the backups can wait till that traffic lessens (assuming
 this eventually happens, off course).

 The question is: is this possible?
If you have a total of 100, give backup 1 and the rest 99.  As long as there 
is no other traffic, backup can get the full bandwidth.  But if there is 
other traffic, it can use up to 99. 



 Using Linux as bandwidth manager
 #lartc @ irc.oftc.net
LARTC mailing list / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

[LARTC] filter in-cache traffic with tc

2002-08-18 Thread Fabian Gervan

Hello lartc, I am using squid in transparent mode, and bandwith control
with tc (htb). (redhat 7.3).
Currently I mark packets comming from 3128 (squid
port) to users, there are any way to filter the trafic if the object
that user request alreay is in the squid cache (hit)?
sorry for my english.
Best regards,
 Fabian  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[LARTC] Re: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #723 - 10 msgs

2002-08-18 Thread mikep02

Text Item
Description: Binary data

I will be out of the office from 8/19 until 8/23.  I will be returning on Monday
afternoon, 8/26, and will reply then.

Thank you,

Michael Pellegrino
Softerware, Inc.

Subject: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #723 - 10 msgs
Date: 08/18/02 21:26:02

This item was automatically created and contains MIME Information.

[LARTC] VoIP and QoS

2002-08-18 Thread Patrick Chan
Title: VoIP and QoS

There are two Linux routers, a 64K leased line is used
to connect these two machines. Now, we would like to run
Voice over IP between two machines. We have to run QoS and 
tag voice packet's TOS field,
otherwise, the voice quality is terrible if we transfer file
and make voice call at the same time.

I am not familiar with tc in Linux. But I have copied a script
from LARTC archives. If the following config is used, the situation
is better than nothing used. The voice packets can be tagged as 

tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:1 handle 2: pfifo limit 512
tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:2 handle 3: pfifo limit 512
tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:3 handle 4: pfifo limit 512
tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 divisor 1
tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip tos 0x21 0xff flowid 1:1

I don't know what it means exactly. But this is used, the voice quality
is bad at the beginning when file is transferred. The voice quality will
converge to be good after about 30 seconds.

However, this is not acceptable. Can anyone tell me what is the best
tc config for running VoIP? Thanks very much.

Re: [LARTC] filter in-cache traffic with tc

2002-08-18 Thread Alexey Talikov

Hello Fabian,
I recomend you use squid delay pools or WRR qdisc with patch for
see this links

Monday, August 19, 2002, 7:31:05 AM, you wrote:

FG Hello lartc, I am using squid in transparent mode, and bandwith control
FG with tc (htb). (redhat 7.3).
FG Currently I mark packets comming from 3128 (squid
FG port) to users, there are any way to filter the trafic if the object
FG that user request alreay is in the squid cache (hit)?
FG sorry for my english.

Alexey Talikov

LARTC mailing list / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

[LARTC] Re: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #725 - 2 msgs

2002-08-18 Thread mikep02

I will be out of the office from 8/19 until 8/23.  I will be returning on Monday
afternoon, 8/26, and will reply then.

Thank you,

Michael Pellegrino
Softerware, Inc.

Subject: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #725 - 2 msgs
Date: 08/19/02 01:27:39

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Today's Topics:

   1. VoIP and QoS (Patrick Chan)
   2. Re: filter in-cache traffic  with tc (Alexey Talikov)


Message: 1
From: Patrick Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:01:18 +0800
Subject: [LARTC] VoIP and QoS

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

There are two Linux routers, a 64K leased line is used
to connect these two machines. Now, we would like to run
Voice over IP between two machines. We have to run QoS and 
tag voice packet's TOS field,
otherwise, the voice quality is terrible if we transfer file
and make voice call at the same time.

I am not familiar with tc in Linux. But I have copied a script
from LARTC archives. If the following config is used, the situation
is better than nothing used. The voice packets can be tagged as 

tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:1 handle 2: pfifo limit 512
tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:2 handle 3: pfifo limit 512
tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:3 handle 4: pfifo limit 512
tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 divisor 1
tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip tos 0x21 0xff flowid

I don't know what it means exactly. But this is used, the voice quality
is bad at the beginning when file is transferred. The voice quality will
converge to be good after about 30 seconds.

However, this is not acceptable. Can anyone tell me what is the best
tc config for running VoIP? Thanks very much.

Content-Type: text/html;

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2653.12

PFONT SIZE=2There are two Linux routers, a 64K leased line is used/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2to connect these two machines. Now, we would like to run/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2Voice over IP between two machines. We have to run QoS and /FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2tag voice packet's TOS field,/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2otherwise, the voice quality is terrible if we transfer file/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2and make voice call at the same time./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2I am not familiar with tc in Linux. But I have copied a script/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2from LARTC archives. If the following config is used, the 
BRFONT SIZE=2is better than nothing used. The voice packets can be tagged as 

PFONT SIZE=2tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:1 handle 2: pfifo limit 512/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:2 handle 3: pfifo limit 512/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2tc qdisc add dev hdlc0 parent 1:3 handle 4: pfifo limit 512/FONT
BRFONT SIZE=2tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 divisor 
BRFONT SIZE=2tc filter add dev hdlc0 parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip tos 0x21 0xff 
flowid 1:1/FONT

PFONT SIZE=2I don't know what it means exactly. But this is used, the voice 
BRFONT SIZE=2is bad at the beginning when file is transferred. The voice quality 
BRFONT SIZE=2quot;convergequot; to be good after about 30 seconds./FONT

PFONT SIZE=2However, this is not acceptable. Can anyone tell me what is the 
BRFONT SIZE=2tc config for running VoIP? Thanks very much./FONT



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 09:05:12 +0500
From: Alexey Talikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Alexey Talikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Fortek
To: Fabian Gervan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LARTC] filter in-cache traffic  with tc

Hello Fabian,
I recomend you use squid delay pools or WRR qdisc with patch for
see this links

Monday, August 19, 2002, 7:31:05 AM, you wrote:

FG Hello lartc, I am using squid in transparent mode, and bandwith control
FG with tc (htb). (redhat 7.3).
FG Currently I mark packets comming from 3128