[LARTC] Routing NDAS ?

2007-06-22 Thread Andrew Lyon

I believe ndas devices (http://www.ximeta.com/web/technology/) use raw
Ethernet frames, as they require no tcp/ip configuration, the client
finds and authenticates with a code that is different for each device
sold, like a network mac address.

My pc is on a different segment to the ndas devices that we have, the
two segments are linked by a linux box that is doing routing and proxy
arp, can anybody suggest a way that I could access the ndas devices, I
can connect to a share on a server that is connected to one of the
devices, but that isn't very efficient :(


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RE: [LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4

2007-04-11 Thread Andrew Lyon

Sent: 11 April 2007 09:01
To: lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl
Subject: Re: [LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4

Andy Furniss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/04/2007 21:29:33:

  thanks for the info. First of all, in order to use the nth match you
  to patch your kernel using patch-o-matic.
 I think nth is in kernel now as part of the statistic match.

I was searching this yesterday afternoon and could not verify it.
Today I found it in the 2.6.18 kernel's changelog:

    [NETFILTER]: x_tables: add statistic match

    Add statistic match which is a combination of the nth and random

    Signed-off-by: Patrick McHardy ...
    Signed-off-by: David S. Miller ...

commit 62b7743483b402f8fb73545d5d487ca714e82766
Author: Patrick McHardy ...
Date:   Mon May 29 18:20:32 2006 -0700

¿ Does this match help you to solve the problem ?


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Your suggestion pointed me in the right direction, it is now working with
the following setup:

Kernel 2.6.20-gentoo-r4 x86_64
Iptables 1.3.7

Iptables rules:

iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -s localip2 -m statistic --mode nth --every 2
--packet 0 -j MARK --set-mark 111
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -s localip2 -m statistic --mode nth --every 2
--packet 1 -j MARK --set-mark 222

localip2 is one of the ip addresses from the /28 range that is routed to
both of our lines, in your example you said to add to PREROUTING, but the
packets are from the box itself so I changed to OUTPUT, so far that has not
caused any problems... any comments on that?

We only want to do per-packet load balanced for some local and some routed
ips, not all of them, some services cannot cope with the out of order
packets that arise from sending outgoing traffic through two different

IP Rules:

ip rule add prio 111 fwmark 111 table ADSLLink1
ip rule add prio 222 fwmark 222 table ADSLLink2

Both ADSLLink1 and ADSLLink2 already existed and contain a default route via
the router for line 1 or line 2, they also have routes for other subnets so
that for example I can ping our routers from my workstation which has a
private IP address, I wont show all the routes as the box has some 10 eth
interfaces and it is very long and confusing, but the important bit is:

ip route show table ADSLLink1 | grep default
default via router1 dev inet0

ip route show table ADSLLink2 | grep default
default via router2 dev inet0

This is currently working in combination with the ecmp routes that were
already in place, and that is working very well for us, services that suffer
when there are lots of OOOP's still get per-flow/cached route load balanced
over the two lines, and services that can handle a few OOOP's are getting
the full benefit of 2 x upload speed.

Iptables also gives me much more fine grained control of the setup, when I
have more time I will be making more improvements.

A final note, I got very confused for a while last night because whenever I
used iptables with -t mangle I got a error like this:

iptables --list -t mangle
target prot opt source   destination

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
FATAL: Module ip_tables not found.


It turns out that this is a issue with having ip_tables compiled into the
kernel, /sbin/iptables tries to modprobe it regardless of that and then
fails because it is not a module, I believe a fix was posted to netfilter
mailing list, I got rid of the error by making a dummy kernel module with
the name ip_tables, not a nice solution but it does suppress the error.

Many thanks for your help

LARTC mailing list

[LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4

2007-04-10 Thread Andrew Lyon

With kernel 2.4 I was able to use equalize to send our outgoing packets to
two different routers (our isp supports this setup), like this:

ip route add default src ip.a.dd.rr  equalize nexthop via router1 weight 1
nexthop via router2 weight 1

The two routes were used equally on a per packet basis, not per flow or per
cached route, but per packet, each line has 800k upload and with that route
we could upload to a single remote host at 1.6mbit.

We replaced the server with a newer one and changed to 2.6 (2.6.20) kernel,
I found that equalize no longer works as expected, it does choose a router
at random but once a single packet has been sent to a remote host the same
route/router is used for all packets going to that remote host. Once the
cached route expires a random route is chosen again, but that is not what we

I had made no changes to the ip route commands, but then I realised that
kernel 2.6.20 has options for multipath (IP: equal cost multipath with
caching support), I enabled that and now our kernel options are:


But even with these options, and default route set as follows:

ip route add default src ip.a.dd.rr mpath rr nexthop via router1 weight 1
nexthop via router2 weight 1

The result is the same, a single upload to a remote host only uses 800k
bandwidth on one of the lines, it does not send packets to both lines,
although two uploads to two different hosts will usually make use of both

It seems to me that the multipath with caching support is broken in 2.6.20?

The exact kernel we use is, with that kernel how would you specify
a remote route such that packets going to a remote host are sent 50/50 ratio
to two different routers?


LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4

2007-04-10 Thread Andrew Lyon

Sent: 10 April 2007 15:17
To: lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl
Subject: Re: [LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4

Hi Andrew,

I would use a combination with iptables. You should mark the packets, for
example using average or n-th, and then use ip rules to send half of the
packets vía one router and the rest to the other router according to the
marks you set with iptables.
Just a question ¿ dont you have problems with your source IP and the
returning responses when you are sending packets from one connection over
multiple routers ? ¿ do you have something like an AS ?

Best regards,
Eric Janz 

Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10/04/2007 14:36
'lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl' lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl

 [LARTC] equalize / ecmp not working as expected in 2.6 vs 2.4


Could you give me a example of how to do that? With nth if possible...

It is not common for a ISP to support that sort of setup, but they do

Each line has two ips, one for the router and another for the interface on a
linux box or other device, the isp routes a larger /28 down both lines, and
allows packets with source address in the /28 range to be sent through both

On my linux server I have a routing table for each line with the necessary
routes to make each router ip reachable, and a default route that equalizes
over both router ips, it worked with 2.4 but with 2.6 it seems to be
per-flow instead of per packet.

I can login to a control page app on the ISP website and configure which
lines a given block is routed down, and they also do really good traffic
monitoring etc http://www.aaisp.net.uk/cqm.html

PS. Please reply below original posting, not above!


LARTC mailing list

[LARTC] Routing / NAT for Multi Subnet Router

2007-02-09 Thread Andrew Lyon

I have a linux system which is router between several subnets (each also a
different segment), in total 3 different lans, 2 dmz, and 4 internet
connections, my default FORWARD policy is DROP, here is a simplified example
of my config with only two lan segments and internet connection:

Allow forwarding between lans

-A FORWARD -s lan1/mask -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -d lan1/mask -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -s lan2/mask -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -d lan2/mask -j ACCEPT

Are some of those redundant?

Then I want to nat anything that is not to one of the local subnets (i.e. is
going to internet), but the only way I can find to do that is to setup rules
to avoid natting between subnets:

-t nat -A POSTROUTING -s lan1/mask -d lan2/mask -j RETURN
-t nat -A POSTROUTING -s lan2/mask -d lan1/mask -j RETURN

And then a final rule to nat:

-t nat -A POSTROUTING -s lan1/mask -j SNAT --to-source lan.one.nat.ip

I used to have a rule like:

-t nat -A POSTROUTING -s lan1/mask -o internet-eth -j MASQUERADE, and that
worked because it only natted packets that were going to the internet, but
now I am using Equal Cost MultiPath and when that doesn't work well with
MASQUERADE, but it does work with SNAT, but with SNAT I cannot use a rule
like that.

Is there a better way to achieve what I desire?


LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Unequal Multipath Routing?

2006-06-29 Thread Andrew Lyon
Luciano Ruete wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 June 2006 12:01, Andrew Lyon wrote:
 That's probably an equalize bug, that does not take in account
 'weight' for packet balance. Equalize is unmaintained software
 Perhaps not so much a bug as a lack of functionality..
 Back to my original question then,  is there anything in 2.6 or a
 patch for 
 2.4 that could be used to do that? (4:3 ratio split of outgoing
 packets over two interfaces/gateways).
 Why you need the balance in a packet basis?
 If you use a vanilla kernel and simple multipath, then the radio 4:3
 should work ok. 

Simple.. we use apps that need more bandwidth than a single line can


LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Unequal Multipath Routing?

2006-06-29 Thread Andrew Lyon
Torsten Luettgert wrote:
 On Mi, 2006-06-28 at 16:35 +0100, Andrew Lyon wrote:
 Back to my original question then,  is there anything in 2.6 or a
 patch for 
 2.4 that could be used to do that? (4:3 ratio split of outgoing
 packets over two interfaces/gateways).
 If you aren't afraid of patching  compiling kernels, there is one
 solution. It's a bit ugly, but works (we sell bundled DSL lines
 using this method).  

bundled dsl is exactly what this is.

 The basic idea is to use the iptables ROUTE target to make exemptions
 from the default gw. 
 It works like this:
 First make a kernel with the netfilter random and ROUTE targets (can
 be obtained from patch-o-matic-ng, but they are removed from the
 current HEAD - you'd have to check out an older revision, or I could
 send you my copies which work with 2.6.16 and 2.6.17).   

I will get our box upgraded to a 2.6 kernel and give it a try, there is one
feature in 2.4 that we need at the moment but I think I found a 2.6 solution
for that a few days ago.

 Then, point the default route to the bigger pipe, and add an iptables
 rule like this: 
 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o (interface of default route) \
   -m random --average 43 \
   -j ROUTE --gw (ip of other gateway)

Makes sense.

 I only tried this with different interfaces for different upstreams,
 but thinking about it, it should also work if they are on the same
 43% is about 3/7, so about 3/7 of your packets would use the slower
 line. Next thing to worry about would be the downstream :) 

Our isp does the downstream already (its 50/50 but our lines are same speed
download), we have a /30 on each line (one ip for router, one for gateway
linux box), and a /28 which is routed down both lines, and ipv6 too, our isp
is very innovative, they built their own l2pp router which does all this and
more AA www.aaisp.net.uk 

 Some remarks:
 - If you can make the downstream work the same way, you have true
   packet-based bundling, so single connections will also experience
   the full bandwidth. Depending on how the downstream is configured,
   different things can happen (only one line used, downstream
   bundled per-connection, downstream is 50/50 instead 43/57).
 - if the lines have different latencies, packets can arrive
   in different order, so e.g. VoIP won't be pleasure
 - connecting to the modems from your box will need some more rules
   (packets would also be sent to the modem you're not talking to)
 - I'm not 100% sure the random match options are right, I used the
   nth match for lines of equal sizes (so it's round-robin), not
   random. One could also use a cascade of nth matches to make
   it round-robin 4:3 (abababa abababa ...)

I've already run into the out of order packets problem, pptpd supports this
but it seems to be a little buggy at reassembling packets, basically it
doesn't work so I had to move our vpn onto the /30 ips which are not bonded,
I used round robin dns to load balance our vpn clients across both lines,
crude but better than nothing!

Thanks for your help


LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Unequal Multipath Routing?

2006-06-28 Thread Andrew Lyon
Luciano Ruete wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 June 2006 05:19, Andrew Lyon wrote:
 Peter Surda wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 June 2006 15:16, Luciano Ruete wrote:
 how about:
 ip route add default nexthop via a.a.a.a weight 4 nexthop via
 b.b.b.b weight 3
 Not tested but i think it can work.
 tested, works.
 Yours sincerely,
 It works in so far as the command is accepted and there is no error,
 but having changed the default route and then doing a upload by ftp I
 can see that both lines are still getting 1/2 of the outgoing
 One upload means nothing, plain multipath(vanilla kernel, with
 multipath cached not set) take in account destination address(DA for
 convenience) and TOS. For each new pair of DA and TOS it takes the
 nexthop available. So doing an ftp to a single host will make no
 difference. Think in connections instead of packets, for a 'per
 packet multipath' you need to have same source address for all your
 choosed gw/isps and to patch your kernel. 

It am not using plain multipath, its equalized multipath using the patch

My upload was using both lines, our ISP graphs include bandwidth and I can
see the upload was approx 550kbit on each line, but the capacity is 600kbit
and 800kbit.

 I am fairly sure about this because both lines are adsl, when the
 upstream is saturated the latency goes up and this is reflected in
 graphs that our isp make available, the line with 600kbit upload has
 noticeably higher latency, the line with 800kbit does not.
 The latency problem is easy to solve, making your linux box to be the
 one who manage the queue, see section of LARTC HowTo. 

I am not trying to solve the latency, I was only using it as a rough guide
of whether the data was being sent in the ratio I expected to the two lines.

 Have you verified that it does actually distribute the packets in a
 different ratio? I think multipath is just random.
 As i say, each time a new pair of DA and TOS arrives it takes the
 nexthop, in the case mentioned above, it will choose 4 times the hop
 a.a.a.a and 3 times the hop b.b.b.b and so on.  

Yes, unless you are using equalize patch.

 It is possibly that you start a heavy http download and goes by a,
 and then a ping and goes by b, and then a new heavy http download and
 it goes by a again. So one line is saturated while the other is
 empty, thats why multipath works better(fairly) as the number of
 clients arise.

LARTC mailing list

[LARTC] Unequal Multipath Routing?

2006-06-27 Thread Andrew Lyon

I am currently using a 2.4 kernel with multipath routing patch v5 to send
outgoing packets in a 1:1 ratio over two lines, however the lines do not
actually have equal upstream bandwidth, one has 800kbit and the other
600kbit, so ideally I would like to send packets in a 4:3 ratio, is there
anything in 2.6 or a patch for 2.4 that could be used to do that?

I tried this ugly hack but it didn't seem to work:

ip route add default src my.ip.add.res  equalize nexthop via a.a.a.a weight
1 nexthop via b.b.b.b weight 1 nexthop via a.a.a.a weight 1 exthop via
b.b.b.b weight 1 nexthop via a.a.a.a weight 1 nexthop via b.b.b.b weight 1
nexthop via a.a.a.a weight 1

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LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Linux router performance

2006-06-01 Thread Andrew Lyon
xOn an AMD Athlon64 3200+ (2 GHz) I was able to saturate 2 PCI-Express
gigabit cards (but that was with 1500 byte packets). Never tried more
although the box has 6 interfaces capable of gigabit, 4 of them attached
via PCI-Express.

What NIC's are you using? Are they multiport or do you have several
pci-express single port cards?

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LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Problems with Routing and Masquerading

2006-05-30 Thread Andrew Lyon
AFAICR using MASQUERADE with multipath is not recommended (but maybe this
is outdated, plz correct me if I'm wrong)

I have had problems using MASQUERADE with multipath on a 2.4.31 kernel box,
with two outbound default routes I got messages about rustys brain broke
and things like ICMP etc suffered packet loss.

Not recommended, SNAT works perfectly :)

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LARTC mailing list

RE: [LARTC] Problems with Routing and Masquerading

2006-05-30 Thread Andrew Lyon
My apologies for sending email disclaimer crap to the list, I forgot the
magic string to prevent it from being appended :(.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Lyon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 May 2006 17:13
To: 'lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl'
Subject: RE: [LARTC] Problems with Routing and Masquerading

AFAICR using MASQUERADE with multipath is not recommended (but maybe 
is outdated, plz correct me if I'm wrong)

I have had problems using MASQUERADE with multipath on a 2.4.31 kernel box,
with two outbound default routes I got messages about rustys brain broke
and things like ICMP etc suffered packet loss.

Not recommended, SNAT works perfectly :)

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