Re: How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread Lin
It works! Thanks a lot.

How do I communicate with VME Bus via IOWorks? Visa Session?

2004-03-02 Thread laserguy
Board addresses have already been established.

Re: 1/x octave binning

2004-03-02 Thread Edward
Let me know if you find a VI to do the 1/3 Oct bins.
I like to do the same thing! Thanks

Re: How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread tbob
The I32 conversion icon is in Functions Palette -> Numeric ->
Conversion -> To Long Integer.  Wire the formula output to the I32
input.  The output will be of I32 type.

how can you create a test plan generator using labview

2004-03-02 Thread bob.k
I am looking to create a testplan generator using labview to help RF
Engineers translate test requirements into test parameters and wanted
to know how i can go about it.

Re: How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread Dennis Knutson
You can put the To Long Integer function (Numeric>Conversion palette).

Re: I need my spreadsheet data to be in floating point format.

2004-03-02 Thread soleater
I use the array to spreadsheet string to take in the data, then I
concatenate the date/time string to the end of the spreadsheet string,
then I use the write characters to file vi.  When I look at the data
sheet I saved it under, the data is correct along with the date/time,
but the data needs to be in floating point mode instead of whole

Re: Shared Library and DLL in C

2004-03-02 Thread Matthew C
Hello Carl,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

If I understand your situation correctly, you are trying to create the
equivalent of a LabVIEW DLL in Mac OS X.

In the Mac OS world, a shared library is known as a Code Fragment.  In
order to create a Code Fragment in Mac OS X, you will need to use a
Mac version of LabVIEW that includes the Mac OS Application Builder.
You can convert the VI(s) you have created in Windows to Mac and then
rebuild your stand-alone application.

Once you have rebuilt the application in the Mac environment, ensure
that you have the LabVIEW runtime engine installed on any Mac machine
that you are trying to call the Code Fragment (Mac DLL) on.  Also be
aware that to use the Build DLL functionality on the Macintosh, you
must have a full installation of Apple MPW (Macintosh Programmer's
Workshop), including ToolServer, on the computer.  You can download
Apple MPW at  It is not sufficient to have an
installation of the Code Warrior MPW.  It does not include the
necessary set of tools.

I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have further questions.

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: vi for factorials?

2004-03-02 Thread Enrique

Actually, that was the subject of one of the";>LabVIEW
Coding Challenges.";>Check
out the winner.

Enrique Vargas

Re: vi for factorials?

2004-03-02 Thread Enrique

Actually, that was the subject of one of the";>LabVIEW
Coding Challenges.";>Check
out the winner.

Enrique Vargas

Re: I need my spreadsheet data to be in floating point format.

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
If you are using the 'Write to spreadsheet' then set the
format connector (on the top of the vi connection in pink). Its a
string with a format

%[–][+][^][0][Width][.Precision][{unit}]Conversion Code

But is your source data to this VI already an integer ?

Perhaps you could post a diagram of your vi ?

Re: VI Link

2004-03-02 Thread waldemar.hersacher
Hallo Jan,

nennen wir das HauptVI VI_A und das ungew=FCnschte VI VI_B. Ist VI_B ein
VI an oberster Stelle in der Hierarchie oder ein SubVI? Mu=DF VI_A erst
gestartet werden, dass der Effekt auftritt?

Wenn VI_A erst gestartet werden mu=DF wird VI_B dynamisch geladen. Hier
hilft folgendes:
VI_A laden, das Suchen Fenster =F6ffnen (CTRL-F) und nach Text suchen.
Als Text den Namen des VIs angeben. Sofern der Name nicht aus einer
Datei gelesen wird oder sonstwie programmatisch erstellt wird sollte
das VI gefunden werden, das VI_B l=E4dt. Alternativ hilft eine Suche
nach der Funktion "Open VI Reference". Dies k=F6nnte jedoch viele
Treffer ergeben, die dann alle zu kontrollieren sind.

Wenn mit dem Laden von VI_A, ohne dass es ausgef=FChrt wird, VI_B
ge=F6ffnet wird, mu=DF VI_B ein SubVI sein. Dann sind auch alle Aufrufer
im Baum sichtbar und damit ist klar wer VI_B l=E4dt.


Re: clock where i need a pause in it

2004-03-02 Thread Shea C

I am starting to better understand how you would like your application
to execute. It sounds like if there is a fluctuation in the pressure
of the HPC you would like the VI to pause until you have a chance to
fix the problem and then it should continue when you press the pause
button on the front panel. If this is indeed how you would like the VI
to behave, you may want to take a look at the Wait For Front Panel
Activity function. This should allow you to pause the execution of the
VI until there is input from the pause button on the front panel. If
you want the VI to restart you might consider using an event structure
that would execute code (the HPC process) on the value change of a
control i.e. the reset button.

I hope these resources help. Let me know if these functions are
relevant to your application.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Re: Hitting Back Space in Remote Panel while entering character in string control

2004-03-02 Thread Shea C
Here is another link to Microsoft's page about the problem. You may
want to post the issue on their site to see if someone has found a way
to fix the problem since this happems for all applets running in IE.;en-us;235239&Product=ie

Hope this helps...

Shea C
Applications Engineering

Re: Beginner at LabView, Load Cell Force Measurement?

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
I note that the SCC SG04 has a 2.5v excitation voltage and the force
unit indicated is recommended at 10v excitation.

There is a 10v excitation unit which is the SCC SG24.
Anyway with a lower excitation voltage you get less mV output for a
force input which could mean that you loose ability to measure the
desired force as it would be 4 times smaller than recommended.

The smallest force unit is 50lb force full scale. This is quite a lot
for pressing a syringe isn't it? An alternative way of looking at this
is that you don't get enough resolution in the measurement if you
sensor range is too big.

I could have the wrong end of the stick for your application?

Best advice is to perform a simulation with some wieghts.

Re: AT-MIO-64E and digital output

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
Hi Thijs,

It's me again. I was hesitating to reply to this Q because I am busy
and answers of this type usually get a one start rating but,
TO h#$l with answer ratings!

You can not do what you are asking with that board with any degree of

Now if you wanted to do 10Hz and there was nothing else happening on
the machine, thne the answer would be maybe.

If you wanted to do 100Hz and you could tolerate jitter on the order
of 100 to 1000 ms, then the asnwer is maybe.

But, to do 1000 Hz deterministicly over 150 seconds, NO WAY! This will
only end up being an exercise in frustration.

You need hardware timing to get determinism on a non-RT OS.

Get another board that supports bufferd DO,
Mover to LV-RT
Live with indeterminism.

Bracing for a one star rating,


Re: Shared Library and DLL in C

2004-03-02 Thread Robert M
Hello Carl,

It looks like you are having trouble writing DLL files using LabVIEW
on Mac OS X.  I believe they now call them frameworks under OS X.
First, let=92s make sure you have the necessary software.  I=92m assuming
you already have the
>LabVIEW Application Builder for Mac OS.

Under Mac OS 9, you needed to download MPW (Macintosh Programmer=92s
Workshop) in order to write dll=92s in LabVIEW.  The OS X version of
this is called the Project Builder.
tutorial is made for Windows, but it should be almost identical
for a Mac.  I just tested making a dll file on Mac OS X, and it seemed
very similar to the process on Windows.

Let me know how far these suggestions get you, and if you need
additional help, I=92ll be happy to look further into it.

Have a nice day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

write to network analyzer HP8753D

2004-03-02 Thread Eren
I need to write some known data to the memory of HP8753D so i can
perform a data/memory calculation
I downloaded the drivers for the analyzer but it only has a driver to
write strings. Does anyone has a driver that could help me to write
and plot in screen.

How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread Lin
The result of formula box is a dynamic data. I need to change the
representation into an integer representation I32. How can I do this?

How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread Lin
The result of formula box is a dynamic data. I need to change the
representation into an integer representation I32. How can I do this?

Re: using FP-1601 with two PC's

2004-03-02 Thread Frank Rizzo

I have a 3 PC network with 12 fieldPoint banks.  I have problem after
problem with the watchdog settings and flash memory getting corrupted
although my *.iak file never changes. Do you have any of these types
of problems?  how do you manage you *.iak files? Does each PC have its

Re: Labview GPIB connection.

2004-03-02 Thread Matthew C
Hello Ninskaya,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

I am not seeing your attached VI.  If you still need help with this
issue, let me know.  Try reposting the VI you are using, and if
possible, provide a little information about the specific instrument
you are trying to communicate with.

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: About EWMA in SPC

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
In statistics there are always different methods of calculating the

' There are lies, damm lies and then there are statistics'

Anyway you don't say what method.
You might find the following of interest

Evaluations of some exponentially weighted moving average methods
Sonesson, Christian. (2001)

I need timed data logging with continuous graphing

2004-03-02 Thread soleater
I am graphing continuous temperature measurements, but I only want to
log onto a spreadsheet measurements every hour.  How do I do that?

error 1003 internal.llb

2004-03-02 Thread andreasl
I worked with a LabView Project for a while using LabView 6.1. Than I
installed at the same PC LabView 7.0 and recompiled everything. I
could build applications without any problem over the last 5 months.
Two weeks ago I copied my VIs to another PC with LabView 7.0
installed. After having made changes within some days I tried to build
an application for distribution I got the 1003 error. I ran
masscompile and recompiled the VIs, nothing changed.I reinstalled the
LV runtime and did many other things. What can I do to solve that
problem? The VI runs in the development environment without any

Re: AT-MIO-64E and digital output

2004-03-02 Thread Shea C
Hello Thijs,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding digital output timing. It sounds
like want to use software to write the digital points out at a rate of
1000Hz. When you mention that the wait command is not =93secure=94 I
assume that you mean it creates an output rate that is not accurate.
The wait function can be interrupted by software and therefore the
rate at which you are writing data out may not be accurate. Even
though there is no way to guarantee a rate of 1000Hz using software
there is a better function that you could use to make your output rate
more accurate. The Wait Until Next ms Multiple function waits until
the value of the millisecond timer becomes a multiple of the user
specified millisecond multiple. This can be found in the
Functions>>All Functions>>Time and Dialog palette. Use this function
in a For Loop to write points until the array of 15 points is

I hope these resources help. Let me know if I can further assist you.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Re: AT-MIO-64E and digital output

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
I notice in the HELP for Labview 6.1 that there is an example
"buffered handshake"

I suspect that this might do the job with some jigging of the

This example VI can only be used with boards that support handshaking
such as the 8255 based DIO devices, Lab and 1200 devices,
AT-MIO-16DE-10, DIO-32HS/653x devices, and AT-DIO-32F. This VI
transfers data from your digital DAQ board to an external device using
a two-way handshaking protocol.

Re: Convert strain to force

2004-03-02 Thread Conseils
See the other answer and

Labview 6.1
Select HELP | Find Examples | Search

Use the keyword Strain
Select the example
"Continous Strain Measurement"

Now Calibrate as required (suggestions below)

You can simulate the force measurement device if you know the
construction of the device used to measure the force. By constructing
an equivalent resistor network and adding a "Simulation" resitor.
Alternatively you can purchase bridge calibration hardware.

By weight.
In this instance I suspect some small Lab weights will be required or
use Brass Tacks and weigh them on a scale / balance then divide the
number of tacks by the weight obtained for the average weight of each

Coins would be a suitable alternative !! And you can recycle them
afterwards well buy a beer to celebrate :)

Re: arabic

2004-03-02 Thread JDesRosier

In order to display Arabic text in LabVIEW, follow the directions on
the following post:";>
Click Here 

I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can further assist you.

Best Regards,

Joe Des Rosier
National Instruments

Re: Communicating Between Built LV App.s

2004-03-02 Thread Mads
Which he will have available if he installs a loop-back card driver
(comes standard from Microsoft)...

Re: What property settings to I need to set in order for VISA...

2004-03-02 Thread bearcat61
At the beginning of the top-level vi, the port is configured with the
correct settings...however, I found an error in my
programming...inside one of the subVIs, I was closing the VISA
session, and very quickly "re-opening" the port with a Read command
without re-initializing...and this time the port was configured by
LabView using the default settings, hence, the garbage characters...
Thanks for your time...

Re: "Fatal internal error:"memory.cpp",line 593"

2004-03-02 Thread Robert M
Hello wewe,

At first glance it looks like your memory error may have something to
do with your for loop that it initializing elt[i] =3D 0.  When you
define that struct, you set elt as a single element array.  In the for
loop, you are trying to access 500 elements of that array.  You are
indexing out of that array and probably setting all the memory after
it to 0.

Hope this helps.  If not, let me know, and I=92d be happy to look
further into it.

Have a nice day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: How to programmably control the 3D plot, switching from greyscale to colorgram?

2004-03-02 Thread BLpig
hi, thank you so much! It works for me.
But one more step is, I also need to change the colormap or the
colorvalues property as well (do they need to specify together?) since
like for greyscale, I want to have my 0 value mapping to white and 3.5
value mapping to black. I think maybe I can work this out with the
CWPlot3D.ColorMapColors and ColorMapValues ... but haven't figure out
how to do it.

How to do this?

Re: Using Labjack U12 to control stepping motor with Labview

2004-03-02 Thread Uha
Do I need to configure the Labjack with the Measurment and Automation
Tool in order to use it and if I do, how would that be done?

Re: Communicating Between Built LV App.s

2004-03-02 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
It will work fine but still requires TCP for VI Server operation...

Re: Communicating Between Built LV App.s

2004-03-02 Thread Mads
To get access to TCP/IP, UDP etc. on a PC without a network card you
can install a virtual network card / loopback card. As far as I
remember you can find it as an option if you try to add a network card
in the add device panel...

We've used this on some occasions to be able to use our tcp/ip based
client/server solutions on PCs without a network card.

To comment on the que thread: The OpenG Toolkit includes a remote que
solution. I highly recommend it, you can find it on

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
No Problem!

If it wasn't for the "Big Boys", I would have given up playing in this
sandbox along time ago!

I'll try to rationalize this behaviour in the background.

I'll post if I think of something.


Re: Application restarting

2004-03-02 Thread Scott Hannahs
At 4:25 PM + 3/2/04, Craig Graham wrote:
> > I have a Labview application which is meant for test and measurement
>> application to test some the units in production,
> > Randomly this application is restarting the system ( running on Win98SE OS

>Ditch that for a start. Go for an NT derivative- NT4, Win2K or XP. Or a
>modern Mac. Or Linux. In fact, anything other than the Win95/98*/ME stream.

Craig is right!  That is normal expected behavior for a DOS derivative O/S!


Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread CoastalMaineBird
If I set the "wasteTime.VI" as sub-routine, the undesirable effect
goes away!

Hmmm - that works for me too.  In the real case, the "Object" has a
subVI which has a subVI. I have to set those to subroutine as well,
because a subroutine cannot call a non-subroutine priority VI.  But I
think that's OK, in my case.
If I do that, I get times of 8-9 mSec on the real object!

I didn't try subroutine because I thought it would be the same as the
other above-normal priorities - guess I was wrong.

Still don't understand why, though.

Thanks for your eyes!

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
If I set the "wasteTime.VI" as sub-routine, the undesirable effect
goes away!

I am guessing that on every call of the waste time VI the non-running
VI is checked to see if it wants access to the sub-VI when it is set
for higher priority.

This does not naswer your WHY Q!

I'll watch to see if others can expalin this behaviour.


Problem OPC server datasocket display real voltage

2004-03-02 Thread daniau
I use an interface box Advantech ADAM 5000/TCP ethernet ( +/- same
Compact Fieldpoint ) and a 16 analog inputs channels bloc. I generate
a signal from a device, value for this signal is 1.35 Volts by example
or all real voltage ( between and 5. Volts ). I use an
Advantech OPC server. I read this value with Labview 7.0 and
datasocket connection. I want display this value in a waveform graph
and a numeric display. When I start application I see the correct
value during 1 second, after this time, value is rounded to 1 Volt (
by example ) or truncated.

Example : If real value generated is 1.350 Volts, when program start,
during one second, this value is displayed correct 1.350 inside the
graph and the numeric display. After this time, the graph display a
continues line with a value 1 Volt. But inside OPC Server this value
is correct all time 1.350 Volt.

I use a While Loop for including a "Read DS", a "Variant to Data"
transformer and a Graph + a display numeric value. Setting for all is
DBL ( Dubble ) No timeout is using and the conversion data type for
variant is a constant 0,00.

What could be the problem ? Thanks.

Re: What's the best way to store test parameters for future use?

2004-03-02 Thread Jim Kring
I like INI files, too.  If you are looking for an easy way to read and
write your parameters to INI, take a look at the>Variant
Configuration File IO Library of the>OpenG Toolkit.

Table cell width: settable programattically in terms of number of characters?

2004-03-02 Thread DonRoth
I am currently have a table control with column headers and I would
like to have all of the cells of any particular column to have their
widths equal to the number of characters in the header string of that
column  Is this possible to do programmatically?

Currently, I see the cell width and height may be settable (despite
what property help says) but only in terms of pixels.  I suppose I
could determine the ratio of pixels to character size so as to cludge
a way to come up with cell width in terms of number of characters.
Any comments?



Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread CoastalMaineBird
If the OBJECT is set to: the time is :

 NORMAL - OTHER1  29.2 mSec

All of that with the phony caller (that's not running) set to TIME
CRITICAL (or anything above NORMAL).

Any clues there?  Looks like thread makes no difference...

Re: Programmatically changing the "message" for the express VI prompt user for input

2004-03-02 Thread Robert Stephen
Sorry, sorted it. Just noticed a property node reinitializing all the
controls and indicators to default values happening after I changed
the message. Correct execution order has now stopped this

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread CoastalMaineBird
How about if everything is set for the same thread? This would rule
out the thread swapping theory.

--- That's where we came in.  I just double checked, and everything is
set to NORMAL - SAME ExeSys AS CALLER (Non re-entrant).
The times are about 11.4 mSec.
If I set the DUMMY priority anywhere above NORMAL, I get 28 - 29 mSec

Convert strain to force

2004-03-02 Thread RedSeal
Can anyone tell me how to obtain continuous force values?  I will be
measuring the compressive force applied to a load cell by an epidural
needle.  I am having problems converting the voltage from the load
cell to force units.  Any example codes would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
Sorry for the distraction but,

How about if everything is set for the same thread? This would rule
out the thread swapping theory.

Please let us know what you find.



Re: What property settings to I need to set in order for VISA...

2004-03-02 Thread tbob
Usually, garbage characters are an indication of a baud rate or parity
mismatch, or maybe a stop bit or number of data bits setting.  Make
sure that you have configured your port correctly with VISA Configure
Serial Port.  I have used VISA serial successfully many times.

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
I agree the re-entrant doesn't get us anywhere but it does tell us

When re-entrant we have seperate copies of the VI so one instance ends
up in each execution system and there is no need to swap threads.

I suspect the VI just being loaded is enough for force the thread

If you specify the the thread, how do your numbers look?


Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread CoastalMaineBird
Is the "object" configured to run in the "Same thread as
But that doesn't explain (to me) the connection - given that one
execution path is not even running, why is the other penalized?


If I make the object RE-ENTRANT, the execution time is back to
"normal", regardless of priorities.  That's not a real solution for
me, as I have shift registers within the object I need to keep, but
maybe it's a hint as to what's going on.

Re: Beginner at LabView, Load Cell Force Measurement?

2004-03-02 Thread RedSeal
Thanks for the help.  Do you see any problems with using the load cell
found at this site:
I will be using it measure the compressive force of an epidural
needle.  Thanks again.

Re: What's the best way to store test parameters for future use?

2004-03-02 Thread Robert Cole
Personally, I would store the parameters in an .ini file. In the File
VIs are the Configuration File VIs and they are really good for
reading sections and keys. You could have one large .ini file with a
section for each instrument or you could create an .ini file for each
instrument. Either way, you can save your parameters in the keys and
get them back later.

I lean towards having fewer .ini files and keeping things a little
cleaner in the file structure.


Re: What's the best way to store test parameters for future use?

2004-03-02 Thread Robert Stephen
I'd suggest a seperate tab delimited text file to store these as an
array and use "read file" and "spreadsheet string to array" vis to
read the data, then just index and search it correctly to recover the
data, using property nodes to populate the ring controls and other
controls and then "array to spreasheet string" and "write file" to
save it if you're programmatically entering tests. Otherwise just edit
it in Notepad or whatever.

RE: Good Programming Practice?

2004-03-02 Thread Paul F. Sullivan
George et al.,

A somewhat dated but functional example of using LV2-style globals to 
move GUI code out of the main VI is downloadable from my LabVIEW page 
( as, appropriately, "GUI as 
SubVI". I don't think there is anything there that others have not 
already described, but sometimes it helps to see a concrete example.

Sorry to be late to the discussion, but I've been on vacation.

Paul F. Sullivan

SULLutions  (781)769-6869
"when a single discipline is not enough"

Programmatically changing the "message" for the express VI prompt user for input

2004-03-02 Thread Robert Stephen
I was setting up the express vi "prompt user for input" and wandered
if it was possible to programmatically change the message like the
"Display Message to User".
I tried converting to a sub_vi and adding a control, wiring it to the
indicator, hiding the control and adding the input to the connector
but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Any suggestions?

What's the best way to store test parameters for future use?

2004-03-02 Thread scubadude
I'm creating a test stand that will perform various "standard" tests.
Each of the tests has it's own setpoints (integer numbers) as well as
some string values that are stored in the log file with the data.

What is the easiest way to store these setpoints and strings so that I
can pull them into the VI in the future, say by  selecting a test type
from a ring control, etc.?

I would also like to make this dynamic so that new test types can be
stored from the vi. (i.e. I don't want to have to hard code all the
future tests and their parameters).

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-02 Thread Ben
Hi Coastal...

This is just a wild guess.

Is the "object" configured to run in the "Same thread as caller"?

We may be seeing some thread swapping going on here.

Done guessing! Please keep us posted.

Certified LabVIEW Developer

What property settings to I need to set in order for VISA...

2004-03-02 Thread bearcat61
What property settings to I need to set in order for VISA Serial Read
to read ASCII exactly like the legacy serial read vi?

I have successfully built a vi which communicates with a piece of
equipment via the serial port using ASCII characters.  I am trying to
replace the older versions of Serial Read and Write VIs with the VISA
Serial Read and Write VIs.  The VISA Write works fine, but the when
reading data coming from the "box", the VISA Read VI returns string
data with foreign looking characters instead of the usual correct
ASCII characters as shown by a dumb terminal which is in parallel with
the serial data line.  Is there a special property node which needs to
be configured on the VISA Serial Read vi, or do I need to set
something on the VISA Configure Serial port vi?

Why aren't the VISA serial vis compatible with the older serial vis?


Re: [A] Infinite continuous logging of 16 TV (A+V) channels

2004-03-02 Thread Tom Hawkins
"Roman Golubovski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

>A friend from a TV station would like to set a system for 
>continuous 24h (or on-demand) recording of 16 TV channels 
>(composite or AV) with professional quality.

Presumably they have heard of tape recorders, they're after a computer-based solution 
for whatever reason and this is why they asked Roman...

Do they want to do something like maintain a recording of the last 7 days of output, 
and have random access to it to review/archive certain segments? Somebody like Avid 
( will probably build them a system to do that, but it won't be 
cheap! An alternative might be to have a suite of PCs or Macs running standard video 
capture and editing software like Apple Final Cut Express or Adobe Premiere. You'd 
have to think about how the 'continuous' recording was going to work in that case - 
maybe rolling over from one file to another every few hours using some kind of 
software scripting, depending on what those packages are capable of. I don't know of 
any solutions in between those two, but that doesn't mean they don't exist...

As for data rate and disc space, I believe DV is generally considered the entry level 
for 'professional' quality, and a DV stream is 3.6 megabytes per second.

Dr Tom Hawkins
High Throughput Screening Analyst, Associated Octel ltd
PO Box 17, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 4HF, UK
+44 (0)151 355 3611  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Email provided by

Re: encryption/decryption programs

2004-03-02 Thread Enrique

Check my page at

Also, make sure you contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-02 Thread Dennis Knutson
Do you have an NI GPIB board? If you do, you might want to check the
installation of VISA software and even try doing a re-install. I'm not
sure what the LeCroy software might be doing but another thing to try
is to make sure it's closed and not running when working with MAX.

Re: How to use Labview to control measurement in a vector network analyzer?

2004-03-02 Thread Dennis Knutson
Usually, there's a VI in the driver called Getting Started. Look for a
palette item called Application Examples and see if it's there.
Depending on who wrote the driver and when, it might be in a different
location. A Getting Started VI is a high level example of using
several of the different functions to control an instrument. I would
also suggest turning on Show Context Help and as you browse through
the driver's palette, you will see descriptions of what each VI does.
If you are familiar with the operations of the instrument itself,
you'll probably be able to get some clues as to which VIs you need in
your application. Any of the VIs you should be able to open and after
setting the correct GPIB address, run it and see what they do.

How to programmably control the 3D plot, switching from greyscale to colorgram?

2004-03-02 Thread BLpig
I am using the 3D parametric surface vi to plot a 3D matrix. It should
be displayed either as a colorgram or greyscale plot, controlled by
the users. But currently it seems like I just can stop running the
program and then manually right click the display area, select the 3D
plot properties to change ... How can I realize this by programming?

Re: VI Link

2004-03-02 Thread Chris_de
Es w=E4re vielleicht hilfreich das Hauptprogramm mal hier zu
posten..falls es nicht zu riesig ist.

Re: , instead of . depending on PC

2004-03-02 Thread Jonnie 5
>From the LV 6.1 help files (search "decimal"):

Front Panel Options Page
Select Tools=BBOptions and select the Front Panel page from the
pull-down menu.

Use this page to set front panel options.

Use localized decimal point=97Uses the decimal separator for the
operating system instead of the period. Place a checkmark in this
option if you want LabVIEW to operate within the system configuration.
Remove the checkmark from this option if you want LabVIEW to use
periods in all cases for the decimal point.
 Note  Changes to this option take effect the next time you start LV

Re: , instead of . depending on PC

2004-03-02 Thread Randall T
You may set the options for LabVIEW to always use the decimal point.
On the menu select Tools>>Options Select the Front Panel Options.
Remove the check mark from the option, =93Use localized decimal point=94.
This option will take effect next time you start LabVIEW.

Note I am fairly certain that this must be done on each machine you
are running the application from.


Re: VI Link

2004-03-02 Thread Plom
Wenn LabView gestartet wird und anschlie=DFend das gew=FCnschte VI geladen
wird, so wird au=DFerdem ein VI ge=F6ffnet, welches bereits seit
Ewigkeiten nicht mehr ben=F6tigt wird. Es hat keinen Einflu=DF auf das
Programm. Wo die Verkn=FCpfung mit dem Hauptprogramm liegen soll, ist
mir derzeit schleierhaft. Nachdem ich das ungew=FCnschte Objekt
geschlossen habe ( Alt-F4 ), wird es auch nicht mehr im Baum

Wie kann man diesen ungew=FCnschten Effekt beheben?

MfG Jan Schoner

, instead of . depending on PC

2004-03-02 Thread rdubosq
I have two labtop with Labview 6.1 installed.
On one, when I use numeric control, decimal separator is ','. On the
other PC, separator is '.'
I have not been able to find anything related to this configuration.
This make my application fail becasue my instrument need .

Re: encryption/decryption programs

2004-03-02 Thread Urs
I got some binary files which I should encrypt/decrypt with LabVIEW.
It seemed to me, that you have here quite what I'm searching for.
Unfortunately I'm unable to open the link above.
Do you have changed the location of your software and where and how
can I find it now?

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

Understanding the Pattern-Matching algorithm

2004-03-02 Thread pellman
I have a user that decided to look for a pattern that is a quarter of
the size of the image in a basically grey image with some very small
contrast differences in the pattern. This was done to verify
consistency (I'm not sure it is a valid test). Most of the time the
pattern is found with a score that varies with the noice in the image,
with sccores around 500 to 800. Now and then the search fails
completly with no score. My question is: Will the algorithm used
sometimes fail due to that it finds so many matches that a good
decision can't be generated or is there some other explanaition on
this case.

Re: how do I adapt a Labview VI designed to control a Lenze...

2004-03-02 Thread Chris_de
I don't have the NI-CAN drivers installed, so I can't analyse your VI
completly, but my first guess would be, that the CAN Interface of your
second Lenze drive is not configured correctly.
Your first Lenze drive has 1473 as Send-ID for the CAN and 1601 as
Receive ID for the CAN. To control the second Lenze drive you have to
configure it with different IDs and adjust the numbers in the VI

A CAN interface/device only listens to the messages send with an
CAN-ID that configured as receive ID in the interface/device.

I hope this helps a little.


Re: why the output strings are error codes?

2004-03-02 Thread Chris_de
I don't have any software installed that can handle rar, would help if
you would post a zip

Re: How to read Serial number of the DAQ card that is connected...

2004-03-02 Thread Nick Storton

   You could try using the in the Data
   Acquisition>>Calibration and Configuration Palette. Just create a
   constant on the info type input and select serial number and wire the
   task ID this will then return the serial number in string format.

Hope this helps,


I'm using the simulation interface toolkit V2.0 but it works...

2004-03-02 Thread barbara
I'm using the simulation interface toolkit V2.0 but it works only the
first time after the installation. When I restart again my computer it
doesn't work any more. Why??

I'm using labview 7 on a pc with windows XP. We are trying to use the
new simulation interface toolkit V2.0. When I install it and soon
after I use it everything works good (except that the SIT connection
manager is run two times in Matlab but this doesn't affect thefunction
of the system). When I shut down my computer and I restart again the
SIT doesn't work anymore (I can't even select the simulink file)unless
I install the toolkit again. I've tried to patch it with the V2.0.1
but the problem still remains. Does anybody has the same problem? or
anybody knows how to solve it?

How to read Serial number of the DAQ card that is connected...

2004-03-02 Thread Project Support
How to read Serial number of the DAQ card that is connected to the
system automatically when the VI is running?

I am using Different DAQ cards in every system and I want to display
the DAQ card serial number in the Screen.

Please help me in this regard.

How to create a potentiostat

2004-03-02 Thread Harbi21
I have to measure responsitivity of solar cell in "short circuit" i.e.
"O Volt" applied. Is it possible to use NI Card for it ?

Re: Using Labjack U12 to control stepping motor with Labview

2004-03-02 Thread matthias.richwin

the LabJack cannot be set-up for regular LabView DAQ.

But: There are vis in the LabJack distribution, located somewhere
under C:\Programs\LabJack (look out for ljackuw.llb). There are also
several examples. The vis simply mirror the corresponding c library
functions, as they are described in the LabJack documentation, so that
should be a good starting point.

Best regards

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-02 Thread ninskaya
Hi Dennis, I'm sorry for all these questions. The clicking of the
right VISA arrow doesn't give me any VISA resource names on my system.
I did a scan with Max which tells me that I don't have any GPIB
connection (which isn't the case), altough when I check on Scope
Explorer it tells me that I'm connected to GPIB and gives me its


Re: Confounded and Ranting

2004-03-02 Thread Uwe Frenz
Hi all,

this seems to be a problem for many of us ;-(

I am a member of the 'full control' fraction - I prefer having all 
components including from VI.lib in a separate project folder - in order to 
limit verrsion influences etc.

In one of my bigger project I created a little VI analyzer tool that checks 
for a given VI hirarchy, if all components are loaded from the very same 
position (folder).

Chasing this little tool over the main vi of a given project has helped me 
several times and has forced a clean project over time.

If anyone is interested in this little tool (, 
45 kB), I'll gladly send it out opr to place it somewhere on the net. It 
is, however, just roughly translated from German and from LV6.02German.

Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz
Dr. Uwe Frenz
getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG
Oderstr. 59
D-14513 Teltow
Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
Fax   +49 3328 39 42 99

Re: How to use Labview to control measurement in a vector network analyzer?

2004-03-02 Thread ccc
I have installed the required driver and have read through Chapter 16
but I still not sure how to get started.

In Chapter 16, it says that I should begin with Getting Started VI.
Can I know where do I find this command/menu? When I load LabView, I
clicked New Read and Display.