Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-16 Thread Ben

How about an image of how these sub-VI are being called.

The extensive use of Globals makes me nervous but I can not spot
anything solid that would cause me to suspect a race condition.

Images of these VI's being called will shut me up.


Create histogram express vi

2004-03-16 Thread Paulo07

I'm trying to use the express vi create histogram, but I want to be
able to control the values of the maximum and minimum and perhaps the
number of bins at run time. Is this possible or is it only changeable
in edit mode? Thank you very much for the help!

How do I get an ActiveX Reference to sheet that is already open.

2004-03-16 Thread Ed Dickens
I need to get a reference to an Excel sheet to write some data to. The
problem is the workbook is not opened by ActiveX and I can't seem to
find the right combination of Methods and Properties to get the

This is on WinXP, Office XP and LabVIEW 6.1.


Re: while loop causing problems with sent commands?

2004-03-16 Thread Jeremy Braden
I cannot see anything wrong with the telnet side of your code, but I
am no telnet expert.

On the LV side of your code, you may want to move the boolean
terminals inside of the event that pertains to them.  This way your
buttons will pop up after the event is fired.

Re: How to close certain subvi front panel?

2004-03-16 Thread lihui
i think my prob. with this is that i dont want my subVI to close
unless i specify them. i will post my program tomorrow thanks.

I actually need a button in my mainVI to reset mainVI front panel
settings and close subVIs (that is opened). And this button is suppose
to be able to work anytime. Thus the prob. arise when my subVI is not
opened and "close FP method" cannot work. Any better ideas to make
such buttons could be helpful.

Re: How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-16 Thread ksem
A note on the "close listener" diagram:  The "abort" input terminal
was documented as being ignored, though I still tried giving it a
"true" when the default "false" didn't seem to work.

Re: How to close certain subvi front panel?

2004-03-16 Thread lihui
Thanks. I will try this method. But it means that i have to read every
one of my subVIs?(Pls correct me if im wrong.) And if thats the case
its alot of them. Is there any way to get hold of any reference to the
front panel that is opened?

"Hi,I'm having problems controlling the Agilent E4422B...

2004-03-16 Thread JAF
"Hi,I'm having problems controlling the Agilent E4422B Signal
Generator with Labview.  When using the Labview driver functions such
as initialize instrument I always get an Error -1074135040.

I can query the device through the measurement and automation tool.  I
can also Identify the instrument by issuing a *IDN? with VISA write
and read.  Why do I get this error while using the drivers supplied by
NI for this equipment?  Any Ideas?

Re: Why DB Tools Execute Query can't work correctly?

2004-03-16 Thread Shea C
Hello cnxht,

Thank you for your question regarding the DB Connectivity Toolset. You
mentioned that you were trying to use the DB Tools Execute
but you can=92t select certain data in a MS access database using the
SQL that you mentioned. You may want to use single quotes around the
=912004-3-12=92 string. The following is an example from the sqlcourse
website that might help.

This will only select rows where the first name equals 'Eric' exactly.

select * from empinfo
   where first =3D 'Eric';

For more information on SQL, take a look at the following website:

Re: Displaying a custom graph

2004-03-16 Thread mkess
 Your re-wiring suggestion worked.  The graph now functions as I had
hoped it would.  Also, up to this point I havent had any problems with
freezing.  I have my fingers crossed that the wait function also
worked.  Thanks for all your help.  Due to your knowledge of my
program, is it ok to add a comment in this thread in the future if  I
have a problem?

thanks again,

Re: How do you open a specified Labview Vi from a different Labview Vi?

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
It sounds like you can do this like Dennis said.  Maybe try using a
state machine architecture.  hope this helps.

Re: How to close certain subvi front panel?

2004-03-16 Thread Robert Cole
One of the things that you might try is that the property node for
front panels includes the Front Panel Open property that you can READ
to see if the panel is open before you try to close it. It's a boolean
so easy to build a case structure after it.

Hope this helps.


Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
One more thing jbao,

THe best way to thank someone on this exchange is to give the best
answer a four star rating.

This way others in the future can quickly find the answer to their

Have fun,


Re: serial VISA not sending output until closed

2004-03-16 Thread tmh
Just for the record - since this question came up for me recently -
the official answer is that VISA 3.0.1 does support LabVIEW 5.1. In
fact it should support any older version of LabVIEW, but that may not
be tested/officially supported. See";>here...

Re: How do you open a specified Labview Vi from a different Labview Vi?

2004-03-16 Thread Wes Galliver
When an Emergency Stop 'button' is pressed I wish to jump into a
different Vi which will allow me to restart a sequence of events. When
this Vi is complete, i want to return to the original Vi, containing
the emergency stop function. I will try the SubVI method (I'm not a
very experienced user though...).

Re: Generating a pulse train

2004-03-16 Thread Jeremy L
Hi Sami,

The PCI-1200 Legacy DAQ Board is not supported by new versions of
NI-DAQ.  If you have a newer version, I would go uninstall DAQ and
reinstall DAQ version 6.9.3, which can be found";>here.  Also,
remember that you will not be able to use new DAQ features (e.g. DAQ
Assistant, DAQmx, etc).

I found an example program";>here
that may help you.  I'm not sure if you've tried this one.

Hope this helps!

Jeremy L.
National Instruments

keithley 2400 labview driver is incredibly slow

2004-03-16 Thread Joerg_Hommrich
I am using a Keithley 2400 multimeter in combination with Keithley
Original driver/labview 7/windows 2000. When somebody else uses the
programmes i wrote, the time for 1 measurement increases by a factor 3
compared to the access speed on my account. Since there a lot of
measurements in my project this means that the whole experiment will
take 6 hours instead of 2 when somebody else uses my programme.
Has somebody any idea how to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance,


Re: How do you open a specified Labview Vi from a different Labview Vi?

2004-03-16 Thread Dennis Knutson
Or just call a subVI statically. This is the simplest and most common
method. Just exactly what are you trying to do?

Memory allocation problem with CWGraph3D

2004-03-16 Thread Slack

I need to refresh CWGraph3D continuously with about 1 points. For
some reason the graph allocates memory all the time and in the long
run (after 24 hours) CPU's memory will become full and the application
will be slow down.

I have tried to clear the graph with ClearData -function with no
success. ClearData seems to clear just the graph, not the memory.

I also tried to use Request Deallocation -function, but it didn't help

The memory won't be relased until LabView is closed.

Re: Fatal Internal Error drawmgr.cpp 2961

2004-03-16 Thread Shea C
Hello suresh.r,

Thank you for your question regarding a LabVIEW internal error. You
mentioned that the error only occurred after using a help icon but
removing is has not helped. There are a couple of scenarios that could
be causing the error that you are seeing. Most likely one or more
objects on the front panel are causing the video card to return this
error. One possible solution may be to try disabling acceleration of
your video card or installing newer video card drivers however you may
want to read the following documents on trouble shooting this error.

Other resources can be found on the website by clicking the
support tab at the top of the home page. Then search from Technical
Resources at the top of the page for your topic. I hope these
resources help! Let me know if you need any other support with this

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Re: How can I insert a C++ programm in labview 5.1;

2004-03-16 Thread Brian Powell
Ah, I think I understand.

Your ECU is sending a stream of six bytes...


And I guess it just does this continuously.

So, you probably want to continuously read the data and update a data
structure that shows all of your engineering data (such as what state
the throttle and other things are in).

There are a variety of ways you could handle the reading of data.
E.g., you could just read all available data and search for 0xff, or
you could read one byte at a time until you find 0xff.  You could also
just set your termination character to 0xff.

Anyway, once you get your data into LabVIEW as a string, you can use
the String to Byte Array function to create an array of int8's.  (You
could then search in there for a -1 value for your synchronization

Once you have an array of int8's, you can index it and use Number to
Boolean Array to convert each int8 into an array of Booleans.  This
will get you the individual bits that come from the ECU.

Hopefully this makes sense and gets you far enough along.


Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-16 Thread Ben

The only other thing I can think of is way out there.

If there was sufficient noise on the serial line, it could look like a
continual stream of data that will prevent your timeout logic from

This would show up in your accumulator string indicator.

So, the only thing I suggest at this time is to check the length of
the string in the accumulator when it is in the hang condition.

This would also mean that you could "un-hang" the loop by pulling the
cable while hung.

Trying hard to help,


Re: the old problem"visa error -1073807195"

2004-03-16 Thread Dan Mondrik
Here's what you'd need to provide to tell me for sure:
- The hardware configuration, for example, the GPIB controller board
- The instrument address
- The resource string you are using
- Whether the instrument appears in our tools like MAX or VISAIC

But I've got a couple of ideas based on the error code.  It's
suggesting that you're trying to use something like "GPIB2::..." when
in fact your GPIB controller is configured as board number 0.  It
could also mean that it can't find the GPIB library installed on your
system.  NI-VISA doesn't handle GPIB communications intrinsically, it
needs NI-488.

Hope this helps,
Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

Re: run a executable created in Matlab

2004-03-16 Thread Scott Seidman
BJD1613 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:5065000500246A0100-107939520

> I do know that you can create a dll in matlab that
> will allow inputs and outputs.

You need the Matlab compiler to do this, and its not a free option.  As far 
as I know, the Matlab compiler is the only way to generate an executable 
from matlab.  

Re: How to modify WaveformChart history data length programmatically

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
No wonder I never noticed the upper limit!


Re: Can I use LabView Run-Time Engine on Windows XP?

2004-03-16 Thread Dr. Imad
To eleminate the possibility of errors, you need to convert the
application to a version fully compatible with windows XP, like 6.1 or
7.0 (6.02 should do it)

Would version 5.1 work with XP, NI do not gaurantee that.  However, I
had installed apllications written in version 5.1.1 and worked fine
under XP.  In your case, just give a try, if it did not work as
expected, you may have functuionality that may not be fully comptaible
with XP.

Re: I am trying to output a sine wave that increases its frequency every cycle.

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
Did you save your excel/txt file in .lvm format. (LabVIEW Measurement
File).  If not I would try that.  If it isn't what you can do is read
in your excel file and get all the data points and then place them
into the write labVIEW measurment file express vi.  This will help you
convert to the format required.  Hope this helps.

Re: run a executable created in Matlab

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
You can run an executable from labview using the system exec function
under the communication palette.  This acts like the command prompt in
windows.  You will execute your exe just like in the command prompt.
As far as inputs and outputs you can't do this with and executable
that I know of.  I do know that you can create a dll in matlab that
will allow inputs and outputs. Once again in LV you can call this dll
and place inputs and have outputs using the call library function.
Also in LV there is a new simulation toolkit that will allow you to
run simulink models from Matlab.  Pretty useful actually.  Hope this

Re: How to programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW application

2004-03-16 Thread Greg McKaskle
> How can I programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW
> application(exe) from another VI. I tried wiring "localhost" to the
> machine name(in open application reference node) and specifying the
> path of the exe to the (open VI refernce). I can't, it throws error.

The main thing you need to do is configure the Built app so that it has 
the VI Server on and is listening on a known and distinct port.

Depending on what menus are available in your EXE, you might be able to 
use the tools>>options dialog to set these things, otherwise, you can 
copy from your LabVIEW.ini and modify slightly.

Ultimately, you want an EXENAME.ini file, with EXENAME being substituted 
for your EXE's name.  If your ini has a section header in []'s, change 
that to the EXE also.  Then place the VI Server tokens to turn the TCP 
connection on, to set a port, to allow or disallow different types of 
access, and to allow/disallow different machine IP/DNS patterns.  Again, 
this stuff is more easily copied from the LV ini file and modify the 
port number.

Now when you try to open the connection, use the localhost and use the 
new port number.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Problem with "Run Vi" Invoke Node

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
Good cal Wiebe!

I was drawing a blank on this one.



Re: LabView 7 Express and Imaq Vision Builder 6.1

2004-03-16 Thread Greg McKaskle
> Thanks for advice. I do apologize for the long delay before replying, but I've not 
> been in the office. 
> The frame grabber I have installed has no LabView wrappers to my knowledge. 
> Apparently, I need a NI grabber board for Vision Builder. With that in mind, I'll 
> now concentrate solely on learning/using Labview 7 to create the applications 
> required by my company to work with the non NI card I have installed.

I'm coming in late on this one, but here is what I know.  Vision Builder 
will work with boards it is knowledgable of and file images.  If you are 
using Vision Builder to determine the correct processing of an image, 
you can do this based upon file snapshots.  Later when Vision builder 
generates LV code, you can modify it to call into the 3rd party DLL to 
capture images.  They will likely return a 1D or 2D array of numbers 
that you can then create an image from and feed into the rest of the 
generated code.

This should allow any image capture to be used.  You might also want to 
ask the maker of the board if they provide VI wrappers to avoid the 
headaches of figuring out the DLL interface.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How to programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW application

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
Try using the system exec function under the communications palette.
This can be used just like opening a dos window and running the exe
from the command prompt.  Hope this helps.

Re: How do you open a specified Labview Vi from a different Labview Vi?

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
You can do this using vi server.  These functions are located under
the "application control" palette.  The first thing that you will need
to do is open a vi reference. You can use the path of the vi you want
to open to obtain this reference.  Then you can use a combination or
just one property node and invoke node from the same palette.  There
are also examples of this located in LV find examples.  Type in server
and you will find example vi's using vi server architechtures.  Hope
this helps.

Re: How to programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW application

2004-03-16 Thread Chris_de
Using a data socket connection between the two VIs should do the
trick. There are some examples provided with LabView

Re: Problem with "Run Vi" Invoke Node

2004-03-16 Thread AstroMed Glen
humm..not sure if I understand your order of events. First the main vi
is open and has the focus, then I click the button on it, then the sub
vi is lauched. It should lauch on top and have the focus. Instead, on
the instances when it it does not work, when I hit the button, the
main VI flashes real quick (loses focus and then gets it right back)
as if the sub vi had been lauched, finished executing and closed all
in a split second. I check to see if maybe the subvi was just hiding
behind the main VI but no such luck.
Interestingly, all of this does not occur when I have the RUN VI node
set to wait till done. However, I prefer not to have it this way as
the two VIs are suppose to react with each other and the user is
suppose to be able to use both.

Re: Remote use of subpanel feature

2004-03-16 Thread BJD1613
If you build a vi with the subpanel and connect using remote front
panels from your remote computer sure.  Hope this helps.

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-16 Thread Chris_de
Make sure that there is no front panel decoration in front of you
string controls.

Re: I read data from RS232 port in bits format 0 &1.How i can convert these inputs to useful data?

2004-03-16 Thread tasos
Tbob, thanks for your help.. I ll try and i think to succeed!

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-16 Thread Ben
Post a sample VI with the controls that you cut and paste from your

The other though that comes to mind is that they may be locked.

Just guessing,


Re: Equipment simulation in NI Explorer for Labview & CVI

2004-03-16 Thread Dennis Knutson
If your instrument has an";>IVI Driver,
then there's simulation built in. If it's not, running the driver will
create errors. You will have to modify the driver to eliminate the
errors or rewrite the program to ignore them.

can i run labview on Windows CE or embedded XP?

2004-03-16 Thread stew j
If it is possible, what are the minimum specifications for the PC? And
can anyone recommend a manufacturer?

the old problem"visa error -1073807195"

2004-03-16 Thread zwj
when I try to  use the "visa write" to connect to ADVANTEST R3667CG ,
the error -1073807195 occurred,wheter i trun on the power of the
instrument or not. When I try to connect to another instrument TDS
5104,the error"error when establishing software connection,the
interface is valid but the  specified interfere number is not
configured".how to slove the problem ?Thank you!

How do you open a specified Labview Vi from a different Labview Vi?

2004-03-16 Thread Wes Galliver
I need to open a different Labview Vi when a certain function is
performed from within my current Labview Vi.

How to programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW application

2004-03-16 Thread Kumar
How can I programatically control a stand-alone LabVIEW
application(exe) from another VI. I tried wiring "localhost" to the
machine name(in open application reference node) and specifying the
path of the exe to the (open VI refernce). I can't, it throws error.
Help would be really appreciated.

Re: How to close certain subvi front panel?

2004-03-16 Thread IMD
can you attached your program? As i am not sure what you mean of "The
mainVI button is suppose to reset and close the subVI FP". Normally i
us ed set the subVI to be open when called and close subVI after
finished runing. you can do it by pointing the subvi in your mainVI
and right click selected the subVI node setup. hope it help you solve
the problem

Re: Why do I keep getting DAQ Error 10444 (No Memory), even after upgrade to NI-DAQ 7.1

2004-03-16 Thread Peter H - NI
Hi Saj,

It's Peter from National Instruments technical support department
here. As you know we've been looking at this problem in the department
and hopefully we have now found the reason behind it and you should be
able to stop the task id being overwritten. This in turn should then
hopefully stop the memory error.

Best regards,


Re: the position of middle color box markers!

2004-03-16 Thread Peter H - NI
Hi Lorry,

Have these answers cleared up your problem. If so, then great. If not,
then I have subscribed to this thread and will be notified if you post
to it again.

Speak to you soon,

Peter H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

How can I modify the High Speed Data Reader VI to show the time information in x-axis?

2004-03-16 Thread Chunrok
I am just a beginner learning the LabVIEW programming currently.
I have a PXI 6115 DAQ card and have to make a hardware timed
acquisition VI for maximum performance. Thus I use the High Speed Data
Logger VI for data acquisition.
However, when I read my data by using the High Speed Data Reader VI,
it doesn't show its time information in the graph.
How can I modify the High Speed Data Reader VI to show the time
information in x-axis?
I hope you can explain easily because I am a beginner.