Re: LV7.1 installer replaces .ini file

2004-06-17 Thread Dr. Imad

I just used the application builder of version 7.1 and created an
application. I included my application.ini file as a support file
during the build process.

Then I installed the application.
The .ini file was not replaced by LabView.
It is still the same behavior as in previous versions of LabView.

If I rename my .ini file, and run the executable, LabView does create
a new .ini file.
I assume your executable and .ini files have the same name (without
the extension)! don't they?

Re: Converting LV 7 to LV 6.1

2004-06-17 Thread Dr. Imad

You may want to post your vi's on this Discussion forum and someone
will probably be glad to convert them.

Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Dr. Imad
If the subvi does not contain data that are dependent on a previous
run , such as local variable or shift register data, then there is no
need to make the vi reentrant.

Re: If i use a sub-vi 3 times simultaneously in my main program....

2004-06-15 Thread Dr. Imad
In principle, Yes,
However, how much true that is depends on how LabView (R/D)developers
are implementing it, and things have been changing between LabView
versions, to different degrees, all the time.

Re: Labview locks Windows task bar

2004-06-10 Thread Dr. Imad
Hello Paul

I maximized the vi, and yet it did not duplicate what you are seeing.
However, NI engineers are aware of a different bug (that I reported)
in version 7.0/7.1 that has to do with a window being maximzed

Re: Labview locks Windows task bar

2004-06-09 Thread Dr. Imad
I was not able to reproduce it on my win 2000/ LabView 7.1
Is this happening with this particular vi, or any other vi ?

Re: DAQ vis not in vi.llb

2004-06-07 Thread Dr. Imad
I have installed LabView version 7.1, and I do see the Daq vi's in the
vi.llb.  You have to install the drivers from the
Device Driver Reference CD

If this does not work, then it has to be something else

(like in version 7.0)
By the way, I do not have any daq hardware on my development computer

Re: Application Builder for labVIEW 7 Doesn't support any report generation function

2004-06-04 Thread Dr. Imad
Your example suggests you are using the report generation tool kit.

Then you have to add
_Word Dynamic from _wordrdsub.llb and
_Excel Dynamic from _exclsub.llb

as dynamic VIs on the source files Tab when you build the application

You find these on Labview directory\vi.lib\addons|_office\

Re: Congratulations, Dennis Knutson!

2004-06-01 Thread Dr. Imad
Good Job, Dennis

Keep the good work going.   It is always beneficial for the rest of us
to get ideas from the experts

Re: Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-24 Thread Dr. Imad
The number corresponds to that, the unit string is updated only when
you click on the string!

I see that, looks like a bug to me in version 7

Re: enumeration conflict when wiring a bundle output to a subvi

2004-05-24 Thread Dr. Imad
It could be the order of components of the clusters in the called and
callee vi's is different.
In the called subVi, right click on the cluster and select
reoder controls in cluster,  and note the order.

Then , when you wire the bundled data cluster to the subVi, follow the
same order, or else some data will not match

Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread Dr. Imad
One way I handled that is to normalize my several Y axis data, and
plot them in % (percent) (scale 0 to 100)
so If one column data is voltage, another is current, temperature,
etc,  I divide each column by its predetermined or assumed maximum,
and this will be the hundred percent point.
Then I use a single scale with multiple plots.
It worked fine with many customers
Just my input to that

Re: Data acquisition and generation with PCI-MIO-16E-4 card help!!!!

2004-05-07 Thread Dr. Imad
my understanding is that you are generating a sine wave (on one of the
anlogoutput channels) and you are trying to read the signal.
Since you can verify the signal at low frequency, but not at high
frequency, it looks like you should increase the scan rate of the data
acquistion (if you can, set it to 10 times the signal frequency)
You can also use an oscilloscope to verify the signal is what you
really generated.

Re: Inherited reentrancy?

2004-04-24 Thread Dr. Imad
In other words, does the reentrancy get passed up the chain?

My understanding of reenetrancy says it should.
I never used it like that before, but I created little program that
duplicates the scenario you put in the post, and it worked correctly,
as I expected.  I passed data thru terminals to get the updated values
to the main vi.

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread Dr. Imad
Are you using serial VISA ?
if so, you have to install the  VISA run time engine, or when you
build the executable (application builder) enable the selection for
serial port support.

Re: Fitting a Gaussian curve onto a set of data

2004-04-08 Thread Dr. Imad
I assume you are trying to find a gaussian ditribution function to fit
to the data.  All you need is to find the average and the sample
standard deviation of your data and then build the Gaussian function.
You can plot that, you can also plot a histogram of your data to
compare to the Gaussian plot.
With little programming code, you should be able to do that.

Re: tabbing order in tab controls

2004-04-08 Thread Dr. Imad
From the edit menu, select
Set Tabbing order

changing the tabbing order will also change the order the variables
are listed when you want to list or select a local variable

Re: CRC-16 (Polynomium 8005)

2004-04-08 Thread Dr. Imad
It depends on how you intialize the algorithm and on whether you are
reversing the sequence or not

Refer to the following discussion thread.. Has vi's that are purely G,
no .dll

Re: How do i use a 6024E to control the brightness of 3 external LEDs?

2004-03-30 Thread Dr. Imad
If you mean by the brightness is to turn the LED's ON/OFF,then you can
use the DIO's of the PCI 6024E to turn on/off (or connect/diconnect)
the power supply to an LED
The card has 8 DIO's , and you have to configure them for digital

Re: Invalid readings with additional inputs

2004-03-23 Thread Dr. Imad
It seems that the gain setting is not set right.

For the channels that are 0-100 mv, set the gain to min=0, max=100mV
for the 0 to 10 v, set it to min=0, max=10 volts

There could be issues (with settling time)at high scan rates when the
gains are set differently, but for most part, it should work.

Re: How do I get my SubVI to close afterwards.... on the first run of my MainVI?

2004-03-23 Thread Dr. Imad
Right click on the sub vi

Select Sub Vi Node Setup
deselect the item

Open Front Panel When loaded

It should run as you expect

Re: Can I use LabView Run-Time Engine on Windows XP?

2004-03-16 Thread Dr. Imad
To eleminate the possibility of errors, you need to convert the
application to a version fully compatible with windows XP, like 6.1 or
7.0 (6.02 should do it)

Would version 5.1 work with XP, NI do not gaurantee that.  However, I
had installed apllications written in version 5.1.1 and worked fine
under XP.  In your case, just give a try, if it did not work as
expected, you may have functuionality that may not be fully comptaible
with XP.

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-13 Thread Dr. Imad
Once you checked that the LabView fonts are set to plain,
ToolsOptionsFontsFont Style
then the issue should be solved.

If not, go to windows settingsappearance
Then select the item# icon, menu, menu bar etc..
I am not sure which is the one to check,
but, for each item selected, check on the corresponding font that it
is not set to Bold

Hope this helps


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
An indicator that is connected to a terminal (if not updated) will
pass its default value.
But why you have to run the vi twice to make the indicator restore to
its default value, that I do not know
This is also an issue in version 6.02 that I have seen before (but
never been woried about)
If I am to use an indicator that is connected to a terminal, I usually
update it (may be wire a constant to it)

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
some fonts are set depending on how they are in windows settings
(assuming Windows OS).. Check on these settings
Also, in Labview menu, select
Options and then make sure the fonts are not set to bold.  You may
have pressed some keyboard key that automated that

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
It has been like that since the days of LabView version 3.1 (when I
started using LabView.
This is also true for controls.

I have this note hanging on my cubicle since late 1996
The controls that are not connected use their default values
The outputs (indicators) that are not connected use their default
Controls and indicators (that are not connected to terminals  of the
vi)and their local variables use the updated values in each

I must have been puzzled then, and apparently someone at NI helped me
(I assume so).

But this is the behavior that has been all along, and if it changes in
future versions, I may have to reexamine some vi's

Re: I have a labview 7 vi and i have labview 6.1

2004-03-10 Thread Dr. Imad
It does not appear to me that this is a conversion error.  It is more
of what the vi is trying to do than anything else
The max count (i32 representation) is 2147 483 648
and you a reporting an error or value of 2147 352 565

It may be related to the max count or some data inside the file

Re: 1000 Responses

2004-03-10 Thread Dr. Imad
Congratulations Ben,

Your comments and suggestions are always helpful


Re: indicator not updating from global file on network

2004-03-09 Thread Dr. Imad
If you set the vi property-execution to user interface, it may help

Right click on the vi icon,
select vi properties
execution- preffered execution system

Re: Prompting user input in LabVIEW

2004-03-09 Thread Dr. Imad
Use the Key Focus property   to set the focus on the input string.
The input string will be automatically selected

Re: How do you clone propety nodes?

2004-03-08 Thread Dr. Imad
select the existing property node / local variable.
Drag the the selected items with the mouse while holding the control
Then release the mouse.  A new copy is created

Re: foremost window losing its property

2004-03-05 Thread Dr. Imad
Today I ran  the vi on a windows XP, Pentium 4, LabView 7, system,
and it showed the same behavior.
Now, How did all this happen ?
I converted an application from LabView 6.02 to 7, and started seing
that behavior.  Similar applications in Labview 5.1, 5, 4.1, 4, 3.1
worked correctly.  I also converted the application to version 6.1 and
it works correctly too.  The application in version 6.02 (whih I still
have) works correctly
Only in LabView 7 does the problem pops up
The  is the vi converted from version 6.02 (of
course I deleted many extra code from it so I can post it small

Re: Process enum labels dynamically...

2004-03-01 Thread Dr. Imad
If you mean by labels of enum, the strings, then you cannot do that
for an enum.  This is how an enum is
You can use a ring and change / set the strings using the strings
attribute property. For an enum type, this property is a read only.
However you can create a enum type-definition and change its strings,
This would affect all the instances of the type definition.  , and
yes, the strings (of the type def) have to be changed manually

Re: the output string in RS232

2004-02-27 Thread Dr. Imad
In assume you are using serial VISA

The normal sequence of RS232 communications that I use is
1-Flush communication buffers both read and write
2-Write the string
3-wait for some ms  (depending on the instrument used)
Then read the bytes
and I never had problems with that.

Re: RS232 questions...

2004-02-26 Thread Dr. Imad
The only catch to this method is
if for instance, the normal desired setting for a control is ENABLED,
and during the vi run, it is set to DISABLED, and the vi is saved
(before the method is called). The default setting will be DISABLED
assuming that the vi is then closed.
When the vi is later loaded, the control will be DISABLED (by
default).  With Proper programming, one  can avoid that.
Another thing, this method did not work with stand-alone LV
executables under LabView 6.   I think it works now under version 7.

Just a thought.

Re: PID with 2 slider controls

2004-02-25 Thread Dr. Imad
If I understood you correctly, you are reading the two current
positions (1)-up-down  and (2) left-right,  and you have two set
points (one for the up-down and the other for the left-right position,
read by the master.  And the objective is to make the readout for the
positions as close as possible and ideally equal to the set points.
Assuming the up-down and left right positions are independent, you can
use two PID Loops to address this problem.  One for the up-down, and
the other to control the left right.
Normally, a PID loop takes two inputs:  The SetPoint, and the
corresponding readout of the system.  It calculates an output signal
(to the data acquistion system ) that moves the system in a way so
(The Set point =96 Readout ) becomes ideally zero  (no error).
The other parameters are the tuning parameters. They control the speed
and overshoot of the response, and they have to be properly selected.
A system that is poorly tuned may oscillate and can cause damage
(depending on the setup)
There is an example that ships with LabView and it has a basic PID
controller that you may want to look at first.
A good PID loop should have a mean of setting it in manual mode to
make it take any preset voltage (this is what you probably mean by
calibration).   The basic loop example that ships with LabView does
not have that.  You have to modify it (assuming you have the basic
understanding of the Pid Algorithm), or purchase a PID kit from some
vendors.  NI have a PID kit that also can autotune the parameters.  Or
you can get someone from your neighboring school to help you with the

Re: Main VI stops when using control references.

2004-02-13 Thread Dr. Imad
the Engine Momentum Subvi should finish execution with each iteration
of the loop in the
Therefore , connect a constant Boolean set to True to the condiotional
terminal of the while Loop of the Engine Momentum Subvi (instead of
the stop value from the main vi)

Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Dr. Imad
The real issue here is if you convert existing code written in LabView
6/6.1, it should work in the same way without having to worry about
the little things, that makes you examine and rewrite some of the code

Re: Serial Compatibility VI's not working in Labview 7.0

2004-01-07 Thread Dr. Imad
I agree with you that serial vi's should not have been dropped ( I
assume NI has their own good reasons for doing that though).
I have the same issue that you have, and I have not upgraded to
LabView 7 yet, waiting for release 7.01 or 7.02 that fixes all the
little things I have been reading about.
In my case , I have executables that use the serial vi's for customers
all over, and I do not have any Visa run time installed and configured
in their computers. So far I plan to stick with old versions of the
applications in their case.
The real issue is what if simply copying the serial vi's from 6.02
will not work with future releases of LabView, then you better start
using serial visa if you want to use LabView.
And since NI is listening, I hope they will address my concerns.
Thank you for the info.

Re: Does LabVIEW have CCITT filter?

2003-12-30 Thread Dr. Imad

There has been a recent discusion on the implementaion of a CCITT
algorithm, Refer to the above link