Re: How do I prioritize DMA transfers in Labview?

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

In researching your question and talking with other engineers, I=92ve
discovered that another engineer, Jeremy L, has been working on this
issue.  In order to address your question more effectively I=92d like to
link back to the other posting.  In this way, Jeremy and I can more
efficiently combine our effort to help you.

The link to the other post:

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: printing error

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

This problem seems like something described in the following Knowledge

This Knowledge Base basically states that something may not have been
installed correctly.  It walks through how to completely uninstall the
Report Toolkit.

Let me know if this doesn=92t help out.  Have a great day!

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Where is '' download for LabVIEW 7?

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

Thanks for posting a location for the GOOP zip file, PJM_Labview.

I also found an additional discussion forum post that discusses
compatibility with Labview 7.0:

Hope this helps.  Let me know if there is anything else I can help
with or clarify.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: can I use my usb port by itself as an DO/DI?

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

There=92s good advice here from all who have posted on this thread.  I=92d
like to second their comments on the parallel port.  The parallel port
is probably the easiest way to do what you=92d like, but be very careful
as the parallel port I/O can=92t source/sink very much current, and you
can burn it out quite easily.

Here are some links to example programs involving controlling the
parallel port from Labview:

I hope these help out.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Why does the Skale option in a Subpanel object doesn't work Propperly?

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

Unfortunately the line decorations are known not scale properly with
the other front panel objects.  One possible workaround is to use a
=93Flat Box=94 decoration and make it into a very thin box.  This box can
then be filled with a black color using the set color tool from the
tool palette.  This technique can be use to create horizontal and
vertical lines.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if I can help with or clarify anything.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Intensity VS. Time

2004-03-21 Thread Ken S

I=92m not sure I understand your application.  From you block diagram,
it looks like you are turning on a laser with a digital line 3.  Then
it appears that you are writing some analog input data to a file until
the user presses the stop button. When the stop button is pressed it
looks like you=92re turning off the laser control line.  Does this
accurately summarize your application?

There were several possible issues I noticed with your VI:

1. The =93Laser On/Off=94 button was connected to the Port Width input of
the Digital Line Write VI.  I believe this should be connected to the
Line State input of this VI.  Having this Boolean value connected to
the wrong input was not allowing your VI to run.  Also, the iteration
input of this VI should be connected to the iteration counter of the
While Loop.

2. I=92m not certain of  what is being done in the Case Structure
attached to the Stop button.  Are you trying to read from the digital
line 0, and then write this value to digital line 3?  If so, a Digital
Line Read VI should be used to get the value of digital line 0.  This
VI can be found in the same function palette as the Digital Line Write

Please let me know if there is anything I can help with or clarify.
Have a great day!

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: This message "internal fault graphobjs.cpp in line 56 pops...

2004-03-22 Thread Ken S

Thanks for reporting this.  I=92d like to try and replicate this crash.
Could you please post the smallest VI which causes this crash?  Also
could you please tell me what operating system you are running, and
exactly what values you put in for the =93Find=94 command (including
search string, options, etc.)?

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: LV crashes while loading my llb, but the built app. functions correctly???

2004-03-22 Thread Ken S

As I understand it you=92ve basically got several subVIs which cause
Labview to crash (on two different PCs) when they load, regardless of
whether these subVIs are in an llb, etc.  The only exception to this
is when you build an application using these VIs or you use your
splash screen program to load them into memory.

One thing to try to fix this would be to do a Mass Compile on the llb
which contains these VIs.  To do this, open a blank VI in Labview (you
don=92t have to open the llb to do this), and from the menu choose
=93Tools->Advanced->Mass Compile=85=94.  It will then prompt you for the
location of the llb file.  After choosing the llb file hit the =93Mass
Compile=94 button.

If this doesn=92t fix the subVIs, could you post one of the offending
subVIs so that I could see if I can repeat the issue you=92re seeing?

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Analog Output buffer delay

2004-03-22 Thread Ken S

I=92m certain of what you mean when you say that =93the waveforms in
output have a delay equal to output buffer length=94.  Do you mean that
the output waveform values should be changed and the buffer size
should stay the same size?  Or do you want to add new waveform data to
the end of the waveform you created with the Initialize Array VI?

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Unknown Excel Error code -2146959355

2004-03-23 Thread Ken S

This error can sometimes occur when different versions of Excel are
used on the different computers (2000 vs. XP, for instance).  I would
check the Excel Active Object that your Automation Refnum is attached
to and make sure these objects are the same version on the two
different machines.

Also do you know which Invoke Node or VI is throwing this error?

Hope this helps!  Let me know if there is anything else I can help
with or clarify.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Has anybody built a BERTS generator and detector over a network?

2004-03-23 Thread Ken S

I=92m not exactly sure what your application is but here are the two
paths I can see:

1) You=92d like to do BERT testing on a data set.  This data set is
transferred to the PC via TCP/IP.  In this case I would suggest using
the standard TCP/IP VIs that are included with Labview 7.0 to transfer
the data.  These VIs are located in the following location on the
Function Palette: =93All Functions -> Communications -> TCP.=94

There are also examples for using the TCP/IP VIs at the following
location in the NI Example Finder:  =93Networking -> TCP & UDP=94

Once this data is collected you could perform BERT on the data set
using the Modulation Toolkit:

2) You=92d like to do BERT testing on the actual TCP/IP traffic that=92s
going by on the Ethernet segment your PC is attached to.  The TCP/IP
data that is received by Labview and most other TCP/IP applications
has already had data packets with errors in them removed and
retransmitted by the networking card and/or the operating system, so
the data you would see from Labview shouldn=92t have any errors in it.
To get the raw data from the Ethernet segment would require low-level
Windows API calls and/or access to the networking card driver itself.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if there is anything I can help with or

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Why does a strictly Typed Control cause error 1082

2004-03-25 Thread Ken S

I think a similar issue has already been reported to our Research and
Development department, and they are currently working on it.  Could
you post your code so that I can make sure this is the same issue that
has been reported?

I can also take a look at your code and see if I can find a workaround
for you.  The important thing here is to have the Main VI, the sub VI
and the strictly typedef=92ed control.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: interrupt timer driven

2004-03-25 Thread Ken S
Hello Kai,

Unfortunately we aren=92t able to support other manufacturer=92s data
acquisition cards.  Interfacing to an interrupt on your Wasco card
really depends on the driver and programming interface that was
created by the card=92s manufacturer.  National Instrument's data
acquisition cards include a driver called NI-DAQ which installs the
card drivers, VIs to interface to the card from LabVIEW, and example
programs to do many common measurement tasks.

I can give you a general idea of how to access your DIO card.  First
you would need to install drivers and any development tools that are
included with the card.  Next you would need to determine from the
manufacturer=92s documentation how to access the interrupt.  After that
you can either call VIs directly (if the VIs were provided by a
manufacturer), or you can make calls to a DLL (which would also need
to be supplied by the manufacturer).  The DLL functions can be called
by using a =93Call Library Function Node=94.  This VI is located on your
Function Palette at the following location: =93All Functions >

If you need any other help or clarification, please let me know.  Have
a great day!

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Problem with mail browser

2004-03-30 Thread Ken S

Typically email attachments are added to the text of a mail message
just as you are seeing in the mail browser.  To extract files from
this data you must parse it from the message text.  The protocol for
how this info is encoded is called MIME.

Documents called RFCs define this protocol.  These RFCs can be
retrieved from  The RFCs corresponding
to MIME are 1521, 1522, 1524, 1563, 1437, 1652, 1651, 1556, 1740, and

Another option is to look at the =93SMTP Email Send File=94 VI included
with LabVIEW 7.0.  This VI encodes a file into MIME to transmit via
SMTP.  You could look at this code to try and reverse engineer it to
decode MIME.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if I can help with or clarify anything.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: Why does a strictly Typed Control cause error 1082

2004-03-30 Thread Ken S

I=92m glad to hear you found a workaround for this issue.

There is nothing you have done wrong in your program to cause this.
There doesn=92t have to be any relationship between the strictly typed
VI and the VI which is throwing the error.  The error can actually be
replicated by two independently running VIs.

Our R&D engineers are currently working on this issue.

Ken S.
National Instruments

Re: ValueChanged event programmatically ?

2004-03-30 Thread Ken S
Hello Oliver,

What Greg stated above is entirely true.  The design of the Value
Change property in the Event case was intentional.  However, there is
a way to programmatically =93fake=94 the Event case into thinking that a
Value Change event was initiated by a front panel user.  This is a
feature that was added in LabVIEW 7.0, so it is unavailable in
previous versions of LabVIEW.

To programmatically trigger this event, create a property node from
the front panel control you wish to change.  Setting the =93Value
(Signaling)=94 property of this control changes the value AND generates
a Value Changed event.  This property was specifically designed to
allow programmatic generation of the Value Changed Event.

Hope this helps!  Let me know if there is anything I can help with or

Ken S.
National Instruments