Thanks (was: RE: Not quite off-topic: List misuse)

2004-06-02 Thread Tore Johnsen
John, thanks for your response.
I did not intend to start a long discussion questioning the list policy. 
IMHO the official policy of allowing short product/company notices has 
worked well in the past to everybody's benefit.

Considering how carefully I've controlled access to this email address and 
the timing of the ad I did find sufficient reason to react. John, with your 
response I have no longer any reason for complaint and I wish you and your 
company well.

I'll remove myself from this thread and take any further discussion of this 
topic in private.

At 09:53 6/1/2004, John Toto wrote:
Sorry Tore. Your name was in our database and a special Data Acq. email ad
was sent.  I believe that is the only one you have ever gotten since we went
deep into our data base.  I'm very sorry for that.  Your name was removed.
No, I do not mine this or any other site for emails.  I have no need to. I'm
sure other members of this list may have gotten an email, but I doubt more
than a few.  You either have to email, phone, purchase or otherwise request
to be on my list - but the database is large and I can't speak for each
record. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.  If anyone received one and
wants to be removed just send me an email with remove in the subject and I
will personally do it.
Best Regards,
John C. Toto
Sales Director

Not quite off-topic: List misuse

2004-05-28 Thread Tore Johnsen
Dear list,
I recently received a full-blown advertisement (SPAM) from a company that 
uses THIS LIST to gather email addresses. The sender is a member of the 
list: John Toto at Superlogics.

I don't at all mind members peddling their products in direct response to 
questions posted to the list (as John has done before). That can actually 
be quite helpful. However, when it degenerates into full-blown full-page 
unsolicited advertisements with all the bells and whistles sent directly to 
members of the list - well that's when I make a NEVER BUY FROM entry in the 
list I keep for that purpose. Sorry John: Gotta try to nip this in the bud 
before it degenerates further.

- Tore

Re: GOOP and spawning VIs on FieldPoint RT controller

2004-05-27 Thread Tore Johnsen
Alex, Jim:
Thanks for your help. Exactly what I needed.
Yep, I use the template technique and pass data to the spawned VIs using 
the Set Control Value method prior to running them. In the past (for non 
time-critical VIs) I haven't bothered making the spawned VIs reentrant 
since they are copies and run just fine in parallel without (different 
story for common Sub VIs that should run in parallel). If the execution 
speed of the spawned VIs is very critical it is a good idea to make them 
reentrant (or turn off debugging).

The last time I did this on a non-RT target (read PC) I also embedded the 
spawned VIs as sub-panels on my top-level VI - a great technique when 
controlling multiple identical systems from one PC.

Subject: Re: GOOP and spawning VIs on FieldPoint RT controller
From: Alex Le Dain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 09:29:32 +0800
GOOP works fine. Re spawning the VI's, the important trick is to get the
path correct; this takes a bit of figuring out and makes it a little harder
to debug than usual. When debugging the code VI (I presume using the
template technique) it can sometimes not be updated down on the controller,
so you need to download it any time you make a change to the code to make
sure you are running the correct version.
cheers, Alex.
Subject: RE: GOOP and spawning VIs on FieldPoint RT controller
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 22:13:55 -0400
I've employed the spawning pattern extensively on RT with great success.
There are a few tricks that will make things easier for you:
1) I assume that you are using the spawning pattern of passing the spawned
instance of a reentrant VI data via the Set Control Value method before
invoking the Run method.  Make sure that, in your built app, the FP's of the
spawned VIs are preserved by the App Builder otherwise the Set Control
Value will fail.  The easiest way to do this is to put a control reference
or implicitly linked property node on the BD of the spawned VI that links to
a Control on the FP of the VI.  This causes the App Builder to assume that
you are using, and therefore need to preserve, the FP of that VI in the
built app.
2) One thing that I have done to avoid the path problems that Alex mentioned
is to use a Static VI Reference (LV 7.0 feature) to reference the spawned VI
(instead of referencing by path).  However, you can't invoke the Run method
on a Static Refnum, so you will need to open another reference by reading
the Static RefNum VI's name and then opening a reference, by name.  This new
reference have the Run method invoked on it.  But, remember to close this
new reference -- you may want to pass it into the Spawned instance and let
it close it itself (but be careful that you don't close it too early or the
spawned VI will halt execution and die).
3) The Static VI Reference is also really nice because it causes the VI to
be loaded into memory and exist in the call chain of your VI Hierarchy.
This causes the VI to be included in the build and it also causes it to be
transferred to the RT execution target when you run your app in development
mode.  If you reference your spawned VI by path and it is not loaded into
memory, then it will not be uploaded to the RT execution target when running
in development/debug mode.
-Jim Kring
Tore Johnsen
Saint Bernard Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 651-494-9073

RE: GOOP and spawning VIs on FieldPoint RT controller

2004-05-27 Thread Tore Johnsen
I got it this time around. Neat. Thanks.
At 13:27 5/27/2004, you wrote:
If you are running on an RT Target, then the reentrant approach is better
than the template technique, IMO.  The reason is because of a catch 22 --
you cannot create an instance of a template while the template is in memory;
but, the template must be in memory in order to be transferred to the RT
target when running in development mode (while targeting the RT system).  In
order to include a template into the build you would have to add it
explicitly as a dynamic VI -- since it cannot be in the application
hierarchy -- since you can't have it in memory when an instance is created
at run-time.  So, in conclusion, when spawning multiple instances of non-GUI
processes, I highly recommend the reentrant VI approach in conjunction with
the static VI reference to insure that the process VI is included in the
application hierarchy.  In general, most of my RT/embedded apps have been
headless (set to run automatically at RT system startup time) and use
TCP/IP to serve functionality to high-level GUIs.  Since the server supports
multiple simultaneous clients, this allows multiple instances of the same
GUIs to be run concurrently.

GOOP and spawning VIs on FieldPoint RT controller

2004-05-25 Thread Tore Johnsen
Dear All,
I wonder if anyone has tried using GOOP 1.0 and/or spawning VIs on a 
FieldPoint RT controller?
I know it sounds a bit crazy but here goes: I have an application where I'm 
independently controlling up to 12 identical test stands - each only 
needing a few digital outputs (there are a few additional inputs to the 
system as a whole). Since the loop-time isn't very critical for this 
application (100ms loop-time would be more than sufficient) I'm considering 
simplifying the core of the software by making one control VI for one test 
stand and spawning as many copies as needed at run-time, meaning there will 
be up to 12 control loops (+ 1-2 loops for application level I/O) running 
at the same time. I'm also considering using GOOP 1.0 so there in effect 
will be up to 12 identical objects. Again, this would be crazy if I didn't 
already have easily reusable code to handle the support functions needed. 
Have anybody tried using similar techniques running an embedded application 
on a FieldPoint RT controller? Any reason why this wouldn't work?

(I'm receiving the info-labview digest so I'd be grateful to also receive 
responses directly to my email address)

Tore Johnsen
Saint Bernard Engineering, Inc.
Phone: 651-494-9073