Re: Serial port Write then Read issue

2004-04-08 Thread tbob
The serial port transmit and receive buffers are separate.  They are
not tied together.  If you have nothing connected to the serial port
and you write something to the port, you will not receive anything.
You obviously have a loopback somewhere in your system.  I am using
LV7 and I have written a program to communicate with a device through
the serial port.  When I unplug the serial cable, write something, I
receive nothing.  Your problem lies within your system.
The way I do it is to write the serial data, then call the Bytes at
Serial Port function in a while loop.  The loop contains a timer.  The
loop exits when either Bytes at Serial Port returns a positive number
or the loop iteration count reaches a certain value.  If the Bytes at
Serial Port number is positive, I call the Serial Read function.  If
no bytes, I display a message or set a flag that nothing was received.

Re: error code no 6

2004-04-08 Thread tbob
Go to

Re: file name in different directory

2004-03-30 Thread tbob
I think this is what may be happening.  Lets say you have MainVi and
SubVi in folder1.  You copy the two VIs into folder2.  MainVi calls
SubVi.  Now when you open MainVi from folder2, the sub vi that gets
called is SubVi from folder1.  You make changes to SubVi and the
changed file exists in folder1 not folder2.  So it looks as if Labview
is changing all SubVi files but it is not.  You should look at Browse
- Show Vi Hierarchy to see where the sub VIs are located.  These are
the ones that will be changed.  If necessary, replace the sub vi with
the one from folder2.

Re: Can I open VIs in VisualBasic in Run-Time

2004-03-30 Thread tbob
Can you be more specific?  Are you trying to run a VB program in
Labview?  If so, compile the VB code into an exe program, and use
SystemExec in Labview to call the exe program.  Or make a DLL and use
the CodeInterface in Labview to call the DLL.

Re: Can anyone help with lost Serial no. ?

2004-03-30 Thread tbob
Also, in the future, always use a permanant marker to write the serial
number on the CD in case you lose the paper work.

Re: How can i add more terminals to a SubVi without compiling it again?

2004-03-25 Thread tbob
To add more terminals to a vi, right click on the vi icon in the top
right corner.  Click on Show Connector.  Right click again on the
connector icon.  The list of actions contains Add Terminal, Remove
Terminal, Patterns, etc...  You can choose either Add Terminal or
Patterns to add one or more terminals.  Assign your control/indicator
by clicking on the newly created terminal and then clicking on the
control/indicator you want to connect.

Re: Installer created by App Builder installs to wrong dir

2004-03-21 Thread tbob
I am not 100% sure, but I think that there is a registry key called
Program Files Directory.  The value of this key is usually C:\Program
Files, but it could differ with a custom windows installation.  In App
Builder, when you see Program Files Directory in the selection for
default directory, the App Builder looks up the registry key value and
uses this directory.  If you develop the app on one computer and
install on another, and both computers have different values for
Program Files Directory, you will see the installation go into a
different directory.  Did you run the installer to verify that it goes
into the wrong directory?  I've used App Builder in both LV 6.1 and LV
7.0 and have not had this problem.

Re: Simulate serial signals in LabVIEW 7.1?

2004-03-21 Thread tbob
First of all, I don't think there is a Labview 7.1 out (unless it just
got released).  I think you either mean LV 6.1 or 7.0.  Anyway, when I
want to simulate input data from anything, I use the Random Number
generator (in Functions Numeric palette, looks like a pair of dice).
The output is a random number from 0 to 1.  You can scale it by
multiplying it by some number.  If you want to go all the way and
simulate the actual serial transmission, use a breakout box to loop
back serial port signals (TD to RD, DTR to DSR, etc.).  Write a vi to
output the random number to the serial port.  The vi that you are
developing can then read the serial port and get the random number.

Re: labview 7 subvi's loaded from other sources

2004-03-21 Thread tbob
If you click on Browse -> Show VI Hierarchy and then View -> Full VI
Path in Label, you can see all sub vi's and their paths.  Since you
just upgraded to LV7, I would guess that some of the sub vi's are
coming from previous version of LV.  Did you have Report Genreation
Tools in the old version, but did not install in LV7?  The message
about sub vi was not found at ... was loaded from... means that the
sub vi was not found where it was expected to be (from that last time
you ran the vi in older LV version).  But LV searched and found the
sub vi at a different location.  When upgrading, the sub vi's under an
old directory, like LabVIEW6.1, might not be there anymore, and the vi
is now found under LabVIEW 7.0 directory.  In this case, the message
is valid and there is nothing to worry about.  Save your main vi so
that the new paths to sub vi's will be established and saved.  In some
cases, you may have to manually replace sub vi's in old paths with the
same vi in a newer LV7 path.  Once you have substituted all sub vi's
with the ones from the right path, save your main vi and all sub vi's.

Re: Writing a new file every 24 hrs

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
Attach your code.  You have some kind of error in building your

Re: I read data from RS232 port in bits format 0 &1.How i can convert these inputs to useful data?

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
Use Serial Read function to get a string of characters from the serial
port.  Pass this string into the String to Byte Array function.  The
output of this function will be an array of bytes (numerical).  You
should be able to work with this (extract elements, extract bits,
etc...).  Of course I am assuming that Labview 5.1 has a String to
Byte Array function.

Re: Looks like a bug in Scan String for Tokens function...

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
I have LV7 and I see the same bug.  I can put a blank entry (space,
then backspace)into then operators array and then I get good results.

Re: Problem with simultaneous DIO with PCI-6024E

2004-03-15 Thread tbob
You are correct in assuming that the port is reconfigured each time in
a loop iteration when using high level VI's.  One solution would be to
use one port (bits 0 to 7, or Port 0) to set your output bit high.
Use a different port (Port 1 or 2) to read your required inputs.  If
wired correctly, port 0 will always be an output and will keep your
bit high while reading port 1 or 2.  Using high level VI's, you will
not be able to write one bit high and expect it to stay high when
reading other bits on the same port.

Re: MSVCRT.dll

2004-03-12 Thread tbob
I believe that MSVCRT stands for MicroSoft Visual C Run Time.  So this
must be the run time library for Visual C programs.  There is MSVCRT
and a MSVCRTD library file in Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\Lib.  The DLLs should be in the Windows\System32 folder (I
use XP).  I have Visual Studio installed on my system, however I
believe that the Windows operating system contains these DLLs even
without having Visual Studio installed.  Maybe you search Microsoft
website and find them.  If you do, put them in the System32 folder.

Re: Error 6 File Open

2004-03-12 Thread tbob
Are you re-initializing the array in your vi every time it executes?
If not, the array will keep on growing.  When you open the file for
writing, what mode are you using, append or replace?  If append, the
file will continue growing, if replace the file will only hold the
latest data.  You have to match what you are doing with the array with
how you open the file.  It might be best to open the file for append
and write the latest data only, initializing your array at each loop
so that it holds only the latest data.

Re: PMD-1208LS

2004-03-11 Thread tbob
Is this a Measurement Computing device?  If so, have you installed
their Labview drivers?  I have a USB PMD-1024LS and I am able to use
it with Labview 7.  After installing the MCC Universal Library and
Labview Library, configure the board number using their Instacal tool.
Your board should show up on the front panel list of devices.  Right
click on your device and select Change Board #.  Then use standard
Labview DAQ vi's with the new board number.  At first, I mistook the
board's configurable serial number for the device number.  They are
two different items.

Re: clear an array

2004-03-11 Thread tbob
I think what you want to do is to wire in an empty array into the
shift register to initialize it.  The way your vi is now, when you run
it a second time, the array results from the previous run is still
there.  If you initialize the shift register, the array will be
cleared every time you run the vi.

Re: HP4142B control

2004-03-10 Thread tbob
I/O Assistant is easy, but this is not what you want to use in this
case.  What you want to do in Labview will be somewhat similar to what
you do in VEE.  Instead of using I/O Assistant, use the basic GPIB
functions.  Create your controls on the front panel.  You can wire
these controls as inputs to the GPIB functions.  Example: create a
Numeric control called voltage.  On the block diagram, create a string
with the GPIB command except leave out the voltage setting.  Use the
Number To String function to convert the control value into a string.
Concat the GPIB command with the voltage control string.  Use this as
input to the GPIB write function.  If you are familiar with VISA, you
do not have to look up the GPIB command string.  You can use the VISA
instrument drivers and wire the front panel voltage control directly
to the VISA function for setting up the instrument.  I am sure there
are some examples for the 4142 on the NI website.  Good Luck.

Re: creating a LabView VI from LabWindows application

2004-03-10 Thread tbob
There is no conversion utility that I know of that will convert a
LabWindows program into a Labview vi.  You have to do it the hard way.
Create the vi manually.  I have had to create a vi from a VB program.
I used the VB code as a guideline and manually created the vi from

Re: VISA ERROR(hex 0xBFFF0011)

2004-03-05 Thread tbob
Seems like your instrument is not being found on the second computer.
Most likely, your instrument drivers have not been properly installed.
If using VISA, you must have VISA drivers for that instrument
installed on the computer you are using to connect to that instrument.
You can use MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) to see if that
unit is properly installed.  If it doesn't show up in MAX, your
drivers are not properly installed.

Re: With Labview what do I need to run vi's on computers without Labview installed

2004-03-04 Thread tbob
On your development computer, click on Tools -> Build Application or
Shared DLLs.  Select Application and fill in the rest of the boxes
with proper information (click Help button for more info).  When all
info is correctly filled, click on Build button.  This will create an
EXE file.  On the other computer, install the Labview runtime engine.
You can do this by using your regular Labview developer CD.  Run the
setup program but, when prompted for items to install, uncheck
everything except the runtime engine box.  Proceed with setup.  This
will install only the runtime engine on your target computer.
Transfer your EXE file to the target computer.  Run the EXE file, it
should work.

Re: Getting started - help with general concepts?

2004-03-04 Thread tbob
I have used both VB and Labview to do what you are asking.  In my
opinion, Labview is far easier to use and maintain.  Non-programmer
design engineers have picked up on my Labview programs quite easily
for minor modifications.  They could not have done so as easily with
VB.  Also, if you use Labview instrument drivers, you will not have to
look up any GPIB SCPI commands (like READ? or :FUNC:VOLTS DC), the
drivers have all of this built in.  This makes it much quicker to
write your program.  Also easier to create and write CSV files.
Dialog boxes for testers are no problem either.  Try it, you'll like

Re: How can I change a dynamic data into an integer representation I32?

2004-03-02 Thread tbob
The I32 conversion icon is in Functions Palette -> Numeric ->
Conversion -> To Long Integer.  Wire the formula output to the I32
input.  The output will be of I32 type.

Re: What property settings to I need to set in order for VISA...

2004-03-02 Thread tbob
Usually, garbage characters are an indication of a baud rate or parity
mismatch, or maybe a stop bit or number of data bits setting.  Make
sure that you have configured your port correctly with VISA Configure
Serial Port.  I have used VISA serial successfully many times.

Re: Numerous Start buttons in a while loop

2004-02-20 Thread tbob
Without seeing your code I will guess that your button's mechanical
action is set to switch when pressed.  It becomes true and stays true
and your process always runs.  Set the button to latch when pressed.
The program will reset the button to false after it reads it as true.
Your process will operate only once until you press the button again.

Re: load error code 9 - unable to open V7.0 work on V6.1

2004-02-19 Thread tbob
There is an option in LV 7 to save vi under a previous version.  Look
under File - Save With Options - Save for Previous 6.1.  This will
save the vi so that it can be opened with LV 6.1.

Re: Problem exchanging global values with an excutable vi

2004-02-17 Thread tbob
If you are using TestStand to call each vi, you can use a TestStand
local variable to get the value from the first vi and send the value
to the second vi.  The TestStand local variable would be a parameter
to each vi, output from first vi and input to second vi.

Re: How can I use LabVIEW to control actuators for testing push buttons

2004-02-17 Thread tbob
You need a Digital I/O device and actuators.  You will need some
interface circuit to take the DIO input and convert the voltage level
to drive the actuator.  The ULN2003 does this quite well.  Use Labview
to output ones and zeros on the DIO, which will turn the actuators on
and off.  The actuators must be positioned to push your UUT
button/membrane/switch when fully extended.  Look at the Labview
examples for DIO, and look at a data sheet for the ULN2003.  This
should get you started.

Re: mouse up event on a slide

2004-02-13 Thread tbob
Sorry, I misunderstood your problem.  I was able to re-create your
problem.  This could be considered a bug, moving off slider before
letting mouse up should return the pointer to its original value, but
it does not.  So now your event doesn't fire because it never saw a
mouse up event on the slider.  The only fix I could see is to set the
event trigger to Value Change.  Yes you will have an event for each
incremental change.  Don't know of a good solution.

Re: mouse up event on a slide

2004-02-11 Thread tbob
It was meant to work that way so that you have a way to abort the
event if you feel like you made a mistake when clicking on the
control.  Just keep your mouse in the proper area.

Re: How can I write bits through the COM1 serial port?

2004-02-05 Thread tbob
You are welcome.
Look under String palette, then under Byte/Array/String sub palette.

Re: How can I write bits through the COM1 serial port?

2004-02-05 Thread tbob
Serial transmission (COM port) protocol requires sending a group of
bits at one time.  You cannot just send one bit.  Standard COM port
settings must be either 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, etc...
You have to group your bits 7 or 8 at a time.  You could probably send
a 0 byte or a 1 byte.  This would be like sending   for a low
bit and  0001 for a high bit.  Your receiving end would have to
know how to interpret what you are sending if you choose this method.
Of course you have to convert your byte into a string before sending
to COM port.  Wire a U8 data type to a Build Array input.  Then wire
the array output to a Byte Array to String input.  The output of this
function will be the character representation of your byte suitable
for sending across a serial port.

Re: toggle between subVI's

2004-01-13 Thread tbob
Michel (spelled like a French name, n'est pas):
I am not sure what you are trying to do.  Perhaps an example would
make it more clear.  Are you trying to jump to vi2 while inside vi1,
and then jump to vi1 while in vi2?  If so, you would need buttons in
each vi to run the next vi.  Or maybe you are trying to start one of
two vi's from the main loop, with the vi being chosen by some button
or condition.  You could put a Message Dialog Box vi inside your Case
structure, asking the operator which vi to run.  Does this help?  If
not, please include an example of what you are trying to do.

Re: Bad VI repair

2004-01-09 Thread tbob
One trick is to open a good vi and put the bad vi inside the block
diagram of the good vi.  I've tried this but it still causes LV7 to
crash.  There may be no solution other than to re-write it from
Bonne Chance! (Good Luck)

Re: Label alignment in LabVIEW

2004-01-08 Thread tbob
I have opened your example and changed the font size of label 2, back
and forth between 14 and 18.  The label expanded to the left and did
not overlap with the numerical indicator.  When contracting, it
contracted from the left.  The anchor point stayed at the right as it
should.  I am using LV7.  I can't explain why it would behave
differently on your computer.  I moved the label to the right of the
numeric indicator and the anchor point was set to the left, as it
should be.  Moved label back to the left and the anchor point was
reset to the right.  Can't recreate your problem here, sorry.