Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
The Application Builder will happily take a .ico file and use it for
the icon of my built application, the missing step is only to convert
the LabVIEW icon to the .ico file, and that can't be so hard if
someone is giving away freeware to do it ;-)  It does seem bizarre to
me that this tiny feature couldn't be included in the LabVIEW + app
builder that we pay a couple of thousand pounds/dollars/Euros for.

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
I don't see why it needs an event structure... the simplest way is to
make one VI a subVI of the other (it is up to you which way round),
use the Front Panel Visible properties of the two VI's to control
which one is visible at which time, and use dataflow to ensure that
the functions of the main VI only execute after the configuration VI
has finished. Assuming the configuration VI displays a panel of
settings for the user to adjust, you are going to have to use some
kind of structure to ensure you read the latest values of these when
the OK button is clicked, so you might as well make it a while loop
that also polls the OK button.

Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-20 Thread tmh
I always thought it was bizarre that LabVIEW's own icon editor can't
be used to create an icon for a built application...

Re: create new folders according to the value of the 23th byte in data file?

2004-04-15 Thread tmh
If I'm not missing something, your diagram will try and create a
folder whose name is a single character, equal to the value of the
23rd byte in the data file. Since 1 through 8 aren't printable ASCII
characters, I guess this might not work, and I assume the poster
actually wants the folders to be named 01, 02 etc.

If this is the case, you will want to insert some code between the
Read File and Build Path functions to convert the single-character
string into the folder name. I'd suggest String to Byte Array, then an
Index Array to get the first element (or you could use Array to
Cluster with size set to 1, then Unbundle), then Format into String
with '%02d' as the format string.

Re: Reverse of Format Date/Time String.VI

2004-04-08 Thread tmh
No, it doesn't. If you check the online help for Date/Time to Seconds
it clearly states that 'day of year' is ignored.

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-30 Thread tmh
As long as your subVI doesn't need to keep running after the main
(user interface) VI has quit, there's no need at all to use VI Server,
or to meddle with control references - just drop the subVI on the
diagram of the main VI, outside any loop.

To stop the subVI (and start it, if you need to control this too), a
notifier should work fine. Create the notifier on the main VI's
diagram and wire it in to a terminal of the subVI. You can use the
Wait on Notification timeout to control your loop timing, just as you
suggested. You could generalise this approach to control the subVI in
sophisticated ways - changing the time interval or other aspects of
the task, for example - by having it read and interpret the data you
send in the notifier (or a queue).

Please tell me if I've misunderstood and this doesn't do what you want
for some reason, but it seems like it should be all you need.
Incidentally, I've never heard of notifiers 'not working with VI
Server' and I'm sure I've successfully passed notifiers to VI's called
by reference before, but I'm afraid I don't have the code any more to
check this...

Re: How to use a USB-to-parallel adapter to communicate with my switch device?

2004-03-30 Thread tmh
Have you tried using the VISA functions to control the parallel port
outputs, as described here?:

I don't know if this will be a complete solution to your problem
because that depends on the hardware you want to connect to the
parallel port and how it works, but it's probably the easiest way to
get started on the LabVIEW side...

Re: can I use any simple VabView7 code vi in ver 5 labview?

2004-03-30 Thread tmh
If it doesn't use any features of 7 that didn't exist in 5, and
doesn't rely on any behaviours that changed between those versions,
you could 'save for previous version' repeatedly using older versions
of LabVIEW until you reached version 5 (do you mean 5.0, or 5.1?). If
you don't have access to any of the intermediate versions, you might
be able to ask someone on the forum who has them to kindly do this for
you, or one of the NI representatives might do it. Unfortunately I
only have 5.0.1 at the moment, so I can't help you!

If the code is really simple, it's probably easier to print or save
the diagram and recreate it from scratch in the older version!

Re: Clearing a local variable after each read

2004-03-30 Thread tmh
As Mads comments, this is a perfect application for a queue (and a
really bad application for a local!)

Re: What Mac OSes will LAbview 3.1.1 work on?

2004-03-24 Thread tmh
I'm not sure what you mean by '9.1 is 68k also'. Mac OS versions 8.5
upwards required a PowerPC processor, i.e. they won't run on a 68k
machine. However, that doesn't mean they can't run applications
written only in 68k code - for example, I still happily run Word 5.1
under Mac OS 9.0.4 on my Powerbook G3!

Also, a quick search of the NI site for

labview 3.1.1 mac

brought up at least one reference to a PowerPC version of this version
of LabVIEW - but it appears there were separate 68k and PowerPC
versions, so it may depend which version you have. Again, it's not
necessarily the case that the 68k version won't run on a PowerPC
machine, just that the performance won't be optimised.

Remember also that there's a difference between compatible meaning
officially tested and supported, and compatible meaning it doesn't
crash. It may be a case of just trying to run it on whatever Mac you
have and seeing how you get on.

Re: How do I pass data into a sub vi?

2004-03-24 Thread tmh
Think from the perspective of the VI, not the program: a control is
always an input to the VI on whose front panel it's placed, and an
indicator is always an output. Whether the control or indicator is
displayed to the user or not is really secondary.

If you're using a control to both pass data into your subVI and
display it to the user, you may want to disable it so the user can't
alter the displayed value - that might not affect the operation of
your program but it could be confusing!

The alternative would be to use a numeric control offscreen as the
input terminal to your subVI and wire the value from that control
directly into an onscreen tank indicator.

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-21 Thread tmh
I've used Get Date/Time in Seconds extensively for timing things. In
my experience at least (mainly LV5.1 on Windows 98), it returns the
time the OS currently thinks it is, e.g. in Windows the time currently
set in the Date/Time control panel. This means that if you change the
system time while your VI is running, it will mess up your timings.
This is an important point because changes you make in the Date/Time
control panel are instantly applied to the system time even though you
haven't clicked OK yet!

I don't think there's a problem with the motherboard battery failing
though - the PC will start up with the wrong date and time setting but
once started it should count up correctly, so relative timings will
still be OK.

Re: serial VISA not sending output until closed

2004-03-16 Thread tmh
Just for the record - since this question came up for me recently -
the official answer is that VISA 3.0.1 does support LabVIEW 5.1. In
fact it should support any older version of LabVIEW, but that may not
be tested/officially supported. See a

Re: How to create a 'circular' 30 day file in LabVIEW. the file...

2004-03-09 Thread tmh
If the file is as small as your example, or even if it's several times
bigger, I would just read the whole file into a string, convert it to
a string array using Spreadsheet String to Array, use the array
functions to strip off the unwanted data and append the new data, then
convert and write the whole file out again.

If it's megabytes in size but you have plenty of spare disc space, you
could read the file in one line or block of lines at a time until you
reach the start of the part you want to keep, then open a new file and
start writing the lines/blocks out to the new file as you read them
in, then append the new data, then delete the old file and rename the
new one you have created. There may be a better solution in this case,
but this will certainly work.

I would be interested in others' comments though, because I once
wanted to maintain a rolling buffer like this for audio data (i.e. a
much faster data rate) and I didn't find any simple solutions on

Re: Changing the brightness and contrast of an image displayed in a picture control

2004-03-09 Thread tmh
Pretty much, yes.

If you want to play around with image analysis, have a look at the
free ImageTool software from
- the brightness  contrast adjustment tool in this program
illustrates the idea very neatly.

(Mac users of course should get NIH Image from )

Re: Changing the brightness and contrast of an image displayed in a picture control

2004-03-08 Thread tmh
In all the image analysis packages I've seen, the basic brightness and
contrast adjustment functions use a simple straight-line relationship
between the old and the new intensity - basically z = a + b.z0 where
z0 is the old intensity and z is the new intensity value. 0  b  1
would give reduced contrast, b  1 would increase contrast; to change
brightness but not contrast keep b = 1 and change a. For RGB images
you just process R, G and B identically. A fairly easy task IMHO!

Re: Receiving SMS texts instantly

2004-03-08 Thread tmh
You don't want a modem, you want to connect directly to your phone -
either via a cable, as the previous poster suggests, or via an
infrared or Bluetooth connection if this is supported by your phone
and PC.

There's some pointers to information on how to download SMS from the
phone here:

Re: Running different VIs in parallel

2004-03-03 Thread tmh
What is it that stops your calling VI from continuing to run while the
subVI also runs? LabVIEW code only waits for a subVI call to finish if
you have made it do so by some kind of data dependency.

If your problem is that you need to pass data to/from a running subVI,
you might want to look at using queues, notifiers or globals.

Re: setting a single button to do a task in different loops

2004-02-26 Thread tmh
Notifiers are ideal for this situation. If your two loops don't
necessarily run simultaneously (or fast enough), you might want to
make a third loop just for the purpose of reading the button and
sending the notification each time it is clicked.

One thing you'll have to think about is each time you wait on the
notifier, whether you should ignore previous notifications or not. The
manual will make it clear what the implications of this are.

Re: passing data to subvi

2004-02-26 Thread tmh
How about using a queue?

Re: small program generating bar code type serial numbers

2004-02-18 Thread tmh
One way of doing this would be to initialise a Boolean array with 4096
elements, i.e. one for each number, then use Replace Array Element to
set/clear each one as needed, Index Array to check whether an
individual number has been used and Search 1D Array to find the first
unused number.

Another way would be to use an array of integers to hold the numbers
that have been used, use Search 1D Array to check whether a given
number exists in the array or not, and Build Array to add a new number
to the end of the array. To find the first unused number you'd
probably have to use a For loop and search the array repeatedly until
you didn't get a match, unless anyone can think of a better method.
I'm assuming that the used numbers are not necessarily in a continuous

The advantage of the second way is that you aren't limited to 4096
values, in case you go above this in the future.

In either case you can use the standard read/write file functions to
load and save the array on disc in LabVIEW binary format, or you can
use these together with Spreadsheet String to Array and Array to
Spreadsheet String to save as a text file - this would be better for
compatibility as you could also read it in Excel etc.

Within your program, you might want to use a functional global VI to
hold the current array value (in an uninitialised shift register of a
while loop), and you could also incorporate the save and load
functions in this VI.

Hope that's enough to get you started...

Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-02-17 Thread tmh
I've come across equipment where a certain command needed delays
between characters in order to be recognised, because its
microcontroller was too busy doing something else... Admittedly this
was a product of the company I worked for at the time and was somewhat
funky, but many commercial instruments have been known to show funky

Re: I am looking for a indicator like a FLASH LIGH, just show my sequencies moving on.

2004-02-11 Thread tmh
Only problem with this is that if the program actually does stop
working (hangs up somewhere), the indicator keeps animating and the
user just learns to hate the lying indicator ;)  This is why I curse
and swear at the Windows animation of pages flying from folder to
folder, which keeps running even when nothing has moved over the net
connection for half an hour... or the progress bar in IE5.5 that keeps
progressing even though the site is not responding or doesn't exist.

Much better to relate your progress indicator to real progress in the
program, if you can...

Re: 1D Array Search

2004-02-11 Thread tmh
I'd guess that the previous method using Search 1D Array would be
faster, if your array is large...

Re: I am looking for a indicator like a FLASH LIGH, just show my sequencies moving on.

2004-02-11 Thread tmh
Just another thought on this though... you could put the frames of
your animation into a pict ring indicator and have your program
increment the indicator to animate the picture as the task progresses.

Re: OS compatibility

2004-02-09 Thread tmh
1) Yes, as long as you have the appropriate LabVIEW development
environment for the other OS and you aren't relying on
platform-specific features such as ActiveX. Any CIN's/DLL's that
aren't part of LabVIEW would obviously also need recompiling.

2) No, unless you can get it to work under some kind of emulator like
SoftWindows on the Mac. To build an executable for a particular
platform you need the LabVIEW development environment and Application
Builder for that platform.

Maybe someone else can help with the Linux and Embedded XP

Re: importing vi from old LV versions (Mac to Win)

2004-02-04 Thread tmh
I believe that opening the old VI's and re-saving them in LV 4 would
also work. If you don't have LV4 or 5 then a conversion kit for old
VI's is supposedly available from NI.

You might be able to find a workaround for problem (2) by temporarily
moving some of the problem VI's out of where they currently are in the
hierarchy (vi.lib?) before you load your old VI's, and/or creating
'wrapper' VI's to go around the new VXI VI's that have the connectors
in the places you need.

If the conversion in (3) is a problem, can you avoid it by saving the
VI's into an LLB on the Mac before bringing them to Windows?

Re: Synchronize read from RS232

2004-02-04 Thread tmh
If the message transmitted by your sensor is always terminated by a
specific character, e.g. CR or LF, just enable that as the VISA
termination character for serial reads and set a timeout that is a bit
longer than the sensor interval, e.g. 2-3 times as long. Use a VISA
Read function and wire a large value to 'bytes to read' (larger than
the maximum expected message length). VISA Read will wait until a
complete message is received and then return it.

If the message doesn't have a termination character, read one byte at
a time in a while loop and assemble the bytes into a string or array
using a shift register. Use appropriate code to detect when a complete
message has been assembled.

Either of these methods will return the sensor response to your LV
program as soon as possible after the sensor has sent it, which is
what I assume you mean by 'on time'.

There are two possible problems to bear in mind when you have a device
that sends data continuously, rather than in response to a request:
first, that readings may build up in the serial buffer before your
program starts reading them, and second, that the first response you
read may have the beginning chopped off, if you opened the port while
the device was half-way through sending something. Make sure you've
considered both of these. (Using the 'flush' function can help, but
remember you might flush the buffer while the device is half-way
through sending!)

Re: Can I build an .exe that will run when opened ?

2004-01-15 Thread tmh
Sebastian's answer is exactly what you need, as long as you don't mind
the whole LabVIEW development environment starting up in order to run
your VI (and staying open afterwards). Just put your VI, or a link to
it, in the Startup programs group - I assume we're talking about
Windows here, of course.

If you actually want to create a stand-alone .exe file that doesn't
need the development environment installed on the PC where it runs and
behaves just like any other .exe program, you need the Application
Builder. I don't know if you'll be able to buy this for LV 5 any more,
you might have to upgrade to the latest LV version - in which case ask
NI for an upgrade price.

Re: two vis different timings?

2004-01-12 Thread tmh
Just use two separate loops on your VI's diagram, one for the data I/O
and one for the GUI. Use queues, notifiers or local/global variables
to send data from one loop to the other.

Re: Como puedo hacer una lectura paralela de dos puertos...

2004-01-09 Thread tmh
Thanks for the translation! Gracias!

Re: I am using serial communication and always having error...

2004-01-09 Thread tmh
In LabVIEW versions up to 5.1, the VISA resource name for COM1 on a PC
is ASRL1::INSTR, for COM2 ASRL2::INSTR etc. I believe LabVIEW 6
and later allow you to use the COM names as aliases but I'm a late
adopter ;-) In any case I believe the ASRL notation should still work
(someone else can probably help here). However, if you say your
program communicates OK to start with then the resource name you are
using is correct.

If you're seeing the error you mentioned after some time, I wonder if
you are opening lots of VISA sessions but not closing them again, so
eventually VISA runs out of resources? Generally you should open a
VISA session in your program before you start communicating, wire that
session through all the VISA VI's you use, and only close the session
when your program finishes.

If you're seeing some other intermittent error such as a timeout,
consider timing issues - maybe your instrument sometimes takes
slightly longer to respond, or you try to read data while the
instrument is only half-way through sending it, etc. You may need to
think about how to make your program more robust against these

Re: Como puedo hacer una lectura paralela de dos puertos...

2004-01-08 Thread tmh
If I understand correctly, you want to read from two serial ports
where the data arrives at different rates? Just use separate,
independent loops to read from each port. Use queues to send the data
from each loop to where it is needed, which could be another VI or a
third loop in the same VI.

Re: Does Labview 7 Express support ICP DAS make DAQ board?

2003-12-31 Thread tmh
Drivers and manuals for ICP-DAS products, including LabVIEW software,
are available here:

Have you tried their VI's and if so do they work?

Re: Questions about MKS instruments by using RS-232.

2003-12-29 Thread tmh
I'm not familiar with those instruments, but I've controlled MKS mass
flow controllers via RS-485 from LabVIEW and found it straightforward.
I think there were some VI's from MKS that used the old serial
functions, but I decided to write my own driver using VISA. As long as
you have the manual for the command protocol from MKS you should have
no problem. If there's a setup or utility program from MKS for these
instruments, use that first to verify communication and to check that
the instrument settings such as serial baud rate are correct.

As for the RS-232 ports, you'll need to add extra ports using either a
card or a USB adapter - both are fairly cheap and widely available.
Many PC's now have only one RS-232 port, so check how many you need to

Re: sir i want to synchronize 3 vi's using occurence fn but i am not getting how to use occurences

2003-12-24 Thread tmh
I've found notifiers (or queues) easier to understand and use than
occurrences. When one VI changes a value, have it also send a
notification. The other VI's use Wait on Notifier which will wait
until it receives the notification.

In fact, you may be able to do away with variables altogether and just
use the notifiers themselves to hold your data.