Re: ModBus/tcp with LabView

2004-06-01 Thread unclebump
I would like to see what you have if possible. Could you send to

Re: ModBus/tcp with LabView

2004-05-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I will post a library when I get back to the office.  We use WAGO
controllers fairly often.  Give me an e-mail to send them too.

ModBus/tcp with LabView

2004-05-28 Thread jvme

I'm looking for a modbus tcp/ip library which can be used in a Labview

The aim is to communicate with a modbus/tcp compatible PLC from WAGO.
I don't want to use OPC, because this is an overkill for a point to
point connection (PC - PLC).

Is such library available?



2004-05-11 Thread A.S.
It is possible to command a Modbus device with LabVIEW.  You will need
some sort of OPC server that speaks Modbus.  Once you have that, you
can use the Datasocket VIs in LabVIEW to communicate with your Modbus
device (via the OPC server).  If you do not have an OPC server,
National Instruments does sell an OPC server that supports Modbus.
This OPC server is called the Industrial Automation OPC Server
So as you can see, the process is not too difficult.  Once you have
installed the OPC server and configured it to talk to your Modbus
device, the Datasocket API in LabVIEW will be able to connect to the
Modbus device via the OPC server.

Hope this answers your question.  Please let us know if you have any
additional questions on this.

Have a nice day!

A. Saha
Applications Engineering
National Instruments


2004-05-06 Thread Paul F. Sullivan

Khalid's suggestion is a very good one.

I keep files of snippets from this forum on many subjects of personal 
interest and am sending you (private email only) the MODBUS 

Paul F. Sullivan

SULLutions  (781)769-6869
when a single discipline is not enough


2004-05-06 Thread jason . hobbs

We are currently developing a LabVIEW instrument driver for the Eurotherm 2000 and 3000 series controllers. I expect this driver to be completed in the next few months. If you would like to be notified when this driver is completed, then submit an Instrument Driver request at or you can just check back with our Instrument Driver Network ( In the short term, you may be able to use or modify some LabVIEW code that Eurotherm has on their website:
LabVIEW interface to Eurotherm OPC server:
LabVIEW VIs using modbus to communicate with Eurotherm controllers:

Jason Hobbs

you wrote:
I am looking forward to command a MODBUS device (Eurotherm 2208e 
Temperature Controller) with LabVIEW. What is it possible to do with 
such a device ? Do you have infos, advices, ressources about this, or 
MODBUS handling in general ?


SUMMARY: MODBUS Automationdirect GS2 drives?

2004-05-06 Thread Ross, Michael
I received some very nice answers from the following wireworkers:
Khalid Ansari
Paul Sullivan
Eric Scott

My own lessons learned:

MODBUS is not like some serial protocols that are essentially a simple
language for communicating with a controller.  MODBUS is less of language
and more a way to set parameters of a controller directly (which includes
RUN and STOP).

With MODBUS you send a sequence of numbers that starts the serial
transmission, IDs the device (MODBUS can communicate with multiple
devices on a serial network a la RS485), indicates whether the command is
a read or a write, IDs the memory location, for write ops sends the new
values, sends a redundancy check (LRC or CRC depending), and terminates
the transmission.

The syntax of a read op is slightly different.

It will be necessary to have documentation of the controller memory
addresses.  You cannot even guess what to send otherwise (with a ANSI
x3.28 you might actually strike a up a conversation on the fly, but not
with MODBUS).

I use MODBUS ASCII (as opposed to MODBUS RTU the standard when
communicating between a PLC and a MODBUS device).  The redundancy check
is LRC, longitudinal redundancy check.  This was foreign to me and is a
little tricky,  you sum up the hex representation of the sequence to be
sent, calculate the 2s compliment of that, discard the leading Fs saving
the last 2 digits, and adding them to the  end of the sequence before
terminating with a CR and LF.

In LV the 2s compliment is very easy to compute - the hex integer is
wired through a NOT function, that result is added to 1, and then the
leading Fs are subtracted.

I didn't stick my head into the CRC method.

While there are apparently some pre-existing VI's and other helpful
routines out there (some free some costly), for simple control such as I
needed a simple VISA communication session is all that is necessary.

Using VISA I can turn the spin and stop the drive and change the speed
from a VI.  If necessary I could also configure the drive in all its gory
detail, but this can be done by other means and is not done often so I
doubt a VI wil ever be written by me to do that.

It is worth noting that his communication is much faster (orders of
magnitude) than I had seen with other serial com methods, part of that is
baud rate but not all.  The contoller on the receiving end doesn't have
to do much interpreting of the sequence it is sent, and the overhead at
that end must be low.

Please feel free to contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you think I can be
helpful to you.  If I can't spare the time I will tell you so.

From Khalid Ansari:
Modbus is a simple, open communication protocol originally created by
Modicon/Schneider Electric.  Though it has been widely used by others and

considered open for several years, only last week did they give up
copyrights for it.

The Modbus protocol can be found here:

Modbus-IDA now maintains it:

There are several options for communicating to Modbus devices from

1. Write your own driver
Modbus is a simple protocol so you can write a driver, or part of it that
need in LabVIEW.  You'll use serial/VISA as with any other serial driver
that there's a Modbus-TCP protocol as well).  The protocol specification
should give you an idea of what's involved.  In addition, C/C++ and
VisualBasic APIs are also available.

2. Use existing LabVIEW VIs
There are several VIs available out there (none from NI though; some are
Alliance members).  Some of these are free:
(see Eurotherm; uses Modbus)


3. Use an OPC Server
As Modbus is heavily used in Industrial Automation, there are several OPC

Servers available for it, including one from NI:

Here you'll find a free one from Matrikon:

In LabVIEW, as you very likely know, to talk to an OPC Server, you would
either use DataSocket, or use the DSC module which has built-in support
OPC, and is recommended over DataSocket especially when you have a bunch

4. Use an ActiveX Server
There are ActiveX Servers available which talk Modbus.

A Google search returns a bunch for these.

In your case, the turning of the motor, reading its speed, etc., really
writing and reading of the correct


2004-05-05 Thread Olivier Zimmermann

I am looking forward to command a MODBUS device (Eurotherm 2208e 
Temperature Controller) with LabVIEW. What is it possible to do with 
such a device ? Do you have infos, advices, ressources about this, or 
MODBUS handling in general ?



2004-05-05 Thread Olivier Zimmermann


I am looking forward to command a MODBUS device (Eurotherm 2208e
Temperature Controller) with LabVIEW. What is it possible to do with
such a device ? Do you have infos, advices, ressources about this, or
MODBUS handling in general ?



2004-05-05 Thread Khalid Ansari

Hi Olivier,

You may want to search this list's archives for info' on Modbus and LabVIEW.  
There's bunch of postings on this topic.  


I guess this is a good idea, in general, to check the archives before posting 
any question.


Khalid Ansari

Olivier Zimmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
05/05/2004 04:27 AM
Subject: MODBUS


I am looking forward to command a MODBUS device (Eurotherm 2208e 
Temperature Controller) with LabVIEW. What is it possible to do with 
such a device ? Do you have infos, advices, ressources about this, or 
MODBUS handling in general ?


Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-24 Thread eps2
Here is a little twist.  I usually do not show my subVi's when
running.  I did a little more troubleshooting and changed this subVi
to show when called and it works fine.  Any Ideas?

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-24 Thread FerozP

I looked into this issue and here's what I found.

Window Error when Running Application Built with Sub-VI?/a

I hope this helps.

National Instruments

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread Dr. Imad
Are you using serial VISA ?
if so, you have to install the  VISA run time engine, or when you
build the executable (application builder) enable the selection for
serial port support.

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread ScottieB

I have two questions for you:

-What ModBus VI's are you using?  Who wrote them?
-What is the exact error that you receive at runtime while executing
on the LabVIEW Runtime Engine Target?

This sounds like it's an issue of the ModBus VI's depending on
something else that the Runtime Engine isn't providing.

Scott B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread Khalid
br Did you rebuild the executable using LV7?


Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread eps2
I am using serial visa as well as GPIB VISA.
The GPIB VISA that I execute before the MODBUS works fine.  I did
rebuild and distribute with serial support selected.  I get a null
node at the execution point for the MODBUS code only in the 7 runtime

Re: Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread eps2
Yes, I did rebuild the executable.

Modbus not working with LabView7 Runtime

2004-04-08 Thread eps2
I have recently upgraded to LabView7 and have an application that
comm. with a ModBus Controller.  Works fine in LabView 6 and using
runtime 6.  Works on my development computer using 7.  On the same
computer that it works fine using runtime 6 it won't run using runtime
7.  Any Ideas?

Re: Modbus communnication using labview???

2004-02-16 Thread Russell
Additionally, we have the following Knowledge Base article on the

LabVIEW and LabVIEW Real-Time Support Modbus?/a

You might be able to sidestep doing any modbus programming by using an
itermediary OPC server that can perform the modbus communication for
you.  Also, there is an NI alliance member that has a LabVIEW library
for modbus support.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Modbus communnication using labview???

2004-02-15 Thread Mads
If the communication you need is very simple, like e.g. just to get X
modbus register values from the unit then opening a serial og tcp/ip
link and sending a fixed string to the unit (assuming it's a it?) will do the trick. Then you'll get back a string that
is fairly easy to decode into an array. I can make an example for you
if you specify whether the unit is a slave or a master and what
registers you want and do you need to read or write them?

If you need to do more, buying a third party modbus library or
building one yourself is the solution. Serial VIs or TCP/IP VIs will
be at the bottom of the necessary code, but on top you need code to
generate and decode modbus messages. If buying is the preferred way to
go just try searching for modbus driver for LabVIEW on the net. I know
you can find one at, but that only supports serial
modbus as far as I know.

If you want to get to know the protocol check out the documents
available at

modbus tcp

2004-01-15 Thread sales support

The question: Is the communication between a OCS(PLC) and Labview over
ethernet, protocol: modbus tcp, possible.
So yes, are their exciting modbus tcp.VI and have anybody already
test the communication. Because the standard Vi,s of LV only support
the lowest level of the communication.



Re: Can i communicate with labview, using ethernet or seriel modbus.

2004-01-13 Thread Khalid

To communicate with a CAN/DeviceNET bus you will need an interface
card in your PC.  NI has such cards along with LabVIEW VIs:

To communicate with Modbus, you will NOT need any special cards but
you do need software drivers for it (you'll obviously need an Ethernet
card for TCP/IP and Serial port for RS232).  There are several options
for these drivers, however:

1.  Write your own driver VIs.  You'll basically implement the Modbus
protocol in LabVIEW.  Modbus is a simple and open protocol.
2.  Try to search the Net for such existing VIs.  I believe someone
has already written such Modbus VIs.
3.  Use the Industrial Automation OPC Servers suite from NI:
4.  Use any third-party OPC Server for Modbus.

NOTE: in case you opt 3 or 4 above:  though you may use DataSocket in
LabVIEW as an OPC Client, you may want to consider LabVIEW-DSC which
has a built-in OPC Client, and hence better support for OPC.

Hope this gives you some options.


iKhalid  /i