Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-02 Thread Dennis Knutson
Do you have an NI GPIB board? If you do, you might want to check the
installation of VISA software and even try doing a re-install. I'm not
sure what the LeCroy software might be doing but another thing to try
is to make sure it's closed and not running when working with MAX.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-02 Thread ninskaya
Hi Dennis, I'm sorry for all these questions. The clicking of the
right VISA arrow doesn't give me any VISA resource names on my system.
I did a scan with Max which tells me that I don't have any GPIB
connection (which isn't the case), altough when I check on Scope
Explorer it tells me that I'm connected to GPIB and gives me its


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread Dennis Knutson
ScopeExplorer is not a scope. It is a program that communicates with
LeCroy scopes. Go to LeCroy's web site for";>LabVIEW
Drivers or NI's Instrument Driver Network for";>LeCroy
and download the driver for your brand of hardware. If you have a
choice, get a LabVIEW driver as opposed to an IVI driver. An IVI
driver will work but it's a bit harder to setup and you won't be able
to modify the program or even see the code unless you also have
LabWindows/CVI. In either case, with the driver you won't have to do
any VISA Reads yourself unless you feel like you want to recreate what
has already been done for you. The";>Instrument Driver Network
main page has some links to definitions of the different types of
instrument drivers and how they should be used.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread Dennis Knutson
Like I said in my answer to one of your other postings, you've got the
wrong driver. The HP34401 is a DMM. You should be able to use the VISA
Open from the Instrument I/O>VISA>VISA Advanced palette to open a
connection to the instrument. If you create a VISA resource name
control or constant you should be able to click on the little arrow on
the right side to see a list of all valid VISA resource names on your
system. This is assuming that you've had MAX do a scan for
instruments. Do this by expanding the Devices and Interfaces listing
in MAX, select the GPIB0 listing, and right click on it.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Thanks a lot.


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread BJD1613
You will be able to open up Measurment and Automation Explorer (MAX)
to view all devices configured on your machine.  You should be able to
see what address it is under gpib devices.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Sorry, the scope is a Lecroy Scope Explorer version 2.12.


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Hi Dennis Knutson, thanks a lot for your help. I am using
ScopeExplorer as a scope. I am sorry, I don't really understand in
which form the data will be. Shall I use the Read Visa vi like another
person suggested and if yes how can I found out about the GPIB


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-02-27 Thread Dennis Knutson
You don't mention the type of scope or whether you're using a driver
but I'm going to assume that you are. Every driver that I've seen has
a function to return the scope waveform. It may be as a 1D array or as
a waveform datatype. In general, all you have to do is wire a graph to
the returned data. Most drivers come with an example that do this
already. Put this in a loop and you'll have continously updating data.
There is no such thing as "real time". The max data transfer rate for
GPIB is 1MB/sec and real world numbers are usually much less. From the
number of samples you request from the scope, you should be able to
determine the delay between the scope acquisition and the display on
your computer.

If you need more details, please provide the make and model of the
scope that you're using.