Re: Using Numeric Is this correct?

2004-04-24 Thread fahlers
The "problem" that the function is not defined at negative times tau
is a common one: it also happens e.g. in cross- and auto-correlation
formulae. A real-world sampled signal always is measured during a
finite period of time (mostly starting by convention at t=0), but
mathematically the formulae assume an integration from -infinity to
+infinity. You may look at the real signal as a product of an ideal
one (unlimited in time) and a rectangular window function with value 1
between time=0 and time=T and 0 elsewhere. A Fourier transform of a
(bounded in time) function can therefore be considered as the
convolution of the Fourier transform of the (unbounded in time)
function with the Fourier transform of a rectangular function (which
is an x/sin(x) funtion, AFAI recall). In order to minimize the related
artefacts in FFT, people often use other than rectangular window
functions before FFT'ing, the 'Hanning' and the 'Hamming' type
functions being most widely used.

I don't know if for the formula you are evaluating also such a
windowing 'trick' is possible to reduce the artifacts of the function
being defined only between 0 and T, but to start with, I would simply
assume that fcc(tau) is 0 for tau<0 and for tau>T.

(PS: another argument why in your formula a functional relation and
not a product is meant: if it were a product, the integrand could be
converted like
i.e. taumax wouldn't appear any more...)



Re: Using Numeric Is this correct?

2004-04-24 Thread DonRoth
This is an extremely good point and I need to contact the authors of
this article who first used the Nonsymmetry coefficient and determine
the correct usage.  I guess the reason I assumed multiplication is
because the value of fcc at (tau_max - tau) over the period of the
integration can result in a lot of values that cannot be evaluated
because tau_max - tau will be negative (egs. fcc(-10 usec)) and the
correlation fx produced I believe starts at time = 0 and proceeds
positively).  What do you think?  But I will contact them.



Re: Using Numeric Is this correct?

2004-04-24 Thread DonRoth
Per one of the authors:

"As for the nonsymmetry coefficient, this
integral is just a measure of the mirror symmetry of fcc around
It would be zero if perfectly symmetric. The integration should really
be from 0 to +infinity, but as before, outside of some range of tau,
both fcc(taumax-tau) and fcc(taumax+tau) (these are functional
evaluations, and not multiplications) will both go to zero. So the
integral may be appropriately truncated."

So you were correct and I thank you for pointing this out.  As
explained, this makes perfect sense.

Thanks again,


Re: Using Numeric Is this correct?

2004-04-24 Thread DonRoth
Hello Franz:

I have contacted and left messages with the authors of the article
that I saw the formula in but your argument makes sense.  I am
familiar with the FFT and correlation process and in fact we use the
hanning window to reduce the artifacts of the discrete fourier
transform just as you say.

Thanks a lot for your help.  I will post the final answer when they
get back to me.  I am glad I had someone else take a look at this.

Now the next step i have to figure out is how to do this in 2d, that
is in the spacial image domain.  I want to work and calculate the
formulation of the nonsymmetry coefficient in the 2d domain.  I am
going to start with the FFT of the image and the complex conjugate of
the FFT of the image to get corrrelation function.  At this point, I
am a little confused on how to use numeric integration in labview in
the 2d domain so need to study that some more.



Re: Using Numeric Is this correct?

2004-04-24 Thread fahlers
Hi Don,

I had a quick glance on your VI and the formula in it. This formula
contains terms like fcc(taumax + tau) which IMO are meant to read:
value of the (time dependent) function fcc at time (taumax+tau). In
your code however you calculate the product fcc * (taumax + tau) which
is of course quite different
