LI marijuana legalization thing in the UK?

1998-03-30 Thread Steve Wright

Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BTW, what's going on with the marijuana legalization thing in the UK?


Just lighting one up now doclol, no, theres no chance of it becoming
legalized in my opinion.  Our country is far to backward.  All the britsh
politicians do one thing and preach another (like all of them I suppose)
there were only 3000 (according to sky news) protestors though, not enough
to cause a rumble in the jungle.


(BBC) UK Cannabis campaign on the move

Protesters defied police by lighting up
About 11,000 people joined a march through the streets of central London in
support of decriminalising cannabis.

The rally, on Saturday, was described as the biggest of its kind in Britain
for decades. Supporters from all over Europe took part.

MP Paul Flynn says cannabis is not a threat to society (37').
Dozens of marchers were openly smoking cannabis as they congregated behind a
huge "legalise it" banner, despite police warnings that they risked being
However, police said only one juvenile was arrested for possession of
cannabis and a 21-year-old man was arrested for breach of the peace.
Part way through the march leading pro-cannabis campaigner and former drug
smuggler, Howard Marks, arrived at the front and led the way, smoking a
joint as he walked behind three policemen.
He said the march was necessary "because the government doesn't seem to
listen to anything else".
Campaigners delighted
The rally was organised by the Independent on Sunday newspaper and led by
the Labour MP Paul Flynn, who is campaigning for the decriminalisation of
the drug.
The mood was jovial
He said the march was already a success even before anybody had taken a
single step.
"At last we are having a serious debate about the perils of prohibition," he
"The fact is that prohibition is fuelling the increased use of all drugs in
this country, which is now the drugs capital of Europe."
Cannabis legalisation campaigners argue that there is no firm proof that the
drug damages the health of users.
Therapeutic effects
They also point to studies which suggest chemicals found in the plant can
relieve pain in people suffering illnesses such as arthritis.
Verity Leeson, 20, from Hatfield, Hertfordshire, who suffers from multiple
sclerosis, was in her wheelchair at the front of the march smoking cannabis.
"I think they should legalise it," she said. "I have been smoking cannabis
for two years on my doctor's advice. It helps my condition, it's a good
painkiller and it relaxes me."
Opponents unconvinced
The campaign has brought strong opposition from anti-drug groups who believe
that cannabis is harmful to health and to society.
Glenys Weaver, of Parents Against Drugs, disagrees with any relaxation of
the drug laws.
"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don't think the drug should be
legalised," she said.
"My son is a heroin addict, and it has devastated our family and so many
other families, and it all started through the use of soft drugs like

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #756

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for this excellent report which I have saved, The
characteristics certainly seem to fit many of the serial killers I have
read about - the Ripper, Sutcliffe, Zodiak, Bundy, Bittiker, Boston
Strangler,  the Russian cannibal who garnered his victims in a railway
station, various freeway killers, etc.  

Most of us are lucky that these monsters are so few population-wise that
we simply do not encounter them as children or adults.  Otherise, our
faces too would now be on miilk cartons, for who coud outwit such evil?


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LI Black Widow Executed

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So where's the outrage? Where was the press? Why no interviews on TV?
This lady had the same criteria as Tucker did, oh except for one thing
she wasn't as young or as pretty. Is that what a women needs to get
those against the death penalty to notice her? I'm sure some will
disagree with me strongly, but in this case the actions of the silent
speak a lot louder than the words of those after the fact.

Fifty-four-year-old Judy Buenoano, known as the "Black Widow," was 
executed in Florida's electric chair Monday morning for poisoning her  
husband in 1971. 

"The prisoner was pronounced dead at 7:13 a.m. EST (1213 GMT)," said   
Rhonda Horler, a prison spokeswoman who witnessed the execution. "She
made no final statement." 

Buenoano, who was given the nickname by a Florida prosecutor who said
she preyed off her mates and her young, was the first woman
executed in Florida since 1848, and the third executed in the United   
States since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in   
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Black Widow Executed

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry :)

Well she won't be confessing since they executed her this morning. Yet I
did see "The New Detectives" profile her bombing case and I was
convinced by the evidence that she did it. I am just surprised how
silent people were about this case. Both her and Tucker claimed to have
found God, both of them taught religion in prison, yet no one was
interested in taking up her cause. Now her son dying the same day he's
released to her, well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that
one out LOL and I personally thought the DA who prosecuted her needed a
bit more of a imagination, it seems they always call female killers
"Black Widows", it gets rather boring hearing the same phrase when
talking about female killers.

The Supreme Court denied her appeal last week.

 No, Kathy, she needs a name everyone can remember and pronounce.  People
 don't love black widows.  She needs to confess and stress her religious
 conversion and that she teaches Bible classes.  She must not talk about
 evidence or innocence.  Who wants to hear that dry stuff?  Certainly not
 courts.  They are supposedly still examining the evidence according to her
 A lawyer needs PR skills.  Forget the evidence.  That is immaterial.
 It takes a great leap of faith to believe all the incredible coincidences.
 But who cares about that stuff?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #748

1998-03-30 Thread Steve Wright

"Steve Wright" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill,

Somebody ought to get the word to the police about the hordes of  mature
men on Jerry Springer's show who are impregnating fourteen year old girls
without being arrested, much less convicted.  In one case an old man
married his own daughter.

How on earth can that be legal
That just defies belief...
I'm absolutely speechless.


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Re: LI marijuana legalization thing in the UK?

1998-03-30 Thread Steve Wright

"Steve Wright" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Like every other method of self-destruction,
the harder drugs are a matter of individual choice.


Couldn't have said that better myself, Im no angel but Im not

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LI game site

1998-03-30 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If you go to there are all kinds of games to

Play Java-based games on Yahoo! with people all across the Internet.
All games are FREE and require NO extra plug-ins. 
Board Games: 
Backgammon (310)
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Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Some Random Comments On The Latest Allegations Against Clinton

1998-03-30 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

.  I agree with Lott.  This one is certainly
not like Anita Hill.

Bill: You really don't agree with Sen Lott, a Republican conservative, do
you? I think his statement that this is not an Anita Hill, means that there
are much more substantial allegations against Clinton, than the offense that
Anita Hill took at Clarence Thomas' sexual innuendo jokes.


Women have their faults. Men have only two.
Everything they say. Everything they do.
-Original Message-
From: William J. Foristal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: LI Some Random Comments On The Latest Allegations Against

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

It's easy to accuse someone of something.  That's why, in this great
country, one must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Accusations are a dime a dozen in Washington, DC.  One would hope they
could get better evidence than an xerox copy of an unsigned letter
attributed to a woman who has denied all the allegations under oath.
More straws being grasped at

On Sun, 29 Mar 1998 19:56:38 -0500 (EST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Clinton has been accused of raping a campaign volunteer 20 years ago.
random comments:

Sen. Lott, Republican Majority Leader:  This isn't like with Anita

Sen. Daschle, Democratic Minority Leader:  This isn't like with Anita

Anita Hill:  One must consider the politics.

Gloria Steinem:  Rape isn't sexual harassment if it happens only once.

Bill Clinton:  Aides cause sex.

Bill:  If he says he didn't do it, that's good enough for me.
Best, Terry

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: LI Sometimes indifference means death for another

1998-03-30 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-30 20:13:49 EST, you write:

 I don't know if heros are just made that way or not.  Surely I would have
 called the cops just as I would at least help the wounded next time.  Hell
 everybody would.  There was no next time for me just as there will not be
 for the cab driver and the spectators in the buildings anymore than for
 Kitty Genovese. 

Heroism is probably beyond most of us, at least in the heat of the moment.
But I don't see that much heroism required for a 911 call.  And in the days
when Kitty Genovese was being killed, 911 didn't even have caller ID so they
had no way of identifying who called.  I don't know if they do everywhere now
-- around here they do.

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Re: LI Anti-Spam Law Passed by Washington State

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

Someone ought to give the word to the po

Somone ought to give the word to the police about the hordes of mature
men on the Jerry Springer show who are impregnating fourteen year old
girls without being arrested or convicted.  In one cse an old man had
married his own daughter.

I maintain it is a man's world and men can get away with much more than
can women, including the reversal of sexual roles.

You wrote:

. . .Adult men who have sex with minor females (regardless of whether
they impregnate them) are tried and if convicted sent to prison. . ..

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LI Re: Kitty Genovese

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Doc,

And what's even more appalling is the fact that the law is on the side of
those who watch without doing anything.  They are not legally required to
get involved, not even to dial 911.


You wrote:

. . .Remember Kitty Genovese?  Nothing much has changed, has it?. .

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LI Re:

1998-03-30 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-30 20:45:45 EST, you write:

 The government must
 have some reason to make marijuana illegal, or else their actions would be
 unjust to American citizens.  

And of course we all know THAT never happens, right?

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #748

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Steve,

The marriage was not legal, but the couple were not arrested.  What
happened was the father divorced his wife and stayed away from his
children frpm then on. He and his daughter claimed they met each other
accidentally, fell in love and married before they found out they were
father andf daughter.  At program's end they had decided to stay together
as man and wife.  Sick, sick, sick!

You wrote:

,How on earth can that be legal
That just defies belief...
I'm absolutely speechless.

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talk shows was Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #748

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

HI Doc and all :)

Only believe about 10% if that much of what you hear on the talk shows.
A lot of them are actors having a ball lying their rears off. It's been
revealed time over time that the guests weren't "real" people. Not all
of them are fakes but a lot of them are. At least from what I have seen,
I know one of the news shows did an investigation into this and it was
quite humorous. They showed this one man on Oprah, Springer, and Rivera,
he had a different problem with each program! I was LMAO. They then
interviewed a group of them and they basically said, they thought it was
fun to do the talk show circuit, plus they got a free hotel and limo
service, and they had a good time. Of course they said the host/hostess
wasn't aware they were lying.

I also stopped watching the shows, heck If I want to watch some nobody
lie to me, I can just go read the newsgroups on the net (VBG).

DocCec wrote:
 DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In a message dated 98-03-30 17:47:06 EST, you write:
  Somebody ought to get the word to the police about the hordes of  mature
  men on Jerry Springer's show who are impregnating fourteen year old girls
  without being arrested, much less convicted.  In one case an old man
  married his own daughter.
 Hate to sound Densa, but I don't watch the show -- is this in the script or in
 real life?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Re:

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi sensei,

The idea that our government protects us from anything is laughable!
No doubt Uncle Sam wants us to be on our toes and keep the companies and
corporations for which we work happy.  Smoking pot might make our
intellect a bit hazy while on the job, and God knows the business of
America is business, as Teddy Roosevelt put it, and must not be
interfered with.

Why not admit there is some medicinal benefit from the use of marijuana
and give everyone a truer picture of theplant?  The fact that it is
helping people with physical problems ought to be part and parcel of its
presentation in the literature.  

You wrote:

The whole concept of legalising Marijuana here in the states is
absurd!  The people who are "pro-cannabis" contend that Marijuana causes
no physical harm to the human body, and that the drug may also serve as
a"painkiller".  This argument was obviously thought up while they were

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Re: LI Sometimes indifference means death for another

1998-03-30 Thread hallinan


DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Heroism is probably beyond most of us, at least in the heat of the moment.
But I don't see that much heroism required for a 911 call.  And in the days
when Kitty Genovese was being killed, 911 didn't even have caller ID so they
had no way of identifying who called.  I don't know if they do everywhere now
-- around here they do.

But, Doc, on those terms naturally it takes no courage.  So why didn't
somebody call 911?  Is there something vastly different with those people
than all the rest of us?

From what I heard the building where people watched the cabdriver being
beaten and stuffed in the trunk was an area terrorized by crime.  People
living under such conditions learn to look the other way.  That's no excuse,
just an observation.

There are also the incredible cases where people are attacked in broad
daylight in a crowd of ordinary people.  People wait for a leader to do
something.  And sometimes there is none.

Of course, you and I are different. 
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Sometimes indifference means death for another

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry,

Well I see a major difference in your situation and the others we have
been talking about, you were obviously in shock, just you saying it
comes in bit's and pieces to you tells me that. Yet I do not see the
people who were watching this as being in shock, rather they were in the
"I don't want to get involved" mode, heck they didn't even tell the
police where the body was when the police were searching for him.

People don't do acts to become hero's they aren't even thinking of that,
they are mainly trying to help another in distress. These people decided
it was more entertaining to watch the show. It doesn't take a hero to
help another, it just takes common decency and respect for human life.
The press and media labels hero's, most of us look at a situation
knowing we would have helped if we could. Would it have taken a hero to
save this man? No, it would have only taken a 911 call.

It's easy to try to come up with an excuse on why no one did anything,
but the truth is they watched a man beat to death and there is no excuse
for that.

 Hi Doc and Kathy,
 We all have the identical reaction.  And yet why are all those people so
 different from all 250 million of the rest of us?
 This is not exactly a story of great pride.  When I was on a bus bombed by
 the Viet Cong I watched one man - a Sgt. Sullivan - helping those who were
 the most severely off the bus.  I remembered then and now everything in
 flashes.  I was as helpless to lend a hand as I was not to panic at the
 instant of the explosion.
 The sergeant was an alcoholic who was later booted out of the service in
 disgrace through my own intelligence office because he tried on his own to
 show the operation of the black market with military supplies.  He did that
 and it cost both him and the man he caught their careers in lieu of courts
 I don't know if heros are just made that way or not.  Surely I would have
 called the cops just as I would at least help the wounded next time.  Hell
 everybody would.  There was no next time for me just as there will not be
 for the cab driver and the spectators in the buildings anymore than for
 Kitty Genovese.
 It's easy to point fingers at times of incredible shows of cowardice and
 indifference.  We would never be like that.  Not one of hundreds of millions
 of us.
 Best, Terry
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Gun Ownership As a Deterrent?

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Steve,

I tend to think so. Common sense also comes into the reasoning, if
someone is going to break into a house which will they choose? The one
where they know the owner has a gun or where they know the owner
doesn't? Of course they're going to go to the house free of guns. No use
risking getting shot when they can go to another area and accomplish the
same thing with less chance of being harmed.

Steve Wright wrote:
 Thats really interesting coming from a country with little gun ownership
 (just sport and drug dealers), do you think that violent criminals just do
 there business elsewhere?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Welcome Jamez

1998-03-30 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jamez and welcome to the Law list :) I hope your enjoying it here :)
If you need any help or assistance please don't hesitate to ask :) 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI legalization and decriminalization?

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

My point was not that the women involved in these gruesomw murders
deserved anything better than they got, but that such acts further
brutalize society to the point we are on the verge of killing even our
children in lethal chambers.

And there are far, far more men committing horrible crimes than there are
women committing them.  Crime among males is so common that I'm not sure
we can afford not to execute some of the worst offenders for our own

Women can also fight with men shoulder to shoulder in combat, but again I
call upon my own gender bias to say I hate to see them on the front lines
in a war.  For one thing men are much better fighters.  Most women
realloy are the gentler sex.

These are just one woman's opinion.


You wrote:

. . .I strongly disagree with you. You can't have one punishment for
one gender and not the other. What you have basically said here is that
the DP's okay for men and not women, Well I could never agree with that.
No matter who you are or what gender you are if you do a criminal act you
best be ready to face the ultimate punishment if it is handed down...

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Re: LI Welcome Jamez

1998-03-30 Thread Jamez

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jamez) writes:

Thank you Kathy for your warm welcome! As a senior in high school, I am
very interested in law, and I figured this particular newsgroup will get me
in touch with some of the law issues going on in our society today.  Since
I am an amateur at responding to such issues, it will take some time to get
used to the reading, and of course writing out my opinions clearly and
concisely.  So just try to bare with my incompetence! :)

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Re: LI Welcome Jamez

1998-03-30 Thread hallinan


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jamez) writes:

Thank you Kathy for your warm welcome! As a senior in high school, I am
very interested in law, and I figured this particular newsgroup will get me
in touch with some of the law issues going on in our society today.  Since
I am an amateur at responding to such issues, it will take some time to get
used to the reading, and of course writing out my opinions clearly and
concisely.  So just try to bare with my incompetence! :)

Glad to have you here, Jamez, and try to forgive all the self-important
blather by those of us that pretend we know something.  You write plainly
and forcefully.  Maybe you can teach the rest of us by example. :-}
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI marijuana legalization thing in the UK?

1998-03-30 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

H   i Doc,

Amen!  Your post should be sent to the head of the DEA.

You wrote:

. . .The real study would be one to find out how many pot users go on
to use hard drugs, not the other way around.

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