Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I have a feeling that this book will be the last hurrah.  If Simpson
pulls some more crap to get into the spotlight, perhaps a little
something will come of it.  But as far as the whole trial thing goes, I
think this will be the end of it.  I can't honestly think of anyone else
who could write a book that I would be interested in right now.  I think
there is one coming out or is out, that Denise wrote, but I don't think
I would want to read it. 

Actually I guess everything that can be said about those trials has been
said now.

Everything else would just be tabloid stuff.  

Except if he cracked.  

> HI Sue,
> I haven't heard a thing from or about the Browns.  The charity groups and
> support groups seemed to die off rather quickly.  I am a bit suspicious
> of the real motivations for those groups and wonder if some people made
> some quick cash off of those groups.  They had the perfect environment
> since so many people were emotionally involved in the case and ready to
> send their money in.
> Only think I've heard about Goldman is his TV special on justice in
> America.
> Even news of the Dream Team has dwindled to nothing.
> But as sad as it is, the stigma will never go away with respect to his
> kids.  The first thing people will think of every time they meet them or
> hear their names is the fact that their father most likely murdered their
> mother.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-29 16:18:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< If you engage in both puts and calls you might as well save your time. 
 You are going to break even. :)  Do you mean you choose not to form an
 opinion or choose not to express it.  I don't have the will power to
 resist doing either. 

OK, ok, puts and calls was just an expression.  I'm too chicken to mess with
futures, believe me.
Mostly I just don't bother to form an opinion when I don't see any way to form
one that has a better chance of being correct than does its opposite.  I don't
really need to have an opinion on everything.  
Sometimes I "have a hunch" -- not really an opinion, if that means something
based on some kind or reason and/or fact, but just an intuitive jump.  Whether
I express that, or any other opinion, rather depends on the milieu.  If it's
just a case of exchanging hunches and if everyone understands that, fine.  But
if it's an argument, then I usually don't bother.  I'll argue if I have a
position I consider well thought out, but not otherwise.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Sue,

I haven't heard a thing from or about the Browns.  The charity groups and
support groups seemed to die off rather quickly.  I am a bit suspicious
of the real motivations for those groups and wonder if some people made
some quick cash off of those groups.  They had the perfect environment
since so many people were emotionally involved in the case and ready to
send their money in.

Only think I've heard about Goldman is his TV special on justice in

Even news of the Dream Team has dwindled to nothing.

But as sad as it is, the stigma will never go away with respect to his
kids.  The first thing people will think of every time they meet them or
hear their names is the fact that their father most likely murdered their


On Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:47:45 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi BIll:
>Actually it is a no win situation for these kids.  No matter where 
>live or where they end up going they are always going to be known as 
>kids of a killer.  
>If Simpson had just taken off after the trial and gone off somewhere 
>lived a very quiet life without all the hoopla that he created and is
>still creating, I think that the public sooner or later would have 
>forgotten this whole thing and gone on to something else.
>He is the one who keeps making the damning statements and creating the
>publicity and hatred of the public.  And these kids are going to be 
>ones who will suffer from it.
>I haven't heard anything about the Browns lately have you?  Also what
>ever happened to Denise and her fight against spousal abuse?
>I do still get mailings from the Nicole Simpson charity thing.  But
>haven't gotten anything from the Ron Goldman one for months.
>> Hi Sue,
>> Yeah, that was my point.  We always hear things like "it was 
>> that", or an undisclosed source said that.etc.  We never 
>> see or hear Sydney or Justin saying anything.  So if you could tract 
>> the trial of where these reports come from I'd bet we'd find they 
>> from people who are biased for or against Simpson.  And there is no 
>> we can ever determine if Sydney or Justin actually did or said what 
>> reported.  I suppose that Justin's story he wrote where his father 
>> out to be the murderer in a school exercise was true, although the 
>> story was never released to the public.
>> I think it's fair to assume that both kids will carry psychological
>> problems throughout their lives because of the trauma they have
>> experienced.
>> Bill
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998 14:21:21 EDT DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-29 11:48:22 EDT, you write:
><< IMO, things haven't really changed much, even with the advent of 
> computer.  The key is still to review a very large cross section of 
> and other information sources in order to get all sides of an issue 
> event so you can make the best possible assessment of what is true 
> what is legend.  And sometimes even that is not enough.
> Bill >>
>For me there's an added step.  Is it something about which I must make 
>decision or form an opinion?  If not, I just leave it alone.  If I 
>must take
>some sort of action, I try to discern which, if any, of all the 
>reports is most probable given common sense, and then hedge my bets 
>both puts and calls is a good example of that.)
>Doc (the last of the big time gamblers -- bet the favorite to show.)

Hi Doc,

If you engage in both puts and calls you might as well save your time. 
You are going to break even. :)  Do you mean you choose not to form an
opinion or choose not to express it.  I don't have the will power to
resist doing either. 


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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-29 11:48:22 EDT, you write:

<< IMO, things haven't really changed much, even with the advent of the
 computer.  The key is still to review a very large cross section of media
 and other information sources in order to get all sides of an issue or
 event so you can make the best possible assessment of what is true and
 what is legend.  And sometimes even that is not enough.
 Bill >>

For me there's an added step.  Is it something about which I must make a
decision or form an opinion?  If not, I just leave it alone.  If I must take
some sort of action, I try to discern which, if any, of all the competing
reports is most probable given common sense, and then hedge my bets (doing
both puts and calls is a good example of that.)
Doc (the last of the big time gamblers -- bet the favorite to show.)

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi BIll:

Actually it is a no win situation for these kids.  No matter where they
live or where they end up going they are always going to be known as the
kids of a killer.  

If Simpson had just taken off after the trial and gone off somewhere and
lived a very quiet life without all the hoopla that he created and is
still creating, I think that the public sooner or later would have just
forgotten this whole thing and gone on to something else.

He is the one who keeps making the damning statements and creating the
publicity and hatred of the public.  And these kids are going to be the
ones who will suffer from it.

I haven't heard anything about the Browns lately have you?  Also what
ever happened to Denise and her fight against spousal abuse?

I do still get mailings from the Nicole Simpson charity thing.  But
haven't gotten anything from the Ron Goldman one for months.
> Hi Sue,
> Yeah, that was my point.  We always hear things like "it was reported
> that", or an undisclosed source said that.etc.  We never actually
> see or hear Sydney or Justin saying anything.  So if you could tract back
> the trial of where these reports come from I'd bet we'd find they come
> from people who are biased for or against Simpson.  And there is no way
> we can ever determine if Sydney or Justin actually did or said what was
> reported.  I suppose that Justin's story he wrote where his father turned
> out to be the murderer in a school exercise was true, although the actual
> story was never released to the public.
> I think it's fair to assume that both kids will carry psychological
> problems throughout their lives because of the trauma they have
> experienced.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 21:19:08 EDT DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-28 17:09:16 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< Sue, honey, don't believe everything you read, even on the 
> >Or maybe
> >especially on the internet.  
> >Doc
> >
> HI Doc,
> Change "internet" to "computer" and you've hit on a basic fact of 
>life in
> today's cyberworld. 
> Bill >>
>Same thing, I think.  This is one of those stories that starts when 
>with a good imagination dreams up a scenario.  Usually, though not 
>always, the
>first post about it is "did you hear?" or "I'll just bet" or 
>something.  But
>shortly thereafter it becomes "fact" -- and there will always be new 
>ears to
>hear and new gullible hearers to believe.  

Hi Doc,

IMO, things haven't really changed much, even with the advent of the
computer.  The key is still to review a very large cross section of media
and other information sources in order to get all sides of an issue or
event so you can make the best possible assessment of what is true and
what is legend.  And sometimes even that is not enough.


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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-29 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

No, I wasn't forgetting those reports.  As I recall they never really
said what Sydney and Justin said or thought.  They reported the opinions
of the experts with respect to custody issues and didn't even deal with
what they said or thought about the murders.  The judge even stated that
the results of the civil trial were not relevant to the issue of custody.
 Most of the actual interviews are extremely sensitive and confidential
in order to protect the children's interest.  And much of what we assume
to be true came from the infamous leaks as opposed to what was released
during the custody hearings.  I stand by my opinion that we've never
really heard what Sydney and Justin think about the murder of their
mother or whether they think their father is innocent or guilty.


On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 09:02:02 -0400 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill :)
>I think your forgetting the custody trial when some of the reports 
>the psychiatrist were released and those reports did say what Sydney 
>Justin thought, since the Psychs had talked to the kids.
>William J. Foristal wrote:

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

I think it is a lot of both.  :(

> Hello Yvonne,
> Does that sound reminiscent of the "real killer"?  Will the "real" driver
> please come forward?  They must have absolute contempt for the intelligence
> of people or absolute belief that they are above the law.
> Joan

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Ron Shipp and his family were ostracized by the community after the
trial.  He couldn't even earn a living for a long time there.

And he is about the only one in the whole mess who hasn't profited from
the murders.  He never wrote a book or anything.

I guess he is doing better now, but it took another trial for anything
to happen.

And what is really sad about the whole thing is that he still "loved"
Simpson regardless of what happened.  :(

> Hi Sue,
> Even OJ's mother didn't hesitate to get on the stand and lie about Ron
> Shipp being "spaced out" the night after OJ returned from Chicago.
> Ron deserves a medal for his conduct during the whole ordeal.
> Vi

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Couldn't agree with you more.  Unfortunately he is so self serving, and
seems to live in his own little world, that whatever happens to those
kids will never faze him.  :(

> Sue,
> All he cares about ae his creature comforts and womanizing and that will
> never change.  I feel sorry for all of his kids.
> Vi

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-28 17:09:16 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Sue, honey, don't believe everything you read, even on the internet.  
 >Or maybe
 >especially on the internet.  
 HI Doc,
 Change "internet" to "computer" and you've hit on a basic fact of life in
 today's cyberworld. 
 Bill >>

Same thing, I think.  This is one of those stories that starts when someone
with a good imagination dreams up a scenario.  Usually, though not always, the
first post about it is "did you hear?" or "I'll just bet" or something.  But
shortly thereafter it becomes "fact" -- and there will always be new ears to
hear and new gullible hearers to believe.  

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


All he cares about ae his creature comforts and womanizing and that will
never change.  I feel sorry for all of his kids.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

. . .<<>>. .

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Even OJ's mother didn't hesitate to get on the stand and lie about Ron
Shipp being "spaced out" the night after OJ returned from Chicago.
Ron deserves a medal for his conduct during the whole ordeal.


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
. . .<<>>. .

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Yvonne,

I will watch Dateline tonight and tomorrow I'm off to the bookstore!


> From: Yvonne  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 1998 1:36 PM
> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Petrocelli's book just came out and is sitting next to my keyboard!   
> glorious pages.
> -Original Message-
> From: Joan Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tuesday, April 28, 1998 6:14 AM
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> >"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hello Yvonne,
> >
> >Does that sound reminiscent of the "real killer"?  Will the "real"
> >please come forward?  They must have absolute contempt for the
> >of people or absolute belief that they are above the law.
> >
> > Joan
> >
> >--
> >> From: Yvonne  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> >> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 5:56 PM
> >>
> >> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >>
> >> Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.  
> >> furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the
> >person
> >> who was behind the driver's seat.
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
> >> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> >>
> >>
> >> >Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Hi Yvonne:
> >> >
> >> >Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
> >> >there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
> >> >apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
> >> >
> >> >Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe
> >> >was really the driver.  
> >> >
> >> >Sue
> >> >>
> >> >> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable
> >source"
> >> >> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported
> >story
> >> is
> >> >> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.  
> >> >> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get
> >> >> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
> >> >
> >> >--
> >> >Two rules in life:
> >> >
> >> >1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> >> >2.
> >> >
> >> >Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
> >
> >Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues
> >
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In the body of the message enter: subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:16:05 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>I was commenting on what Simpson said the other day, about the kids
>never asking or mentioning their mother's death.  According to him 
>haven't said a word, and he hasn't said anything to them.
>But he also said (during the custody hearings) that the Brown's had 
>filling their heads with lies, saying that he killed their mother and
>trying to turn them against him.
>Terry was just saying that in pictures of the family, Sydney looked 
>protective of her father.
>As far as I know the kids have never said anything at all to the 
>I just feel that the kids know what is going on.  Especially Sydney 
>her computer.  

Hi Sue,

Yeah, that was my point.  We always hear things like "it was reported
that", or an undisclosed source said that.etc.  We never actually
see or hear Sydney or Justin saying anything.  So if you could tract back
the trial of where these reports come from I'd bet we'd find they come
from people who are biased for or against Simpson.  And there is no way
we can ever determine if Sydney or Justin actually did or said what was
reported.  I suppose that Justin's story he wrote where his father turned
out to be the murderer in a school exercise was true, although the actual
story was never released to the public.

I think it's fair to assume that both kids will carry psychological
problems throughout their lives because of the trauma they have


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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

It would save a lot of time and money if that person turns out to be the
"real Killer" also. 


On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:56:59 -0700 "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   
>furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the 
>who was behind the driver's seat.
>-Original Message-
>From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
>Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
>>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Yvonne:
>>Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
>>there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
>>apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
>>Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe 
>>was really the driver.  
>>> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable 
>>> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported 
>>> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   
>>> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get 
>>> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
>>Two rules in life:
>>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 21:44:58 EDT DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In a message dated 98-04-27 17:46:30 EDT, you write:
><< Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who 
> there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
> apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
> Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe 
> was really the driver.  
> Sue >>
>Sue, honey, don't believe everything you read, even on the internet.  
>Or maybe
>especially on the internet.  
HI Doc,

Change "internet" to "computer" and you've hit on a basic fact of life in
today's cyberworld. 


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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Yvonne

"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Petrocelli's book just came out and is sitting next to my keyboard!636
glorious pages.

-Original Message-
From: Joan Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 1998 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

>"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hello Yvonne,
>Does that sound reminiscent of the "real killer"?  Will the "real" driver
>please come forward?  They must have absolute contempt for the intelligence
>of people or absolute belief that they are above the law.
> Joan
>> From: Yvonne  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
>> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 5:56 PM
>> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
>> furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the
>> who was behind the driver's seat.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
>> >Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >Hi Yvonne:
>> >
>> >Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
>> >there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
>> >apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
>> >
>> >Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
>> >was really the driver.  
>> >
>> >Sue
>> >>
>> >> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable
>> >> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported
>> is
>> >> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
>> >> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
>> >> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
>> >
>> >--
>> >Two rules in life:
>> >
>> >1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
>> >2.
>> >
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>> >
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Yvonne,

Does that sound reminiscent of the "real killer"?  Will the "real" driver
please come forward?  They must have absolute contempt for the intelligence
of people or absolute belief that they are above the law.  


> From: Yvonne  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 5:56 PM
> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
> furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the
> who was behind the driver's seat.
> -Original Message-
> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> >Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Yvonne:
> >
> >Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
> >there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
> >apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
> >
> >Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
> >was really the driver.  
> >
> >Sue
> >>
> >> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable
> >> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported
> is
> >> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
> >> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
> >> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
> >
> >--
> >Two rules in life:
> >
> >1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> >2.
> >
> >Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> >
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-28 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill :)

I think your forgetting the custody trial when some of the reports from
the psychiatrist were released and those reports did say what Sydney and
Justin thought, since the Psychs had talked to the kids.

William J. Foristal wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Sue,
> I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
> report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not been
> allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
> statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the Browns.
>  I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect to
> what she really knows or believes.
> Bill
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Yvonne,

Arnelle was not the driver?  Were there no witnesses as to whether any
other person was in the car at the time and could have been the driver?  If
not, it appears they must believe the courts and the public are absolute
fools.  But then, what did the OJ case show about the courts and a good
part of the public.  Thank you for your excerpt from Petro's book.  I
enjoyed the sneak preview.  :)


> From: Yvonne  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 5:45 PM
> "Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable source"
> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported story
> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
> -Original Message-
> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:08 PM
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> >Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >Hi Bill:
> >
> >I was commenting on what Simpson said the other day, about the kids
> >never asking or mentioning their mother's death.  According to him they
> >haven't said a word, and he hasn't said anything to them.
> >
> >But he also said (during the custody hearings) that the Brown's had been
> >filling their heads with lies, saying that he killed their mother and
> >trying to turn them against him.
> >
> >Terry was just saying that in pictures of the family, Sydney looked very
> >protective of her father.
> >
> >As far as I know the kids have never said anything at all to the media.
> >
> >I just feel that the kids know what is going on.  Especially Sydney with
> >her computer.
> >
> >Sue
> >> Hi Sue,
> >>
> >> I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
> >> report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not
> >> allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
> >> statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the
> >>  I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect
> >> what she really knows or believes.
> >>
> >> Bill
> >
> >--
> >Two rules in life:
> >
> >1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> >2.
> >
> >Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> >
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

What is so sad about this whole thing is the fact that Simpson could
have cared less about his family before this happened, and the same
being true since he was released from jail.

He never visited any of them, nor sent them money or anything.

What a guy.  

> Hi Joan,
> Pardon the intrusion, but I have absolutely no doubt that every member of
> the Simpson family knew OJ was guilty.  The older daughter lived in the
> guest house on Rockingham and must have known exactly what was going on.
> Even OJ's mother exclaimed as soon as she heard the news of Nicole"s
> death on TV.  "OJ killed her!"
> I'm also certain that the family claimd he was innocent to spare him from
> time in prison and loss of income from the bad publicity that would ensue
> if they did otherwise.
> Vi

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

I think that is what really was so sad about all of that trial.  How
innocent people were dragged through the mud.  

I believe that the family not only knew, but that Simpson himself may
have told some of the members of the family what happened.  What they
did to Ron Shipp alone was totally uncalled for.

> Hello Vi,
> I agree.  I believe the family knew Simpson was guilty.  It's possible some
> knew but couldn't face the outcome if he were found guilty.  I can
> understand a family being protective.  I do not excuse the Simpson family
> for blaming others.  They made some pretty strong statements about the
> police and others being at fault.  I don't think they really cared about
> Nicole or Ron, only themselves.  Also, they cried racism and yet were
> guarded by Nation of Islam.
> Joan

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc:

I have to admit that it would make interesting television viewing,

> Sue, honey, don't believe everything you read, even on the internet.  Or maybe
> especially on the internet.
> Doc

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:


"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-27 19:57:34 EDT, you write:

<< What I would love to hear, and hope they televise this one so I can, is
 how in the world Cochran is possibly going to explain away the guy
 coming immediately out of his smashed in house and talking to Arnelle
 who was behind the wheel of *her* car.  Also how is he going to explain
 away her "injuries" that magically, managed to keep her from being
 booked into county jail because she "required" hospitalization. >>

Just in case anyone is taking this seriously, what we are witnessing here is
the birth of a new urban legend.  JC is not involved, and will not be.  There
is no claim that anyone but AS was the driver, and there will not be.  
Still, I guess it makes a good story, if you like fiction.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread DocCec

DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-27 17:46:30 EDT, you write:

<< Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
 there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
 apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
 Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
 was really the driver.  
 Sue >>

Sue, honey, don't believe everything you read, even on the internet.  Or maybe
especially on the internet.  

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Yvonne

"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yup.   The BH police will have to prove everything:  that Arnelle was
driving, entered the hospital, fight against disclosure of blood tests etc.
Cochran will argue that she was home in bed.  Prove that her car wasn't
-Original Message-
From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Yvonne:
>I'm sorry but this is funny.  He probably will get away with it too. :(
>> Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
>> furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the
>> who was behind the driver's seat.
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

Now whose being funny?  :))

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:

Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Terry:

What I would love to hear, and hope they televise this one so I can, is
how in the world Cochran is possibly going to explain away the guy
coming immediately out of his smashed in house and talking to Arnelle
who was behind the wheel of *her* car.  Also how is he going to explain
away her "injuries" that magically, managed to keep her from being
booked into county jail because she "required" hospitalization.

BTW did anyone happen to notice who her doc was.  None other than Dr.
Robert Huizenga.  

I bet I know how he is going to explain the BA tests that they must have
run when she was admitted to the hospital though.  I just hope Dennis
Fung didn't draw the blood.  Or that Vannatter wasn't the lab courier.

> >Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
> >furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the person
> >who was behind the driver's seat.
> Ahhh.  The Real Killer returns. :-}

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread hallinan


>"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
>furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the person
>who was behind the driver's seat.

Ahhh.  The Real Killer returns. :-}

>From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
>Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
>>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Yvonne:
>>Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
>>there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
>>apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
>>Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
>>was really the driver.  
>>> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable source"
>>> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported story
>>> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
>>> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
>>> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
>>Two rules in life:
>>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Yvonne:

I'm sorry but this is funny.  He probably will get away with it too. :(


> Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
> furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the person
> who was behind the driver's seat.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Yvonne

"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nope.   According to the scuttle, Cochran says it wasn't Arnelle.   And
furthermore, Arnelle wasn't drunk.  So, the call is out  now  for the person
who was behind the driver's seat.
-Original Message-
From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Yvonne:
>Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
>there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
>apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL
>Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
>was really the driver.  
>> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable source"
>> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported story
>> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
>> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
>> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Yvonne:

Oh Geeze...she was sitting in the drivers seat, and the guy who lived
there came out of his house to see what happened.  She started
apologizing right off the bat about it.  LOL

Oh weel, I bet Cochran figures out a way to get her off.  Maybe Fuhrman
was really the driver.  

> Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable source"
> faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported story is
> that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
> proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
> Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Terry:

I had not heard that she wouldn't go over to the Browns.  I did hear
about Justin's play though.  :(

I saw pictures of Sydney the other day when Simpson was taking that
interviewer around town.  They couldn't get into a restaurant to eat so
they just drove around.  Anyway, he took her over to see Sydney play
soccer at school.  She is still very much overweight.  

When asked if the kids at school say anything at all to Justin or Sydney
about the murders, Simpson said no, that they never have said anything
to them at all.

They then proceeded to go down to the beach and walk around.  One person
was yelling "murderer" at Simpson, and another (a woman) came up to
shake his had, as she said, "I just wanted to shake your hand, I have
never shook the hand of a murderer before."  He thanked her and just
kept grinning and walking.  When the interviewer asked if that bothered
him.  He said no.

With this going on in their lives, daily, these kids are going to have a
very hard time growing up, IMO.  

> Much more, Sue.  It was reported that Sydney would not visit the Browns when
> Justin did, that she was particularly vehement in saying that OJ was
> innocent.  You may recall that Justin even wrote the odd play with his
> father as a killer.
> Justin probably was better protected by age - and gender.  I don't know if
> she has slimmed back down but Sydney was putting on a lot of weight and
> there was speculation (perhaps totally empty) that it may have had to do
> with her mental condition.  The kids have to have undergone enormous stress
> from playmates.
> Best, Terry

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Yvonne

"Yvonne " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Don't know if you've all heard the latest scuttle.   A "reliable source"
faxed the local KABC radio talk station early this a.m.   Purported story is
that the Simpson family has hired Mr Johnny to defend Arnelle.   The
proactive defense will be that the entire LAPD is out to get Simpson,
Arnelle was not the driver so now prove your case.
-Original Message-
From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill:
>I was commenting on what Simpson said the other day, about the kids
>never asking or mentioning their mother's death.  According to him they
>haven't said a word, and he hasn't said anything to them.
>But he also said (during the custody hearings) that the Brown's had been
>filling their heads with lies, saying that he killed their mother and
>trying to turn them against him.
>Terry was just saying that in pictures of the family, Sydney looked very
>protective of her father.
>As far as I know the kids have never said anything at all to the media.
>I just feel that the kids know what is going on.  Especially Sydney with
>her computer.
>> Hi Sue,
>> I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
>> report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not been
>> allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
>> statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the Browns.
>>  I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect to
>> what she really knows or believes.
>> Bill
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread hallinan


>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Terry was just saying that in pictures of the family, Sydney looked very
>protective of her father.

Much more, Sue.  It was reported that Sydney would not visit the Browns when
Justin did, that she was particularly vehement in saying that OJ was
innocent.  You may recall that Justin even wrote the odd play with his
father as a killer.
Justin probably was better protected by age - and gender.  I don't know if
she has slimmed back down but Sydney was putting on a lot of weight and
there was speculation (perhaps totally empty) that it may have had to do
with her mental condition.  The kids have to have undergone enormous stress
from playmates.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I was commenting on what Simpson said the other day, about the kids
never asking or mentioning their mother's death.  According to him they
haven't said a word, and he hasn't said anything to them.

But he also said (during the custody hearings) that the Brown's had been
filling their heads with lies, saying that he killed their mother and
trying to turn them against him.

Terry was just saying that in pictures of the family, Sydney looked very
protective of her father.

As far as I know the kids have never said anything at all to the media.

I just feel that the kids know what is going on.  Especially Sydney with
her computer.  

> Hi Sue,
> I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
> report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not been
> allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
> statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the Browns.
>  I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect to
> what she really knows or believes.
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Vi,

I agree.  I believe the family knew Simpson was guilty.  It's possible some
knew but couldn't face the outcome if he were found guilty.  I can
understand a family being protective.  I do not excuse the Simpson family
for blaming others.  They made some pretty strong statements about the
police and others being at fault.  I don't think they really cared about
Nicole or Ron, only themselves.  Also, they cried racism and yet were
guarded by Nation of Islam.  


> From: Viola Provenzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 4:26 PM
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
> Hi Joan,
> Pardon the intrusion, but I have absolutely no doubt that every member of
> the Simpson family knew OJ was guilty.  The older daughter lived in the
> guest house on Rockingham and must have known exactly what was going on. 
> Even OJ's mother exclaimed as soon as she heard the news of Nicole"s
> death on TV.  "OJ killed her!"
> I'm also certain that the family claimd he was innocent to spare him from
> time in prison and loss of income from the bad publicity that would ensue
> if they did otherwise.
> Vi
> "What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
> __
> You wrote:
> << with a sign that her father was innocent?  I thought she believed her
> father was innocent.  Has there been anything different learned?>>>
> _
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

I'm a bit confused here.  When did anyone actually speak to Sydney and
report what she said to the media?  And the media has certainly not been
allowed to speak to her, have they?  It seems that all we have are the
statements from biased family members, either the Simpsons or the Browns.
 I don't see how anyone can conclude anything from this with respect to
what she really knows or believes.


On Mon, 27 Apr 1998 08:59:24 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Terry:
>It is a no win situation for these children.  All one can hope for is
>that they will be able to grow up and lead relatively normal lives.
>I understand what you mean about Sydney.  Daughters are very 
>of their fathers.  They will never see them as anything other than
>heros.  In most cases anyway.
>> Not likely, Sue.  At least not consciously.  It is Sydney who clung 
>to her
>> father most, who most ferociously denied he was the killer, who is 
>> the most disturbed today and in the future.  It was sick that the 
>kids were
>> returned to their father.  That is real child abuse.
>> Best, Terry
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Joan,

Pardon the intrusion, but I have absolutely no doubt that every member of
the Simpson family knew OJ was guilty.  The older daughter lived in the
guest house on Rockingham and must have known exactly what was going on. 
Even OJ's mother exclaimed as soon as she heard the news of Nicole"s
death on TV.  "OJ killed her!"

I'm also certain that the family claimd he was innocent to spare him from
time in prison and loss of income from the bad publicity that would ensue
if they did otherwise.

"What the world needs more of is not love, but justice."  Anon.
You wrote:


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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

I remember Sydney with a sign when the kids were selling lemonaide, but
I don't remember what it said.

Nothing new has been learned as far as I know.  Just Simpsons repeated
statements that, IMO, are lies.

> Hello Sue,
> Wasn't there a photo of Sidney in front of Rockingham some time back with a
> sign that her father was innocent?  I thought she believed her father was
> innocent.  Has there been anything different learned?
> Joan

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Terry:

It is a no win situation for these children.  All one can hope for is
that they will be able to grow up and lead relatively normal lives.

I understand what you mean about Sydney.  Daughters are very protective
of their fathers.  They will never see them as anything other than
heros.  In most cases anyway.

> Not likely, Sue.  At least not consciously.  It is Sydney who clung to her
> father most, who most ferociously denied he was the killer, who is likely
> the most disturbed today and in the future.  It was sick that the kids were
> returned to their father.  That is real child abuse.
> Best, Terry

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

Wasn't there a photo of Sidney in front of Rockingham some time back with a
sign that her father was innocent?  I thought she believed her father was
innocent.  Has there been anything different learned?


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 1:07 AM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy:
> And I bet that they do know the *truth*.  Or at least Sydney does.  :( 
> How sad. 
> Sue
> > Hi Sue and All :)
> > 
> > >From what I remember he was saying they were turning the children
> > against him, and they told the kids that he murdered Nicole. They
> > this of course, but no one knows the truth about that except for the
> > children.
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread hallinan


>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Kathy:
>And I bet that they do know the *truth*.  Or at least Sydney does.  :( 
>How sad. 

Not likely, Sue.  At least not consciously.  It is Sydney who clung to her
father most, who most ferociously denied he was the killer, who is likely
the most disturbed today and in the future.  It was sick that the kids were
returned to their father.  That is real child abuse.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

And I bet that they do know the *truth*.  Or at least Sydney does.  :( 
How sad. 

> Hi Sue and All :)
> >From what I remember he was saying they were turning the children
> against him, and they told the kids that he murdered Nicole. They denied
> this of course, but no one knows the truth about that except for the
> children.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

That has to be eating away at him.  If nothing else gets to him that and
the fact that everyone shuns him has to be worse than any prison
sentence he could have gotten.  :)  Except he probably is so delusional
that he doesn't even get it.  :(

> Hi Sue,
> I'd  be willing to bet that the fact that his enemies are making money
> writing books and appearing on a TV series is what is bothering Simpson.
>  Anyone who could do what Simpson did is incapable of
> change for te better IMO.  The same goes for his family.
> Vi

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-27 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue and All :)

>From what I remember he was saying they were turning the children
against him, and they told the kids that he murdered Nicole. They denied
this of course, but no one knows the truth about that except for the

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Hi Kathy:
> Correct me if I am wrong but didn't he say something about the Brown's
> giving the kids the idea that he killed Nicole or something along those
> lines.
> The man wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on the ass.
> In fact that is just what he is a big ass, IMO.
> Sue
Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

Simpson made the statement a while back that Sydney's lap top was broken
and that he didn't have the money to get it fixed.

I would be willing to bet just about anything that she has read
everything that is on the web about the murders, and has monitored the
news groups about it too.   

There is no way that a kid is going to have a computer, questions in her
mind about the death of her mother, questions about her father being in
jail, and not look out there to get answers.  I would even bet she has
seen the crime scene photos that are out there.  And Justin might have

And never mind the fact that the library has all these books about it,
and the tabs in the stores.  

She knows what happened, and I would be willing to bet she has asked
him.  If not then it would only be because, IMO, she was too scared of
him to ask.  

Simpson lies, and then he lies to cover his lies.

> Hello Kathy,
> I haven't read anything about the children, but I'm sure you are right.  It
> doesn't seem credible that the children would never ask questions about
> their mother's death.  The must have seen and heard much media that
> concerned them, especially The older, Sidney.  Even classmates must have
> raised questions that they would discuss with Simpson.
> Joan

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

I really can't remember all of it, but the one part I do remember was
the part where Kardashian and AC were looking out the window and saw
Simpson go into Kardashian's garage get the golf bag out, take something
out of the golf bag, return the golf bag to the garage, and walk down
the road with his arms full of something and a shovel.

He also said something about blood being on a light switch in the maids
room and on a wire behind Kato's room.  There was also a break in the
hedge behind Katos room where it looked like someone came through.

He also said that they had figured out how he got blood all over the
Bronco, and the reason he didn't leave any bloody footprints on the
carpet in his house was simply because he took his shoes off.

There was so much more but I can't remember all of it now.

Petrocelli's book hits the stores Tuesday, and he will be on Dateline
that night.  

> Hello Sue,
> Refresh my memory, please.  What did Steve say?  Maybe this came up when I
> was working and had no time to read the list posts.
> Joan

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't he say something about the Brown's
giving the kids the idea that he killed Nicole or something along those

The man wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on the ass. 
In fact that is just what he is a big ass, IMO.

> And of course we all know that what OJ said about the kids was flat out
> lies, they have asked about their mother and what happened, according to
> what he said in other interviews and others close to them have said.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

I'd  be willing to bet that the fact that his enemies are making money
writing books and appearing on a TV series is what is bothering Simpson. 
 Anyone who could do what Simpson did is incapable of 
change for te better IMO.  The same goes for his family.

You wrote:

. . .<<>>

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Kathy,

I haven't read anything about the children, but I'm sure you are right.  It
doesn't seem credible that the children would never ask questions about
their mother's death.  The must have seen and heard much media that
concerned them, especially The older, Sidney.  Even classmates must have
raised questions that they would discuss with Simpson.


> From: Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Sunday, April 26, 1998 1:10 PM
> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> And of course we all know that what OJ said about the kids was flat out
> lies, they have asked about their mother and what happened, according to
> what he said in other interviews and others close to them have said.
> Sue Hartigan wrote:
> > 
> > Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Hi Joan:
> > 
> > The only thing that I have heard about any of them is that Simpson said
> > that they have never asked about their mom's murder, nor has he ever
> > brought it up.  When that "banana" interviewer said that she thought
> > that it should be brought up and talked about, he said that they had
> > gotten plenty of counseling and help, and all of the counselors said to
> > leave it go.  If they wanted to talk about it they would, otherwise
> > forget it.
> > 
> > And of course you know about Arnelle.
> > 
> > I can't wait for the book either.  I want to find out if what Steve
> > is in there.
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
> Law & Issues Mailing List
> - Cowboy Histories
> Crime photo's
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

Refresh my memory, please.  What did Steve say?  Maybe this came up when I
was working and had no time to read the list posts.


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Sunday, April 26, 1998 12:24 AM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> The only thing that I have heard about any of them is that Simpson said
> that they have never asked about their mom's murder, nor has he ever
> brought it up.  When that "banana" interviewer said that she thought
> that it should be brought up and talked about, he said that they had
> gotten plenty of counseling and help, and all of the counselors said to
> leave it go.  If they wanted to talk about it they would, otherwise
> forget it.
> And of course you know about Arnelle.  
> I can't wait for the book either.  I want to find out if what Steve said
> is in there.
> Sue
> > Hello Sue,
> > 
> > One can hope!  What is he up to now?  What news of the children? 
> > forward to Petro's book.
> > 
> > Joan
> > 
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-26 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

And of course we all know that what OJ said about the kids was flat out
lies, they have asked about their mother and what happened, according to
what he said in other interviews and others close to them have said.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> The only thing that I have heard about any of them is that Simpson said
> that they have never asked about their mom's murder, nor has he ever
> brought it up.  When that "banana" interviewer said that she thought
> that it should be brought up and talked about, he said that they had
> gotten plenty of counseling and help, and all of the counselors said to
> leave it go.  If they wanted to talk about it they would, otherwise
> forget it.
> And of course you know about Arnelle.
> I can't wait for the book either.  I want to find out if what Steve said
> is in there.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law & Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

The only thing that I have heard about any of them is that Simpson said
that they have never asked about their mom's murder, nor has he ever
brought it up.  When that "banana" interviewer said that she thought
that it should be brought up and talked about, he said that they had
gotten plenty of counseling and help, and all of the counselors said to
leave it go.  If they wanted to talk about it they would, otherwise
forget it.

And of course you know about Arnelle.  

I can't wait for the book either.  I want to find out if what Steve said
is in there.

> Hello Sue,
> One can hope!  What is he up to now?  What news of the children?  Looking
> forward to Petro's book.
> Joan

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

One can hope!  What is he up to now?  What news of the children?  Looking
forward to Petro's book.


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998 12:28 PM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> Yesterday Simpson was on one of the tab news shows giving his side of
> the banana episode and my son just happened to be watching it.  (He
> isn't interested in this Simpson stuff. )  Anyway when the interview
> was over he said that he thought that Simpson was about ready to break.
> I asked him what he ment, and he just said he just didn't sound right,
> and that he didn't really act right either.  
> I listened to it again when they did a recap of the interview and he is
> right.  Simpson's voice seemed to crack, and he just didn't seem to have
> that fight in him anymore.  Maybe what comes around, *has* finally come
> around.  Maybe all the public pressure and the slights from his
> 'adoring' fans has finally gotten to him.
> One can only hope.
> As for the family.  I really can understand why they would stand by him,
> being family.  But they not only stood by him, they seemed to excuse and
> actually in some ways condone what he did.  And I do believe they all
> know that he did it.
> Fuhrman has a book coming out about the Scakel  (sp) killing, Fred
> Goldman has a show that probably will be picked up, and Petrocelli's
> book comes out next week.  And of course now Fuhrman is a free man. 
> Along with this both Darden and Clark are doing fine.  This has to be
> getting to him.  Especially when he has to leave the country in order to
> even get on television anymore.  
> Sue
> Sue
> > Hello Sue,
> > 
> > I think the family put itself in the position of future problems when
> > testified on his behalf and/or supported him during and after the
> > As far as I am concerned, they all deserve whatever happens.  Anyone
> > supported him must take whatever happens.  They supported a murderer
> > helped him avoid justice.
> > 
> > Haven't heard anything about AC, but then, I haven't had any contact
> > anything except taxes for months.  It does not surprise me that OJ has
> > manager.  He wants to be involved with the public in any way that
> > him exposure and money.
> > 
> > Hopefully, the old saying, "What goes around, comes around," is true.
> > 
> > Joan
> > 
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

LOL  I do believe you are right.In fact we hear it even when we
aren't interested in hearing it.  :)

> Hi Sue,
> His side of the story?  Seems we've been there and done that! :(
> Vi

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

Yesterday Simpson was on one of the tab news shows giving his side of
the banana episode and my son just happened to be watching it.  (He
isn't interested in this Simpson stuff. )  Anyway when the interview
was over he said that he thought that Simpson was about ready to break.

I asked him what he ment, and he just said he just didn't sound right,
and that he didn't really act right either.  

I listened to it again when they did a recap of the interview and he is
right.  Simpson's voice seemed to crack, and he just didn't seem to have
that fight in him anymore.  Maybe what comes around, *has* finally come
around.  Maybe all the public pressure and the slights from his
'adoring' fans has finally gotten to him.

One can only hope.

As for the family.  I really can understand why they would stand by him,
being family.  But they not only stood by him, they seemed to excuse and
actually in some ways condone what he did.  And I do believe they all
know that he did it.

Fuhrman has a book coming out about the Scakel  (sp) killing, Fred
Goldman has a show that probably will be picked up, and Petrocelli's
book comes out next week.  And of course now Fuhrman is a free man. 
Along with this both Darden and Clark are doing fine.  This has to be
getting to him.  Especially when he has to leave the country in order to
even get on television anymore.  


> Hello Sue,
> I think the family put itself in the position of future problems when they
> testified on his behalf and/or supported him during and after the trial.
> As far as I am concerned, they all deserve whatever happens.  Anyone who
> supported him must take whatever happens.  They supported a murderer and
> helped him avoid justice.
> Haven't heard anything about AC, but then, I haven't had any contact with
> anything except taxes for months.  It does not surprise me that OJ has a
> manager.  He wants to be involved with the public in any way that brings
> him exposure and money.
> Hopefully, the old saying, "What goes around, comes around," is true.
> Joan

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-25 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

His side of the story?  Seems we've been there and done that! :(

You wrote:

. . .<<>>. . .

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

I think the family put itself in the position of future problems when they
testified on his behalf and/or supported him during and after the trial. 
As far as I am concerned, they all deserve whatever happens.  Anyone who
supported him must take whatever happens.  They supported a murderer and
helped him avoid justice.

Haven't heard anything about AC, but then, I haven't had any contact with
anything except taxes for months.  It does not surprise me that OJ has a
manager.  He wants to be involved with the public in any way that brings
him exposure and money.

Hopefully, the old saying, "What goes around, comes around," is true.


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 12:51 PM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Joan:
> Sort of sounds to me like she may have some of the same problems as the
> niece had.  :(  That man sure has ruined a lot of lives, IMO.  And he
> just goes merrily about his way.  Really sick.
> And just like everyone else in his family, when they are in trouble or
> need help, No Simpson.  But they sure were expected to stand by him when
> he needed it.  
> I haven't heard a word about the son since he got into trouble with that
> truck incident.  I can't even really remember what happened there, just
> that he got off.  I wonder what ever happened to AC.  You never hear
> anything about him any more.
> They have shown that interview over, and over, and over on the local
> stations here.  He had a crazy look on his face when he pulled that
> banana thing.  His manager said yesterday (didn't even know he had one)
> that Simpson was only re  enacting the scene from Psycho.  Today Simpson
> is suppose to be on one of those tabloid news shows telling his side of
> the story.  He sure can get the press when he wants it.  I wonder if all
> this has anything to do with the fact that Fred Goldman has a new show,
> and Petrocelli's book comes out next week.  Bet it does.  
> Petrocelli's book is suppose to be out next week.  I have already
> ordered it.  :)  I can't wait to see if all the stuff that Steve said
> was going to be in there is there.  I think it is going to really be a
> good one.
> Sue 
> > 
> > Hello Sue,
> > 
> > I heard just the tail end of that report on the car radio.  I'm not
> > surprised OJ did not show up.  Guess she is not free from problems
> > How is the brother doing?  Didn't he have some brush with the law?  Saw
> > brief clip and read a short news item about OJ's interview with a
> > reporter.  Did you hear of it?  If so, did anything new emerge?  Is
> > book out yet?  I have not gotten settled in as yet so haven't called
> > book store.
> > 
> > Joan
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-24 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

Sort of sounds to me like she may have some of the same problems as the
niece had.  :(  That man sure has ruined a lot of lives, IMO.  And he
just goes merrily about his way.  Really sick.

And just like everyone else in his family, when they are in trouble or
need help, No Simpson.  But they sure were expected to stand by him when
he needed it.  

I haven't heard a word about the son since he got into trouble with that
truck incident.  I can't even really remember what happened there, just
that he got off.  I wonder what ever happened to AC.  You never hear
anything about him any more.

They have shown that interview over, and over, and over on the local
stations here.  He had a crazy look on his face when he pulled that
banana thing.  His manager said yesterday (didn't even know he had one)
that Simpson was only re  enacting the scene from Psycho.  Today Simpson
is suppose to be on one of those tabloid news shows telling his side of
the story.  He sure can get the press when he wants it.  I wonder if all
this has anything to do with the fact that Fred Goldman has a new show,
and Petrocelli's book comes out next week.  Bet it does.  

Petrocelli's book is suppose to be out next week.  I have already
ordered it.  :)  I can't wait to see if all the stuff that Steve said
was going to be in there is there.  I think it is going to really be a
good one.

> Hello Sue,
> I heard just the tail end of that report on the car radio.  I'm not
> surprised OJ did not show up.  Guess she is not free from problems either.
> How is the brother doing?  Didn't he have some brush with the law?  Saw a
> brief clip and read a short news item about OJ's interview with a British
> reporter.  Did you hear of it?  If so, did anything new emerge?  Is Petro's
> book out yet?  I have not gotten settled in as yet so haven't called the
> book store.
> Joan

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested

1998-04-24 Thread Joan Moyer

"Joan Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Sue,

I heard just the tail end of that report on the car radio.  I'm not
surprised OJ did not show up.  Guess she is not free from problems either. 
How is the brother doing?  Didn't he have some brush with the law?  Saw a
brief clip and read a short news item about OJ's interview with a British
reporter.  Did you hear of it?  If so, did anything new emerge?  Is Petro's
book out yet?  I have not gotten settled in as yet so haven't called the
book store.


> From: Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: L&I Arnelle Simpson arrested
> Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 11:07 AM
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Arnelle Simpson crashed her Saab convertable into a house this morning
> at 1 am.  She suffered minor injuries, thanks to the air bags.  She is
> in Cedars of Sini Hospital right now under observation.  She was
> arrested for drunk driving.
> As of 8 am this morning her father has not shown up at the hospital, and
> the press would know that.  :)
> Sue
> -- 
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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