Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-09-01 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


Real world examples of never used JSON fields:

Calling most web REST methods which return JSON as a web result where the
caller is only interested in success or failure with a message.
Acting as a RESTful service where many JSON request bodies use optional
values that are meant to be skipped.
Retrieving settings where and option is never used, yet stored, such as a
dockable or floating pallet position that is always left closed.

In my experience these are a minority of the scenarios. They look to me also 
as the scenarios where speed is largely irrelevant since the structures will be


Most of the time I see code getting a result of a REST server and displaying the
result in a grid or inserting in a database. In these scenarios, all values
are always evaluated. lazy evaluation will not give you performance
improvements in such scenarios.

So use cases clearly vary, and as usual you should pick the technology that
is best suited for the job at hand.

For me the result of the whole discussion is that we've managed to
establish that fpjson is functioning correct (it triggered the discussion in
the first place), and I did some long-due speed improvements on fpjson. The
speed difference between a stream or string as a JSON source has also been

All in all a positive result.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

Internally JsonTools just stores the document as JSON fragments or text, in
the case of object, array, or null, the text is empty, but in the case of
number or bool, it converts the text to a number or bool when you ask
AsNumber or AsBoolean. Now normally this wont be a problem because as you
read a document you'll read a particular node possibly once as you hand it
off to some other system, be it a database insert, a subroutine, or other

In practice what's happening is I am delaying the conversion until it's
needed, which makes my parser faster when just parsing a document. If you
need to use the node value as a number or a bool, then the cost of the
conversion happens at that time, but if you don't need to use a particular
field there is no conversion cost. This is one of the reasons my parser is
faster. I still validate the number, bool, and other fields but I don't
convert until needed. The downside, as you've seen is that converting the
same value over and over again results in longer execution time. That said,
if a user request every field as a number or bool once when processing an
incoming request (say you are writing a REST service) then the performance
would equal out and the speed difference would favor the faster parser.

A side benefit of storing JSON fragments is that the node kind can be
changed easily without the need to remove an item from an internal list,
destroy the class, create a new one of a different class, apply a copy of
the original name, and reinsert.

Of course this lazy evaluation of numbers and boolean scould be improved by
caching the conversion once calculated (e.g. StrToFloat) and reusing the
conversion in any subsequent calls. For now I will keep it simple as is as
I feel for most cases the user will either not need the conversion, or need
it once, and the performance lost in invoking it many times wills be made
up for in all the times the conversion is never used.

Real world examples of never used JSON fields:

Calling most web REST methods which return JSON as a web result where the
caller is only interested in success or failure with a message.
Acting as a RESTful service where many JSON request bodies use optional
values that are meant to be skipped.
Retrieving settings where and option is never used, yet stored, such as a
dockable or floating pallet position that is always left closed.

And so on...
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Luca Olivetti via lazarus wrote:

El 31/8/19 a les 16:22, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus ha escrit: 

Also frequently encountered is omitting "" around property names. JSON is a
subset of Javascript:

D.Parse('{ d: 12345678.3 }');

The parser at mozilla says: "Error: JSON.parse: expected property name 
or '}' at line 1 column 3 of the JSON data"

I know. But if you treat it as Javascript e.g.
b = eval('{ d: 12345678.3 }');
it does work. JSON is a subset of Javascript.

That is why I said "frequently encountered". Not all parsers handle & allow it.
But ExtJS for instance handles&produces it. (I used ExtJS and had to add it for 

On large JSON files this shaves off quite some bytes off the result, I guess
that is why they did it. (not that it helped, an ExtJS JSON Store is dead slow.)

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Luca Olivetti via lazarus

El 31/8/19 a les 16:22, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus ha escrit: 

Also frequently encountered is omitting "" around property names. JSON is a
subset of Javascript:

D.Parse('{ d: 12345678.3 }');

The parser at mozilla says: "Error: JSON.parse: expected property name 
or '}' at line 1 column 3 of the JSON data"


Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter wrote:

Could you include in the comparison?

Sure. I also have a few other people have requested. I will also list the
license of each in the first table.


For example if wanted to store object state using RTTI in a JSON file,
create a separate TJsonObjectState class to handle this for you. Or if you
wanted to create a database table from a JSON file, or create a JSON file
from a database table, then again write this into its own class.

Not sure I understand what you mean.

It seems to me that in that case you will repeat your scanner/parser code all over the place. 
in case of an error, you need to fix it in as many places.

I can of course be wrong.

The current fpjson scanner/parser can be used anywhere. 
You don't need to use fpjson data structures to be able to use the scanner or reader:

It's perfectly possible to use the scanner/parser to create TJSONNode from 

But general usability comes indeed at the price of some speed loss.

That said, your classes are markedly slower when it comes to data manipulation.

The following is 100 (!) times slower than fpjson code:

{$mode objfpc}
uses dateutils,sysutils, jsontools;

  I,N : Integer;
  D,E : TJSONNode;
  B : double;
  NT : TDateTime;

  D.Parse('{ "d": 12345678.3 }');
  for i:=0 to N  do
B:=E.AsNumber * 2;
  Writeln('Time ',MillisecondsBetween(Now,NT));

home:~> ./tb
Time 3888

Same program in fpJSON:

home:~> ./tb2
Time 32

This is because when accessing the value, you must do the conversion to
float.  Every time.

This is true for JSON string values as well: you must re-decode the JSON on
every access. And you do it over and over again, each time the data is accessed.

No doubt you can easily fix this by storing the value in the proper type, but 
will slow down your parser.

if you use the resulting JSON a lot, code will run faster in fpJSON.

It thus boils down to a choice: do you need fast processing or fast parsing ?

In the end it will probably not matter: most likely all the nodes will be 
in a typical use case, and the overall time for your and my approach will be 

This is the danger of benchmarks. They focus on 1 aspect. In real life, all
aspects are usually present.


While coding this small test, I noticed that this also does not work in 

D : TJSONNode;

  D.Parse('true'); // or D.Parse('12345678.3');

An unhandled exception occurred at $004730B0:
EJsonException: Root node must be an array or object

if you look at browser specs, this is supposed to work as well:

Also frequently encountered is omitting "" around property names. JSON is a
subset of Javascript:

D.Parse('{ d: 12345678.3 }');

Results in:

An unhandled exception occurred at $00473075:
EJsonException: Error while parsing text

Both are things which are supported in fpJSON. No doubt you can fix this

So you see, with some extra study, the picture of what is "better", jsontool
or fpjson is not so clear as it may seem. In the end it all boils down to some 


With 2 relatively simple changes, I took 40% off the parsing time of fpJSON.

No doubt more gain can be achieved, for example I didn't do the suggestion
by Benito yet.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
> Could you include in the comparison?

Sure. I also have a few other people have requested. I will also list the
license of each in the first table.

Regarding a huge gigabytes of JSON in a file, I know a small portion of
programmers of people might be inclined use it as an offline database
format much like CSV. Even though by far most JSON is used with
XMLHttpRequest, REST APIS, or storing settings and configurations, there
are bound to be endless requests for use cases with JSON.

For example to accommodate the reading a huge files as indoividual records
a helper class operating outside the definition of a JSON parser could
accomplish this goal. For example, it would be relatively easy to write in
a separate file:

  TJsonStreamReader = class
constructor Create(Stream: TStream; OwnsStream: Boolean = False);
constructor CreateFromFile(const FileName: string);
destructor Destroy;
function Read(out Parser: TSomeJsonParser): Boolean;

Then use as ...

  R: TJsonStreamReader;
  P: TSomeJsonParser;
  R := TJsonStreamReader.Create(InputStreamOrFileName);
while R.Read(P) do
  // Read JSON record here

And in this way a large file could be read in small blocks and given back
to the user as a parser to allow for processing of individual records. The
benefit of breaking this into its own class is that you do not need to mix
in every possible use case into the parser. You can simply write separate
use cases into their own independent units, rather than trying to make a
super class which handles every possible concern.

For example if wanted to store object state using RTTI in a JSON file,
create a separate TJsonObjectState class to handle this for you. Or if you
wanted to create a database table from a JSON file, or create a JSON file
from a database table, then again write this into its own class.

The point is, saying this JSON class does lots of these things is the wrong
approach (IMO), as these use case scenarios as likely endless and would add
unnecessary cruft to a parser. Even designing a plug in or other extensible
seems unnecessary, when simple separate classes to add functionality works
as well without all the complexity.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Bart via lazarus
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 11:02 PM Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

> Can you try setting defaultsystemcodepage to UTF8 ?

Feeling a little bit embarrassed now (I'm used to Lazarus which
defaults to that).
With DefaultSystemCodePage := CP_UTF8 it works:

Handles unicode chars correctly: >{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe",
"occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }<
Name: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065 [Joe®Schmoe]
Expected: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065 [Joe®Schmoe]
Occupation: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072
0020 00AE 0020 [bank teller ® ]
Expected: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072 0020
00AE 0020 [bank teller ® ]

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux via lazarus
Could you include in the comparison?

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:22 PM Anthony Walter via lazarus <> wrote:

> Alan, oh that's a good idea. I will do that as well as add a few more
> parser libraries as requested by a few people in other non mailing lists
> threads. I will also try to find out what's going on the unicode strings as
> it might be a problem with the compiler.
> Michael,
> I am on Linux as well, but I will test under Windows and Mac too.
> --
> ___
> lazarus mailing list
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Sven Barth via lazarus wrote:

Am 31.08.2019 um 09:45 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus:
Codepages & strings require careful setup. Contrary to popular belief, it 
does not 'just work'.

All this is documented: 

Many people tend to ignore this, because Lazarus does a lot behind the 
scenes (which is a good thing).
Looking at the text of the "Code page conversions" section: what do these 
mean: (CODE_CP ¡¿ CP_ACP) ? Or should it have been (CODE_CP <> CP_ACP)?

Latex->html conversion errors, I suppose. Using $\lt$ or so should fix it.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Sven Barth via lazarus

Am 31.08.2019 um 11:08 schrieb Sven Barth:

Am 31.08.2019 um 09:45 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus:
Codepages & strings require careful setup. Contrary to popular 
belief, it does not 'just work'.

All this is documented: 

Many people tend to ignore this, because Lazarus does a lot behind 
the scenes (which is a good thing).
Looking at the text of the "Code page conversions" section: what do 
these mean: (CODE_CP ¡¿ CP_ACP) ? Or should it have been (CODE_CP <> 
And there's another one in the section "UTF8String" at the bottom: 
(ordinal value ¡128) Should this have been (ordinal value < 128)?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Sven Barth via lazarus

Am 31.08.2019 um 09:45 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus:
Codepages & strings require careful setup. Contrary to popular belief, 
it does not 'just work'.

All this is documented: 

Many people tend to ignore this, because Lazarus does a lot behind the 
scenes (which is a good thing).
Looking at the text of the "Code page conversions" section: what do 
these mean: (CODE_CP ¡¿ CP_ACP) ? Or should it have been (CODE_CP <> 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus wrote:

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Okay, going back and looking through the messages I see you did post a test

{$codepage UTF8} and uses cwstring

Here are the results with that added:

On Linux using {$codepage UTF8} by itself causes both tests to fail. Adding
cwstring causes both tests to work. On Windows trying to use cwstring
causes the compilation to fail, but with {$codepage UTF8} added the tests
work. I will try a few more tests, but there should be an "out of the box"
option to get FPJson working without the need to add ifdefs along with
extra directives added outside of the FPJson units themselves.

Glad you picked it up.

See my other mail for more details.

Bottom line:
You simply cannot ignore this. Doing so is asking for problems.

It may work for you, but fail for someone else, and then you'll be
scratching your head as to "why on earth doesn't it work?"

One last thing.

Lazarus includes cwstring by default:

interfaces/carbon/interfaces.pas:  {$IFNDEF DisableCWString}cwstring,{$ENDIF}
interfaces/cocoa/interfaces.pas:  {$IFNDEF DisableCWString}cwstring,{$ENDIF}
interfaces/gtk2/interfaces.pas:{$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFNDEF DisableCWString}uses 
interfaces/gtk3/interfaces.pp:  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFNDEF 
interfaces/qt5/interfaces.pp:  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFNDEF 
interfaces/qt/interfaces.pp:  {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFNDEF 

If you look in the code, you'll see that it handles codepages explicitly in
many places.

Just to corroborate that ignoring this is not an option, and that lazarus
goes to great lengths to make it easier on people.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Okay, going back and looking through the messages I see you did post a test

{$codepage UTF8} and uses cwstring

Here are the results with that added:

On Linux using {$codepage UTF8} by itself causes both tests to fail. Adding
cwstring causes both tests to work. On Windows trying to use cwstring
causes the compilation to fail, but with {$codepage UTF8} added the tests
work. I will try a few more tests, but there should be an "out of the box"
option to get FPJson working without the need to add ifdefs along with
extra directives added outside of the FPJson units themselves.

Glad you picked it up.

See my other mail for more details.

Bottom line:
You simply cannot ignore this. Doing so is asking for problems.

It may work for you, but fail for someone else, and then you'll be
scratching your head as to "why on earth doesn't it work?"

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Okay, going back and looking through the messages I see you did post a test

{$codepage UTF8} and uses cwstring

Here are the results with that added:

On Linux using {$codepage UTF8} by itself causes both tests to fail. Adding
cwstring causes both tests to work. On Windows trying to use cwstring
causes the compilation to fail, but with {$codepage UTF8} added the tests
work. I will try a few more tests, but there should be an "out of the box"
option to get FPJson working without the need to add ifdefs along with
extra directives added outside of the FPJson units themselves.

I will write a few more unicode tests, perhaps with 4 byte character
strings, and some other potential unicode problems to be sure both are
working before we come to a final resolution.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Sat, 31 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Michael, regarding this unicode problem, all the code has already been
posted in this thread.

program Test;

 FPJson, JsonParser, JsonTools;

There you are. You're missing the cwstring unit and the codepage directive.

Change the above code to

{$mode objfpc}
{$codepage utf8}
  {$IFDEF UNIX}cwstring, {$ENDIF} FPJson, JsonParser, JsonTools;

and it will work correctly. 
(The objpas and $h+ are probably in your fpc.cfg or lazarus setup)

Your program will only work correctly in a utf8-only environment. 
(see also below)

But fpJSON relies on the fpc infrastructure to handle all codepages, as a
consequence this infrastructure also must be set up properly.

Now you can see why I insisted on using my program, it was known to work
correctly: it sets up things properly. If you look at my initial mail,
you'll also see that I explicitly mentioned including cwstring. 
You probably failed to pick up on that important piece of info.

So, mystery solved.

That said :

Unfortunately JSONTools is also not without problems.

I copied the program to a windows VM.

Attached screenshot of the output.

As you can see, jsontools also does not work correctly.

It's no mystery why not. I had to add


as the first line in the program, then it does show TRUE for both tests.
Now, if you work in lazarus, it does this for you, so you don't notice/know it.

Codepages & strings require careful setup. Contrary to popular belief, it does 
not 'just work'.

All this is documented:

Many people tend to ignore this, because Lazarus does a lot behind the scenes 
(which is a good thing).

But if people use your JSONTools in a 'mixed' environment, you might 
get strange results, if you ignore the correct and careful setup.

You control your environment, and jsontools will function correctly in your
environment. But it's a big world out there, where things might be happening
that you didn't foresee but which do influence jsontools.

I hope with my explanations, you are now well equipped/informed to strengthen
jsontools and help people should problems nevertheless pop up.

Now that we've hopefully established that fpjson does work correctly, 
I would appreciate it if you could correct the JSON test comparison page you created.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Michael, I hadn't tried your example code yet as I thought the discussion
was on the topic of the unicode failure, and your example was about parsing
speed. I'll be happy to take a look at speed improvements, but like you I
am interested to find our what's failing with VerifyUnicodeCharsFPJson.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
If there is any chance the char codes are being altered through whatever
browser / mail client you are using, here is a direct link to the program
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Michael, regarding this unicode problem, all the code has already been
posted in this thread.

program Test;

  FPJson, JsonParser, JsonTools;

  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';

function VerifyUnicodeCharsFPJson: Boolean;
  N: TJSONData;
  N := GetJSON(UnicodeChars);
  Result := (N.Items[0].AsUnicodeString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and
(N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString = 'bank teller ® ');

function VerifyUnicodeCharsJsonTools: Boolean;
  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';
  N: TJsonNode;
  N := TJsonNode.Create;
  Result := (N.Child(0).AsString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and (N.Child(1).AsString =
'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('FPJson Handles unicode chars correctly: ',
  WriteLn('JsonTools Handles unicode chars correctly: ',


FPJson Handles unicode chars correctly: FALSE
JsonTools Handles unicode chars correctly: TRUE

Tested on both Linux and Windows with the same results. Differing versions
of FPC on differing platforms and other people have verified the same
result. Try the tests yourself. Maybe you can figure out what's going wrong.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Okay, so I turned on my Windows VM with a different version of FPC and ran
VerifyUnicodeChars with both FPJson and JsonTools. The resutls are the
same. JsonTools sees the unicode correctly, and something is wrong when
using FPJson. I don't know what the problem is, but other people are
noticing similar issues, so it would seem there is definitely a problem
resulting in a failure for FPJson.

Michael, you have all the information needed to find out what's wrong and
I'd be curious to learn why it's not working.

Allow me to correct you, I don't have all information:

1. Did you run my provided test program on linux ?
   (the first one I sent, not the one for the speed test)

   If my test program also shows different results on your machine,
   indeed something strange is going on.

   The reason I insist on the us of my test program and not yours,
   is that the result can be influenced by some unknown units or whatnot in 
   and my program is "bare bones".

   On the assumption my private computer can be somehow 'compromised' by years
   of FPC development I even copied my program to 2 other linux machines,
   used for production work, and the result is 'True' on both.
   (see log below for one of them, this is with standard ubuntu installed 

   I can believe the program would output something different on Windows,
   but not on another linux box.

2. Where is the source code of your test program(s) ?
   At least the ones for fpjson and jsontools.

   Without your actual source code, I cannot give advice or investigate 

I'd like to see this cleared up. fpjson has been in use in many REST
services in large production sites for at least 8 years, these services 
definitely use UTF8 content outside the basic ASCII or even ANSI codepages.

So the failures you see are highly surprising to me, to say the least.


Copy&paste from a quick sompile session.

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-34-generic x86_64)

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 * Keen to learn Istio? It's included in the single-package MicroK8s.

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   - Reduce system reboots and improve kernel security. Activate at:
 / ___/___  _  _ _ _   ___  ___
| |   / _ \| \| |_   _/ \ | _ )/ _ \
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 \\___/|_|\_| |_/_/ \_|___/\___/


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Last login: Tue Aug 20 14:23:39 2019 from
root@vmi203569:~# fpc twalter.pas -S2
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4+dfsg-18ubuntu1 [2018/07/02] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling twalter.pas
Linking twalter
/usr/bin/ld.bfd: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
26 lines compiled, 0.4 sec
root@vmi203569:~# ./twalter 
Handles unicode chars correctly: >{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }<

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Okay, so I turned on my Windows VM with a different version of FPC and ran
VerifyUnicodeChars with both FPJson and JsonTools. The resutls are the
same. JsonTools sees the unicode correctly, and something is wrong when
using FPJson. I don't know what the problem is, but other people are
noticing similar issues, so it would seem there is definitely a problem
resulting in a failure for FPJson.

Michael, you have all the information needed to find out what's wrong and
I'd be curious to learn why it's not working.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Bart via lazarus wrote:

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 9:09 PM Bart  wrote:

On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

It fails on both comparisons (hexadecimal representation of the
returned unicodestrings):

Name: 004A 006F 0065 003F 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
Expected: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
00AE is replaced by 003F (a questionmark IIRC)

Occupation: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072
0020 003F 0020
Expected: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072 0020 00AE 0020

Same replacement there.

Can you try setting defaultsystemcodepage to UTF8 ?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

I am not sure how under any situation parsing a JSON from a stream source
would be any faster than parsing a string.

If you would check the fpjson code, you'd see why.
You'd also see why there is plenty of room for improvement.

Also with regards to timing I am
not sure how accurate Now is. For this purpose I've written:

I agree that for time measurements of 10ms or less, you should not use Now
for measurements.

But over a total timespan of 2.9 seconds, now is plenty accurate.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
For those tracking the unicode issue, could you please verify the problem
does not present in my JsonTools library on compiler revisions and
platforms? I always get true (passed) with my library, but not with any
other library. Here is the relevant test:

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;
  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';
  N: TJsonNode;
  N := TJsonNode.Create;
  Result := (N.Child(0).AsString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and (N.Child(1).AsString =
'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode characters correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Bart via lazarus
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 9:09 PM Bart  wrote:

> On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

It fails on both comparisons (hexadecimal representation of the
returned unicodestrings):

Name: 004A 006F 0065 003F 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
Expected: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
00AE is replaced by 003F (a questionmark IIRC)

Occupation: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072
0020 003F 0020
Expected: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072 0020 00AE 0020

Same replacement there.

fpc trunk r42348.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Bart via lazarus
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:04 PM Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

> No idea. I tested with both 3.0.4 and trunk. Both give the same result.
> Here are the sources I used:
> I test on linux, but could try windows.

On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
I am not sure how under any situation parsing a JSON from a stream source
would be any faster than parsing a string. Also with regards to timing I am
not sure how accurate Now is. For this purpose I've written:

{ Return a time based on system performance counters }
function TimeQuery: Double;

Implemented as:

{$ifdef linux}
  libc = '';
{$ifdef darwin}
  libc = 'libSystem.dylib';
function gettimeofday(out TimeVal: TTimeVal; TimeZone: PTimeVal): Integer;
apicall; external libc;

  TimeSec: SysInt;

function TimeQuery: Double;
  TimeVal: TTimeVal;
  gettimeofday(TimeVal, nil);
  if TimeSec = 0 then
TimeSec := TimeVal.Sec;
  TimeVal.Sec := TimeVal.Sec - TimeSec;
  Result := TimeVal.Sec + TimeVal.MSec / 100;

{$ifdef windows}
  kernel32  = 'kernel32.dll';

function QueryPerformanceCounter(var Counter: Int64): LongBool; apicall;
external kernel32;
function QueryPerformanceFrequency(var Frequency: Int64): LongBool;
apicall; external kernel32;

function TimeQuery: Double;
  C, F: Int64;
  F := 0;
  C := 0;
  if QueryPerformanceFrequency(F) and QueryPerformanceCounter(C) then
Result := C / F
Result := 0;
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Alan, oh that's a good idea. I will do that as well as add a few more
parser libraries as requested by a few people in other non mailing lists
threads. I will also try to find out what's going on the unicode strings as
it might be a problem with the compiler.


I am on Linux as well, but I will test under Windows and Mac too.

To show that my argument of 'coding proficiency' influence on algorithm 
speed is not complete nonsense, I quickly cooked up the following test:

{$mode objfpc}

uses DateUtils, Sysutils,Classes, fpjson, jsonparser;

  FN : String;
  i,aCount : Integer;
  S : TJSONStringType;
  T : TMemoryStream;
  N : TDateTime;

procedure ReadJSON;


  if ParamCount<>2 then Halt(1);
Writeln('Reading string ',aCount,' times');
for I:=1 to aCount do
Writeln('Msecs : ',MillisecondsBetween(Now,N));
Writeln('Reading stream ',aCount,' times');
for I:=1 to aCount do
Writeln('Msecs : ',MillisecondsBetween(Now,N));

When you run this:

home:~/fpc/packages/fcl-json/tests> ./testjsonspeedread 100 ./testdata.json
Reading string 100 times
Msecs : 2972
Reading stream 100 times
Msecs : 1203

(file of 260Kb, 500 lines)

Not using a string (as you do) but a stream already gives a factor of 2.x 
The speed gain is there both for trunk as for 3.0.4.

So, I'm fairly confident that I can probably speed up your test results as
well, when you send me the sources.

That said, this is not to say that there is no room for speed improvements in 

I've already identified 2 places where speed gains can be made in the fpJSON
codebase, I'll improve the codebase this weekend and post results.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Alan, oh that's a good idea. I will do that as well as add a few more
parser libraries as requested by a few people in other non mailing lists
threads. I will also try to find out what's going on the unicode strings as
it might be a problem with the compiler.


I am on Linux as well, but I will test under Windows and Mac too.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Alexey via lazarus
It is maybe bug which was fixed in FPC trunk, there was some Unicode issue in 

> On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller 
> \u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it 
> passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going on?
> -- 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller
\u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it
passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going

No idea. I tested with both 3.0.4 and trunk. Both give the same result.

Here are the sources I used:

home:~/fpc/packages/fcl-json/tests> cat twalter.pas
program twalter;

{$codepage UTF8}

uses cwstring, fpjson, jsonparser;

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;

  UnicodeChars =  '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " 

  N: TJSONData;

  N := GetJSON(UnicodeChars);
  Result := (N.Items[0].AsUnicodeString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and
(N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString = 'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode chars correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);

I test on linux, but could try windows.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller
\u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it
passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


Can you tell me why the second half (N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString) this test
fails? This is the part that decodes "bank teller \u00Ae ".

The test fails on "Joe®Schmoe", not on "bank teller \u00Ae ".

If you WriteLn the UnicodeChars string to console, it shows:

{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }

(notice the  in front of ®)

This is because your string is encoded wrong in the binary.


{$codepage UTF8}

Before the uses clause makes your test print 'TRUE'.

Because I work on Linux, I also had to add the "cwstring" unit to the uses 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

Can you tell me why the second half (N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString) this test
fails? This is the part that decodes "bank teller \u00Ae ".

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;
  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';
  N: TJSONData;
  N := GetJSON(UnicodeChars);
  Result := (N.Items[0].AsUnicodeString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and
(N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString = 'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode chars correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


I have a hurricane headed my way, but when I'm done evacuating I'll send
you a copy of my test. If you want to make improvements to the test program
to be sure the manner in which I am using the FPJson functions and classes
is correct and send me a revised test program, then that would be awesome.

Just make sure you don't get caught in the hurricane. 
I wish you a quickk hiding place ! :-)

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

With regards to duplicate key names, some libraries allow for the same key
to be parsed resulting in multiple child nodes of the same name. Others
throw an exception when parsing an object with a duplicate key name.

The correct way to handle duplicate keys is to overwrite the existing key
when a duplicate is encountered.

There you go. I think the "correct way" is to raise an error; 
not to override and thus inadvertently lose previous data.

I won't argue on who is correct, since it is a matter of opinion.

But this is a prime example of 'biased' tests. 
You're testing an opinion, not actual functionality.

so IMHO it would be only fair to remove it from your comparison.

For speed & correctness, I repeat my request:
please provide your test code.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

I have a hurricane headed my way, but when I'm done evacuating I'll send
you a copy of my test. If you want to make improvements to the test program
to be sure the manner in which I am using the FPJson functions and classes
is correct and send me a revised test program, then that would be awesome.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
With regards to duplicate key names, some libraries allow for the same key
to be parsed resulting in multiple child nodes of the same name. Others
throw an exception when parsing an object with a duplicate key name.

The correct way to handle duplicate keys is to overwrite the existing key
when a duplicate is encountered.

My library does have Save/Load To/From /File/Stream. Please see the
articles I posted. They are listed there.

Unicode support exists in both allowing unicode to be in the JSON, and
escape inotpced e.g. \u00ae becomes ® a two byte utf8 encoding char when
parsed by my parser. It also saves/load that utf8 encoding to steams or

Regarding indentation and formatted, I support two options as noted in my
original article. The AsJson property create spaceless compact JSON
suitable for network traffic, while the Vale property allows for friendly
human readable formatting and indentation. Currently the friendly
indentation is fixed and I doesn't see a reason use case reason to allow
for custom indentation beyond what I already provide.

And finally regarding the unicode failure of FPJson, I am parsing a small
bit of JSON ...

{ "name": "Joe\u00aeSchmoe"}

And compare it to the value of 'name' to the string constant  'Joe®Schmoe'
in pascal code. If fails the first iteration, but if I run it a second time
it works, so there is something amiss.

And finally with regards to plugins and extensiblity, that's great to have,
but I am just trying to write something that handles the JSON spec and only
that. If I want something to stream a form layout or settings to JSON it
would be a separate wholly independent library that depends ona parser, but
isn't part of the parser library.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Alexey Tor. via lazarus
Yes, JsonTools needs a method SaveToFile if it has not. It must save 
formatted json with indent, set by a property or global variable 
(default is 2 usually).

SaveToFile must handle Unicode strings, ie output them with \u or 
like it. Use Unicode escape for all codes >=128, because utf8 codes all 
after 127.


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter wrote:

I've posted a new page that tests the speed and correctness of several
pascal based JSON parsers.

In full disclosure I am the author of the new open source JsonTools
library, and even though my parser seems to a big improvement over the
other alternatives, my tests were not biased.

Test are always biased in the sense that they depend on the proficiency of
the coder. you must ask someone with sufficient knowledge to write the code.

The shootout benchmarks for example are dismally coded for FPC with as a
result that they perform badly.

So it could well be that the fpJSON results for example can be improved a
lot by changing the method used to a more efficient one.

Also, not every library is designed with the same goals.
fpjson could probably be made smaller if the goal was more focused.
it has a factory pattern, added on behalf of users who asked for this. 
jsontools does not have this. 
You can format the output. JSONTools does not have this.

fpJSON was designed to be pluggable wrt. parsing. JSONTools is not.

In short fpjson can do a lot more than JSONtools. 
Some things come at a price, others not.

In that sense, tests like this compare apples with pears.

If anyone would like help in replication the tests, let me know and I'll
see what I can do.

Also, to be thorough, you should read through both the article I posted at
the top this message, and my original page 
which has been updated with more information. Both pages took some time to
write, and I promise if you read through them some of your questions will
be answered without having to ask others for help or insight.

Can you please send me the testcode you used for your speed & correctness tests 

I'm a bit surprised to see fpJSON fail in unicode correctness. It's been
tested extensively, maybe your code contains errors (or maybe fpjson does,
I'll need to check).

Also please explain what 'Handling duplicate key names correctly' means to you. 
Saying that a library fails a test without specifying what the test is, is


lazarus mailing list