Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-23 20:40, aradeonas wrote:
 MySQL and ant its interseting to know what query, application will pass
 to server.

Indeed. I've been using Firebird for years, but only recently did they
add decent tracing support for the server. tiOPF (what I use for all
database access and more) already had a very good logging framework, so
years ago I added an option to log all generated SQL. It was very useful
to have, but I guess you are not using tiOPF. ;-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Thread based timer vs TTimer

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Schnell

On 06/23/2015 04:36 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
I don't use TCustomApplication anywhere in fpGUI or my applications. 
I've also never had the need for QueueAsyncCall(), sorry. ;-)
My easy way to do (embedded) application for headless devices (hence 
obviously NopGUI) is to do the application first on a (Linux) PC 
including a GUI for monitoring states and introducing stimulus events, 
using a set of dedicated units for GUI stuff and another set of 
dedicated units for the business logic. In the end, the GUI units can 
be replaced by noGUI workalikes with stripped-off debugging 
functionality, leaving the business logic units untouched. So if you 
face any problems with the running task, for debugging you easily can 
use the GUI enabled application, again.

As such embedded application often need to communicate with multiple 
partners via TCP/IP, serial interfaces etc, and need to do complex 
timing, it does make sense to use threads and TTimers.

Of course a complete cross-development with cross compiling and remote 
debugging (PC - headless device) would be another decent option here. 
But I have not been able to make this work. (For C based project I use 
an Eclipse IDE for cross compiling and remote debugging every day.)

So IMHO, an activeNoGUI Widget Type that automates the process of 
porting would be nice to have.

In fact all this has become less priority during the last few years, as 
you rather easily at rather low additional cost you can plan your 
embedded device to be GUI enable (e.g. with a BeagleBone or an Odroid). 
But I e.g. needed to do software for a NAS device and here, no Graphic 
was available at all.

Nonetheless I hope to be able to publish the activeNoGUI Widget Type 
for Lazarus one day soon.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Thread based timer vs TTimer

2015-06-24 Thread Paul Breneman

On 06/24/2015 03:57 AM, Michael Schnell wrote:

On 06/23/2015 04:36 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

I don't use TCustomApplication anywhere in fpGUI or my applications.
I've also never had the need for QueueAsyncCall(), sorry. ;-)

My easy way to do (embedded) application for headless devices (hence
obviously NopGUI) is to do the application first on a (Linux) PC
including a GUI for monitoring states and introducing stimulus events,
using a set of dedicated units for GUI stuff and another set of
dedicated units for the business logic. In the end, the GUI units can
be replaced by noGUI workalikes with stripped-off debugging
functionality, leaving the business logic units untouched. So if you
face any problems with the running task, for debugging you easily can
use the GUI enabled application, again.

As such embedded application often need to communicate with multiple
partners via TCP/IP, serial interfaces etc, and need to do complex
timing, it does make sense to use threads and TTimers.

Of course a complete cross-development with cross compiling and remote
debugging (PC - headless device) would be another decent option here.
But I have not been able to make this work. (For C based project I use
an Eclipse IDE for cross compiling and remote debugging every day.)

So IMHO, an activeNoGUI Widget Type that automates the process of
porting would be nice to have.

In fact all this has become less priority during the last few years, as
you rather easily at rather low additional cost you can plan your
embedded device to be GUI enable (e.g. with a BeagleBone or an Odroid).
But I e.g. needed to do software for a NAS device and here, no Graphic
was available at all.

Nonetheless I hope to be able to publish the activeNoGUI Widget Type
for Lazarus one day soon.


As you know Michael I've been *very* interested for years with what you 
are doing.  I hope to get more going with FPC and Teensy in the next few 

Then I hope to post more projects in the Wiki and also on this page:

I look forward to working together with you and others...

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Newbie, porting class to FPC but get procedure assignment error

2015-06-24 Thread Santiago Amposta
El 19/06/2015 a las 9:38, Luca Olivetti escribió:
 El 19/06/15 a les 09:25, Bo Berglund ha escrit:

 constructor TSentinel.Create;
FTimer := TTimer.Create(Application);
FTimer.Enabled := false;
FTimer.Interval := 0;
FTimer.OnTimer := OnCheckTimer(Self); //= Error here

 Why is this difference Delphi/FPC appearing and what can I do?

 Either you use {$MODE DELPHI} or you prepend the method with @, i.e.

 FTimer.OnTimer := @OnCheckTimer

I think that Luca's code doesn't work on delphi either.
He should write
 FTimer.OnTimer := OnCheckTimer;
Without the self parameter self.

If you add the parameter self, delphi would think you call method
function called OnChecktimer. As OnCheckTimer is a procedure, not a
function, rises error.

If OnTimer wouldn't had parameters, there could a confusion, that IMHO
FPC with @ solves in an elegant way. With a parameter there is no
ambiguity, that's an error: Assigning to variable the result of procedure.

Santiago A.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Thread based timer vs TTimer

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Schnell

On 06/24/2015 12:50 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

As you know Michael I've been *very* interested for years with what 
you are doing.  I hope to get more going with FPC and Teensy in the 
next few weeks:,28561.0.html

Then I hope to post more projects in the Wiki and also on this page:

I look forward to working together with you and others...

Great to see you back on this issue ! Thanks a lot.

Unfortunately, for me, right now Lazarus is just a hobby task, as I 
don't have any real application for it at the moment. But I still am 
lurking, and eager to finish the work in progress I have been starting, 
before we (company) decided not to use Lazarus in the way that I have 
been suggesting. An hence I am very busy with other (ANSI C based 
embedded) stuff.

If you want to help with activeNoGUI the first thing that is needed to 
be done is verify if a current standard distribution of Lazarus will 
install an fpc version that provides TThread.Queue.

If this is given I will re-test the code I did for the activeNoGUI 
interface unit (that provides TApplication etc).

Then I could send you the code to do more testing and provide suggestions.

If we are happy with the results we could investigate how it is possible 
to have it integrated in the Lazarus IDE as an additional selectable 
Widget Type.

Thanks again,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Newbie, porting class to FPC but get procedure assignment error

2015-06-24 Thread patspiper

On 23/06/15 23:06, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:
Take a look at 
(it suggests a cvtres.exe tool)

Ask to fpc guru if is possible to use manually an different linker 

In the end, i would try to compile a delphi dll and access it in fpc.

Another try (don't know if is possible) is to use delphi to compile 
spromeps.pas as a obj in COFF
I have discovered potential bugs in the 3rd party tool objconv.exe that 
converts from omf to coff, and most importantly in fpc's internal linker.

I provided Bo Berglund with a workaround for objconv that seems to work, 
and advised him to use the external linker (-Xe switch). The exception 
has vanished and basic tests have succeeded. I will file a bug report 
against fpc's internal linker soon.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Newbie, porting class to FPC but get procedure assignment error

2015-06-24 Thread patspiper

On 23/06/15 23:06, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:
Take a look at 
(it suggests a cvtres.exe tool)

Ask to fpc guru if is possible to use manually an different linker 

In the end, i would try to compile a delphi dll and access it in fpc.

Another try (don't know if is possible) is to use delphi to compile 
spromeps.pas as a obj in COFF
I have discovered potential bugs in the 3rd party tool objconv.exe that 
converts from omf to coff, and most importantly in fpc's internal linker.

I provided Bo Berglund with a workaround for objconv that seems to work, 
and advised him to use the external linker (-Xe switch). The exception 
has vanished and basic tests have succeeded. I will file a bug report 
against fpc's internal linker soon.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 19:28, aradeonas wrote:

But code is in exe and line works,I put a log in that line and it works.
No I havent and options are as wiki : Link smart= False;
(wiki screenshot seems outdated)

Can it be that the lines are inlined?

Please check, if those dots are missing right away, when you start 
debugging and have not (since compiling) edited the file.

or open the exe in gdb, and check if there is debug info for this line
gdb -mi yourexe.exe

info line yourunit.pas:291

Should return something like:
Line 291 of \include/\ starts at address 0x543105 
SETTEXT+325 and ends at 0x5433d1 SETTEXT+1041

info line yourunit.pas:292

If both line have code then the address should go up, if it does not, 
the fpc did not put debug info for that line, and the debugger can not 
find it.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
I tried to add log in the but after clean buld project and
all files still my new code wont run.
How can I get the value of FStatement for now?


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
 Please check, if those dots are missing right away, when you start
debugging and have not (since compiling) edited the file.

Yes they missed when I start right away after opening Lazarus.

 or open the exe in gdb, and check if there is debug info for this line
gdb -mi yourexe.exe How? If you mean in command line it says there
isnt any -mi.

Also I changed the lines but still if I set breakpoint in that line (now
its 280) it still wait at the next procedure's begin.

Regards, Ara

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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Newbie, porting class to FPC but get procedure assignment error

2015-06-24 Thread Bo Berglund

ALMOST SOLVED (workaround found)

As patspiper has posted there has been a potential bug discovered in
the fpc linker while tracing my problems with porting the Sentinel
SuperPro dongle handler class from Delphi to Lazarus/FPC.
In order to port it we had to convert an OBJ file from the dongle
maker to a format FPC accepts (coff) using a 3rd party tool, which
also has some bug in it.
Patspiper will handle the bug reports.

The solution to the actual problem for me was:
1) Convert the OBJ file to COFF and alias the internal identifiers
such that FPC can find them. This uses the 3rd party tool objconv.
Then replace the include directive for the OBJ file with the COFF

2)Use the compiler switch -Xe in order to link externally. Much slower
but results in a working application.

Many thanks to patspiper who has spent a lot of time helping me to
track down the cause of the problems!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 23/06/2015 19:07, aradeonas wrote:

Its almost first condition but I removed breakpoint but it debugger
think it still there.
I will try to to reproduce it,its hard becuse it finds out suddenly but
as I understand it mostly happen in other packages not the project.

Most Important:
- OS? (Version?)
- CPU?
- Lazarus 1.4 ?
- fpc 2.6.4?
- gdb version (on windows 32 bit, it is 7.2 if you use the normal installer)

So it is also gone from the list in the breakpoint window? (Menu View 
  Debug Windows)

Do you remove the breakpoint, while the program is
- running
- paused
- debugger stopped
- dgb starting up / pressed F9, but not yet seeing your app on screen
- dbg stopping

This is all in a single debug run? Or do you debug, end debug, start a 
new debug, and in the new debug a breakpoint still exists, that you removed?

Does the code contains any threads?
On Windows: Does it happen shortly after (up to a minute) after using a 
file open/save (or other file/print/system) dialog? Many of them create 

If you can keep the thread window open, so you see if there are any 
threads. (On Windows, hitting pause, creates ONE extra thread)

Try running Lazarus creating a logfile:
When you exit/ restart the IDE, delete the log, or it keeps growing.
When the issue happens again, send the log (if to big for the mail list, 
you can sent directly to me, or attach to a bug created)

When it happens, notice filename and line where the debugger stopped., 
then stop the debugger, without doing any further debugging, and exit 
the ide, so the log will be correctly finished.

Alternatively, if the above is too much / taking to long, then you can 
try to:

- in tools option reset debugger after each run£
- on Windows 32: use the gdb 7.7.1 (alternative gdb) from the Lazarus 
SourceForge site

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazbuild and project macros

2015-06-24 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Wed, 24 Jun 2015 15:30:47 +0100
Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 Out of interest, can lazbuild set new values for IDE Macros defined in
 the project (.lpi) file?

There is no option yet.
A patch is welcome.

You could create a build mode where the IDE Macro is set by


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 23:30, aradeonas wrote:

How? If you mean in command line it says there isnt any -mi.

sorry it is
gdb -i mi project.exe

probably a simple
gdb project.exe
will also do

Also I changed the lines but still if I set breakpoint in that line 
(now its 280) it still wait at the next procedure's begin.

Breakpoint normally only work on lines with blue dots. So if there is no 
blue dot then that means there is no line of code there.

Well of course in your case there is. But it is unknown to the debugger.
- Either FPC did not generate the info when compiling
- gdb has a bug reading the issue
- the IDE does display incorrect

In the last case the breakpoint would actually work. For the IDE does 
not check for the blue dot. IT just displays it, but does not use it for 
any check when setting the breakpoint.

You can try explicitly setting debug info to  dwarf2 (with sets) or stabs.

Btw. The above case likely has a different cause than the breakpoint at 
line 0. So there may be 2 issues.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
1) Windows 8.1 64 bit but it also happened in 7 64bit. CPU's are Intel
core 2 (recent) and A new AMD model that I couldnt remember.
fpc yes 2.6.4 and Lazarus 1.4 32bit and gdb is default.all are default
and was default.this problem is here for last 3 released version.

2) No they are in the breakpoints list but when you dbl click or want to
go to the line,Lazarus cant find the line.

3) I have doubt about it but as I remember yes I changed code and
breakpoint in the middle of debugging but not always I think.

4) Single debug ,also many times it will be there after closing and
opening the project again and again until suddenly it be removed or
sometimes I made breakpoint in the line and propitious and next lines
and remove them.

5) No.

6) OK I will.

Is gdb 7.2 used for last 3 Lazarus release?because I have this problem
from the first time I met Lazarus and I think it 3 or 4 version ago.


-- - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an
  unladen european swallow

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
I will read about tiOPF (Thank you) but I want to ask is TSQLQuery fill
parameters in SQL and then send it to MySQL or not?And if yes where so I
cal log it after fill?


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazbuild and project macros

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-24 15:54, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 There is no option yet.
 A patch is welcome.

Thanks for confirming... I'll try and get a patch ready for you to review.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazbuild and project macros

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

Out of interest, can lazbuild set new values for IDE Macros defined in
the project (.lpi) file?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-24 16:16, aradeonas wrote:
 I will read about tiOPF (Thank you)

tiOPF makes database development very easy, and a big plus is that you
will not be tied to one specific database backend, and you can simply
recompile to enable 3-tier support too (without application changes).

 but I want to ask is TSQLQuery fill
 parameters in SQL and then send it to MySQL or not?

Yes of course, otherwise your queries wouldn't work. ;-) In tiOPF I
first log the SQL statement, then output the query parameter list/values.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Thread based timer vs TTimer

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-24 12:03, Michael Schnell wrote:
 Then I could send you the code to do more testing and provide suggestions.

Why not simply fork the Lazarus repository on Github. Create your own
branch and do all your changes in there. Publish your branch to your own
Github repository (or some other public location) where others could
view and pull from.

  $ git clone
  $ cd lazarus
  $ git checkout -b activenogui origin/upstream
  // you will now be in a new 'activenogui' branch based off Laz Trunk

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Wed, 24 Jun 2015, aradeonas wrote:

I will read about tiOPF (Thank you) but I want to ask is TSQLQuery fill
parameters in SQL and then send it to MySQL or not?


And if yes where so I cal log it after fill?

Currently, I think it is not accessible for you, I need to create an extra log 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 16:12, aradeonas wrote:

2) No they are in the breakpoints list but when you dbl click or want to
go to the line,Lazarus cant find the line.
Have you compared the Path in the filename? (You can see the path, by 
opening the properties of a breakpoint)

The line does exist in the file, I assume?

Have you edited the file after F9 (Answer 3 suggests you may have?)? If 
so are the blue dots correctly aligned with the code?

Is there any error, when the IDE does not jump to the line for a 
hidden breakpoint. (messages window)
If there is not, then use the log (below) and see, if any error is in 
the log (or mail it)

6) OK I will.

Is gdb 7.2 used for last 3 Lazarus release?because I have this problem
from the first time I met Lazarus and I think it 3 or 4 version ago.

After your answer above (2), the gdb version is very unlikely to affect 
this. This was in case the IDE tried to delete it, but gdb refused. But 
the IDE still has it, so gdb is not at fault.

But yes 7.2 has been used a long time.

As for the log. Reduce it to:

 --debug-log=LOG_FILE  --debug-enable=DBG_STATE,DBGMI_QUEUE_DEBUG

unrelated. There is a common win7/8 issue (but absolutely not related):

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
 Currently, I think it is not accessible for you, I need to create an
 extra log type.
Thanks,Can you point me to the address for now?

Regards, Ara

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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-24 17:16, aradeonas wrote:
 Can you point me to the address for now?


API Class documentation:

Support Newsgroups:

 Minimalist web interface:

Source code:
  $ git clone git:// tiopf
  $ cd tiopf
  $ git checkout tiopf2

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
Sure its interesting because its two days Im thinking check Thunderbird


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
Thank you VERY MUCH Graeme for your helps but Im not that lazy :D
That sentence was for Michael to show me where TSQLQuery fill


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2015-06-24 17:28, aradeonas wrote:
 That sentence was for Michael

Interestingly, Thunderbird filed your message as a reply to one of mine.

  - Graeme -

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
Yes,File is correct,I removed a breakpoint and change code but debugger
think its still there. Yes line exists but Line/Length column in
BreakPoint viewer is 0 most of the times. Yes I edit file.But I dont
know what you mean from blue dots. No there isnt any error.
 his was in case the IDE tried to delete it, but gdb refused. But
the IDE still has it, so gdb is not at fault.

Intersting is BreakPoint viewer show there should be a breakpoint but
code editor doesnt and debugger think there is so BreakPoint viewer and
debugger think same.

Regards, Ara

-- - mmm... Fastmail...

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 18:45, aradeonas wrote:

Martin just now I have this problem :
BreakPoint viewer shows one breakpoint at line 291 but debugger wait 
on line 303 on begin of next procedure.when I remove procedure 
debugger wont wait but if I put it back on 291 it will wait on 303.
I restarted IDE but problem still there and log only shows breakpoint 
on line 291.

Ok, so the internal bap of the debugger is somehow incorrect. I assume 
all the above actions were within one debug session?

The IDE seems to assume that you deleted lines.

Now if you delete lines while debugging, the exe is not recompiled.
Delete 12 lines before 290, and the code that was at line 303 will be at 
line 291. (That is in the editor)

But in the exe in the debugger it would still be at line 303. SO if 
indeed those lines where deleted, then setting a breakpoint at 291, 
needs to set a breakpoint at what was 303 at compile time.

BEst to open an issue on the bugtracker.
I'll need to see how best to find additional info what causes this (that 
is why the IDE thinks you deleted lines, when you did not)

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
Take a look at attachment,as you see blue dots are at all lines except
the procedure that breakpoint is in it.Also as you can see debugger
wait on 303.
 BEst to open an issue on the bugtracker
Yes but I have problem to reproduce it.

Regards, Ara

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  wherever you are

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 19:05, aradeonas wrote:
Take a look at attachment,as you see blue dots are at all lines except 
the procedure that breakpoint is in it.Also as you can see debugger 
wait on 303.

BEst to open an issue on the bugtracker

Yes but I have problem to reproduce it.

Ah, that looks like a different issue. There are no blue dots for that 
procedure at all. That usually means this procedure was not compiled 
into the exe at all.

If the procedure is not in the exe, then gdb thinks there is no 
executable code on that line 291, and it sets the breakpoint on the 
first line with code that it can find after that. (Yep in that case it 
be better to not set a breakpoint at all, and mark the breakpoint as 
invalid, but that is not (yet) implemented).

By any chance, do you have smart linking enabled?
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
But code is in exe and line works,I put a log in that line and it works.
No I havent and options are as wiki : Link smart= False; (wiki
screenshot seems outdated) Ara

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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Get SQL before TSQLQuery execute

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Wed, 24 Jun 2015, aradeonas wrote:

Thank you VERY MUCH Graeme for your helps but Im not that lazy :D
That sentence was for Michael to show me where TSQLQuery fill

TSQLQuery does not do this, the TSQLConnection does this. For mysql this is, line 592.

And the detExecute log DOES show the SQL with parameters replaced (as I 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 18:20, Martin Frb wrote:

line is 0... Interesting.

you said

Its almost first condition but I removed breakpoint but it debugger
think it still there.

Does that mean:

- The breakpoint is there (red mark in the gutter)
- You click it, and it disappears from the editor
- Now you discover it is still there?

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 18:35, aradeonas wrote:
I forgot to mention I use JCF formatter much,maybe it is the reason,I 
will focus on it and when I found a way to reproduce it tell you.

JCF may indeed not preserve breakpoints.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb
Do you at any time replace (e.g. copy and paste -- undo/redo -- 
delete-all/undo ) the content of the entire file? Or at least from line 
1 to the line with the breakpoint?

undo only undoes the text, but the breakpoint pos might in some cases be 
off, after the undo.

replacing lines, moves breakpoints in the replaced range, to (iirc) the 
top of that range.

On 24/06/2015 16:55, aradeonas wrote:
Yes,File is correct,I removed a breakpoint and change code but 
debugger think its still there.
Yes line exists but Line/Length column in BreakPoint viewer is 0 most 
of the times.
Ok it all sounds as if some part of the IDE thinks there is a different 
Is it a file in your project (main folder or via some path), or is it in 
some package?

Do the logfile anyway, it should tell what filename and path the IDE 
sends to GDB. And also the line number. (see below)

line is 0... Interesting.

Yes I edit file.But I dont know what you mean from blue dots.
When you run your app, there should be blue dots in the gutter for any 
executable line.

Intersting is BreakPoint viewer show there should be a breakpoint but 
code editor doesnt and debugger think there is so BreakPoint viewer 
and debugger think same.

Where exactly does the debugger stop in that unit?

First line of first procedure? Or the actual line in which the 
breakpoint used to be, before it became corrupted?

Some background.

A breakpoint at line 0 can not be shown in the editor. (since first line 
is 1). However if setting a breakpoint in gdb to a line with no code 
(line 0 has no code) gdb searches the next line with code, and sets it 
there. (set a breakpoint on an empty line, will stop on next line)
This can be useful (if its just 1 or 2 lines off), and harmful if its 
100 or more lines away (e.g. in the interface section)

So if you stop at the first line of code in the unit, then you got a 
breakpoint at line 0, and that can not be displayed in the editor. The 
question is, how it moved to line 0.

Something else:
1) when you edit a file while NOT debugging, breakpoints move as you 
insert/delete lines (obviously)
2) edit a file while debugging, they still move, but only in the IDE. 
Because the exe in the debugger still needs the old positions.
So if procedure Foo is at line 500 to 550, with a breakpoint (in foo) at 
510; and you delete 5 lines somewhere before 500, then in the 
SourceEditor Foo is from 495 to 545 (but the loaded exe still is from 
500 to 550) The IDE then maps the breakpoint (that is now displayed at 
505) to still stop at 510 (in loaded exe). This map is reset when the 
debugger stops.

Maybe there is an issue with that map...

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
I forgot to mention I use JCF formatter much,maybe it is the reason,I
will focus on it and when I found a way to reproduce it tell you.


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Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread Martin Frb

On 24/06/2015 18:31, aradeonas wrote:

Do you at any time replace (e.g. copy and paste -- undo/redo --
delete-all/undo ) the content of the entire file? Or at least from line
1 to the line with the breakpoint?

Yes but not all time this problem happen.
Try to keep watching those actions. In case any of them sets the line no 
to 0

Mostly package but it without any duplicate so make IDE wrong.
Right lets ignore filename and path. It seems the issue i on the line 

Excuse me but still I can understand what you mean.

As in the image. Blue dots in the gutter. (they are red on lines with 

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Invisible Breakpoint

2015-06-24 Thread aradeonas
 Do you at any time replace (e.g. copy and paste -- undo/redo --
delete-all/undo ) the content of the entire file? Or at least from line
1 to the line with the breakpoint?

Yes but not all time this problem happen.
 Is it a file in your project (main folder or via some path), or
 is it in
some package? Mostly package but it without any duplicate so make
IDE wrong.
 When you run your app, there should be blue dots in the gutter for any
executable line. Excuse me but still I can understand what you mean.
 Where exactly does the debugger stop in that unit?

First line of first procedure? Or the actual line in which the
breakpoint used to be, before it became corrupted? Mostly on the end of
 A breakpoint at line 0 can not be shown in the editor. (since
 first line
is 1). However if setting a breakpoint in gdb to a line with no code
(line 0 has no code) gdb searches the next line with code, and sets it
there. (set a breakpoint on an empty line, will stop on next line) This
can be useful (if its just 1 or 2 lines off), and harmful if its 100 or
more lines away (e.g. in the interface section) BreakPoint viewer shows
line 0 but its not about first line,it just cant find the line,for
correct breakpoints when you dbl click editor go to it but for these one
nothing happen.

 2) edit a file while debugging, they still move, but only in the IDE.
Because the exe in the debugger still needs the old positions. So if
procedure Foo is at line 500 to 550, with a breakpoint (in foo) at 510;
and you delete 5 lines somewhere before 500, then in the SourceEditor
Foo is from 495 to 545 (but the loaded exe still is from 500 to 550) The
IDE then maps the breakpoint (that is now displayed at
505) to still stop at 510 (in loaded exe). This map is reset when the
 debugger stops.

Yes it just happens for me and  I saw it for example all of breakpoints
in a procedure go 2 line down.

Regards, Ara

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