[Lazarus] QT5 progress?

2015-03-03 Thread Craig Peterson
Is anything going on with the QT5 port?  The QT mailing list has been pretty 
dead for a year, and it doesn't appear there's been updates to the qt4pas alpha 
in that time either.

Zoƫ Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

2013-12-31 Thread Craig Peterson
On Dec 31, 2013, at 3:19 AM, Michael Van Canneyt mich...@freepascal.org wrote:
 First find a ThousandSeparator and DecimalSeparator that would actually need 
 Then we'll see.

Several locales on OS X use U+00A0 no-break space as a thousands separator, 
which is $C2$A0 in UTF-8, so it doesn't fit in a single AnsiChar.  We had to 
add a lossy conversion to $20 to preserve the appearance, if not the semantics, 
of it.  There was a thread on the Mac-pascal mailing list a few months back 
about it.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus (UTF8) and Windows: SysToUTF8, UTF8ToSys... Is there a better solution?

2013-12-25 Thread Craig Peterson
On Dec 25, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Jy V jyv...@gmail.com wrote:
 I cannot let you answer alone and make you appear as the only knowledgeable 
 reference for this important subject,
 it looks like defining default code page 65001 for Windows make it perfect 
 fit to handle UTF-8

Windows doesn't support using UTF-8 as the default system code page and never 
will. Michael Kaplan, from Microsoft, has talked about it a number of times in 
his blog. The original site is unfortunately offline, but it's available 
through the Internet Archive at 

The short answer is that all of the selectable ANSI codepages have at most 2 
bytes, and UTF-8 can have up to 4, which would require auditing/updating huge 
amounts of code.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

2013-12-25 Thread Craig Peterson
Hi All,

Yep, Beyond Compare 4 for OS X uses Lazarus with the Carbon backend.  Thank you 
to all of the hard working Lazarus and Free Pascal developers that helped make 
it possible.  

While I did mention some things in that post that I didn't like about 
Lazarus/Free Pascal, I think you've done excellent work.  I was really 
impressed with how much worked out of the box and how compatible everything 
was, both in the LCL and the compiler.  The Objective Pascal extensions are 
really well done.  Not having the IDE go brain dead while debugging was a 
welcome change too. :)

We actually got the core product up and running fairly quickly; the last two 
years have been spent making it more at home on OS X.  We've submitted most of 
our changes back to the team, and will get the remaining ones out soon.  
Unfortunately a number of the enhancements, like per-window sheet support, rely 
on a lot of our application level behavior, so they can't be incorporated into 
the LCL easily, but I am happy to answer any questions or share the relevant 
code snippets for anyone who wants them.

We will definitely be looking into LCL/Qt for our Linux version once we get v4 
released. Seeing the Qt5 bindings has made me very happy.

On Dec 25, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Marco van de Voort mar...@stack.nl wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 04:44:37PM +, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 Which hopefully makes clear that Delphi compat unicode is needed by some :-)

As long as string supports Unicode, and AnsiString/UTF8String casts do 
appropriate conversions, I don't really care whether it's UTF-8 or UTF-16.  One 
of the things that made code sharing easier is that OS X and modern Linux both 
use UTF-8 for C strings, so we were able to use string/TStringList/etc on all 
three platforms, with all three compilers, and know that it was always Unicode. 
 AnsiString was used in places on Windows where we needed it, but that was 
about it.  There were cases where we had to use UTF-16 on OS X to minimize 
conversions during drawing, and there were cases on Windows where we had to use 
UTF-8 to reduce memory usage.

Delphi compatibility in general has been very important, though, and I 
appreciate all the efforts in that direction.  BC's source code needed it, of 
course, but we also rely on some large third party libraries, like Indy and 
SecureBlackBox, and have had to port several others ourselves (ZipForge, 
Abbrevia, chsdet, some bits of the JCL). I'm quite confident that if there had 
been a significantly higher barrier to bringing our code over we would have 
switched to a non-Pascal environment instead.

In any case, thanks again.  We really couldn't have done it without this 

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

2013-12-25 Thread Craig Peterson
On Dec 25, 2013, at 5:11 PM, Hans-Peter Diettrich drdiettri...@aol.com wrote:
 I wonder what exact support he means.

Wonder no more:
1) string uses a Unicode encoding
2) AnsiString/UTF8String casts perform appropriate conversions
3) File APIs support Unicode filenames
4) Windows headers use W version by default.
5) LCL and RTL agree on string encoding
6) In a stable Lazarus and FPC release

As long as the language and libraries agree on an encoding I don't really care 
whether it's UTF-8 or UTF-16.  I've also been working with Unicode since 2001 
though, and have had to deal with plenty of different encodings, file formats, 
and API conversions in that time, so I don't think our usage is indicative of 
the average Delphi programmer, and I wouldn't want to speak for anyone else.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Deleteing a file that has a path that's longer than 256 characters

2013-11-26 Thread Craig Peterson
On Nov 26, 2013, at 7:59 AM, Richard Mace richard.m...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an issue where I am unable to delete a file where the path name is 
 longer than 256 characters.

You need to call the Unicode variant of the file APIs and add \\?\ to the start 
of the path in order to interact with paths longer than MAX_PATH.  See 
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247(VS.85).aspx#maxpath for 

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software--
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Proprietary vs Open Source mentality

2012-09-04 Thread Craig Peterson
On Sep 3, 2012, at 2:14 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys gra...@geldenhuys.co.uk wrote:

 I don't know who Uwe is, I just got to his website by following various links 
 on the internet. Is Uwe an Embarcadero employee?

No, just a community member.  In addition to the project you linked to he 
maintains the open source version of Delphi's Subversion Integration (Version 
Insight) and he's one of the two maintainers for the JEDI VCS project, as well 
as developer for the JCL/JVCL.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Proprietary vs Open Source mentality

2012-09-02 Thread Craig Peterson
I don't think it's an open source vs closed source mentality. It's quite 
possible that Uwe can't open source it; in the post you linked he even mentions 
that he used knowledge of the compiler internals to implement it. 

Andreas Hausladen's fix packs aren't open sourced either, and I know I've seen 
an Embarcadero developer mention that he has a special arrangement, implying 
some sort of source level access.  It's possible Uwe has something similar.  
I've seen the source to one of his unreleased projects and it completely 
bypassed the OpenTools API and poked around in a lot of IDE internals to do 
what it did.  

You're also overlooking the fact that his other project, Version Insight, is 
open source, but also has an optional closed source portion for similar 
low-level access.  Maybe he just doesn't want such techniques to become common 
knowledge so Embarcadero doesn't have to try supporting it or so he doesn't 
have to spend his time answering questions about it.  

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Comments on rev 36091 / issue #21459

2012-05-02 Thread Craig Peterson

On May 2, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Paul Ishenin wrote:
 Then the applied fix needs to be reimplemented. The need to show a non-modal 
 form on top of modal is needed even for LCL components - for TDateEdit and 
 TCalcEdit as they use forms for dropping down editors. Similar needs exists 
 in many other component sets.

TDateEdit and TCalcEdit both worked correctly prior to the patch.  

TDateEdit is shown non-modally, but its PopupMode is pmAuto, which parents it 
to the modal form.  Since it's owned by the modal form it works correctly, but 
stays on top.

TCalcEdit just shows its form using ShowModal.

The original bug reporter was asking for the ability to show a non-modal form 
while a modal form is active, with the ability for the non-modal form to go 
into the background.  As far as I can tell, Carbon doesn't support that because 
SetWindowModality works program-wide.

A possible solution would be to replace the calls to SetWindowModality in  
TCarbonWindow.ShowModal and CloseModal with a loop over all of the open forms 
to manually enable/disable them.  I wouldn't recommend that as change to the 
official Lazarus distribution though, since it bypasses the OS-provided 
behavior and would probably have side effects.  It wouldn't be hard to register 
a custom TCarbonWindow descendant in his application code to do that.  
Alternatively, he can just set PopupMode to pmAuto like TDataEdit and accept 
that the non-modal dialog will stay on top of the modal one.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] What is the most widely used Pascal on Linux and other Unix variants?

2012-02-27 Thread Craig Peterson
On 2/27/2012 4:21 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 My point was more about the fact that Scooter Software has applied 
 there own fixes to CLX, and have also upgraded their Kylix 3 to use 
 Qt3 (instead of Qt 2.3 which came with Kylix).

Actually, the upgrade to Qt 3 was Andreas Hausladen's doing, and he did
release it, but it isn't available online anymore.  It was an impressive
piece of work, and I think it laid the groundwork for Lazarus' Qt
support, since I remember seeing Zeljan's name associated with it too.

We do have a shocking number of fixes on top of it though.

 If they shared all there Kylix enhancements, I have no idea.

No, we haven't.  Borland screwed up the Kylix community project, and
Andreas stopped maintaining the unofficial patches at the same time, so
there isn't anywhere for us to share them.

 So at least the framework around Kylix has grown, after is was
 considered to be dead.

It was considered dead, and then the Kylix community project and
Borland's poor handling of Simon Kissel's cross-compiler killed it

 Also, Kylix 3 is still perfectly fine for web development work.

I'm not aware of any Linux distro post-2006 that runs the IDE, and even
then you needed a hack to debug threads.

We would have given it up years ago, but I thought Delphi's
cross-platform support would use Qt right up until they purchased
VGScene.  I'm sure there are a few other holdouts, but there's certainly
no community anymore.  Before they removed it, the .kylix newsgroup's
last post was in 2008 or so.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Libc functions and types

2012-01-17 Thread Craig Peterson
On 1/17/2012 2:49 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
 There is no Embarcadero Radstudio that supports Linux. In ancient times
 there was Kylix, but it was buried. A part of it escaped, called unit libc,
 but we finally caught up with it, and now it is dead and buried too.

And now they have the Posix.* units which provide the same functionality
in a more cross-platform manner.  The original poster gave localtime_r
as a specific example.  It's part of the OpenGroup's Unix specification
(in time.h), but FreePascal only exposes it in libc.pas.  If you don't
want people using that header you really should provide a better
alternative than just making everyone redeclare everything in their own

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] OS X locale information (FormatSettings)

2011-11-14 Thread Craig Peterson
A new OS X Carbon Lazarus project doesn't fill the FormatSettings
structure properly (using recent versions of Lazarus/FreePascal trunk).
 It appears the FreePascal sanctioned method to support that is to add
clocale.pp to your project, but that only works when launched from the
terminal, not from the dock or directly from Lazarus.

I've attached the output from three variants below, to show the
differences.  I first noticed the issue because by default Lazarus uses
'-' for the date separator, rather than '/', and adding clocale.pp
clears the ThousandSeparator value.

Is there a way to make clocale work correctly?  If not, I think the
correct approach would be to replace it with a new unit that queries
CFLocaleGetValue instead.

The LongDateFormat string also doesn't match the system in any of the
approaches.  According to my Languages  Text settings, it should be
something like January 5, 2011 or Jan 5, 2011.

On a related note, the AnsiString encoding isn't correct when launched
from the dock either.  It should be UTF-8, but defaults to ASCII, so
extended characters are all converted to '?'.  We've worked around the
issue by overriding LC_CTYPE in our .app .plist file, but it seems like
something that the environment should handle automatically.

Default Lazarus project (no clocale.pp)

CurrencyFormat: 1
NegCurrFormat: 5
ThousandSeparator: ,
DecimalSeparator: .
CurrencyDecimals: 2
DateSeparator: -
TimeSeparator: :
ListSeparator: ,
CurrencyString: $
ShortDateFormat: d/m/y
LongDateFormat: dd  
TimeAMString: AM
TimePMString: PM
ShortTimeFormat: hh:nn
LongTimeFormat: hh:nn:ss
ShortMonthNames: Jan, Feb, ... Nov, Dec,
LongMonthNames: January, February, ... November, December,
ShortDayNames: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
LongDayNames: Sunday, Monday, ... Friday, Saturday,
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: 50

clocale.pp, run from Terminal

CurrencyFormat: 0
NegCurrFormat: 1
ThousandSeparator: ,
DecimalSeparator: .
CurrencyDecimals: 2
DateSeparator: /
TimeSeparator: :
ListSeparator: ,
CurrencyString: $
ShortDateFormat: mm/dd/
LongDateFormat: mm/dd/
TimeAMString: AM
TimePMString: PM
ShortTimeFormat: hh:nn:ss
LongTimeFormat: hh:nn:ss ampm
ShortMonthNames: Jan, Feb, ... Nov, Dec,
LongMonthNames: January, February, ... November, December,
ShortDayNames: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
LongDayNames: Sunday, Monday, ... Friday, Saturday,
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: 50

clocale.pp, run from Lazarus

CurrencyFormat: 1
NegCurrFormat: 5
DecimalSeparator: .
CurrencyDecimals: 127
DateSeparator: /
TimeSeparator: :
ListSeparator: ,
ShortDateFormat: mm/dd/yy
LongDateFormat: mm/dd/yy
TimeAMString: AM
TimePMString: PM
ShortTimeFormat: hh:nn:ss
LongTimeFormat: hh:nn:ss ampm
ShortMonthNames: Jan, Feb, ... Nov, Dec,
LongMonthNames: January, February, ... November, December,
ShortDayNames: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
LongDayNames: Sunday, Monday, ... Friday, Saturday,
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: 50

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

Lazarus mailing list