Re: [Lazarus] netbook? running lazarus on android?

2013-01-28 Thread David Emerson

On 01/26/2013 11:56 PM, Andrew Brunner wrote:

Ubuntu is building Arm editions.  Have you explored the possibility of Ubuntu 
on any repurposed device like Samsung?

Yeah, I could do ubuntu. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks also to leledumbo for that clarification - sounds like I cannot 
rely on android at this time to be my working OS

Andrew Brunner,

Aurawin LLC

Aurawin is great new way to store and share your pictures, videos, and more, 
featuring our innovative Pure Cloud social computing platform.

On Jan 26, 2013, at 10:08 PM, David  wrote:

I'm in the market for a netbook computer - you know, a low-cost, ultra-portable 
laptop. I want to use it as an on-the-go development computer (more for editing 
code, with the capability to compile, maybe slowly)

One possibility is to get an android chromebook.

Does fpc 2.6 + lazarus work on android?

Another possibility is an OLPC XO.


I was disappointed to discover that microsoft more or less killed the linux 
netbook market. I would really prefer to get a netbook with some sort of linux 
pre-installed, but I'd consider deleting windows and installing linux. As you 
can see I'm also considering running an android OS. But my first choice would 
be to get something I can install debian on.


Lazarus mailing list

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Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] netbook? running lazarus on android?

2013-01-26 Thread David Emerson
I'm in the market for a netbook computer - you know, a low-cost, 
ultra-portable laptop. I want to use it as an on-the-go development 
computer (more for editing code, with the capability to compile, maybe 

One possibility is to get an android chromebook.

Does fpc 2.6 + lazarus work on android?

Another possibility is an OLPC XO.


I was disappointed to discover that microsoft more or less killed the 
linux netbook market. I would really prefer to get a netbook with some 
sort of linux pre-installed, but I'd consider deleting windows and 
installing linux. As you can see I'm also considering running an android 
OS. But my first choice would be to get something I can install debian on.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] GDB - cannot perform pointer math on incomplete types

2012-12-03 Thread David Emerson
This error message has often befuddled me when debugging.
I've got a dynamic array, usually a type that I've created, e.g.
type longint_arr = array of longint
I'm using the Watch List and want to inspect one of the elements of such an 
array, e.g. f_list[0]. But I get this error, which I guess comes from GDB.
Is there any way I can coerce it into giving me f_list[0], or even 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GDB - cannot perform pointer math on incomplete types

2012-12-03 Thread David Emerson
 Original Message 
 From: Martin
 On 04/12/2012 01:54, David Emerson wrote:
  This error message has often befuddled me when debugging.
  I've got a dynamic array, usually a type that I've created, e.g.
  type longint_arr = array of longint
  I'm using the Watch List and want to inspect one of the elements of 
such an
  array, e.g. f_list[0]. But I get this error, which I guess comes from 
  Is there any way I can coerce it into giving me f_list[0], or even
 I would need a complete example
 Also Laz/fpc version...
 Sometimes this message appears, if you declare an array without a type 
 So instead of
type TMyArray = array of integer; var Foo: TMyArray;
 you do:
var Foo: array of integer;
 If the type of the element is named, then do
 Nested Array
 If it is a static array array[3..5] then the pointer type cast still 
 starts at index 0 (so you must subtract the low bound from all indices)
 It may also happen with nested arrays, and (unnamed (inline in var 
 declared) records)
var Foo: array of record ... end;
 You may also try switching between stabs and dwarf (project options / 

Thanks much!! The first suggestion ^integer(foo)[1] works great!

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GDB - cannot perform pointer math on incomplete types

2012-12-03 Thread David Emerson
Martin wrote:
 Still if you can get me the log + unit source ?
 because the IDE in many cases tries to work those out. So I wonder what 
 happens behind the curtains...

Hmm I am working on it ... can't really share the sources  :(  but I am 
trying to build a miniature version to reproduce it. In the meantime:

The watch item I created looks like this:
and after your suggestion, was fixed like this:

SELF is a class with field f_ag : tsrl_ag
tsrl_ag_cp descends from tsrl_ag
tsrl_ag_cp has field f_curve : tsrl_curve
tsrl_curve has field f_cps : tsrl_ag_cp_list
tsrl_ag_cp_list descends from t_ordered_ag_list
t_ordered_ag_list = specialize gt_unsorted_pointer_list tsrl_ag
generic gt_unsorted_pointer_list _class = class 
t_unsorted_pointer_list is a class with field f_list : ptr_array
and type ptr_array = array of pointer

So as you can see it is a little complicated :-)

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GDB - cannot perform pointer math on incomplete types

2012-12-03 Thread David Emerson
 Still if you can get me the log + unit source ?
 because the IDE in many cases tries to work those out. So I wonder what 
 happens behind the curtains...

I just constructed this program, which allows me to reproduce the issue. I 
put a breakpoint on the writeln.
Watch List items:
tsrl_ag_cp(cf.f_ag).f_curve.f_cps.f_list[0] -- gives GDB error
^tsrl_ag_cp(tsrl_ag_cp(cf.f_ag).f_curve.f_cps.f_list)[0] -- succeeds

I'll see how much of this I can cut out and still reproduce :)

program dumdum;

{$mode objfpc}

uses classes;

  ptr_array = array of pointer;
  tsrl_ag = class (tobject);

  t_list_frame = class (tobject)
f_list : ptr_array;

  t_unsorted_pointer_list = class (t_list_frame)
procedure add (p : pointer);

  generic gt_unsorted_pointer_list _class = class 

  t_ordered_ag_list = specialize gt_unsorted_pointer_list tsrl_ag;

  tsrl_ag_cp_list = class (t_ordered_ag_list);

  tsrl_shape = class
f_ag : tsrl_ag;

  tsrl_crowsfoot_icon = tsrl_shape;

  tsrl_curve = class (tsrl_shape)
f_cps : tsrl_ag_cp_list;

  tsrl_ag_cp = class (tsrl_ag)
f_curve : tsrl_curve;

procedure t_unsorted_pointer_list.add (p : pointer);
  var l : longint;
l := length(f_list);
setlength (f_list, l+1);
f_list[l] := p;

  cf : tsrl_crowsfoot_icon;
  cf_ag, other_cp : tsrl_ag_cp;
  curve : tsrl_curve;

  cf_ag := tsrl_ag_cp.create;
  other_cp := tsrl_ag_cp.create;
  curve := tsrl_curve.create;
  curve.f_cps := tsrl_ag_cp_list.create;
  cf_ag.f_curve := curve;
  cf := tsrl_crowsfoot_icon.create;
  cf.f_ag := cf_ag;
  writeln ('hi');

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Major flaw with trunk and unit cases

2011-11-05 Thread David Emerson
On Fri 4 Nov 2011, Andrew Brunner wrote:
 Updated to todays Lazarus from svn/trunk and started work... Only to
 have my entire project build folder nuked by DoOpenEditorFile fixing
 case routine...
 /Developer/Source/Linux/64 was transformed into a binary file and
 wiped out all sub folders.  I had to rm 64 and restore  :-(

This has happened to me several times. When it does, I find that lazarus 
a folder called backups and moves my entire project directory over there.

I am using the following version (via Graeme's git repo): git-svn-id: 

I've observed it occurring when I am debugging an error, and I click on the 
stack to access a file for which I don't have the source unit. Then the source 
editor shows ... I don't remember, maybe it's a binary, or assembler, or 
something-- I can't recall. Anyway, the style is wrong: the source editor is 
not using my fonts and colors. Then it crashes and my source folder is replaced 
by a binary, and the source folder moved to the backups folder (thank God for 


 Ubuntu 11.10 x64 running Gnome3 shell
 Please fix asp !!!
 dbmUserStorage.pas(2216,12) Error: identifier idents no member cntEncoding
 2300 178.311/182.624 Kb Used
 dbmUserStorage.pas(2394,3) Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but ELSE found
 TMainIDE.DoOpenEditorFile Fixing file case:
 /Developer/Source/Builds/SCS/Linux/64/ -
 ### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: identifier not found: MainP at
 Line=2131 Col=3 in
 ### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: identifier not found: PMime at
 Line=2131 Col=9 in
 TApplication.HandleException Unable to create file
   Stack trace:
   $007FE3A2 line 546 of ../objpas/classes/
   $0105C80B line 191 of projecticon.pas
   $0105C22F line 130 of projecticon.pas
   $00BD72F5 line 375 of projectresources.pas
   $00BD7AA4 line 497 of projectresources.pas
   $00DDC9AF line 1360 of buildmanager.pas
   $007BD1E5 line 10672 of main.pp
   $007C30A2 line 11922 of main.pp
   $007C0344 line 11325 of main.pp
   $007C17F2 line 11605 of main.pp
   $0079B904 line 3251 of main.pp
   $00CDA75E line 7058 of sourceeditor.pp
   $00CC9F63 line 3122 of sourceeditor.pp
   $00ED796D line 6735 of synedit.pp
   $00ED52E7 line 6105 of synedit.pp
   $00EC9005 line 2436 of synedit.pp
   $0094A40B line 5501 of include/
 [TMainIDE.Destroy] A
 WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount0. Hint: Maybe the
 component is processing an event?
 [TMainIDE.Destroy] B  - inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
 [TMainIDE.Destroy] END
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Major flaw with trunk and unit cases

2011-11-05 Thread David Emerson
Reproduced again, and took a screenshot.

I get a standard dialog, Debugger Exception Notification for an exception 
I have raised in my program.

Looking at the call stack, the top line (index 0) shows for the source what 
looks like a memory address; Line 0; function fpc_raiseexception

Then I double-click that line to bring it up in the source window. The source 
window shows binary garbage, and the name of the tab is saralatools -- also 
the name of my project folder. The source (garbage) mutates when selecting and 
moving the cursor around.

Stop the debugger, exit lazarus, and SAVE the project-- if I don't save, that 
binary garbage is discarded; if I do save, it replaces my project folder.

Here is a screenshot:
I have an unusual color scheme, and usually my source editor has the same 
scheme, but when bringing up this weird thing, it abandons that scheme. You can 
see the selected tab (far right) has a slightly lighter color.


On Sat 5 Nov 2011, David Emerson wrote:
 On Fri 4 Nov 2011, Andrew Brunner wrote:
  Updated to todays Lazarus from svn/trunk and started work... Only to
  have my entire project build folder nuked by DoOpenEditorFile fixing
  case routine...
  /Developer/Source/Linux/64 was transformed into a binary file and
  wiped out all sub folders.  I had to rm 64 and restore  :-(
 This has happened to me several times. When it does, I find that lazarus 
 a folder called backups and moves my entire project directory over there.
 I am using the following version (via Graeme's git repo): git-svn-id: 
 I've observed it occurring when I am debugging an error, and I click on the 
 stack to access a file for which I don't have the source unit. Then the 
 editor shows ... I don't remember, maybe it's a binary, or assembler, or 
 something-- I can't recall. Anyway, the style is wrong: the source editor is 
 not using my fonts and colors. Then it crashes and my source folder is 
 by a binary, and the source folder moved to the backups folder (thank God for 
  Ubuntu 11.10 x64 running Gnome3 shell
  Please fix asp !!!
  dbmUserStorage.pas(2216,12) Error: identifier idents no member cntEncoding
  2300 178.311/182.624 Kb Used
  dbmUserStorage.pas(2394,3) Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but ELSE 
  TMainIDE.DoOpenEditorFile Fixing file case:
  /Developer/Source/Builds/SCS/Linux/64/ -
  ### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: identifier not found: MainP at
  Line=2131 Col=3 in
  ### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: identifier not found: PMime at
  Line=2131 Col=9 in
  TApplication.HandleException Unable to create file
Stack trace:
$007FE3A2 line 546 of ../objpas/classes/
$0105C80B line 191 of projecticon.pas
$0105C22F line 130 of projecticon.pas
$00BD72F5 line 375 of projectresources.pas
$00BD7AA4 line 497 of projectresources.pas
$00DDC9AF line 1360 of buildmanager.pas
$007BD1E5 line 10672 of main.pp
$007C30A2 line 11922 of main.pp
$007C0344 line 11325 of main.pp
$007C17F2 line 11605 of main.pp
$0079B904 line 3251 of main.pp
$00CDA75E line 7058 of sourceeditor.pp
$00CC9F63 line 3122 of sourceeditor.pp
$00ED796D line 6735 of synedit.pp
$00ED52E7 line 6105 of synedit.pp
$00EC9005 line 2436 of synedit.pp
$0094A40B line 5501 of include/
  [TMainIDE.Destroy] A
  WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount0. Hint: Maybe the
  component is processing an event?
  [TMainIDE.Destroy] B  - inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
  [TMainIDE.Destroy] END
  Lazarus mailing list
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Can't find unit LCLProc

2011-11-05 Thread David Emerson
On Sat 5 Nov 2011, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 22:22:53 -0700
 David Emerson wrote:
  I have a unit (sarala_text.pas) which is part of a package (sarala_tools)
  that uses the LCLProc unit.
  My package file lists LCLBase as a requirement
  I am able to compile the package from the package viewer
  I can ctrl+click on the unit name LCLProc and it takes me there
  I can ctrl+click on procedures defined in LCLProc and it takes me there
  But when I try to compile my project which uses lists sarala_tools (and
  LCLBase) as requirements, then Lazarus says it can't find unit LCLProc. Why?
  I recompiled fpc, with make clean all
  Then I recompiled lazarus, with make clean all
 What Lazarus version?


 Have you tried Run / Clean up build files?

I tried that, and I can compile/run my project.

However, even when that is possible, I still cannot Build File -- then it 
gives me the error again. So maybe the problem is with Build File.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Can't find unit LCLProc

2011-11-05 Thread David Emerson
On Sat 5 Nov 2011, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 On Sat, 5 Nov 2011 10:50:04 -0700
 David Emerson wrote:
 Maybe you should update.
 Recently a better clean up was implemented.

I did so (to 33355) and the bug persists.

   Have you tried Run / Clean up build files?
  I tried that, and I can compile/run my project.
 Ok, so you probably had some bad ppu files lying around.

I guess, although I hadn't actually tried to build the whole project 
and even after that build file is still not working, which was the original 
source of trouble.

  However, even when that is possible, I still cannot Build File -- then it 
  gives me the error again. So maybe the problem is with Build File.
 What file do you want to compile and what are the parameters in
 Configure build+run file?

I want to compile the file called sarala_text.pas which uses LCLProc (for utf8 
string procs)

Even directly after building and running the project, which uses 
sarala_text.pas, I still cannot build file for sarala_text.pas.

One strange thing I am noticing is that the message window shows:
/Docs/fpc/saralatools/sarala_text.pas(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit LCLProc used 
by sarala_text

Although the LCLProc uses statement is not until line 12.

Configure build+run file...

tab Options: neither is checked.

tab Build:
- working directory is blank
- build command: $(CompPath) $(EdFile)
- scan for FPC messages and Make messages are both checked
- Macros: lots of stuff.

tab Run:
- always build before run is checked
- working directory is blank
- run command: $MakeExe($(EdFile))
- Macros: lots of stuff.

I believe all of these are the defaults, I don't believe I've ever made any 
changes here.

Thanks so much for your help, by the way!


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Can't find unit LCLProc

2011-11-04 Thread David Emerson
I have a unit (sarala_text.pas) which is part of a package (sarala_tools) that 
uses the LCLProc unit.

My package file lists LCLBase as a requirement

I am able to compile the package from the package viewer

I can ctrl+click on the unit name LCLProc and it takes me there

I can ctrl+click on procedures defined in LCLProc and it takes me there

But when I try to compile my project which uses lists sarala_tools (and 
as requirements, then Lazarus says it can't find unit LCLProc. Why? sob

I recompiled fpc, with make clean all

Then I recompiled lazarus, with make clean all

Still nothing. What do I have to do? Why is this so bloody difficult? I've 
2 hours and I'm completely stuck, cannot proceed with work.

Thanks for your guidance


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] package directory destroyed, replaced with executable of same name

2011-10-05 Thread David Emerson
So I just managed to get svn fpc and svn lazarus installed and running, yay!

now the bad news

I have a git repo (and lazarus package) called saralatools. I had just compiled 
and run an example program that uses the package. Somehow lazarus crashed.

Now I see that my entire saralatools directory, containing the git repository 
and all kinds of stuff, has mysteriously been deleted, and in its place is an 
executable called saralatools. Poof! Gone.

It's not really an executable, it is just some GDB data (pasted at the bottom)

Here's a very odd thing: the file size is 4096 bytes, exactly the same size as 
directory. And it has the same permissions as a directory. It's as if somehow 
the filesystem received a directive to write to that (file/inode/directory/I 
dunno what to call it) instead of writing to a file in that directory.

I'm restoring from backup (and getting out the file recovery tools) but... this 
sucks :P


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] window classes according to WM

2011-09-13 Thread David Emerson
Thanks so much, Andrew. I couldn't possibly wish for a more concise and 
explanation; wish my own research had been as fruitful!

Thanks to you, too, Martin.


On Mon 12 Sep 2011, Andrew Haines wrote:
 On 09/12/11 21:59, David Emerson wrote:
  Hi all,
  What is the property that determines the window class, as seen by the WM / 
  I'm asking for the purpose of grouping: I'd like to be able to have 
  groups of windows that the WM will group independently of one another.
  As an example, looking at the easter/holydays example, if I use KDE3's edit 
  window-specific settings dialog I can detect window properties. It shows me
  Class: Holyday (holyday Holyday)
  and some other stuff. My assumption is that the class is used by the WM to 
  determine which windows are grouped together.
  The real reason I'm asking is that in fpgui, the class is undefined and I'd 
  to find out how it's done in lazarus, where it IS defined.
 Lazarus uses other toolkits in linux (gtk, qt) which set these hints
 already. So no special steps are done with lazarus to set the windows
 class. The toolkit does it for us.
 You can set the class on a window using the Xlib function XAllocClassHint
 Here's the manual page for this function
 see especially
 The first param is the program name and the second is the class name you
 Lastly here's a c example of it's use
 You have to set the class just after the XWindow is created and before
 it is shown.
 PS I found all this searching google for: x11 window class grouping
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] window classes according to WM

2011-09-12 Thread David Emerson
Hi all,

What is the property that determines the window class, as seen by the WM / xorg?

I'm asking for the purpose of grouping: I'd like to be able to have distinct 
groups of windows that the WM will group independently of one another.

As an example, looking at the easter/holydays example, if I use KDE3's edit 
window-specific settings dialog I can detect window properties. It shows me

Class: Holyday (holyday Holyday)

and some other stuff. My assumption is that the class is used by the WM to 
determine which windows are grouped together.

The real reason I'm asking is that in fpgui, the class is undefined and I'd 
to find out how it's done in lazarus, where it IS defined.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Status of GDB and Lazarus/FPC debugging threaded apps

2011-01-10 Thread David Emerson
Andrew Brunner wrote:
 have to create a VirtualBox with XP on it.

I can attest to this being a good idea. virtualbox is fantastic.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Status of GDB and Lazarus/FPC debugging threaded apps

2011-01-10 Thread David Emerson
On Mon 10 Jan 2011, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 10:19 -0600, Andrew Brunner wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
   What happens if you kill Lazarus/gdb/your application when the desktop
   freezes? Do you really have to restart gdm?
  Most of the times, nothing but ctrl+alt+f2 responds.  The entire
  desktop goes into a halted state.  
 Yes, but then you have a new terminal, in which you can kill your
 application/lazarus gdb. (try killall -9 gdb) That probably restores
 your desktop responsibility.

No no no.  Don't use kill -9.
It doesn't give the process a chance to cleanly:
1) shut down socket connections
2) clean up temp files
3) inform its children that it is going away
4) reset its terminal characteristics
and so on and so on and so on.

Generally, send 15, and wait a second or two, and if that doesn't
work, send 2, and if that doesn't work, send 1.

Don't use kill -9.  Don't bring out the combine harvester just to tidy
up the flower pot.


As for killall...

  Other times the entire laptop hangs
  and I have to hold the power button down.
 Most often it is also possible to use ssh to connect to the machine and
 kill some processes.
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] invisible break points??

2011-01-07 Thread David Emerson
Thanks a lot for the tip, Graeme.

Martin: I'm planning to look into it when I get back to that project where the 
error is occurring. Thanks for your help as well!


On Thu 6 Jan 2011, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 Op 2011-01-06 22:51, David Emerson het geskryf:
  Has anyone else seen anything like this?
 Yes I have. I have noticed something like that too... when my apps run via
 the IDE (which I hardly ever do anymore) they break for no reason.
 I have looked into it (at the time), and it seems that if you set a
 breakpoint in the IDE and save the project. Then modify your code so the
 line at which the breakpoint was, is not source code any more (eg: a blank
 line or a comment), the app still breaks at a point close to the original
 breakpoint, but the IDE doesn't show it as a breakpoint (no red dot, and
 not breakpoint listing in the breakpoints window).
 I had to delete the breakpoint entry in the XML stored in that projects
 info file manually to resolve the problem. As I said, this was with Lazarus
 dated 2010-11-09. I haven't tried to reproduce with a newer version yet.
   - Graeme -
 fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] invisible break points??

2011-01-07 Thread David Emerson
I'm attaching some debug output. One of the logs was an execution with no 
breakpoints (view  debug info  breakpoints list is empty; also the lpi file 
has no breakpoints) and in the other execution I created one breakpoint.

In the execution with no breakpoints, everything went smoothly.

In the execution with the one breakpoint, the program stopped at debug log line 
*stopped,reason=breakpoint-hit,bkptno=38, [...]

However, when I say the program stopped, lazarus did not behave as if it had 
encountered a breakpoint. The lazarus main and source windows did not raise; in 
the source editor, the line with the breakpoint is marked with a red highlight 
and checkmark, not with a blue highlight and arrow. Pressing F9 (while focused 
on the source window) has no effect whatsoever. The call stack window is empty, 
and the gdb debug output window does not show any stack info, either.

I clicked on the breakpoint line in the source editor, and pressed F5 to remove 
the breakpoint. The gdb window shows:
-break-delete 38

However the program is still not moving.

So at this point, I put the same breakpoint back in. The gdb window shows:
-break-insert -f
-break-enable 39
[...] and all the rest.

Martin wrote:
 You mean your app forks a new process (or executes another app as new 
No, it's just a procedure call.

 version of gdb?
GNU gdb 6.8-debian

 Also start Lazarus from console, and watch for any output of the IDE. It 
 may report something there
Yes, it does give this interesting output when the program myteriously stops:
ERROR: Got NO stop params at all, but was running

 32 or 64 bit? or maybe a mix? 64 bit system, but running 32bit apps?
32 everything

 An other issue is that if you open 2 independent copies of the same file 
 (via different sym links) you may be able to irritate the IDE, and the 
 breakpoint may be in the one copy, the execution mark in the other...
This *is* extremely annoying, actually -- the IDE often opens up multiple 
of the same (symlinked) source all on its own. Not at all sure why it does 
this, but it's very irritating. However, in this case, I made sure no copies 
were open; and even if there were, F9 should resume execution.

I guess I'll report this on Mantis, now that there's presumably enough info to 
do so.

Any idea how to clean my project, so it doesn't do this? Perhaps I just need 
to create a new project from scratch? Or delete the project.compiled file, or 
something? I'll play around.


Description: application/tgz
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] invisible break points??

2011-01-07 Thread David Emerson
Martin wrote:
 Hm, I guess part of the problem is that console output of the 
 application does not work well with gdb. It seems to mix with the gdb 
 the msgs from gdb goes on the same line, as the app's output.
 There is nothing the IDE can do, it has no chance of  identifying the 
 gdb output, or knowing there was a breakpoint...

yeah. next time I test this I'll see if I can suppress output.

 I haven't looked at this issue further, not sure if there are updates or 
 when there will be. (I know not the news anyone wants to hear; but it 
 seems it's a bug that will take a while to fix / we are unfortunately 
 bound to gdb, there isn't any better solution yet)

I did try the run parameter: logfile
...a basic redirect. And it worked! program output was redirected to the file, 
and gdb info was seen in the debug output window. Unfortunately, the buffer 
doesn't get flushed until the program exits, so the usefulness is limited, but 
certainly better than none, as I had before.

Then I tried to make it a named pipe: mkfifo logfile. The program stalls until 
something is listening at the other end of the pipe. So cat logfile on my 
terminal allowed the program to continue executing. Unfortunately, the output 
doesn't come in real time-- even with the named pipe, it seems only to flush 
after the program exits normally. In fact, if I use ctrl-f2 in lazarus to 
abort, the buffer is never flushed, and cat logfile exits with no output 
(except I guess an EOF I don't see)

 IIRC you are using a very recent Lazarus

  So at this point, I put the same breakpoint back in. The gdb window shows:
 Have you tried, if you can F9 after that, and continue?

yes, once I remove the breakpoint and put it back in, the program functions 
or less normally.

 the symlinked files may come from old lpi/lps files ... either in 
 project file or in ~/.lazarus/projectsessions
 the IDE did have issues creating some invalid pathes, but the ones I 
 knew of have been fixed (but pathes in lpi/lps would remain)

I created a fresh project, and got rid of some old cruft. So we'll see if 
work more smoothly from here on out.

As for the breakpoint error, even creating the new project file did not 
eliminate the problem. After that, I fudged around a bit deleting files here 
and there, and the problem eventually disappeared. I'll have to get my 
brother's files again in order to re

 Well it is already on mantis.
the symlink bug or the breakpoint problem?

Thanks so much, Martin

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] invisible break points??

2011-01-07 Thread David Emerson
Pew ( wrote:

 let's actually try helping the OP, Martin.
Hey, that's not necessary, man; Martin is very helpful, and I have solved the 
problem -- or at least I have a very effective workaround -- thanks to his 
troubleshooting. In fact I think I'm going to post it as a note to that console 
output mantis bug.

 Martin, please post the procedure up to the point where the code stops. 
 And under the list where it stops paste the error message from the View 
 / Messages window and some ^^^ to point to the code. That will help.
 Also, try to set a breakpoint one line BEFORE where you have the 
 breakpoint set, as I believe that this is most likely the line where you 
 code is crashing. The press F7 to step into the code and see what is 
 going on. That way you will be able to watch what is really going on.

This is all utterly irrelevant.

 Good luck and happy debugging. All of this talk about how the debugger 
 works is not helping Martin, who only has one breakpoint set.

Yes it is. The problem is that the debugger is not working properly!!

The solution is to redirect the program's writeln output, via the Run 
dialog. Using a simple posix-style redirect:  writeln.log


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] invisible break points??

2011-01-06 Thread David Emerson
I am having a very strange and frustrating experience with lazarus, in my fpGUI 

When running, after pressing a button in my app which calls a process, the app 
seems to freeze up. It just sits there, unresponsive. My program has no 
breakpoints in it.

The only way I can get it to move is by *adding* a breakpoint, somewhere within 
the code that it is waiting to execute. Then it stops at that breakpoint. I can 
remove the breakpoint, tell it to run, and it continues on its merry way.

If my program *does* have breakpoints in it, it will not get to them. Lazarus 
seems to need to have a breakpoint *added* into the code, *during* the run, 
before it will proceed.

I'm only seeing this with one project. Within that project it is intermittent.

Has anyone else seen anything like this? I guess I'd better report it on 

version 0.9.29-0-20101231, from debian packages on
i386-linux-gtk 2


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is there a tool to list all the string literals in your application?

2011-01-04 Thread David Emerson
 I am interested in one that parses the source code rather than the
 Can some development related utility find all the string literals and print
 out their line numbers?

sed -n /'/= source.pas

sed -n /'/{=;p} source.pas

sed -n /'/{=;s/[^']*\('[^']*'\)[^']*/||| \1 /gp} source.pas

I could go on and on...

Have fun. Sed is like the antithesis of elegance.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] new class dependency map generated

2011-01-04 Thread David Emerson
reminds me of this old article:

A graphical comparison of system calls for a simple page load in apache vs IIS.

On Tue 4 Jan 2011, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 I just generated a new class dependency map of the RTL and LCL. It gives a
 nice overview of the relationships and explains a lot of the details. I
 shared it online. Hopefully somebody else can also find some use out of it.
 Not really, I just thought it was very funny. It originated from the Daily
 WTF website:
   - Graeme -
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] That pesky LazarusPackageIntf

2011-01-03 Thread David Emerson
I have had this problem on several different occasions now, and each time it 
seems to cost me an hour -- sometimes many -- of banging my head against a 
wall. Despite my repeated attempts to discover a consistent way to resolve it, 
it remains elusive. The problem is this:

/Docs/fpc/saralatools/Extras/sarala_tools.pas(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit 
LazarusPackageIntf used by sarala_tools

The best part, of course, is that I don't think my sarala_tools package ought 
be using LazarusPackageIntf at all. The fpgui_toolkit package does not list 
it as a requirement, and that package file works fine (in fact I use it as a 
requirement). So I go and delete LazarusPackageIntf from the uses list. But 
when I try to compile the package file, Lazarus PUTS THE REQUIREMENT BACK IN! 
And then it cannot find the thing it put in! Totally absurd!

Aside from the question of what did I do to make it want this requirement, my 
real question is how on earth can I consistently resolve this issue?

It seems to pop up at some point after upgrading lazarus (I upgraded to the 
0.9.29 fixes branch from the ubuntu repo roday). But the problem did not 
surface for a few hours after that. Then all of a sudden the problem appeared, 
and that means I cannot compile my project at all. Productive work grinds to a 
complete halt for an hour and a half, while I pull my hair out trying to figure 
out how to make the thing work again: by reinstalling, removing my ~/.lazarus 
folder, checking paths in /etc/fpc.cfg, whatever nonsense thing might somehow 
be related. And then, after I do something which I've already done 4 times 
before, seemingly by magic, it just starts working again.

Does anybody know what is behind this?

thanks -- sorry for being ranty -- hopefully it was at least a little bit fun 

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] That pesky LazarusPackageIntf

2011-01-03 Thread David Emerson
Thanks very much for your reply!

I am using the debian installation packages in the testing repo, described here:
(thanks, Vincent!!)

I notice that you mention LCL, and now that you mention it, it is ringing a 
bell. I think last night that things started working after I resolved an 
installation dependency conflict with two of the LCL installation packages. 
Might this have been the cause? If some LCL components were not installed 
properly, that could cause a problem with LazarusPackageIntf?


On Mon 3 Jan 2011, José Mejuto wrote:
 Hello Lazarus-List,
 Monday, January 3, 2011, 11:02:15 AM, you wrote:
 DE Does anybody know what is behind this?
 DE thanks -- sorry for being ranty -- hopefully it was at least a little bit 
fun to
 DE read!
 If I'm not wrong this package is the code that glues the IDE and the
 components in a package so it is logical that is needed by a package
 as a requirement.
 The problem arises when you change something in the code that is being
 used by the lazaruspackageintf and meanwhile you change the code
 generator (fpc). So a typical example, you update your fpc and change
 something in your package, so it must be recompiled but the linker can
 not link the lazaruspackageintf because it was generated by an older
 The direct solution is going to rebuild lazarus and select the rebuild
 of lcl, package registration, ide interface and IDE. Usually the clean
 and build is not needed, so it should happend fast. You can try to
 only rebuild package registration.
 Best regards,
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] That pesky LazarusPackageIntf

2011-01-03 Thread David Emerson
 Yes, specially if you mix different versions/revisions.

As noted, I'm using the debian packages... I'm quite hopeful that they would be 
close enough to the same version to work together...

 Usually this 
 kind of problems are resolved with a full rebuild, cleaning files.
 Instead searching for the exactly root of the problem, full rebuild
 and voilà!

You make it sound so easy, but I struggled for hours to get my fully-rebuilt 
lazarus-from-svn to work properly. I ultimately gave up and reverted to the 
debian packages, which work much more easily.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] No FPC sources on lazarus start....

2011-01-03 Thread David Emerson
Sounds like you installed the compiler part, but not the fpc sources.

Try here:

On Mon 3 Jan 2011, Bo Berglund wrote:
 I installed FPC on Win XP-Pro from the 2.4.2 installer.
 Then I retrieved the lazarus sources from SVN.
 Then I did make clean all for lazarus.
 All this worked OK.
 But now when I start lazarus it complains about missing fpc sources
 and it looks like the fpc 2.4.2 does indeed *not* deposit any source
 At least I cannot find any in the dir I installed FPC into. All
 subfolders there are:
 units (which does not contain the sources)
 So no source folder. :-(
 What can I do now?
 Bo Berglund
 Developer in Sweden
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] console output

2010-12-19 Thread David Emerson
thanks, Martin

 probably Run menu: Run params, launcher application
 Under windows you can compile your application with -WC (actually 
 uncheck -WC Gui App on the linker page)
 You may also google debugserver. not sure, but there is some support 
 somewhere IIRC...

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] console output

2010-12-18 Thread David Emerson
Hi list,

While upgrading, I wiped out my .lazarus folder, and upon getting started again 
was charmed to see this xterm window that popped up during execution and showed 
me all the console output. It was great!!!

However I hadn't configured the debugger yet; and when I did that, the xterm 
window disappeared!

How can I get that wonderful xterm window back up while the debugger is in use?

writeln is such a handy way to output information during execution which can be 
difficult to access or to see all at once using lazarus


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] horizontal scrolling in gtk2

2010-12-09 Thread David Emerson
I searched aroud mantis but couldn't find anything about this

horizontal scrolling does not work for me in the call stack, locals, and watch 
list windows. The scrollbar is visible, but disabled (and shows that there is 
nowhere to scroll, even when window contents extend far beyond the edge and are 
hidden.) The only way I can get at that info is to widen the window, and 
sometimes the maximum width is still too small and stuff is hidden. Is this a 
known issue?


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] open pas file from command line

2010-10-21 Thread David Emerson
Hi there,

Suppose I have a lazarus source editor open. I would like to, from my command 
line shell, issue a command to open a new source in the already-open source 
editor. Is this possible?

Why? If I have a shell open in a directory, it's very quick to tab-complete a 
file within a directory. It's nice to be able to issue a quick command to open 
that file in my editor, rather than using the cumbersome gui file selection 
interface. I've written scripts to do this with a few other apps, but it 
requires support from the app in question.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] debian packages now have testing/unstable requirements

2010-04-07 Thread David Emerson
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 David Emerson wrote:
  lazarus packages at are 
  now requiring libatk 1.29.3 (or greater) whereas debian stable has 1.22
 AFAIK the libatk dependency is automatically setup by the dpkg tool
 using the version of the building machine.

I asked on oftc's #debian-devel and the advice was to use pbuilder and set up 
different environment there to build inside.

It sounds like the deb creation process could use some refinement. I don't have 
much experience here but would be happy to do some research and see if I can 
assist in the process.

I see there is a creation script here:

Vincent previously mentioned he maintained the repo at hu.freepascal. I am not 
sure if this is the same script that Vincent runs to create debs. I notice that 
it has gtk stuff hardcoded in, however from what I can see it appears that this 
script is only making one .deb rather than several.

Mattias, Vincent, is there anything I can do to assist you guys in cleaning up 
the deb packages?

One thing I can definitely offer is refinement of bash scripts. Ugly things, 
I've learned that bastard of a language decently, for some reason.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] debian packages now have testing/unstable requirements

2010-04-07 Thread David Emerson
Vincent Snijders wrote:
 David Emerson schreef:
  I asked on oftc's #debian-devel and the advice was to use pbuilder and set
  up a different environment there to build inside.
 Clear instructions how to accompplish that would be welcome, kind of 
 like the how to setup a ubuntu repo on the wiki.

I'll see what I can find. I am thinking that the best thing for me to do would 
be to see if I can replicate the build process you are performing right now, 
and then see what can be done differently.

Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the scripts that you use for 
the deb building process? I could also set up a machine (real or virtual) with 
sid and work on this issue.

 Currently (snapshot) debs are build using make deb in a debian-sid 
 chroot on a ubuntu 9.10 virtual machine. Previously it was done on plain 
 ubuntu 9.10 virtual, but then there were some problems with dependencies 
 of the gtk2 libs. They were set too high.
 debian-sid has the advantage, that at least fpc is up to date. Do other 
 debian versions have 2.4.0 already?

No, stable has 2.2.4. For this reason I access the sid repos for fpc only.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] debian packages now have testing/unstable requirements

2010-04-06 Thread David Emerson
Hey y'all,

I'm disappointed to discover that the lazarus packages at are 
now requiring libatk 1.29.3 (or greater) whereas debian stable has 1.22

What's the status on this? Is there any chance that this requirement might be 
relaxed in the future?

I tried installing lazarus-ide-qt, but the lazarus-ide package still seems to 
have a bunch of gtk requirements. Perhaps the lazarus-ide package needs to be 
cleaned up?

Maybe I need to start using svn now, in order to avoid some of these library 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] scripting lazarus commands from external programs

2010-03-29 Thread David Emerson
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 David wrote:
  I see that in KDE I can drag-n-drop files from konqueror onto the 
  lazarus source editor.
  What I'd really like to do is drop a file into the source editor
  from the command line (of an xterm). How would I go about doing so?
 Select the text in the xterm, then middle click in the source

When I do this, the name of the selected file is pasted into the open 

Any mouse-free method?

As a workaround, I'm trying to figure out how to create an XDND event 
from the command-line ... but ... there must be a better way!


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] scripting lazarus commands from external programs

2010-03-24 Thread David Emerson
I see that in KDE I can drag-n-drop files from konqueror onto the 
lazarus source editor.

What I'd really like to do is drop a file into the source editor from 
the command line (of an xterm). How would I go about doing so?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Newcomers with Debian based systems

2010-03-16 Thread David Emerson
 It also should work for other systems. Some time ago I could install 
 Lazarus from RPM's on openSuse, so why not on Ubuntu from DEB

I've been using fpc and debian stable for several years now. I used to 
download the debs from the freepascal website because the debian stable 
repo didn't have them. Then fpc made it into debian stable and I used 
that for a while. Then I wanted an up-to-date version so I switched to 
the debian unstable repo just for free pascal, and I still use that.

Nowadays I use the repo for lazarus, although I've 
been considering going svn on that one. Hasn't happened yet. You can 
add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb lazarus-stable universe

Unfortunately the hu.fpc repo doesn't have fpc 2.4 yet; only fpc 
2.2.4 -- but if you're happy with 2.2.4 for now then go for it, this is 
probably your best solution. One time there was a bug in the declared 
package dependencies so I couldn't upgrade properly, but it got fixed 
after not too long.

I'm not sure what the state of ubuntu's repos are wrt fpc, but debian's 
unstable repo keeps up to date fairly well. It's usually not long after 
a new fpc version announcement that it becomes available on debian 
unstable. I would expect the ubuntu repo to keep fairly up to date as 
well but I don't really know what they do.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] floating point mask

2009-12-09 Thread David Emerson
 David Emerson wrote:
  at first I overlooked e+ which is valid for val (string, real)

Alexander Klenin wrote:
 No, it is not:
   Val('e+', x, d);

What I meant is that I first overlooked 'e' and '+' as valid characters 
that can appear together within a string to be converted to a float. 
The following compiles and works as expected:

var x : real;
  val ('4.1e+5', x);  // e+ is valid for val (within context)
  writeln (x);

The point I was making was that if someone is going to make a floating 
point mask (note the subject...) that one should be careful not to 
exclude any valid characters if restricting input by character. I'm not 
sure if the set I suggested ['-', '.', '0'..'9', 'e', 'E', '+'] is 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] floating point mask

2009-12-07 Thread David Emerson
 You can use any input component, and check e.g. in OnKeyPress whether 
 the resulting string would be valid. If not, reject the input
 You can use any regex library for the check, but IMO that's overkill 
 with a single constant format. In your case I'd use the conversion 
 function itself, e.g. Val(), to determine whether the input is valid.

This has the disadvantage of sometimes making it difficult to type 
things naturally. e.g. if I started by typing - that could be 
rejected, since I haven't yet input a number to make negative.

For this reason I much prefer to have some kind of visible indication as 
to whether an input is presently valid: show the user whether their 
input is presently in a good state, but don't restrict the input in 
that way. One must do some validation later on, but that should 
probably be done anyway.

Of course, if you have a set of all the valid characters 
['-', '.', '0'..'9', 'e', 'E', '+'], it's not unreasonable to restrict 
characters outside that set. But make sure the set is complete-- at 
first I overlooked e+ which is valid for val (string, real)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-12-01 Thread David Emerson
Ah, now I've found it, and it is compiling! Thank you!

Now, after many parts are successfully compiled, it is stumbling on the 
qt part. I'm getting about 250 messages like this:

/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to 
`QTabBar::moveTab(int, int)'

(each message lists a different function)

then Error while linking.

any tips from here?


On Mon 30 Nov 2009, Phil Hess wrote:
 I believe that refers to Environment | Options, then on the 
Environment Files tab, look for Lazarus directory.
 - David Emerson wrote:
  I'm sorry for being so dense, but where are these Options? I have
  in Environment  Options, Tools  Configure Build Lazarus Options, 
  Project  Compiler Options ... maybe I missed it?
  On Tue 24 Nov 2009, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
   On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:12:16 -0800
   David Emerson wrote:
I also have an svn installation (actually git) and the same
occurs there: 
make: Entering directory `/usr/lib/lazarus/'

I'm not sure why my svn version wants to go to /usr/lib ... 
problem is that I have both installed?
   Check Options / Paths / Lazarus source directory
   Lazarus mailing list
  Lazarus mailing list
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-12-01 Thread David Emerson
zeljko wrote:
 David Emerson wrote:
  qt part. I'm getting about 250 messages like this:
  /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to
  `QTabBar::moveTab(int, int)'
  then Error while linking.
 Yes, you are using old and/or old qt libs.
 and  you can download latest libqt4intf from
 of course latest bindings works with = qt-4.5 (just tested released 
4.6.0 and 
 it works) :)

I have which I believe is the latest.

However I also have libqt4 4.4.3 which is  4.5 mentioned on the 
libqt4intf page.

So it looks like I would need to upgrade my qt4 libs into the world of 
debian testing/unstable, in order to compile laz with qt. This is not 
exactly comfortable, as I'm concerned that doing so could break my kde 
desktop and many apps.

I wish I could have garnered that requirement by reading those pages. 
Though it does list the higher versions of qt4, it nowhere says that I 
would be required to install those versions of all qt4 libs.

I am not sure how it ought to read, but my guess would be something like 

Version info

The latest libqt4intf requires Qt = 4.5.2

V1.72: 21 Sep 2009: Improved signal hooking/method overriding, 
Windows:renamed types likes HDC to avoid name clashes
V1.71: 15 Sep 2009: requires Qt = 4.5.2, WebKit improvements 
(qlclwebpage/qlclwebview/qlclnetworkcookie),qlclthread, versioning, 
lclwebkit demo

Thanks for all your help! Maybe some time in the future I will be able 
to upgrade to qt lazarus.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-12-01 Thread David Emerson
well, I took the dive and upgraded to the testing packages, and ... it 
works! Nice. Thanks a lot for all the help.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] trouble with packages~

2009-12-01 Thread David Emerson
On Mon 30 Nov 2009, Phil Hess wrote:
 Can you right click in the Message window (at bottom) and copy all 
messages to the clipboard, then send the last few lines here. I'm 
curious to see whether it's a checksum issue that I've been wrestling 

PPU Loading units/gamma_draw_unit.ppu
PPU Source: gamma_draw_unit.pas not found
Recompiling gamma_draw_unit, checksum changed for fpg_base
gamma_draw_unit.pas(143,23) Fatal: Can't find unit gamma_draw_unit used 
by ab_db_access_unit

Deleting all my old .o and .ppu files appears to have solved this 
problem (although I haven't gotten the program compiled yet because of 
code-breaking changes in my libraries... but it looks like it's not 
having trouble finding the units, as it was before)

Thanks Graeme for that hint!


 - David Emerson wrote:
  I have created a package called sarala_tools which I'm using in a 
  couple projects. I've found it fun, interesting, and incredibly 
  to create packages.
  All was working great for a while, but now one of my projects has 
  decided that it cannot find one of the units that is part of the 
  sarala_tools package. I can compile the package just fine from 
  the open loaded package  package sarala_tools window.
  When I create a new project that uses the package I don't see such a 
  I'm really not sure how to go about fixing my project. Any tips?
  Lazarus mailing list
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-30 Thread David Emerson
I'm sorry for being so dense, but where are these Options? I have looked 
in Environment  Options, Tools  Configure Build Lazarus Options, 
Project  Compiler Options ... maybe I missed it?


On Tue 24 Nov 2009, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:12:16 -0800
 David Emerson wrote:
  I also have an svn installation (actually git) and the same problem 
  occurs there: 
  make: Entering directory `/usr/lib/lazarus/'
  I'm not sure why my svn version wants to go to /usr/lib ... maybe 
  problem is that I have both installed?
 Check Options / Paths / Lazarus source directory
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] trouble with packages

2009-11-30 Thread David Emerson
I have created a package called sarala_tools which I'm using in a 
couple projects. I've found it fun, interesting, and incredibly useful 
to create packages.

All was working great for a while, but now one of my projects has 
decided that it cannot find one of the units that is part of the 
sarala_tools package. I can compile the package just fine from 
the open loaded package  package sarala_tools window.

When I create a new project that uses the package I don't see such a 

I'm really not sure how to go about fixing my project. Any tips?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-24 Thread David Emerson
I also have an svn installation (actually git) and the same problem 
occurs there: 
make: Entering directory `/usr/lib/lazarus/'

I'm not sure why my svn version wants to go to /usr/lib ... maybe the 
problem is that I have both installed?


On Tue 24 Nov 2009, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:37:15 -0800
 David Emerson wrote:
  Mattias Gaertner wrote:
   How did you install lazarus?
  debian packages on 
 The debian package can not recompile the LCL, codetools, synedit and
 Use lazarus svn or copy the debian files /usr/lib/lazarus to your home
 folder, change owner recursively and set environment option lazarus
 source directory.
   The IDE first checks if the directory $(LazarusDir) is
   writable. If it is not writable it uses ~/.lazarus/bin/.
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-23 Thread David Emerson
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 How did you install lazarus?

debian packages on lazarus-stable

 The IDE first checks if the directory $(LazarusDir) is
 writable. If it is not writable it uses ~/.lazarus/bin/.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-18 Thread David Emerson
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 The debug output window is for the debugger output.
 The above line is more likely in the 'Messages' window and you can
 right click it and do 'Save all messages to file'.

Ah, thanks, wonderful -- I see now what the problem is: it is trying to 
build in the root-owned /usr/lib/lazarus instead of my 
user-owned /Docs/fpc/Lazarus/ or ~/.lazarus/

How can I set this up properly? Setting Target Directory seems to have 
no effect (and the wiki notes that this is for the IDE only, not other 
components). I've been looking around the wiki, but can't find anything 
that explains this.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-16 Thread David Emerson
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
  make[2]: *** [../../units/i386-linux/qt] Error 1
 The important lines are in front of this message. Please send all the

This is the only message I see. The debug output window is empty.

Perhaps I could get more info by compiling from the command line (as 
opposed to using build lazarus within lazarus) but I can't figure out 
how to get make clean all to use the qt widget set.

I did install libqt4-dev (libqt4-core was already installed) but it 
hasn't made any difference.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] cross platform [Re: Lazarus Goal]

2009-11-13 Thread David Emerson
Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
 Some quick examples were applications don't follow the look  feel
 rules of the platform, yet users have no problems in using them.
 * Windows Media Player.
 * latest Microsoft Office with it's new menu+toolbar design
 * Pixel image editor. It fakes native look. But looking closer at it,
 it is quite different to native platforms, yet users don't seem to
 have any issue with using it.
 * And the biggest one of them all. The INTERNET. Websites and Web
 Applications like Gmail, Facebook etc... It adheres to NO single
 platform, yet billions of users use the internet every day and don't
 have problems using it. If you can read the screen, you can use the

I suspect these are the exceptions, rather than the rule. The vast 
majority of the time I am presented with a non-standard interface, I 
find it to be awkward and difficult to use, and it doesn't usually get 
any better from there. A few examples that come to mind:

* anything by hp (printer/scanner software in particular)
* non-standard installer programs (thinking of hp again)
* vi
* emacs
* the earthlink totalaccess toolbar
* almost any antivirus / antispyware program

...there are many others, but it's hard for me to think of them because 
I don't use them!

The best broad example I can think of that may be in agreement with what 
you're suggesting is SymphonyOS and the Mezzo ui. I thought it was very 
cool when I first learned about it in 2006, but it looks like the 
project has been abandoned. I've got this MezzoGreyPaper.pdf here, 
but I can't find a working link to it. It's almost like it disappeared 
off the internet... very strange.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-13 Thread David Emerson
I've done all this, but at the very beginning of the compilation, I get:

make[2]: *** [../../units/i386-linux/qt] Error 1

and it gives up.

Using debian stable, kde 3.5.9/10. Tried with the packaged lazarus as well as svn

$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep qt (libc6) = /usr/local/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/local/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/lib/ (libc6) = /usr/lib/


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] QT binding works!

2009-11-12 Thread David Emerson
Juha Manninen wrote:
 I compiled the whole Lazarus to use QT widgets and it works! Yes.

I've been wanting to do the same, though I failed at my previous 
attempt. What did you do to make it work? Are there guidelines 
somewhere? What versions are you using?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus debug issues

2009-11-09 Thread David Emerson
On Mon 9 Nov 2009, JoshyFun wrote:
 This could also happend when you do not full recompile the code and
 debug an .inc file, as this file may had not been recompiled at all
 because the .pas one was not modified.

I believe this is alleviated when the inc file is properly added to the 
project or package, via the project inspector or package dialog.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] debugger crashing

2009-11-08 Thread David Emerson
On Sat 7 Nov 2009, Marc Weustink wrote:
 Have a look at the debugger output dialog (View-debug windows-debug 
 output). Tell us whats on the lines before it enters the error state.

Thanks for the tip, I solved it: the drive was mounted noexec, and the 
debug output noted permission denied on execute.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] debugger crashing

2009-11-06 Thread David Emerson
I have lazarus installed on another development machine in addition to 
this one. I haven't used the other much lately, but I fired it up 
today, and upgraded to laz

Much to my chagrin I discovered that I keep getting these debugger has 
entered the error state messages, which prevent me from doing anything 
at all.

I copied my config (the whole /home/david/.lazarus directory) from this 
computer, as well as /etc/lazarus/. Both are running debian stable 
(incl gdb 6.8-3) I'm also compiling/running the same source code on 
both machines.

Any idea as to what the problem could be?


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] disable JEDI Code Format keymapping

2009-11-03 Thread David Emerson
I have tried and tried and tried, over and over and over again to 
disable this confounded
JEDI Code Format  Current Editor Window [Ctrl+D]
(as it is shown in options  editor  key mappings)

It seems like no matter what I do -- grab a key, assign it manually, 
edit the config ~/.lazarus/editoroptions.xml file (I have done each of 
these numerous times) -- the thing keeps getting reassigned to Ctrl+D. 
I don't want ctrl+d to destroy all of my tab formatting. I press it 
frequently, out of habit for comment. It scares the bejesus out of me 
every time.

Thanks for any suggestions :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] blocking that pesky assembler window

2009-11-03 Thread David Emerson
Wow, thanks!

For those of us who use stable packaged lazarus... I was able to use 
KDE's window-specific settings to Force Keep Below on the assembler 


On Fri 30 Oct 2009, JoshyFun wrote:
 Hello Lazarus-List,
 Friday, October 30, 2009, 9:17:57 AM, you wrote:
 LAPC David Emerson escreveu:
  whenever a fatal error occurs in my programs, an assembler window 
  I never use it, and I don't want to see it. I close it dozens (or
  hundreds) of times every day. How can I make it stop appearing?

 LAPC +1
 Please check today commit about debugger.
 Best regards,
 Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] blocking that pesky assembler window

2009-10-31 Thread David Emerson
On Thu 29 Oct 2009, JoshyFun wrote:
 I'm quite sure this problem will be fixed soon (maybe this weekend).
 Assembler window is intented to appear only when no callstack
 information is available (no debug information), but currently it
 appears almost always.

It is great to hear that this is on the radar!

I would add that it would be nice to be able to disable the thing in all 
cases, even when there is no callstack info.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] more locals: variable values in sub-functions

2009-10-28 Thread David Emerson
On Tue 27 Oct 2009, Martin wrote:
 But all versions of lazarus can do it, using the stack window.
 In the stack window you can set the current frame to any stack-frame
 you want.
 The local-var window, the hint, and the watches window, will all
 follow this 

Thanks, Martin! Works beautifully, just what I needed.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus .deb repos!

2009-10-23 Thread David Emerson
Anyone want to team up and set up a debian-style repository for 
fpc/lazarus? Read the bottom paragraph...

On Tue 13 Oct 2009, Peter Williams wrote:
 My question is this: How can I get MintUpdate to update / upgrade
 Lazarus automatically -- I suppose using repositories. Is this
 possible or not?!?

It is certainly theoretically possible, but it depends upon two things:

1. Someone has to package each new version for your distro
2. The package must be placed in a repository that you can access

since ubuntu is based on debian, mintlinux has also inherited debian's 
excellent packaging system -- you use .deb's. It would seem that 
someone on the lazarus team already makes debian-style packages, so 
step 1 is done. That means it's relatively easy to go to the 
sourceforge site and download a lazarus deb and install it using 
dpkg -i.
(click on Lazarus Linux i386 DEB (assuming you're on a 32-bit system) 
otherwise you'll want amd64 DEB)
or use the direct link:

There are three different ways of achieving step 2 (the automatic part 
of updating)
(A) The lazarus deb might be in the mint linux distros
(B) It might be in the repositories of another distro, e.g. ubuntu or 
(C) There could be a dedicated repo just for fpc/lazarus

It sounds like (A) is not the case. As for (B) lazarus 0.9.28 is not yet 
in debian's unstable or experimental repos; I have no idea about 
ubuntu. Also beware of (B) because you wouldn't want to accidentally 
install other packages from another distro's repository, unless you 
really know what you are doing. These are the paths toward broken 

(C) is a nice option, particularly for fpc/laz because it doesn't depend 
on much other system stuff and is not usually very version-specific 
when it does. I would love to see an fpc+laz debian repo, and would be 
happy to help set one up if someone has a server and bandwidth 
somewhere. I don't have much experience with this, but I do have a 
little -- I've set up a trivial repo, and wrote a script to update it 
and gpg-sign it when adding new packages.


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