Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-20 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 19/09/2014 22:30, Bart ha scritto:

I refactored the GraphStat form using a TListView and a TImageList.
See r46256.

I open a new thread, with "pochecker" subject because this one is 
becoming uncomfortably lengthy.

See my comments there.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-19 Thread Bart
I refactored the GraphStat form using a TListView and a TImageList.
See r46256.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Bart
I've got thiscode now (from your example).
It creates a bitmap.

After that I add the bitmap to an imagelist that is set as the
largeIcons properties of a TListView.

function TForm1.CreateBitmap2(AStat: TStat): TBitmap;
  FullCircle = 16 * 360;
  Bmp: TBitmap;
  Translated16Angle, UnTranslated16Angle, Fuzzy16Angle: Integer;
  PieRect: TRect;
  Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
  //Bmp.Width := BmpWH;
  //Bmp.Height := BmpWH;
  //PieRect := Rect(1,1,BmpWH-1, BmpWH-1);
  PieRect := Rect(0,0,BmpWH, BmpWH);
  with Bmp do
//Draw background
Canvas.Brush.Color := clBack;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clBack;
//All angles in 16th of a degree
Translated16Angle := Round(AStat.FracTranslated *
FullCircle);// div Total;
UnTranslated16Angle   := Round(AStat.FracUntranslated *
FullCircle);// div Total;
Fuzzy16Angle  := Round(AStat.FracFuzzy * FullCircle);// div Total;

//writeln('TranslatedAngle   = ',Translated16Angle:3,'
[',Translated16Angle div 16,']');
//writeln('UnTranslatedAngle = ',UnTranslated16Angle:3,'
[',UnTranslated16Angle div 16,']');
//writeln('FuzzyAngle= ',Fuzzy16Angle:3,' [',Fuzzy16Angle
div 16,']');
',Translated16Angle+UnTranslated16Angle+Fuzzy16Angle:3, '
[',(Translated16Angle+UnTranslated16Angle+Fuzzy16Angle) div 16,']');
//writeln('FullCircle= ',FullCircle,' [',FullCircle div 16,']');

if Translated16Angle > 0 then
  Canvas.Brush.Color:= clTrans;
  if Translated16Angle = FullCircle then


if UnTranslated16Angle > 0 then
  Canvas.Brush.Color:= clUnTrans;
  if UnTranslated16Angle = FullCircle then


if Fuzzy16Angle > 0 then
  Canvas.Brush.Color:= clFuzzy;
  if Fuzzy16Angle = FullCircle then

  Result := Bmp;

I attached one of the resulting images.

Some antialiassing code would be very nice though!

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 18/09/2014 16:00, Bart ha scritto:

PS. You'll note the code for the GraphStat form is rather clumsy.
Currently I'm about to convert it by using a ListView with an
ImageList and create Bitmap's at runtime.
This will make anchoring/aligning that much easier.

Just for your reference (it's work in progress) I enclose a patch which 
includes what I've done. The Button in the main page does nothing, while 
the one added in the stats form shows a thumbnails form.
You should undefine COUNTER_CLOCKWISE in pothumbnails.pas to see 
reasonable images.
You'll see that a hint is shown with the relevant numbers. Clicking on a 
tumbnail just changes its size, but the idea would be to open the file 
in an editor.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 18/09/2014 16:00, Bart ha scritto:

what do I need to do to make that work using Canvas.Pie
And the same Q for a fraction Y, starting of from section X?

Pie and RadialPie are quite easy to use.

RadialPie works with resolution of 1/16 degree (meaning that a full 
circle is 360*16 = 5760).
Takes as parameters the coordinates of the top left (x1,y1) and bottom 
right of the rectangle containing you ellipse (circle), the starting 
angle and the angular length (both in units of 1/16 degree).

Here are some fractions of code, just to see in practice how to use it:

  Total := FTranslated + FUntranslated + FFuzzy;

  Circle := 360 * 16;
  TranslatedAngle := FTranslated * Circle div Total;
  UntranslatedAngle   := FUntranslated * Circle div Total;
  FuzzyAngle  := FFuzzy * Circle div Total;
  ObsoleteAngle   := FObsolete * Circle div Total;

  if FuzzyAngle > 0 then begin
Canvas.Brush.Color:= FFuzzyColor;
if FFuzzy = Total then
else Canvas.RadialPie(FPieLeft,1,FPieRight,FPieHeight,0,FuzzyAngle);;

  if UntranslatedAngle > 0 then begin
Canvas.Brush.Color:= FUnTranslColor;
if FUntranslated = Total then

And, for Pie, that's the Lazarus Help description:

/  procedure TCanvas.Pie(EllipseX1, EllipseY1, EllipseX2, EllipseY2,//
//  StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY: Integer); //

//  The pie is part of an ellipse between the points EllipseX1, 
EllipseY1, EllipseX2, EllipseY2.//
//  The values StartX, StartY and EndX, EndY represent the starting and 

//  radial-points between which the Bounding-Arc is drawn.//
and here a portion of code using it, where /PercentDone/ is a value 
between 0 and 100, /MiddleX/ and /MiddleY/ are the coordinates of the 
center, /W/ and/H /are Width and Height of the Paint Rectangle.

Angle := (Pi * ((PercentDone / 50.0) + 0.5));
Pie(PaintRect.Left, PaintRect.Top, W, H,
Integer(Round(MiddleX * (1 - Cos(Angle,
Integer(Round(MiddleY * (1 - Sin(Angle, MiddleX, 0);

I hope that it helps.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 18/09/2014 19:16, Howard Page-Clark ha scritto:

On 18/09/2014 17:41, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Canvas.RadalPie on GTK2 and Windows works only clockwise, but provides a
very poor image (more like a portion of an octagon that a portion of a
Counterclockwise it generates the image of my previous e-mail.

On Windows here, Pie (RadialPie) works counterclockwise well, using 
the following code example.
I'm sure if you added anitaliasing to improve the rendering quality 
this would be welcomed.

Sorry, my mistake. I mixed up my clocks! It's the opposite: it works 
only counterclockwise.
To sort things: it works properly with positive values, it doesn't work 
(makes a mess) with negative values.

Please test again just changing the sign of your angles.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Howard Page-Clark

On 18/09/2014 17:41, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Canvas.RadalPie on GTK2 and Windows works only clockwise, but provides a
very poor image (more like a portion of an octagon that a portion of a
Counterclockwise it generates the image of my previous e-mail.

On Windows here, Pie (RadialPie) works counterclockwise well, using the 
following code example.
I'm sure if you added anitaliasing to improve the rendering quality this 
would be welcomed.


== code ==

unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics;


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);

  TPieRec = record
percentage: integer; // give pie segments as percentag of whole pie
color: TColor;

  TPieArray = array of TPieRec;

  procedure DrawPie(aCanvas: TCanvas; aCircleRect: TRect; pa: TPieArray);

  Form1: TForm1;


procedure DrawPie(aCanvas: TCanvas; aCircleRect: TRect; pa: TPieArray);
  angles: array of integer;
  lastAngle: integer = 0;
  i: Integer;
  SetLength(angles, Length(pa));
  for i:=0 to High(pa) do begin
angles[i]:=trunc(pa[i].percentage * 57.60);
aCanvas.RadialPie(aCircleRect.Left, aCircleRect.Top, 
aCircleRect.Right, aCircleRect.Bottom,

  lastAngle, angles[i]);
Inc(lastAngle, angles[i]);

{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  example: TPieArray;
  circleRect: TRect;
  SetLength(example, 4);
  example[0].percentage:=30; example[0].color:=clBlue;
  example[1].percentage:=10; example[1].color:=clRed;
  example[2].percentage:=20; example[2].color:=clYellow;
  example[3].percentage:=40; example[3].color:=clMoneyGreen;
  DrawPie(Canvas, circleRect, example);


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 18/09/2014 14:55, Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:

Are you saying, that Canvas.Pie is broken?

In short, yes.

Canvas.RadalPie on GTK2 and Windows works only clockwise, but provides a 
very poor image (more like a portion of an octagon that a portion of a 

Counterclockwise it generates the image of my previous e-mail.

Only on Qt I provided a patch to take advantage of the native 
QT_Painter, and RadialPie works properly, but by overriding 
Canvas.RadialPie (or, to be precise, TWidgetset.RadialPie).

Plain Canvas.Pie works differently for each widgetset: it is offset with 
respect to an Ellipse with the same parameters, but by a different 
amount depending on the widgetset. This is rather annoying, if you want 
to show the full circle, as it's usual.

I'd like to avoid code like this:

Pie(PaintRect.Left, PaintRect.Top, W-2, H,
Integer(Round(MiddleX * (1 - Cos(Angle,
Integer(Round(MiddleY * (1 - Sin(Angle, MiddleX, 0);
   Pie(PaintRect.Left, PaintRect.Top, W-1, H-1,
   Integer(Round(MiddleX * (1 - Cos(Angle,
   Integer(Round(MiddleY * (1 - Sin(Angle, MiddleX, 0);

What I'd like to do, if nobody else wants to take care of the matter, is 
to try to put things in order, and achieve a consistent and predictable 
behavior with all widgetsets, starting from GraphMath.

Most likely it happened a number of time what I've done recently: 
RadialPie wasn't working in a satisfactory way, and I've just taken 
advantage of the native Qt implementation, but maybe I've broken 
something else in the process, because Pie was just using RadialPie.

I'm not a fan of Delphi compatibility, but in that case, as there a 
number of arbitrary decisions to take, I'd take Delphi look as a 
guideline: a Pie, RadialPie, Arc, etc. should just look, with the same 
parameters, the same as it looks in Delphi.

Another thing that I'd like to do is to add to Canvas support for 
antialiasing, which provides a more pleasant look to lines, circles, 
ellipses etc. as expected by modern users, accustomed to modern graphic 

Of course, unless someone else wants to do it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Bart
On 9/18/14, Mattias Gaertner  wrote:

> Are you saying, that Canvas.Pie is broken?

Since I am unfamilliar with graphics and I did not get how to use
Canvas.Pie, I tried to "emulate" it myself.

I calcuate where the lines need to be drawn using basic goniometry,
then fill in the sections I created with FloodFill.
I couldn't get a grip on Canvas.Pie, Canvas.Arc, Canvas.RadialPie etc. etc.

If Canavs.Pie is the way to go, then all the better.

However, how to do that then?

I start of with a circle with radius Radius, and with origo Origo (TPoint).

Now if I want to draw a Pie-slice of fraction X, starting from the X-axis:
(OrigoX+Radius, Origo.Y)
and going counter clockwise to:
(Origo.X + Round(Cos(X * (2 * pi)) * Radius, Origo.Y - Round(Sin(X *
(2 * pi)) * Radius)

what do I need to do to make that work using Canvas.Pie
And the same Q for a fraction Y, starting of from section X?

PS. You'll note the code for the GraphStat form is rather clumsy.
Currently I'm about to convert it by using a ListView with an
ImageList and create Bitmap's at runtime.
This will make anchoring/aligning that much easier.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:35:33 +0200
Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> I had in mind a different approach (components instead of just pictures, 
> to be able to operate on them) so I implemented an alternative, which at 
> first sight was not so bad, under Linux, with Qt WS:
> But, to my dismay, that's how it looks both under Linux Gtk2 and Windows:
> It would appear that at the moment we don't have a reliable 
> multiplatform way to draw our pies.

Are you saying, that Canvas.Pie is broken?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-18 Thread Giuliano Colla
I compiled, and that's how your graphs look like under Linux (both Gtk2 
and Qt WS, it doesn't make a difference):

It would appear that FloodFill is rather broken under Linux!

I had in mind a different approach (components instead of just pictures, 
to be able to operate on them) so I implemented an alternative, which at 
first sight was not so bad, under Linux, with Qt WS:

But, to my dismay, that's how it looks both under Linux Gtk2 and Windows:

It would appear that at the moment we don't have a reliable 
multiplatform way to draw our pies.

If nobody else is interested (I saw that some graphic things date back 
from 2002!) I can take care of revising the basic tools needed to 
display proper pies. After all it's a common way to show data, and 
Lazarus should provide professional looking pies.

Later I'll open a new thread on lazarusdev on that subject.
Then, when we have the proper tools available, we may continue.


Il 14/09/2014 16:26, Bart ha scritto:

I started a graphical smmary in r46230.

Please check it out and comment on it.


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-15 Thread Giuliano Colla

Thank you.
Now it's me causing some delay, because I have some other matters to 
deal with.

ASAP I'll look into it and come back to you.


Il 14/09/2014 16:26, Bart ha scritto:

I started a graphical smmary in r46230.

Please check it out and comment on it.


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-14 Thread Bart
I started a graphical smmary in r46230.

Please check it out and comment on it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-08 Thread Bart
On 9/8/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> 2) Now I'll face the thumbnail view of po files, as a first upgrade to
> POChecker. This way I'll familiarize with the component, which, up to
> now I've just blindly used.

This how I would set it up:

The graphical summary should be invoked from the results dialog.
This therefore needs a new button, which is visible only if statistics
are calculated.
(Any suggestions for a nice glyph on this button?)

To have access to the statistics, the results dialog should get access
to the PoFamily.PoFamilyStats property of the mainform of pochecker.
This should be passed on to the resultdialog form (the form should get
a public property of type TPoFamilyStats (and maybe in trun pass this
on to the graphical summary form, which then can do the

The TPoFamilyStats class already has a method to write statistics to a
TStrings (TPoFamilyStats.AddStatisticsToLog(ALog: TStrings)).
The class should be extended to draw the graphs on a TCanvas (or some
other component):
TPoFamilyStats.ShowGraphicalSummary(ACanvas: TCanvas);

@Giuliano: what kind of parameter should it have: TCanvas, TImage,
something else?

I can easily set up this "infrastructure", so Giuliano  can
concentrate on the actual calculations/drawings.
I can hide all this behind a compiler directive, so the empty
implementation doesn't bother other users.

(It will have to wait a few days, the next few days I am busy with a
postgrad study, and I won't have access to my Lazarus machine)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-08 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 08/09/2014 08:53, Juha Manninen ha scritto:

I am not pushing you to implement this, I only think how it would be
in a perfect world. I must learn a proper message window integration
myself for the Delphi converter, maybe I can look at this later.
Or, maybe Giuliano Colla wants to implement it, he already knows IdeIntf. :)

I find your general ideas on the IDE integration of POChecker in full 
agreement with my view, therefore I'm ready to jump on the bandwagon.
I had never used before the IDE editor for translations, but, from a 
quick test I saw that the proper highlighter is already there, and it 
already does its job. Maybe it can be improved with a few minor 
additions such as "Find next fuzzy" or "Find next untranslated", which 
are rather trivial, or with the escaping of quotes, also not so hard to 
Another possible way would be a small po-editing package, on the same 
line of the HTML editor, providing a number of useful options, and 
taking advantage of a number of functions of POChecker.

But I'd like to face one thing at a time.

1) I've just posted a last minor update to editortoolbar package, which, 
if survives user test, should be more or less in a "production" state.

Will you or someone else take care of applying?

2) Now I'll face the thumbnail view of po files, as a first upgrade to 
POChecker. This way I'll familiarize with the component, which, up to 
now I've just blindly used.

3) In the meantime we may let the ideas settle down, and decide a 
roadmap to a better handling of translations: editing translations, 
checking them, etc.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-08 Thread Bart
On 9/8/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

> Testing all files at one go may not be necessary, although it could be
> an option.
> Offering the available files in a list is more important.

 > Now that I think of it, the stand-alone version could have a similar
> list of files, found under a directory selected by user.

Sounds do-able.

>> Should there be a GUI for the user to select what tests to run, or how
>> should this be configurable?
> The current GUI for selecting the tests is quite ok.
> Finding all relevant .po files is the biggest usability issue for me.

We can add another button to select a directory and the find all
pofiles and put them in a list.
We could also provide a recent-file-history.
My idea would be to split that list in master files and translated
files, otherwise it's gonna be hard to find a given master file
amongst the many translate ones.

> , but the
> new shiny IDE message window could be used with the integrated
> version. Clicking on a warning would open the .po file in editor and
> place the cursor in the error spot.

In the past there was a request to integrate editing in the tool (like
you describe: click on an error and goto the .po file). After
discussing it, this idea was rejected.
The main purpose of the tool is to check for errors. No reason to bloat it.

But then again, offering to open the file in IDE (when run from IDE)
sounds like a nice idea.

> In fact I use Lazarus editor for .po files. Maybe it is a dummy thing
> to do but it works for me.

Well, I use my own editor (LazEdit (CCR) was based on it)

> I am not pushing you to implement this, I only think how it would be
> in a perfect world. I must learn a proper message window integration
> myself for the Delphi converter, maybe I can look at this later.
> Or, maybe Giuliano Colla wants to implement it, he already knows IdeIntf.
> :)

I don't feel pushed.
The ideas are good, I simply now nothing about IDE integration, and
I'm currently lacking the drive to dive into that.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 12:40 AM, Bart  wrote:
> I know, it's just that I'm used to working with the stand-alone tool.
> Also, personally I would not want to test a whole bunch of (master)
> .po files when working on a project.
> I'ld go one by one, fixing all translated .po's from one unit, then go
> to the next.

Testing all files at one go may not be necessary, although it could be
an option.
Offering the available files in a list is more important.

Now that I think of it, the stand-alone version could have a similar
list of files, found under a directory selected by user.

[from the other msg:]
>From my POV the result window is a dialog and hence modal.
Indeed, the main PoChecker window is already modeless. I can maybe
look at the IDE integration later.

> Should there be a GUI for the user to select what tests to run, or how
> should this be configurable?

The current GUI for selecting the tests is quite ok.
Finding all relevant .po files is the biggest usability issue for me.

There are more ways to improve the IDE integration.
The modal results dialog is good for the stand-alone version, but the
new shiny IDE message window could be used with the integrated
version. Clicking on a warning would open the .po file in editor and
place the cursor in the error spot.
In fact I use Lazarus editor for .po files. Maybe it is a dummy thing
to do but it works for me.

I am not pushing you to implement this, I only think how it would be
in a perfect world. I must learn a proper message window integration
myself for the Delphi converter, maybe I can look at this later.
Or, maybe Giuliano Colla wants to implement it, he already knows IdeIntf. :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

>  There is no IDE integration with external tools.

I know, it's just that I'm used to working with the stand-alone tool.
Also, personally I would not want to test a whole bunch of (master)
.po files when working on a project.
I'ld go one by one, fixing all translated .po's from one unit, then go
to the next.

> The .po files are not part of a project. We would need to select all of
> them below the project directory. They are almost surely needed by the
> project.

That would be the easy part.

Should there be a GUI for the user to select what tests to run, or how
should this be configurable?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Bart  wrote:
> I think I would rather configure it as "external tool" if I wanted to
> have access to it from the within IDE.

 There is no IDE integration with external tools.

The tool was set up to run tests on a "family of po-files", the only
> thing the user needs to do is select the .po and seect the test.
> All of these can be automated using commandline options.
> This may be a scenario on how to uses it as a package: it selects the
> (master) .po file of the project automatically?

Yes, if the project has only one .po file it should be selected. If the
project has more .po files they should all be listed.
For example when I am checking the numerous .po files under Lazarus project
the usability is very poor. I have the project open but still I must first
locate the .po files using a file manager and then open them separately in
This package could potentially benefit from IDE integration more than many
other packages.

The .po files are not part of a project. We would need to select all of
them below the project directory. They are almost surely needed by the

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

>> It can be installed from
>> Package -> Install/Uninstall packages.

I think I would rather configure it as "external tool" if I wanted to
have access to it from the within IDE.

The tool was set up to run tests on a "family of po-files", the only
thing the user needs to do is select the .po and seect the test.
All of these can be automated using commandline options.
This may be a scenario on how to uses it as a package: it selects the
(master) .po file of the project automatically?

> Now I remember what happened. You provided the first version of
> PoChecker application. I committed it but also extended it to be a IDE
> package.
> I copied the GUI. I planned to modify it more and improve the IDE
> integration but I did not. Then somebody united the GUIs.



Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

>> I only use the standalone version.
>  Really? Ok.

Yes, really.

> I don't have it installed as a package/integrated in the IDE (not sure
>> how that is done).
> How come, you have made the package after all. It can be installed from
> Package -> Install/Uninstall packages.

No I did not. I built the stand-alone version.
IIRC you made it into a package.

> Also, please do not separate the interface (main form etc).
>> It will be a maintanance nightmare.
> It must be separated somehow if the GUIs have different controls. The
> integrated version would have a list of translations belonging to the
> project.

This would be a list of (master) .po files?

> The standalone version would not have it.
> Two separate GUIs are not bad if you have a clear separation between GUI
> and logic.

Could be ifdef-ed in the main form perhaps.

> The usability now is poor also because the window is modal. All other IDE
> windows are modeless and support certain things like persistent
> resize/location and maybe docking.

>From my POV the result window is a dialog and hence modal.

> This must be fixed, too. Then the integrated PoChecker would be a "first
> class citizen".

Someone else must do that then.
I haven't got a clue on how to achieve this.

With help of others I will start making the graphical summary form
(yet another modal dialog).
This wee I don't really have the time for it though.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 07/09/2014 18:39, Juha Manninen ha scritto:

On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Giuliano Colla>> 

Having as a guideline the way editortoolbar integrates in the IDE,
and on the source editor, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt it to
POChecker needs. But it's better to make one change at a time, not
to create some confusion...

You maybe misunderstood. I don't want to integrate PoChecker in 
the source editor.
It has its own window which is ok but it does not use the potential 
offered by IDE integration anyhow. Typically we want to check 
translations of a Lazarus project, right. The most logical thing would 
be to offer translations belonging to the current open project for 

I wasn't thinking about integrating the PoChecker in the source Editor. 
I was thinking of obtaining the information we need from the IDE, such 
as current project files, currently open files and such, the same way as 
editortoolbar obtains them (i.e. via IdeIntf etc.). It seems to me that 
we could have a set of choices similar to the "Find in files" dialog: 
current project files, open files, and directory.

The {$IFDEF PoCheckerStandalone}, which is already there, can easily 
provide the appropriate options only to the integrated version.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Juha Manninen  wrote:
>> I don't have it installed as a package/integrated in the IDE (not sure
>> how that is done).
> How come, you have made the package after all. It can be installed from
> Package -> Install/Uninstall packages.

Now I remember what happened. You provided the first version of
PoChecker application. I committed it but also extended it to be a IDE
I copied the GUI. I planned to modify it more and improve the IDE
integration but I did not. Then somebody united the GUIs.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Giuliano Colla 
> There should be no reason to induce such a nightmare.

Copying the code that implements logic for PoChecker would be a nightmare
but I did not suggest such thing.
I suggested having 2 separate GUIs which is ok.
It is possible to modify a single GUI by code of course. It is ok for me,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Giuliano Colla 

> Having as a guideline the way editortoolbar integrates in the IDE, and on
> the source editor, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt it to POChecker needs.
> But it's better to make one change at a time, not to create some
> confusion...

You maybe misunderstood. I don't want to integrate PoChecker in the source
It has its own window which is ok but it does not use the potential offered
by IDE integration anyhow. Typically we want to check translations of a
Lazarus project, right. The most logical thing would be to offer
translations belonging to the current open project for checking.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sunday, September 7, 2014, Bart  wrote:
> I only use the standalone version.

 Really? Ok.

I don't have it installed as a package/integrated in the IDE (not sure
> how that is done).

How come, you have made the package after all. It can be installed from
Package -> Install/Uninstall packages.

Also, please do not separate the interface (main form etc).
> It will be a maintanance nightmare.

It must be separated somehow if the GUIs have different controls. The
integrated version would have a list of translations belonging to the
project. The standalone version would not have it.
Two separate GUIs are not bad if you have a clear separation between GUI
and logic. Refactoring may be needed for that.
The other choice is to hide and move controls in code but that can become
clumsy with many differences.

The usability now is poor also because the window is modal. All other IDE
windows are modeless and support certain things like persistent
resize/location and maybe docking.
This must be fixed, too. Then the integrated PoChecker would be a "first
class citizen".

I am not planning to do any of this now but I am happy if someone does.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 07/09/2014 17:25, Bart ha scritto:

On 9/7/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

I don't believe anybody really uses the stand-alone version without
Lazarus. The integrated version is more important.

I only use the standalone version.
I don't have it installed as a package/integrated in the IDE (not sure
how that is done).

Main IDE menu: Package->Install/Uninstall Packages ...
Select PoChecker 1.0 from the "Available for installation" panel, then 
click "Install selection" and "save and rebuild IDE" and you're done. 
After that you'll find PoChecker in the Main Ide Menu among "Tools".

Also, please do not separate the interface (main form etc).
It will be a maintanance nightmare.

There should be no reason to induce such a nightmare.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 07/09/2014 15:22, Juha Manninen ha scritto:

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:27 AM, Giuliano Colla

I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the one
provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like this:

Looks nice. How did you install it for KDE?
I also use KDE 4.13 with Mint 17. The servers don't have thumbnailer-po.
I only found a source package from the net and it was old. Maybe this
is not maintained any more. A pity.
I got a source from which didn't appear too old (updated 
Apr 17 2012), and compiled from that source:

I found two problems:

1) I had to adjust the installation path, because it defaults to 
/usr/local which isn't appropriate for my KDE 4 installations (Fedora 14 
and CentOs 6). Sort of:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr CMakeLists.txt

2) I had to edit the header file pocreator.h adding an


to make it compile. Apparently a difference between the included header 
files of my distros with respect to the ones used by the developer.

After that a make and a sudo make install were all required

Yes, PoChecker should have such graph.
PoChecker has some usability problems that should be addressed, too.
Namely it now behaves like an independent application although it
integrates itself into the IDE. It does not use information from the
current project or any session info. The logical thing would be to
list all translations under the current project and let the user
choose from them.
In fact I planned to do it long time ago, after Bart had made this
package, but I had other priorities.
I then left separate GUIs for the stand-alone version and for the
IDE-integrated version. The idea was to modify the integrated version
later. Now they seem to use the same GUI but it can be separated again
if needed.
I don't believe anybody really uses the stand-alone version without
Lazarus. The integrated version is more important.
I'd suggest that you open a bugtracker issue on that subject, so it 
won't be forgotten. Having as a guideline the way editortoolbar 
integrates in the IDE, and on the source editor, it shouldn't be too 
hard to adapt it to POChecker needs. But it's better to make one change 
at a time, not to create some confusion...


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Juha Manninen  wrote:

> I don't believe anybody really uses the stand-alone version without
> Lazarus. The integrated version is more important.

I only use the standalone version.
I don't have it installed as a package/integrated in the IDE (not sure
how that is done).

Also, please do not separate the interface (main form etc).
It will be a maintanance nightmare.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 07/09/2014 15:45, Bart ha scritto:

On 9/7/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:



In r46150 I refactored the statistics routine, the stats are now shown
at the very end of testing, in semi-graphical way.
The results are available after the tests have run, so it should be
possible to show them from a button on the log-form.

TPoFamilies now has a property PoFamilyStats of type TPoFamilyStats.
This holds all the relevant data after running the tests.

I will need help thoug with the creation of the new graphical summary
(it should be a new form IMO).
I suck at graphics.

I can take care of that part. I can reuse portions of the code of a 
custom component I have developed in the past.
That's the beauty of open source: each one can contribute with his 
experiences to fill the picture!

I was thinking of a button "Show Thumbnails" which may open a form with 
po state thumbnails.

The graphical summary form should also not depend on components that
are not available in a minimal IDE (built with "make clean all"), but
that is just a requirement to make my life (as maintainer of this
component) easier.

My code descends directly from TGraphicControl, so no worries on this side.

Now a question. Looking into the code of the kde thing (no use to 
reinvent the wheel), i found that it provides *four* categories: 
Translated, Untranslated, Fuzzy, and *Obsolete*. I've never met that 
Obsolete thing before. Did you? Is it of some use for us?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> Done:


In r46150 I refactored the statistics routine, the stats are now shown
at the very end of testing, in semi-graphical way.
The results are available after the tests have run, so it should be
possible to show them from a button on the log-form.

TPoFamilies now has a property PoFamilyStats of type TPoFamilyStats.
This holds all the relevant data after running the tests.

I will need help thoug with the creation of the new graphical summary
(it should be a new form IMO).
I suck at graphics.
The graphical summary form should also not depend on components that
are not available in a minimal IDE (built with "make clean all"), but
that is just a requirement to make my life (as maintainer of this
component) easier.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Juha Manninen
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:27 AM, Giuliano Colla
> I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the one
> provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like this:

Looks nice. How did you install it for KDE?
I also use KDE 4.13 with Mint 17. The servers don't have thumbnailer-po.
I only found a source package from the net and it was old. Maybe this
is not maintained any more. A pity.

Yes, PoChecker should have such graph.
PoChecker has some usability problems that should be addressed, too.
Namely it now behaves like an independent application although it
integrates itself into the IDE. It does not use information from the
current project or any session info. The logical thing would be to
list all translations under the current project and let the user
choose from them.
In fact I planned to do it long time ago, after Bart had made this
package, but I had other priorities.
I then left separate GUIs for the stand-alone version and for the
IDE-integrated version. The idea was to modify the integrated version
later. Now they seem to use the same GUI but it can be separated again
if needed.
I don't believe anybody really uses the stand-alone version without
Lazarus. The integrated version is more important.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 07/09/2014 11:38, Bart ha scritto:

Can you please open a bugreport for this feature (and put a link to
this discussion in it).
I'll assign it to me.
This way it won't be forgotten...



Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Bart
On 9/7/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the
> one provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like
> this:

Well, the info is already there.

> It's true that the same data are already provided by POChecker, but I've
> found this graphic preview quite useful to quickly judge the state of
> translations, as opposed to a list of percentages.

That maybe true.
As a first step (when I have time), I'll see if I can summarize the
Statistics at the end of the report.
This will make it easier to ranslate it into a graph of some kind.

> As soon as I'll have
> some time, I'll look into it, to verify if it's not so hard to implement
> as an added option of Pochecker, as I believe, or if there's some hidden
> catch.

Can you please open a bugreport for this feature (and put a link to
this discussion in it).
I'll assign it to me.
This way it won't be forgotten...

I appreciate your input.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-07 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 07/09/2014 01:27, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the
> one provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like
> this:

Nice idea - very useful!

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-06 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 06/09/2014 14:08, Bart ha scritto:

On 9/6/14, Reinier Olislagers  wrote:

Pochecker might be improved to provide a more user friendly quick full
view of the status of all the translations in a folder, sort of what
KBabel provided in the past. I'll look into it.

POChecker can show statistics on all po-files.
Just check the appropriate checkboxes.

Feel free to suppy patches for further improvement (preferrably in bgtracker).

I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the 
one provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like 

As you may easily guess, green means translated, blue means fuzzy, red 
means untranslated.

It's true that the same data are already provided by POChecker, but I've 
found this graphic preview quite useful to quickly judge the state of 
translations, as opposed to a list of percentages. As soon as I'll have 
some time, I'll look into it, to verify if it's not so hard to implement 
as an added option of Pochecker, as I believe, or if there's some hidden 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-06 Thread Bart
On 9/6/14, Reinier Olislagers  wrote:

>> Pochecker might be improved to provide a more user friendly quick full
>> view of the status of all the translations in a folder, sort of what
>> KBabel provided in the past. I'll look into it.

POChecker can show statistics on all po-files.
Just check the appropriate checkboxes.

Feel free to suppy patches for further improvement (preferrably in bgtracker).

> Hmmm, I think Bart updated pochecker regarding fuzzy strings but can't
> remember what he did and my memory may be incorrect anyway ;)

It has an option to exclude strings marked as fuzzy for certain tests
(for now this option only affects the forat arguments checking).


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-06 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 06/09/2014 00:28, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> Il 05/09/2014 09:35, Reinier Olislagers ha scritto:
>> On 04/09/2014 23:34, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> A change from "Exit" to "Quit" (it happened) marks the translation
> fuzzy, and this may go unnoticed by many translators. Is it a good
> reason not to show the old translation?
> I'm afraid that users unfamiliar with Latin alphabet (such as Chinese,
> Russians, arabs, etc.) will hardly agree with your opinion.

Another good reason to use tools to check translations as you mention below.

>> Regardless of the setting, fuzzy strings will have to be dealt with and
>> (as both a developer and translator) I'm happy that Laz now aligns with
>> general practice.
> On this point I fully agree with you. It would be nice if the steps
> before any release did include a quick check to the po files just to
> verify the amount of fuzzy and untranslated strings, in order to alert
> translators accordingly.
Yes, good idea. So presumably the i18n pages on the wiki will need to be

> Pochecker might be improved to provide a more user friendly quick full
> view of the status of all the translations in a folder, sort of what
> KBabel provided in the past. I'll look into it.
Hmmm, I think Bart updated pochecker regarding fuzzy strings but can't
remember what he did and my memory may be incorrect anyway ;)

BTW, I have good experiences with virtaal; it shows all untranslated
items which includes fuzzy strings IIRC.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-05 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 05/09/2014 09:35, Reinier Olislagers ha scritto:

On 04/09/2014 23:34, Giuliano Colla wrote:

But in that case it would be an advantage for developers (few) and a
disadvantage for users (many).

No, it would be an advantage for the users because they don't get
inferior quality or incorrect translations...
Rather, it makes it painfully clear that the translator has not finished
100% of the translation.
A change from "Exit" to "Quit" (it happened) marks the translation 
fuzzy, and this may go unnoticed by many translators. Is it a good 
reason not to show the old translation?
I'm afraid that users unfamiliar with Latin alphabet (such as Chinese, 
Russians, arabs, etc.) will hardly agree with your opinion.

Apparently not showing fuzzy translations is the standard way in other
open source projects. I remember a bug report that probably kicked off
the change referring to that (but don't know the mantis number).
msgfmt provides the flag -f to accommodate the need to show fuzzy 

Regardless of the setting, fuzzy strings will have to be dealt with and
(as both a developer and translator) I'm happy that Laz now aligns with
general practice.
On this point I fully agree with you. It would be nice if the steps 
before any release did include a quick check to the po files just to 
verify the amount of fuzzy and untranslated strings, in order to alert 
translators accordingly.
Pochecker might be improved to provide a more user friendly quick full 
view of the status of all the translations in a folder, sort of what 
KBabel provided in the past. I'll look into it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-05 Thread Reinier Olislagers
On 04/09/2014 23:34, Giuliano Colla wrote:
> But in that case it would be an advantage for developers (few) and a
> disadvantage for users (many).

No, it would be an advantage for the users because they don't get
inferior quality or incorrect translations...
Rather, it makes it painfully clear that the translator has not finished
100% of the translation.

Apparently not showing fuzzy translations is the standard way in other
open source projects. I remember a bug report that probably kicked off
the change referring to that (but don't know the mantis number).

Regardless of the setting, fuzzy strings will have to be dealt with and
(as both a developer and translator) I'm happy that Laz now aligns with
general practice.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-04 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 04/09/2014 19:45, Bart ha scritto:

On 9/4/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:

The normal situation is that someone may correct a spelling error in a
string, or provide an extra detail, and this causes the translation to
become fuzzy.
What would have happened up to now was that the translation would have
still been the old one, what will happen from now on is that the
translation won't be used, and the untranslated string will be shown.

OTOH now you easily spot (in IDE) that a string has become untranslated.

Every disadvatage has it's advantage (Johan Cruijff)

But in that case it would be an advantage for developers (few) and a 
disadvantage for users (many).

Questionable by democracy point of view. ;-)

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others 
that have been tried (Winston Churchill).


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-04 Thread Bart
On 9/4/14, Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> The normal situation is that someone may correct a spelling error in a
> string, or provide an extra detail, and this causes the translation to
> become fuzzy.
> What would have happened up to now was that the translation would have
> still been the old one, what will happen from now on is that the
> translation won't be used, and the untranslated string will be shown.

OTOH now you easily spot (in IDE) that a string has become untranslated.

Every disadvatage has it's advantage (Johan Cruijff)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-04 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 04/09/2014 13:03, Juha Manninen ha scritto:
IMO it makes no difference. Translators should search for the fuzzy 
lines sometimes and fix them.
Yes, but with the recent change until they don't fix, the translation 
doesn't show anymore, which is quite annoying.
On the other hand I don't understand what caused the crashes. All the 
params were %s, there were no mixed %d and %s. The number of real 
params was reduced, the old fuzzy strings provided enough placeholders.

Can somebody explain this? Maxim maybe?
Yet, if Format function throws an exception, it should be caught in a 
try-except block and the problem would be solved (?)

Here you have a very good point. There's no valid reason why a Format 
exception of this sort (less or even more parameters than expected) 
should crash the Application. IMO It could be just silently ignored.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-04 Thread Juha Manninen
IMO it makes no difference. Translators should search for the fuzzy lines
sometimes and fix them.
On the other hand I don't understand what caused the crashes. All the
params were %s, there were no mixed %d and %s. The number of real params
was reduced, the old fuzzy strings provided enough placeholders.
Can somebody explain this? Maxim maybe?
Yet, if Format function throws an exception, it should be caught in a
try-except block and the problem would be solved (?)

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-04 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 04/09/2014 00:20, Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:

On Thu, 04 Sep 2014 00:13:33 +0200
Giuliano Colla  wrote:

In recent Lazarus trunk versions it happens that translations marked as
"fuzzy" are ignored, and the untranslated string is shown.

Is this a bug to be notified, or a "feature"?

If it's a feature I find it rather questionable, because a fuzzy
translation is in most cases much better than no translation at all.

Maybe related:

Yes it's related, but in the wrong direction, IMHO.

I've investigated and it turns out to be a "feature". Quoting unit 
lcl/translations.pas line 820:

  //Load translation only if it exists and is NOT fuzzy.
  //This matches gettext behaviour and allows to avoid a lot of crashes related
  //to formatting arguments mismatches.
  if (Item<>nil) and (pos('fuzzy', lowercase(Item.Flags))=0) then begin

What has happened in recent past is that there was a change of policy 
for handling quotes and all translation files were submitted to a 
substantial revision. Because of the consequent formatting argument 
mismatches there was a lot of crashes, and the problem was raised.

But this was an exceptional situation, which may occur one or two times 
in a decade, and which should never condition everyday activities.
The normal situation is that someone may correct a spelling error in a 
string, or provide an extra detail, and this causes the translation to 
become fuzzy.
What would have happened up to now was that the translation would have 
still been the old one, what will happen from now on is that the 
translation won't be used, and the untranslated string will be shown.

Lazarus attempts to provide professional quality, but can take advantage 
only of voluntary work. One should take this fact into account when 
making decisions. What would be perfectly reasonable in an enterprise 
environment, becomes quite impractical in our reality.

Therefore my point is: please let live fuzzy translations, less we 
provide too many untranslated strings which will discourage new (and 
existing) users. When a Lazarus Foundation will exist, with a lot of 
money to spend, and someone will be in charge of keeping translations 
updated, I'll be the first to support a different policy.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

2014-09-03 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Thu, 04 Sep 2014 00:13:33 +0200
Giuliano Colla  wrote:

> In recent Lazarus trunk versions it happens that translations marked as 
> "fuzzy" are ignored, and the untranslated string is shown.
> Is this a bug to be notified, or a "feature"?
> If it's a feature I find it rather questionable, because a fuzzy 
> translation is in most cases much better than no translation at all.

Maybe related:


Lazarus mailing list