Re: [lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-16 Thread DSTRODT

In a message dated 6/15/2006 7:22:20 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  >On Thu, 15 Jun 2006, William Cairns wrote:>> 
  Why have their never been any successful Pascal dirivitive 
  languages?>Because pascal is perfect. Why change a perfect language 
  And one could argue that there are "dirivitive" languages from PASCAL.Not 
  C being one of them! 
  Repace BEGIN END blocks by hard to find { }, 
  change things like well constructed FOR/WHILE/REPEAT loops to something 
   if(i=+j/6-5) dosomething
  (* Not sure that is valid C, but it's close I'm not a C programmer be 
  have to read 
     a lot of C code, and it constantly confuses me. *)
  and remove all "strong" type casting and PASCAL becomes 

 'Nuff said. PASCAL 

Re: [lazarus] Request for PR noise !

2006-05-18 Thread DSTRODT


  >Florian Klaempfl wrote:>>>Lv 
  wrote:>>  >So if you guys want to 
  change the name, where does it leave users like>>>me presenting 
  papers at conferences and citing Lazarus in technical>>>papers as 
  my software of choice?>>>    
  >>>Nice to hear that not all users 
  believe into the imo stupid idea to change the>>name. I don't think 
  either that the "board of directors" of lazarus (Michael H.,>> 
  Matthias, Marc, Vincents, Micha et al.) consider a name change 
  :)>>  >>>Just for the record, I also think a 
  name change is uncalled for. A name >change would have serious 
  consequences - and we could start promoting >everything from zero since 
  the new name will be even less known then >Lazarus. The word Lazarus is 
  neither offensive or more ambiguous than >other well known projects and 
  companies.>>One more comment: Cheetah is the simbol of FPC, not 
  lazarus. A cheetah >on a column is Lazarus. Now you don't see anyone 
  calling FPC cheetah, >nor calling Linux Pinguin.

  I agree with Andreas (and thank the "board of directors" and their fine 
  insight in dismissing this idea as being a total waste of time and effort) 
  The drawbacks from a name change are phenomenal!!!
      1) Loss of current user base who don't keep up on 
  the mailing list and all of sudden can't find their product under the name 
  they know (and hopefully love)
      2) Loss of new user base. I have actively promoted 
  Lazarus, whenever asked, as a great tool/environment with my contacts. Don't 
  know how many have looked at it yet, but I'm going to be very embarrassed if 
  they do finally take my advice and check it out, and it's called something 
  different than what I was advertising.
      3) I suspect would require a lot of effort in 
  renaming all sorts of directories/web sites/links, blah blah blah on a global 
      4) Same as #3 above on each existing users's 
  personal computer(s)
  All this for some "cosmetics"? Much better that we quit talking about 
  this and get back to making a really great product that will really "sell" 
  itself based on it's stability and functionality, not on whether it is called 
  S__T or Lazarus.
  Just my two cents. Let's get back to work making Lazarus GREAT!

Re: [lazarus] patch to tComboBox

2006-03-29 Thread DSTRODT

In a message dated 3/29/2006 5:21:03 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> >     I don't know Delphi 
  behavior at all, but based on my experience with> >  
     MSAccess, it is not possible to have a ShowModal + 
  Form2.anything.> >     "Modal" mode creates a window 
  that must, somehow, be closed (either> >     canceled 
  or completed) before the application proceeds to some other> >  
     step. If Dephi allows other than this, then I think it is wrong, 
  and> >     Lazarus doesn't need to concern itself 
  with it. When an application>> I think at least recursive 
  ShowModal should work correctly. It's not> strange for a form that 
  needs input from a user to itself need more> input for some specific 
  "field".That definitely works in Delphi, and this is how it should 

I agree, a recursive "ShowModal" is understandable and should be allowable, 
but I think once the application has gone into "Modal" mode, it should stay 
there until all questions have been answered. A second form not in "modal" mode 
just doesn't make a lot of sense to me

Re: [lazarus] patch to tComboBox

2006-03-29 Thread DSTRODT

In a message dated 3/28/2006 3:54:48 P.M. Central Standard Time, 

  >Without the set_modal they don't behave like in Delphi as 
  well.>>A Form.ShowModal should create a window, that the user 
  must close, before>switching the focus to an old window.>I 
  heard, a Form1.ShowModal + Form2.Show should create two forms, 
  between>which the user can switch on Delphi. This is currently no 
  supported by the>LCL and not by the gtk interface.
  I don't know Delphi behavior at all, but based on my experience with 
  MSAccess, it is not possible to have a ShowModal + Form2.anything. 
  "Modal" mode creates a window that must, somehow, be closed (either canceled 
  or completed) before the application proceeds to some other step. If Dephi 
  allows other than this, then I think it is wrong, and Lazarus doesn't need to 
  concern itself with it. When an application goes into "modal" mode, that means 
  it doesn't want to continue until it has gotten a specific response from the 
  user. The "modal" form needs to provide/handle any/all options the user is 
  able to provide at that point

[lazarus] Re: Patch for msgview.pp (enhancement)

2005-12-27 Thread DSTRODT

In a message dated 12/27/2005 9:25:21 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
May i 
  suggest a treeview, that is,each type in its own branch which would be 
  much easier tosearch in categories which can be expanded and 
  collapsed.Like:-Build     |-     
  |-     |--Messages     |-  
     |-     |--Hints     
  |-     |-     |--Warnings  
     |-     |-     
  |--Notes     |-     |-  
     |--Errors     |-     
  |-     |--Fatal     |-  
     |-     |-and we can have options on 
  what msg types we want to capture.just my 2 cents.Funky 

IMO, bad idea. This would re-arrange the messages into a non-sequential 
order. This might be a nice option for "analyzing" a compile run, but I 
certainly wouldn't want it as a default. For the purposes of 
developing/debugging I want to see the messages that are issued in the order 
that they occur

Re: [lazarus] Bug similar al Bug 0000722 pero con el Tedit

2005-10-22 Thread DSTRODT

In a message dated 10/22/2005 8:04:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  probado en el Lazarus 0.9.8 y en Lazarus 0.9.10 Beta con los>mismos 
  resultados en el evento OnExit de Tedit.>Se ejecuta inapropiadamente. 
  S.O. usado es Windows.?Si se coloca el procedure ShowMessage en los 
  eventos OnExit y en>OnEnter la aplicacion termina generando una 

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