Re: [lazarus] Lazarus 10204 dont' compile with FPC 2.1.1 5390

2006-11-15 Thread bouquinique

Vincent Snijders a écrit :

Fedorax schreef:


With lazarus svn 1024 and FPC 2.1.1 svn 5390 the compilation return a 
svn error:

Compiling synhighlightersql.pas
synhighlightersql.pas(1640,67) Error: Variable identifier expected
synhighlightersql.pas(1785) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling 
module, stopping

Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [allsyneditunits.ppu] Erreur 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/synedit'
make[1]: *** [synedit_all] Erreur 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lazarus/components'
make: *** [components] Erreur 2

OS: Linux fedora 5

This is a known problem of fpc 2.1.1.


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In synhighlightersql.pas this lines 1640 / 1643:
 EnumerateKeywords(Ord(tkKey), StandardKW, IdentChars + ['-'], 

 EnumerateKeywords(Ord(tkKey), SybaseKW, IdentChars, {$IFDEF 

Error: Variable identifier expected

If i comment the four lines above all compile.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus svn loose the fpc-2.1.1 source path

2006-11-01 Thread bouquinique
Updates come faster than i can compile! It's now 5147 and work's for me. 
Thank's to all.

Burkhard Carstens a écrit :

Am Mittwoch, 1. November 2006 14:10 schrieb Vincent Snijders:

Burkhard Carstens schreef:

Am Mittwoch, 1. November 2006 13:13 schrieb Fedorax:


Lazarus svn #10151 compile but loose the path for fpc. When it
start it's complain about fpc src.
After start when i wan't set the fpc src directory it's
impossible. It don't want recognize this path wich was ok for all
precedent compilations. The svn fpc-2.1.1 version is #5144

There seems to be a bug/problem with current fpc version. Lazarus
works fine with fpc #5114 but not with anything after that (at
least for me, linux-i386). AFAIK, it is related to changes in file
seek behaviour which causes lazarus to fail reading
environmentoptions.xml (and other files).

I didn't test it, but there is a fix for this problem in r5145.

Tested with fpc-5146. It works!


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus SVN #10034 dont start with FPC 2.1.1 SVN #4782

2006-10-05 Thread bouquinique
With today's SVN the problem is again here but this time there is a lot 
of terminal output after ./startlazarus:

[WARNING] **   **
[WARNING] ** Multibyte character encodings (like UTF8) are not **
[WARNING] ** supported at the moment.  **
[WARNING] ** For full keyboard event support, make sure that   **
[WARNING] ** the LANG environment var has no UTF8  **
[WARNING] **   **
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
 Exception=Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
An unhandled exception occurred at $0805E52F :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at $080EE2CD :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $080EE2CD  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2A6  TAVGLVLTREE__FREEANDCLEAR,  line 1082 of avglvltree.pas
 $081B04F2  TRESOURCECACHE__DESTROY,  line 370 of lclrescache.pas
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at $080B8B25 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2A6  TAVGLVLTREE__FREEANDCLEAR,  line 1082 of avglvltree.pas
 $081B04F2  TRESOURCECACHE__DESTROY,  line 370 of lclrescache.pas

An unhandled exception occurred at $08064994 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $081BC55C  DOFINALIZATION,  line 415 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $081BC5C8  WSLCLCLASSES_finalize,  line 433 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas

An unhandled exception occurred at $0800 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $081BC55C  DOFINALIZATION,  line 415 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $081BC5C8  WSLCLCLASSES_finalize,  line 433 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp

Runtime error 217 at $0805F949
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus SVN and FPC 2.1.1

2006-10-03 Thread bouquinique

You, right, the problem come from TStringGrid component.

After force the loading of the form i'd remove the TStringGrid and 
Create a new and recompile my project and all the errors where solved.

The DbGrid error was also corrected by replace old TStringGrid. May be 
something was broken in the lcm file  because after replace the 
TStringGrid three components was destroyed in lcm file.

The declarations of them:
 Tb_SizeCol: TTrackBar;
 E_Seek: TEdit;
 Chk_Maj: TCheckBox;
Stay in source code but was removed from the form. I dont know why. I'd 
need remove the 3 declarations and recreate the components on the form 
and now the project work fine with FPC 2.1.1 and 2.0.4


Jesús Reyes A. a écrit :

- Original Message - From: Fedorax 

Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: [lazarus] Lazarus SVN and FPC 2.1.1

Lazarus SVN and my projects work's perfectly with official relase of fpc
I can also compile SVN without problem with FPC 2.1.1 Latest SVN but 
i load projects i've a lot off errors about StringsGrids and DbGrids 

'property visible is read only' and others.

What's wrong ? My project or lazarus can't work with FPC 2.1.1 ?

Are you sure that is Visible property and not VisibleColCount or 
VisibleRowCount?.  This properties are published but they are readonly 
and I guess, they should not be stored in lfm file but when using 
2.0.X they are.

Why it worked in 2.0.X and not in 2.1.1? it seems that 2.0.X had a bug 
(or a feature don't know) that allows Lazarus to load this kind of 
properties without noise, in 2.1.1 it seems this was fixed (or 
improved) and now it raise an exception if a read only property is 
found in lfm stream. Luckily, it seems 2.1.1 is now clever enough to 
not store published read only properties.

As the current released compiler is 2.0.4 and I don't know for what 
time this will be so, I think the cleanest solution would be to set 
these properties explicitely not stored, so it should work in both 
2.0.X and 2.1.1, if anybody have objections, please tell me.

This is for StringGrid, Can you give more details for the DbGrid 

Jesus Reyes A.
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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-06 Thread bouquinique
One of the advantage off TDBF ( I 'm an user of it ): It dont't need 
other than himself. For me this pont is very important, firebird or SQL 
engines are not installed on all the computers. Créate fonctions to 
export dbf files in other formats like SQL, CSV, Or Firebird is not much 

Otherwise firebird is also good.

Michael Van Canneyt a écrit :

On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Micha Nelissen wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
Nevertheless, it would be better to use an engine such as Firebird, 

it is scalable. Projects using DBase files or so are not scalable.

Not scalable ? In what way ?

It's not multi-user and network-capable.


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Re: [lazarus] TListBox is not an active control ?

2006-08-11 Thread bouquinique

Mattias Gaertner a écrit :

On Sat, 12 Aug 2006 00:01:32 +0200
Fedorax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



The following code work with Tbuttons, Tedit, Tdbedit, Tdbgrids, etc but 
never works with a Tlistbox.

What's wrong here ?


If Self.ActiveControl.ClassType=TListBox then Begin


the above is equivalent to

if (ActiveControl=nil) or (ActiveControl.Name='') then

Has the TListBox a Name?

Yes, TlistBox  has a name  but  when  i  execute the code  i get  the 
name of the precedent component used, not name of TListBox. Another 
thing, the OnENter event off listbox don't work.

I've  replace TListBox with ComboBox and all works perfectly.

I'm Using Lazarus SVN r 9714 and FPC 2.0.4 Latest SVN under Linux fedora 
core 5

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Re: [lazarus] Latest SVN cant reload my project ( TstringGrid Fail )

2006-07-31 Thread bouquinique

Christian U. a écrit :

yes, same happends to me,
also all size and position things are deleted in forms with stringgrid

after this error i have removed the stringrid manually from lfm and deleted
after reload of the form no control has size and position items
it destroys forms


- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 10:15 AM
Subject: [lazarus] Latest SVN cant reload my project ( TstringGrid Fail )



I made a new compilation with:

Fpc - SVN 4318
Lazarus - SVN 9694
Os Linux fedora 5

And when i load my project i've this error message:

Error reading SGrid_Fields.VisibleColCount: Property is read only

Something has changed or bug ? ( My latest and working compilation was
made 30 days ago )

What can i do ?


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Re: [lazarus] [FPC-Marketing] Wiki created

2006-06-18 Thread bouquinique

Lord ZealoN a écrit :

Hi at all.

Well, for diference the marketing mails for the rest (please, if we 
disturb this mailing list, we will move to the hell :D ) i will mark 
as [FPC-Marketing]

The wiki is in:

Is the first time i install a wiki (and use) then i need help to 
configure it good.


::Mi blog::
Do you think that a web page with screen shot's of working application ( 
Data base for my book dealer activity ) can help ? If yes i can do it.

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Re: [lazarus] [FPC-Marketing] Wiki created

2006-06-18 Thread bouquinique

Ok, i do this in few days and send here the url.

Lord ZealoN a écrit :

Of course.

All the material can help.

2006/6/18, bouquinique [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lord ZealoN a écrit :
 Hi at all.

 Well, for diference the marketing mails for the rest (please,
if we
 disturb this mailing list, we will move to the hell :D ) i will mark
 as [FPC-Marketing]

 The wiki is in:

 Is the first time i install a wiki (and use) then i need help to
 configure it good.


 ::Mi blog::
Do you think that a web page with screen shot's of working
application (
Data base for my book dealer activity ) can help ? If yes i can do it.

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::Mi blog:: 

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Re: [lazarus] [FPC-Marketing] Wiki created

2006-06-18 Thread bouquinique
I've make quicly five screenshots with somme comments. ( I put it in the 
followings posts ). My english is poor and may be some comment's are 
wrong. If yes let me know and i'll modify it. When the screenshot's will 
OK i put it on a web page, if you prefere insert it in a lazaru section 
or other you can do it.

The application use tdbf, is compiled in gtk with current svn version of 
lazarus and fpc.

O.S Linux fedora 5

Lord ZealoN a écrit :

Of course.

All the material can help.

2006/6/18, bouquinique [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lord ZealoN a écrit :
 Hi at all.

 Well, for diference the marketing mails for the rest (please,
if we
 disturb this mailing list, we will move to the hell :D ) i will mark
 as [FPC-Marketing]

 The wiki is in:

 Is the first time i install a wiki (and use) then i need help to
 configure it good.


 ::Mi blog::
Do you think that a web page with screen shot's of working
application (
Data base for my book dealer activity ) can help ? If yes i can do it.

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::Mi blog:: 

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Re: [lazarus] [FPC-Marketing] Wiki created [ screen shots ]

2006-06-18 Thread bouquinique
30 minutes ago i'd send five messages with .jpg attachements and dont 
see them in mailling list. Did the m.L. reject or delayed  .jpg 
attachements ?

In doubt i send the url's where are the screen shot's.

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Re: [lazarus] imagesforlazarus.lpk don't compile with latest's SVN

2006-06-01 Thread bouquinique

Burkhard Carstens a écrit :

Am Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006 15:58 schrieb Fedorax:


With latest svn imagesforlazarus.lpk retrun errors when compile.

Svn's version's
lazarus 9382
fpc 3761
Os:Linux fedora 5

Error messages:

Compiler l'IDE (sans assemblage) completed
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(48,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPReader:Class Of TFPCustomImageReader
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(53,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPWriter:Class Of TFPCustomImageWriter
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(63,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(81) Fatal: There
were 3 errors compiling module, stopping

The methods are defined as class function in the interface part of the 
unit, but not in the implementation part. earlier version of the 
compiler ignored this bug, but current version don't.

put class keyword in front of the functions in implementation part of 
the unit.


That's work. Thank's

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Re: [lazarus] imagesforlazarus.lpk don't compile with latest's SVN

2006-06-01 Thread bouquinique

Vincent Snijders a écrit :

bouquinique wrote:

Burkhard Carstens a écrit :

Am Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006 15:58 schrieb Fedorax:


With latest svn imagesforlazarus.lpk retrun errors when compile.

Svn's version's
lazarus 9382
fpc 3761
Os:Linux fedora 5

Error messages:

Compiler l'IDE (sans assemblage) completed
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(48,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPReader:Class Of TFPCustomImageReader
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(53,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
TPNGImage.GetDefaultFPWriter:Class Of TFPCustomImageWriter
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(63,20) Error:
function header doesn't match the forward declaration class
/usr/local/src/lazarus/components/images/lazpng.pas(81) Fatal: There
were 3 errors compiling module, stopping

The methods are defined as class function in the interface part of 
the unit, but not in the implementation part. earlier version of the 
compiler ignored this bug, but current version don't.

put class keyword in front of the functions in implementation part 
of the unit.


That's work. Thank's

Can you create a patch?

Unfortunately i'm a bad coder. I can use lazarus for create some dbf 
applications but no more. I've spend some times before understand that:

put class keyword in front of the functions in implementation 
part of the unit. 

And after few tests and compilations errors i just add

class before all functions in implementation and thatt's work.

It's a little off topic here but i think that documentaion lazarus and 
fpc have a problem. We can find for beginer or for expert, nothing 
beetwen the two. Delphi or kylix documentation can be usefull but not 
for all. Another thing, for french people which have difficulites to 
read and write english it's again more limited.


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Re: [lazarus] imagesforlazarus.lpk don't compile with latest's SVN

2006-06-01 Thread bouquinique

 Why my message posted twice ? The first  i've  posted 04:40


We're sorry, the following message could not be delivered:

  Message: B447fa5170002.0001.000e.mml
  Subject: Re: [lazarus] imagesforlazarus.lpk don't compile with latest's SVN

This is due to the fact that one or more attachments has
a double extension. Double extensions pose a security
risk and are prohibited by our corporate email policy.

Please rename your file(s) using only one period (.) in the
file name. This will ensure that it reaches the recipient.

Email filtering provided by NETRIPLEX.


I change the extension of the filename, post the second ( OK ) but the first 
bad message is also in the mailling list.

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Re: [lazarus] Revision 9001 error

2006-03-23 Thread bouquinique

With lazarus revision 9003 and fpc 3019 All works now with linux fedora 4

That's could be useful to put this somewhere in a visible place:

To compile svn

1 / After the first install of fpc replace all occurence off fpc 2.0.2  
with fpc 2.1.1 like this.


2/  Compile fpc svn with make clean all
3/  Install fpc svn with make install
4/  Compile lazarus.
5/  Be sure that the Compiler path ( ppc 386 ) in environement options 
is the good. If not modify it and rebuid lazarus.

Alain Michaud a écrit :

2. After updating fpc, should we run again make install ...

or whould we run: fpcmake before?


I tried make install
again but got error messages, ...make: ppc386: command not found 

 I also got this message this morning (3019). 

I have tried to compile from svn on Suse for almost a week now and it
always failed! (works well in Mandriva!) I got all sorts of messages but
always of the same style: Compiler error while trying to compile
something in folder /rtl. Very strange...



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Re: [lazarus] Document

2006-01-09 Thread bouquinique


Important informations!



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Re: [lazarus] Snapshot and latest subversion very unstable

2005-12-16 Thread bouquinique

Vincent Snijders a écrit :

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

The latest snapshot for win32 and the latest subversion for Linux 
seam to be the definition of what I would call unstable.

I'm also experiencing problems. I think the problems are related to the

codetools use a lot of ansistrings and is a heavy user of the memory 

It wouldn't surprise me if these problems are caused or brought to 
surface because of optimalization changes made to fpc 2.1.1 the last 

Can you test with fpc 2.0.2?


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I use fpc 2.0.2 with linux fedora 4 and with the latest svn if i quit 
lazarus after runing a project windows message, objects and componets 
don't close. I can't compile with gtk2, the restart show pannel: 
violation acces.

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