[Ldsoss] Questions about new scriptures.lds.org

2006-08-05 Thread nathan bullock


About a month or two ago someone posted that the church was doing some
re-working of the lds.org and scriptures.lds.org. I noticed that one
item in the new bible dictionary is missing that was there in the old
website 'sanballat'. I don't know if this is just a mistake and if it
is I don't know who I should notify, maybe just posting to this
mailing list is good enough.

I am not complaining about this item missing since I have never needed
to look it up and still have no interest in learning anything about
this word ;-)

But I was wondering if there have been other additions or subtractions
from either the bible dictionary or guide to the scriptures?

Nathan Bullock
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] New Scriptures Beta Test Site

2006-06-15 Thread Nathan

On 6/15/06, Tom Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 The font we currently use is Arial.  We have to stick with a font that is
available or easily substituted on every OS because if we were to use
something like Trebuchet, few people would have that font on their system
and so they would get some substitution that may not be suitable.


Verdana has been available on every modern Windows, Mac, and Linux
system that I've used, for what it's worth.

~ Nathan Stocks
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Let me formally introduce myself...

2006-06-08 Thread Nathan

On 6/8/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jesse Stay wrote:
> You may want to try the Family History Department.  They are also
> moving in the direction of OSS, and there are a couple teams hiring
> there.

Yep, my group is hiring, and we really need more people who are educated
in open source methodology and tools.  I feel awfully lonely sometimes!
 I'd like to work with someone else who's not afraid of functional
programming, dynamic languages, portable code, distributed systems,
kernel hacking, emacs, vi, and Gentoo. :-)

I'm not afraid!

...but I've already got a good job with people I like, and there's no
way I'd commute to SLC  :-P

I feel sorry for you, though.  Everyone's afraid of emacs AND vi up
there?  I mean, I can understand being afraid of one or the
other...but both?  Poor guy.  I'm lucky, in my immediate work area
everyone uses OS X and Linux, and we all at least know how to exit out
of emacs and vi, even if not everyone uses both.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Temple Codes

2006-04-20 Thread Nathan
On 4/20/06, Justin Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/20/06, nathan bullock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > For example I tried to import a GEDCOM file that was sent to me by my
> > Dad which he exported from some version of PAF, and it has the
> > following codes:
> >
> >
> > Are these valid code, and if so for which temples?
> This is totally off topic, but your email didn't make it past gmail's
> spam system.  Those heathens at gmail can't even recognize the work of
> the salvation of the dead! (-:

I noticed that too.  I fished the original email of this thread out of
the spam section on gmail.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Temple Codes

2006-04-20 Thread nathan bullock
I have a question to do with geneology. I have been playing around
with an open source geneology program called GRAMPS and have been
helping to update their list of temple codes so that people can
properly enter lds ordinances. There seems to be a pretty good list at
http://www.geocities.com/rgpassey/temple/abclist.htm, but they seem to
only have old 2 letter codes, and then what I am assuming are the most
recent 5 letter codes. Was there ever any other codes for temples in
between the 2 and then the 5 letter codes.

For example I tried to import a GEDCOM file that was sent to me by my
Dad which he exported from some version of PAF, and it has the
following codes:


Are these valid code, and if so for which temples?

Does anyone know where someone could find a complete list of all
historical temple codes?
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Froggies!

2006-03-23 Thread Nathan
I whipped up a prototype froggy theme for NathanCheckers.  Are there
any artists out there who'd want to contribute some froggy art?

Take a peek at:  http://stocksfam.com/checkers/

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] automatically uploading pictures to ward website

2006-03-14 Thread Nathan
On 3/14/06, Steven H. McCown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's the common sense answer.  However, it is the ability to arbitrarily
> change licenses that makes the atty's nervous.  There's good reason, too,
> since 'free' software is making people tons of $$$ -- and facilitating lots
> of litigation.

Facilitating lots of litigation?  Are you confusing "free software"
with "software patents"?

> It's not so much about who can change 1 file's license.  What it is about is
> that Linux (or other software) has/will have some collateral files that may
> be GPL'd under v3.  When you put all of that together in a system that will
> be called "Linux version X", the question is what does that do the 'overall'
> Linux license?  I don't think that I've ever seen an end-user-purchasable
> package that comes with multiple, conflicting licenses.  Has anyone?

Anyone who creates code is free to take that code and then license it
under multiple licenses (assuming the licenses don't say something
like 'you can't license code under this license if you've already
licensed the same code under some other license').  Some licenses
(e.g. GPL) prevent taking the already-licensed project and
re-licensing it, which effectively forks your project.  Nothing
prevents you from contributing the 'same' changes to both projects
going forward (that I know of).  MySQL has done this:


> There are several things at odds between GPL v2 and v3.  The Linux *kernel*
> (but *only* the kernel, according to Linus) won't migrate to GPL v3, since
> there are provisions that prohibit DRM of all things.  Stallman and Torvalds
> have a philosophical difference of opinion on this...

Linus is only the leader for the kernel and a few, small,
kernel-related projects.  So, of course he can't speak for anyone
else.  There are packages available for _my_ distribution of linux
(gentoo) under 812 separate and distinct licenses.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: Wholsome Entertainment

2006-03-06 Thread Nathan
On 3/4/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another game that my daughter has played a little is
> http://www.pysycache.org/
> (you move the mouse to uncover pictures).
> It's written using pygame (though the python code is quirky, when I
> looked at it, it used a mix of tabs and spaces and all the comments
> are in french.  Though it is pretty hackable).

Yes, that's one of the five that I couldn't get to work on OS X.  I
wouldn't be surprised if it were possible to get it to work on OS X
given enough time and determination, but I wasn't willing to spend
more than 20 minutes on it.  Funny that it wouldn't work
out-of-the-box, given that it was written with PyGame just like my

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: Wholsome Entertainment

2006-03-06 Thread Nathan
On 3/4/06, Michael Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nathan, I can probably help test builds and stuff. My wife is still on
> OSX (10.3) and I have the dev tools installed on my iPod.  Something
> that would be cool is to use the built in OSX voice synthesizer to say
> the letters, and make it fairly easy for the kid to change which voice
> says them. KidPix or some other kids program did this back on OS 7 or
> so -- I spent hours making sentences and having different voices say
> them.

Help would be great.  I've got a 333MHz G3 iMac running panther, but
it's so painfully slow, and so painfully located on the floor, and so
occupied by my 2-year-old most of the time that I haven't managed to
work out the 10.3 bugs in the PyGame packaging process.  If you're
itching to do something before we actually get going on the kids' game
project, try the following:

1) Make sure you have Xcode, darwinports, and PyGame installed ('sudo
port install py-game')
2) Download the "Linux version" (which is really just the source code)
of NathanCheckers from http://stocksfam.com/checkers/
3) From the untarred nathancheckers1.0.1 directory, run 'script/buildmac.sh'
4) Assuming it fails like it does on my G3 iMac, figure out why.

I'm going to be using the exact same framework and packaging process
for the kids game as I do for checkers, so this would benefit both
projects.  If you don't want to get that involved, I'll figure it out

> My son would be glad to help as well, but he's got about 2 years to
> catch up to where yours is at now. Maybe he can help on the 2.0
> release. :-)

I'll still be here, and would love the help.  I worked on
NathanCheckers for almost 6 months (ok, it was only about 10
hours--I'm busy!) before I released a usable version.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: Wholsome Entertainment

2006-03-04 Thread Nathan
On 3/1/06, Alan Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm considering creating a little letters game for my 2-year old.
> > > Something along the lines of "toddler pushes a key, the letter for
> > > that key is displayed on the screen and spoken if you have speakers",
> > > maybe with some pictures of things that start with that letter.  Would
> > > anyone be interested in contributing pictures/sounds, testing, or
> > > having their children test such a program?
> I'd strongly suggest searching the existing repositories for similar
> existing software.
> The education section on freshmeat ( http://freshmeat.net/browse/71/ )
> has almost 900 applications.
> Here are two I'm famliar with that either do what you want or come close to 
> it:
> http://childsplay.sourceforge.net
> http://gcompris.net/-en-

I spent about four hours scouring FreshMeat and came up with the
following games aimed at children under 5 that actually work on OS X:

- Childsplay (mentioned above) -- Tough to install, and a bit rough
around the edges as far as graphics/sound go.  Only three of the dozen
or so subgames that were in the extra download actually showed up,
even though I installed the extra 'plugins'.  Good letter/animal
associations with pictures, though.
- Montessori Bells -- click on bells and the bell rings.  Nice
sounding, but not much in the way of a game.
- MatchGame -- click on four colored areas in the same order that they light up.
- TuxPaint -- Keeper!  Let's little kids mess around with painting,
complete with sound effects.  I had something like this on my 286
(KidPix, I think) when I was a kid that was a bit more polished, but
it was a commercial product.

Four hours of searching FreshMeat, four usable open source games for
children under five.  Pretty pathetic, IMO.  I should mention that
there were about five other games (including gcompris), that looked
like they would work on linux or windows, but I'm not using linux or
windows at home.

I'm still planning on starting a kids game project that should work
out-of-the box on OS X and Windows, and on Linux if the dependencies
are installed.  I'll send a note to the list when I actually get going
on it.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-03-03 Thread Nathan
On 3/2/06, Bill Peeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 08:33:57 -0700
> Jesse Stay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andrew McNabb wrote:
> > > Anyway, I guess my point is that the problem is unfixable and bug
> > > reports are useless.  It sounds really pessimistic, but after almost
> > > a
> > > year of optimism, I think it's only realistic.
> > >
> > You do have to agree however that the expertise at the HQ level is
> > much
> > better now than it was 5 years ago.  I don't think it's the Church's
> > fault either.  The Church I know at times has a hard time finding
> > qualified people that are willing to leave their budding careers to
> > come
> > to a place that probably pays less, and at times doesn't look as good
> > on
> > a resume as say Google or Yahoo (although I can think of some reasons
> > to
> It's the ties.  Without exception, the best people I personally know
> won't work where they have to wear ties day-in and day-out.

Good point.  Tie's are irritating.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: NathanCheckers 1.0.1 and questions

2006-03-01 Thread Nathan
Version 1.0.1 of NathanCheckers has been released, fixing the extra
console window and missing program icon under Windows.

I'm considering creating a little letters game for my 2-year old. 
Something along the lines of "toddler pushes a key, the letter for
that key is displayed on the screen and spoken if you have speakers",
maybe with some pictures of things that start with that letter.  Would
anyone be interested in contributing pictures/sounds, testing, or
having their children test such a program?

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: NathanCheckers 1.0

2006-02-13 Thread Nathan
So I renamed my checkers project "NathanCheckers" and officially
released version 1.0.  I even posted it to freshmeat.net (that's a
first--I wonder when it will show up on their page!?!).

You can get it at http://stocksfam.com/checkers/

You need to have two humans to play this version, so grab a family
member and try it out!

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-08 Thread Nathan
On 2/8/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/6/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > m h wrote:
> > > I've been messing around with Eggs a bit recently.  They won't really
> > > help you in the way that py2app or py2exe (ie you won't be able to
> > > create a standalone linux exe from it).
> >
> > In the Linux culture, standalone apps really don't make much sense,
> > because most binary interfaces are unstable.  It's quite hard to make a
> > standalone app that runs on many distributions, let alone future
> > versions of those distributions.
> Yes and no.  Klik, zeroinstall and autopackages are all somewhat
> solutions to this.  So linux folks are somewhat dealing with this (or
> else they wouldn't have bothered making these solutions).
> For pure python solutions, if you write it using 2.3 syntax, it should
> basically be cross-distribution by default...

Very true.  We upgraded from 2.3 to 2.4 at my work without a single
(known) problem to any of our in-house python stuff.

My problem with checkers specifically is that the Pygame framework is
not pure python, for obvious performance reasons (slow games = bad). 
When you add to that the fact most distros are using an older version
of Pygame than I'm coding for, and you get the strong desire to
deliver an all-in-one package.  It would eliminate a lot of pesky
compatibility constraints.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Checkers 1.0 rc3

2006-02-08 Thread Nathan
On 2/8/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/7/06, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Checkers release candidate 3 has been released for linux only.
> >
> > - Integrated Byron's "cleaner" patch for "pygame 1.6-2" on debian-based 
> > distros.
> > - Fixed the tar-balling so that checkers untars into it's own
> > versioned subdirectory
> >
> > Let me know if RC2/RC3 doesn't run on your favorite distro.  I'm
> > hoping this is the last release candidate, so I can get back to
> > working on new features.  :-)
> Works fine on Mandriva.  Good work.
> Bryan


~ Nathan

*huzzah: exclamation, used to express approval or delight; hurrah.
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Checkers 1.0 rc3

2006-02-07 Thread Nathan
Checkers release candidate 3 has been released for linux only.

- Integrated Byron's "cleaner" patch for "pygame 1.6-2" on debian-based distros.
- Fixed the tar-balling so that checkers untars into it's own
versioned subdirectory

Let me know if RC2/RC3 doesn't run on your favorite distro.  I'm
hoping this is the last release candidate, so I can get back to
working on new features.  :-)

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: Re: [Ldsoss] Stake/Ward Web Site Utilities

2006-02-07 Thread Nathan
On 2/7/06, Gary Thornock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> albeit most if not all of them are Windows-only, which isn't the
> best way to make Mac and Linux users (am I the only one?) happy.

Nope, you're not the only one.  I'm a Mac and Linux user too, which
makes at least two!

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Checkers 1.0 rc2

2006-02-07 Thread Nathan
On 2/7/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/6/06, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Release candidate 2 of checkers has been released.  Changes were made
> > specifically to add compatibility for Pygame 1.6 (on linux).
> >
> > http://stocksfam.com/checkers
> It works!  I like the sounds and music too.  That's very cool.

Yay!  I created all of those sounds with GarageBand, except for the
'moving' sound, which my wife made with audacity and our cheapo Dell
microphone and a real checker sliding on paper.  We've got a better
mic now, so I ought to redo that sound.  The one sound that really
bugs me is the 'jump' sound.  I wanted a 'boing', but I couldn't find
a way to make a good one.  Everything else was done, so I ended up
with the current "EEoo."  (You lose some audio fidelity in the
wav->ascii translation for emails).

> One little complaint, the new tarball dumps all the files into the
> current directory.

Yes, that's my bad.  I created a script to automagically do the
packaging for me (script/buildlinux.sh), and I didn't quite get it
right.  It'll be fixed in RC3 (tonight?).  I need to find a way to tar
up the whole dir, including the dir, no matter what the containing dir
is named.

On a somewhat related note, I spent a couple hours last night learning
about the detailed concepts of tagging, branching, and merging,
especially as related to subversion.  Very enlightening.  Much of that
time was spent reorganizing my source tree, not that it'll make a huge
difference to anyone else until I find a public place to put the svn

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Checkers 1.0 rc2

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan
Release candidate 2 of checkers has been released.  Changes were made
specifically to add compatibility for Pygame 1.6 (on linux).


~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan
> FWIW, it worked on the first try on my Gentoo box.  I like the music
> that plays when someone wins... did you write it?

Gentoo is the linux distro I tested it on, so I'm glad it worked :-)

I used Apple's Garageband to generate all of the sound effects except
the checker-sliding sound.  The winning music is made from two of the
included loops, with custom fading.

> Your best bet for packaging is probably Python Eggs.  I haven't dug into
>   the technology yet myself, but a lot of people are excited about it.
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs

I'll check that out, thanks!

 ~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan
On 2/6/06, m h <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> python so it's easier) and going the py2exe for windows).  I recall
> there being a "freeze" utility that was supposed to create standalone
> linux and windows python binaries, but admit that I haven't tried it.
> Good luck packaging your app :)
> matt

I'll check freeze out too...

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan
Thanks Byron!  I should have realized convert() would create a new
surface.  I'll add your patch and release 1.0rc2 as soon as I get some
time.  (Hopefully tonight after FHE).

~ Nathan

On 2/5/06, Byron Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 07:57:55PM -0700, Nathan wrote:
> > Pygame 1.6???  That was released in 2003!  Hmm...well, if two distros
> > are using that old of a version, there must be other distros with the
> > same problem.  That explains why it crashed saying that one of the
> > methods on a pygame object didn't exist.
> >
> > It's crashing trying to call the Surface's built-in copy method,
> > Would you mind trying the following change and letting me know if it
> > works?
> >
> > In display.py, make the following changes:
> > line 19:  "import os"to"import os, copy"
> > line 120ish:  "msg_surface = g_msg_bg.copy()"to"msg_surface =
> > copy.copy(g_msg_bg)"
> >
> > That still works on my system, so if that makes it work for you, I'll
> > make the change permanent.
> That change doesn't fix it on my system using pygame1.6, but the
> attached patch does fix that problem and the next one that appears after
> fixing the surface copy.
> --
> Byron Clark
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFD5syxErN13QQr6mgRAjgaAJwJzfNg2eSdu8TZJOmnCuVfn5/NugCdHv3X
> h3QO1lXdZ4rbrRIbIxHrrzI=
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-05 Thread Nathan
Pygame 1.6???  That was released in 2003!  Hmm...well, if two distros
are using that old of a version, there must be other distros with the
same problem.  That explains why it crashed saying that one of the
methods on a pygame object didn't exist.

It's crashing trying to call the Surface's built-in copy method, 
Would you mind trying the following change and letting me know if it

In display.py, make the following changes:
line 19:  "import os"to"import os, copy"
line 120ish:  "msg_surface = g_msg_bg.copy()"to"msg_surface =

That still works on my system, so if that makes it work for you, I'll
make the change permanent.

~ Nathan

On 2/5/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/4/06, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is this on linux?  What version of python are you using?  Do you have
> > pygame installed?
> Um yes, completely unhelpful of me.  Sorry.  I tried both Mandriva
> 2005 and Ubuntu 5.10.  They both have python 2.4 and pygame 1.6.
> Bryan
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-04 Thread Nathan
> If you could tell me how to make remote ssh into computers inside
> wymount  work...it'd be worth it.

When I was in Wymount, this is what I did:

1) NAT'd a port on my little router to my SSH port on my linux box
2) Wrote a small script that logged into my router's web interface and
scraped it's IP address and save it in a text file (put it in cron to
run every so often)
3) The script also scp'd the little text file to my EE and CS lab
accounts.  Had to put my public SSH keys on my EE account so SSH
wouldn't prompt the script for a password.  EE and CS departments both
provide a way for people to log into their accounts from off-campus,
for obvious reasons.
4) Whenever I wanted to get into my home machine, I would SSH into a
lab machine first, see what my current home IP was, and SSH into it.

If you can still see Wymount IP addresses from campus, the method
above will work.  If they changed that...then things get a wee bit
more tricky.

Off to bed for me...

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-04 Thread Nathan
On 2/4/06, Michael Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The OSX App didn't run for me either. I'm on OSX 10.3, on a G4 iMac.

Sorry, I should have specified minimum requirements.  I have a G5 and
a G4, both running Tiger.  It runs great on both of those, but I'm not
surprised the binaries have problems on Panther.  I just went and
updated the project page specifying that Tiger is required.

Do you have Xcode and darwinports installed?  If so, you can:
1) sudo port install py-game (to install Pygame and it's dependencies)
1b) Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your path before everything
else so that you use the darwinports binaries by default
2) Download the source (the 'linux' tarball), and then from the
unbzipped tarball directory run script/buildmac.sh
3) An app will be compiled and put in (checkers_dir)/dist

...or you could upgrade to tiger.
...or you could give me admin ssh access into your panther box  and
I'll do it for you  ;-)

On a related note, if anyone knows how to package up a python app and
it's dependencies as a standalone app on Linux, let me know.  I used
py2app for OS X, and py2exe for windows, but didn't see anything for

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-04 Thread Nathan
Is this on linux?  What version of python are you using?  Do you have
pygame installed?

~ Nathan

On 2/4/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doesn't run for me:
> $ ./checkersbynathan.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./checkersbynathan.py", line 106, in ?
> PlayGame(screen)
>   File "./checkersbynathan.py", line 63, in PlayGame
> paint_pieces(screen, board)
>   File "/home/bryan/src/checkersbynathan1_0rc1/display.py", line 132,
> in paint_pieces
> screen.blit(message_surface(board.msg), (0,BOARDSIZE))
>   File "/home/bryan/src/checkersbynathan1_0rc1/display.py", line 120,
> in message_surface
> msg_surface = g_msg_bg.copy()
> AttributeError: copy
> On 2/4/06, Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just updated the "Wholesome Entertainment" page
> > (http://ldsoss.org/index.php/Wholesome_Entertainment) with a link to
> > my open-source implementation of checkers (version 1.0 RC1).  This is
> > my first "real" game with graphics, sound, and cross-platform
> > availability.  It was written in python using the pygame framework,
> > and packaged to run on Mac, Linux, and Windows.
> >
> > If anyone's interested, here's a link to the project page:
> >
> > http://stocksfam.com/checkers/
> >
> > I'm trying to think up a good name for it that I can also use to tie
> > in to future family-oriented games I'd like to implement.  "Family
> > Checkers" was my first choice, since I could then name all subsequent
> > games "Family (whatever)", but it's already taken.  Any suggestions?
> >
> > ~ Nathan
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] Wholesome Entertainment: Checkers

2006-02-04 Thread Nathan
I just updated the "Wholesome Entertainment" page
(http://ldsoss.org/index.php/Wholesome_Entertainment) with a link to
my open-source implementation of checkers (version 1.0 RC1).  This is
my first "real" game with graphics, sound, and cross-platform
availability.  It was written in python using the pygame framework,
and packaged to run on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

If anyone's interested, here's a link to the project page:


I'm trying to think up a good name for it that I can also use to tie
in to future family-oriented games I'd like to implement.  "Family
Checkers" was my first choice, since I could then name all subsequent
games "Family (whatever)", but it's already taken.  Any suggestions?

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] helping the Church by developing. was : MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-15 Thread Nathan
> My current project is one to scan paper docs and index the docs for quick
> retrieval. Building it has been fun but very challenging. After a few hundred
> hours coding and many hundreds of hours researching how the various
> interfaces work things are finally starting to work. I still have a long way
> to go and much to learn. The project is now in use and starting to help a
> friend with a paper problem. We are working on version 0.4.0. Hopefully 0.4.0
> will be ready to release in the next few weeks. PHP, SQL, WWW and others are
> (finally) becoming friends. Next is learning to tame CVS,
> rpm/apt/emerge/make, a project editor and version 0.4.1 ! Then on to 0.4.2 .
> It has been great fun.

Learning subversion (or svn for short) may have a bigger payoff than
"tam[ing] CVS."  At least, it did for my company :)
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-15 Thread Nathan
On 1/15/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nathan wrote:
> > Just out of curiosity, is there a concious reason why the church
> > restricts access to the program and it's source, or is that just a
> > historical byproduct?  I mean, it's obvious that the church can't give
> > access to the data these programs use since the data iteself is
> > confidential, but what does it have to gain by restricting access to
> > the program itself?  It seems like the church would naturally be a big
> > open-source proponent, as it's not selling its software (as far as I
> > know) anyway.
> I think the Church needs to be absolutely sure the membership data is
> used the way it was intended to be used.  If the source were accessible,
> well-meaning but misguided clerks could more easily make mistakes and
> leak personal information about members.  If the leak were discovered,
> people might stop trusting the Church with their personal information,
> and might even sue the Church, reducing the Church's ability to fulfill
> its mission to perfect the saints.  Thus any software that has access to
> private membership information is probably not a good candidate to
> release as open source software.
> However, the Church currently seems optimistic about open source
> software for most other work.  Unfortunately, lots of Church software is
> already tied to proprietary agreements.  In practice, building software
> to be released as open source software requires a committment to open
> source right from the start of the project.
> Shane

Good reasoning.  That makes sense.

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-14 Thread Nathan
On 1/14/06, Mary Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Being a web developer myself, I get antsy when I know I could improve on a
> program I'm using.  Sometimes I wish I could jump right in and fix the
> problems.  But quick is not always best.

Open source and "quick" are orthogonal.  I agree that, in general,
good coding practices should always be followed.

> I'm new to this list so I don't know if this job posting has been shown on
> here, but check it out...
> http://ldschurch.recruitsoft.com/servlets/CareerSection?art_ip_action=FlowDispatcher&flowTypeNo=13&pageSeq=2&reqNo=14000&art_servlet_language=en&csNo=2
> Pretty cool, huh?
> Stuff like this takes time but it will be so worth it in the end.
> Mary

I tried the link above and got the following error in Firefox 1.5 on
OS X.  What is the link supposed to be, a job posting?
A system error has occurred.

Please do as follows to correct the problem:

1- Verify the version of your Internet browser. The minimum
requirements are Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 SP1, Netscape
Navigator 4.73, or AOL 6. Free browser upgrades are available at
www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com, and www.aol.com.

2- Close all your Internet browsers.

3- Open your Internet browser and apply again on the job. Avoid using
Back and Forward buttons; use the Continue button instead.

4- If the problem persists, please visit http://www.taleo.com/support.

Thank you.

Error Reference Number: ldschurch (20060114111213219)
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-14 Thread Nathan
> I know that I would like to know how many fellow LDS developers
> are out there and what we could do to help the Church in any way
> possible. Wouldn't you? ;)

Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-14 Thread Nathan
Ah, well that clears things up.

Sounds like the only way that app will actually get worked on (in it's
current closed-source, closed-access form) is if the church pours some
development resources into it.

Just out of curiosity, is there a concious reason why the church
restricts access to the program and it's source, or is that just a
historical byproduct?  I mean, it's obvious that the church can't give
access to the data these programs use since the data iteself is
confidential, but what does it have to gain by restricting access to
the program itself?  It seems like the church would naturally be a big
open-source proponent, as it's not selling its software (as far as I
know) anyway.

~ Nathan

On 1/14/06, Manfred Riem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> As far as I know there is no open API. No plugin framework either.
> I would love to see it and I am working on a prototype application
> and have for some time, but the work is slow since I am doing it
> in my spare time.
> For now I have a prototype that uses the underlying NetBeans
> Platform (why write one when one exists ;). I am in the process
> of adding PAF support to it.
> As far as I know you cannot download MLS. And I doubt in its
> current form you ever will, but who knows.
> You are called by the Lord to serve in a specific calling that
> will let you use it, if you are not in such a calling you do
> not have access to it.
> When I said writing a test script I assumed that you are in
> a calling that requires access to it. And writing a GUI test
> script could be done completely on paper.
> Prototyping features could be done on paper as well. Sketches
> and so forth. Or if you want to take it a bit further you
> can done some UML models ;)
> Kind regards,
> Manfred Riem
> http://www.manorrock.org/
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nathan
> > Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:19 PM
> > To: LDS Open Source Software
> > Subject: Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions
> >
> > Does it have an open API then?  Or a plugin framework?  I'm
> > just wondering how people are supposed to script test cases
> > or prototype features.
> >
> > Can you download a copy of it without being in a presidency?
> >
> > ~ Nathan
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-14 Thread Nathan
Does it have an open API then?  Or a plugin framework?  I'm just
wondering how people are supposed to script test cases or prototype

Can you download a copy of it without being in a presidency?

~ Nathan

On 1/14/06, Manfred Riem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> MLS is not open-source it is the administrative program that
> is used in several church callings for administrative purposes.
> Most generally stake/ward clerks, but also other presidencies.
> Kind regards,
> Manfred Riem
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nathan
> > Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:24 PM
> > To: LDS Open Source Software
> > Subject: Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions
> >
> > > 1. If there is something that you think or know is broken
> > report it,
> > > but give a bit more detail describing how you think the
> > problem could
> > > be solved. Eg. If you know some functionality is broken
> > write up test
> > > script that can be followed to reproduce the problem.
> >
> > > 3. If you have programming experience stubbing out a runnable
> > > prototype could prove to be helpful. If you don't have programming
> > > experience just draw/sketch or describe in detail what you
> > want changed/added.
> > > After all a picture says more than a thousand words.
> >
> > I've never used MLS.  Is MLS open-source?
> >
> > ~ Nathan
> > ___
> > Ldsoss mailing list
> > Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> > http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
> >
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Re: MLS Bugs and Discussions

2006-01-14 Thread Nathan
> 1. If there is something that you think or know is broken report it,
> but give a bit more detail describing how you think the problem
> could be solved. Eg. If you know some functionality is broken
> write up test script that can be followed to reproduce the problem.

> 3. If you have programming experience stubbing out a runnable prototype
> could prove to be helpful. If you don't have programming experience
> just draw/sketch or describe in detail what you want changed/added.
> After all a picture says more than a thousand words.

I've never used MLS.  Is MLS open-source?

~ Nathan
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] multiple e-mails in family group

2005-12-28 Thread Nathan
What do you mean by "the software"?

~ Nathan

On 12/28/05, Lonas, Hal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Currently the software does not seem to allow any provision for more than
> one e-mail address per household.  This seems unrealistic these days - we
> find that husbands, wives, and even children have their own e-mail
> addresses.  Are there any plans to add this in the future?
> Thanks,
> Hal Lonas
> Carlsbad 4th Ward
>  This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the
> addressee and may contain information that is privileged and confidential.
> If the reader of the message is not the intended recipient or an authorized
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> dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail
> and delete the message and any attachments from your system.
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] Web page graphic

2005-10-26 Thread Nathan
I thought it was odd at first glance too.  After inspecting it, I was
able to get the 'bee in front of a honey-comb' meaning, but it wasn't
obvious at first.

I don't know about others, but my thoughts went something like:

"What is that...radioactive military wasp?  Oh, bee.  What's that
thing he's on, a nuclear/biohazard symbol?  Oh, hexagon.  Bee,
hexagon.  Must be a honeycomb cell.  Classic 'deseret' beehive-related
reference, I get it.  I wonder if others do..."

No offense intended to the creator of the graphic, of course.  Others
probably had different impressions.

On 10/26/05, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, ok.  It seems I'm not accustomed to silhouettes of bugs.
> Shane
> Dan Hanks wrote:
> > Think honeybee, deseret, etc.
> >
> > On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Shane Hathaway wrote:
> >
> >> Forgive me, but I just can't figure out what is depicted by the
> >> graphic in the top left corner of http://ldsoss.org .  Is it a wig
> >> with wings? ;-)
> >>
> >> Shane
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

Re: [Ldsoss] new members

2005-10-20 Thread Nathan
Just wondering if anything interesting is going on.  I'm LDS, a
software developer, OSS contributor, and Mac user.  I need to start
doing family history some day, but as has been previously mentioned,
PAF and other church-provided software seems to be firmly

On 10/20/05, Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I don't mean to disrupt the mailing list peace, but I've noticed a
> recent influx of new members. I, for one, would be quite interested in
> learning who you are, how you found LDSOSS, what motivated you to join
> the list, and what you hope to get from the group.
> In any case, welcome, and we hope you enjoy it here!
> Charles
> --
> If our road signs
> Catch your eye
> Smile
> But don't forget
> To buy
> Burma-Shave
> http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1963/if_our_road
> ___
> Ldsoss mailing list
> Ldsoss@lists.ldsoss.org
> http://lists.ldsoss.org/mailman/listinfo/ldsoss
Ldsoss mailing list

[Ldsoss] lds-get and online indexes

2005-09-17 Thread Nathan Bullock
As some of you already know I created a program called
lds-get a number of months ago
 This program allows you to grab content of the
churches website and place it on your own computer so
that you can browse scriptures, ensigns, manuals, etc
offline. It also allows you to use programs like
plucker to put it on your palm or PocketPC.

Anyway I have put the indexes that lds-get uses up on
my website. I find this a very fast way to locate
content on the churches website, hopefully others on
this list will find the index structure useful.


Give it a try, let me know what you think.

Nathan Bullock

Visit my website at http://www.nathanbullock.org

Find your next car at http://autos.yahoo.ca
Ldsoss mailing list